Dress, and 3-sep2 [Co^ .,^ How to Improve BY Frances Stuart Parker. Illustrated. PRICE, $1.00. 6 1967 I It DRESS, HOW TO IT. IMPROVE BY Feances " of Clothes, ! Shame, yet bosom, as Clothes the but fShame there arose : a mystic, Holy in have threatening us."" love Anthroixiphagxius uiider shrine grove-encircled Clothes man. Men made to make Chicago Legiil gave social of us ; CHICAGO: 1897. Company. us dividuality, in- polity they Clothes-screens Carlyle. News these? Modesty), mysteriously distinctions, Clothes of what (ScJiacDn, the to stranger a foolishest have followed: Divine in come bethey not Security and pleasurable wliat Increased soon Parker. began which Ornament, Heat for Stuart ; are of TO oi' TKAniKK's wii Till-; i.\ i;i'iii-;i; I'lii-: OK lldMK, ami;kmc.\, im i.ni', lllK SCHOOL. ('iipyrii.'lit. Is'.iT. liy iMi.wrKs Sti-.\i:t I' aiiki-.i:. riiK DRESS, AND HOW TO IMPROVE CHAPTER I. CONVICTION This anil questions burden the of part whose to the matter been to could make, Sixteen years Lewis of and culture of free the and incidental Delsarte of with one soul The a hel]is body ])upils both in with in came more, his and than school without when the in an easy the accustomed un- woman a ing discard- and easily as new, forms of the methods fine of contact, as his study to made ]"hysical of physique, a firm School in physical the pupils muscle every the fessor Pro- cessity ne- in the methods liimself oughly thor- culture. the he believer French best made everv that '' Not " soul.'" body were study of pupil believed of times a University upon use that be to Boston impress to himself he whom has This to revolution, in the seven with man she not was come thoi'oughly to all familiar gymnasiums, who ocean with acquainted Thoroughly of unrestrained crossed it fortune good strove and what accustomed yet a the on chrysalis. the man a constantly a He body. was not but Dean Monroe, He Oratory. I had the clothed the from ago, B. had forth step does butterfly the time " sav^ed convictions. one; from evolution, an dress, difficult a land, experimentation changing to change the dress; not old her decided a in dress be endeavor an actual the to possible as numberless over do we is it of years necessarily make shall plainly as conventional has process tell all women And the to answer What '" clothes? fifteen during an from is, crv writer CONVERSION. as received of discovered adapting written bondao:e the AND letters of the from is ])ainphlet IT. instructed apparatus, (-) in and gymnastics, were given tising praclec- in tares listening to by which all one and of tliese,given by bodily that manikin, a seemed to 2, 6, corset. under-drawers. 3, 7, corset 8, hose. 11, muslin olT my took and cover. garter. 12, di-ess petticoat. 4, muslin 9, bustle. waist. after was trated illus- O'Leary, Helen Dr. home I went It hyoieno. the partiallyenlightencMl mind troubles and there began. my my Then evil. 1, under-vest. chemise. physiology anatomy, corset, root drawers. 10, muslin 13, overskirt. of 5, derskirt. un- 14, skirt of di'ess.* It did and not that weio-ht of abdominal my * an This article diagram upun to occur dress my the weakened was first subject still I muscles. the quite was skirts that me of Dress, skirt tight as band still before, as removed calmly in given of their the by New me (4) York remained, that or remaining, pressed heavily muscles published my customary San at Chautauqua of and prived de- support. .Viigust 9, 1S91, during the upon ni}^ corsets the that to summer. illustrate Either advanced thought; a simply In all my w^omankind, its gave strings this and the That I time. It muslin in and, bands around which prevented lifted If trim, the " me, Au the the ternal in- my whose all at from to I times, and better my set cor- exception one donning true give aroused her the gowns, early girlhood to around the and waist by order, chemise, corset, corset-cover, over-skirt dress-skirt, waist, the worn under-drawers woolen fastened drawers, universally costume consisted, first,of weight well-rouuded consider did the sensible any lecture give woman a tight question wearing was regular bustle, and and so twenty-nine. vest, white band; been before pull without on met was of functions. their have the from corsets my radical a incapable was brought never certainly extra an gone winter, that at had of age mine I discard I have necessityfor mind my I must I think for or perform to experience, tight. was to chance a organs the see all events, at determination a not throughout, of dress change did lecturer the besides the complete waist inwardness from will she of turn now of that the the derskirt, un- Seven basque. stiff,shield-like severance somewhat woman and a corset, diaphragm, abdomen. her attention admires, long waist, it will from enough surely, as the to it pause." consciousness kept (5) my interior conditions vividly before me iiiLo pressiiii*ll();itiii;i^-i'ibs iiiv " crowded out endeavoring- and belongino- and to make all at much rigiitly room interfered turn breath in tion determina- my natur-al their abused organs corset muscular and stomach lungs, strong me ^ivcu it, shortened by heart, of made once, these to restore n\oi\ the in they could they best Tiiis dei-anged to heart, and and as itself in for aphice ach stom- my had its Creator home roomy lungs action. i-apid liver, the protesting and with, the to of liver, my I'iuhls. the with But I felt tiiis, I to how of It purpose. I noticed wonld pinned waist, of in tlie cause"l tried experimentation the to began to lasted of (6) addition skirts my bands The cut to problem attention ni}- seemed to answer the every draii'ii'infof muscles to ache, conti'action of the study and that discarding several sued. en- back. l)efore two method of seven the problem waists, buttoned combined one, these shoulder I every sensible a and them weight called time collapse so waists, short, only to I sewed on muscles for In adjustments. h)ng. however. not do, never the nn])rotected waist anarchy in two. of one new these tendency them break of every and the was skirts. eninir save a would demand skirts weighty This weak my straps, and shoulder the while relieve to l)ack aware ])aiiifully conditions New tlie of my abdomen, into its way if as became the over removal vears, them sewed "vvas tliem. durino- chest. of on them and lightwaists, on one invented, ever This which ])eiio(l I j)aid attention constant and corsets skirts succeeded addition symmetry the beauty dimly In these from those of of is of who us of Miller's had and to all my ev^ery of a hel]) me dress on for my sleeveless fitted with than short her the that i way my I'efused after to much make to up pleasing me pect pros- that first dress a to the skirt; be to the office which were utility dress in once a provement im- gown, me. beside the which she a of olive revoked green hung I to modest very from ])lanned a broadcloth, cream Xow, my the eager could easily or dressmaker my she way and simple child in dark sleeves. when Paris be on maker dress- a visited waist, of vest for would ground, more this had waiited of outside a but JVIrs. Woman's for who decided was seem persuasion an of l)y their I she had loose materialize was the me, I that I astonishment to despairing, uj) to the at awaited what just clearing of and zeal my opinions, I confided rather but forms, went gown. decided and dif- nothing. as that over the ])ossession of were opening realize knowledge embody to It proved im- photogra])hs Chicago, For to impressed taken attempt. tlie through me the way. when enthusiasm, after, I imagining skirt collar in enougli to coat, high utterly most Jirst My first trials underwaist. Imagine only had u})ward my Jenness did, I eagerly a isolated and eager the of innocently l)roadcloth, the a that forget and dress, with hard courage to to and of woman year, 1 conventional soon returned never a from profoundly ]iast tribulations I shall of combination Anna freedom, it is admire was I dreamed Little and came and I ideas beautiful dress, many, Uoston see renewed, the lack opened now struggling, gowns and beauty, Mrs. which indeed. days exliii)ited. there so splendid visiting street as itself. subject; feeling as Miller been her better and Park on by improved Journal, the of development departure J\Irs. Miller, with avatar to far so certain a question enlightment worn first a return without. days dress liculties comfort, ot" woman's possibilities help not conifortalde. ])resented this Mrs. of the my on of ideas artistic of stage writing the of problem and this 1 did more. felt, and l)ei;an received no itself about Miller l)ut tiie to cnlture. Ijeing fairly made of comfort At in concerned, were In physical to at fancy. her It decision persistently declined thing anynuide first was far to have failed such coat a she when he as the sent the I went to a man, a Womankind Test. tailor,of three in cloth get and course, cloth, material it had and and it the all it had oh, dressmaker fit. Of course, been sold; dyed. Then failure was the to trying to remed}^ more made, was ing hav- ! mo lighter some number to and garment ungainly, ill-fitting ruined bought tlie coat with I turned me, 1 took and to do anything number I but coat three, as well. this J]y time, exhausted. were and another, that out form, I could for so dress. the olive; in a but ""ood Alas, confided the cause and wholly unbecoming shade sustained was and that by and the both the eyes that thought wearing- in color the at were with gown martyrdom conil)ination my pocketbook my replace I sutfei'cd forget me to winter of the beauty 1 was patience afford not one It purchase making anv dressmaker's my and time of blue, the I suffering was cloth cause. years to afterward, her that of dress she reform evervthing else friend a " kindly thought by more combined (8) Mrs. the ! ! !" told INFrs. A. me Parker back Mrs. of had that A. did bad injured coat not than men- tion the and the matter attitude of necessity that making, to many for it is than of course, me, who reform better repose to on her believe or '' position being typical of thoroughly but imj)rovement, strive aught through found (0) acts made." in the who uncouth principles do not lieve be- toward CHAPTER A \V():\IAXS Up r.UB ( the to an I in health and in ladies motion orcj;anization the Physical its explains the value where of been be the might ai)ont the effort and had club added which to improved dress, would beauty majority Tliese itself. of be oidy be must whicli comes like myself, belief that or improved had there had em- wear. under- alone woman could The\' of to its reform and the hoped maiiv bined com- Comfort." the unlock founders door shut for Chicago the the realized that from tlie out twenty The P)eauty," fully forever movement, Aesthetic "" after light declared, with beautiful and be this, went in Miller, adapted Sesame, entrance a dress of out with- wai-drobes its to within gymnastics ' (10) well were the the dress but wearer, as as than that improved beautiful classes fai-ther even Mrs. and developed should accomplish learned of women. seekers They I jVIany pur[)ose Health *"" be Prowhose club dress. one the for information. Boston words, for that several it. the destined was fact untiri'ig been these firm dresses wished-for of eai4i(M\ home beauty, end. wiio, woman's the accomi)lish watchword years in desired the of a fore be- lay with inspiration women in that before, never one yeai's artistic in Dress, and comfort joined Correct as working fields Society the of better been Chicao-o toward recognized earnest The and for ideas bring never woman JSTow, souK^tliing They body object. composed was their i)odied not and experimenting could the Culture working are clul) The the of organization many o^ladly DRE8S. 'T possibilities and dress, had unexplored, yet as in comfort of name the, the to C0RRE( ])ersonal own my aronsed was womankind to I visit I3("t()n my solely eye Now liealth. of and culture physical for time with alone, 11. well, as formed so that that witiiout. for gown must tiie the To prac- Dancing ticino; both witli earliest the the and is instituted; were thoroughly was advantages Waist." Masculine dress. seen times culture defects or Loctures a])paratu.s. woman's investigated of different the on dress and from discussed, and eras cessity ne- costumes noted. were * niiil without physical of Faun.'^' By that Dress the comparing the triangular, is ovoid Cegg niuity, is due dress fashionable sloping shape). to the from the The reason fact refoi-mers waist that have of tlie of Dancing to-day shoulders tlie she, and is in to a tailor-made not the Ijeeii with reality girl advocate (11) tliat the is so the of the trying to Venus Oenetrix, and imitate masculine. liips. AVoman's stiff of dress of of imitation an above point accused unjustly Faun waist, unwomanly, improvement, A so " apes on will man's the lacking the man's a it he waist contrary, in fenii- masculiuet" dresses Many club wore tho to worn benefit in method their of iho of cutting immediately Artists talked the to of physical ethical sides others thing any- i)etter a bodice, it a of the use was whole. ideal in art. nature was from Physicians attended by and ])hysical,aesthetical the word, a the and antique In ills. the of for departure every serious club the in improvement most ut- found tneniber a uiuh^'garment, improved an an sivirt, a given how sl.iowed of way If ideas. individual The to givinf^; in hidics the hy the of members the of t'rcelv criticised. iiKH^tingsand shown "^enerosity was the idoas tho cMiilxxlyliio' and presented ably ipiestion were fully discussed. Every tried woman dressmakers were freely given the Above all it and ada|)t their benefit If the should into in fashion, which defeating the be to When very trying to too, she as this meet unthinking To quote and Culture study Tlu' soL-iety is books arc Erencli use each usefuliu'ss, kind of after part of absurdity, universally supposed of natural charms. demanded are how and Calendar Im[)rove(lDress ami principles the of woman miserable effaces her all ideal ion, fash- by is, rally natu- own her of she in grace a io-norant, an dressmaker. Club the is always the on is woman Think herself of of healtii individual utterly ignored. of and I'oruis any It is of (12) by the Physical the members the orifjjinality, Art. eharacteristics Conventionality that for 1892: dress suitability to exi"ected Society I and fashion. consulted. are the f"jr ISO improved entirely indeiHMideiit taste, of model evolved function individuality,surrendering to is true individual, plum]), i-oliin ty]"e demand? The This art, the led to everj^ laces, distorts, defaces (Mideavor of of figures a un- to ])rincij)les garment enhancement than absurd as unvarying. which for of all,the work are has is dress. the any dress pur])Ose. above ignoring ])urpose more charming of like striving,namely, is and then slender, long-waisted what " or of so occasion, designers of costumes, artisan vain doubly the discoveries. architecture. study be because ignorance their time, place and its construction govern Either from consideration, in fashion and discussions, in fashion to the all to a a as strive climate, taken are irrational creations and that and dressmaker, own investigations and all of insisted was architect all art of her convert cordially welcomed philosophical and artist to each and person of ples princiand the will this dition con- fashion consider her indi%'iduality own necessarily be dressed in adopting like her improved neighbor, clotliing, so her as that personality she is not will not rei)eated! " ********** While " patiently in found to to shall be study the her as effect such purse, shall best for one make charming duties, as forms foi-m and artistic, the emulate to such infelicitous of human their of may (13) possess." realize also we as shall Such set to be in time be able suit- dress off with tumes cos- expect divine proiwrtions complexion. and to form clothing characteristics, each efforts our and embodiments herself, features in comfortable painting, condition, conceal mistakes many healthful, and sculpture find, each to to expect we that mately ulti- greater III. CHAPTER The to thoughtful everv the at is This found immense an " strono:er her herself and do lace around tear not mended be to the Ije to The flannel and undervest and necessary, of the the those The garments the to stronger are from there skirt, ments, gar- free woman for, aside ones, of little a is ming' trim- no of lii'st of cost these undergarments, is the cai'efully latter cluding in- compared will be found is improved easy tights recpiire medicines, very of mere any the of and consciousness above far of bills the and It garments ordinary doctor's traveling pair the about cheaper. temiier, estimated. be scarcely with renewing )urdened suit each ranking in advantage and trimming, dollars of law. natural of sistei'. overt the of saving serenity energy, One contents compai-ed ai'e shn^vesof tear ten is the there the of ironing. the fall, cotton as suit, to an ])i'ice of and live from Then the wear something members and until and complaint improved the with make if but garments, ready- I'enewed. or always AVomeu is duties. and neck' the the washing improver many easily as in spring other to bought strength, by unimproved leaving saved, and of this dress the sewing, constant devote can great conservative is in how of more The hil)()r of basket laundry is, that ago. saving realizes scarcely of the is be can time of wliich among store. advantage long sex There to taken slcirt, themselves suggest least drygoods a saving and out the of will tlie not except counters UNDERGARMENTS. garments woman, them, of one made " these of advantao'es every REFORM OF ADVANTAGES enongh in ence obedivalue. money underclothingwash to one's little gain out own room room, or care a if in packing. Tijen the suit is adjustable to (14; all climates. When 1 was ii] that their care and of a and bodies protection needlessly and most with woman's That are note woman strikini"- her a more tenderly organized, and than but lower man's is body in every has man's; a so how way long illustration limbs, exposed of to the fittest. (ifi) every see change her doctrine foolishly of ature, temper- it is. clothes of greater covering how illy protected survived the the contrast and need the furnishes survival a of CHAPTER lY. DEVELOPMENT Great should care in chang-e that dress, weakened inch half deep still to the corsets all bottom, and While a is this of head (No. and by going little Lutzen Breathing, and body, tlyspepsia steal U fold up and and other night weights. KaMer there of are hour an develop on book a unused in the day, for muscles and nervousness, the xVrabs, be to standai'd muscles like theirtents under weights the Checkley, head-ache, times practice with top linings. exercises furnished and the at chest of weight Three-quarters strengthen otf take chapter set any inch an three the Co.) or them superfluous a what out manner; Will '" be it cut in a skirts Gradually exercises chest will find to will marvelous most of Gymnastics, them. use exercise, regular a to (piarter Get Res])iration, on Begin exercises. on that book a found different the If button all or sufficiently and once Manufacturing Have band breathing exercises). Aesthetic Guthman's at and quarter seams hole. degrees directions breathing the the front necessary. button and take on to all in Get some removing morning found in corset Narragansett 10 each the (according day the in bones the if allowing cover, between the out, in holes button band, with remove cord. a you nation combi- to the elastic allow letting corset or the in slack out make worn, will begin a cles, mus- the on from with s])ace, further of admit to are breathing extra but make to enervated Put use. steels back thnt of once, the the at made dress improved an them lace decided exacted of at Take degrees. them; lack tights has one is not lono' the BODY. when much too and by corsets button taken through garment the be OF and silently aw^ay." there is attention in charge good a is to paid gymnasium to prescribe near, and measurements the course (17) gymnasium a to be a relial^le pursued, where cian physienter it. tf not, tlie books of amount Never unduly really weary. with muscles ache months two wearing and brouo'ht coukl him of has and perseverance she patience herself accommodate given physical to lies in the approximates llunning, aiul swinging its human to of heel from dumb blood, will, virtually, Be attem])t you where is and the sure most all that sure to the to come, the muscular exercise. clothing of remake bodv. delicate and time It. must does organs and body, or be change of gown arms misused body the (18) chest ward for- \vei"a,hts, i-owing, skating, that bi-ing aiul ])urify the that without the reniovc^l are of amount be poising into due un- money. harm fi-ee come, body, and be ])roper that upon before may and remembered generally of a toes, circulation with interferes must Shouhiers the exercises restrictions Any (piickto shrunken out, "'xercises; all and the of and imi)roved pulling of toe, im})rove either expenditure if she but covers. HUed bells, breathing muscles, ])lay unuseU from sense an I'ising upon to ))laying tennis, riding bicycle sets cor- recover and a divine. form jumi)iiig,dancing, back of dress the was worn attention, of wearing chests to help straightfMied, until backs has meditating one that bod\' lioUow legs developed, and deal any successful symmetrical broadened, be can by but conditions. better great than life from common to shoi't ])ains they month; a ready and a or little a very new exercise the of Much dress. to indeed attention, Some week a nature who inine fem- a recover can'tex})ect exercises find will in in the to woman a years law violated months the corsc^ts. off lea\'ing two of corsets, wearing results in stout, aftei' ills his otf foolishly adopt greater left so five, ten, fifteen, twenty the be stated, If it took months three there unused growing to pect ex- his muscles after was ])lan not if it took condition, lie practice, Do alarmed said excellent bean above as him. be months, avoirdu})ois,and months, two not normal three that extra do are you of work. disj)osing of superfluous flesh,l)ut of trial discovered of the Proctor their for do result. before periods that and Kichard it woidd method rest, day, a i-ecover corset a of little. a to thought that in it is short able reason- a desired the Stop exercising that intervals witli person a accomplish muscle. Remember get strong permit to sense common fatigue a frequent to will indicated the the therefore done tioning: funcstrain weakest exercise, the beneficial most and carefully We have is are no reason is made it that With either man where necessary desirable, and of season ^a " and whose is serious and endurance in discomfort, is if an results. of the is are strong the ever serious are body to be expect not can training use exercise spasmodic is muscle the careful who muscle demand a are the ism organ- a developed discomfort time outcome and clare de- to their When man. and ex])erience of people pain result long disuse, and pain and the of trained a skill and the that woman, immediate day by a or But, 2:enerally,there exercise, because to from that with moderation, short-sighted physicians enervated wonder fulfill,no time. from only in used, and never essentiallydifferent and if taken proper some ought women upon gradually skating, lawn-tennis, dancing, sense cause is weakened in the at common which difficulties, that be must means, dangerous never or for crazes clothing, and proper all remedial used. periodic These etc. of same, rangement, de- organic increased inertia, enhanced dress aesthetically, is, that l)y fear. The with trouble great the completely ignores it juid the changing much draw should surroundings, considering In toed this his own time this season, than climax year than That be to and the the the have signs the land, put, simply perverted taste in the shoes are bust smaller of fashion magazine The be round- skirts street to matter. be to are last; that will of and the be times first are and cap})ed higher worn is the tion adapta- of ual. individ- the such evolution, witness. be found fashionable and becoming (19) problems great needs ste]) in may walking of the century, the to bear of the " purpose the dress exercising of one nineteenth taken modification avowed architect an be that individual rainy-day are '* if as line, out- " of the Encouraging with one is of beauty is to waists French its to out building as that body, building utterly disregard that square, questioned they bicycle Women and women of dress and not trained; last ! to confronting of art notice by announcing: It is not the the caprice,or and ever; and which to receive we and tight longer the use due be to or the It use. house a of reference functional for plans form true without figure its less woman's in the dress riding the stronger of stud}^ to-day. bicycle and " better developed. is recognized More the and body, and and tlien one be to a study is the color and is when liarmonious oidy, becomes a life, the carriage of one custom and bearing and the the of requisitesof of law of mind being and body possiltilit}'. (tENETRIX. spirit,the essence for secret proportion exercise well, and of health. to also be develojmiont Yenus Grace paid graceful hap])y day the is to factor potent attention more in unison; then, the fashion it is the short, as It is fashion. are In the (20) of of motion. beauty, As we we study motion its undulative in and parts for the of adjustments depends acquired, and through Her The complete. could be In the acquired, construction of the body; not attain. into child's learn Even the of It possessed could l)ody is needless people the of live pounds just so lines It much locomotion " ratiocination, it " will we means blood; vitiated constrained should mind be The that be of his laws. not the if lack the hence master. must endeavor The the removal Venus (81) lower of " strictions re- cramped and machin(!ry than of The self. its the own free use indispensable. recognition a have higher A of admit desire be usefulness highest the the higher will reverent ground We intelligent direction; of is when along consciousness that ward. awk- steam importance. is a of from breathing sity; neces- unskillful an waste light improvement and and we a remain must takes body of as upon result. something dress a The with and wrono-, with education that and same the much requisites are pounds ten the God hiws interferes servant, all these that of use muscles of that highest too and various animus with the occupied bodily movements, of all the In say. movements, proper and shuffling walk, a perception, a energy necessity imperfect an physical keen the expend, of of becomes chest using to give of a him models i?"'^6"they accomplish energy in by wasted means would do call to If, would is looked means body. of use ])eople surrounded to-day, awkward, Awkwardness use of Awkwardness born of little need were however, environment are full and muscles. which be have we by necessity the of and grace acquired. say, tiiem. supply must and one quick a be to the in lacking life if body adequate would conquest belief. human that okl would that fact great majority were there in later and grace the there develo])ment culture. the co-ordinations environment, all-si'J.ed the imitation by various the use use We of giving grace, this, however, to to up the her make the parts she when to grace their of In Venus is grace adjustment fully recognized lived and requisite to every of Greeks ])lan needed beauty is inherent structure; movement. of girdle changing its Beauty or the of sequence the borrows Zeus. charm and opposition form bahince, upon and waves of grace. secret underlying upon depends Juno myth rhythmic or to de to taken of make Milo live that the of in the alienable in- ance accord- anything being must the dress the has stood the Venus of ages test woman's within ])racticethat horror virtuous vulgar, it one if she lady looked that even like they beauty, vitiated so month a and grace become has taste of model a as Milo. de two stating the her that., pointing bad told Venus a fine of the ordinary and with me Milo de husband to the example have women thought that by but wouldn't Avas like photogra])h of Juno. again quote from of Physical promotion To the Culture calendar and (22) Correct Society Dress : for the CHAPTER V. CONSTRICTIONS. An iiii])rove(ldress constrictions. of neck, perfect in or will The be interferes to the always support a to of woman the size of the head head large the fact in that and the binds the which mit ad- to is result decidedly thin. note and collar movement, neck, or statue, the its all of enough the If thick Greek loose made with removal the movement. woman, any studying heavy way of be must of lessening a detrimental In collar freedom any demands absolutely that art, neck is the least, at neck scrawny the top- makes never an appearance. All in a the natural defects be degree, neck that is it will be, low. to take of the on lessened in of sorts of two thought, and involves cell. of the the of is weaken, lost, to free may the action it causes readily be to the to the pave the subject, is that less way st\de the which a dress the to if ence. circumfer- always return respond such the construction balance in what preventeci, to the the other the should body should be called of atrophy The law body can third. not that only not into nerve of To and expression physical Have of but brain to muscle to may, thus, dress; made should matter But of increase necks no forms aid be can exercise by pulse im- for way all derangements. action, thirds all the and short collar. will, and, muscle muscle of to nervous Every of size, the of the of ])art ccjllar attempt, and any remedied by length with high a the the never wear disa])pear long, from be not can to women and mischief made unduly Stout neck that have action with daily. Atrophy corresponding function is ivinain the law unused comph'te dom free- perfect life, without thecircuit, all-sided, of phy atro- ment detri- impression, mental, means and moral well-being. sleeves of a dress made {2-i) in such a way that the arms be can bent raised the freedom effect,so as should princess form. be the of of cause or the}^ have such elastic An again and feet, have but not stood feet, like feet and the idea parhaps done and natural wiiich he ignores utterly and the limb, tiffhts beneath her with good health and sign the This, of proposition, new walk as with a this and body wholly woman's thrown endeavor the not but pipe-stem ankles, Chinese a and entirely little put together. wholly of must one Her '' gown." is the destroy causes to evil wrote, more walks, tlie results poise, are why dyspepsia. The instep deformed clumsy, shuffling, ambling with of The toes, bunions, callouses, distorted lific pro- fino-er wonder shape to and upon A case and high all other stand to Crowded at. feet has with the shoes. when startling and a made of out a with problem. matter and act the circulation. this that than women, were look to solve laced culation. cir- women the a be noticeably, its headache destroys the in still winter, poet's elbow, breeding, of It is the with and grace sock least, the at And be the is the troul)les.* this must with can muscles hinder of upon shoukl muscles womb would limb mice, peeped together blood the interferes boy's and in waists abdominal band. feet about the or Last, cold buttoned and more skirt tight a be waist waist. principle circulation, interference vein much the the the liver, stomach a All wooden plates. around either it prevents small; fashion the back, and ]iroduces the upon attached. beside a band a front size too modern or that the to and our should diaphragm How corset, by after pliable resting lightly upon hand, plague, skirt for head glove a the a made so perfect freedom, action use waist a elastic,and the of illustrated The have or wear would you Dresses with of perfectly Avoid, waist Never straight. or the freely over to of out wear its boot a function proper feet; of the foot. " Dress," says because it arts, freedom must the center at hand or, and if High *See they foot Mr. combines be be lost collars, constant excellent article " on The is the and expression. to freedom must " beauty given and have Eussell, the at left free to Corset " by Dr. (25) This that move, of Robt. expression. the L. Dickenson control may pliabilityof of New all ]S"eck, arm, they tight gloves, of Absolute demands extremities. it,again acquire wearing difficult most and York. retain, nature. tight, un- yielding'shoes, that suhvci-ts utterly A " they coininon Some to as foot Ankles step. shoes, but change, and Besides the by the You can bad grow charm of important give methods. sco["e It is stiff; on the it is that a"ld we |)art of of this Jieart. contrary, robs us the unused in same low to such to cold the in a weather. the step, creasing in- personality. exj)ression.or not duce pro- gloves, be for were even so as should elasticity to di'essing the pliable as ourselves benelit, whok; the if that bodily development either, accustom liud to Ves, tliick so foot, and which bound, be the tlie be spring it would reasons, most should i-old ^ then soles wear of shoes heavy-soled ])rejudicialto as quickly comfort, Dress of could these are take that motion that not would the ''For feel we we notion wonu^n walk, should Would reasons. expression, Shoes to stitt'ness a "j,'t'ac(\])r()(lucing of the; any appearance. the allowing " Avitli stiff, flat-footed a feet is English bend not can natural niistalvc advisable. are ;iII eiKMiiiivx -avo time (2C) hands, subject you can usually, is apt of natural expression." the of makes increase movementj and clothing. become that to neck rigid ple peopathy. sym- of grace, VI. CHAPTETl FEET. THE The feet and designed were the facilitate to to of act the sup|)ort of weiglit in locomotion the body, running walking, leaping. and So and delicately is muscular the complicated articulated nicely the functions varied bones, many the that adjustments, that necessary the are dom free- utmost be may so properl}' performed. Yet, but the the of uses itself foot is been foot and it which for that and Avooden foot, fulfilling looked, over- ignored, been has conventional a of incapable utterly ine4astic, the of sha])e womankind of ideal the real the have only not was designed. Just the as good, natural internal could we re-arranged organs on go is utterly that result it As design, the is, the with natural, comfortable, neither is clothing our the with war they ventional con- table inevi- graceful beautiful. nor saying model, endeavoring And raised bumps, In tracing used of as the rough " : its a and she flesh back the clumsy its the feet, inclemency in to cause, a shape, (37) but thing yielding of angles, muscles. find we shoes from either of conform." soft, the cramps ing unchang- an must woman distorted and to to present outline, God-given evil or shape this, protection way, this To hardened this dressmakers, the do to in flesh, graceful first like shoemakers, The were at with body garments rejoicing. way the dressmaker another us the suit to wasp-like our give nounced pro- from the and and creation, of things different foot ferent dif- radically all of shoemaker the is Creator tlie shoemaker's the Could order the is so foot. change which form the from dressmaker French the of torso the the ness rough- weather. they had were They a great udvantai^e the for beino- ])ossible in home him The boiuhige, aluKJst By this To-day civilized useful foot form and when weaker, more chosen, from the Not The live But if it has to The and beauty to then the three the radical defects should certainly wide enough to of the a hump no shoes allow natural that an his little feet royal is like instep cased in- descent." has cost useless world a a))})ealto to and conventionality and question that which are as them. for arched health the now, cepted ac- strength. they sacrifice,as of infinite then, will the of are be full an shoes nuxde too inch i)lay of foot as foot boot made ha,s the a awkward, forward the and narrow toes; than value be ordinated sub- to form con- the hump the natural center of third, first, are, too short; foot, and secontl, their square clumsy walk; (28) made now longer (mtirelychanges body, throwing iaducing for until not, small Ills '' French pair of boot. they right; humanity life itself. even things not a too high })rovetl it grace, in quotations two without foot, and size; almost-all heel, his outweigh and their is not of pn*incipalsufferers man him, " standpoint, proved woman, ever}^ hundred sacrifices,the part sizes about these to always be can well, their a two that us up this will usage to seeing written not from true a mis-shapen. her the are boots wear Experience, however, womankind and for if nine barbarous women health, strength, and women it so-called that women, conservative recall informed to sidered con- begun. the adopted, jeweled sli[)per])roclaimed effort rather or be shoe. few etc., or in its The find we poets have mice," form, which for foot among victinn and ])eoplecan very it demands shoemaker's and the thousand a ornamental many heels, of fashion thus the to came done, was think wouhl and shoe from customarily so shown be nine ninety is to were Usually is shoe creeds; conventional, supposedly ornamental, The naticms. not the is universal of affairs state at cribs, confines." mischief the stay boots with as sight of, is lost is freedom, "cabins, then clothes witli good imperceptible degrees and made, but holds as his because stroll something entirely apart as Avas hiw not to free feet did man afternoon Sunihiy a, spirit,wliich is which antedeUivian the left and nunh', were subordinate tlioy Were shoo; The action. I the when thev whom fi'oni hurt tlu' modern ovei' form under graceful poise ecpiilibrium the the and conventional shoe is utterly uncomfortable, and the taking in A amount good well What would a proper the bo-peep should be, foot. and calf, makes of foot; have shoe made free had and years, Mrs. "Oh, made let me " put " of don't let Well, Finally, after " " He demand the by upon a outline then ankle of have a admit to low vamp enough boot-maker same this as pair of new to You have stylish boots just as : shoes your such this boots six regularly, have to for on goes shoes going not these '' large I have the bunions^" my foot any of the best joints. shoes! think have don't You All last the the stand and foot feet, pretty I" once I have been in the had you No, I want my the aid^le just if don't you insisted have better situation, and boots to a little look out." having upon the heel a I will '( walk in." tighter,for my own vour 'Slv. way. measurements being are remarks. he "Or are make accej"ted made, you a morocco, them." me grow li. has a want you will ankles order heel." low a Avith toe made pair a 11., I having Dut on those you ]S"o,Mr. habit in to Parker, make draw and lit the where ordering, in longer soles to boot taken, conversation such like just " boots inch an stretch; boot-maker the playing medium not AVlicu and same, of my I go will heels, large enough some time every with measurements the dignified, mice of custom-made your and royal ])ro])erlymade used. have movement I have made boot is quarter that a as careful of use be A always without free allow long papci'. your a as ami ism organ- 'i gown leather a best. is not nuiterial the large, is always elegant. little wooden least, a at the twice wear her should of culation cir- from woman keep to necessary foot,however beneath It a the order. muscular willingly spring heels, of muscles, prevents disjiensewith than piece exercise not boot of of possessing a carriage that A will of the by interferingwith woman clumsy or use working shaped and into for missionary not a have the to seem that boot work Mrs. corns, Parker?" " Xo." "^'o." customers come does any on my bunions like store see any part, relation and between in this spite is still Avedded (29) I do corns. not see foot." your '"villtit me; he and of to his and six idol mv 3"ears' " formity. de- VII. CHAPTEll DRESS Fii-st in Those manufactured are in ordci- takes of the is donning, place tlie held once under-drawers. and lanti, Mich., as which undergarment, under-vest GARMENTS. well iin])("i'tance,as ("onil)in;ition bv REFORM ideal by in manv the Ypsilanti respects. ^30) Com])any. They retain at the Yj)sitrue are iiiado and lisle For of silk,silk all " those New Yoi'k, Jaros garments sanitary allow the outlines In have not to the of the still simply will and on, because It is to call fers to free from and the and much now writing most possible to buy ex])ensive as thread stores, well as English manufacture, these a at as heavy (32) the trian Equesbe can additional imder-vest. Mrs. Miss in saw seeing desired, Club, addition and follow skirts, body. Chicago sensible also exquisite texture. two as 3. lisle Iveene moisture absorb Y])silantiCompany, lit the tights, or, of is sha|)es. l"eing large (;itydry goods The of the Mrs. pi'('ju(lic(\ after it is our them, modest a for the thoroughly are garments and warm as 2, tights. of member indebted are we a found they closely 1, Ypsilaiiti sarnii'iit. the by be These warmth more and they shapely tights, manufactured drawn which The garment. washing, air. of are tigui-e, when winter, in way cii'culation free a shi'iidc in Co..- of " Bros. combination perfect desire or Jaros the weight, excellent an will owing and of liuhtness finish. perfect in rheumatism, silk thread, lisle wool, pure and from suffer with protection make of dainty who wool, and of a the woman's ment, gar- wardrobe, and in almost reasonable weight ])re- ])articnlarlv manufacturers most Keene, much-al)used garments a B. Potter woman this to W. Helen a 4. di'ess. ers, dealof any cost. durable silk with tights white are tops, They in all and in be had also can colors; they black silk besides, in come, liohter throuohout, silk weight, wool, and in and lisle thread. They a boy's sock In is winter, socks thread singular fact wool silk or another not closely than render the a the first When If the hose, and give to new is the your the every hose, should inch and be, there if the they will be easily no good as and way are off the a do not perfect wrinkling (33) rip a up pair tights. top part of sew pull the on the Tights tit in about and childhood's and ribbed new. as it off cut upper ankle the is generally learned. the and in as which our mystery, a is off at foot almost of in did this is secret foot, is durable more out, simply past darning cut tights are the gives There through much of worn pair of boy's socks, after cutting and them stitch ruined. Ypsilanti Equestrienne waist. is hose mothers doing sole way, the of tights are one simply wearing our as of with and a a addition The if is beneath the versa. lisle of It garment than vice bottom way, art Petticoat the give to cotton hose, where, makes the sole, just seamed When hole This a and raveled, tights,the cloth. stockings. old is over. sufficientlywarm. warmth silk feet addition the worn, of without tights drawn feet addition ordinary chain in new the are material, same stockings. insert tights When feet. the gives greater one, woven the of will whole raveling no silk as the first and when that without and pulled on the of woven way with made are down length, ankles. are gins bea socks, ported sup- as nary ordi- as they The tit'lits can he procured he desired, special shade any the of havino- and tiii-Jits white cohu' same the when is with woi'ii I'ound A of a skirts Tliese is dirt given to head Ix* clotlK^l he made petticoat, -cover thin a \'-shaped neck coi-set silk is and and waist; hem a with wide, If it. to that so its luist. of will he made ratliei- a this found of heavy skirt (piai'ter (pialityof is the hecause it does it is easier 'I'his is walk to in especially true ecpiestriantights and hut material, any silk', hecause wash stout and the wearing the will ""n(" vest only one i^owns. cotton. a it may cotton as than thin of hreadths live is used, with under is eathered deep, silk iiee(l(Ml just skirt, yard India a ends waist comhinatioii a low a tiicm. linen oi' has lisle-thread or lie liiilifs.with ( )v('i- I .^ray. model ])rctty it is for sleeveless, slioi't A I'cinoxcd, huyin"^ hy with worn silk, cotton India an waist. a or silk A is tights jx^ttieoataro white, all in hlaek, hine, dress, the ohtained he may dved. thetn as and dross it should colors, hut in all standard the skii-t when is one \valk to the silk a winter, attempting catch not in ence prefer- against wind. Some these has ohjection is \)\ overcome and this to facing the having the skirt material, sldrts, hoiifftoif^ wide-spi'eading of days made been with hut a stilfeiiing uecessai-y especially this the tion ohjec- light cloth, hair- dress skirt very in in itself. A wearer woi'ld a t(j much is the Tlie worn shed di'ess away skirts, of with the a party undergarments, skirts, dust from course, gown, should has the when nuiy the match and their ligure in be of skirt, it in GJ4) any as that as be can aiul silk, soft be can as lono- gatherinoeasilv are artistic graceful as Ijaiul or skirt of color cohjr. shirt pai't twice most well and ])ossihle, as l)utton middle made; or figure perfectlv, a skirt silk a the skirt a double a it in the readily, the is not figures, folding loose as fits the waist l)y making then skirt the give waist, stretching result and the below just the whose slender These waist. otf The \\\\\ l"y purchasing matei-ial, breath waist, whicli one made holding head, vei'v (^ne of together. every required, and laundered, hold Foi" to the to with it. attached the over gives about as them sewing slipped on yet l)readtlis five is this Cut ])ossihle,and as while it and skirt, comfort, of under-shirt. WM)rste"l gather madc^ easily more folds fashion. desired. AVhen the silken other ISothing prettier be can than imagined blue or underwear is desired, it With these polnt^ or has a be can garments, who or Of yellow. pale pink, form graceful a a with outside find a black or costume. is inclined will bust, white any who woman in throughout if course worn full very clothed to bust einhrm- supporter necessary. the Indeed, fleshy to the bust objection who women, close A chief the use whole dress ticular outer deformity up make great rolls until the hips attention If in the to linown of stand shorter forward toes from comes particular defect as waists flesh and and long flowing year not to that cause its natural to arms, lines ])ar- in pinch size, to the shelves, is only broad remedy to waist call them. strengthened by daily practice are backward reaching one stand to disappear. to the like muscles and it is double under out in flesh, until bust exercise, learning will existing defects, abdominal bending upon of garments, the crowd To of their argument su])])orter, plenty and dress question. properly, (hxily bathing, in rational to and npward, (35) to and right and due ing left,stand- attention be to waist and that the will people, bust the gradual flesh remaining the usually presented by the have so stout avoided. when age, becomes supporter flexible of hold will and disappear to appearance slouchy be middle In begin muscles the of strengthening firmly will abdomen the of fat about accumulation breathing exercises, the given bosoms whalebone or merely cloth, coming grass to drop, to the #/ leave sternum, the lungs have, * the liraces of weight bands up to Xcwfll's Mrs. shoulder sliaped full bust are the and bust movable skirt breasts allowing elastic, allowing Breast from a is the found, the more free and dress waist, elegant easy be A with and tit of movement perfect worn of (36) than body firmly in free, allow place. that one ventilated, durable. well for without the lireast, Tliis corsets. the it upon body acceptable support or places dress the most being Supporter." May bust the supporter'^ supporter. of parts hold tiiis time, Perfection and soft and ]:"lav, Xewell The I the can bo and arms. shoulders, obtained in coinliined support producing any other a made necessity. These, absolute an tendency a with removes a way. perfect The and the at Breast Supporter, flabby least To with three white silk bust I pairs India look in the neck underwear, undervests, of ordinary Ypsihmti Avinter, medium short Aveight either fall, and and sleeves undervests, three all change spring and three tights, in of moderate for summer and black a pairs of boys' socks, pairs two circumstances pairs two black petticoats,one low for a with waist, if it is needed. suj)})()rteror friends three of for sleeves petticoat,and have suits Avith a f(^r garments long equipped contains wardrobe and balbrig-o'an or Kewell a fleshy, need is well woman her neck high with Indeed, however woman, combination wear; a comfortable. untidy. or when Jaros silk no recapitulate, a occasions or time same and tights,three of who, with pairs of e(juestrian tights,and of white, get along one very two socles, silk two bly comforta- indeed. I know and in a saved lier its own outht, she school books mind over who student winter price that pressed on matter irons her them, and and a lean thus secured pocket m not into garments underwear combination by washing Smoothing room. the bought book. the garments being a sha])e by another part herself of piling triumph her her of VIII. CHAPTER BREATHING and back far as the in Stand 1st. Let nose. inhaled all breath exercise is muscles of surrender the of through sh sound the omitting and the thoroughly as less taking in exhale a or above day, in to Jim the sonant con- movement, the first, ing, inhal- inhale time; and The even using at sigh every Verij sloicl;/ teeth, as and increased ten^ the this difficult. holdino:. Repeat shall). not of in a])erture exhaling nostrils, the through but time cells, more with begin in- in object gradually be to increase in (as sigh, holding but small a is the breath-impelling air this renders breath (jrajhidUij the the resist the the over shoulders Retain be; for the Having the filled. need enlarge to seconds, forty and seconds, conti'ol inclination the if effort, out remain cage lung. lift position, Send through rib fill the immediately, gain as the open liiuli as ribs. audibly completely are air to holding or exhale the and slowly this using thorax the to in lungs much as pull and possible seconds, expel to that Lands the of turn sloioly exercise, the ten flination thirty air until for time this the inhale and Inhale rib-muscles the the at the Place position. possible sigh. a during passive military as in breath EXERCISES. easily ordinary resume breathing. the Practice and forenoon ])ractice Never almost ])artlv the ear force), the for the (the and aperture rule ])urpose be partly when because inhaling the that and it is taken so easier through (38) middle exercise room for the the mouth time. before is well or mouth, bi'catli tiie ))upil than is wai-med the escaping determining the indigestion through the of each hour an observed, regnlatiiiii' ])U})illistening the within not is breath of the rej^eat See the for aired, well this a exercise induced. be to sure afternoon; breathing a If eating. after and the twice but above by imijciling to regulate when iu- breath this outward. is sent exercise, and Active atli. lumd chest the chest, The chest does chest during fall not the upon lift the and abdomen, one the depress it, without slowly very Place chest. by passive other of the exhaling or the times. followed directly upward; inhaling that three repeat chest the uj)on See breath. ", the represented by abdomen h. by (a. Thus - " W You take and give exorcise not (ith. fingers chest in the upon in the out Be from chest, careful ])osition. Place below just that the b}^ bending condition force, seeing active the chest. abdomen chest in a five count the chest is and back. the collar the a this during military position,perfectly erect, military normal a to passive the in Stand give the stand tilrow ^ and h in to to to h from bone, and with slowly, of the with the tips able consider- durino- immovable the counting. Tth. Position the through idly to on one fall. Many breath impelling as the other namely, same as will could sufficient development and tissues, cartilaii'es and of the an is the 1)0 to strength of (40) accomplish cell, ccjnti'ol and the counting the slisfhtest uumtioned, chest ra])- begins depression. but these erly prop- what is of the breath- the various elasticityof thorax. breath ordinary room possible before tlie air muscles inhale about there exercises muscles, as many moment be above, walk nostrils,and Stop given the desired, CHAPTER PROMOTION THE FOR SOCIETY IX. OF CORRECT following The the of in answer in the body WEAR in I winter for sufficient a white light tlie I this bers mem- Dress wearing present there that seen the and union In wear is ]irincipal uniform a thing I silk dark In drawers black trienne eques- buttoned skirt, frequ?ntly. equestrienne add WEAR either a winter the In knee. the A heat. and union garment the wear of black bust a pongee R. satin wear suit silk, a try petticoat . A tights. sleeveless, In dress. wire to silk suit, union knee. under garters according low-necked, weather, the living our pattern, skirt, princess spring In comfort when tights; and being very fall I only my satin hot, silk skirt; cess prin- cambric, by suit, TAKE then the very most long comfort wool in hose, in wearing thirdly, (41) a winter fine wool low woven undergarments change guide. L. I grees de- second heavy held stockings cotton and suit, out, farmer's J. W. sixty-five union going when stockings; princess vest about room balbriggan lieavy a wear merino and summer, sleeveless neck, I suit union wool in temperature winter. the during Jaeger the keep to tense in- pattern, A. We the most Butterick using wide above the during in cotton from garters except pongee lined hung elastic J. and girdle, Fleece suit. of I gauze made pongee or is knee. the I satin the either below summer union skirt My then garment, Ypsilanti length. just falling and yoke first my black a knee tights for suit these, over wool hose, wear muslin. white union gauze a to I summer with find I which E. I no covering garuient weather weight washed be can wool cold very light a and of one or be weight, weight which shirts woven at you the Improved and will of some adoj"ted, weather. waist skirt princess medium a Over muslin AND restriction. moderate tights. It witliout witliout the from are underwear warmth get to What " underclothes?" of CULTURE Culture Ph3^sical question fashion particular of the of way being for Society to received answers are PHYSICAL DRESS. " first, union a union garment" T. C. all-wool waist and divided lace and made line, and waist at I the outer I combined, or other no silk skirt a buttoned white a of first thread combination petticoat, The (union), in or and hose, from the bust pongee although prepared weather a heavy lisle knee, stockings black a II. A. cotton waist: the from the over long, rather girdle waist by warm, have not my clothing. delighted not for woolen alpaca is not hung dressed never need to if when year so flannels, combination this tights worn but giidlc and lisle thread the I smooth a 1 completes change to I have as the at severe. grows doors on perfectly am and supporter. dress My but lightly before, short-sleeved, light weight: is finished waist. hot very waist one. de{)endent Grecian a petticoat for course. garment low-necked, a very " elastics sui"port("d by of is garment it tills flannel A. My on and silky tlie finest use equestriennes, cotton restricted less I feel as I wool and shirts liose. waist, lightweight a balbriggan the weather skirt and use I'or ready waiintii. just enough garment, Summer and equestriennes 1 have upmori'. me be to as wool with odf;ed but slopvos, no dress. my tli""se to prefer i)erf'ectlyso tt) fit neck, low comliiuod" skirt going out formerly. done L. satisfactory M()ST midergarments uuited skirt, l)e of skin. this Over the indei)endent, If having heavy extend blanketing, else the or silk fish-netted wool, or stockings The Next shoes at exposed dress the to of are, neck, or be are with by weather, the aims. line and proper gown side and \h' the and soft, of be over- low. or dress in For I summer the with sets, two muslin or bust waist supporter: hi a a suppt)rted ami skirt ter. bet- slip, and over-the-knee and light, one far sliape isoj);ii. short-sleeved, lojig stockings wt"ather: Grecian a low-necked a I have combination. change wear require not lirels. no silk a handsomely I do and skirt perfectly plain and and nji worn if skirt, used, Ixxly have may fabric ricli nrcd liold muscles course, wrist, of be It may C. from linen stockings supported cold cxticmcly and nndcrwaisi or develoiied well cliest may cdisct In waist. ovci- it or X"" the as skclctDii a and ornamented. one, gauze-linen is the now the D. supporters. One and me to separate. or shoulder may to ne.xt the vicr set F. lisle thread for by elastics combined, Le low cool days: dependent neck, and no sleeves. wintei', For petticoat gown, My clothing fortabl(" I with from enough verv the vile for so-called the inventor silk a wool stockings: skirt loose inqu-oves on waist at line. clothing. my cu-cvdation, my combination my buttou'-d and I L. B. am com- undi'rclothing. little their and long i)iece,completes one perfectly to districts of because suit, skirt in astonished riu'al in women a slioit made brini; been HAVK I say, \\ itli always My all wool \\int('r a made are lind how out regarding unwillingness " cotton" of such comfortable to flannel. fabric utterly ? (42) adopt and K. lio])elesslyignorant underwear: anything I wonder T. if hopelessly new there or is a different place bad i found white had skirts body I find. I had, wide I have the mediate need The bust All lining, and not I skirts sewed either linen cotton, or both agam. being not and who stowk's and made gowns fitted well to [Witli '-c.M-aial the It is the that the of morals leadership could women who Women who never can family-these world. waists of speech before regulate H. Artists modern P^st these husband, and must circles home to demi make *Mrs- W. of is above desperate an and lover, in their and in England, and average and we size. march has an to lawful virtuous what glory in and triumphal obediently France; pride carry been America turn New of the and all before moral and imitate York their domestic decreed have leave by their into m lovelmess of tune of the and toilet and ancient and so, every the hearth arts. Thus and princesses leaders of Pans, no comes enchant and Penelopes to quality, grotesque; them, and of stores the whose whom of arts sent as- have which love, ravages all the dazzling, staid the study rack of with sphere a The late a women family create fades. m economy by No or pointments apized civil- fashions and ne.-essity. train, made and the and the murmurs made self-denial, the should why are of to the of country. equipage with prudence a none Dupin. sequently con- class any France reason unceasing their in and dress and m know attractiveness, them, by up of society the a modesty, picturesque, take their personal about society of hour, and ebb, hands the through They physical beauty moving follow must monde it made France; in peeresses be the for brother it goes mere families. is is cost, as all sorts, art life in Monsieur of laws from present the lowest wife-who is the folluwing the at the at acknowledged, This those of atmosphere the of all of on anv brightens dissipation truth. world, and of and Senate, the puritV, truth, of hallow which at up, association to hold whose France, confession the be dictators W. emphasis,] good into name to reprint we added entirely is of first expenditures only this keep the disregard the and sole the French the utter an admitted law, was all sides, to on be have Co., with apparently is silk, ISGO. in civilized the fashion are Such of France " Papers, Corner of not give the such in Mifflin Hnn.'ht.ui, of Chimney greatest misfortune state the ties of consent" Stowe's Mrs. women to them without guimpes." " to appp:al nn- Grecian consider them K. MRS. in The silks. wear buttoned or but one some market the upon wool waists, to buttoned or them found never that them. Those fast I shape. thought of them get to m knee woven wear, good short universal, is unable often put seen fastened wear summer been full busts, entirely satisfactory, skirts firm fine to entirely satisfactory. is support perfect. of I find have for of with late many too are complaint This have inclined of underwear of tights might advertised but they as I have and cotton be * suits but wearing underwear, jects, sub- otlier upon waists. bust. union fine ideas new inasmuch the ago. of union or detective, drawers, all to their manufacturers, goods suits seen years were of"the into suits umbrella They tights fitting across several name made who union like years. the out of cutting close too lengths, late bands the and intellij;ent,up heard never with found I have the otherwise women wlio rulers in fashion and t" the wno k^ all that stop with even is really marching and glitter and which really In away unknown their to sacrifice of mined. In and honor, We the that just which part following in Viewed '" attention first beauty pose * In IF 1800. ]\Irs. women It is been on ruin of the part this " Alice Mrs. much which as Mrs. iu favor freedom Mary A. of the good movement Livermore, strongest will you ivith emancipate the put you is half this gained. noble from us dancers. pur- the GIRLS! first the was the crees de- YOU president subjection English to generations a says:"" to yet attention of of the American to Women as have it threatens But come. I o}dy need style a passing no other of forted com- and dress fashion one the am i)h}'sicalexercise to be would tyranny healthful more forbid writes in make * battle injurious, also, More in and " growing Palmer, of who submission women women unfashionable, the velopment deand " ! thing dress." " di-ess reform a of following society, that animated concerning dress: puts The from seem ballet sion expres- woman * and an the " REPUBLIC. Severance, as to and THE necessitate must Freeman ligious: re- women life be may " life. of resolve and America, fathers. by the all on and woman's European " of girls -wTote silk good. have do of cares country is womanhood vigor for the and of called for men, that instead pure noble-hearted Only actresses in them matter Heaven which M. our physical all in in Club, of world are simple, durance en- state that, we than sewing their way. SAVE dictation unworthy as the learn World, even A all that anny an French Caroline a of WILL, foreign to any and noble, " effeminate if you even Woman's England New " YOU CAN, Old details back in is there of tyrannies and hold world on] !i and commonplace independence declare ourselves of kind of that frittering religion. worn-out, the that, " have women reconstructive this thread, choose, will a requires It to YET the even of society small their highest beauty the follow * is there the even and they of towards more trimmings, leader the Where " light, if ways our capable the are thing some- society. of old, corrupt, America will of into can, wake true do which position, and of and in to and state new patriotism meaning noble America the this are we wornout can buttons, to their of a architects real the are of women now institutions and corrupt and and greatest consequence own exami)le tlie set to our the in fashion * * struggle themselves ing lead- the impossible; here. imder- continually from the by paid female of us, debts contract are is marriages begun great a shown have " it of the makes understand we through to sounding demands tell Michelet which complaint, making have to self-sacrifice; and and and family the extravagant seems come heroic an the of of epidemic, unhealthy women obligations purity voice a lead dress of love woman. About dress sign the is families, sort same have borne thus into of and there England distress of love husbands, periodicals, bringing Edmond womankind of The morbid, a Dupin, world leaders. purity of and of demands extravagant whole these be to nobleness Monsieur as of getting is the the So tiii' command fashion eats France, the f^oinf^on thore. is under "I will that authorize may be you to use inaugurated." my name " so CHAPTER NATIONAL Extract from the in meeting, COUNCIL is days will the hasten all day bicycling clavenette storm or felt soft costume, of of dress a the the offer hat, with boots be can old our bedraggled cloth or rainv Concerted knickerbockers, which suggestions for from emancipation bicycle serge, next : suitable country. neatness worn AVomen of " The the at its by DKKSS. over and comfort health, to enemy felt given Council DAY Dress, on be to re-adoi)tion itself mailing action RAINY toward movement Committee JN'ational the A A the Johxson, of Boston, WOMEN. OF of Report Frank Mrs. Chairman, X. skirt. of made with leggino-s, varied to the suit Avearer. ARTISTIC If in designing The lines represented line, bust at or having of contour 2. 3. simple 5. outward de Yenus the of part the should curve; be be to loose the front the whole the be so line as the shoulder below the the ]iresenting inward not should gown ai)])ear should and Milo, Tlie describing following it; cago Chi- bodv, natural arm-hold sleeve the contradicting not gentle a the sculpture; the the by hei])ful. most of those help lines. adopted found been follow joint; dress The graceful 4. least and shoulders, have classic in rules need may rational upon some should gown Every costume which she artisan, an among shoulder the of are Club, the of merely artistic an following Dress top is dressmak'er the SUGGESTIONS. Y-lilce lines. the from suspended suspended. enough to permit suited to free and movement. The forms The of form should construction be the fabric " for costume heavy should goods, be and gathers genuine (45) for thin tiiroughout. materials. If made of earl mitldle V where guimj)e), the holding color, undergarment, au should AND school the Fi'om the every subordinated be or sei've, to seem the edges, uniting suited and to serve, parts, or personality of EMPLOYED there room the to the form. FEATUEES would which be texture WIX(iS nilJDS, AS should certainly forever discourage OARXITUKE. the emanate a of slaughter timent sen- birds ornament. The cruel use and birds of their and })luuuige is '" One its as it is IIAI.O. in l)irds dealer London height, humming inartistic as barbarous. TUF, at (like undergarment au should gown ornament should gown in wearer, for i. c, together. TIu" 7. ])ar(lon- appears. the of is consistent; be of be to strengthening of pui'poses that apj)ear itself; the o'own the it should decoration The 0. be to the of gowns If there should simulation seems the be another. over particular material that time worn that material oiK^ would prototype one ages, simulation, able the its materials, two a of single consignment another birds, and aquatic received, when thirty-two received, and birds three the at thousand time, one hundred fashion thirty thousand what Fai-es so Just price a briglit for bare Sea-ranges Bared Tliink of for Hear Hear others, liat no mothei'-groan you no little 'mid by Torn Just Plenty the of a moan, Women want air, birdling"s despair, " that? Turk, hat your wings in mother-work, some mother-heart more " ! floating " for hunter for o'erswung, too, you Caught that ! i^,too, in Somewhere All tlmt mother Bright-Eyes unsung, wings the just the ! mornings of and Otliers pay, gay, hat a uiivisited, Flowers and to ! in yet to tiic world: tear, carefully that (46) ? twirled sand thou- ])airsof wings." Tliinlc was dead 1 XI. CIIArXER The of propaganda culture pliysical Parker, BOOKS FOR envelope of and of Chairman Annual Club 2. " Artistic Dress," 3. "Fashion's 4. "The The Corset," 6. " The Influence Mrs. W. Committee. Frances B. O. M. Steele. Flower. Modern of K. J. Women," 7. " Scientific Shoe," 8. " Perfection Bust 9. " Hygienic 10. "Ypsilanti." entire L. Dress," Bayard Dickerson. of Dress H. Kellogg, in Samuel M. D. Appleton. Mrs. Supporter," D. C. JSTewell. Jaros. Underwear," envelope of Decadence Producing mail, by sent post])aid, of receipt on cents. Mrs. of Beauty Steele Form and Elizabeth and Grace Steele of Laura BY" Vesture," by Kett, Chicago, Frances 111. Mary iVdams. " LONDON TUE T. Ave., Todd, RECOMMKXDKD B. Prairie 3552 " F. Mrs. by D. " fifty promotion Book." Slaves," 6. American selected dress, Unreasonableness M. the for society Propaganda " The the correct 1. Holmes, STUDY. HEALTHY Mp:ad " ^^ew York, AND ARTLSTIC Co., N. Y. DRESS UNION." "Chapter " Ten on Centuries Greek Dress," of by Toilette," Lady ]\[illington translated Iloeg. "The Art of Peauty," by Mrs. (48) A. P. Hawies. b}^ Evans. Mrs. Cashil of Influence "The F. llealtli;'by Clotliing on Srioec, F. E. C. S. " Health ^^ The and '" lioad. Copley Square, J)oston, " Befoi'm," Bobert Y. Puljlishing Co., Arena Flower, National Frank of Council Johnson, No. AVo- 38()T 111. E. Frances America," in Reform Dress N. Dress," on Chicago, Ave., Langley Dress in States, Mrs. United the of men Cool- 33 Mass. Committee of "Report O. B. Slaves," Fashion's " Xo. Theobald, Amy D., Brooklyn, M. L. Dickerson, Miss o. Methods Practical and Simple ( Co. " London. End, Crouch Lock by Ward, A: Uallus. S. Ward. Edith Beauty," Aglais, Jonrnal Ada Dress," by Color," Liberty and Lontlon liurst and Jaeger. by Problem," Health Form '' in Beauty Dress "Dress, Dr. by Culture," Health '' Russell, August Arena. AVoman's " Progress " History States " of Mary of Dress E. Tillotson, in in the A'ineland, jS^ew Reform Costume A\^omen," American Producing J. II. the Physical Kellogg, United Jersey. dence Deca- INF. D., i'attle Mich. Economical Newell, AVoman's the Influence The of " F^ashion." vs. America," of (Jreek, Out." AVay " Chicago, Hints for Dress 111. (49) and Health," Mrs. C. D. CHAPTER I. XI PATTERNS. In in 1 stated upeniiiii;i):ii';igra])h, my regard in ought to which have I closely and the on the hand, one when ideal, the for wait conventional, the from it is, theatrical; the of way that the in (" Large waists wool dress the and keep whom will is at and her thus bounds, otherwise who j)atterns models suggestion that in two this fasliion of or any more pamphlet (50) be done and comfort to for of and dress, the to be by seen fication moditime same many at cause, of the at in dress, admits convincing been merely as will as we de})arture a the j'eadily impossible herself has furnish ])a per be if entimes, Oft- conventional conscience, silently solved can to year,") Every is conventional very in resume critics the this 1890. satisfy can ^N'ewell, Mrs. cloth nuirked, would itself fashion in are one within it lends conviction wide what see The Two success. so approximate desires. wearer writing, })resent to adapting degree, some the that beauty and modifying it may, better therefore, free themselves be honest to appears very and to way it is to essayed. never because 1S88 dress of universal achieve to artistic, is the wiiat helplessness is will ])rob1em expect or which that the that hold I resume, that Greeley, Horace with are gowns present dress conventional of women. absolute an was try coun- from lack immediat(^ly whieli given frank of movement: other, the on from departure a l^)elieving to and conditions tiiis here improved getting States, and of way for many sorts dilficuhies of face the in stand in all from expression things talked have the ])eriod the movement over successful more covering the watched have all illustrations the of ])ainj)hlet gowns perfect some evolved, been The means any rather but be, 1896. by as dress. of matters from received letters many to forth put not the to answer tliis that women, convince. many the years dresses colors contains if so menting, experishown, desired. much or It that is She practical. in designing When them show how how letters brings adjusting know once will judgment and gowns women mail every says help for asking underwear. begin, their to continue. to take To and taste dwu the first costs. step TAKINlJ FOK DIKKCTloNS FOR ^[KASLKES PKOl'EK IMPROVED DRESS i'ATTERNS. made of and full dress of Pattern petticoat, to chea]) cambric; price, $3.00 the dress, 50c., for l*a])ei' pattern Number it is occasion what for and made, what of ordeririiT, please say When inches around the inches around the 5()c. for ])etticoat. the goods is to dress be also intended; body, dress, both. for and the under wear above bust and under arms. Number under on and ai'ius. Number inches naked l)ody. from armpit between inches Numlti'i' to top holes arm of hip bone, of measured oi'dinary dress at l)hides. shouhK'r Numl)er iiu-hes around Number inches from the bust body directly under neck. held when chin, back against neck, to floor. inches Number of Number inches from from nape middle of neck to back, of floor over behind. elbow, to wi'ist bone. Number of inches fi'om Number of inches around ai'mpit to wrist bone. hips. Height. Color of complexion. J-'}"ro/'d'r The l"hiiil-x fipf patterns are cut ?""". ?^, parjcK in 8 ?7. si/.es,fntm measure, (01) .'jd to 44 inches, bust Puttei'ii The of ffiiTs divided slcirt,ready-made, ill domestic gingham or skirt for a blue bv sent girl from mail 8 for 12 to tweiitv cents. of years drilling; price $1.00; age, made flannel, price $2.00. When ordering, give age and waist Mrs. measure. C. 223 D. Np:well, Dickey Ave., Chicago. (52) in Fig. The ribbons lace at guimpe the back made silk, surj)lice front, Oriental of under the cool 1. collar. and (53) lace, tying The comfortable dress for with is a summer. narrow blue gee pon- Fig. Figured muslin, (54) 2. sur})lice front. Fig. Gray grenadine garniture pink over gray 4. satin. daisies. {00, Satin sasli of darker gray, Fig. This lines photograph would and be It is made cloak the of dark without badly of which red English beads; It is make satin taken. pronounced described. next waist, is a collar a and The coat-like effect; is the (57) a a as tive. conserva- material full jacket silk the good ver}^ most with heavy same the same back princess cuffs by the has dress success serge, which over 5. as the plaits at front, a vest passementerie vest. Fig. this Again, comparing satin the some front, a knuckle, kind it stand of out, thinking of dress coaventional the to 5. dress, made four da}^ C^^')'i^ niade cuff flaring forward the ])uff of the stiffening put be it could " wearer worn in and the or (r,8) any the bit a of full a covering bottom without singular" witii made sleeve the one with ago, years for "pronounced." silk hand higher skirt an the to or to and make instant Fig. A to cloak the are of lined with lined with up is for and wine dark in cold spring suitable silver body satin, and clasp. weather to and fall,the for color serge, dress, the the oxidized an turned cape of bottom English heavy 5. winter. The protect fur If (59) a of cai)e smaller and is fastened is collar the ears. titted is can be untrimmed more in throat and The comes capes the at high trimmed cloak It blue. cadet at heavily the waist Fig. is the I'cMjuii'ed, A: Co., Cliicago, " Jiiissiaii is among 5. (,'ircular tlie best. (60) " made by JMai'shall Field Fia. Electric the and same trimmed blue cloth, pattern Avith as fur lined one for 5. with dark-red previously winter (61) wear. satin. shown, but This cloak heavily is lined FlLi. A brown Avoolen sti'ipemixed is (jf suiah being make to Hare used in little brown. of with front the collar. for at the the This present bottom silver dress (02) the brown clasp. brown skirt collar The gimp, in made was style, the and of jacket light a stripe light, tlic oiio The oxidized with st)'i{)ed silk. it suitable a striped goods, sliades clas))e(lin 0. should made dark een, velvet- guinipe the same To 181H". be gored higher, the Fig. This di-ess The etc. waist changed waists that the of the be The waist same when thin a can weather. hair, but on as suitable be can i-eadily woman of is very worn brown of soiled. and a rainv silk linen It woman, is liouso. for made illustration of T. shown tone. (04) looks as is a lighter at well dress on for ])lain shade choice, and the of because suitable most silk, a or day, shopping, brown than a stout variety all of kinds camel's the dress, Fig. A black silk other any merino. g'ore would For of the be winter material to-day, full skirt of the I should that as it might to-day. (Go) made skirt a the full back, of part, upper plait it the be can making- were skirt, making necessary this for if I Again, dresses in petticoat,buttoned princess style. or 8. merino made silesia,drilliiiii', the to be at required. as be worn afttn- the with lower jmrt with worn the back Nothing the tional conven- of the and else Vio. Materiiil with finished with pai't a a the the of sleeve of velveteen waist. The is Venetian lighter of being the made of velveteen. carried skirt plainly is fastened (66) in It is laced shade. the and velveteen Brown collar, velveteen velveteen })lainband entirely in to of dress this silk corded heavy also for 9. the back, ])uffat the shoulder, silk and finished coi'ded The front down at at the of the the side side, top waist is sloping of the skirt coming which is same inside fastened sewed piece to is of the is lined. home an gown the front of waist of the skirt. the and excellent without This of the across is wearing at the front, exceedingly an evening but turned wear and very material. being fussy in detail. (67) It Lace edge This exh^e. which could graceful has the skirt the velveteen and caught that is done not gown, economical, for and down outside the six plain lining of the the about brought The dress fraying any ends silk carried and center guimpe, of made neck. at the the across is guimpe gathered plaited in smoothly fit it may for is unlined, being simply lightly to prevent were The inches, plaited again, then three is is waist, cutting bust. and goods depth in the on the under the as inches high as effect if it be suitable velveteen of a tea Fig. Phiin inarteii satin broadcloth, colored I'ur. ribbon Hat and ol" black plum 10. velvet jackt^t,triniiiHMl with l)lack colored I'elt,triinmcd with black ostrich tips. (Gb) Fig. 10. (69) Fia. Foundation figured fine The the The lace. plaits. dress The is much effect such the addition of silk; covering, ordinary I'ront girdle graceful as dress. another and and more the of surah waist collar lights being real black slip,a 11. renders It black are of fine the of out it almost was made petticoat,a (70) bit bead bi'ussels black net in passementerie. picture impossible than in to get the in 1892. It of lace plaited only it, needs in at the Fia. Gray velvet cloth jacket with and embroidered lighter gray 13. figures in silk (:-3) guimpe. shaded Gray grays. suede Gray shoes. Fig. 13. (73) Fig. This dress like and effective exhibited was of out of many the at the 13. World's the light picture dresses than in. yellow satin, comparatively plain in back. Sleeves puff covering. about the The neck, are a waist the doul)le at the neck of is tion, Exposi- represented, The front and full the more is ))laitsin without satin short, making in at is dress under yellow goods being plaited (74) Columbian a waist. full of the any ruffle There is skirt. either a The with knot with the of tassel at ornaments waist at Fig. Art silk, velvet A very open by both the at Madras yellow ornament, an back, at satin yellow is of overdress shoulder loose silk ruffle plaited a a at bottom of lace, fastened front and braided cord of tied the on in yellow ends. 14. passementerie, exhibited beautiful but dress (75) at Columbian badly photographed. position. Ex- Fig. This had. The is is of one It is a material a full making center of shoulder sewed such the seam, on and instead barred gown, which goods back, satisfactory most lio^htblue with skirt up the 15. dresses off it is combined the Avaistand again, tiie of curving (76) is cadet have pieces into no should the I have blue navy fastening I should side by that blue at the seam start arm-hole. ever stripes. satin. It side. If down from the the 15. Fig. Airaiii, all that made was the five lapels sleeve just The dress the satin for live years the of would is of being of dress wider, and make to-day, to this dross, ^\"()uld I)e to tlie puff raise which make of the elbow. all-wool renewed to necessarv a ago, jacket the above be cashmere, once " and years. (77) has has l)eeii washed been in constant twice wear " Fig. This is with an evening dress; net lace and a 10. ])lainsilk slip of confined shade. (7S) with ribbon nile of green, the ered cov- same Fig. A black yellow sumli hack would gathered [)lairi. The gathei'td in the flowers, coi'ii s])()ttedthan silk, very hack at the of the the centre glossy surface, material the from a])pear iu 18. the centei" waist of is the (80) dotted looking' very })hotogra|)li. is front plain holt; the at gored the front with over much less It has and shouhhM's is also a full I'ather and plain at Fig. the a shoulders wide piece fastens m at line shades, band and of the of the side. plaits, edged Avhich the The with about at slii;litly drawn goods, reproduce net in gathered is. trimming three the tlie neck, is in finished (81) The ])lainly around a ril)l)ons the with the l)lack coarse nari'ow colors tlie waist. dress. a of waist, silk net different Thei'e rcjsette l)elt, in is front. a There is also of rulHo, the net and the dress. If dare top I a of httle of the the change ti-imming necessary fashion of made dress two to I just ahovc back of the to-day (1800). ^~') tone in with ago. one neck; This more slcirt ])uffat the elbow, the the the have have deeper-. dress is iin(h3r the sewn shoiihl should inches make it may years ribbon the that heading the whicli is to-(hiy the wiiere ribbon live end at front upon bottom, would ruffle net narrow was the which waist the the The the at more sleeve, make with dress making of is customary, outside, as This were rosettes band together. not in the rosctto or twisted a conies sewn, knot a would would in and two also l)e accordance all 19. na. A dress of lower part would be improved the of with jacket can cashmere, gray sleeves of instead Is made plain be darker a by putting ruffle. one of It is seam finished in fold of the back. a (83) fold If of collar velvet. gray the goods exceedingly pretty an with a jacket, front, desired, the goods and The the at house the or dress tom bot- dress. edge a of pretty Fl(i. The "/]u\]). lined made witii a sleeve the little as i;)'ay it comes velvet. 1!). the over aii"l hirii-er. (84) the hiiiul pull' of llai'cs sU'eve slio-litlv. js siioukl be Fk;. This and suit or This for of slvirt. Tlie slvirt is and if it is muddy, the the street, with walking, is fashioned so walking, except of while lengthened skirt jaclcet,circular waist, Eton consists divided require blonso 20. entire when suit, 50 on the that taking cents. adjustaljle a divide very length any skirt no does long step. one be can ca))G may ened short- inconvenience. not show Price while of tern pat- 21. Fig. Black and skirt; the white is sewed skirt is fastened at back. The narrow black checked the revere three black, embroidered rows the to Coat waist and of in bottom The lace blue of front sleeves is of pink, (86) the coat back, lace collar finished the by a which insertion being which of pink satin, over The the are the over breadths center insertion. and back, falling under the sides, forming jet gimp. is sewed silk. of is of pink Fio. Exhibited at the World's 23. Fair. (88) Keene coat, front view. Fig. Description right the up to gored backs middle. the and neck under are of Front Silk A. again arm, the at about prettier with and Gown. Tliere neck. the much A. back are 23. two are waist. as a a laid (89) The " or fronts night-gown deep on gore a inch three These little are fronts phiits are would taken fitted carried a be. out at little The of underwaist the seamed and back it. to breadths is There attached are in yoke a nnder, back the which to it let in at and the the waist line. A pretty very silk and bead the wool; front. The pointed if made at the tlie in in girdle made of braids and front the l)ack to-day top, and as would the be w^ell. lace as braid dress fuller. 90 and ending the widths, they effective of was higher made at waist, in 1889, sleeve the to come without the in same gimp coming across mutton-leg guimpe Henrietta, as straight This the brown narrow^er or carried have different quite plait a plain braids, beaded, growing w^ould simply of of are widths, dress j)endants,with point made The pendants. ])attern, graduated the dress, house the to a or and rather full throat and Fig. White over worn in batiste the front colored white of roses with pale pink stripes and embroidered the and 24. waist. green petticoat same Leghorn ribbon. (91) hat bunches as trimmed the of violets, embroidery with ent differ- Fig. A cream-colored lii^lit faint olive leaves. It with corn Howers, with waist is silk is perfectly plain 2.-). with similar the and pale in make excej)tion the (92) lavender skirt to that flowers the black the Ijack ])laited in one and surah of the broad Fig. at ])l;iit to back instead velvet, ])ui'|)le (lark the the velvet the waist and and the covered is worn of Tlir being ^aliicred. 3^oke. with 2^). colkir duchess without (93) a and kice. bolt. triiiiiuiiii:- is cutt's InAnu: The skii-t made is sewed of Fig. This beautiful dresses exhibited Society front the for is of material at the Pliysical velvet is of dress is shirred: brocaded Worhi's with white silk, and Cokinibian and Culture trimmed 26. Correct P]x)iosition by (94) as finish. The Dress. passementerie. lace the of one was At the jacke^t the neck Fig. with ])ale tj^reen, in and 27. effect nearly not was so dark as the j)icture rej)resents. This dress conventional, of the jacket sleeve fashion maih' was would carried with five only years necessitate hio^her, and full jabot of (96) and a;^o; the the lace l)e skirt, the flarini^- front at ai^ain, to the of the throat. lace more puff made 38. Flo. India It is of a kind and the shirred. without of round gored A silk, shirred The yoke. skirt girdle may a little be worn at neck, the fullness also full the at with one. (97) this the shining shirred waist, gown, at and or making the belt, that it is also pretty Fig. A Vest about lace of blue and and is The hair; satin, girdle. into insertion, although tiiere light collar figures. l)and cameVs blue-green skirt fastened which perfect trimmed freedom of flares movement. (98) out is sewed front and pale pink Ihittons se])arate. braid ])assementerie bead satin blue worked by loo])s of high, with the On to in collar. ]aj)els and velvet green are is nuide seemingly I'y. the sewed waist. such a on The manner blue skirt neck, that Fig. 29. (99) Fig. Bicycle of the can be same, worn Marshall cordin"- short jacket either This weather. of -6'?"/^." Divided dress with can skirt worn Field, costing made or blue of the over silk be 30. linen according ordered, jacket, skirt all the to material. (100) way The sweater. waist from Leggings serg-e. and $17 skirt to the leggings, to %'60,ac- Fig. 30, (101) Fia. "White lace ruffle cashmere at neck 31. dress; accordion and sleeves, Avith (102) plaited broad skirt lace finislied colhir. with Fig. 32. (104) Fig. Figured sewed to muslin, lace at neck, m. bottom waist. (105) of waist corded, skirt Fig. 33. (106) Fig. It impossible was really It worn. gored the is of one lines back is white is for at lace surah light goods this dress young to dresses girl,and is No. can the be silk, but suitable satin 23, white made plain the for used it if so evening white desired. be can a made wear. (lOT) the satin The in ever seen with in front In form. on It is beauty. I have that bows wath neck its sliow side, fitting it loosely to the around of get successful most a is like finished headino; the to 34. design shoulder. It but cord, material cashmere, shown or any a 35. Fig. Gray ill white Hat of crushed French and gray with sjitteen. old pink old " Neapolitan, bunches of lilies pink guini])e, gray trimmed roses. ao8) with gray of the suede i-il)l)("n and valley, shoes. pink "ui. Sry. (109) 36. Fig. Old (love the brocaded rose knots front and o( satin Louis with cupid's quiver) waist, white satin in XV. white. slippers. (110) biuu-li Old of point flowers lace in Fi(i. A pale gniy trimmin*:;'consists shaded It to be can tied in pink, worn fi'ont antl if small of the crimson, with oi' at the roses without a. old and the bow it should ends. (112) without be of If in roses olive of shades i'il)l)()n l)elt. lar'ge back, Passementerie rose. leaves, in different leaves be it should tied with combined silk 87. the ends gray pink green. ribbon made with is of long Fig. 37. (113) Fig. This re])ress'nts th(; under one and neck A winter in the the It skirt. summer securing and of the the made greater ln'avier white waist with worn perfectly ])hiinwith and arm waist, wei'dit is under h)W neck the as. (hirts two for the width skirts. same it shoulder Flat bone (114) it is cut as purpose, of skirts. seam one front; make to arms in the cool ordinary low bnttons be to are back, in the possible. as would straps the in higher support used for Fig. A lace heavy, wash, at the sleeves skirt, iini"ored, skirt I am six inches surah and silk,white, edged neck. depth in the There and gathered wearing- to-day, in 39. but are sewed have bottom, (115) with five upon Valenciennes l)readtlis tlie waist. in the This put light liair cloth, about for holding out the skirt. Fig. Material, finished laid leaf the in black at the folds at figured neck the in at the of terie tiie full in the ing almost is fitted micklle same as center made at sleeves with of in black, edged shoulders, the the and plain at waist, front broad in of at with left full and black over shoulders, caught passementerie waist and lace 40. at the sides. (116) the the waist The the Tiie arms a lace by palui- bottom, with waist. back, is fj:ored under silk;slip The lace. yellow. fastened the surah back of carried ])assemenskii-t and hangs han^:- Fig. A rough brown; waist covered with waist by goods, and a skirt large white appliquet over made hooks. red brown, red, fokl narrow green, comes dai-k and the of the front with goods is Bands cream. tops covered shoulder of the (117) to knots raised The separately. The from run 41. and waist velvet-shaded of velvet belt. sleeves. band fastened of of to ig the satin, covered The velvet Collar of with larette col- velvet Fig. trimmed A the with white band of sleeves: velvet apphquet, velvet l)ow and at 41. width same qnillino'sof tlie l)ack (118) of that as the neck fancy and at ette. collar- on sillc the liiiisli Ix'lt. Fig. moiro Black serves lined This which as a belt. The back with in the dress has is the forms the black lace black black For which are more white of black the front with covered that, over light (120) plaited with blue a chiflfon blue. li"j;-h.t sui'ah jiassementerie, dressy occasion, lace which jet passementerie in surah, chilfon; a with is made waist collai" a belt. on trimmed antique 43. collar a})pliquet figures, over such made is worn. as of P^Ki. This lace ])laiting of chitfon is light finishes the the by bought blue chiffon. sleeve and 4;}. yard, pointed The is around (131) and edged light same the edge blue of the with a plaited collar. 44. Fig. D)'e.'"s. Sleeves tignr(Mlsilk in Evening "Waist of " leaves, green The collar ered Madras, are panels breadth. a is of stri])eof light The satin, same sleeves as wheels the are of collar finished (123) bine either on by crimson which over a is and an flowers, crimson. eml)i'oidThere cream. side band, satin. green stri])eof deep a pale ap])le deep are and bine (h'cj)crimson alt(;rnating the there which of skirt and the of same the front as col- r Fig. lar; dee]i lace kind same finishes as l)0(lv at the of the sleev^es, and neck. the 44. The belt dress. (123) a iiarrower is a twisted lace of piece the of saine silk the DRESSMAKERS. [ ropoatoilly am individual, who well; one same time the derided I INIks. of lady dresses I have can h;is is that all of linish eoinl'oi'tahle the from "olisei-ved will a and dress the at conventional oljservers,'" tlie that if the not ;;1 (tiusox, di'si^'iied E. St., AVashin"j,-ton the of some Tioom desiral)le most T;12, dresses had. Iior,F,RT DiRFKxnoRF, excellent eithei' who suit cnii observers. M. III.. eoh)i', far so who (liv'ssiiKiLci-, dress a the a. for eye depart he Anxik Chicao'o. that all an not will for make can will of Miss has who wearer asked in taste at home umpialiliedly Calumet 4710 oi' and (h^sii^ii upon Ave., linish order. recommend both (124) la"lies. Chieao'o. and will is make a M WILL ^ divided girl's furnish made for of years skirt mail. by sent from 8 price $2.00. C. D. NEWELL, Dickey Avenue, CHICAGO. - ALA., TALLADEGA, Sept. DEAR kind Your and letter, also pnttern convinced girls to question of time intelligentparents for of aije. years With many yours remain, will thanks it is only thoughtful and this adopt girls for Skirt F. Kiukpatkick, at of yards receipt Upon and of measures, waist will we send, to send five the the and 35 yards of length bottom of finished waist your and desired the garment skirt, ready wear. MADISON 1221 DEAR it since. skirt be. paid, a express and waist your or receipt hip from to Silk ; and $4 pattern paper Jennetta of will we measure, five requires Silk. Jennetta Upon tissue Yoke a the Home." DIVIDED NEWELL'S on twelve kindness, your "Orphans * style of under Presiding teacher * I for little truly, Laura Mrs. all when little their play 1 believe home. at child's the this is ^//e dress a dress ) duly received. were that wear | 1896. I, NEWELL: MRS. dress C. D. and age measure. 223 7y\RS. 12 ham ging- ordering, give MRS. am to drilh'ng,price ^^i.oo; in flannel, waist ready- domestic in age, When skirt girl blue or made for 20cents, TJic a of pattern a made NEWELL: MRS. I find " I have AVE., received in perfectlysatisfactory every with the pattern. exactly the same, Yours, truly, it (125) the BALTIMORE, divided respect. This skirt M. skirt, and Please is all R. Md.,-" June 4, '96. / send that have a Mackenzie, worn another nie skirt M. should D. I yUHP: ^ Low is best ladies suited having developed give and your what kind high wanted, low me of idea some measure the or Take form. the full a ordering please form to breast. When is Form over of largest part the breast, from to under under arm arm. No. and 40 ward up- in size, ! make cloth a back of wh silesia; for i the ditional adof sum twenty 38 inches, $1.25; over from Sizes " " Black, " " who have to .iS to 45 " . . to 40 42 to 45 AO, with Ba. Silk, White or Blsck, 42 to 45, with Ba. in a breasts of satisfactorily ;in' li dittirulty seareli measures 5r. $1.00 . 1.50 to found bust forty one any as 3.00 = 3.50 supported. have, found can Several them the of I good. C. form, yon I desire will to put the in enclosed releiince a a picture reprint to of \onr of in\ iireasi tin' Supi"orter. read paper, M. STEELK. Measure Ai'K., l\indl.\ send nii' L. idectrotype an UK OF ANY DkESS SHOWN artii ot the le in fuUer cut. KINSON. BoOK, IN the '.M. (;" necobmieal American repnblishniLC 14:" L'linton For l'i;.VN('ls tlie belore In Suppoitei'. l)i{.. 1U)15T. P.\TTHRX thing I best 17 find society, our it the 1). NIOWKIif,. In Society, of meiubers consider years." MltS. iMKS 50. 2.00 30 nun All .... Black, itiiil liMvy over .... or as and 1.25 White liiwgf 45 .... 30 cents, 1.50 Silk, have five .... 45 over Fast .10 40 inclies, 45 over - te Street. ISrooklvn. PrICE 50 N. Y. CeNTS. Bl.'Xnks, ADiiREss MRS. C. D. NEWELL, 223 Dickey Avenue, CHICAGO, (120) ILL. Dress Reform Rooms ESTABLISHED 1875 Equipoise Waists Miller Jenness SEND Empire YOUR Bodices Waists FOR ORDERS Greek MENTS GAR- HEALTH Girdles SUCH AS Newell Bust Elastic Abdominal Supporters Union Ypsilanti Tights Wool Hose Supporters Suits and to-- Supporters, ^ 5. Pike, W. . Central and State Cor. flusic Chicago Streets Randolph Hall Illustrated OVER YEARS 20 Free Catalogue practical experience: 9;i()0 One of As many ;i tioii iMt'iiiltcr ol' of Testimonials tlic ( W. 8. place accominodating she substitute, and Grecian March Pike's p. 'lii(a.L;"iSociety tor '" I'liysiciil ( 'ultiirc carries Cross tind to a good a tuli line variety of and to 1 lall. Musie (Central of ( .u,aniients Knipire Waist. 'UlCACO. tlii' I'roiiio1 llic aliovc of ('lnCa,i;o) as ( Ihcss." 'oncct stiulciits liealtli tlie .\\i:NrK. STA. ]"U'asur('ii! rccomim'iidiii.L; jc(-t,Mrs. rjdXcwdOD a ; and siili- relial"le as a and corset (Jirdle ('leo[i;itra Sincerely, Girdle. Ella ?.,1S96. (1^8) lake A, AV, Hoswell, "" D). HWKh miss Dressmaker purcbasins jisent and pnrcliasps everything pcrtaininu' to dress or lioiiie, lowest retail ])i-ife at the WITHOUT bought and made in the latest and fashionalile most 6ou)ns Select us We styles illustrated gowns send will we directions. Reform YOU SPigaltp a of the any and TO Trousseaux Wedding Reform CMARGE ANY you hook this in measurin.L;- write and l)lanks witli lull furnish also anaerwear of the Choice for will selection vour order work keei* ourselves of trimmings. We oiven is is ouaraiiteed. be l)y mail sent posted also kinds newest Each satisfactory and study, samples application. and manufacture. reliable most particular our the on on latest milHrKrsjnOre^ma^ will find it and kept profitableto employ in our DEALERS SMALL bv stock to service to secure goods which them, match ix'rtain mings, trim- not to erally gen- women s ^ 'children's and than generally can (^IVE WE wear. be given by ATTENTION MORE order mail any department orders entrusted to any of any dry goods house to exeTcise the and experience enables us our well in selecting durable and and economy is Protector, Dress Acme of "r^ one Every one wash the c^ best, be who has shirt dresses, ^100-exira :',.-)(". per pair serviceable most worn all your with them large, 40c.; etc. Acme extra MISS aphi dre^es. them Prices, Years as a articles Cashable to and ti t'^^n ordiujiry Dress Shields our care, taste made goods. 1887. size. em m^-yo-oIn c^ s M)c separate invented ever ai , ; e a ^" oi.lma." ^ 1-to J; s./-. . large, 50c. L. n. Room 15 19th, economical and recommends waists, larn'e, $1.25, ; patented to utmost ALDRICH, 22, 34 East Monroe St., Experience CHICAGO, Purchasing Agent. (12!)) ILL. National Dress ImprovEmEnt Association. 5174. 518 BLDG. VENETIAN III. Chicago, To Mothers : desire We atteiuion your to Pin, No proved im- ing dress- Just freedom absolute comfort. and celebrated The infant's of sists one Pin. Diaper tii^htbands; The call of method the babv. the to the three " trude" Ger- outfitcon- garments: ing underskirt, tak- knit place of the shirt pinning-blanket, the the and flannel or skirt and the dress slip. The nightgown of the the first The shows cashmere or accompanying the three rino. me- cut garments together in the worn "Genrude" outfit. garments are and Cut bands soft, pliablematerial a in fine as as but garment, fold; the double of is made knit fabric same The ished nicely fin- inexpensive. showing the form-fitting Diaper. TTThIS -i- the GARMENT the square," large where is reverse other hardly allowing the by cross-wise waist, and irritation, TO FIT of size equal all and the garment eruptions diaper the the and to and baggy touch at the fits as the any snugiy the body inflammation ; body, this In folds seam), or gore the throughout loose. means large, roomy the shape beyond or pressing tightlyupon brought about, (only the at be of was and should it form any diaper waist the at AS SO suit of underwear. a without Heretofore, " SHAPED IS like body seat, where generally exist. All we cuts the mothers know of each address having all have, garment the will and comfort of receive a baby at heart, and catalogue showing quoting prices,by applying given above. MISS MARl^VRET ()'(()"M:U, Maiiaiter. (130; to
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