How to Conduct a Trade Mark Search in China China IPR SME Helpdesk Valen&na Salmoiraghi 3 April 2014 3 April 2014 1 Welcome to the webinar Aleksandra Cybulska China IPR SME Helpdesk Project Officer 3 April 2014 2 Webinar interac@on tools Turn on full screen here Raise your hand here Send the IP expert a ques9on here Webinar 24 hour technical support number: hEp://support.gotomee& ‘Contact Us’ sec&on 3 April 2014 3 Snapshot: Helpdesk Services Enquiry Helpline Training Workshops & Live Webinars Website & Blog E-‐learning & Business Tools 3 April 2014 IP Guides & NewsleHers 4 Today’s Speaker Name: Valen&na Salmoiraghi Insert Picture here Firm: China IPR SME Helpdesk Loca@on: Beijing, China Email: valen&na.salmoiraghi@china-‐ 3 April 2014 5 Agenda: 1. Trade marks in China 2. Why conduct a trade mark search? 3. Step by step guide for search i) Basic search for iden&cal trade marks ii) Advanced search for similar trade marks 4. What to do aZer the search? 5. Q&A session 3 April 2014 6 Poll 1 Ques@on: Do you have any business dealings in or with China? A: Yes B: No C: I am planning to 3 April 2014 7 Trade marks in China Ø Most common type of IPR essen&al to all kinds of companies Ø Territorial and first-‐to-‐to file system in China Ø Registra&on can take approximately 9 to 12 months Ø The dura&on is 10 years and it is renewable 3 April 2014 8 Why conduct a trade mark search? Ø Before you apply to register your trade mark Ø To check availability Ø To check if there are similar trade mark already registered in China Ø Important to prevent you spending resources on an applica&on which may be rejected 3 April 2014 9 Step by step guide 1. The CTMO online database can be used to search for all trade marks registered or currently in the applica&on process in China: hEp://‐e/ 2. Technical requirements: the CTMO recommends using Internet Explorer 6.0 to conduct the search 3. Accept the disclaimer: only preliminary search 4. Choose the database: Ø Basic search: SGTMI Ø Advanced search: SISTM Ø Trade mark applica&on status: STMAS 3 April 2014 10 Basic search: SGTMI 3 April 2014 11 EXAMPLE: ‘European Chamber’ 3 April 2014 12 Trade Mark Informa@on 3 April 2014 13 Poll 2 Ques@on: Are you considering to register your Trade Mark in China? A: Yes, I am planning to B: Yes, I have already applied C: Yes, and I have already conducted a TM search D: I am s&ll hesita&ng E: No 3 April 2014 14 Advanced search: SISTM 3 April 2014 15 Advanced search: SISTM -‐ Example 3 April 2014 16 AZer the Trade mark search Ø Trade mark is not in the database: available ü begin the registra&on procedure ASAP! ü apply directly or through a trade mark agent Ø Trade mark is in the database: not available anymore ü file an opposi&on within 3 months! ü file for invalida&on before the TRAB ü buy-‐back op&on 3 April 2014 17 Take Away Messages ü Do a trade mark search any &me you want to register a trade mark to save &me and costs. ü Act promptly and in advance. ü Be aware that trade mark search results can change as informa&on are uploaded on the database on a con&nuous basis. ü For dubious or more complex cases seek the advice of IP Lawyers. ü Check or ‘How to Conduct a Trade Mark Search Guide’ available online. 3 April 2014 18 Q&A Name: Valen&na Salmoiraghi Insert Picture here Firm: China IPR SME Helpdesk Loca@on: Beijing, China Email: valen&na.salmoiraghi@china-‐ 3 April 2014 19 Join our upcoming events! Upcoming Training Events in China: 9 April, Beijing: European SMEs and China's IP Landscape: Successes and Pilalls 16 April, Shenzhen: PRD European SME Forum 2014 9 May, Shanghai: Sino-‐EU Bio Partnering Upcoming Training Events in Europe: 16 April, Bra&slava: How to Protect your IP While Doing Business in China 16 April, Webinar: Using Customs to Protect your IP in China 25 April, Brussels: How to Protect your Business and Innova&ons in China? 28 April, Liverpool: Introduc&on to IPR protec&on in China and Southeast Asia 29 April, Riga: How to Protect your IP While Doing Business in China Click here to access o ur Event Calendar. 3 April 2014 20 Thank you Both the China IPR SME Helpdesk and ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesk provide free, confiden&al, business-‐focused advice rela&ng to China IPR to European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). v Helpdesk Enquiry Service – ques&on@china-‐ / ques&on@asean-‐ v Training & Events v Materials v Online Services -‐ www.china-‐ / www.asean-‐ For more informa&on please contact the Helpdesks: Room 900, Beijing Sunflower Tower No. 37 Maizidian Street Chaoyang District Beijing 100125, P.R. China Hotline number: +86 (10) 6462 0892 3 April 2014 21
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