If you’re not currently logged in, you’ll be

How to login or register a new account with
the EBU Community
If you already have an account:
1, Go to http://collab.go-eurovision.com/
If you’re not currently logged in, you’ll be
automatically redirected to the EBU web site
Single Sign-On (SSO), which provides access
to all EBU sites.
2. Enter your login and password. If you have
an account on eurovision.net., you can use the
same login and password that you have for this
site. If you've forgotten your password, contact
[email protected]
3. After a successful login, you will be
automatically redirected to the EBU community.
Please note that access to the EBU Community is restricted to EBU collaborators, Members and
partners. Creating an account on the site does not grant automatic access to the Community.
If you do not have an existing account:
1.Go to http://collab.go-eurovision.com/ and
click the New user link.
2. Fill in the remaining fields using your
professional email address.
3. Finalise registration by clicking Create
4. if you are creating an account with an EBU
Member domain address, for example,
[email protected] or [email protected] , access will
be automatically granted.
5. If your email address is not listed with the
EBU Membership domain, you will receive a
message requesting additional information,
Your company
Your particular interest in participation
Your phone number
The department or person with whom
you are in regular contact at the EBU
Successful applicants will be notified by email
and granted access to relevant areas of the
EBU Community. Approval may take some
days. For additional support, please contact:
[email protected]