How to Manage Recurring Transactions How To Guide

How To Guide
SAP Business One 8.8 & 9.0
How to Manage Recurring Transactions Overall Business Processes
Related Business Process
Responsible Department
Involved Departments
Last Updated
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QF 4.19.14 – v1 – 27/09/2012
Approved by: KDS
Copyright © 2014 Supernova Consulting Ltd. All rights reserved.
Created by: EPP
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How To Guide
SAP Business One 8.8 & 9.0
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 3
User Authorizations ....................................................................................................................... 3
Activating the Alerts ...................................................................................................................... 4
Managing Recurring Transaction Templates ..................................................................................... 5
Creating Recurring Transactions Templates .................................................................................. 5
Editing Recurring Transactions Templates .................................................................................... 8
Inactive Recurring Transactions Templates................................................................................... 9
Manage Recurring Transactions ...................................................................................................... 10
Filtering Recurring Transactions ................................................................................................. 10
Executing Single Recurring Transaction ..................................................................................... 11
Executing Recurring Transactions by Batch................................................................................ 14
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User Authorizations
The user must have full authorizations for Recurring Transactions.
Go to Modules → Administration → System Initialization → Authorizations → General
Select the user, click on Sales A/R and check Recurring Transactions to apply full
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Activating the Alerts
1. Go to Modules → Administration → System Initialisation → General Settings.
2. Click to Services tab.
3. Select the following four options:
a. Display Recurring Postings on Execution
b. Display Recurring Transactions on Execution
c. Send Alert for Activities Scheduled for Today
d. Display Inbox When New Message Arrives
4. Click Update and Ok.
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Managing Recurring Transaction Templates
Creating Recurring Transactions Templates
1. From the Main Menu go to Modules and choose one of the following:
o Sales – AR → Recurring Transactions
o Purchasing – AP → Recurring Transactions
o Stock Management → Stock Transactions → Recurring Transactions
The Recurring Transactions window appears.
2. Click the Templates button.
3. The Recurring Transactions – Document Drafts and Templates window appears.
o In the Template column, enter a name for the template you want to create.
o In the Type column, specify the document type for the transaction, for example,
purchase order, A/R invoice, or goods issue.
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SAP Business One 8.8 & 9.0
4. Place your cursor in the Doc. No. column and press the Tab key.
The application displays a list of document drafts that are available for the selected
document type.
5. Select a document draft or create a new one by choosing the New button.
If you decide to create a new document draft, the respective document opens. Enter the
relevant customer or vendor data, the item data, and any logistics or accounting
6. Specify the recurrence details, such as recurrence period, recurrence date, and a start and
valid date (optional) of the recurrence.
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Examples of determining the recurrence details:
Type of Transaction
Transaction to be posted every day
Transaction to be posted every Monday
Transaction to be posted every 15th of the month
Recurrence Period
Recurrence Period
Every 1
On Monday
On 15
7. To save the template, press Update.
8. To add another template, repeat steps 3-7.
9. To close the window, choose OK.
You have created a new template for recurring transactions.
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Editing Recurring Transactions Templates
1. From the Main Menu go to Modules and choose one of the following:
o Sales – AR → Recurring Transactions
o Purchasing – AP → Recurring Transactions
o Stock Management → Stock Transactions → Recurring Transactions
The Recurring Transactions window appears.
2. Press the Templates button.
3. The Recurring Transactions – Document Drafts and Templates window appears.
4. Change the template name, document type, or recurrence details as required.
5. To change the transaction details, click (Draft No.) next to the document number as
shown above. The system will open the selected template draft.
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6. Make the necessary changes and press Add to close the document draft. If you are making
changes to a draft invoice, right click and press Save as Draft.
7. To save changes in the Recurring Transactions – Document Drafts and Templates window,
choose Update.
8. The changes are reflected in the recurring transactions that are to be executed in the future.
Inactive Recurring Transactions Templates
When a user executes a number of draft documents has the option to make a recurring templates
inactive so that it is no longer executed.
1. From the Confirmation of Recurring Transactions window, click the Templates button, and
a list with all templates will appear.
2. Change the Valid Until date and enter an older date than the current one in case you want
to make the record inactive.
Example: if Next Execution date was 01.12.13 but when you change the Valid Until date
to an older date, then the Next Execution field will become empty. This indicates that the
template will not run again and it has become inactive.
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Manage Recurring Transactions
Filtering Recurring Transactions
1. From the Confirmation of Recurring Transactions window click to the Filter Recurring
Templates button.
2. The Filter Recurring Templates window appears.
3. To exclude templates for all document types in a particular area, deselect Sales – A/R,
Purchasing – A/P, or Inventory.
4. To exclude templates based on certain document types, deselect the relevant document
type, for example, sales order or goods issue.
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5. To apply the filtering criteria, choose Update.
o The application displays the recurring templates according to your filtering criteria.
Executing Single Recurring Transaction
1. From the Confirmation of Recurring Transactions window select the recurring transaction
that you want to execute.
2. Click to Link Button of the transaction.
3. The system opens the document that is to be posted
4. Update your document if required.
5. To execute the transaction click the Add button.
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6. The system will display a confirmation message. Click OK.
7. The application posts the transaction you selected
1. From Business Partner Master Data window find the Business Partner.
2. Click to You Can Also.
3. Select the option View Related Recurring Transactions.
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4. A window with all of the available Recurring Transaction for Business Partner will
Then, the user need to do the same steps, from the previous section.
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Executing Recurring Transactions by Batch
1. From the Confirmation of Recurring Transactions window select all of records that you
want to execute by clicking the box on the left of each record.
2. Select what the system’s response should be to missing data from the options below.
3. Click Execute.
4. The system will display a final message with records that were generated successfully and
any errors that occurred during the process.
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permission should be directed to [email protected], +357-25-817880, or mailed to Supernova
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