How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How... Increase Your Reach (A Guide)

How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
How to Create Your Facebook Music
Artist Page &
How to Use Facebook Ads to Increase
Your Reach
(A Guide)
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How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Table Of Contents
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3
Facebook Pages................................................................................................................... 3
Facebook Ads ..................................................................................................................... 4
Creating a Facebook Page for you or your Band................................................................ 4
Step 1: Create Page ......................................................................................................... 4
Step 2: Page Configuration Wizard ................................................................................ 6
Step 3: Add Payment Method ....................................................................................... 10
Step 4: Admin Panel for your page............................................................................... 11
Using Facebook Ads to increase your reach..................................................................... 13
Step 1: Create your Ad.................................................................................................. 13
Step 2: Select your action ............................................................................................. 14
Step 3: Selecting Image(s) ............................................................................................ 15
Step 4: Select your Ad Text .......................................................................................... 16
Step 5: Targeting the right audience ............................................................................. 17
Step 6: Ready to launch ................................................................................................ 19
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How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
World of music has changed a lot, both on stage and off stage.
Traditionally, success in this field meant big record companies calling you and recording
songs. When they get popular, you get invited to live performances and climb up the
ladder of popularity.
However, this can only work for a handful of artists, musicians and bands. All others
(more than 95% of them) need to stay in the second and third tier waiting for their turn.
Digital media has changed this equation. Marketing tools that were once the property of
big names are now available with everyone. More and more small music groups are
coming up with innovative strategies to make best use of them and succeed.
Facebook is one important tool on this regard. Your target audience (music listeners and
buyers) are hanging out in Facebook and it is important that you use that as a vehicle to
promote your music talent and services.
For example, Facebook pages are great ways to bring all your fans in one place and talk
to them on a regular basis. Facebook Ads can be used to increase your reach beyond your
know circle.
This eBook will focus on these two topics and will teach you step by step how to create
your page(s) and Ad(s) in Facebook so that your music services can touch wider
audience, helping in your growth.
Facebook Pages
According to Facebook official definition, a page can be created by any business,
organization or brand, to share their stories and connect with their people. They can be
created similar to a Facebook profile and posts, apps and more can be shared thro’ pages.
Different types of businesses can create Facebook pages. As our focus is on the music
industry, let us discuss some relevant examples.
Let us say you are an individual musician or singer, you can create a page for yourself
and post regular updates about your latest concerts, recordings etc. Your fans can respond
to these, or share their own pictures and stories creating an engaging environment.
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How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Similarly, a music band can create a page for itself and start sharing content. A music
record company can create a page and so on.
When you see a related content on Facebook (let us say a review of your music album),
you can go ahead and reply as the official voice of the musician, instead of using your
personal profile. This helps in digital brand building.
Facebook Ads
One of the biggest value adds of Facebook is connecting people with similar interests.
Same applies for Facebook pages as well.
For example, you have created a musician page; there are thousands of people out there
who may like your page and your music. But where are they? How do you reach them
and start a conversation?
This is where Facebook Ads are very effective. They help you segment the Facebook
users into multiple buckets and target them with your content (page).
Facebook Ads are much different from traditional media Ads which only big companies
and artists can afford. Here you can start with a very small amount and gradually increase
it as you grow. Excellent budget control mechanism and Ad rotation algorithm gives you
full control on your advertisements.
Using these, you can publish Facebook Ads which are shown to your current and
potential fans when they login to Facebook. They can simply click on the “Like” button
shown there and directly join your network.
Creating a Facebook Page for you or your Band
Step 1: Create Page
Facebook allows creation of pages for various purposes. But we are specifically
interested in their music artist / band pages. Let us get started by reaching this URL in
your modern browser:
To create pages, you must be logged into Facebook first. This ensures all pages are linked
to a valid Facebook login.
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How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Hence, if you haven’t logged into Facebook already, the above URL will give you a
prompt to enter your Facebook user name and password. After that you can start creating
your page.
Under this option, click on the “Artist, Band Or Public Figure” icon, as shown below:
When you click this icon, the page automatically refreshes and asks you to provide basic
details about yourself or your band. They are:
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o Select “Artist” for individual artist page
o Select “Musician/Band” for a music band page
Agree to Facebook Pages Terms (click the link to read it fully before accepting it)
How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Step 2: Page Configuration Wizard
After entering these details, click on the “Get Started” button, which takes you to a 4 step
wizard which contains these tabs:
About your page
Profile picture of you or your band (You can also use your official band logo here,
if you have one)
Adding the page to your favorites
Reaching more people (We will discuss more on this in the later of this guide!)
First, the “About” area allows you to add a description about your page. Make this as
short and crisp as possible, so that you can convey to the new visitors information like:
Who are we?
What kind of music we perform?
Why should you follow us? What benefits you get by liking this page?
Where can you see our albums and schedules?
Where can you buy tickets for our programs?
This is only a sample, feel free to extend this to suit your band; but don’t make this
description too large. This should be a crisp area which every new visitor will read and
decide whether to be in touch with you or not. If you want to write more than few
sentences, it is better you post it as a separate and link to it here. For example:
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Musician(s) biography
Reviews of your earlier albums / performances
How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Booking you for a program
Requesting for media kit etc.
Just below this description, you can add one or more websites. For example, your official
site, unofficial fan websites, blog, forums where you participate etc. can be added here.
Facebook will display these in a prominent place under your page. So make sure you use
this space properly.
Next, Facebook asks a question if this page belongs to a real celebrity or a famous
person. If you answer “Yes”, Facebook will setup your page in such a way that people
can easily locate your page and reach there.
When you answer “Yes” to this question, Facebook asks the next question, if this page is
the official page of the person. As you are creating an official page for the musician or
band, answer this question also as “Yes”.
These two questions are very important because Facebook has thousands of fake pages,
and unofficial pages. If you are a popular musician and many people (your fans) are
creating pages on your behalf, Facebook needs some mechanism to find out which one is
the official representation of the particular person.
Remember that the “Yes” answer you are giving in this page will ensure there is a proper
marking on your page that it is the official representation of the musician or the band. If
someone else tries to create a similar sounding page, people who search in Facebook will
come to know about it based on the comments that Facebook adds to each page.
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Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
After filling the required details, click on “Save Info” button which takes you to the next
step, which is profile picture.
According to recent research by Pixable Corporation, 10% of all Facebook photos are
profile pictures and people pay extra attention to them. Profiles with an appropriate
picture in them get more attention by users than others. They are liked, shared and
commented more often.
If you are worried about getting stuck with a wrong profile picture, you can change your
profile picture any time. In fact, the same research by Pixable Corporation indicates
profile pictures change as much as 18 times a year.
So, you can choose a generic profile picture to start with (photo of a musician or a group
photo, logo of the band, recent concert clicks, inlay card of the latest album etc.) You can
change it later to reflect the latest happenings in your circle.
If you already have a profile picture available in your official website or any other online
location, it is very easy to import it by clicking on the “Import From Website” link.
Otherwise you can click the other link “Upload From Computer” and upload the photo
directly from your local folder.
Either way, the profile picture is optimized for Facebook requirements, and shown to you
as a preview before you can move ahead to the next step.
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How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Note that there is another type of image called “Cover Picture”. We will be uploading this
in a later step. As of now (in this wizard) you can only upload the profile picture.
Next step is adding this to your Facebook favorites folder for one click easy access. This
is very useful if you make frequent changes to your page.
As the concluding step, Facebook gives you an option to reach to more people. Your
newly created page can be targeted in advertisement campaigns which can introduce your
page to the right audience.
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How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
We will do this advertising part in the next section of this guide. As of now, we will just
add payment method, so that adding advertisements becomes easy.
Step 3: Add Payment Method
When you click on “Add Payment Method” button, it opens a popup screen where you
can choose one of these options:
Credit Card / Debit Card
o Visa
o Master Card
o American Express Card
o Discover Card
Direct Debit with bank accounts
Select the payment mode of your choice and proceed with the steps to complete your
payment method authentication. If you choose “Direct Debit” option, it would take few
days to configure; other methods are instant!
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How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Note that this step is only adding the payment method; you are not making any actual
payment now!
Step 4: Admin Panel for your page
After the wizard completes, your page’s admin panel will be opened automatically. If not,
you can also open it by clicking on your page title in left navigation menu.
Admin panel is basically the dashboard from which you can run your page successfully.
These are the typical options you will find in this page:
Notifications (Likes and Shares about the content posted in your page)
Messages (Private messages sent to you by your fans)
Invite Friends (From your existing Facebook account’s friends list)
Add / Change your profile picture
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Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Adding a cover image (While your profile picture is a short image, this one is
pretty long and shown as the background for the page’s header. Use this space
effectively by putting a nice picture of your performance or your group accepting
an award etc. There is no restriction on what you can put there, but this is one of
the largest selling space you will have in Facebook, remember that when making
the choice)
Add / Change Description
Add / Change Photos (Other than profile picture and cover image)
Other Advanced Settings such as Creating additional pages, advertisements etc.
Next, you are ready to start publishing the content for your page. You can find a text box
as shown here, where you can enter content such as:
Text message for fans
Concert announcements
Pictures from the concerts
Invitations or ticket scans
Events planned ahead
Other important happenings in and around your band
In short, this is the heart of your page. Better and engaging content you write here, your
fans will stay in the page instead of roaming around.
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Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Also, this is not a one time activity. You need to continuously post content to keep the
fans engaged. Make sure you create a publishing schedule and follow it religiously.
After you post your message(s), fans will start responding. In such cases, thank them for
their response and make sure proper (and official) answers are given to their queries. This
ensures they will want to come back to your page more often with more comments /
engagements. This ensures loyalty and additional business from that particular customer.
Using Facebook Ads to increase your reach
Your beautiful, brilliant Facebook page is ready now and fans can get all useful
information here in one place.
But how do you tell your fans that you have a Facebook page dedicated for them?
There are many ways to do this, traditional and modern:
Invite your existing friends to like and share your new page
Publish the page information in your concert tickets, website, advertisements etc.
Online Ads such as Google Search Ads etc.
Using Facebook Ads
When compared to other methods, Facebook Ads are much more effective mainly
because they allow you to target exactly to one particular segment that might be
interested in your music offerings. Also, this is a very native integration which most
Facebook users are already familiar with.
Step 1: Create your Ad
To get started with Facebook Ads, click on the “Ads Manager” button on your right
navigation bar:
This opens a new page which lists all the Ad Campaigns you have run till now. As this is
your first Ad Campaign, this page will be empty now.
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How To Create Your Facebook Music Artist Page & How To Use Facebook Ads To
Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Click on the “Create an Ad” button on the top of this page. This opens the long form
where you can create your Ad campaign.
This page looks complex for many first timers; but it is quite easy to understand.
Facebook also provides detailed help documentation on every step.
First, enter your scope of advertising. Means, what do you want to sell?
In our case, we want to sell / promote our newly created page. So select this page from
the dropdown box.
In case you want to promote some other URL, you can enter it in the given “Search by
URL” box. It is also possible to target a Facebook application or an event (for example,
you may run a campaign for your upcoming concert or a new album release).
Step 2: Select your action
Once you decide the target page, next question is what we would like to do with this
page. There are three choices:
Get more likes to your page (As you are in your very first campaign for a new
page, this is the ideal choice)
Promote a particular post (for example, asking for fans’ suggestions or selling
tickets for a concert etc.)
Advanced options such as bidding for clicks (CPC)
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Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Step 3: Selecting Image(s)
This is probably the most important step in your whole journey. If you do this properly,
your Facebook Ad budget will get immediate results. Else, you may have a beautiful page
useful to everyone, but people won’t bother about it.
This step allows you to select images for your Ad. Please remember that these images are
to be optimized at a size of 254 x 160. This is to ensure the images can be displayed
properly and completely on the user’s navigation bar and you will have more chance of
them wanting to click the link provided.
You can upload these images from your local computer, or you can browse your library
of already uploaded images and use them for your campaign.
Why create 6 images? Can’t we make a good impact with just 1 image?
We can; but that image has to be super effective. Otherwise, people will get bored about
seeing the same image again and again when they login to Facebook. They may be the
right audience, but by showing the same picture repeatedly, we are creating something
called Ad Fatigue.
To avoid Ad Fatigue, you can upload a maximum of six images to Facebook when
creating your Ads. Facebook senses when a particular image loses effectiveness, and
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Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
automatically changes it to a new one. It calculates which Ad images are more likely to
get you results and will use it accordingly.
So, it is strongly advised that you create six different versions of your Ad image. For
example, one image can just be a picture with your log; another image can just be text;
another image can be a mix of pictures and text; another image can contain a button;
another can use different color mixes and so on!
As you move ahead, you will understand what works better and create different variations
of it. Facebook gives you detailed statistics on how each one of your campaign images
perform and this will be a valuable insight for you to design your future campaigns.
You can also perform something called split testing, which is nothing but running many
(usually two) Ads in parallel, with different images / parameters and checking which one
works better with our audience. You may want to set only a lower budget for such split
testing campaigns and reserve the majority of the budget for the actual (and full)
campaign that follows this.
Step 4: Select your Ad Text
On top of the image you have chosen, Facebook will display a headline (25 characters
maximum), and a description text nearby (90 characters maximum). By default these will
be name of your page and the description given at the time of page creation.
However, Ads are more effective when text is written for them keeping the viewer in
mind. For example, you may want to say “Come home to your favorite band” or
“America’s fastest growing music group” etc. instead of the standard description. You
need to work with your marketing team (or a group of friends who are experts on this)
before you decide on the best Ad text.
Once you enter the headline and the Ad Text in respective areas, you can see the preview
on the right hand side. If required you can make changes there itself and ensure the Ad
looks the right way as you expected it.
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Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Step 5: Targeting the right audience
Facebook Ads can be shown to anyone and everyone; but the chances of they clicking on
your Ad is much better if you target it to the right people.
For example, a book for teens may want to show their Ads only to a certain age group; a
music concert page may want to show their Ads only to people in certain geographies; a
stock market investment service page may want to show their Ads only to people who
belong to certain groups.
When Ads are targeted the right way, it saves money to the Ad creator. Instead of
showing same Ad to 1 million people and get 200 hits, they show it to only 300 (targeted)
people and get 100 hits. This reduces the Ad budget and increases the effectiveness.
Facebook provides wonderful tools to target your Ads to the right audience. But before
we start it, write it down in a piece of paper:
Who are my target audience?
Where they live? What age group they belong to? Men or Women or both?
What interests they have?
What level of education they have completed? (If it matters to your page)
What relationship status they may be? (If it matters to your page)
… any additional details about the potential user
Once this design is clear on your mind, you can get to the system and start filling it with
few clicks. For example, find below a filter for those Facebook users living in United
States, that too in San Francisco city.
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Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Notice the “1,120,000” number on the right hand side. This gives you an idea how many
potential users may see your Ad. This helps in further fine tuning your audience segments
as per the advertising budget you have.
You can add more conditions and narrow this down to few thousands. For example, age
based filters like this:
Another very useful Facebook feature is “Interests”. Means, you can precisely say “I am
only interested in targeting those who are interested in Music”. You can even define
additional categories to further filter users.
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Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
If you know some influencers who have friends who might join your page, this can also
be specified as a criterion:
If your page is specific to men or women in a particular type of relationship, or those
speaking a particular language, or those who completed a particular type of education, or
those working in a particular company etc. all this information can be added as additional
filter criteria:
The screens given above are only samples. Depending on your music business and kind
of audience you are targeting you would be designing a unique criteria for identifying
who should see your advertisements. This is a very important step and it is strongly
advised to spend quality time on it, to save money while making your page popular
among the right people.
Step 6: Ready to launch
After filling all the Ad details, before going live with the campaign, we need to enter the
Account particulars such as account currency, account country, account time zone, name
for the campaign, when to start the campaign, when to end the campaign etc.
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Increase Your Reach (A Guide)
Pay special attention to an important entry in this page: Campaign Budget. Depending on
your budget limits, you can set a value for daily or lifetime spends. Once you cross this
limit, Facebook will automatically stop showing your Ad to users. This ensures you are
not over spending, especially useful for small bands and musicians.
That’s it. Congrats. You have created your first Facebook Ad. Now wait for fans to pour
in and shower “like” love to your page!
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