How to add the Xt3 Event Calendar to your Facebook Page Step 1 – Facebook Developers Page Log onto Facebook, and go to the page: Step 2 – Create a new App 1. Click on the button ‘Create a new App’ on top right hand side of the page 2. Chose an App name (e.g. Wagga Wagga Events Calendar) 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose a Display name (can be the same as App name) Namespace – leave blank (you don’t need) App Domain – insert Hosting URL – leave blank 7. For ‘Site URL’, you will insert the URL of your Diocese Event Calendar on Xt3. To do this... - Go to - Click on Diocese - Search for your relevant diocese - Click on ‘Embed Xt3 calendar into your website, click here’ - Insert the width you would like your calendar to be - 800 works best for Facebook - When you have chosen relevant colour and added width size, click ‘Generate’ - This will generate a code that looks like this: <iframe src=" r=FFFFFF&dioceseId=26&width=799" frameborder="0" width="800" height="893"></iframe> - You don’t need whole iframe code – all you need is everything from http: _________________________width=799 which is everything in inverted commas - So, the code should just look like this FFF&dioceseId=26&width=799 8. Go back to Facebook app page, and put this same code into the canvas URL 9. In the ‘Secure canvas URL’ section you will need to insert this same URL – BUT you must have “https” instead of “http”. See for example: lor=FFFFFF&dioceseId=26&width=799 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Page Tab URL = same as canvas URL Secure page tab = same as secure canvas URL Choose a width of 800 for the icon Website with Facebook login= Save the App... and you will get an App ID number – see below 15. Edit this URL - with the app ID you just got. See below for an example: 16. Choose the Facebook page you want to add the calendar to, see below: 17. Congratulations you have added the Xt3 events calendar on your parish or diocese Facebook page!
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