DagangNet Xchange Introduction to CUSCAR How To Create A Final Out Turn?

DagangNet Xchange
Introduction to CUSCAR
Version: 1.0
Page: 1 of 3
How To Create A Final Out Turn?
A Final Out Turn, or FOT is created for inward and transshipment Bill of Ladings (K4 and K6) to keep record of
any differences, if any in the cargo. This certificate can only be processed 24 hours after the vessel’s Actual
time of Departure (ATD) as listed in the VAN.
In this Visual Guide, you will learn how to create a FOT after a VAN has been closed.
1. Click on Final Out Turn
2. Select New to create a new Final Out Turn entry.
3. If you want to view an existing Final Out Turn listing,
click on it’s User Job Number, with reference to it’s
Ocean B/L as well.
DagangNet Xchange
Introduction to CUSCAR
Version: 1.0
Page: 2 of 3
How To Create A Final Out Turn Entry?
4. Click search to select the User Job
Number from the existing Ocean B/L’s
5. Al these fields will be auto-populated
once the User Job Number is set (Step 4)
6. Provide a brief description on the B/L
cargo’s Final Out Turn.
7. Click Save and Next to save this Final
Out Turn listing and proceed, Reset to
clear page or Cancel to abort operation.
8. This is where you specify the FOT. Select Nil if the cargo/
containers are as listed on the B/L, and Short/Over-Landed if
there are any discrepancies. If Nil is selected, you can then Save/
Submit/Sumit and Add the FOT. Otherwise, there will be another
section where you can specify the details of the discrepancies.
9. Click Save to save this FOT as a draft for future submission,
Submit to send this FOT listing to CRM, Submit and Add to
submit and open a new FOT form, Reset to clear page or Cancel
to abort operation.
DagangNet Xchange
Introduction to CUSCAR
Version: 1.0
Page: 3 of 3
How To Create An House Bill Of Lading?
9. This section will be visible if user selects
Short-Landed or Over-Landed cargo.
10. If there are additional containers,
record their details by selecting Add.
11. If there are less containers then
declared in B/L, delete the non-existent
containers from the listing using Delete.
12. If there are additional cargo, record the
details by selecting Add.
13. If there is less cargo then declared in
B/L, delete the non-existent containers
from the listing using Delete.
14. Click Save to save this FOT as a draft for future submission,
Submit to send this FOT listing to CRM, Submit and Add to
submit and open a new FOT form, Reset to clear page or Cancel
to abort operation.
15. The FOT has been submitted and is awaiting
approval form the SCN authorities.