• • Sunday, May 14,2000 • Savannah Morning News-- 3E GARDENING PETS How to bring Experts offer tips on growing orchids your yard through dry timesBy Judy Hammond Knight Ridder Newspapers Gardens, lawns, trees and shrubs feel the burn of inevitable dry times in broiling Georgia summers. Plants need soil moisture to grow. In fact, a healthy plant is 75 percent to 90 ' percent water, During this critical time in their growing season, plants just can't do without. Vegetable *' crops need about an inch of {"water per week Ed 'vfrom rain, irrigaPocnfcke j tion or both. IKeeparain I gauge hear the garden or check J-witii the local weather bureau for ; rainfall amounts: Supplement {"rainfall with irrigation water if •needed. 5£ During dry times, a single thorjdnigh, weekly watering of one to i two inches (65 to 130 gallons per (400 square feet) is enough for I most soils. Wet soils 5 to 6 inches j" deep each time you water, and [jdpn't water again until the top few • inches begin to dry out. The aver« jage garden soil will store 2 to 4 < inches of water per foot of depth. -— You can reduce the water you need by using some simple con«£0rvation techniques: JJT* Add organic matter. Adding ; organic matter also improves the Lmoisture-holding capacity of : , sandy soils. Although most water i in sandy soil is availabje for •'. ! plants, it drains so quickly that <3J3ren a few days after ram, plants jj&rit reach it. Humus in sandy soil ; "gives the water something to cling ;.ui until the plants need it. | Mulching can greatly reduce f-your watering needs. A 3* to 4' inch layer of organic mulch can { 'cut water needs in half. Mulch \ smothers weeds and keeps water . .ifjrpm evaporating so fast from the '.'.-""soil. Organic mulches hold some water themselves and increase the humidity around a plant. . T- Landscape fabric also conserves moisture But it may make the soil dramatically hotter during summer if is isn't covered by other ;;mulches. : :> Shading and windbreaks can also help conserve moisture. Plants that wilt in very sunny areas can benefit from partial r; shade in the afternoon. Protect small plants. When the rains don't come and ' me plants are suffering, it's time to irrigate, '...: , The home gardener has several options for watering plants. Use a sprinkler can, a garden hose with i ,;a fan nozzle or spray attachment, portable lawn sprinklers, a perfoH, rated plastic soaker hose, drop or trickle irrigation or a semiautomatic drop system. .Several types of drip or trickle , equipment are available. The spakei hose is probably the least expensive and easiest to use. It's a fibrous hose that allows water to slowly seep out along Its length. jfp Hoses perforated with tiny * {holes do the same tiling: water 2 jslowry drips out of the holes. • I An emitter-type system works {best for small raised beds or conjtainer gardens. Short tubes, or •emitters, extend from a main jwater supply hose and directly (deposit water at the roots of selected plants.. ' ! This U generally the most P {expensive form of irrigation and P jthe hardest to set up. But weeds P {don't get watered and you dont • «Iose much water through evapo!* -ration. E ! Emitter systems are most effecItive when combined with coarse I mulch or black plastic. Drip sysUems sometimes clog with soU .'particles or mineral salts from * ; spring or well water. But some {new designs Include filters and j self-flushing emitters. I Plants don't waste water. People !do. BUSINESS WEB SITE CAN BE PRETTY INTIMIDATING: I.YOU CALL US. 2. YOU GET A WEB SITE. (iVro, Klly lUll III) l > E-mail us foJd>. gsmi!cy@ savanruhnowi.om HUMANE SOCIETY For adoption: Faith Type animal: Female cat Age: 8 weeks Notes: The Landings Pet Rescue Fund is a non-profit animal welfare agency and shelter, serving the residents of The Landings primarily as a lost and found resource. Hours: Call the fund's hot line at 341-2170 for an appointment. Internet access: www.laughingfrog.com/lahdings. For adoption: Precious . Type animal: Female hound Age: \A years Notes: Precious has been spayed and is up to date on all her shots. ,S|ie is very sweet, loving and an excellent watch dog. Location: Humane Society, 7215 Sallie Mood Drive Hours: Noon to 5 p.m.. Monday through Sunday. Other details: All Humane Society pets come with a free veterinarian examination certificate and a reduced spay/neuter certificate. They are also started on their vaccines. Call 354-9515 for more information. . SECOND CHANCE. DOG RESCUE FOR MORE INFORMATION: Orchid Opulence, 212 Lighthouse MONTEREY, Calif. — Knowing the Aye.. Monterey, Calif. 93940;Web native habitat of your orchid can take site: wrw*.orchido|HilMic«.com/ the mystery out of caring for it, said * Theresa Corpus, owner of Orchid Rod McLellan Co., hot line: Opulence in Monterey. (800I40RCHID; Web site: Corpus has loved orchids since she ww.rodmclelbin.com/ was a child in Massachusetts and found lady slippers growing in the woods near the family home. The new growth appears. Let the roots lady slipper Is still her favorite orchid determine the pot size. Allow one to because it reminds her of that early two years of additional growth in a snug pot. "Orchids like to be tight in discovery of the flowers in the wild. She also carries them in her shop at •dieir pots'.";." 121 Lighthouse Ave., which is filled e Use a potting mix that is approwith flowering orchids of all shapes, priate to the plant and where you live. sizes and colors. At her home hi near: Your orchid maybe one that grows in by Seaside, Calif., 275 of the plants nature in trees or on the forest floor. nudge into every nook, and cranny Some may need a faster draining mix, throughout the house, in the yard where others require a more moisand oil the front porch. Some of the ture-retentive mix. Follow the groworchids sold in the shop are cultivat- er's instructions for each plant. ed by Corpus. Others she buys from e Pick an orchid that meets your lifestyle and that of the orchid. If you national growers. As a former language interpreter/ are frequently away from home, pick she lived and traveled in Asia and the one that likes to be dry .between" Western Pacific, where orchids are ; watering. If you don't have space in abundant. Later, she worked as a the house, you may want a coolconstruction project manager, con- growing orchid, like a cymbidium, tinuing her orchid hobby. When she that can grow outside in a frost-free opened .her shop in November, she climate. . was able to combine "business, with e Place a blooming orchid where it whatJlove." • ',...-• • can be enjoyed; If it would look great Corpus refers. to her plants as on your dining-room table, go ahead "babies" and hates to think that they and put it there. The plant can be will not have a healthy home once' relocated to an area more conducive they leave her shop. To guide her cus- to its culture when it is in the nontomers, she sends them home with blooming stage, "care cards" that tell how to nurture A hot line for those who have the orchid they have selected. orchid questions is maintained by the. Orchids are not hard to grow, Rod McLellan Co., a large commercial despite what the uninitiated may grower based in San Mateo, Calif. In think, she said. The novice needs to the past three years, orchids have had understand what the plant needs in more exposure in stores, including the way of water, sunlight, tempera- the big box outlets, said Susan Gillivture and potting mix. For example, er of the McLellan company.. vandas and dendrobriums are light Phalaenopsis, a popular indoor hogs, but the paphiopedilum, a lady orchid, is a leading seller of the company, which cultivates, orchids on a slipper, likes low light. She offers these tips for the begin- 300-acre site in Watsonville, Calif., ner Gilliver said. This orchid is easy to • Water thefirstthing in the morn- grow, she said, and it blooms at least ing so the plant can dry out by night- two times a year for two months at a fall. Tills prevents bacterial problems. time. . The Watsonville greenhouses are And remember, some orchids hang from trees in their natural state, Cor- open to the public three times a year pus added, holding up a phalaenop- -- in spring, fall and in December. sis to demonstrate how the blooming At a cost of $25 to $30, "there's no spike would cascade from the plant better bloom for your buck," said In nature/rainwater drops put of the Gilliver, who spent many hours as a crown of the plant-and air circulates child among the orchids in her father's greenhouse. "The first flower I arpundit. ... . • Repot every couple of years, remember were little lady slippers." when the plant becomes root bound Orchids are the largest plant family, and the mix deteriorates. You can she'said. Among them all, "there is peek at the roots by pulling the plant nothing as simply elegant as a white slightly out of the pot Repot after phalaenopsis." flowering, preferably in spring when ANIMAL WELFARE & RESCUE EFFORT For adoption: Neska ''.. Type animal: Female Great Dane. 115 ,' pounds . ,'; Age: 3/years Notes: Neska is friendly and ., / trusting, a true gentle giant. She '•,,..-•. enjoys the company of other dogs, r A but would also be happy as an only,,/ pet. . ' ...-., Adoption Info: Call 748-6097 or .', email [email protected] for an ; adoption application. '. • CflMESTOPPERS! Nap-release:in time for Mother's Day!!! ., — 234-2020 of Savannah - Chatham County "Working Together to Solve Crime." ' The Savannah Morning Nnys is proud to support Crime Stoppers.. For adoption: Wallace Type animal: Red lab mix, 45 pounds Age: 2 years Notes: Wallace is quiet, housebroken and neutered. He loves people and would be best in a home with no other male dogs. Hours: Adoptions, every Sunday at Petsmart on Abercorn between Lowe's and Home Depot, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Other details: Adoption fee covers cost of vet exam, deworm, some shots and spay/neuter. Info: Call 897-PETS for an appointment or visit our web site at www.savaware.8m.com to see picture of other available pets. . Victorian Limited Edition Sarah's Hallmark Shop. "MS Abatorn Sum * Qudum FUu • 354 4776 Website hnp //n-w^ When You 're Looking For CarpetLook& Flooring To featuring... CABIN CRAFTS' RUG CO., INC. 7MMalieM.*Sm«Mli 354-6232 (843)785-7186 236-7173 Retirement is more enoable when shared ^ and friends Savannah Sojourn, the Georgia Historical Society annual Antique* Show & Sale, will be heH May ig-Kl at the Savannah Civic Center. Tint year's ihow will again highlight I7lh - igth century :. .furniture and acceuories — both rare and unusual. Over 5P . ' national and international dealers of renown will be making . . an exclusive appearance for this special weekend. All items will be displayed in.elegant room settings designed to excite even the most discriminating collector. Special Events THURSDAY, MAY iSTH - Prtvitw Part/ and Ctltbration — $185 (Sponiored by The Hiutfr Group) FRIDAY, MAYisTH-SHOWOPEN Idoo-Sioo Morning Milking Tour — $ao W e know that sharing time with 'amily and friends is truly a gift. That's why we encourage our residents to have as many guests as they wish. We also offer many planned activities and events for our resident's enjoyment. As you know, there's no substitute for experience. Come see how our-experience has made us number •;• one in gracious (and friendly) retirement living. Homti and Gardens (Sponiored by Sivtnnih Electric) Seminar — $10 "A Wriltrn North Carolina Samfiltr" Gracious living includes: 'Three chef-prepared meals served daily restaurant style by Rolxrt Brunk,' PublUKtr «nd Pretident Robert S, Bnmk S«rvice»,-Inc. • Private dining room when family visits • Month-to-month rent, no hidden fees SATURDAY, MAY aoTH - SHOW OPEN 10.00-6,00 LuncbtonandLtciuft — $30 "AnAgiofEltgancti 20rt CtntuyjttxbattdFashion" by Daphne Llngon, Vice Preiidf nt, Chriitle'i, Inc. of New York • Full activity calendar (Sponiored by Savannah Morning fftva »nd CooifaMnfifiiM R- Arti) • Large screen TV lounge, library and billiard room SUNDAY, MAY aiST - SHOW OPEN u.oo-5'Oo Ghampagnt Brunch — $ao "Gtorgian Silver" by Helen Downing, Collector *nd Preiemilonlu THE PROCESS FOR GETTING A LANDINGS PET RESCUE (SpOMored by WSVH $1.IfUAVWlO Sg.lfM Ptath Statt PuUiC Kadio) It's a America's leader in gracious retirement living since 1971. DISCOVERY DAY Nottd Anliquci Dtaltrt tiamint your found and family trtaiurn. $5 per object, limit of two (mu«t be h«nd c»rri*d) - R*i«rv»iion« rr Call 912-598-3962 River's Edge 6206 Waters Ave. Savannah, GA 354-6146 www.savannahnow.com
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