Department of Urology University of California, San Francisco University of California San Francisco School of Medicine Annual Advanced Seminar: Urology Updates February 8-9, 2008 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 2008 Sir Francis Drake Hotel San Francisco, California COURSE CHAIR Donna Y. Deng, MD Assistant Professor of Urology University of California, San Francisco COURSE CO-CHAIRS Peter R. Carroll, MD Professor and Chair of Urology Ken and Donna Derr-Chevron Distinguished Professor University of California, San Francisco Marshall L. Stoller, MD Professor and Vice Chair of Urology University of California, San Francisco Annual Advanced Seminar: Urology Updates 2008 This course is designed to present the latest in diagnosis and treatment for general benign urologic disorders. Through didactic lectures, lively debate, and panel discussions, distinguished faculty will present cutting-edge information. It is designed for urologic and gynecologic surgeons, allied health staff, and medical practitioners with an interest in the current treatment of genitourinary February 8-9, 2008 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY diseases. E D U C AT I O N A L O B J E C T I V E S At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to: • Incorporate into clinical practice the most current approach in diagnosis and treatment of benign genitourinary disease (i.e. BPH, urinary infections, stone disease, incontinence) • Determine the appropriate metabolic evaluation and surgical treatments for stone disease • Demonstrate improved understanding of laparoscopic techniques for the kidney • Integrate the most current methods of assessment and treatment of priapism, Peyronie’s disease, male fertility, and hormonal replacement into clinical practice • Discuss and compare the various options for managing lower urinary tract symptoms and voiding dysfunction, including overactive bladder and incontinence ACCREDITATION The University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine (UCSF) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. UCSF designates this educational activity for a maximum of 11.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. This CME activity meets the requirements under California Assembly Bill 1195, continuing education and cultural and linguistic competency. Nurses: For the purpose of recertification, the American Nurses Credentialing Center accepts AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM issued by organizations accredited by the ACCME. Pharmacists: The California Board of Pharmacy accepts as continuing professional education those courses that meet the standard of relevance to pharmacy practice and have been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM. Physician Assistants: AAPA accepts category 1 credit from AOACCME, Prescribed credit from AAFP, and AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM from organizations accredited by the ACCME. Urology Up FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2008 7:00 am 8:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast Welcome Donna Y. Deng, MD STONES AND INSTRUMENTATION MODERATOR: MARSHALL L. STOLLER, MD 8:10 8:30 8:50 9:10 9:30 10:00 Simplified Metabolic Evaluation Update of Ureteroscopy Big Stones, Little Stones, and the Amazing Nanobacter: What Does NASA Know About Stones? Complications of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: How to Avoid and Manage Them Q&A Panel Break Marshall L. Stoller, MD Peter G. Schulam, MD, PhD Marshall L. Stoller, MD Peter G. Schulam, MD, PhD Meng, Schulam, Stoller SURGERIES OF THE KIDNEY AND URETER FOR BENIGN DISEASE MODERATOR: MAXWELL V. MENG, MD 10:15 10:35 10:55 11:15 11:35 Laparoscopic Simple Nephrectomy: Indications and Tips Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty Reconstruction of Ureteral Injuries Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy Panel: Cases and Q&A 12:00 pm Course Luncheon 1:00 2008 Donald R. Smith Memorial Lecture Update on Medical Management for LUTS and BPH Maxwell V. Meng, MD Peter G. Schulam, MD, PhD Claus G. Roehrborn, MD Peter G. Schulam, MD Meng, Roehrborn, Schulam, Stoller Claus G. Roehrborn, MD BENIGN PROSTATIC DISEASE AND MEN’S REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MODERATOR: PAUL J. TUREK, MD 2:00 4:15 4:35 IVF vs. Vasectomy Reversal: Can Computer Modeling Help Us Decide? A Critical Appraisal of Minimally Invasive Treatments for LUTS and BPH Up or Down: A Refined Approach to All Three Types of Priapism Is There a Best Way to Retrieve Sperm in Men with Testis Failure? Break Managing Peyronie’s Disease Ultrasound Physics: What Every Urologist Should Know The Aging Male and Androgen Therapy Q&A Panel 5:00 Adjourn 2:20 2:40 3:00 3:20 3:35 3:55 Paul J. Turek, MD Claus G. Roehrborn, MD Tom F. Lue, MD Paul J. Turek, MD Tom F. Lue, MD Claus G. Roehrborn, MD Paul J. Turek, MD Lue, McAnaninch, Roehrborn, Turek COURSE CHAIR GUEST FACULTY UCSF FACULTY Donna Y. Deng, MD Assistant Professor of Urology University of California, San Francisco Roger R. Dmochowski, MD Professor of Urology Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee COURSE CO-CHAIRS Claus G. Roehrborn, MD E. E. Fogelson and Greer Garson Fogelson Distinguished Chair in Urology; Professor of Urology; UT Southwestern Medical School The Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center Dallas, Texas Tom F. Lue, MD Professor and Vice Chair of Urology; Emil Tanagho Endowed Chair in Clinical Urology Peter R. Carroll, MD Professor and Chair of Urology Ken and Donna Derr-Chevron Distinguished Professor University of California, San Francisco Marshall L. Stoller, MD Professor and Vice Chair of Urology University of California, San Francisco Peter G. Schulam, MD, PhD Associate Professor Department of Urology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Los Angeles, California Jack W. McAninch, MD Professor and Vice Chair of Urology; Chief of Urology, San Francisco General Hospital Maxwell V. Meng, MD Assistant Professor of Urology Leslee L. Subak, MD Associate Professor In-Residence; Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences Paul J. Turek, MD Professor of Urology Endowed Chair in Urologic Medical Education pdates 2008 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2008 7:00 am Continental Breakfast INCONTINENCE AND OVERACTIVE BLADDER MODERATOR: DONNA Y. DENG, MD 8:00 8:15 8:35 8:50 9:05 9:25 9:40 10:00 10:15 10:35 10:50 11:10 11:30 12:00 pm The “Costs” of Urinary Incontinence for Women Management of Urinary Incontinence: What Do the AUA Guidelines Tell Us? Non-Surgical Treatments for Incontinence Big Slings, Mini Slings: Is Burch a Thing of the Past? An Update on Interstitial Cystitis: What is the Bottom Line? Update on Male Slings Q&A Panel Break What Do Randomized Trials Tell Us About the Management of Overactive Bladder? Botox for Overactive Bladder Neuromodulation for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: What Is Its Role Now? Current Evidence-Based Evaluation and Treatment of UTI Panel: Cases and Q&A Adjourn, Evaluations, Certificates Leslee L. Subak, MD Roger R. Dmochowski, MD Leslee L. Subak, MD Donna Y. Deng, MD Roger R. Dmochowski, MD Jack W. McAninch, MD Deng, Dmochowski, McAninch, Subak Roger R. Dmochowski, MD Donna Y. Deng, MD Roger R. Dmochowski, MD Leslee L. Subak, MD Deng, Dmochowski, Subak 2008 Donald R. Smith Memorial Lecturer Claus G. Roehrborn, MD Professor and Chairman, Department of Urology University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, Texas Claus G. Roehrborn, MD, joined the urology faculty at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in 1992 and is currently Professor and Chairman of the Department of Urology. Dr. Roehrborn’s research interests are in the areas of benign and malignant prostate diseases, including medical and minimally invasive therapies for BPH, and markers for prostate cancer. His basic, translational and clinical research has yielded over 250 peer-reviewed publications, more than 30 book chapters, and numerous other contributions to the literature. He serves on the editorial board of many peer-reviewed journals, is associate editor of Urology, and co-editor of the comprehensive and authoritative Textbook of BPH. At present, Dr. Roehrborn continues to be involved in virtually all aspects of BPH research as well as translational and clinical research in prostatitis and prostate cancer. Donald R. Smith, MD Professor of Urology, Emeritus, UCSF • 1909-1991 Dr. Donald R. Smith received his medical degree from UCSF in 1935, joining the faculty five years later as a Clinical Instructor. In 1951, he succeeded Frank Hinman, Sr., as Chairman of the Division of Urology – a position he held for 25 years, training 72 residents. Dr. Smith’s major clinical interests were fluid and electrolyte balance, renal physiology, reconstructive surgery (especially hypospadias repair), urinary tract infection, and pediatric urology. In 1957, he conceived and wrote the text, General Urology (now Smith’s General Urology). Donald Smith’s productive and exemplary career came to an end on August 15, 1991. We remember this great teacher and outstanding clinician with the 2008 memorial lecture. Urology Updates 2008 MUR08001 February 8-9, 2008 Sir Francis Drake Hotel • San Francisco, California Mail to : UCSF Office of CME P.O. Box 45368 San Francisco, CA 94145-0368 Fax: (415) 502-1795 Registration Information: (415) 476-5808 Course Information: (415) 476-4251 Online Registration: Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. _________________________________________________________________ Last Name First M.I. _________________________________________________________________ Degree Specialty _________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ City State Zip _________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone Fax _________________________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________ Address Label Code Letter (see address label: example, A, B, C, D, etc.) Would you like to be on our priority email list? Yes No Would you like to be on our priority fax list? Yes No Date of birth to be used as OCME registrant number: ___ ___ /___ ___ / Month XX Day Please indicate if you have any special needs: REGISTRATION FEES: $395 Physicians $275 Nurses/Pharmacists/Allied Health Professionals/Residents/Fellows Make checks payable to UC Regents Please charge my Visa MasterCard Amex for $____________ __________________________________________________|________/_______ Card # Expiration date ___________________________________|_______________________________ COURSE REGISTRATION FORM Name on Card (Please Print) Authorized Signature Refund Policy: Cancellations received in writing before the first day of the course will be refunded, less a $75 administrative fee. No refunds will be made on cancellations received after that date. Please check our website for up to date information on the course: For more information or to register online, visit our website at You may also reach us by calling the Office of Continuing Medical Education at (415) 476-4251 or emailing [email protected]. REGISTER TODAY! 7th Annual UCSF Clinical Cancer Update January 25-27, 2008 Lake Tahoe, California UPCOMING COURSES 0569 Office of Continuing Medical Education UCSF Box 0742, LH-450 San Francisco, CA 94143-0742 GENERAL INFORMATION Pre-registration is preferred to ensure that registrant receives a syllabus and CME Certificate at the course. How to Enroll Tuition: $395 Practicing Physicians $275 Nurses/Pharmacists/Allied Health Professionals/Residents/Fellows Payment may be made by Visa, MasterCard, AmEx or check. Register via: Web: Mail: Complete course registration form and send with payment to: UCSF Office of CME P.O. Box 45368 San Francisco, CA 94145-0368 Fax: Fax completed registration form to: (415) 502-1795 (be sure to include your credit card number) Phone: (415)476-5808 Please check our website for up-to-date information on the course: Refund Policy: Cancellations received in writing before the first day of the course will be refunded, less a $75 administrative fee. No refunds will be made on cancellations received after that date. CONFERENCE LOCATION Enjoy San Francisco’s renowned attractions such as the historic cable cars, shopping in Union Square, or visit San Francisco’s culinary hub at the Ferry Building. The Sir Francis Drake Hotel is just steps from Union Square and the Theatre District. A block of guestrooms has been reserved at the special UCSF conference rate of $199/night. You are urged to make your reservations early. The cut off date is January 8, 2008, or until the group room block is filled. After this date, rooms will be provided on a space-available basis only. CONFERENCE LOCATION (CONT.) To make hotel reservations on-line, go to, use the booking code: NFD. If you prefer to telephone in your reservation, call 800-227-5480, and identify yourself as a member of this UCSF conference to receive the special rate **Hotel Policies: Reservations must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance or a one-night’s stay (and applicable taxes) will be charged. A credit card number is required to confirm your reservation. Check-in is 3:00 pm; Check-out is 12:00 noon. Reservation requests made after January 8, 2008 will be honored at the conference room-rates on a space-available basis. Room rates are subject to all state and local taxes (currently 14%, subject to change without notice). By staying at the host hotel, you help UCSF meet its contractual obligations and keep registration fees reasonable. Please take this into consideration when making your accommodation decisions. RENTAL CAR Hertz is offering special rates for participants of this conference; simply call 800-654-2240 and refer to identification number #03BW0127, or call your travel agent. You may also make reservations at Advance reservations are recommended. AIR TRANSPORTATION Special arrangements have been made with Montgomery Travel. Simply call (800) 391-2287 or complete the form on the UCSF web page at In addition to offering lower rates than published airfares, ticketed passengers may take advantage of the 24 hour emergency service. There is a $35 service fee. UCSF has negotiated special fares with American and United Airlines for our course attendees. You may use the following tour codes to book on your own: American 800-433-1790 code: 15273 United 800-521-4041 code: 510CF
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