Document 216132

Owl 01 So?
The Controversy on Tax Reduction
A special session is called in December will the GOP leadbe content with passing enabling legislation to proIvideFership
for stop-gap relief for Europe or will they insist on taking
up other legislation? Taxes, for, instance. Everyone believes
in tax reduction, Democrats as well as Republicans, but here's
Everybody is able to give
pleasure in some way. One
person may do it by coming
into a room, another by going
The girl who pops the
question should have to go
and question pop.
The miser deprives himself
of everything for fear that
some day he may be deprived
of something.
Airplanes can now be had
on the hire system. Or should
it be on the higher system?
Why isn't man as sleepy at
bedtime as he* is when it is
time to get up?
the argument at this time:
Republicans say there is no justification for wartime taxes in peacetime and that present taxes are a n unreasonable burden; that present
revenue is high enough that taxes can be cut and leave enough over to
pay some on the national debt; that present level of taxes is inflationary encouraging farmers and business to hold goods off the market in
anticipation of tax cuts tp allow them to retain a bigger margin of profits.
Democrats argue it is more important now to create a surplus to
apply on the national debt; that unpredictable foreign obligations
may require a substantial increase in governmental expenditures
and that a tax reduction would be inflationary in that it would
increase spending power and add to the demand for scarce goods
by leaving more money Wpeople's pockets.
Whether or not the issue comes before a special session, tax reduction definitely will be one of the major controversial issues before the 1 DOGS, CATS, PETS, ETC.
second session of the 80th congress when it reconvenes in January.
All Out in Food Campaign
FOUR STARS IN F . F . A. . . . Highest honors in the Future Farmers
qf America, as announced at the American Royal Livestock show,
went to these four youths: Top left, Marvin Krull of Lake Mills, Wis.,
Star Farmer of Central region; top right, Ray Cinnamon of Garber,
Okla., Star Farmer of America; lower left, Wayne Stull of Yakima,
Wash., Star Farmer of Pacific region, and lower right, Hoopes Xarnell
of Cochranville, Pa., Star F a r m e r in North Atlantic region.
Four Rural Youths Receive
F.F.A. Star Farmer Awards
WNU F a r m Kditor
"1 believe in the future of farming, with a faith born not of words
but of deeds . . ."
D e e d s like t h e s e b e a r o u t t h a t e x c e r p t f r o m the F u t u r e F a r m e r s
of A m e r i c a c r e e d :
I n his first y e a r out of h i g h school, a 19-year-old Oklah o m a boy n e t t e d m o r e t h a n $5,000 f r o m his v a r i e d f a r m ing enterprises.
A t t h e a g e of n i n e a W a s h i n g t o n boy l a u n c h e d h i s first
f a r m p r o j e c t . B e f o r e h e e n t e r e d high school his b a n k a c c o u n t t o t a l e d $2,000. N o w , only 19, h e figures his n e t w o r t h
a t $41,500.
D e e d s like t h e s e a r e r e p e a t e d in c o u n t l e s s n u m b e r b y f a r m
youth throughout the nation, and once e a c h ' y e a r the outstanding
a c h i e v e m e n t s a r e r e w a r d e d w h e n t h e F u t u r e F a r m e r s of A m e r i c a
p r e s e n t s its c o v e t e d S t a r F a r m e r . a w a r d s .
' As usual, the awards-were pre-*
attention is centered on 54 dairy
sented at the organization's annual cattle
and several hundred laying
national convention, held at Kansas hens.
City, Mo., in connection with the
The Future Farmers of America
American Royal Livestock show. is the national organization of
Chapter delegates and local leaders farm boys studying vocational
from every state in the union con- agriculture in public secondary
verged on Kansas City to witness, schools which operate under prothe show and to see the Star Farm- visions of the national vocational
er selected.
education act. Since its inception
The highest honor, that of the cov- the organization has grown rapidly
eted Star Farmer of America, went in number of chapters and memto Ray Gene Cinnamon, 19, of Gar- bership. Nov^ active throughout the
ber, Okla. Cinnamon shared the spot- United States, Hawaii and Puerto
light with three other young farm- Rico, it is recognized as the largers, Marvin Krull, 19, of Lake est farm boy organization in the
Mills, >Wis.; Wayne Francis Stull, world.
19, of Yakima, Wash., and Hoopes
Major purposes of the F.F.A.
T. Yarnell, 20, of Cochranville, P a .
are to develop agricultural leadThese three were named Star Farmership, co-operation, citizenship,
ers of the Central, Pacific and North
improved agriculture and patriAtlantic regions, respectively.
The national organization includes
Wins Major Award.
Cinnamon, the Star Farmer of chartered state associations comAmerica for 1947, netted $2,45* from posed of local chapters formed only
120 acres of wheat last year. In in public high schools having deaddition, he had a herd of 100 Aber- partments of vocational agriculture.
deen Angus cattle, which boosted his The F.F.A. foundation also has been
income by $1,400. Other farming in- established to provide business, interests, including hogs, sheep and dustry, organizations and individoats, combined with the cattle and uals with an opportunity to co-operwheat to give him a net income of ate in promoting the F.F.A. promore than $5,000, his first season gram and to assist students and forout of high school. His income mer students of vocational agriculfor 1947 is expected to pass the ture to become established in a
farming occupation.
$7,000 or $8,000 mark.
Award for Achievement.
When he was only nine years old,
Included in the F.F.A. program
Stull, Star Farmer of the Pacific re- are four degrees of active membergion, started his first farm enter- ship: Green Hand, Chapter Farmprises. By the time he entered high er, State Farmer and American
school' he had $2,000 in the Farmer.
bank. Now considered one of the these grades of membership is based
best apple growers in the district, on achievement" in vocational agrihe netted more than $18,000 last culture and progressive establishyear. He figures his current net ment in farming. Only one boy in
worth at $41,500.
a thousand among F.F.A. members
Krull, choice of the F.F.A. for may receive the American Farmer
Star Farmer of the Central region, degree in any one year. The Star
is in partnership with his father in Farmers are selected from this
a 300-acre general crop and live- group.
stock farm. "During his four years
F.F.A. members receive instrucof high school he netted about $1,500. tion in all phases of farming. TeachHis income from personally-owned ers- of vocational agriculture visit
farming, ventures in the two years the boys frequently on their home
he has been out oTbigh school has farms to assist them with their
approximated $4,200.
farming, -activities and to- encourA poultry project while attending age them in their work.
Many former F.F.A. members
high school was the first major
F.F.A. activity for Yarnell, who was now teach agriculture in high
adjudged Star Farmer of the North schools and colleges, others serve
Atlantic region. In 1946 Yarnell as farm advisors, but the majority
bought an interest in his father's are operating" their own farm projgeneral 121-acre farm. Their major ects successfully.
Charley Luckman, whirlwind head
of a soap manufacturing firm, has
been named chief of the President's
committee charged with directing
the drive to get Americans to be a
little more careful about food. This
is not, of course, to imply that there
js any danger of a cry "Let them
eat CAKES!"
around town trying to dig up
something for dinner is going
to be difficult.
* * *
TJhat robot or pushbutton plane
that crossed the Atlantic is a wonderful thing, but what we need is
some development of the idea so
it can be affixed to a man trying to
cross a street in traffic.
If Luckman wants a few slogans, how about "when you refuse a second helping you give
a hungry child a FIRST help-
"Eight per cent more meat is being consumed per person today than
in 1941 and 20 per cent more than
in 1939." — Washington announcement.
Trying* to convince a housewife' of that as she totters
He wanted to help,
His heart lacked no pity;
He asked what to do
And got a COMMITTEE!
We know a wife bound for Reno
who rushed to the station and demanded "What time does the Freedom Train leave?"
Unions Control Labor Board
HE UNIONS are railing the new National Labor Relations board as
a tyrannical oppressor, designing to enslave them—but actually they
have control of the board.
A fair summation of the setup there would list three of the five
members likely to be very pro-labor on a showdown. Union margin would
be three to two. Leaning on the labor side in basic background are Paul
Herzog, the old chairman; John Houston of the old board, and Abe
Murdock. Another holdover, James J. Reynold, and a new man, J. Copeland Gray, are classified as likely to be the minority of two.
The Republicans are suspicious of the kind of enforcement into
which their new reform law might trend. They are saying little
or nothing about this, being quite satisfied with initial steps taken,
but their fear is well grounded and real. It is merely in abeyance
to ascertain if it is justified.
Yet if anything is done to enslave any unions, it will be done by a
facially apparent pro-union board.
A tighter question, however, is how well the legally well-endowed new
general counsel, Robert Denham, performs. He has enough law behind
him apparently, has supervision directly over district offices of the board,
and will initiate and follow through on all the prosecuting of cases.
A successful marriage is an edifice that
must he rebuilt every day.. .. Elaine Rost:
The longer the hems the fewer the ahems.
. . . I. Elinson: A candidate is a guy who
throws his hat in the ring and puis on a
halo. . . . I.. Martin; Let others form your
opinion of yourself. . . . Mary
Rain typing on the floor.
Man About Town: WACapt.
Kathleen Nash Durant (released
on bail in that huge gem theft
abroad) is dwelling here so she
can be near her colonel-bridegroom, now jailed on Governor's
island. . . . It must be ironic
for Russians to see Vishinsky
losing his head. He was responsible for so many Russians losing theirs to the executioner.
The Stage Door: The Sardi's set
hears that at least one of the many
plans of the Freres Shubert (a
new "Ziegfeld Follies") will have
to materialize this year. Because if
they don't, their right to that title
lapses after this season. . . . The
52nd street spots did capacity biz
the other night for the first time
since New Year's.
Making Democracy Live
peace program called
5 Kw. 110 volt A. G. lighting plant, litHe
used, will guarantee. Protect yourself
from costly power failures.
Gardner C. Turner, Box 472, Kccno, N. H.
EXPERIENCED—On Men's high grade
shoes: steady work, high earnings,
443 Albany St., Moston. - Liberty S18S.
WOMEN. ATTENDANTS, in State Institution for Mental Defectives, good physical
condition. Must be United States citizens
or have first papers, but need not be residents of New York Slate. Age 18-00. $125
per' month and room, board and laundry,
48-hour week, 4 weeks' vacation with pay.
Letohworth Village, Thlclls, Now York.
NURSE, GRADUATE, day duty, children's
psychiatric hospital, approved veterans'
post-graduate training. Write
BRADLEY HOME - Riverside 15, R. I.
BE AN ACCOUNTANT: Many openings.
Or start Bookkeeping Service of your own.
Big money. 15 week course S25.00. Terms.
when Hixon Soluble Sulfur will relieve
you as It has others of the Inflammation,
and infection that cause it.
Liquid SI—Capsules $1.50 at Druggists.
HIXON, Box 11, Somcrville, N. J.
for Stamp Collectors'
Boautifully Illustrated! U. S. Stamps. Packets
by Countries. Alitums & Collector's Supplies.
Special Offers! Information for BegirincrsI
. 601 Transit Bldg. • Boston 17, Mass. j ,
USED PINBALL GAMES for sale cheap,
in good working condition; also new Silver
King one-cent nut machines.
300 Harrison Ave.
Boston. Mnss.
Han. B009.
Notes of a Bystander
The Airistocrats: Gabe Heatter's
arithmetic made sense when he
pointed out that "One and One now
makes One." (Since the U. S. dollar now is worth only 50 cents).
But Gabe went out on a pink cloud
and predicted peape for the next 50
years. . . . Some of us who shudder
at the grim facts (instead of rainbow-hued crystal balls) would hesitate to predict peace for the next 50
P U P P I E S are guaranteed to satisfy or
your money back, wormed, temp., distemper inoc. every 10 days from 5 weeks on;
Springers, show and hunting stock; solid
black Cockers; Welsh Terriers and English
Route ,1)7. E a s t Boxford, Mass.
Tel. Tops 2*7-3 - East Boxford, Mass.
Born July 27. A.K.C. registered, healthy
and rugged, well bred.
10J SouhcEnn St.
Milford, N. II.
RECORDS BY MAIL: Western, Popular,
etc, Ask about our Christmas offer. Send
for F R E E LIST today. RECORD ROUNDUP, 2009 BcIIevue Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.
FOR SALE—Cider Mill Complete. Hydraulic press mill, capacity up to 40 barrels
per day, 2 large vats, capacity 20 barrels.
Gas engine, shafts, pulleys, bearings, belts,
pump, elevator, 21 racks, 10 straining
blankets, and all other equipment necessary for operation of mill. Write
West Stockoridko
SQUIRREL nUNTERS. Ship dried squirrel
tails to Herter's. We pay 8c each, plus
postage. IIERTER'S, Waseoa, Minnesota.
li. $. SxwinqA.
How To Relieve
Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to sooths and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding' you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
ex-G.I. of San Diego, Calif., has developed a
"Peace by Postage," a sort of "personalized
foreign policy." Plan consists of sending personal parcels to families in
foreign countries who befriended G.I.s during the war. "If veterans themselves can win individual friends," says Bojens, "it will be difficult for
governments to go to war."
Harold Hermanson has inspired the alumni of the BcthesdaChevy Chase senior high school in the suburbs of the nation's capital
for Couzhs. Chest Colds. Bronchitis
to give the children of war dead as good an education as the
children of fathers who lived. When Jlfermanson saw some of his
buddies killed, he determined to do something for their children.
With t i e help of many patriotic alumni of his old school, HermanR l a ^ L r S S ^ KILLS
son, a bachelor, has made good that promise.
AMVETS (Ray Sawyer, national commander) was the, only veterans
organization to appear before the senate to champion the O'MahoneyCop.Srwfh Appilcat
Langer anti-monopoly bill; also was first to supoort the Marshal} plan, . , . « U $ T A — - - ^ ^ ^ m o k . i SLACK LEAF 40,
Senator Bridges of New Hampshire has made it a flat rule that all sena- OASH I N H A T M f H s A 0 0 M U C M ' * , , H "
tors who went to Europe this summer on his appropriations committee OR S P R E A D O N R O O S T S
must pay their wives' expenses.
Leaf 40