Natural Remedies for Premature Ejaculation

premature ejaculation - Natural Remedies for Premature Ejaculation
Natural Remedies for Premature Ejaculation
In sex, as in life, every man would like to last a little longer. But some of them reach orgasm and ejaculate faster than
you might think, usually one to four minutes after beginning intercourse.
Psoralea corylifolia, Cullen corylifolium or Bu Gu Zhi by its common name, is an Asian (China; India; Nepal;
Vietnam,Iran) perennial plant growing to 6m. Bu Gu Zhi seed is anthelmintic, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, astringent,
cardiac, cytotoxic, deobstruent, diaphoretic, diuretic, stimulant, stomachic and tonic. It is used in the treatment of
febrile diseases, premature ejaculation, impotence, lower back pains, frequent urination, incontinence, bed wetting
etc We have not included any imaginary or false information on Prevent Premature Ejaculation here. Everything
here is true and up to the mark!
Total Votes: 4645 from 3024 Users, Number of Products in Database: 31, Time: 6/15/2014 3:58:48 PM
#1 Stallion 247 Climax Delay Forumula
Stallion247 climax delay formula cointains natural extracts that have been clinically
proven to be effective in treating premature ejaculation. It works from four diferent
angles to postpone ejaculation and help you enjoy long lasting sex.
FREE BONUS: Three E-BOOKs Filled with Sexual Tips and Tricks
Return Policy: Full refund within 60 days on OPENED and unopened bottles.
User Poll - Based on 777 Votes
Own this product? Click Here to Vote
Delayed My Ejaculation
No Loss of Pleasure and Sex Drive
Reduced Performance Anxiety
Demo Version - ExpertPDF Software
Made My Penis Harder
Price $37.95
777 Votes, User Ratings
Editor's Note: Stallion247 received the most favorable votes from our users. In addition the manufacturer has
unconditional full money back policy and sells the product for affordable price.
#2 Climinax
Climinax contains natural ingredients that work with the body's chemistry to solve
premature ejaculation. Climinax's ingredients give the brain the building blocks that it
needs to produce more serotonin, which will eliminate premature ejaculation - giving
you stronger sexual stamina and confidence.
Return Policy: Full refund within 60 days on OPENED and unopened bottles.
User Poll - Based on 407 Votes
Runner Up
Own this product? Click Here to Vote
Delayed My Ejaculation
No Loss of Pleasure and Sex Drive
Reduced Performance Anxiety
Made My Penis Harder
Price $78.95
407 Votes, User Ratings
#3 Enlast
Enlast is gently massaged into the skin resulting in a well lubricated sensation that
enhances sexual pleasure and sexuality with unique and powerful herbal stimulants.
Enjoy this incredible sexual aphrodisiac in just a matter of seconds! Get the satisfaction
of intense intimate experiences and incredible orgasms. Enlast is completely safe, works
premature ejaculation - Natural Remedies for Premature Ejaculation
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immediately and can give you the sexual power and pleasure you demand!
Third Place
Return Policy: No returns on OPENED bottles. No refund of shipping cost.
$5 restocking fee on unopened bottles.
User Poll - Based on 368 Votes
Own this product? Click Here to Vote
Delayed My Ejaculation
No Loss of Pleasure and Sex Drive
Reduced Performance Anxiety
Made My Penis Harder
Price $49.95
368 Votes, User Ratings
#4 Prejac
Prejac contains a unique proprietary blend of clinical strength natural ingredients
including Vitamin B-6, Yi Zhi Ren Extract, St. Johns Wort, Passion Flora, 5-HTP and
Melatonin. Prejac has been formulated to provide a potent blend for maximum
effectiveness with no reported side effects. But as with any supplement, consult your
physician prior to use.
Fourth Place
Return Policy: No returns on OPENED bottles. Seller charges 15% restocking
fee on unopened bottles. No shiping fee is refunded. Seller charges $60 on order
User Poll - Based on 402 Votes
Own this product? Click Here to Vote
Delayed My Ejaculation
No Loss of Pleasure and Sex Drive
Reduced Performance Anxiety
Made My Penis Harder
Price $77.94
402 Votes, User Ratings
Demo Version - ExpertPDF Software Components
#5 ViSwiss
If you are dissatisfied by the current erectile dysfunction prescription drugs available
ViSwiss may be for you. ViSwiss offers you a lab-tested, research-proven, all-natural
and prescription-free solution to get your love life back on track. Cure Erectile
Dysfunction or Impotence. Stop Premature Ejaculation and Enhance your Sexual
Pleasure. Stay Erect for Hours During Intercourse.
Fifth Place
Return Policy: No returns on OPENED bottles. 30 Day refund only on
UNOPENED bottles. Shiping cost is NOT refunded.
User Poll - Based on 402 Votes
Own this product? Click Here to Vote
Delayed My Ejaculation
No Loss of Pleasure and Sex Drive
Reduced Performance Anxiety
Made My Penis Harder
Price $39.95
402 Votes, User Ratings
Total Votes: 4645 from 3024 Users, Number of Products in Database: 31, Time: 6/15/2014 3:58:48 PM
We track the most popular products for treating premature ejaculation (PE). Every month we review user comments
and votes and publish top products with a total score 3.0 or higher. Published products must have 20 or more votes so
that our results are statistically sound. Please help us collectively find the most effective premature ejaculation (PE)
remedies by submitting your vote on the bottom of this page.
Ho Shou Wu (Fo ti) is an extremely important herb in the Chinese system This remarkable herb possesses properties
similar to ginseng. It's ability to increase
energy, preserve youth and restore
impaired sexual functioning has made it a
favorite ingredient in Chinese patent
medicine. It is used for impotence,
infertility, premature ejaculation,
premature senility. Is believed to tone blood
and improve sperm count. Using our
premature ejaculation - Natural Remedies for Premature Ejaculation
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imagination has helped us create a
wonderful article on Premature Ejaculation.
Being imaginative is indeed very important
when writing about Premature Ejaculation!
A lot of health professionals agree there are
natural remedies that may help prevent
premature ejaculation. Some of these
remedies are available in many health food
stores. Even the beginner will get to learn
more about Prevent Premature Ejaculation
after reading this article. It is written in
easy language so that everyone will be able
to understand it.
Men prone to premature ejaculation may
premature ejaculation
benefit from regular use of the California
flower essence Hibiscus. Tension and lack of emotional connection are often underlying reasons why a male partner
has sexual problems. The plant helps man relax and restores warmth to the sexual relationship.
Angelica is a plant that can grow up to 6 feet tall. It's scientific and common names:Archangelica officinalis,
Angelicaarchangelica, garden angelica, angelique, root of the holy ghost, wild angelica, wild licorice, European
angelica. Generally the part used for medicinal purposes is the root. When applied directly to the skin of the penis,
Angelica oil or cream have been used to treat premature ejaculation. Suppressing our knowledge on Prevent
Premature Ejaculation is not our intention here. In fact, we mean to let everyone know more about Prevent
Premature Ejaculation after reading this!
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c Delayed My Ejaculation
Version - ExpertPDF Software Components
c No Loss of Pleasure and Sex Drive
c Reduced Performance Anxiety
c Made My Penis Harder
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Powered By Premature Ejaculation Reviews
Along with desirable effects, natural remedies may cause some unwanted side effects. Some side effects may go away
as your body adjusts to the remedy but some of them may be very serious. Tell your health care provider if you have
any side effects that continue or get worse.
This is premature ejaculation because it occurs before a man desires it and without control. It may be caused by
problems such as prostatitis or urinary tract infections. But experts say that more often it has a psychological basis.
Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men such as premature ejaculation
Tracy B. Wheeler
premature ejaculation - Natural Remedies for Premature Ejaculation
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Learn More about Premature Ejaculation
How to Get Rid of Premature Ejaculation - And Regain Control of Your Sex Life
Studies show that more than 4 in 10 men worldwide suffer from premature ejaculation. With figures like this,
it's know wonder men are desperate to find out how to get rid of premature ejaculation. A man that suffers from
this condition lacks the ability to control or delay when he ejaculates before he or his partner wishes during
sexual intercourse. It is a condition suffered by men of all ages,...
4 Ways To Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Don't Let your Wife leave You! Master these 4 ways to prevent premature Ejaculation! Don't panic! There are
many methods to cure this problem! The first method is Stop and Start Method This method really consists of
controlling your sensations through sexual stimulation. Depending on how you feel more comfortable, you can
accomplish it with or without a partner. The goal of this...
How to Get Rid of Premature Ejaculation Tonight
How to get rid of premature ejaculation is a question on the minds of thousands of males who suffer from the
problem. You can get rid of the problem through following a program which will show you the exercises you
need to do which will teach you how to get rid of premature ejaculation permanently. But, what if you need
answers now? Well, here are some short cut techniques that you can use...
How to Increase Your Staying Power and Satisfy Her Every Time - 5 Must-Read Tips
If you have been looking for information on how to increase your staying power for any length of time, you
have probably been bombarded with advertisements for every kind of pill, cream, and potion under the sun. I
know I was, and I am ashamed to admit that I tried them all. I lost count of how much money I wasted. The
worst part is, before I discovered natural methods for stopping premature...
How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation - Stay Till the End of the Party
Discovering how to overcome premature ejaculation will bring so much joy and happiness to both men and
women in relationships where this condition exists. As premature ejaculation can cause a great deal of distress
and unhappiness to both partners. Sufferers lack the ability to control their ejaculation and come far sooner
than they or their partners would like. This embarrassing condition...
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