OPERATING DIVERSION OF COAL TRAFFIC THROUGH FOIS (USER GUIDE) 1. How To Issue Diversion Orders By COM(s)? COM(s) to login into RMS ZONAL Application available on FOIS Website using their credentials (Visit www.fois.indianrail.gov.in/ on internet or on FOIS Network ) Note: Only users with “COM” Role shall be authorised to issue diversion orders. For any issues regarding User Credentials – CENTRAL OCC at CRIS HQ may be approached. a. Click Top Level Menu Option “Issue Diversion Orders” b. Enter filters (if required) to view all COAL Rakes currently running in your zone. c. Select appropriate load, for which diversion orders need to be issued, by clicking on the left most column [ʘ]. d. Click on “Issue Diversion Orders” Button available under the data grid. e. Enter Diversion Details i. Type Of Diversion (Mandatory) ii. Divert at Station (Mandatory) iii. New Destination(Mandatory) iv. New Consignee (Mandatory) f. Click on “Generate Diversion Orders” to submit the data and system shall generate the Diversion Number accordingly. g. In case of unsuccessful transaction, appropriate Error Message shall be displayed to the user. h. Click on Close Button (“X”) to go back to main screen. i. Screen will be refreshed to mark the load in yellow colour to depict the successful issue of diversion orders. j. Click on right most column (+) sign to view diversion history. a) Checks and Validations a. This functionality is to be used only for COAL Rakes b. Rakes should be present in Jurisdiction at the time of issue of diversion orders c. Divert at Station should be within the jurisdiction of the concerned zone where rake is running currently. d. Only one diversion order can be issued on a rake at a time. Next instruction can only be issued after revoking previous order or after execution of previous order. e. Movement beyond station (at which diversion needs to be done) shall be restricted in FOIS unless the instruction is complied with. f. For Issuing of Diversion Instruction for Imported COAL, RB Authority details shall have to be furnished. 2. How to Revoke Diversion Orders? a. COM(s) to login into RMS ZONAL Application available on FOIS Website using their credentials (Visit www.fois.indianrail.gov.in/ on internet or on FOIS Network ) Note: Only users with “COM” Role shall be authorised to revoke diversion orders. For any issues regarding User Credentials – CENTRAL OCC at CRIS HQ may be approached. b. Click Top Level Menu Option “Issue Diversion Orders” c. Enter filters (if required) to view all COAL Rakes currently running in you zone. d. Select appropriate load, for which diversion orders need to be revoked, by clicking on the left most column [ʘ]. Note: Revoke option can only be used in case of Rakes marked for diversion by COM(s) and not yet complied with. e. Click on “Revoke Diversion Orders” Button available under the data grid. f. Enter Authority Details i. Authorized by (Mandatory) ii. Authority Number (Mandatory) iii. Authority Date (Mandatory) g. Click on “Revoke Instruction” to submit the data. h. In case of unsuccessful transaction, appropriate Error Message shall be displayed to the user. i. Click on Close Button (“X”) to go back to main screen. j. Screen will be refreshed to mark the load in white colour to depict the successful revoke of diversion orders. k. Click on right most column (+) sign to view diversion history. 1. Show Route User can view the details of route as ordered in FOIS for any of the selected rake in view. a. Select appropriate load, for which route needs to be queried, by clicking on the left most column [ʘ]. b. Click on “Show Route Button” c. Route Details are displayed on screen. d. Traversed and yet to traverse route shall be displayed in different colours. 2. View Diversion History User shall have option to view the history of diversion orders issued on a selected rake. These could be instructions issued by any user during its journey. Colour indicators are provided to distinguish the status of instructions. a. Select appropriate load, for which route needs to be queried, by clicking on the left most column [ʘ]. b. Click on right most column (+) sign to view diversion history. 3. List of Invoices in Rake User shall be able to view the list of invoices (in case more than one invoice exist on a rake) by placing the mouse over the invoice number.
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