How To Set Network Sharing for Amiko SHD‐8900 Alien Netw work Mountiing on Amiko o SHD‐8900 Alien e Windows P PC omputer and d browse to tthe desired ffolder to be sshared ck on the deesired folder,, and select PProperties (o or press Alt+Enter) erties, go to SSharing, and click on Advvanced Sharing nced Sharingg, enable the e „Share this folder” optio on, and set a a Share Nam me for the sha ared folder. can be different tthan the folder’s name, however for easier installaation please do not use any speciaal character, such h as ’á’ or ’ä’, or sspaces. www emissions de Premissio ons, add a use er that can aaccess the Sh hared folder. er the user haas been adde ed, select thee user, and ccheck to Full Control – A llow ur Alien Main Menu > Settings > Net Settings >> Network Haard Disk o 6 different network shaares on Your Alien, by sw witching betw ween Networrk Drives (U: / V: set up up to : / Y: / Z:) the Service TType to CIFS ut: Your Shaare Name (whhich has been set o n Your Windows PCC) o o The IP address of yo our Windowss PC o The Username (which hhas been set to havve Premissions for thhe Shared folder) o The Passsword for the Windows U Username (this is optional) www 3. Select Sttatus, and seet it to Active e 4. If all setttings were co orrect, you sshould see A ctive in the SStatus: Now Yo ou’re able too view the ne etwork drive, in the File LList: sible problem ms: ‐ Yourr firewall is b blocking the ccommunicattions betweeen Your PC an nd the Amikoo SHD‐8900 A Alien ‐ Yourr Windows crredentials (U Username) arre containing g special cha aracters (suchh as ’á’, ’ä’, ’’~’, etc…) ‐ The selected useer does not have premissiions to accesss the desired d folder www
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