How to define the exact POSP model?

How to define the exact POSP model?
1. POSP scopes are made with AK side mount, SVD side mount and Weaver mount. The
difference is in bottom mount design.
2. POSP scopes are made with Fixed and Zoom magnification. Zoom versions have a
magnification ring with digits on the eyepiece.
Zoom Mag
Fixed Mag
3. POSP scopes are made in two versions of objective diameter. There are 4x24, 6x24, 2-6x24
models - with objective diameter of 24 mm. POSP 6x42, 8x42, 3-9x42, 4-12x42 come with 42
mm objective diameter.
24 mm objective
42 mm objective
4. There are models with Independent Focus. It’s marked D in the scope description. The
difference is design of eyepiece.
No independent focus
Independent focus
5. There are PRO models. It’s marked PRO in the scope description. The difference is design of
windage/elevation turrets. PRO turrets are much bigger than regular ones.
Regular model
PRO model
6. How to define the POSP scope model. All above mentioned scope modifications could be
defined by reading the title on the scope product plate. The title ALWAYS has scope model (like
4x24, 8x42, 3-9x42 etc.) description, mark of independent focus (D or Д), mark of PRO version
(PRO). If the scope is AK version, it has B symbol in the title, W symbol – for Weaver version.
SVD version is NOT marked.
Plate on POSP Weaver scopes
Plate on POSP scope with side mount
For example:
ПОСП 4x24B – POSP 4x24, AK side mount
ПОСП 4x24 – POSP 4x24, SVD side mount
ПОСП 6x42BД – POSP 6x42, AK side mount, independent focus
ПОСП 6x42WD – POSP 6x42, Weaver mount, independent focus
ПОСП 6x42 Д PRO – POSP 6x42, SVD side mount, independent focus, PRO version
ПОСП 6x42WD M6 PRO – POSP 6x42, Weaver mount, independent focus, PRO version, MilDot reticle
ПОСП 2-6x24 – POSP 2-6x24, SVD side mount
As said, Mil-Dot reticle specially marked M6. Other reticles (400 m or 1000 m) are not marked
in the scope title except POSP 4x24 scopes where M symbol means 1000 m reticle installed, no
symbol means 400 m reticles. So possible marks for POSP 4x24 are:
ПОСП 4x24B – POSP 4x24, AK side mount, 400 m reticle
ПОСП 4x24 – POSP 4x24, SVD side mount, 400 m reticle
ПОСП 4x24BM – POSP 4x24, AK side mount, 1000 m reticle
ПОСП 4x24 M – POSP 4x24, SVD side mount, 1000 m reticle
The common types of reticle are:
400 m
1000 m