13. Adding and Editing a Wiki

13. Adding and Editing a Wiki
Go to the Actions tab on the Global Navigation Toolbar
(footer toolbar) and hover your mouse over this to
show the list of options.
Click on Add Applications.
You can type in the box for a quick search
or expand the headings and select what
you want from the list. In this case, Wiki.
Click the word Add to place the Wiki onto
your space. Note the Wiki had a mauve
box next to it. This means you can only add
one Wiki.
The following is what you will see on your
Click “This page is empty” or Edit to
begin typing on the Main Page of the Wiki
Start typing on your page. There are simple
editing tools to customise your text.
Add Tags and a Summary of the page.
Click Save to return to the full page.
Created by Mat Anderton, Sandra Bishop and Bruce Barton, 2010
14. Displaying sub-pages using a Wiki Display
NB – A knowledge of wikis, adding sub-pages and adding tabs
is required before completing this task.
Let’s say that you have set up a wiki with sub-pages as part of a Design Space, and you have tabs across the
top of your Design Space for each of the e5 domains. On each tab you want to display only the sub-page that
relates to that domain of e5 (e.g. Engage). To do this, you need a Wiki Display portlet and the sub-page needs
to be setup to display on the appropriate tab. Here’s how it’s done...
Open Design Space and make tabs across
the top of your Space.
Add a Wiki portlet.
Add sub-pages to the wiki.
It should look like this.
Click on the tab at the top of the screen to
go to that page. Add a Wiki Display portlet
to the page.
Click the cog-wheel and select
Click Node and select Main. Click Save
Select the Page you want displayed in the
Page menu. Click Save
Once you have Returned to Full Page, your
wiki display should look something like this.
Created by Mat Anderton, Sandra Bishop and Bruce Barton, 2010
15. Scoping a wiki
NB – A knowledge of wikis is required before completing this
You have a wiki on the home page of your space but you would like to add a completely new wiki to another
page. In order to do this you need to scope the new wiki to the particular page. Here’s how it’s done...
Open the space, making sure that you have
a Wiki on the home page.
Click on the tab at the top of the screen to
go to that page. Add a Wiki portlet to the
Click the cog-wheel and select
Click the Scope tab. Select Current Page
(name) in the Scope drop-down box. Click
Once you have Returned to Full Page, your
wiki should look something like this. Notice
how the portlet title has the name of the
Current Page in brackets. This tells you that
the wiki belongs to this page only.
Created by Mat Anderton, Sandra Bishop and Bruce Barton, 2010
16. Creating Child Pages
NB – A knowledge of adding tabs is required before
completing this task.
Let’s say that within a tab you want to add further sub-pages. For example, within the Engage tab you could
add each of the Capabilities. Here’s how it’s done...
Click on the tab that you want to add child
pages to.
Go to the Actions hand and select Manage
Click the Children tab and type the name
of your child page.
Click Add Page.
Within the wiki, add a sub-page with the
same title as the child page you just
Add portlets to the new page.
Created by Mat Anderton, Sandra Bishop and Bruce Barton, 2010