Programme of Events Feb 2015 to Feb 2016 Retreats Workshops Family holidays A welcoming community A spirituality open to all faiths and none “Othona is such a precious and crucial part of our family life. I’ve had the joy of watching my children flourish and grow here.” Rooted in the Christian heritage... open to the widening future this centre is one of two operated by the Othona Community A PLACE West Dorset is rich in history, wildlife and culture – a joy to visit, but not ruined by tourism. We occupy 7 acres of gloriously untamed grounds on an unspoilt stretch of coast. In Community House you’ll find simple but comfortable accommodation, with wide sea views and a homely log fire. The beach is 15 minutes walk away through National Trust meadows. “A balance of solitude, companionship and beauty – grounded once more!” A PLACE TO BE Othona is a great place just to be. Leave the stress of your daily life behind. Let go of a few responsibilities. Relax in surroundings that lift your spirit. Wake each morning to birdsong from the woods that surround us. Fall asleep to the rhythm of waves on the beach below. A PLACE TO BE REAL “It’s different from anywhere else… the vibe, the feeling in the air, the sense of peace emanating from the walls.” Mission Statement: Othona is an open and inclusive Community rooted in the Christian tradition and drawing on a wealth of other inspirations. We welcome people of all ages, abilities, backgrounds and beliefs to our two centres on the quiet coasts of Essex and Dorset. Through sharing in a daily rhythm of work, learning, worship and play, we seek personal renewal and glimpses of the sacred. In community we explore the relationship between faith and life and encourage one another in caring for the world and its people. Founded in 1946, Othona is registered charity number 1154204. In this beautiful setting many people find a surprising quality of acceptance. When image and status don’t matter, we’re free to be who we are, without judgment or expectations. Free to look within and recognise, perhaps, parts of ourselves that have lain dormant. A PLACE TO BE REAL TOGETHER So you relax. The real you finds breathing space. And maybe you will also discover a rare depth of connection with other people. Othona’s a place with lots of unforced laughter, easy sharing of each other’s life stories, and not a few unembarrassed tears. This is a taste of community – something so often missing in today’s world. (All spiritual traditions recognise this. One Christian name for it is the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.) Our hope is that this experience carries over as a practical blessing in your everyday life. For some Frequently Asked Questions see page 21 1 Othona Gold – Celebrating 50 Years in Dorset PZ[OLÄM[PL[O`LHY[OH[6[OVUHOHZILLUOLYLPU+VYZL[;OLYL»ZZV much to celebrate… and look forward to. Join us in July if you can, for our anniversary festival. The Othona Community was founded in 1946 by Norman Motley – as a response after the Second World War – to explore what makes for peace and reconciliation. From the start, we aimed to lower the barriers between people of different backgrounds and beliefs. Today Othona’s Members and Friends are an open, inclusive network of people spread all over Britain and beyond. How we came to Dorset ([ÄYZ[6[OVUH^VYRLKTHPUS`[OYV\NOZ\TTLYJHTWZPU,ZZL_I\[I`[OL 1960s was looking for a second base. In July 1965 that dream came true. A group of brave pioneers opened the West Dorset centre, near Burton Bradstock village and overlooking Lyme Bay. Facilities were extremely basic, but the spirit of community was strong. Over the decades since, we have developed a year-round programme of retreats, holidays and courses. The core community who live here make possible a range of residential opportunities for all comers. Othona, while having Christian roots, involves and welcomes people of any faith or none. Whatever the event or activity at Othona, our underlying aim is to build community, “a place for meeting honestly and living generously, a place to be real together”. What was here before 1965? In the 1920s a remarkable woman named Adela Curtis founded a small residential community on the Dorset coast. She and her followers were known to the locals as The White Ladies (from the voluminous handmade white habits they wore). Their lifestyle was one of extreme simplicity, with no electricity and only YHPU^H[LY[VKYPUR;OL`HPTLKMVYZLSMZ\MÄJPLUJ`PUMVVKHUKJSV[OPUN When not growing vegetables or weaving cloth, they devoted themselves to forms of contemplative prayer and meditation. The life they chose and some of their beliefs may seem strange to us now. But Miss Curtis was a pioneering teacher of meditation and some of her writing about the simple life (“Littleness” is her preferred term) speaks powerfully across the years: “As soon as the soul has escaped by way of Littleness from the thraldom of false values, it feels a great buoyancy and good humour which causes it to bubble over into laughter at itself for ever having worn a millstone in mistake for a necklace.” In 1937 the Community of Christian Contemplatives (the White Ladies) dedicated their newly built chapel. In those days it had no separate library YVVT0[^HZMHYTVYLH\Z[LYL^P[OHJOPSS`JVUJYL[LÅVVYHUKUVOLH[PUNH[ HSS)\[[OL^LSJVTPUNZWHJPV\ZULZZHUK[OLSPNO[YLÅLJ[PUN7VY[SHUKZ[VUL must have lifted the white ladies’ spirits then as they still do for us today. The Second World War brought problems for Adela Curtis and her sisters (it was an all-female community). The army took over the main house, to help protect the coast from invasion. By the time the soldiers left, the little community of ageing women was in terminal decline. The last of them, Miss Curtis herself, died here in 1960. In 1965 Othona received the house and grounds – by then in danger of becoming a ruin within a jungle – as a gift. An Experience of Living Community We welcome people of all faiths and outlooks. Only together can we hope to build a sustainable future of justice and peace. Down-to-earth and open-hearted, Othona has its roots in the inclusive Christian tradition, and now draws on a wealth of other inspirations too. Othona West Dorset is a centre dedicated to human wellbeing – of body, mind and spirit. We have found that individual wellbeing grows through an experience of community with others and of connection with Spirit/God. Charging Policy Our standard rate reflects what Othona needs to cover costs as a not-for-profit charity. The concessionary rate is freely available for all who need it (up to 21 days per person per year). It is not tied to eligibility for any state benefit. We leave it to your discretion whether you need a concession. If even the concessionary rate is a problem for you, we have a bursary fund. Applications for bursaries – to the warden please – are treated in confidence. We don’t quote concessionary rates for children, but are happy to consider a reduction if your family needs it. Please contact us to discuss. This year we have reduced all our prices for children. If you arrive late or leave early we usually charge for the full event (unless explicitly agreed otherwise in advance). 2 Visit for more about each event and Othona 3 Quiet Week 7-13 Feb (Sat-Fri a.m.) /V^HIV\[ZVTLZWHJLMVYYLÅLJ[PVUHZ[OLUL^`LHYILNPUZ[V\UMVSK&;OPZ^LLRPZ not a completely silent retreat, but offers a depth of tranquillity, a quality of presence which will rest parts of you that need rest… and awaken parts that have dozed VMM(ZMVY[^VWYL]PV\Z8\PL[>LLRZ5VYHO/LUZJOLS^PSSIL^P[O\ZZ\WWVY[PUN the atmosphere of contemplation and offering each morning a brief selection of ^VYKZPTHNLZHUKT\ZPJ[VWYVTW[V\YYLÅLJ[PVUZ5VYHOPZHSV]LYVMWVL[Y`VM mystical spirituality, and of mythology. Her intuitive approach to the spiritual health of individuals and groups is informed by many different religious and cultural traditions. :PUNSLYVVTZN\HYHU[LLK\USLZZ`V\ZWLJPÄJHSS`^HU[[VZOHYL(ISHaPUNSVNÄYL and home-cooked food. Some meals in silence. A cosy library. A peaceful chapel. A long empty beach and good walking country. An accepting, creative community. >VU»[`V\QVPU\Z& (See also 12-18 Sept.) £317 (CONC. £242) Roll Up Your Sleeves 2-8 Mar (Mon-Sun p.m.) If you’ve never tried one of these weeks you may not realise how special they are. Ideal for practical people who like to lend a hand and do something worthwhile. Sharing umpteen jobs round the house and grounds we all get a real sense of achievement and camaraderie – working hard (up to 6 hours a day) but playing hard too with plenty of laughs and diversions. We aim to vary the jobs to suit all abilities. £75 (NO CONCESSIONS) A Day of Mindfulness to Relieve Stress 17 Mar (Tues 10.00-4.00) This one day course will show you how to disengage the automatic pilot that PUÅ\LUJLZ`V\Y[OV\NO[WYVJLZZLZ\ZPUNH]HYPL[`VMTLKP[H[PVUWYHJ[PJLZ;OLHPT is to be able to pay full attention to the present, on purpose and without judging. This enables you to live in the present moment, increasing awareness of bodily sensations, thoughts and feelings. Then you can manage them more effectively with a greater ability to relax and deal with stress. Sue Howse is an experienced psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher who regularly leads courses at Othona. (See also 13-16 April and 22-25 June) £39 “A very special time, special moments with people in love with life and generous in their sharing.” 4 Visit for day events and non-residential participation Introduction to the Enneagram 19-22 Mar (Thurs-Sun p.m.) The Enneagram is a dynamic, ancient, spiritual and psychological model of humanity. It describes nine basic personality types, how they vary and interact, and the direct link between the psychological and spiritual aspects of each. Giving extraordinarily accurate insight into our day-to-day behaviour, preoccupations, strengths and weaknesses and those of our friends, colleagues and lovers, it also indicates each person’s most fruitful approach to personal growth. The outer study of the system concerns how the nine types think and feel, how [OL`YLSH[L[VLHJOV[OLY^OH[^PSSOLSW[OLTÅV\YPZOHUKNYV^;OPZVMMLYZLZZLU[PHS understanding of ourselves and our relationships; but the real power of the system lies in the inner study, which joins insight into personality with the practices of sacred tradition. On this introductory workshop you will discover the hidden emotional and mental concerns of each type, and learn some of the patterns of behaviour and interaction created by these unconscious habits of perception. Recognise your own type and those of people you know, understanding how both security and stress ‘change’ your personality. Learn to improve relationships of all kinds and start to discover how to use your ‘negative’ patterns to fuel growth. With Karen Webb, author of “Principles of the Enneagram”, and probably the UK’s foremost Enneagram teacher. (See also 15-18 Oct.) £241 (CONC. £203) Poetry and Hope 27-29 Mar (Fri-Sun p.m.) Othona welcomes back Graham Fawcett, poetry lecturer, broadcaster, writer and [YHUZSH[VY[VSLHK[OPZNLU[SLHUKYLÅLJ[P]LWVL[Y`YL[YLH[¸/VWLPZ[OL[OPUN^P[O feathers that perches in the soul”, wrote Emily Dickinson, catching the sense we VM[LUOH]L[OH[OVWLPZHÅLKNSPUNIPYKVMHMLLSPUN^OPJORLLWZ\ZJVTWHU`H[ moments when we feel vulnerable and in need of the ability to rise on wings out of where we are. Of course, hope can bring with it other precarious feelings too, like longing, and so there is the risk of disappointment, something the Canadian novelist David Plante was washing his hands of when, on being asked what he was planning to give up at New Year, he said, ‘hope’. Besides, longing, like hope, may be misguided: T S Eliot ^YV[LPUOPZZLJVUK8\HY[L[º,HZ[*VRLY»¸0ZHPK[VT`ZV\SILZ[PSSHUK^HP[^P[OV\[ hope, For hope would be hope for the wrong thing”. Join us for a retreat designed to create plenty of space and time around some of the ÄULZ[TVZ[[OV\NO[WYV]VRPUNHUKTVZ[PUZWPYPUNTLKP[H[PVUZVUOVWL[VILMV\UK in poems from any time in history and anywhere in the world. £183 (CONC. £158) 5 Easter – Walking Life’s Labyrinth 2-6 Apr (Thurs-Mon a.m.) Walking a labyrinth is an ancient spiritual practice that in recent years has undergone a contemporary revival. Labyrinths are springing up in schools, universities, hospices, parks, prisons, churches and of course retreat centres. This long weekend we have the opportunity to explore what the labyrinth might have to say to us – not least about the universal Easter themes of death and letting go, of facing the unknown and trying to trust, of opening to new life and embracing the journey. We ^HSR¶I\[HSZV^LWVUKLYHZ^LNVYLÅLJ[HM[LY^HYKZHUKWLYOHWZL_WYLZZ^OH[ we have found in word, image or resolution. Nickie Fidgin is a skilled facilitator of labyrinth experiences who has brought them to contexts as varied as a primary school and Salisbury Cathedral. She is also a singing teacher, so we can look forward to making music together as an extra delight. Add to that some Othona necessities – such as homemade hot cross buns and egg-rolling ¶MVYHU,HZ[LY[VYLTLTILY[OLÄM[PL[OJLSLIYH[LKI`[OL6[OVUH*VTT\UP[`OLYL in Dorset. This approach to the Christian festival can be a deepening experience for people of any faith or none. £235 (CONC. £184) Open Space with Tai Chi 7-12 Apr (Tues-Sun p.m.) Open Space means a classic Othona relaxation week – spend time in community but with a minimal programme so you can pursue your own priorities (walking, YLHKPUNQ\Z[JOPSSPUN&;OPZ[PTL[OLYL^PSSHSZVILKHPS`ZLZZPVUZVM[HPJOPHUKXPNVUN exercises with David Talbot@V\KVU»[ULLKHU`WYL]PV\ZL_WLYPLUJL[VILULÄ[MYVT these graceful and mindful movement practices. David’s teaching emphasises the OLHS[OHUKYLSH_H[PVUILULÄ[ZVM;HP*OPYH[OLY[OHU[OLTHY[PHSHY[ZHZWLJ[Z More about tai chi: £266 (CONC. £204) Mindfulness, Self-compassion and Ageing 13-16 Apr (Mon-Thurs p.m.) Mindfulness is about awareness and acceptance of moment-to-moment experiences, whether pleasant or unpleasant. So much of the time we live our lives on “auto-pilot”, lost in the past or worrying about the future. Mindfulness HZRZ!¸>OH[HT0L_WLYPLUJPUNUV^&¹:LSMJVTWHZZPVUHZRZ¸>OH[KV0ULLKYPNO[ UV^&¹.YV^PUNVSKLYIYPUNZUL^JOHSSLUNLZI\[I`L_WSVYPUNTPUKM\SULZZHUK self-compassion practices you can develop a greater awareness and kindness to yourself. This retreat will give you an introduction to Mindfulness and Selfcompassion meditation practices, as well as opportunities to take part in Tai Chi, 8PNVUNHUKNLU[SL`VNHL_LYJPZLZ(SSTH`ILKVULZP[[PUNVYZ[HUKPUNHUKUV previous experience is required. Coaches Retreat 17-19 Apr (Fri-Sun p.m.) Calling all executive coaches, life coaches, career coaches, relationship coaches – whatever you coach, this retreat is for you. Spend a weekend getting away from the business – no selling, no clients, no CPD, just the chance to relax in the company of other coaches. You could: walk to Chesil Beach, (or the hills or the tea shop); talk YV\UK[OLVWLUÄYL"JOVVZLHJVTM`ZWV[[VYLHKPU[OLSPIYHY`"NL[JYLH[P]LPU[OL art room; meditate in the chapel; complete a jigsaw or play board games; visit the galleries and gardens of Abbotsbury; or just do nothing but unwind in gorgeous West Dorset. There will be communal meals of home-prepared local food and optional YLÅLJ[PVU[PTLZTVYUPUNHUKL]LUPUN¶[OLYLZ[^PSSIL^OH[^LJYLH[LIL[^LLU\Z coordinated by Catherine Billam. About Catherine: £130 (£90 FOR SECOND PERSON SHARING BEDROOM AND BOOKED TOGETHER) STOPOVER DEAL: STAY TO MONDAY MORNING FOR JUST £30 EXTRA Springwatching 22-26 Apr (Wed-Sun p.m.) We offer another feast of wildlife delight in Dorset, in one of its most verdant Spring TVVKZ6[OVUH»ZNYV\UKZHYLYPJOPUUH[\YHSOPZ[VY`MYVT^PSKÅV^LYZ[VOVUL` ILLZYHYLZWPKLYZI\[[LYÅPLZHUK[OLVJJHZPVUHS]PZP[PUNKLLY>L»SSHSZV]LU[\YLH SP[[SLM\Y[OLYHÄLSKHJJVTWHUPLKI`ZVTLVMV\YRUV^SLKNLHISLMYPLUKZ(SS[OPZ^PSS be convened by core member Juliet Hilary, together with Christopher Keeling and Stefani Bresciani, brimming full of enthusiasm and love of what we can see and hear when we take time to look and listen. Juliet, Chris & Stef met on a Conservation 4HUHNLTLU[KLNYLL!1\SPL[:[LMHUPWHY[PJ\SHYS`ZOHYLHUHMÄUP[`^P[OWSHU[Z*OYPZ PZHRLLUIPYK^H[JOLY;OLYL»SSIL[OLJOHUJL[VZLLH[SLHZ[VULL_WLY[[HSRVYÄST YLSL]HU[[V[OL[OLTL6U-YPKH`TVYUPUN[OLYL»SSILHULHYS`JHSSILMVYLÄYZ[SPNO[ to witness the dawn chorus with Othona’s favourite wildlife author and bird expert £225 (CONC. £174) Dominic Couzens. DAWN CHORUS MORNING (WITH FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST) IS ALSO OPEN TO NON-RESIDENTS FOR £16 AS A SEPARATE BOOKING. Walking Week 1: The Joys of Spring 1-7 May (Fri-Thurs a.m.) The perfect antidote to urban life and the pressures of work, Othona’s walking weeks are renowned for the diversity and sheer beauty of the routes on offer. Where shall ^LNV&*SPMMWH[OZ^P[OZ[\UUPUNZLH]PL^Z&/PKKLU]HSSL`ZHUKIS\LILSS^VVKZ& (UJPLU[[YHJRZ[VWYLOPZ[VYPJTVU\TLU[Z&/PZ[VYPJ]PSSHNLZ[OYLHKLKI`[YV\[ Z[YLHTZ&>LZ[+VYZL[OHZHSS[OPZHUKT\JOTVYL+PK^LTLU[PVU[OLJYLHT[LHZ& Sue Howse regularly teaches mindfulness courses at Othona. She has completed the Mindfulness Self-Compassion 8-week course and in 2015 will be completing the Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Training. £218 (CONC. £179) Each morning we set out with packed lunches and share in a led walk of between 3 and 8 miles. These are gentle group walks, not forced marches, but Dorset has P[ZMHPYZOHYLVMOPSSZZV`V\KVULLK[VILYLSH[P]LS`Ä[1VPU\Z[OLU¶MVYMYLZOHPY friendly company and enchanting footpaths. No walk is compulsory, so you can shape your own week. Back at Othona we’ll enjoy scrumptious home-cooked food, YLÅLJ[P]LºZLLK[PTL»LHJOTVYUPUNHUKL]LUPUNYLSH_H[PVUI`[OLJVTT\UP[`SVNÄYL £307 (CONC. £232) (See also 19-24 Sept.) Visit for news, views and photo gallery 7 6 Honouring Our Sacred Self 2 May (Sat 10.00-5.00) A one day yoga retreat with Sian Alcock. “Let’s step away from our busy lives as we gently and mindfully open ourselves to a day of nurturing, rejuvenating and healing.” All enquiries and bookings through Sian on 07527 052273 or [email protected] (See also 27 June and 14 Nov) £50, LUNCH INCLUDED, OR £55 IF BOOKING IN FINAL 2 WEEKS. Digital Detox – 2 Day 8-10 May (Fri-Sun p.m.) ¸/V^JHU0SP]LTVYLZHULS`HUKOLHS[OPS`PUZ\JOHM\SSVUKPNP[HS^VYSK&¹+V`V\HZR `V\YZLSM[OH[&;OPZ^LLRLUKVMMLYZ[^V[OPUNZ-PYZ[HZLYPV\ZIYLHR![PTLV\[MYVT emails, tv and any device you’re prepared to leave at home or switch off. You’ll feel `V\YZLSMZSV^PUN[VHTVYLUH[\YHSYO`[OT(UK[OLU[OLYL»SSILJOHUJLZ[VYLÅLJ[ with others, on the blessings and drawbacks of the ever-connected lifestyle. We’ll share some practical ways to organise our lives so that they really belong to us, not [V.\YNSLVY-PaIVVRVY>P[[LY All this in an environment of great natural beauty with good company and heartwarming home-cooked food. (See also Digital Detox – 4 Day 17-21 June and Digital Detox – 2 Day 9-11 Nov.) £140 Open Space with Crafty Creativity options 12-17 May (Tues-Sun p.m.) Open Space means a classic Othona relaxation week – spend time in community but with a minimal programme so you can pursue your own priorities (walking, reading, Q\Z[JOPSSPUN& You‘ll be free to decide your own schedule, but with recommended options. This week we have three Othona favourites offering encouragement and resources for you to get creative. Ali Tebbs makes exquisite small books, boxes and mosaics. Elizabeth Sayers is a textile artist who will focus on printing and collage. Carole Atkins will offer HZWLJPÄJWYVQLJ[PURUP[HUKJYVJOL[ £286 (CONC. £224) (See also 22-25 June and 25-31 July) /HSM;LYT)HYNHPU)YLHR¶^P[OÄSTTHRPUN 23-27 May (Sat-Wed a.m.) Our much-loved short break for families (and others) always offers fun and creative opportunities: games, music-making etc. This time we have a special project: young WLVWSLTHRPUNVULVYTVYLÄSTZ[VNL[OLY/LYL[VOLSW^P[OKPYLJ[PUNLKP[PUNHUK [OL[LJOZPKL^PSSILÄSTTHRLYAndy Howlett and computer wiz George Corney, both `V\UNHK\S[ZHUKZ\Y]P]VYZVMJV\U[SLZZJOPSKOVVKOVSPKH`ZH[6[OVUH)\[[OLPKLHZ HUK[OLZJYPW[PUNHJ[PUNHUKÄSTPUN^PSSILKV^U[VWLVWSLVMZJOVVSHNL(SS[OPZ HUKHTVUL`ZH]PUNKLHSMVYMHTPSPLZ £205 (CONC. £154) 11-18: £107 3-10: £82 BUT ELDEST CHILD PER FAMILY FREE 8 Visit for more about each event and Othona Listening to the Green Heartbeat: a Nature-based Retreat 28-31 May (Thurs-Sun p.m.) Whether we live in a city or in the countryside, Nature is the ever present context of our lives – our evolutionary and our personal histories are inextricably entwined with the earth. Our response to the natural world may range from indifference through to wonder and love and sometimes to fear. There is a long history within many spiritual and religious traditions of drawing on a wisdom from within Nature, whether it is seen as coming from a Higher Being or from Nature itself. This is a facilitated retreat exploring how an enriched relationship with the natural ^VYSKJHUILULÄ[V\YZLUZLVM^LSSILPUNH[HZWPYP[\HSLTV[PVUHSHZ^LSSHZWO`ZPJHS level. It will entail some walking on rough ground and the gradient to the beach. The aim over these few days is to offer guided opportunities to explore what it means for you to encounter Nature in an intentional, contemplative way and to seek out what it may offer you. Dr Julie Walker is an ecologist and psychotherapist who draws on her skills and experience to share her passion for the natural world and encourage others to also value it more fully for themselves. She has led a number of retreats at Othona and elsewhere. £200 (CONC. £162) Mindfulness for Men 5-7 June (Fri-Sun p.m.) Mindfulness, in short, is a meditation-based life practice which has helped countless WLVWSL[VSLHYU[OLZRPSSZ[OL`ULLKLP[OLY[VÄUKHJSLHYLYMVJ\ZHUKZ[PSSULZZPU[OL midst of a busy, frantic and high pressure life, or to cope creatively with anxiety, stress and depression. Many people from both ends of this spectrum have come to swear by it, as something that has changed for the better the way they approach life. Tim Stead is a parish priest who has practised Christian forms of contemplative prayer for 30 years. He discovered Mindfulness 6 years ago and has been training through the Oxford Mindfulness Centre and running courses under their supervision. and £145 (CONC. £118) Guild of Health Annual Quiet Day 11 June (Thurs 10.00-4.00) ;OL8\PL[+H`PZSLK[OPZ`LHYI`Dr Graham Kings, Bishop of Sherborne. Please bring packed lunch – soup, tea and coffee are provided. More details from Josephine Pearse on 01308 897784. £6 PAYABLE ON ARRIVAL “Surely the greatest service station on life’s motorway. I leave refreshed, refuelled and ready for my journey to tomorrow. I shall hold for a long time the love and care of a very special group.” 9 Digital Detox – 4 Day 17-21 June (Wed-Sun p.m.) ¸/V^JHU0SP]LTVYLZHULS`HUKOLHS[OPS`PUZ\JOHM\SSVUKPNP[HS^VYSK&¹+V`V\ HZR`V\YZLSM[OH[&;OPZYL[YLH[VMMLYZ[^V[OPUNZ-PYZ[HZLYPV\ZIYLHR![PTLV\[MYVT emails, tv and any device you’re prepared to leave at home or switch off. You’ll feel `V\YZLSMZSV^PUN[VHTVYLUH[\YHSYO`[OT(UK[OLU[OLYL»SSILJOHUJLZ[VYLÅLJ[ with others, on the blessings and drawbacks of the ever-connected lifestyle. We’ll share some practical ways to organise our lives so that they really belong to us, not [V.\YNSLVY-PaIVVRVY>P[[LY All this in an environment of great natural beauty with good company and heartwarming home-cooked food. (See also 2 day Digital Detox 8-10 May. Although there ^V\SKILZVTLK\WSPJH[PVUH[[LUKPUNIV[OL]LU[ZJV\SKTLHU`V\NVZPNUPÄJHU[S` deeper the second time around.) £280 Mindfulness and Creativity Retreat 22-25 June (Mon-Thurs p.m.) The practice of Mindfulness-based Meditation is about “paying attention in a particular way, in the present moment, non-judgmentally” (Jon Kabat-Zinn). At the heart of this retreat will be periods of mindful meditation, stillness and silence, where we come together as a group. During the practical creative sessions you will have the opportunity to choose to learn new skills, to explore creativity through mindfulness techniques, or to develop your own ideas within a calm and supportive environment. This retreat is suitable for all, whatever your previous experience. Sue Howse is a psychotherapist with a Diploma in Christian Spirituality and runs regular courses and workshops on Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction. Ali Tebbs trained as an art teacher but pursued a career elsewhere. Now retired, she is enjoying sharing her craft skills and resources with others. Sue Lansbury is an artist, sculptor and teacher with a fascination for environment and landscape. All three live in Dorset. facebook: Ali Tebbs – Boxes £241 (CONC. £203) Honouring Our Sacred Self 27 June (Sat 10.00-5.00) A one day yoga retreat with Sian Alcock. “Let’s step away from our busy lives as we gently and mindfully open ourselves to a day of nurturing, rejuvenating and healing.” All enquiries and bookings through Sian on 07527 052273 or [email protected] (See also 2 May and 14 Nov) £50, LUNCH INCLUDED, OR £55 IF BOOKING IN FINAL 2 WEEKS. “Amazing place, excellent event, groovy folks, way cool!” 10 Visit for day events and non-residential participation Creative Vegetarian Cookery 30 June – 5 July (Tues-Sun p.m.) Would you like to expand your experience of vegetarian dishes and release your JYLH[P]P[`HYV\UK[OLJVSV\Y[L_[\YLHUKISLUKPUNVMPUNYLKPLU[Z&>LJVTIPUL[OL cookery with simple mindfulness techniques to heighten our awareness and help maintain a calm and focussed way of being – both in the kitchen and in everyday life. Linda Vincent is an experienced and passionate vegetarian cook and healthy eater, who says: “To me cooking is a joyous experience and even better when we get the opportunity to sit down and eat what we have prepared with a group of like-minded souls.” We will experiment with lesser used grains and pulses and create some interesting dishes with more familiar ingredients. With free time each day to relax and explore Othona’s beautiful surroundings, and open discussions on mindfulness and £296 (CONC. £234) meditation, and on nutrition and special diets. Othona Gold Festival Preparation Days 13-17 July (Mon-Fri a.m.) The coming weekend is our Golden Jubilee Festival. Leading up to is your chance to spend some time in community, to help with the preparations: putting up gazebos, mounting exhibition materials, baking, decorating the house etc. But also enjoy something special each evening, for example: movies made by Young Othonans, a dance evening, a visiting speaker, an outing. If you plan to attend the Preparation Days and the Festival Weekend, `V\JHUILULÄ[MYVTWYPVYP[`IVVRPUNHZSVUNHZ^L receive your form before 31st January. £200 (CONC. £150) 11-18: £100 3-10: £80 Othona Gold Festival Weekend 17-19 July (Fri-Sun p.m.) 6UH1\S`KH`PU 6[OVUHWPVULLYZÄYZ[VWLULK[OPZJLU[YL;OLOV\ZL^HZ dilapidated, the grounds like a jungle, the amenities virtually nil. But the spirit of community was strong. Much has changed since then, but we believe Othona’s sense of purpose, and the need for what it offers, are undimmed. Will you join us to JLSLIYH[LV\Y`LHYZVU[OPZZP[L& Saturday will be a Golden Jubilee Gala Day featuring reminiscences, presentations, a bring-and-share picnic with lots of our local friends and a concert. Sunday will see a Thanksgiving Celebration and a buffet feast. There’ll be an exhibition summing up the past 50 years in pictures and looking at exciting prospects for the future. We’re bound to be short of space for this very special weekend. Priority for accommodation on site will be given to those who are also coming for some or all of the Preparation Days immediately leading up to the Festival. If you wish to stay just for the weekend, please send your booking form in as soon as possible, but we will UV[ILHISL[VJVUÄYT\U[PS-LIY\HY`^OL[OLY^LJHUHJJVTTVKH[L`V\VUZP[L >OH[OHWWLUZ^OLU[OLILKYVVTZH[6[OVUHHYLHSSM\SS&>L»SSHYYHUNLWYP]H[L)) options with some Othona members who live locally. And we can provide contact details for commercial B&Bs and guesthouses within easy reach. In either case you should bring your own transport. Please contact us as soon as possible about this; £120 (CONC. £95) 11-18: £63 3-10: £50 +VYZL[NL[ZWVW\SHYPU1\S` 11 This week has something to appeal to everyone, but will be particularly suited for families with younger children (primary school ages). Ali Tebbs and Jo Harp will be providing a range of art and craft projects which can be art-attacked by people of all ages and abilities. Using paint, paper, glue and a range of craft materials we will create a wide variety of lovely things based around fantasy and fairytales. All TH[LYPHSZ^PSSILWYV]PKLKI\[IYPUN`V\YV^UPTHNPUH[PVU(SPHUK1VOH]LIV[O led numerous activity events at Othona, here and in Essex. They are mother and daughter and both live in Bridport. (See also12-17 May and 22-25 June) £312 (CONC. £237) 11-18: £165 3-10: £128 Games Galore and More A week for anyone of any age to feed their playful self. With an emphasis on L]LY`[OPUNI\[JVTW\[LYNHTLZ6[OVUHPZHNYLH[WSHJL[VNL[Z[\JRPU[VZWVY[ZHUK fun activities, indoor and outdoor. Table tennis, ultimate Frisbee, jenga, chess, wellie wanging – we’ll have a few tournaments among ourselves and even make up some games never played before. But also there will be two outing days – treasure trails and treetop adventure are likely activities (depending on weather etc.). The costs of these two activities will be extra, but we can negotiate excellent group rates. Add to HSS[OPZZVTLZPTWSLI\ZOJYHM[HUKVULKPUULYJVVRLKV]LYV\YV^UJHTWÄYL;OPZ popular event will be co-led again by Kate Thatcher with members of the Othona [LHT0[»ZNVPUN[VILHNYLH[^LLR>PSS`V\ILWHY[VMP[& £307 (CONC. £232) 11-18: £160 3-10: £123 Astronomy for All: Comets and Shooting Stars Roger Noble, professional astronomer, returns to lead another of his deservedly popular weeks. This year we focus – in every sense – on comets. Comet ChuryumovGerasimenko (67P to its friends) will pass closest to the sun on 13 August. Will the 7OPSHLSHUKLYOH]LYLJOHYNLKP[ZZVSHYIH[[LYPLZHUKº^VRLU\W»&>OH[OHZP[HSYLHK` [VSK\ZHIV\[[OLZVSHYZ`Z[LT&9VNLY»ZYPJOS`PSS\Z[YH[LKHM[LYUVVU[HSRZ^PSSWSHJL comets within the evolution of the entire universe. 67P may even be faintly visible in the early hours using the computer-guided telescope, through which we can also expect good views of Saturn. If that weren’t enough, this is also the week of the Perseid meteor shower. £307 (CONC. £232) 11-18: £160 3-10: £123 “Feel we have been bathing in TLC! Thank You.” 12 Are you booking more than 1 month ahead? <RXQHHGRQO\VHQGWKHQRQUHIXQGDEOHGHSRVLW:KHQZHFRQÀUP\RXUERRNLQJZHZLOOWHOO\RXWKHDPRXQWVWLOO RZLQJDQGZKHQWRSD\LWE\$OWHUQDWLYHO\ZHZHOFRPHSD\PHQWLQIXOODWWKHWLPHRIERRNLQJ²LWFXWVGRZQWKH SDSHUZRUNDOOURXQG 7RÀQGWKHIXOOFRVWRIDQ\HYHQWORRNRQWKHZHEVLWHRULQRXUSULQWHGEURFKXUH7KHFKDUJHUDWHVIRUHDFKHYHQWDUH OLVWHGEHORZWKHHYHQWGHVFULSWLRQFor each event booked, we require a standard non-refundable deposit of £30 per adult (£15 per child aged 3 – 18 years inclusive). HOW TO PAY ,IHYHQWKHFRQFHVVLRQDU\UDWHLVDSUREOHPIRU\RXZHKDYHDbursary fund$SSOLFDWLRQVIRUEXUVDULHV²LQZULWLQJWR WKHZDUGHQSOHDVHOHWWHURUHPDLOWRQ\#RWKRQDEERUJXN²DUHWUHDWHGLQFRQÀGHQFH 7KHconcessionary adult rateLVIUHHO\DYDLODEOHWRWKRVHZKRQHHGLWXSWRGD\VSHUSHUVRQSHUÀQDQFLDO\HDU ,W·VQRWWLHGWRHOLJLELOLW\IRUVWDWHEHQHÀWVIRULQVWDQFH<RXFKRRVHLILW·VDSSURSULDWHIRU\RXDQGZHZLOODFFHSW\RXU GHFLVLRQ:HGRQ·WTXRWHconcessionary rates for childrenEXWDUHKDSS\WRFRQVLGHUDUHGXFWLRQLI\RXUIDPLO\QHHGVLW 3OHDVHFRQWDFWXVWRGLVFXVVWKLVLQFRQÀGHQFH 2WKRQDLVDQRWIRUSURÀWFKDULW\DQGLVNQRZQDVYHU\DIIRUGDEOH2XUstandard adult rateUHÁHFWVWKHUHDOFRVWRI\RXU VWD\,I\RXYDOXH2WKRQD·VZRUNDQGFDQDGGDGRQDWLRQSOHDVHGR<RXUJLIWVDOORZXVWRRIIHUJHQHURXVFRQFHVVLRQVDQG EXUVDULHVLQFDVHRIQHHG OUR CHARGES Enchanted Art and Magical Making 1-7 Aug (Sat-Fri a.m.) 8-14 Aug (Sat-Fri a.m.) Visit for news, views and photo gallery /HVVWKDQPRQWKPRUHWKDQZHHNDKHDG /HVVWKDQZHHNDKHDG 2QRUDIWHUWKHVWDUWGDWH QLO DOOEXWWKHGHSRVLW 3OHDVHHPDLOPHDQRQOLQH3D\SDOLQYRLFHIRUWKH7RWDODERYHSOXV R&KHTXHPDGHRXWWR7KH2WKRQD&RPPXQLW\ R2WKHUSOHDVHJLYHGHWDLOV 2UVFDQDQGHPDLOWRERRNLQJV#RWKRQDEERUJXN <RXFDQSULQWPRUHFRSLHVRIWKLVIRUPDWZZZRWKRQDEERUJXNKRZWRERRN 2WKRQDUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRFKDQJHRUFDQFHOHYHQWVDVQHFHVVDU\ 2WKRQDLVUHJLVWHUHGFKDULW\QXPEHU Now post this to: Bookings, Othona West Dorset, Coast Road, Burton Bradstock, Bridport DT6 4RN £ R%DQN7UDQVIHU%$&6WR7KH2WKRQD&RPPXQLW\$FFRXQW1R6RUWFRGH Please give the start date of the event as Reference CodeWROLQN\RXUSD\PHQWWR\RXUERRNLQJ R8VLQJ3D\SDORUGHELWFDUGRQOLQHYLD3D\SDOZKLFK,XQGHUVWDQGZLOODGGDKDQGOLQJFKDUJHRI TOTAL: £ £ £ R I am paying my deposit QRQWUDQVIHUDEOHQRQUHIXQGDEOHof R I am paying the full chargeVWDQGDUGRUFRQFHVVLRQDU\VHHDERYHof R I enclose a donationWRKHOSIXQGFRQFHVVLRQVEXUVDULHVof I am making my payment by WLFNZKLFKHYHUDSSOLHV Or Either :HFDQDFFHSWSD\PHQWE\FDVKFKHTXHSRVWDORUGHUEDQNWUDQVIHU3D\SDODFFRXQWRUGHELWFDUGYLD3D\SDO 3OHDVHÀOOLQ\RXUSD\PHQWPHWKRGDQGDPRXQWEHORZDQGWKHQVLJQRYHUSDJHEHIRUHUHWXUQLQJWKLVIRUPWRXV MAKING YOUR PAYMENT $OOERRNLQJVDUHQRQWUDQVIHUDEOH:HVXJJHVW\RXFRQVLGHUWDNLQJRXWLQVXUDQFHDJDLQVWORVVGXHWRFDQFHOODWLRQ 0RUHWKDQPRQWKDKHDGRIWKHHYHQWVWDUWGDWH If you have to cancelZHZLOOUHIXQGDYDU\LQJSURSRUWLRQRI\RXUSD\PHQW Are you booking less than 1 month ahead? 3OHDVHVHQGIXOOSD\PHQWQRZZLWK\RXUERRNLQJ1%2XUFKDUJHVDVTXRWHGQRZLQFOXGHDQ\FRXUVHIHHV 25-31 July (Sat-Fri a.m.) BOOKING FORM 3OHDVHXVHDVHSDUDWHERRNLQJIRUPIRUHDFKSHUVRQ XQOHVV\RXDUHDSSO\LQJDVDFRXSOHRUDIDPLO\DQGSD\LQJWRJHWKHU Event Title: Your name(s): Your date of birth: UHTXLUHGIRUDOOSOHDVH 0) 0) 0) 0) Sex: Departure date: 0) Arrival date: Email: Mobile: Postal address: Postcode: Landline: R<HV R1RQRWDWDOO R7ZLQEHGV Mobile: R2QO\LIQHFHVVDU\ R$GRXEOHEHGLIDYDLODEOH Landline: Emergency contact²ZKRGRZHSKRQHin an emergency"/DQGOLQHandPRELOHLISRVVLEOHSOHDVH Name: Are you willing to share? For two booking together:7LFNLI\RXSUHIHU :HRIIHUDOLPLWHGQXPEHURIVLQJOHURRPVIRUHDFKHYHQW<RX·UHDGYLVHGWRERRNHDUO\LI\RXDUHXQDEOHWRVKDUH Do you have any special needs? SK\VLFDOGLHWDU\KHDOWKUHODWHG QHHGSUHIHUJURXQGÁRRUURRP R1RR<HVIf YesKRZGLG\RXKHDURIXV" RYLD5HWUHDWVRUJVLWH R5HWUHDW*XLGHRURWKHUSXEOLFDWLRQ R*RRJOHHWFVHDUFK R2WKHU 3OHDVHVD\LI\RXHDWQRPHDWQRUHGPHDWQRÀVKHWF:HFDWHUDWDOOWLPHVIRUYHJHWDULDQV3OHDVHWHOOXVDERXWDQ\DOOHUJ\ RURWKHUVHULRXVGLHWDU\QHHGVSUHIHUHQFHVVRWKDWZHFDQSODQWRIHHG\RXZHOODQGDGYLVH\RXRIDQ\H[WUDFKDUJHLQYROYHG R3HUVRQDOUHFRPPHQGDWLRQ RYLD2WKRQDSXEOLFLW\OHDÁHW ,VWKLV\RXUÀUVWWLPHDW2WKRQD:HVW'RUVHW" R :HVHQGRFFDVLRQDOHPDLOVZLWKQHZVWRWKRVHRQRXUGDWDEDVH3OHDVHWLFNLI\RXSUHIHUnotWRUHFHLYHDQ\ 'DWH DECLARATION ,DPRYHUDQGDJUHHWR2WKRQD·V7HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQVFDQFHOODWLRQGHWDLOVSOXVKHDOWKDQGVDIHW\FRQVLGHUDWLRQV DVRQEURFKXUHSDJHDQGDWZZZRWKRQDEERUJXNWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQV,KDYHÀOOHGLQSD\PHQWGHWDLOVRYHUOHDI 6LJQ 17-23 Aug (Mon-Sun a.m.) DOOEXWWKHGHSRVLW *HSSPUNHSS`V\UNZPUNLYZWSH`LYZKLZPNULYZHJ[VYZHUKZVUN^YP[LYZ:PUNLY songwriter Joanna Eden will be leading a week of music making and story telling with a simple mission: creating a brand new musical…. from scratch. Jo taught PU[LYUH[PVUHSS`HJJSHPTLKZPUNLYZVUN^YP[LY:HT:TP[OMVYUPUL`LHYZ5V^ZOL»SSIL at Othona to guide young people through the devising, composing and performing of a totally original piece of musical theatre. If you’re excited by the idea of a week of vocal coaching, songwriting sessions, IYLHRPUNKV^UPUOPIP[PVUZI\PSKPUN[Y\Z[YLOLHYZPUNYLÅLJ[PUNZOHYPUNHUK WLYMVYTPUN[OLU[OPZJV\SKILHNYLH[^LLRMVY`V\7HYLU[ZHUKV[OLYZJHUSLUKH hand, of course, but they’ll be taking a back seat. Young people – from 8 to 18 ideally ¶^PSSIL^OH[P[»ZHSSHIV\[5)@V\UNLYJOPSKYLUJV\SKILPU]VS]LKI\[PUHTVYL limited way.) Facebook: JoannaEdenSingerSongwriter £307 (CONC. £232) 11-18: £160 3-10: £123 Circle Dance Delights 24-28 Aug (Mon-Fri p.m.) 0RUHWKDQPRQWKDKHDGRIWKHHYHQWVWDUWGDWH /HVVWKDQPRQWKPRUHWKDQZHHNDKHDG /HVVWKDQZHHNDKHDG A relaxing break in community, with international circle dancing sessions led by Kathryn Penny, well known for her skilled but approachable way of teaching. She has an amazing range of music and dances from many parts of the world. Some HYLZPTWSLHUKTLKP[H[P]LV[OLYZTVYLPU[YPJH[LVYLULYNL[PJ4HU`ÅV^^P[OH strong sense of the individuals in the circle losing their self-consciousness about footwork or hand movements, tuning in to a palpable sense of oneness. No dance PZVISPNH[VY`0M`V\»YLUL^[V[OPZ`V\^PSSÄUKNVVKZ\WWVY[MYVT2H[OY`UHUKV[OLY dancers with more experience. (Non-dancing friends or partners who share your bedroom are also welcome to this event.) £235 (CONC. £184) If you have to cancelZHZLOOUHIXQGDYDU\LQJSURSRUWLRQRI\RXUSD\PHQW Are you booking less than 1 month ahead? 3OHDVHVHQGIXOOSD\PHQWQRZZLWK\RXUERRNLQJ1%2XUFKDUJHVDVTXRWHGQRZLQFOXGHDQ\FRXUVHIHHV Are you booking more than 1 month ahead? <RXQHHGRQO\VHQGWKHQRQUHIXQGDEOHGHSRVLW:KHQZHFRQÀUP\RXUERRNLQJZHZLOOWHOO\RXWKHDPRXQWVWLOO RZLQJDQGZKHQWRSD\LWE\$OWHUQDWLYHO\ZHZHOFRPHSD\PHQWLQIXOODWWKHWLPHRIERRNLQJ²LWFXWVGRZQWKH SDSHUZRUNDOOURXQG 7RÀQGWKHIXOOFRVWRIDQ\HYHQWORRNRQWKHZHEVLWHRULQRXUSULQWHGEURFKXUH7KHFKDUJHUDWHVIRUHDFKHYHQWDUH OLVWHGEHORZWKHHYHQWGHVFULSWLRQFor each event booked, we require a standard non-refundable deposit of £30 per adult (£15 per child aged 3 – 18 years inclusive). HOW TO PAY ,IHYHQWKHFRQFHVVLRQDU\UDWHLVDSUREOHPIRU\RXZHKDYHDbursary fund$SSOLFDWLRQVIRUEXUVDULHV²LQZULWLQJWR WKHZDUGHQSOHDVHOHWWHURUHPDLOWRQ\#RWKRQDEERUJXN²DUHWUHDWHGLQFRQÀGHQFH 7KHconcessionary adult rateLVIUHHO\DYDLODEOHWRWKRVHZKRQHHGLWXSWRGD\VSHUSHUVRQSHUÀQDQFLDO\HDU ,W·VQRWWLHGWRHOLJLELOLW\IRUVWDWHEHQHÀWVIRULQVWDQFH<RXFKRRVHLILW·VDSSURSULDWHIRU\RXDQGZHZLOODFFHSW\RXU GHFLVLRQ:HGRQ·WTXRWHconcessionary rates for childrenEXWDUHKDSS\WRFRQVLGHUDUHGXFWLRQLI\RXUIDPLO\QHHGVLW 3OHDVHFRQWDFWXVWRGLVFXVVWKLVLQFRQÀGHQFH 2WKRQDLVDQRWIRUSURÀWFKDULW\DQGLVNQRZQDVYHU\DIIRUGDEOH2XUstandard adult rateUHÁHFWVWKHUHDOFRVWRI\RXU VWD\,I\RXYDOXH2WKRQD·VZRUNDQGFDQDGGDGRQDWLRQSOHDVHGR<RXUJLIWVDOORZXVWRRIIHUJHQHURXVFRQFHVVLRQVDQG EXUVDULHVLQFDVHRIQHHG OUR CHARGES Let’s Make a Musical! Roll Up Your Sleeves 6-11 Sept (Sun-Fri a.m.) Another chance to help around the house and grounds. Up to 6 hours work a day, ^P[O]HYPLK[HZRZ[VZ\P[`V\YHIPSP[PLZ:OHYLKQVIZPUJVTT\UP[`HYLHSV[VMM\U[VV (See 2-8 March) £80 (NO CONCESSIONS) “Little did I know that what actually awaited me was a carefully structured, deeply rejuvenating gentle programme of physical and spiritual nourishment that would touch and restore the mind, body and heart. Hilarious and nurturing company of sensitive, thoughtful people from all different places. The accepting, caring welcome of the core community.” 13 Quiet Week 12-18 Sept (Sat-Fri a.m.) Do you long for soulful relaxation and quiet, but not enough to go on a completely ZPSLU[YL[YLH[&6\Y8\PL[>LLRZVMMLYHKLW[OVM[YHUX\PSSP[`HX\HSP[`VMWYLZLUJL ^OPJO^PSSYLZ[WHY[ZVM`V\[OH[ULLKYLZ[¯HUKH^HRLUWHY[Z[OH[OH]LKVaLKVMM Othona provides a simple ‘container’ that has proved its effective eness in calming the body, refreshing the mind and deepening inner peace. +LSPJPV\ZTLHSZZVTLVM[OLTZOHYLKPUZPSLUJL :V\SMVVKPUJOHWLSLHJOTVYUPUN^P[OJHYLM\SS`WYLWHYLKYLÅLJ[PVUZ[VZ[HY[ the day. 6[OVUH»ZNSVYPV\ZUH[\YHSZL[[PUN[VL_WSVYL^P[OYLZV\YJLZVMSPIYHY`HUK art room too. (UHJJLW[PUNJYLH[P]LJVTT\UP[``V\JHUJVU[YPI\[L[VHUKILWHY[VM Kate Compston returns to support the atmosphere of contemplation and offer each TVYUPUNHIYPLMZLSLJ[PVUVM^VYKZPTHNLZHUKT\ZPJ[VWYVTW[V\YYLÅLJ[PVUZ2H[L has led a good many retreats, has a particular interest in poetry and creativity, and ^PSSZLLR[VVMMLYYLÅLJ[PVUZ[OH[KYH^VUPUZPNO[ZMYVT]HYPV\ZYLSPNPV\Z[YHKP[PVUZ Being in community of course you will be asked to help with a light household job each day; sharing these tasks in a spirit of gift, not obligation, is a positive part of the £337 (CONC. £262) experience. Walking Week 2 – Stepping Out 19-24 Sept (Sat-Thurs a.m.) Another of Othona’s renowned community walking holidays. As autumn approaches, [OLMYLZOS`OHY]LZ[LKÄLSKZZOV^TVYLVM[OLPYHUJPLU[JVU[V\YZHUK:LW[LTILY weather is often glorious. Practical details, including distances, are as for Walking £256 (CONC. £194) Week 1 (see 1-7 May). Sing Your Heart Out! 25-27 Sept (Fri-Sun p.m.) Sarah Pennington and Gilo return to lead a weekend of vibrant songs to nourish the OLHY[HUKIYPUNQV`[V[OLZWPYP[;OLPY^LLRLUKZHYLHS^H`ZWVW\SHYHUKÄSS\WMHZ[ so it’s best to book early, especially for limited single rooms. Sarah and Gilo teach in a way which is engaging and sensitive, particularly to any new to singing, and their workshops involve humour and a spirit of fun. They always bring out the best in a group of singers. The songs for the weekend will be drawn from many sources, some upbeat and jazzy, some gentle and meditative – something for everyone. No need to read music or even think of yourself as an experienced singer to enjoy this weekend. 1\Z[IYPUN`V\Y]VPJLHUKOLSW\ZYHPZL[OLYHM[LYZ Find Sarah and Gilo individually on £146 (CONC. £121) DAY VISITORS WELCOME FOR BIG SING DAY ON SATURDAY 26 SEPT 10.00 – 5.00 £18 INCLUDES LUNCH AND OTHER REFRESHMENTS. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. Returned to Fullness: Blessings and Beatitudes (An Appleseed Course) 30 Sept – 4 Oct (Wed-Sun p.m.) The act of blessing is a living mystery within many spiritual traditions. In this course we will uncover, explore and celebrate our own blessedness and its action in the world, using the Appleseed process of mindful, simple creativity. Inspired by beautiful and unexpected readings from a wide range of sources, participants are guided in meditative arts activities requiring no special skills. The format of evening arrival, [OYLLM\SSKH`ZHUKHÄUHSTVYUPUNNP]LZZWHJLMVYKLLWYLÅLJ[PVUHUKLUQV`TLU[ of community. Appleseed proves itself time and time again as an inspiring and rewarding process that opens the heart, feeds the mind and lets the spirit soar. Jennie Barnsley and Roy Bayfield have conducted Appleseed courses at Othona for over 10 years. £250 (CONC. £199) The Hidden Gospel 8 Oct (Thurs 10.00-4.00) A rare chance to spend a study day with Neil Douglas-Klotz, the leading scholar of ‘the Aramaic Jesus’. He goes back to Aramaic, the mother tongue in which Jesus Z\YLS`ZWVRLHUK[H\NO[;YHUZSH[PUNMYVT[OH[YPJOS`HSS\ZP]LSHUN\HNLUV[ÄS[LYLK through Greek and its worldview as the New Testament usually is) can bring a remarkably fresh perspective on familiar words from the gospels. As one reviewer said, his “reinterpretations of well-known phrases are insightful, penetrating, and in some cases dazzling. This book will change the way many people read the New Testament.” Neil is a teacher and retreat leader who wears his erudition lightly, always grounding his teaching in what can be of practical support for daily life and spirituality. The day may include an option of simple meditative exercises and body prayers, to help us directly experience the life-changing spiritual practice of Jesus’ original mystical tradition. Neil is author of many books including The Hidden Gospel, Prayers of the Cosmos and The Genesis Meditations. More about Neil: £40 TO COMBINE THE HIDDEN GOSPEL WITH THE FOLLOWING RETREAT AS ONE RESIDENTIAL STAY AT OTHONA, PLEASE ENQUIRE BY PHONE OR EMAIL FOR PRICES ETC. “Amazing people, amazing games, and a few too many late nights!” 14 Visit for more about each event and Othona 15 Cycles of Life, Cycles of Wisdom: Spiritual Practice for Nature’s Changing Seasons 9-11 Oct (Fri-Sun p.m.) 6\YSP]LZÄUKOLHS[OHUKOHYTVU`[OYV\NOIHSHUJPUN[OLYO`[OTZ^P[OPUHUKHYV\UK us: the cycles of the sun and moon, of day and night, of the seasons, and of our own heartbeat, breathing, nervous and immune systems. This weekend retreat with Neil Douglas-Klotz and Natalia Lapteva will explore spiritual practice and meditation that can help us adapt to and thrive within the changing cycles and rhythms of life. This will include chant, sitting meditation, breath practice, walking meditation, movement, Dances of Universal Peace and other active tools to help one feel and embody more SPMLLULYN`7YHJ[PJLZ^PSSILKYH^UMYVTTHU`^VYSK[YHKP[PVUZHZP[PZ[OL:\Ä^H`[V see unity in all spiritual paths. Neil and Natalia are the senior leaders of the Dervish Healing Order (DHO) in the UK ( Neil is the author of several well-known books on Middle Eastern mysticism and the Aramaic words of Jesus (see www.abwoon. com). Natalia is a life-coach and psychotherapist, as well as being a DHO healing conductor/initiator. £208 (CONC. £183) LIMITED NON-RESIDENTIAL PLACES AVAILABLE – PRICES ON REQUEST Enneagram Exploration: Relating from Essence 15-18 Oct (Thurs-Sun p.m.) The Enneagram is a model of human personality comprising nine basic Types. 4VZ[¶PMUV[HSS¶TPZ\UKLYZ[HUKPUNZJVUÅPJ[ZHUKHSPLUH[PVUZZWYPUNMYVT[OLMHJ[ [OH[[`WLOHZHUHYYV^HUKÄ_LKWVPU[VM]PL^;OLW\YWVZLVM[`WLPZ[VWYV[LJ[ us and to help us cope with a world which seems threatening – albeit in nine very KPMMLYLU[^H`Z.P]LU[OPZP[»ZUV[Z\YWYPZPUN[OH[MHJLK^P[OHUV[OLYO\THUILPUN¶ however well-intentioned – type reacts in automatic, defensive, and (fortunately for the purpose of growth) predictable ways. Unfortunately this is true even when we hope and long for intimacy. How rare, and how unforgettable, are the moments when our barriers drop and we come face to face, heart to heart, mind to mind with another. In that moment, love is known. It may even be a moment shared with a stranger; still, we recognise it and long for more of that quality of relatedness. This workshop explores why we don’t, and how we can start to, relate more and more from Essence rather than Type. Come prepared to do so. It is preferable though not essential if you have some idea of your subtype before attending. With Karen Webb, author of “Principles of the Enneagram”, and probably the UK’s foremost Enneagram teacher. (See also 19-22 March.) £241 (CONC. £203) Just Community – Special Bargain Week 19-25 Oct (Mon-Sun p.m.) If we were a supermarket we’d probably label this “Othona Essentials”. Simple, nutritious and a real bargain. A week in company with other people who also desire inclusive community and spiritual authenticity. We’ll share in everyday jobs and meals and some of the seasonal work of Othona – probably around picking and preserving apples. Each day there’ll be a talk/dialogue or discussion on aspects of what we experience HZJVTT\UP[`>OH[JHUP[TLHUPUHYHWPKS`JOHUNPUN^VYSK&(]PZP[PUNZWLHRLY^PSS enliven our discussions early in the week. And on Saturday we’ll share in an Othona Gold Day – celebrating our Golden Jubilee with many local Othona friends. Single rooms limited this week so early booking is recommended. £220 (CONC. £190) Half Term Breather 28 Oct – 1 Nov (Wed-Sun p.m.) Our much-loved short break for families (and others) offers different fun and creative activities every day: walking, swimming, games, music-making etc. £205 (CONC. £154) 11-18: £107 3-10: £82 Digital Detox – 2 Day 9-11 Nov (Mon-Wed p.m.) ¸/V^JHU0SP]LTVYLZHULS`HUKOLHS[OPS`PUZ\JOHM\SSVUKPNP[HS^VYSK&¹+V`V\HZR `V\YZLSM[OH[&;OPZ^LLRLUKVMMLYZ[^V[OPUNZ-PYZ[HZLYPV\ZIYLHR![PTLV\[MYVT emails, tv and any device you’re prepared to leave at home or switch off. You’ll feel `V\YZLSMZSV^PUN[VHTVYLUH[\YHSYO`[OT(UK[OLU[OLYL»SSILJOHUJLZ[VYLÅLJ[ with others, on the blessings and drawbacks of the ever-connected lifestyle. We’ll share some practical ways to organise our lives so that they really belong to us, not [V.\YNSLVY-PaIVVRVY>P[[LY All this in an environment of great natural beauty with good company and heartwarming home-cooked food. (See also 4 day Digital Detox 17-21 June and 2 day Digital Detox 8-10 May) £140 Honouring Our Sacred Self 14 Nov (Sat 10.00-5.00) A one day yoga retreat with Sian Alcock. “Let’s step away from our busy lives as we gently and mindfully open ourselves to a day of nurturing, rejuvenating and healing.” All enquiries and bookings through Sian on 07527 052273 or [email protected] (See also 2 May and 27 June) £50, LUNCH INCLUDED, OR £55 IF BOOKING IN FINAL 2 WEEKS. “A wonderful opportunity to experience wisdom, spirituality and friendship.” 16 Visit for day events and non-residential participation 17 The Rebirthing of God 20-22 Nov (Fri-Sun p.m.) “The walls of Western Christianity are collapsing. In many parts of the West that collapse can only be described as seismic… There are three main responses or YLHJ[PVUZ[V[OPZJVSSHWZL;OLÄYZ[PZ[VKLU`[OH[P[PZOHWWLUPUN;OLZLJVUKPZ[V frantically try to shore up the foundations of the old thing. The third, which I invite us into, is to ask what is trying to be born that requires a radical reorientation of our vision. What is the new thing that is trying to emerge from deep within us and from KLLW^P[OPU[OLJVSSLJ[P]LZV\SVM*OYPZ[PHUP[`&¹;OH[»Z[OLRL`X\LZ[PVUJohn Philip Newell asks in his superb 2014 book The Rebirthing of God. This weekend we will encounter the major themes of his answer. John Philip is a former warden of the Iona Community, a liturgist whose luminously inclusive prayers and blessings are often used at Othona. He is author of numerous books about Celtic and emerging spirituality and is valued as a retreat and pilgrimage leader across the world. We are fortunate to welcome him back to Othona. Half the places on this retreat are reserved for people aged under 40. This accords with how John Philip and his wife Ali summarise their sense of mission: We seek to be part of healing in our world - by providing fresh articulation for earthhonouring spirituality, by facilitating inter-faith relationship, by enabling young adults in contemplation and engagement. RESIDENTIAL: £178 (CONC. £153) NON-RESIDENTIAL: £108 (CONC. £99) INCLUDES LUNCH AND SUPPER MEALS PARTIAL BURSARIES FOR UNDER 40S AVAILABLE ON REQUEST November 2015 to February 2016 The community is open to visitors less than usual during the winter (a time when we catch up with maintenance, training and other development work). For details of other opportunities during these months please watch our website or ring us. Christmas in Community 23-27 Dec (Wed-Sun a.m.) Christmas at Othona is always rather special, with less of the things you want less VM[LSL]PZPVUIPUNLPUNIPJRLYPUNTH`ILSVULSPULZZ&HUKTVYLVMHZWPYP[VMWLHJL and goodwill within a temporary ‘family’ that isn’t your own but where you have a real contribution to make. Feasting, presents, prayers – all are in the mix, but not to excess. On Christmas Eve we visit a local organic farm for carol singing among the straw bales. On Boxing Day you can watch hardy souls take a chilly dip in a local harbour for charity (or even join them). Equally suited to families, couples or individuals. £220 (CONC. £171) 11-18: £114 3-10: £88 New Year Celebrations 29 Dec – 2 Jan (Tues-Sat a.m.) Othona always greets the New Year in a warm-hearted community fashion, with a feast, homegrown entertainments and a New Year walk. And we support each V[OLYUV[PUTHRPUNPTWYVIHISLYLZVS\[PVUZI\[PUZVTLWVZP[P]LYLÅLJ[PVUVUV\Y experience of the year just ending and hopes for the one to come. Equally suited to families, couples or individuals. £220 (CONC. £171) 11-18: £114 3-10: £88 Right here, write now! 15-17 Jan (Fri-Sun p.m.) /H]L`V\L]LYZHPK¸0»KSV]L[V^YP[LTVYLI\[0Q\Z[JHU»[ÄUK[OL[PTL&¹>LSS[OPZPZ a chance to stop the clock and treat yourself to a wonderful weekend exploring your own creativity. As well as an opportunity to mix and mingle with fellow scribes in the very special atmosphere of Othona, there will be morning workshops with some very experienced tutors and simple exercises to try all aspects of writing – from planning HUV]LS[VZ[Y\J[\YPUNHTPUPWSH`MYVTÄYLZPKLZ[VY`[LSSPUN[VWLYMVYTPUNHWVLTPU the landscape. Plus lots of time to be alone with your pen. You’ll go home relaxed HUKYLMYLZOLKHUK^P[OHUV[LIVVRM\SSVMZJYPIISLZ`V\»SS^HU[[VÄUK[OL[PTL[V [HRLM\Y[OLY Leading the weekend will be Bafta and Writers Guild award winning screenwriter Alan Gilbey, with (professional commitments permitting) novelist and writing tutor, Roger Mills and writer/script editor Anne Edyvean, currently story producer of BBC1’s Holby City. £123 (CONC. £98) STOPOVER DEAL: STAY TO MONDAY MORNING (WHEN PUBLIC TRANSPORT IS EASIER) FOR JUST £20 EXTRA Quiet Week 6-12 Feb (Sat-Fri a.m.) /V^HIV\[ZVTLZWHJLMVYYLÅLJ[PVUHZ[OLUL^`LHYILNPUZ[V\UMVSK&;OPZ^LLRPZ not a completely silent retreat, but offers a depth of tranquillity, a quality of presence ^OPJO^PSSYLZ[WHY[ZVM`V\[OH[ULLKYLZ[¯HUKH^HRLUWHY[Z[OH[OH]LKVaLKVMM :PUNSLYVVTZN\HYHU[LLK\USLZZ`V\ZWLJPÄJHSS`^HU[[VZOHYL(ISHaPUNSVNÄYL and home-cooked food. Some meals in silence. A cosy library. A peaceful chapel. A long empty beach and good walking country. An accepting, creative community. >VU»[`V\QVPU\Z& £317 (CONC. £242) “Hugely enjoyable and deeply transforming. Thank You.” 18 Visit for news, views and photo gallery 19 Sabbatical Stays in Community On a Sabbatical Stay you could spend anything from a fortnight to a month living here alongside the core community. You may or may not be on a sabbatical from paid work. But we take it you are looking for a few weeks ‘off the treadmill’ of ^OH[L]LY`V\YUVYTHSKHPS`SPMLPZ@V\TPNO[JVTLOLYL^P[OZWLJPÄJPU[LU[PVUZ [VKVZVTLZLYPV\ZYLHKPUN[VJVTWSL[LHJYLH[P]LWYVQLJ[[VNL[Ä[I`^HSRPUNn miles a day etc.) or with more of an open mind. The Sabbath in Jewish and Christian understanding has been thought of as a precious time, a stepping back to gain perspective, a pause for blessing, a spiritual breather. We’ll be delighted if you can ÄUK[OPZH[6[OVUH During a sabbatical stay you’re part of a community, sharing in the pattern of our day. There may be an occasional day when you are on your own; in which case we will brief you on anything you need to know. We offer two ‘levels’ of sabbatical involvement, which we call hands-on and hands-off. Our charge is usually £20 per day (hands-on) or £40 per day (hands-off). If you come for a hands-onZHIIH[PJHS`V\»SSILVMMLYPUNÄ]LTVYUPUNZH^LLRVY equivalent time) of voluntary help to whatever is going on in community (obviously ^LTLHUQVIZZ\P[LK[V`V\YÄ[ULZZZRPSSZL[J-VYHhands-off sabbatical we’ll ask you to do the kind of daily job or jobs we ask of anybody staying in the community, but no more than that. At times you will need to cook for yourself, and as a member of the community you will help with washing up, clearing after meals etc, as would we all. This will leave you plenty of time and energy to pursue your own chosen activities (the reading, the art, the walks…) The availability of sabbaticals is limited and at some times of year we will not be able to offer such space at all (certainly not in August). We discuss with you and consider each request for sabbatical stays individually. We rarely accept sabbatical applications from people who have not been to Othona before, so if that’s you, we’d strongly advise a brief preliminary visit. Please email [email protected] for more details. FAQs Do you have single rooms? Yes – and twins, doubles and family rooms (but no en-suites). Just tell us your preference on the booking form. Book early for single rooms – sometimes we will only have space left if you’re prepared to share. Is everything provided in the bedrooms? Duvet, pillows and blankets are provided. You can bring your own duvet cover, bottom sheet, pillowcases and towels if you wish to save money. Or you can hire them from us at a one-off cost of £6 per person. What time of day do events begin and end? Residential events usually begin with supper at 6.30 or 7.00p.m. It helps us if you arrive after 4.00p.m. Departure times are mid-morning unless otherwise indicated (e.g. Sunday p.m.). Can I arrive a day early or stay over an extra night? This kind of extension is sometimes possible, particularly to bridge from one event to the next. Please ask us about the specific dates you have in mind. Can I reach you by public transport? Yes. For more information see the back cover. How do I qualify for a concession? You don’t have to. Our concessionary rate is freely available to anyone who feels they need it. It is not just for people receiving state benefits. After all, some pensioners are comfortably off, while some people in full time work are very hard up because of their commitments. So we trust your judgment about your own needs. Can I pay by credit or debit card? You can now pay us by debit card, via Paypal. When booking you ask us to email you a Paypal invoice. You can then pay from a Paypal account or using your debit card. We add 1% to your bill for this service - less than Paypal charge us, in fact. (We recommend bank transfers which are quick and free of charge). Do you offer individually guided retreats? No. You can find places which do through or 01494 433004. Do you offer private retreat time, within or outside advertised events? This is not usually possible outside advertised events, but see below about ZHIIH[PJHSZ[H`Z4HU`WLVWSLSVVRPUNMVYHYL[YLH[L_WLYPLUJLMPUKV\Y8\PL[>LLRZ and Open Spaces, with a balance of chill out and community, meet their needs. 20 Visit for more about each event and Othona 21 Can I stay for a longer period? Our ‘sabbatical stays’ can be anything from a fortnight to a month. Please contact us to explore possibilities. We cannot offer prolonged stays where your main needs are therapeutic. As a rule Othona only has living space for those who work as part of the core community. See separate details on page 20. Do you hire out the centre for group use? Yes, occasionally. We have a few openings each year for ‘outside group’ bookings not advertised in our own Programme. Please contact the warden to discuss possibilities. How do you cater for people with disabilities? All our communal rooms and two downstairs bedrooms are wheelchair-accessible. There is a hearing loop in the chapel. Guide dogs are an exception to Othona’s general no dogs rule. Will I have to do the washing up? @LZ*VTT\UP[`SPMLTLHUZ^LZOHYLHML^ZPTWSL[HZRZZ\JOHZ^HZOPUN\WHUK preparing vegetables, usually one each per day. Approached in a spirit of care and co-operation they can be more like gifts than chores. What’s your food like? Will my diet be a problem? We always try to provide home-cooked, healthy, scrumptious meals. We grow some of our own food and use a lot of produce which is local (West Dorset is a bit of a foodie heaven), organic or fairly traded. We cater at all times for vegetarians as well as meat-eaters. With our small kitchen we cannot promise special meals for those on V[OLYKPL[HY`YLNPTLZ0M[OH[»Z`V\^LOVWL`V\»SSÄUKWSLU[`[VUV\YPZOHUKKLSPNO[ you in what we do serve. Please do bring any supplementary food you are likely to need; ask for fridge space if you need it; but realise that you won’t usually be able to cook it at Othona. We always stock soya milk, dairy-free spread, rice cakes and gluten-free bread and our local town, Bridport, has various specialist food shops. If you have an allergy or serious medical intolerance to any foodstuffs, please make sure you notify us at time of booking – then we can plan to feed you well and let you know if this will involve any extra charge. Will I have access to media? All mobile networks now have coverage at Othona, if sometimes a bit patchy. <YNLU[TLZZHNLZJHUILSLM[MVY`V\PMULJLZZHY`VUV\YVMÄJLWOVUL >LKVU»[J\YYLU[S`OH]LHJVTW\[LYMVY]PZP[VYZ»\ZLUVYKV^LVMMLY^PÄ6[OVUH generally offers a rest from the chatter of tv, radio, etc. except occasional use of e.g. DVDs for discussion. If you listen to radio or music in your room we trust you’ll keep it quiet and not disturb others. Also we discourage the use of phones, tablets or laptops for games; Othona is a good place to rest from ‘virtual’ worlds. 22 Will my children like it? >OVJHUL]LYWYLKPJ[&)\[ZLYPV\ZS`L]LU[ZK\YPUNZJOVVSOVSPKH`ZHYL\Z\HSS` designed to be family-friendly. Most children adjust quickly to community life and love its freedoms. We have an established child protection policy. How inclusive are you? Othona values diversity and aims to break down barriers of age, sex, race, ability and background. We were pioneers among Christian centres in actively welcoming people regardless of sexual orientation. What if I’m not Christian, or not even religious? You don’t have to be Christian to enjoy Othona or to be welcome here. Many Othona people are Christian, but some are of other faiths. And many others are reluctant to be identified with any one religion, seeing themselves on a spiritual search. Only if you were indifferent or hostile to any such search would we suggest you think again about visiting Othona. How ‘holy’ is the atmosphere in your community? Spiritual health is about being fully human – which may or may not include being religious. Othona supports anybody who takes spiritual health seriously (by which ^LKVU»[TLHUZVSLTUS`)\[`V\^VU»[LUJV\U[LYHSV[VMWPV\Z[HSRUVYWYLZZ\YL to share other people’s beliefs. We hope you’ll find ‘soul nourishment’ in our chapel – as well as on the beach, in the art room, round the dinner table. Our library is a treasure house of books (and now some audio) to stir the heart and feed the mind, particularly strong in progressive theology and multi-faith spirituality. So in what sense is Othona Christian? In a profoundly open sense – open-hearted and open-minded – which we believe Christianity at its best is. Here at Othona West Dorset we speak of being “rooted in the Christian heritage… open to the widening future”. We honour the revolutionary heart of Jesus’ teaching, when Othona embraces and learns from people of all MHP[OZHUKUVUL*V\SKH*OYPZ[PHUP[`L]VS]PUNMVY[OLZ[JLU[\Y`ZL[[SLMVYSLZZ& How crucial it is that the world’s great faiths should relax their defensiveness and explore common ground. Othona is one tiny step in that direction. What does the name Othona mean? 5VIVK`RUV^Z,_JLW[[OH[P[^HZ[OL9VTHUZ»UHTLMVYHMVY[[OL`I\PS[VU[OL Essex coast. Out of the ruins of that fort rose a Christian church in AD654. Close by that church is the other (and first) centre at Bradwell-on-Sea in Essex. Today the Othona Community is a far-flung network of people with a love for one or both centres. Newcomers and non-members are just as welcome as long-established Othona members. 23 Terms and Conditions Please read this page carefully. It relates to your financial security and personal safety. Without your agreement to these terms (by signing the booking form) we cannot accept your booking. Cancellation Costs If I have to cancel I accept that Othona returns a varying proportion of my payment: More than 1 month ahead of the event start date: all but the deposit Less than 1 month, more than 1 week ahead: 50% Less than 1 week ahead: 10% On or after start date: nil I am aware I could take out insurance against loss due to cancellation. I accept that Othona reserves the right to change or cancel events as necessary. Recreation at Othona One of the delights of Othona is its relatively ‘wild’ outdoor environment. We want to keep this open to all and safe for all. Please read this carefully as it constitutes part of your terms and conditions for booking. In this chapel our guiding light is the example of Jesus He offered a welcome to all regardless of status or preference of sex, race or religion We seek to honour all faiths as responses to the divine as paths to liberation We look for the Christian tradition to evolve with new understandings and to join hands with all who hunger for justice and peace By booking to stay at Othona West Dorset I am agreeing to all of the following: Any or all of the members of my family or party listed on the booking form may want to play and engage in other recreational activities in the grounds of the Othona Community, including use of the equipment known as the Treehouse. I understand that: a. The grounds include varied terrain on which care is needed to avoid accidental injury. They are largely ‘undomesticated’ for the sake of wildlife and bio-diversity. There may be plants growing wild which are poisonous if eaten. b. As in any wild environment, common sense is needed to enjoy the surroundings and avoid danger. c. The possibility of injury to myself and others will always exist. 0JVUÄYT[OH[! a. I am aware and accept that there are potential risks to myself and others and I will not deliberately endanger myself or others. b. I acknowledge and accept the responsibility for the supervision of any child of mine who plays in the grounds, including use of the Treehouse. c. I will comply – and ensure any child of mine complies - with the Othona Community guidelines as to use of the Treehouse or any other play equipment. K 0^PSSVUS`HSSV^T`JOPSKYLU[V\ZL[OL;YLLOV\ZL^OLU0OH]LZH[PZÄLKT`ZLSM[OH[ it is safe for them to do so. I hereby release, remise and forever discharge from any claims and liabilities whatsoever without limitation the Othona Community, its employees and volunteer helpers and any other person playing in the grounds who might injure me or my child(ren) howsoever arising, and I make this release on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors and administrators. If you need extra booking forms and cannot photocopy, call us on 01308 897130 or visit 24 We have no one set form of chapel service. Sometimes a volunteer will lead by choosing music, a simple chant, sharing experience and thoughts, contributing readings, poems or prayers. Sometimes we just enjoy a companionable silence. Othona is about a mile east of Burton Bradstock village on the coastal side of the B3157. You can reach us by train (or coach) and bus. We send further travel details in the month before your visit. Othona Community Coast Road Burton Bradstock Bridport Dorset DT6 4RN Office: 01308 897130 Email: [email protected] Website: Find out much more about Othona on our website: Community House is in the care of a small resident group, the Core Community. Day to day management rests with the warden, Tony Jaques, backed by a a Committee and Trustees drawn from the Othona Community at large. “All my friends commented that my sparkle had returned after a very long absence. I’m still glowing a week on.” Designed by Ammonite Design Associates (01308 862112) Printed by Creeds (01308 423411) Photos: Robin Shaw
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