mm ?" A SALESMAN'S HAB&0W ESCAPE. Mica mines near Clinton, Ala., are In intestine," or Its consumption betore tne PRINTING PRESSES. DOMESTIC UN HAPPINESS. To sell goods appears to be easy business, es- full operation. meal; is insured by this rule. The quanpecially when tbe goods are so beautiful and atCause of ,MIery la the tity taken daily must bs modified acTbe Inadequacy of the Old rress and the tractive as to seem almost to sell themselves. But Im the Old Hero Dying Because of The Ob GreatHousehold. THE MOBNrKG DKESS. Way It Was Remedied. there are duties and responsibilities connected cording to the effects produced. Sledlcal Intolerance! is said that altdj's standing in society It with life a great the of estaba in When domestic unhappiness exists in temperature of the water should At the beginning of the century the iiHiimeni, 01 wnicn uie casual snopper has very can easily be determined by her dress at The American Homoeopath 1st has an a family it generally happens"' that the b?The as fast as the patients can Times was at the bottom of the list of little idea. One of the largest houses in the ar the breakfast-tahie'- ; an expensive, showy increased tistic porcelain and glass business not long atro costume indicating that the wearer has article on the treatment of General casa may be traced to money matters and bear it. It is remarkable how high a London regards journals a came near losing its chief salesman. Had he not yet learned the proprieties. But no morning Grant by the Allopaths, in which it !c the unequal division toflho common degree of heat some patients can en- the numbers sold, its contemporaries died, as it was expected ho would, his place ueedjbe afraid of beingcalled "shoddy" would have been a very difficult one to fill. His one hot water for months. after taking if her says: loveliness i as apparent by daylight Frobably eight women out of dure escape fwads very was narrow a from one. in proportion death indeed first such a temperature would being ranked as follows w nen our en tonal correspondent recenuy as at the hops. beauty is never " General Washington was murdered ten who are married and have no other At the Morning called on Air. Alonzo Clark, ho found him sur the attendant ofPerfect blister the mouth. Below 110 degrees to their circulation: disease; above all, of rounded by all manner of tasteful elegancies in those diseases peculiar to women, and by his medical attendants; but atleast visible means of support: than a hna the heat is not sufficient, as a rule, to Chronicle, (2) the Morning Post, (3) china and in the spacious salesrooms which 11 nd a ready cure in Dr. Pierce's as an save effects emetic. any have husband's upon dependent are that band the Morning Herald, (4) the Morning of the house of Davis, Collamore & "Favorite Prescription." they were heroically too heroically Price reduced of hot water must Advertiser. administration Hroadway and'Twenty-lin-- t Sts.. New York. The circulation of the Co., endeavoring to extinguish the disease. generosity for .every.' fire, cents they beThe Mr. ('lark is a somewhat spare and sinewy gen- - to one dollar. By druggists. ormonths six in least at continued Times did not then exceed 1,000 copies reinan or atxrnt 40 or over, lie carries wnnmiu Twenty-fou- r person wer killed by an Their brutality was of the active sort, have to spend. The ideaof a husband der to get its full "effects. It will be daily. the marks of a severe tussle with disease, but avalance at Seydisford, daily shows, the earlier years Seven wife is qnite as some weeks, as a rule, before any to his generous being Iceland. actions, countenance his both his and in though commendable, purpose and in circulation of tlif Mnrninn Post was but that he won the victory. absurd as it would bo for any other busibecome markedly appareflects The Continuation of a Cough for We will let Mr. Clark tell his own story: disastrous in result. General Garfield ness partner to be generous to his associ- ent It is not sufficient for a test of its wSoO copies, and its progress had been "My said, "was chiefly with my any length of time causes irritation of th trouble," he rapid; yet that of the itmeawas eveD lunRsand throat. Originally I had a good con- Icings, or some chronic Throat Disease. wa maltreated for months under an ate. A widower with a house full of chil- va'.de that it be given at irregular inmore marvelous during the ten follow- stitution, and came of a healthy family, my "firwn's Bronchial Troches to sum a pay good round has to dren temre an of degrees variable with tervals, last at diagnosis, and eseaed of error mother having reached the advanced age of Hi. effectual Couh Remedy. years. From having the smallest and ing to housekeeper the attending Price 25 cents. some for During the war 1 Sold only in boxes. beingstillanactivewoman. beyond the reach of his eminent tor- same duties his wife performed for. her perature. jrhe use' of cold fluids in the form of circulation ofr any London contem- could endure long marches and severe fatigue, turers. Here, also, there was much board, lodging and. clothes. He does porary, the circulation of the Times be- and could lie on the ground at night without medical heroism and activity displayed, not grumble when 4 the housekeeper beverages' must be absolutely prohib- came so much larger than that of any being attacked by rheumatism. My first sickness was feur yars ago in a malarious region in albeit misdirected. Other illustrious conies for her salaryvnor ask her what ited. is often necessary to of them that the ordinary printing ap- Connecticut. The malaria got the better of me, When Baby waa diet A restricted sick, wo gave her CASTOlilA, from eminence sbe did with all- thg money he gave her the full effects of the treatment in pliances proved inadequate to provide and laid the foundation for catarrh and all the patients have suffered ""Alien she waa a Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, with. evils other afflicted been have I ; General deGrant profession but the copies for which there was a in the last month, nor inquire in'au aggrieved Munc form's of nervous derangements. "About a year and a half ago 1 t aught a se- When she becamo MUs, she clanj to C ASTORIA, : seems reserved as a shining example of tone of voice if thirty dollars won't do It is customary vvjtli some patients to mand." When the number bought was vere cold. My lungs became inflamed,1 and ny Whoa she had Children, she gave them CASTOHIA whole system was prostrated, tioon showed expectancy. To him instead of forty dollars. No, she has. furbid all sweets, pastry, fresh bread 1,000 it was easy enough to supply them all the the symptoms of consumption. I was entirely with a press which turned out between disabled and untit to attend to business. I the little group of eminence have earned her money, he respects her right in any form, and fats. The sour wines 300 care of one of the best know n nnthintr: to offer but a diagnosis. For !o it, and he pays, her like a man. When are not usually forb dden. nor is tea or manyand 400 copies an hour; bu when was in the in the city, and one of the most expenwere a called for thousands such housekeeper her paid he was wife his injureoHetvunlessjlhey apparently Thto powder nover varle. A marvel of pn.ltv, are sive ones. But physicians could do litU in There are 1 ?,O0U organized him thev propose no relief but in the Horo ec'noi;l ij t xi press proved he. gave her ious to the. pa'ieut. Mr. wholly inadequate and whwlesomeneM. my is reaching irtrensth came they true a to husband. It case. nearest like The of condition The in of California. source only Ignoring the grave. ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in tM,t'ii-tiothe tinding was me was out matter what with the millattempts had several Walter to made shops, credits liberal at flesh is a the subject iu , t tho multitude of low tent, short feci:.;, when they told me tliat if I had any business aftherapeutic salvation.they gather round iners and The "old reliable "Dr. Sage's Catarrh alumwith s. eflect improvements in the printing fairs These privior phomihato powilcrL 8UI only iri cm. to settle, to see about it as early as possi- Remedy. iiid',sas. a rub-- to the character of press. v ' his bedside to observe his unaided leges constituted his ideas of feminine KotaI. BAtlMO 1'owdkk Co., 10J Vail street, Jf. Y He consulted Marc Isambard ble, as I could not last long. It was understood prescribed, provided that my place store I the struggle. The fiat has gone forth that bliss. What need had she of money? the1 diet disturbances at die, must that and April that wan 27th Brrtnel, one of the great mechinics Gen. Grant'sUld birthday. to. digestion are of have to be supplied by somebody else. nothing can be done; and nothing will Such a thing as giving her, or rather rff .marked his day, who gave his best attention would My weight, which had been 137. ran down to to Combated. be STAR .not 110. Yet I had a firm courage, with a sure hope le permitted to be done. Those who sharing with her a portion of the prod- - . Ou drinking a goblet of hot water for to the matter and then intimated his in- that somehow or recover. would I other question such a decision are quacks uct "of his labors as one of the domestic, ths first time a sense of warmth within ability to execute what was required. HAND GRENADE "After I got rid of the doctors, who had given w and cranks; but who ought not to lie firm never occurred to him. He was quite J.he stomach will be . produced, unac Mr. Walter advanced money to Thomas me up to die, I got a U'.tle better and was able to myself down to the store. A couple of proud of such a designation from such willing to trust heir to keep the honor compahied with nausea. Kructations Martyn. who thought he had made an drag lady customers spoke to me about Oompounl Fire Extinguisher, of chilnaine,' his discovery; ideas the to but raise his' important of home cultured, and refined, Scholarly, Oxygen, and advi.-e- d me to go to the Xew York a source? of jras from the stomach commonlv oc iny office of Stark & Falen. and see Dr. Turner cur within a few minutes after the first Martyn were not realized in practice. about earnest gentlemen as they are, of what dren ;'but a donbt as to her business it. I knew nothing about this remedy, but The simplest and seeking for a person concluded avail are all these good qualities in capacity never crossed his mind. ifThat dose t)f hot water. This effect may per-- " While engaged in try ir, just on a venture. On taking to and scope his to give who money could effect waste she foolishly would she u eruefa-.tiofew a jnost inhalations at Dr. Turner's office. I was powerful expresence of such therapeutic "bank- could get hold of it was his foregone sist for some weeks. Excessive surprised on me. It seemed a litrht German, effect the wishes, at Friedrich Kocnig, a -. food of sofermentation that Indicates ruptcy? On the contrary, while tinguisher ever promatter to inhale something which was without conclusion, who was born at Eisleben, in Saxony, in taste for year she had 'wars' after eating. or odor; but certainly it did me a gre it called scientific medicine is to the fore, managed hisalthough . 1774, was laboring to effect improve- deal of good. My benefit began at once. I soon home, and with unexam-duced. .Adopted by well may the daily papers announce in pled economy ho is now able to appre- . ;T.he skin soon s'.iows the effect of the ments in the. printing press, was confi- was able to walk up and aown stairs. I took one a tendency with A glow gentle heat. Wells, Furno & Co., "home treatment." which lasted me for three startling headlines, A Bad Day for ciate since she is dead. It is not an un-- . to perspiration is developed rapidly. dent of substituting steam for manual months; got I rea My then second. appetite N., tho General Grant Seven Doctors in Con- common thing for a woman to have to Th's is diffused over the entire body. labor in his new press, and was anx- turned and my sleep wits good. A hen I fir-- t the Q. visited Dr. Turner, I had not for months hlcpt sultation.'" worry her husband for ten cents for car Coldness of the extremities is often very iously waiting for an opportunity to give in "Orctroniati," d a bed. I had been compelled to take such Yes,th-herof Appomattox is dying! faro to take her to church. When you much benefited, and in a short time, by scope to his views, and for a patron tc sleep ps I could get by reclining in a chair. My over 3.000 hading : n feet ankles were badly swelled, and I He who knt'w no fear in war, knows see a woman carry her "pocket mon- this treatment. The circulation of the rountenrnee and advance them. He seemed THE respects in all to be getting ready for the institutions of tho His quiet forti- ey," a dime or so, tucked in the palm bodv appeal's to become more uniform. had visited England in the hope of find- undertaker. After taking the Oxygen awhile no fear in suffering. BEST TOtliC. of her glove, you may conclude, sho Iwta p The kidneys t?xhr'ifrMnnrketl eU'eets of ing there the opening and the support I began to enjoy refreshing sleep jfor two or Coast. TLey hare saved hundreds of lives and tude win3 universal admiration. hoics at a time; I could lie ltebed and oba husband of .this description. For a this treatment early. which he could not obtain in his native threerest millions of dollars' worth of property. This medicine, combining Iron with pme President Lincoln, in visiting a hos- proud-spiriteand comfort by doing so. in tain He a country. found and sympathizer independent completely naturally quickly tonics, venetaHe Beware of worthlma imltatlonw ! organs (the say accessory digestion of The "I will here that I have found great adpital during the late war,noticed a poor woman to have to beg, bargain: and Cure Dyspepsia Indigestion, WraknfM.-, genuine except in Mue itotMe w 1th tar. BensW, e entered with whom he vantage use iSTNonc :n the Thomas of the for inhaler stimu"and be seems t pancreas) liver FeverImpure d, and 3IaIaria,Chllls Blo Confederate boy, mortally wounded. bnggle'for a fofTYlollara from my catarrh. I inhaled directly through the nosPHICK. S15.00 I'KUDOZhN. hus1807. years agreement Two an in into inti-maNeuralgia. her 4he and by use of hot water. SON. Front St., J'orlland. best trils, A yellowish with the ftRfiQQ effect. With his native tenderness he put his band is one. of the most degrading mis- lated of the unfailing for Diseases remedy an is It HU Koenig's UnUOOQJ icsec.rifl had been oming both from nose and St.. H. F. and constipation are enu- later, when a working model of Kidney and Urer. arms around his neck in sympathy. fortunes that can befall her. It is true Flatulence improved press had been completed, throat. The effect of the Compound Oxygen was for Diseases peculiar t invaluable of the past. as is It things merated J. M. HalstcO cause this to stop, and with it. the pain and The sight melted the hospital to 'tears. some women do not mind begging for women, and all who lead sedentary lives. The nervous system' seems to be pro- Iiensley brought the matter before Mr. to I my sensations .01 unpleasant had feeling been ache in cause head teeth, Injure not does the It Maris The heart of the American people in money or the "having to explain in elab- foundly impressed by a prolonged use Walter, who. for the moment, was sc head. produce constipation eYir Iron mtdicinr tlo 'Frorn .JCO up. I "Soon I found myself, to mv great delight, like manner bleeds for Grant, the silent orate detail the why ' and wherefore of of this agent. Especially is this the fully occupied 'with other engagement purines the blood, stimulator Uenrlchesand ne model to attend to bnsmesn. as of old. I had not jhrooder the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, refrom ii s fferer. It would have him get well, the demand; and other women look at ease among that class of patients who that he could not entertain a new able KjinH ft,iip. all my former strength, nor could I expect it. 'nn lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength. a u.. 1812 xi In r still finished Koenig scheme. had broader in business julkr I gaining, containing rapidly was the partnership Hut by any effective means. ens the muscles and nerves. and have kept on s:iifer from the effects of anaemia of the much valuable gaining ever since. All last w inter I was on For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Laclt of His physicians say he cannot recover. view, and" do not hesitate to apply for bra'n and of the sjinal cord and spinal one of h'i new printing presses, and the duty V 4 n information. equal. no except THE MODEL. a Energy, of has few slushy the 4c., it wcttestandmost due, of Thoroughbred the principal London days, w hen I thought i" prudent to stay in the conductors nerves. They fill him with anodynes, but de-- s. that which is so manifestly istheir frg-- The genuine has above trade mark ami Poultry a Kooa. a large these there . MLIMlt, I have been able to attend to my reguThis method of treatment has cer- journnls were invited to see it in opera- house. crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no othci Krotulway. loll ite their favorable bulletins he is but opp'osed.towives AMD HUM. and am now. Of course I am careBROWS CHIBIt L CO. BALTiaOKK. 1(1 aklanl, (HU. to whom it is' an tainly one thing in its favor that few tion. Mr. Terrv. of the.Vornin7 Chron lar businpss. majority of 9t4lrbr expose myself to storms. daily growing worse. not myself. I do of ful mortification to ask, day after po-- s ss viz., it is harmless. Hecause icle, a very shrewd .man, and the I walk with ease a few blocks every day, and SNEIX. IIEITSHU & WOODARD. A specialist who has won reputation eternal Wholesale Atfcnts. Portland. Or. for money from its remedial effects are slow in some editor of a mo-- t successful news- bnt without experiencing any great Bcnse of year, year after day, itHi,.n. fatigue-in the treatment of cancer visits his their own" husbands"." 'A friend of mine cases, it i. no proof that they are not paper, accept not even would do you still continue the treat"lr.orClark, bedside. The opposition he encoun- who has been married forty years has doubly permanent. invitation, declaring that, ment the are you independent of it r Hue et J I Ulll ft M T . .t.''!(r, tUwuUi hus-Laters from the attending physicians to hurry every morning after her ' Once in a while if I have a slight return of ImiKJ v'f 'Imc Ijrctt Most of our nationality chill their in his opinion, no newspaper was worth throat ivans uk I take few inhalations, and with t Koto and lxi.-- . Jtarulasu pll'.-- at Ka "tern rt'w brings painfully to mind the story of to ffomachs with sis he leaves the dining-roobetween meals so many years purchase as would equal positivetrouble, advantage. I do not now need to take t ;;11A v if,t S'reot, Sst Knni.i''i. lie l the of new cost Mr. the money for my manger. dog machine. him getmy in the from gone, is the try and to catarrh all aud during the act of eating. Who it for catarrh, 1for myself as thoroughly consider This "has been would think of fee.ling a horse, an! Walter accepted the invitaticn, care- great relief. And General Grant perhaps must dinner's marketing. as I can be. I have gained most of my Koenig's improved eured PL'TALUMA iNCUBA'llJH by his fully examining die because of this int le ranee! Is it going on during all these years, phi "in a bucket of again, increasing. am Of back tlesh and lost f 70 E GG I do not expect ever to be very stout. possible that there is no hope of cure and if by any chance she should side? The ,uet:on may be raised if press, and at once ordered two double course IHMI Still Ahead! IHH1 "Arc you. then, a believer in Compound Oxyfail to run "after him, he would th's oue habit alonrj has not done more presses on the same model. Two years gen t.1.1,1 MH.U Hllr atnl 11 outside of the medical profession? of health?' a as restorer OLD RELIABLE." "THE conKmt 1'reruJuuia. presses were elapsed before these town march", and JStljj down off quietly... men of yes; nervous to Why, sytcm the most harm thoroughly "Believer? and ! Preposterous structed and at work. Rumors of the heartily. I cannot say too much for it. Y'ou not leave a cent It often takes the than tobacco or alcohol. 25 YEARS IN USE. For years medical men insisted that greatest tilt Hatchei all Kinds otTuict wonder that I have lost all confidence in new invention were circulated, despite cannot tact; courage, 'patience and waters, of hot mineral success The the old systems. They conld do nothing for me The Greatest Medical TriampU of the Ago ! the A sixes from 30 to 6.V) etuct. certain- fevers were incurable,, but gentleness to coax from him sufficient as consumed to which had secrecy the all concerned going I to die, and they blunthe famous hot springs but tell me was lar-illustrated cireular No 11. Rxplahis how tor Chineoria proved the contrary. For money to buy for herself or her children of this countrya' and they me chroni;-di-.'-aes- . told Compound when that. been pledged, and the Times pressmen, dered Europe, for hatch ind raise chickens profitably. ClraitUrs Oue A over Indorsed World. all tho you brought o Oxvgen me see me now. PKTALl'MA INC'UliAToK CO. Fetalum CJ. centuries they have protected that cer the clothes demanded by the cust vns of probably depends more upo : who believed that their means of liveli- and did it after they hadwhat failed. Yes: you may SYWIPTOPflS OF A tain renal disorders were incurable and decency and civilization.: Al is notpos-sibl- e ti e employment "of internal heat tha hood would be at an end when steam sav that I believe in Compound Oxvtren. and R. U. THAT AWARE I recommend everybody who is situated as yet a special preparation has cured am: ingredients of t!,c was applied t? printing vowed ven- that that a woman, however forgiving, upon ih m:n-r- al I was to Wake a fair trial of it. I don't know lit new inventor. The upoe geance very toward unresentful permanently cured the waters themselves. worstes can feel altogether what ther make it of, and I don't care: all that Lpsoof apptrtltNansqaLlroyelsco Lorillard's Climax Plz about it is that it pulled me through. tive, pHn tl the JIeact;viihadnjl o, Why may it not be possible in like such a man. Down in her lonely heart Ir i harmless if properly adminis-lcrd- . presses were erected in rooms adjoining I knowenough me." for That's fvl'V a red tin lav; t'tat liorlllarrt'i old tearinff in were wherein put .presses.' A decree of temperature that can those manner to cure a case of cancer? B.r of hearts she feels the indignity in the back part. Pain under Compound Oxygen is not an experiment. It Rose l.rsf rtnecut: thai Lr11lur'! six'o'cloek mornAt in the argue operation. Uwell to very all simupon and by is give C'MpplDK. will that Lorillnnl's hnuU,uo o Vnvy Jt not her. the of impa:r tried and true. Hundreds others endured mouth Larabeeof Boston, was doomed to death vue best and cheupett, quality couldercd ? testimony to that of Mr. Clark. Mai y of ingi with a disinclination to exertion 1814, 2!Uh ilar Mr. November, of of the stores the woman has it ing credit 31a: integrityof a y of if stomach. the that the bvmanv eminent Boston phvsicians. J who have experienced the best benefits of body or mind. Irritability of and can buy clothes, shoes, hats, u dr.nk cotfee and lev at an equally AY alter entered the office with several those B". Henion, M. P.," of Rchester, T. Y. This T1KI.T or Vrfis doc from it are those whom the ex pi. tor s n.uoe sheets in his hand, and tors had given up. To warn all about Commoney. damp printed for need no has a wraps large she in and tempera! tire, liiirh . !!! the ewv or was given up by the best doctors of al pound to send Dre. & Oxygen, Palen. feeling Starkev having neglected a irvrieratlve tho ov a: j of pressman work the startled Bpm? at who argue this should just try a U .11 tities as sr compatible with !!e informed 11(11) & 1111 Is no rnisUilce ai'.: Philadelphia, a Uirard for Street. schools. Elder J. S. Prescott of Cleve Those Instriin-i-nt- . there that the "Times was already deeply interesting little work on the subject. dnty wearinesSyTjiz.ziness, Flutter-- i of such treatment themselves. treatment. t i 'tin nt t'lKc- land, Ohio, was gravely informed bv dose ng of the Heart, Dots before the eyeg Why need a body live if once in a while Its effects are comparatively uniform. printed by steanif That if they at- which w ill be sent you by man. It I C III rimit;.'( ' throi.rli ta. rmtt wini thernthat lie could not live, and yet they mav not have the innocent pleasture proi:!elit lx given for a run' tempted violence there was a force rentnre them t- announcing Chinese night, highly Urine. colored the Placards that at these men and thousands like them of Indulging in a book er magazine,' a tion. Io not POfiioun l .1 ai .Exceptions prove the rule, ready to suppress it, but that if they ("U Eloetno lki.S tfii UNHEEDEIr, IF THESE WARNINGSJLRE I 1 oilvertiwd to cure all have been cured and cured pcrma bit of chlnaware, a useless odd or end fsol itel eases may be occ;tsionally cn-c- o were peaceable their wiges should be must go have been posted at Victoria. CtCSJ I I from lioatl tot IIS2AEE3 B S7LZ3. CI3I373 It continued to every one of them till nentlv of serious kidnev disorders bv a that will wear its welcome out maybe, n'evi d where the results as stated theONKfnHUe PtiiOri'L Above all other earthby ills, TUTTS PILL3 are especially adapted to !, o. information, mvlnu .'ixtivuf ireulars iui. be procured." similar employment could remedv not officially known to the code. but that is so tempting to buy. A man do t occur. such cases, one doso e licet such a chango I bate the big, old fashioned pflls : JUucUiO iljit CO.. 1U3 WaeiUnKtoa bt-- Chicavu. 111. feeling as of to astonish tho of statement sufferer. his to proof he handed In feel the Uy he but intlucneea miser, If s ins to uert a curative doesn't slow degrees they downward wend. What has Wen done mav be. done may be They Increase tb Appetite, and c&nso And often pause or upward tend ; nce'd of it because he has in his pocket upou many f the chronic diseases that them copies of the lirst newspaper again. tbe body to Take on lesb, thns tho sys-- . "With such they fraught, are discomfort just-take issued steam press. which had a from I out a and i tern Is nourished, and by their Tonic aistur the proper luaiitMce h General Anson Stager died of Bl ight; money which he can Their good effects amount to naaghf.. U)um im ,mmjmmw Action on tho Digestive Organs, Itefru-la- r r WORMY VEINS" an orange, lunch, soda fiinuatioii of iooii. Jome of these an' The readers of that day's Times were Now, prepares UK eents. Dr. pill a nre disease in Chicago last week. " Joe1 spend" for cigars, Stooja Pierc produced. Price 11 if of informed revolution which the of or the papers, lie is not kc tne important factors in the development That just exactly fills the bill Goss, the Boston pugilist, died of it water Clrculr su.l coniiulUtlOB rn. Snre rur w hout was a visible token. Trilling though if she wants to spend fifty of nervous iterairements. who, woman A Pellet, rather, that is all IVaZUSi AQZSZ7. ICO rUUa Ct.. X' lork. ZmklZ Hundreds of thousands ot people per cents on herself, has to run to her husseem, now may ther. speed was the it A Pleasant Purgative, and small ; appears the curative influence Grat Hare or Wuiseehs chanjred to a ish of it everv vcar while m their doc band, and ask him as a great favor and 01 It1101 water that thought astounding that a press could Just try them as you feel their need, is noi wuauy transient. Glosst Black bynsiu;?lo implication of I You'll llnd speak indeed. truth, that off, tors hands. The cause of death mav piece of generosity to give her the piti- In man 1,100 as Koenig's did, copiet this DTK. It imparts ii natural color, act s the symptoms have throw above d Ixut ; by I is I h ave a txl tl ve remedyf-rthInstantaneously. Sold by, or be called blood poisoning, paralysis ful sum. The young wife who has the no tendency to return when once an hour, and ths bejrinninjr is mem caaesof the worst kind and of Ion thoaaoiisof express by sent on receipt a more The of S for has Czir issued ukase heart-diseas:i.lo l, o mns my fnli a beon orable as the first step "in a series of im troops. ctiiiHltnK hvo convulsions, apoplexy courage to demand, at the beginning of checked .by its use provided the - Yor!'. . CA Murrov St.- Office. I wi s"vtY 0 HOTTL.KS tKk.IL, in provements more M'Alll.KT;tEATl8Uon V still remarkable than a thisduaaae t'ifretber witn do not lead to a re pneumonia, or sume other commoi her married life, a weekly or monthly to any auOrfr. 'Givoexprows sntl 1 O.sddr ss. CATARRH A New Treatment has been disthat which was pronounced at the timt DO. 1VA. BLOC I'll, lit Fsarl St.. KswTork. ailment, but th rral difficulty is in the allowance of money which shall be lapse. whereby a permanent cure is effected in Aatisell Ml Mai It may be employed as an adjunct to to be the jrreatest that had been effected covered kidneys. Phjsinansknow it, but they proportionate to her. husband's income, from one to three applications. Particulars and tl - A U UNDEVELOPED PARTS g largest Bare hair. discovery of in the printing the art since a may be herself from stamp. saving fn-- t H. on free of receipt of A. treatise TTTTT7 recognized Dixon methods all treatment. TglTL'.rin' from conceal patient their the 4 il l it TfTTs"c".fnr Factory In tne fetate i K Sox, 303 Ring St. west. Toronto. Canada. ii of the art itself. A ineteenth Century. submits to without detriment to the patient. y rnoiia it.y realizing their inability to cure by any misery. Any woman who .. 84, SO, XH aula nU JL JLZXJ.B JK all twrtiiiil rm. n'H board, lodging the system iv'iif the upon charity a exerts influence marked It Tkt Germea for breakfast. "authorized' means. The remedy that and clothing plan is as much to be disturbances of the nerves. She Saved Him. cured Lara bee and Henion and Prescott blamed as she is to be pitied. LouisA pie in 1770 was made ot two In diabetes and itt some kidnev de (i. e., Warner's safe cure) is a specia ville Courier-Journa- '. "Darling,' shr whispered as she stood bushels of Hour, twenty pounds of rangements its action as a diuretic is independent discovery. Its record en beside his chair and rubbed the bald butter, four geese, two turkeys, two quite remarkable in some cases. titles it to recognition, and it gets it R THE rabbit, four wild ducks, two woodCURE. As a laxative, hot water has a slow spot on his hcati ii the rrentlest man from intellisrent people. Its manufac Rules for cocks, six. snipes, four partridges, two but decided ction. It seems to be a ner, "why this eloom Administration The Effects of justifiable neats' tongues, two curlews, seven turers have an unsullied reputation am; functions deduction the that "Ellie, he repli. d. in a broken voice, the Treatment and the Points In Its blackbirds, and sic p'goons. A pie of the accessory organs of digestion are "are you prepared to hear bad news? are entitled to as great consideration as .. favor. can now be had from one slice of dried brought to use bv made and active its any school of physicians. is no flatterer.- Would you It may seem a startling assprr'on, but "Yes no! What can it be?" apple and a little piece of eogzy Professor R. A. Gunn, M. D., Dean o it is nevertheless a fact, that more per- a standard of health. make it tell a sweeter tale? dough, such is the march of improve"I am short on pork, and the next The skin is stimulated bv means of the United States Medical College of sons are y taking hot Courier-Journa- l. water for days will ten my ment. probably witness Louisville agent, this cutaneous circula the and Magnolia Balm is the charmNew York Citv, rises above profes various ailments than any sinjrle drug . rum. unihnancial is more tion apparently rendered personally on its sional prejudice, and er that almost cheats the Oh, no! I can save you yes, I can proved merits alone gives it severa in our pharmacopoeia. The spread in form. T. P. Barnum glad made the hearts you save s. looking-glasFrom a few experiments made with of nmbitious school boys in Priigepo:, pages of the warmest commendation in the belief in the medicinal value of hot reference "How?" as a to agent this of the etlect THE GREAT -- flV Conn., by presenting the Vlh- school his published works the only instance water has traveled chiefly by word of preventive of "I'll at once issue cards and invita it should be To mouth. medicinalil apply hot water fi?n1 of $1 i00. professional hijrh with. a in Rfc on record of a wedding, employed for from four to six weeks tions for our wooden 1 not have become so universal ly coul is . dorsement of such a' preparation. preceding an ocean voyage in accord which only seven days away. 'We'll - . i mi ii mi. ThtaGrentMiTn.rtlten invite at least six hundred of our The u n prejudiced people do not a custom unless great benefit had been ance with the rules sriven above. I Srrto In a Krinevly iiiiW A K O II C friends, each one of whom will be Moot Tvntc C'nrca v Physical want General Grant to die. If there i Lc itowed by it upon many. Nervous and Neuralgia, Sciatica, tail. bound to 'Send a pr snt. Next day Rheumatism. The Girr Romp. in all nature or any where in the world ' It was first employed in lv. accordft Lumbago, Backache, Headache. Toothache, you can sell the wole business to some Wsakneos, Virile Decline, ra remedy or a man able to cure his ing to Dr. Cutter, by Dr. J. II. SalisI nir, Hpralni, nrnisea, II Nnr r Oversensitive Thrnt. Impotency, The girl romp.otherwise known as the corner grocer and secure enough to Uaro. Nrnldt, l ro( linn, Conditions, Prostatitis, cancer give them a chance." ASD ALL OTHER ItODILT PAWS AXB ACTIO. in bury, use who a made of it of is an eager, earnest impul series "tomboy," carry vou thro!i''!i. Hold on for eight Sold bj and Bladder ('omplabits, Fifty Crat. botai Will thev do it ? trrtwrhm. Drucftat. n1 Diaeaaraof the Uloof,:nip on be upon experiments long we'll animals and ' rircifn in 11 Lsneuftrps. undertaken d Richard, sive, davs, speci and all theevUeffecu tious. No. C1I H1.CM A. VOUEI.F.R CO. TnS of youthful follies and ex and pota on r .liing-pin- s efpork short and men, to and the the with reference "feminine."' men the S. A. If Hd of her p.Klwx, cenus f. f. wnjrlll ; permanently eease Why?, lift I .Vvr Jews. all luvilunlsry econo- - lau;h is too frequent, and her tone a animal fects food the upon of Tbe beat Blood Tonic Purifler use. and In Alterative Regeneration is often too not many the cae that It for It quickly cures all Diseases oriiriuatiiig from a UU-weaketilnc drains apon the my system, however they occur enfeebled vystems oufas a cause and cure of disease. The trifle too emphatic, I am willing to excellent physicians who are greatly deordered state of the or Liver. KheumatUm. Neu tell you I shall do as I please!" "I restoring Lost Manhood. general rum fering a f ralgia, Hlotcnes, Boils. I'linples, Ncrofula, Tumors, Halt were commented upon by overlook these for the sake of the tn.e snouted Mrs. jiin "Well, well, my however complicated tho voted to tlfe code, would prefer that their experiments Lan-cl&want of tone, and lt Kheiun and Mercurial Pains re yield to iu purifying other remeuiea have failed. a "valuable AmerIt leaves the Blood Pure, the Liver and Kid- case may Toe, and where allAbaolalely life and exulting vitality to which they dear. I didn t say you could n t, repatients should die rather than that the London concomitant, properties. usual CaaranlecU. neys healthy, the complexion bright and clear A rermaneat Cnre dyspepsia and ner plied Mr. Miff. "And vou can't ston they should recover health by the Use ican contribution to medicine,"accord-:n- g arc the eseape-wlve- s, indeed, I and. five bottles for f 10. Seni or per bottle, price W.50 SALE FOR BY ALL U Dr. DRUGGISTS. to seldom Cutter. .. Tousncsfi, to any adrss, Uut-l- y or C.O !" "I didn't sav I could, mvdear." receipt ot price, of any remedy not recognized under rather like the nature me! ' IR. '. U. ntlllXI. derivable from the the, inresults benefits and from ! !" i'hs try! "You'd not "Indeed. better ? . code their FrancJacot al. use of a nourishing J. R. GATES & CO., PROP'RS., ternal use of hot, water must b3 due, in which must close off its superfluous indeed, my dear. 1 won't." "That's a. tim Kearay Street, hanbuSlcient to show ill diet and stimuli of 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. 'steam' in such ebullitions. The iust all such a brute cares about his p ma (.n jthnn I ln nhrirrtmrtn ivnniin part, at leat, if not wholly, to heat, appetite, unaided. A medicine that will -- tt.nir Ago WATSON, "WRIGHT & CO., swimmer, has beon arrested in New York said Dr. Ambrose I Ilanney in a recent glancing eye, the g.owmg cheek, the wife! ! !" and Mrs. M;ff prepared to effect a removal of ooLOideutiaL by lottev or at teeth, balmy fresh the lithe money. t usuit.twuus, and gracespecific obstacle Wholesale. Grocers and Commissjon lecture b3foro the Academy of Medi tbe for parsing eonterfelt rose. eyes crv out. Mercians office, race ih'irou her to renewed health and cine in this citv. Some of its effects are ful play of the limbs, tell a tale of vigor, that ia a genulO St Front North Portland. number, healthy and it vigorous an unfuekv development Thirteen is ine corrective, ia the manifested almost immediately in or San Francisco Oflice 13 Front Pt. real nerd. It U the gans not connected directly with the which is nature's best beautv. Hie is for this reason that when a s'iop- Handle on commission JritTtloD. adoptATIn ail heat. Wool, Hops, Seeds, qmcsiy cured ny tluiCIVlALK possession of this lliop-pole Chickens, Eggs, Lumlx-r- , Hides. " Uie HOSPITALS OF FRANCK. frtMnpt return of ViOUlC Furs. p.en; twent.-inthe soul and mind will keeper be a cein requirement grand developed halves digestive apparatus. HL A C O M hinipleejses.a.ttoM. T fcevreorn,Ctai. f uut4ilMKrM. Halmon, Mill Feed, Oats, barley. Onions. Potatoes I have bad a cancer. on . my face for many n which makes Ho tet- Bacon, also, in due time, and we shall have he invariably gives vou twelve cents. i Lard. etc. Account sales rendered on day of Civ halo Kenswlial Afri- - X OO Vuiuu BL,uw Yurfe 1 he water may be taken in uoses 01 years, ivlumve incuI u' grcai many ter's Stomach bitters ale. Bend for our market report. Correspondence up hope of from one goblet to one and a hfslf. An before us a woman in the highest sense The sh pkeeper is unseuisti, ana as J almost so effective aa an but wlthout-relief- . . V k151. N. P. N. U. So. 71. sale by and corudicnmenta solicited. For ever beinsr cured. Dr. Hardman. mv sob. ordinary of somebody the risk bad of term. the run When the must "tomboy goblet, contains about, ten all DrtifiKbtts and Dealers generally. recommended Swift's Specific, which I have taken with great results. My face is now well, ounces. The dose must be modified in 'sprung up to a healthy and vigorous luck, he freely . takes it hinise- i- Lesand it Is impossible for me to express my thank accordance with its eflects. womanhood she will be ready to take ion Transcrivt. in words for what this medicine has done for ' hot, "and hold of the duties of life, to leeome a warm not It must be drunk me. Mrs. Olivk IIardmax. OUTCAST LONDON. (110 to 160 degress). If necessary, fif- - worker in the great system of humaniMonroe, Ga., Sept. 2. im. ty. She will not sit down to sigh over conmay more tecu or be minutes THE BEST Much excitemant has been made by re Swift's Specific has cured a cancer on my sumed iu sipping agobletfuL Wooden the work given her to do, to "simper ports recently published on the Tile condiface, and has almost made a new man of me. T. J. Teatb, 'Waciusa, Fia. rtira nri'v(nt .t,hi WfiTpr fmm - frol n or nonsense, or fall s5jk at heart but she tion of the slums of London. In one cellar The water may be flavored will be ever readrTo take up her burquickly. I have had a cancer in my rijrht car for three witii amallpox. his dyinK wife, three years. I tried every remedy the physicians with lemon," sugar." salt, ginger," etc, if den of duty. In her track there will be sick hnlf.noL-of- l and dirty cmiurcii, aim one practiced, to no permanent good. Swift Spe- necessary, but it becomes verv agree- - sound philosophy, in her thoughts boldir in cm nrtii mere Wone cm-m-defile- hurtg arid many sorts of ails of cific has wrought wonders for me. It is the ab'e to the palate without such after the ness and originality; in her heart, heavhat hundred nersons. best blood purifier in the world. Sirnr i. own en's purity; impurities and often a man and beast need a cooling it the l for short time. Voti.orresnondinz world will be patient has taken John S. Morrow, Florence. Ala. better that she lived in it. To her al- HoH Ia th human blood. They can bo cast J he dose must 03 tanen one nour ana lotion. Mustang Liniment. "Bitters, the great Swift's "Specific is entirely .vegetable, and with absolute lotted task she will bring health, vigor onh hv Rrown's Iron For Men and Boys, to Order and Ready Made. seems to oure cancers by forcing out the im- a half before each meal,bed-tim13. J. JUr. purifier. aiKKfrtitonpr and energy and spirits; these will give her w Pavnm Tat j purities from the blrod. punctuality, and one at Montgomery Cor. and Sutter Sts., isays San Francisco, CaL ''oriaa, of Stark Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tents have the first doe. brought to the power of endurance, without which Strange, Twr Hitters is tke best blood " successor, & (J, BENEDICT, MANN (J. to HaStillS & CO. and consume it before ris- her life, in some respects at least, must nrt fu, fvveT tried. It gives all the satis The Swift Specific Co.. Drawer a Atlanta. their bedside ing. The passasre of the fluid into the be a failure. San Franciscan. Ga., or 150 V. 23d St., X. Y. faction a roan can want-- , FOR A ON FPL1 CAT10N.ctf 0"RULE8 GENERAL GRANT. . head-salesma- n . 1 bric-a-bra- well-know- c, n . ben-ciici- cold-blood- al mm ed pliy-sicia- Absolutely Pure. nr s wage-worker- dry-goo- ds 're-pee- dress-maker- THE HARDEN e m m m m - m m iitfilli 4 o a-i- -- d, nose-piec- l pulpy-secretio- n . A ru.m. " Trriifi;v ml 1 iintr-iiiienr- m ice-wat- er - ice-wat- POLLS er 1 11 - e rk-n- d TORPID LIVER. -- -- sen-satio- the6noulder-blade,faUnes3jafterjea- hot-wat- m er -- yellowSkin-HeadachejRestlessnes- a Ui-- I . - P'-r'o- ; iu-- LI n-- i runs hair dye: II GONSUrlPTION. e e, 1 cii-r- d. 1 I HsrUc:-y.tIi.- , DTAlTnC n life-lon- iiit C- Cl lH,r mm Ml . HOT-WATE- ft The Mirror - to-da- n - sea-sickne- ss, rold-medr- j- -- 1 1 18-38- , Kl.l-ne- y glad-hearte- d, kind-soule- flOSIH! V.J - l high-pressu- re mii-Tnsnil au-ict.- CANCER CURED. s. , . e - "THE HASTINGS" YTKTTsS All Sorts of 5 ui SHIRTS AND e. SELF-MEASUREME- UNDERWEAR,
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