What is a Continuum of School Wide Instruction & Positive... When a school implements SWPBS, also referred to as Positive... Support (PBIS), they organize their evidence-based behavioral practices and systems...

What is a Continuum of School Wide Instruction & Positive Behavioral Support?
When a school implements SWPBS, also referred to as Positive Behavioral Intervention &
Support (PBIS), they organize their evidence-based behavioral practices and systems into
an integrated collection or continuum in which students experience supports based on their
behavioral responsiveness to intervention. A three-tiered prevention logic requires that all
students receive supports at the universal or primary tier. If the behavior of some
students is not responsive, more intensive behavioral supports are provided, in the form of
a group contingency (selected or secondary tier) or a highly individualized plan (intensive
or tertiary tier). Additional information can be found at www.pbis.org
At FDES, our PBIS Acronym is
Show Respect:
Respect is treating others as you would like to be treated. It is being considerate of other
people’s feelings. It means recognizing the value of people, property, and yourself.
Learning occurs when we show respect of each other
Notice Surroundings:
Safety first! We will behave so that our actions don’t cause harm to ourselves or others.
Learning happens when we are not afraid or in danger.
Act Responsibly:
Be a responsible student. We will do our duty to do our job correctly and on time. We are
responsible for our actions and choices we make every day. It is doing our best and never
blaming others for our mistakes.
Personal Best:
Working hard to succeed! Be prepared to learn by having supplies and materials ready,
using listening ears, trying your best, showing effort to have a great day and be
What does PBIS look like at Fort Dorchester Elementary School?
PBIS approaches student behavior as a set of skills that need to be taught. Each year at
Fort Dorchester Elementary, teachers spend time at the beginning of the school year
teaching students the SNAP expectations in the classrooms, hallways, bathrooms,
playground, cafeteria and busses using student friendly lesson plans, modeling, and role
playing around the school building. Throughout the school year, classes have booster
review sessions of the expectations. The SNAP expectations are posted throughout the
school building so teachers can review them throughout the school when needed.
Students can earn SNAP Shares for displaying SNAP expectations. They can redeem
these for items on the SNAP cart or school activities such as playing games, popcorn or
popsicles at lunch, a picnic with their class, lunch with someone special, shadowing the
principal, a pajama or hat day, extra recess, or extra computer time just to name a few
options. These opportunities are scheduled at specific times of the school year so
students can cash in their SNAP Shares. Students have the opportunity to earn AT LEAST
one SNAP share daily. Once students have 5 individual SNAP shares, they turn them into
their teacher who hole punches their Gator Debit Card for the amount of SNAP shares
turned in. They use their Gator Debit Cards to purchase items or activities.
In the classrooms, teachers have classroom management systems to help their students
follow the SNAP expectations. These management plans will look different from classroom
to classroom, but are in place to help kids learn and to reteach the SNAP expectations. If
you have a question about the classroom management system in your child’s classroom,
his/her teacher will be glad to explain how it relates to the SNAP expectations.