KENTUCKY ANNUAL CONFH<FJ'i OF THE UNITED MEI'HODIST CHURCH ~, IU ' t'~~V' U_'" 4'~ ~ 0' 20'1 1,t,,,,,} I'I1,'.•' ,! 4 The Eastern Kentucky United Methodist Health, Education & Welfare Fund Grant Application Cover Sheet United Methodist Church or Organization Name of Organization: Red Bird Clinic Contact Person/ Title: Georgina (Gina) Riendeau, Clinic Administrator Address: City: Phone: Date: 11/23/09 53 Queendale Center State: Beverly Fax: 606-598-5135 Project Name: 606-598-8942 e-mail: _ Replace roof on Red Bird Clinic and Community Outreach Amount Requested: $ 150,000. or any part of ..:A... rea Seryred: Total Cost of Project: $_1:..=5--=.:0,!. ::.00.::..:0:.:.,. Portions of three Counties: Bell, Clay and Leslie Sponsoring Church: Red Bird Missionary Conference Signature: Pastor or PresidentlExecutive Director: Typed Name: 40913-9607 [email protected] --=:C~li~ni~c~R~o~o~f Purpose of Grant: Geographic Zip: KY Georgina Riendeau 7400 Floydsburg Road - Crestwood, KY 40014 (502) 425-3884 - (800) 530-7236 - Fax (502) 426-5181 _ Red Bird Clinic "A Witness For Christ In The Heart OfAppalachia" Since 191\ To: 53 Queendale Center Beverly, Kentucky 40913-9607 (606) 598-5135 Fax (606) 598-8942 Email: [email protected] Kentucky Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church Eastern Kentucky United Methodist Health, Education & Welfare Fund From: Gina Riendeau, Clinic Administrator Re.: Grant Application-matching grant for Clinic/Outreach roof Date: November 2009 Red Bird Clinic, located in the heart of Appalachia and the Daniel Boone National Forest, serves a very medically underserved population. With care an hour away over difficult mountain roads, this United Methodist medical institution serves about 6,700 people each year-most ofthem on Medicare, Medicaid, or without insurance. Unfortunately, our clinic is suffering the ill effects of a leaking roof. Water has been leaking into our laboratory & threatening equipment, into patient exam rooms, hallways, offices, storage, & therapy areas. In addition, our Community Outreach wing also has a lot of leakage, threatening vital community services such as Early Childhood Development, Family Ministries, and more. One day the rain leaked so hard into the patient exam rooms there was little room for patients because of buckets, waste baskets, and towels which were stemming the tide. Drips onto the x-ray viewer threatened our ability to read films. We were alarmed to see mold beginning to grow in the lab ceiling area and know that we must replace the roof if we are to continue seeing patients for the long term. Enclosed are four bids for a new roof. It has been determined that our 20-year old ballast/rubber flat roof is no longer repairable. We trust God to help us raise the funds for their hefty price tags: $109,542, $140,000, $146,250, or $161,450. We will choose either the $140,000 or $146,000. price (the lower priced roof is similar to the technology we already have and it has not held up). The project will be completed in the spring and this is a one-time request for funding for the roof; no long-term funding will be required. Budget request for Red Bird Clinic & Community Outreach roof: $75,000. with our working to match the remaining amount. An Institution of the Red Bird Missionary Conference related to the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church Red Bird Clinic Patient care area Water damaged ceilings from leaky roof. A leaking roof is putting patient care at risk. Not only is it unsightly, but it presents health issues & threatens the integrity of the Clinic building. Notice buckets, waste backet and towels placed placed in work areas to catch water. These are left permanently in place all around the clinic since leakage occurs for days after a rain. All of these tiles have been removed because of mold, leaving large gaping holes in the interior ceiling. Red Bird Clinic "A Witness For Christ In The Heart OfAppalachia" 53 Queendale Center Beverly, Kentucky 40913-9607 (606) 598-5135 Fax (606) 598-8942 Email: [email protected] Since 191\. ~012DD9 /7 f57/. .w, ~~ eP1-d~C( Pi r r Ic-d.v CL~.0 I0A ~ (I~~. )1/~ J aAe.../ ae1U-J ~cI ;de ~ ~~,;"J r a~ ~ ~ w~, ~!J//k/A<-e91- ~of tu-L-r1L ffi ~,,-~nJ ~ ~. r/Vl ~~r~~· (!cYUU~~ £~ ~ t~ £,a-d~ Ke-.n2uly aL ffi ('£,uC-J; .;;-/La.d4, ~~ea~~ ;t )1/~ ~.f ~ ~ ~cV ~tnd .' B~) ~:e~ ~t2d~ An Institution of the Red Bird Missionary Conference related to the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church Mel Chandler Contracting, Inc. 125 Hickory Place / P.O. Box 692 Corbin. Kentucky 40702·0692 mcciroofs@ Since 1976 Phone/Fax: 606·528-6352 Commercial Roofing • Sheet Metal • M~intenance • Waterp~oofil'"lg • Coatings November 12.2009 Sylvester Nolan Redbird Mission 70 Queensdale Center Beverly, KY 40913 Re: Medical Center Roof Dear Mr. Nolan, Per our on site visits and discussions, we hereby propose to provide all labor, materials, equipment, insurance, supervision and other support items to complete the following scope of work; Base Proposal: Remove all ballast and store on premises or no further than 2 miles from site. ~. Remove existing perimeterrnetal and field terminations. Instal I new Secure Rock (or equal) board as ballast over existing board insulation. Install :!OOI Company .045 Premium EPDM with all necessary flashings, air seals & equalizer valves as required for a 15 Year Watertight Warranty. Install new fascia wrap around damaged concrete planking (appx 7S If). Install new fascia to cover exposed concrete planking around perimeter. Propos~d Price: ... $ 140,000.00 Alte,ntl1e Pricing(AddslDedHCts to the Base): Deduct/or Bal/ast Remova/·... $ 9,300.00 Add/or Upgrade to .060 EPDMand 20 Year Warranty- ... $ 10,700.00 Add/or Upgrade to .060 PVC and 20 Year Warranty•... $15,J75.00 2001 uses a proprietary Carlisle material for its EPDM applications and uses Sarnafil for the PVC applications. Both products are considered to be the industry standards when it comes to quality and reputation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, ~f V.P./G.M. JBK; III&'. c· , i 'r i " ,", "HUBZone Certified Contractor" Roof Proposal November 5, 2009 Project: Description: Size: Red Bird Mission - Beverly, KY Reroof existing ballasted EPDM roof system Community outreach approx sq ft of Pharmacy/Clinic approx sq ft of Dental Clinic approx sa ft of Total coverage approx sq ft ~3,000 sq ft 9,100 sq ft 2,800 s9 ft 32,380 sq ft Proposal scope of Work; 1) Ballast removal and disposal onsite, See Alternate below. The Alternate for ballast removal is for the total square footage of 32,380 sq ft. If Owner elects to reroof only certain sections of the roof then this pricing would change based on the size of the roof elected for ballast removal. Most likely the smaller the square footage for ballast removal the increase in ballast removal price. Ballast will have to be removed, whether by Owner or JBK, for reroof to proceed. 2) If areas of EPS insulation are deteriorated then remove and replace at per unit cost below. 3) If wood blocking/nailers are deteriorated then remove replace at per unit cost below. 4) Furnish and install new 40-mil mechanically attached Duro-Last roof system. a Roof vents installed for every 1000 sq ft of roof surface. b Roof edge to terminate with 4" fascia bar and vinyl cover, c 15 Year No Dollar Limit manufacturer'!; material and labor warranty is included . .. Investment Options (Ballast removal by Owner): Community Outreach Roof Pharmacy/Clinic Roof Dental Clinic Roof $ $ $ 63,348.00 27,358.00 10,086,00 *Discount of$2,000 available for prepayment and combination ofall three areas. Call for more information. Alternate: If J8K, Inc. removes ballast for total area of 32,380 sq ft ADD $ Per Unit Pricing for replacement of EPS insulation, unit is 4'x4'xl" ADD $ 64.00 per unit Per Unit Pricing for replacement of wood nailer/blocking(Labor only), ADD $2.50 per ft Receipts to be furnish with invoicing on purchased wood members 8,750.00 + cost of material Exclusions: Material and labor for deck, security, painting, framing, masonry/concrete items, siding, cladding, wraps, tiles, wall panels, trim/coping associated With wall panels, roof top equipment or accompanying utilities feeds/drains, curbs, framing, copper metal flashings, roof access ladders, roof hatch, soldering, awnings, sunshades, or other materials and labor not mentioned above. Material taxes, bonds, prevailing wages are not included. ~ JBK is not responsible or liable for additional work that may be required due to unforeseen conditions. If unforeseen conditions arise during scope or work then work at that area will cease immediately and owner will be notified. JBK to furnish written proposal to Owner for written authorization to proceed with additional work either due to unforeseen conditions or Owner's request. JBK is not responsible or liable for being unable to complete project due to unauthorized additional work. Owner to furnish complimentary overnight accommodations. Disclaimer: If due to the required course of work utility feeds that crack, break, split, or otherwise need repair due to movement; then Owner to furnish~re qualified personnel to repair these items. ,Nbv ;; ~o~ 4~~_ 7 Date po BOXt.f-66 CORBIn. KJ;It.f-0702 888 317 7003 FAX 606 !J28 0077 SVpeKic.>e e-Yh')- LLCLtG{ l3 tv f.1; k V/ldo/L k'l Nov. 05 2009 02:56PM FAX NO. :6068620060 FROM :SUPERIOR ROOFING CJ4k red, ¥~111( Pi iN lI()tiJ~ B(,;;.. -CJ{)fRO· PROPOSAL I t (,p1Jl .. (p 8,;1-1'118 IPAOPOSALNO. SHeEr NO. :.i:];..? • PROPOSAL SUBMITIED TO: WORK TO BE PERFORMED Al: >'~1Ci~&t~~li,;:~~~ ;;:•. . .,'. , '.. ... . '. .··::~{~ilt~~\1l~;L.V~·:::::: ;;:~'0~~i:;~;f)W~ 9~ r~~:::;\~t>?},:}, ::'. ': '" CITY,STATE . ---PHONE NO. .:<;... .::: .;:.;. . . '.. :" :':' : ,;;.:<;:~:\t~i;~F:~i::Y:::~-\:':.+··;<·:;I:~~rrE~::· ::·.;::·}·;;;\;::;::~~':1\';~·>:· :::- We hereby propose to fl,lmish the materials and perform the labor nece$$(l,J'Y for the ~Ve- ;;L ~WA.J !.Autn-S fhe.. .e- All material is guaranteed to be as specified. and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specificaJions ~Ubmitted for above w o ~ t e din a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of: 4J. Anyatt<llOllan Of' _ n ~<otD~!loo.o$ ~111> I"""IV"'S _ . "'$\$ will 1>0 _ad «V'f UI"'" wri""n on:lo<. om ....1 b<come "" ""'"'' c.... ~ ow! . - !h$ a9lftlal&. .I>JJ ~ ~ :slriI:R. _i<lIln18. ¢,de~ beyond our oorlnll llIl',,,,,,,,,.lt: ""or ~~ Dollars ($ J'IitJJ¢S2J - Per'_ _ ~ . ... '. :.: "::.'·;··:-·::···::-:::;::ACbEPTANCeOF P~C)POSAi:. :::;.::}::.:::" :. ..... ~ _ 9450 days. ,.. ~ ~.~c~~i~f;;~~·~d·:~.~:~~~ ~~tad." y~~ :~;~:.~i1;~i~:;d ~ ~~ ~~ a.~ specified. Payments wm .::-~'-:~" . .• . . . .•.•. .·•. ··;'~1~f~~t~:~~~;~~~Llf:-i·,{rc2,· .•· •:.•. '. . . ... 2'- J ~~f-~6"'YNote - This proposal may l)e withdrawn by us if not accaptad within The above Prlces•. specificationl;l and :oo~ditions ~ '1 » 2009-11-09 21:19 c-nc- ,J.:;Ju r=no nonl:: ouu U..,;.IUU fJ '!I"! Simpson Roofing and RenovatIons JOB WORK ORDER " rCATE OF OADER l CUSTOMER'S ORCER NO. 11-06-09 ..J STARTING DATE ( I PHONE ORDER TAKEN BY BILL TO Keith S o DAY WORK o CONTRACT ADDRESS CITY DEXTRA JOB NAME AND LOCATION Red Bird Mission Medical Canter JOG LOCATION \... DESCRIPTION OF weAK ~ 1) Remove existing top gravel a,nd haul away. 2) Remove existing rubber membrane and haul to landfill. 3)Remove water soaked insolation (Replace as Needed) an build UP roof and gravel (First Roof)and haul to landfill. 4) Remove all unused vents/nines and Ale units if any. 5) Apply insulation and heavy fibrealass basesheet with cold tVDe adheaslve for drYing in and new aODlication sub membrAne 6) Apply firestone apP/160 SMooth modified torchdown roofing system on complete roof deck and flash aa needed at vent pioes soil pipes and alc units. 7) Install custom made roof edge/facia cap (1 piece) on complete outer roof edge/facia to prevent further concrete facia deteriation. 8) Top coat complete for new firestone roof system with heavy tiered alum1m root coat1na to reflect sunliaht and Drolona roof life. (note) If this process is repeated every 4 to 5 years roof life will double. can be done bv Mission Maintinace or bv contractor. 9) This new roof system has a 10 year material and 10 year unconditional workmanship warranitv. DATE COMPLETED, I WOAK ORDERED BV I I hereby acknowledge the satisfactorY completion of the above described work. Signature ~-_--_-- TOTAL AMOUNT o, fOrTotalabove amount due work; or $161,450.00 0 Total billing to be mailed when job finished
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