August 2011 Registration August 17th Seniors: 7:30 – 9:30 am Juniors: 10:00 – 12:00 pm Sophomores: 12:45 – 3:00 pm August 18th Freshmen: 11:30 – 3:00 pm All grades: 4:00 – 7:00 pm Fines Please make sure all fees/fines are paid before the registration process. Registration Information (click on the links after the bullets OR scroll through the 100+ pages) NEW Students Registration Information • Principal’s Welcome Letter (English/Espanol) • CSD’s Google Apps for Education Student Account Information • Registration form (English/Espanol) • CHS Bell Schedule • Race and Ethnicity Data Collection form • CHS Bus Stop List 2011-2012 (subject to change-updated (English/Espanol) • Home Language Survey (English/Espanol) • Direct Service to Families & Children in Transition form • Link Crew Information (freshmen and new students) Other Registration Information (All students) • Registration Information Sheet (English/Espanol) • Registration Fee Sheet (English/Espanol) • Registration Map • Lifetouch Picture Information • Webstore Athletics • CHS Sports and Activities Information • Athletic Physical Exam Information • Pre-Participation Examination Form • Boosters’ Kickoff Flyer Other • CSD Calendar for 2011-2012 (English/Espanol) • Student Handbook • Parent Internet Access/Deny Form 7.29.2011) • Free/Reduced Lunch Information/Application (English/Espanol) • ASPIRE • Yearbook Picture Information • GAP (Graduation All-Night Party) & waiver • Medication letter from the District Nurse (English/Espanol) • Math calculator information NOTE: ALL Canby High School students will be required to pay for an ID card: $35. The Main Office Hours are 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. Counselors will be available during Registration. Students will not receive Supply Lists until the first week of school from individual teachers. General supplies encouraged are: binder with dividers, college-ruled paper spiral notebooks, pens, and pencils. Questions? Call the main office at 503.263.7200. 1 Home of the Cougars July 2011 Dear Students, Parents or Guardians, I hope this correspondence finds you enjoying summer activities. I am excited about the beginning of school and look forward to having the opportunity to build positive relationships with each of you. At Canby High School we have many talented, committed and caring staff that believe all students can learn and succeed. Student achievement and safety are our highest priorities. This is the first of only two correspondences to be mailed this summer. All other correspondence will be through my weekly electronic Parent listserv and the required grade/progress reporting. Parents are strongly encouraged to join the Principal’s Parent listserv. I send weekly correspondence that includes the weekly schedule and other pertinent information to parents and the community at large. To join the Parent listserv go to the CHS webpage: and click on the link “subscribe/unsubscribe to the Parent listserv” under the heading Principal’s Corner. Canby High School will look and feel different next year. The economic times have forced us to reduce staff and cut classes; and graduation requirements continue to be phased in. The class of 2012 must for the first time pass the Reading State Assessment test in order to graduate. This is a critical time for students, parents and staff. Teachers will continue to meet in collaborative teams each Wednesday morning during our weekly late starts. Collectively we are striving to improve your student’s achievement by focusing our instruction on developing “Creative and Critical Thinkers” through specific questioning strategies. New this year will be an afterschool intervention program specifically focused on those freshmen students who are struggling academically with the increased rigor of high school. In short, this program will be required for any and all freshmen that are failing one or more classes at the mid-trimester progress-reporting period. Students identified will remain in an after-school study hall/skills session from 2:50 – 5:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Those freshmen will be able to get assistance from CHS teachers and transportation will be provided. More specific information will be shared on this “new” CHS intervention program at the fall Parent meeting scheduled for Monday, th September 26 at 7:00 pm in the Richard R. Brown Fine Arts Center. Registration this year will occur in three phases. Phase one: the registration packet you received with this letter includes important registration documents that you can mail back or drop off at the office. Students may pay their fees by check or at the CHS webstore for a 6% convenience fee. I strongly encourage students to complete this process by August 12 to expedite phase three. Phase two: the student verification form will be mailed in early August. This form will need to be reviewed, signed and returned to the office, we must receive each of these forms from ALL students. Phase three is most important. Phase three: On August 17 and 18, all students are requested to report to the “new” Fourth Street Center at designated times (see below) to complete the registration process. This phase includes getting your locker assignment, student body card, taking school pictures, registering your vehicle if you drive to school, and possibly picking up your student’s schedule. Academic Counselors will be available during this time. Students who did not complete the mail-in registration process can do so at this time. August 17 Seniors Juniors Sophomores 7:30 – 9:30 am 10:00 – 12:00 noon 12:45 – 3:00 pm August 18 Freshmen All grades 11:30 am – 3:00 pm 4:00 – 7:00 pm On behalf of the faculty and administrative team, I want you to know we are committed to doing everything we can to make this school year both successful and memorable. Working Together for a Positive Education, Pat Johnson Principal Canby High School- 721 SW Fourth Ave.- Canby, OR 97013-3999 - Office: 503-263-7200 - Fax: 503-263-7212 Pat Johnson, Principal (503 263-7201) Dennis Burke, Associate Principal-Athletics (503 263-7204) Kimie Carroll, Associate Principal (503 263-7203) John Ogden, Associate Principal- Activities (503 263-7202) return to top 2 3 4 Casa de los Pumas Julio del 2011 Estimados Estudiantes, Padres o Tutores, Espero que al recibir esta carta se encuentren disfrutando de las actividades de verano. Estoy emocionado por el comienzo de las clases y espero tener la oportunidad de desarrollar una amistad positiva con cada uno de ustedes. En la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby tenemos mucho personal talentoso, comprometido y comprensivo que cree que todos los estudiantes pueden aprender y tener éxito. El éxito y la seguridad de los estudiantes son nuestras mayores prioridades. Ésta es una de las dos correspondencias que se enviarán este verano. Toda la demás correspondencia y el requerido informe de calificaciones/progreso académico se harán por medio de mi correo electrónico semanal. Animamos a los padres a que se inscriban para recibir correos electrónicos de parte del Director. Yo mando un correo electrónico cada semana que incluye el horario semanaI y otra información importante a los padres y comunidad en general. Para recibir correos electrónicos vaya a la página Web de la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby en: y haga click en el vínculo “subscribe/unsubscribe to the Parent listserv” bajo el título Principal’s Corner. La Escuela Preparatoria de Canby se mirará y se sentirá diferente el próximo ciclo escolar. La situación de la economía nos ha forzado a reducir nuestro personal escolar y a eliminar clases; y los requisitos para la graduación continúan siendo introducidos paulatinamente. La generación del 2012 debe por primera vez aprobar la Evaluación Estatal de Lectura para poder graduarse. Éste es un tiempo crítico para los estudiantes, padres y el personal escolar. Los maestros continuarán reuniéndose semanalmente con sus grupos de colaboración cada miércoles en la mañana durante nuestro comienzo tarde de clases. Todos juntos nos esforzaremos por mejorar el logro académico de su estudiante enfocando nuestra enseñanza en el desarrollo de “Pensadores Creativos y Analíticos” por medio de estrategias inquisitivas específicas. Este año tendremos un programa de intervención nuevo que se enfoca especialmente en aquellos estudiantes del noveno grado quienes están teniendo dificultades académicas debido al alto rigor de la escuela preparatoria. En pocas palabras, este programa será requerido para cualquier o todos los estudiantes del noveno grado que no estén pasando una o más clases a mediados del primer trimestre durante el periodo del informe del progreso estudiantil. Los estudiantes identificados se quedarán en un salón de estudios/sesión de habilidades después de las clases de las 2:50 a las 5 p.m. los martes y jueves por la tarde. Estos estudiantes podrán recibir ayuda de parte de los maestros de la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby y se proveerá el transporte. Se compartirá más información específica sobre este programa de intervención nuevo de la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby durante la junta de Padres en el otoño programada para el lunes, 26 de septiembre a las 7:00 p.m. en el Centro de Bellas Artes Richard R. Brown. Las inscripciones de este año se llevarán a cabo en tres partes. La fase número uno: el paquete de inscripción que recibirán con esta carta incluye documentos importantes de inscripción, los cuales ustedes pueden enviar de regreso a la escuela por correo o pueden pasar a dejarlos a la oficina de la preparatoria. Los estudiantes pueden pagar sus cuotas con un cheque o en la Tienda por Internet de la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby con un cargo de 6% por usar este servicio. Les recomiendo mucho a los estudiantes que completen este proceso antes del 12 de agosto porque acelerará el proceso de la fase número tres. Fase número dos: el formulario de verificación del estudiante se mandará a sus casas a principios de agosto. Estos formularios necesitan ser revisados, firmados y regresados a la oficina de la escuela, tenemos que recibir cada uno de estos formularios de parte de TODOS los estudiantes. La fase número tres es la más importante. Fase número tres: El día 17 y 18 de agosto, todos los estudiantes se reportarán al “nuevo” Centro de la Cuarta Calle durante el horario designado (vean abajo) para proceder con el proceso de inscripción. Esta fase incluye recoger la asignación de un casillero, la tarjeta de identificación estudiantil, la toma de fotografía del estudiante, el registro de su carro si es que maneja a la escuela, y posiblemente, recoger el horario de clases de su estudiante. Los consejeros académicos de la escuela estarán disponibles durante este tiempo. Los estudiantes que no llenaron y mandaron por correo sus formularios de inscripción pueden hacerlo en este momento. 17 de agosto vo Estudiantes del 12 grado vo Estudiantes del 11 grado mo Estudiantes del 10 grado 7:30 - 9:30am 10:00 - 12:00 mediodía 12:45 - 3:00pm no 18 de agosto Estudiantes del 9 grado Cualquier grado 11:30 - 3:00 pm 4:00 - 7:00 pm . En nombre del personal y del equipo administrativo, quiero dejarles saber que estamos comprometidos a hacer todo lo que podamos para hacer este ciclo escolar exitoso y memorable. Trabajando juntos para una educación positiva, Pat Johnson Director Escuela Preparatoria de Canby - 721 SW Fourth Ave.- Canby, OR 97013-3999 - Oficina: 503-263-7200 - Fax: 503-263-7212 Pat Johnson, Director (503-263-7201) Kimie Carroll, Subdirectora (503-263-7203) return to top TR3080 BS/VM 3080 esp-Principal’s summer letter-2011 Dennis Burke, Subdirector – Deportes (503-263-7204) John Ogden, Subdirector – Actividades - (503-263-7202) Last printed 8/1/2011 9:56:00 AM 5 Page 1 of 1 CANBY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGISTRATION INFORMATION CHECK IF: ! New to this school district OFFICIAL USE Current Grade Teacher/Team Last School Attended Date Registered DOB Verification Last School Address ! Address has changed since last year ! Phone has changed Current Grade City State Zip Immunizations Date Enrolled Bus # Student ID SSID# Has the student received any of the following additional services? ! TAG ! IEP ! Title 1A ! ESL/Bilingual Classes ! 504 ! Other ______________________________________________ ! Alternative School/Program STUDENT INFORMATION Student’s Legal Last Name Legal First Name Student’s Home Phone – ! Female ! Male – Student’s street address, city, zip code Complete both Section 1 and Section 2: 1) Ethnicity: Is this student Hispanic or Latino? ! Yes ! No Language spoken (check those that apply): English Spanish Student _______ _______ Middle Name Birth Country Birth State If born outside US, date of arrival to U.S. / / / (mo/day/year) (mo/day/year) Mailing address, city, zip code (if different) Proof of address (if requested) District Resident? ! Yes ! No Date of Birth / 2) Race: (mark all categories that apply) ! American Indian/Alaskan Native ! Asian ! Black ! White ! Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Office Use Only Federal regulations require this information. If race fields are left blank, school staff must select for you. OID ! At Home _______ _______ Correspondence Interpreter? _______ _______ _______ _______ Russian Other __________ Student _______ _______ At Home _______ _______ Correspondence Interpreter? _______ _______ _______ _______ PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION PARENT/GUARDIAN #1 Custody ! Last Name Student lives with: Call first in case of emergency ! First Name M.I. Relationship to Student Street Address (if different than student) Home Phone City State Cell/Pager # Unlisted ! Work Phone Legal Legal Guardian Custodian Both Parents Willing to volunteer? ! Yes ! No Zip Code Email Father Mother Guardian Place of Employment Would you like to receive communications periodically (such as surveys, newsletters, and other related information) from the District through email? ! Yes ! No Comment: Have you or a member of your family worked or sought work in agriculture, nurseries, forestry, or fishing in the past three years? ! Yes ! No Stepfather PARENT/GUARDIAN #2 Relative Custody ! Last Name First Name Street Address (if different than student) M.I. City State Cell/Pager # Unlisted ! Stepmother Call second in case of emergency ! Relationship to Student Home Phone Check if Applies Grandmother Willing to volunteer? ! Yes ! No Zip Code Email Grandfather *Other * Please specify or comments: Place of Employment Work Phone Would you like to receive communications periodically (such as surveys, newsletters, and other related information) from the District through email? Comment: ! Yes ! No SIBLING(S) INFORMATION 1. Sibling Name (if living at home) School Grade 3. Sibling Name (if living at home) School Grade 2. Sibling Name (if living at home) School Grade 4. Sibling Name (if living at home) School Grade Continue registration information on reverse side of this form return to top return to top 6 EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Call First (after parent/guardian) – ! May pick up child Call Second – ! May pick up child Last Name First Name Relationship Home Phone - Language Used (if other than English) ! Spanish ! Russian Unlisted ! First Name Relationship Home Phone - Language Used (if other than English) ! Spanish ! Russian ! Other Address Last Name City/Zip ! Other Address City/Zip Work Phone Place of Employment Work Phone Place of Employment Cell/Pager # Comments Cell/Pager # Comments Call Third – ! May pick up child Call Fourth – ! May pick up child Last Name First Name Relationship Home Phone - Language Used (if other than English) ! Spanish ! Russian Unlisted ! Last Name First Name Relationship Home Phone - Language Used (if other than English) ! Spanish ! Russian ! Other Address Unlisted ! City/Zip Unlisted ! ! Other Address City/Zip Work Phone Place of Employment Work Phone Place of Employment Cell/Pager # Comments Cell/Pager # Comments CHILDCARE INFORMATION Goes to Childcare ! Before school ! After school Sitter name Address Phone Days at sitter ! M ! Tu ! W ! Th ! F Notes ! Childcare provider may pick up child STUDENT MEDICAL INFORMATION Doctor name Doctor Phone Dentist Name Dentist Phone Allergies or Health Conditions Life Threatening ! Allergies or Health Conditions Life Threatening ! I, the parent/guardian, give permission to the school to transport my child to a medical facility in case of emergency: ! Yes ! No List medicines needed at school (medicine(s) dispensed at school require a written request from family doctor) PERMISSIONS AND AUTHORIZATIONS The student’s use of the Internet is subject to the Acceptable Use of the Internet, IIBGA-AP, which is published annually in the Students’ Rights & Responsibilities Handbook provided to all Canby School District students. In case of serious illness, accident or other emergency involving the student, the school will send the student to the preferred hospital specified above. If no hospital specified, then to the nearest hospital. Parent Signature *Directory information is the student name, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent school attended and student picture or likeness. I DO NOT want personally identifiable information** about my child used in: ! TV/Radio ! Newspaper ! Student Directory ! Web Site ! Yearbook **Board Policy JOA, JOB HIGH SCHOOL ONLY: I DO NOT want my child’s name, address, phone number released to: ! Military Recruiters ! College/University Recruiters The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires districts to provide upon request the names, addresses and phone numbers of juniors and seniors to military recruiters and colleges or universities. If you do not want the school district to provide information about your student to either the military or colleges or universities, you have the opportunity to ‘opt out’ In order to do so, you must check next to one or both of the categories (Military/College/Universities) above. Date Meeuwsenc/District/Forms/RegK-12_04-30-10 return to top return to top 7 INFORMACIÓN DE INSCRIPCIÓN DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR DE CANBY MARQUE SI: ! Es nuevo en este distrito escolar ! Cambió su domicilio en el último año ! Cambió su número de teléfono USO OFICIAL Current Grade Teacher/Team Escuela anterior Grado Actual Date Registered DOB Verification Domicilio de la escuela anterior Ciudad Estado Código Postal Immunizations ¿Ha recibido el alumno alguno de los siguientes servicios adicionales? Date Enrolled Bus # Student ID SSID# ! Escuela/Programa Alternativo ! TAG (Niños Talentosos y Dotados) ! IEP ! Título 1A ! Clases de Inglés/Clases Bilingües ! 504 ! Otro__________________________________________ INFORMACIÓN DEL ALUMNO Apellido legal del alumno Nombre legal Segundo nombre Fecha de nacimiento Estado donde nació País de nacimiento / / (mes/día/año) Dirección, ciudad, código postal del alumno Domicilio para el correo, ciudad, código postal (si es diferente) Tel. de casa del alumno – – ! Femenino ! Masculino Complete ambas Sección 1 y Sección 2: 1)Etnicidad: Es el alumno Hispano o Latino ! Sí ! No Fecha de llegada a EE. UU. si nació fuera de EE. UU. / / (mes/día/año) Prueba de domicilio (si ¿Residente del distrito? es solicitada) ! Sí ! No 2)Raza: (marque todas las categorías que aplican) Office Use Only ! indio nativo americano/nativo de Alaska ! Asiático ! Negro o afro-americano ! Blanco ! Nativo de Hawaii/de las Islas del Pacífico Las regulaciones federales requieren esta información. Si las áreas de raza se dejan en blanco, el personal escolar debe seleccionar por usted. Lenguajes hablados (marque los que aplican): Alumno Inglés _______ Español _______ En Casa _______ _______ Correspondencia ¿Intérprete? _______ _______ Ruso _______ _______ Otro _________ OID ! Alumno En Casa Correspondencia ¿Intérprete? _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ NFORMACIÓN DEL PADRE/TUTOR PADRE/TUTOR #1 El estudiante vive con: Custodia ! Llamar primero en caso de emergencia ! Apellido Inicial del segundo nombre Nombre ¿Dispuesto a servir como voluntario? Parentesco con el alumno Domicilio (si es diferente del alumno) Ciudad Teléfono de casa No está en el directorio ! Número celular/localizador Teléfono del trabajo Lugar de trabajo ! Sí ! No Estado Código postal Marque si aplica Tutor Legal Custodia Legal Ambos padres Padre Madre Correo electrónico Tutor ¿Quisiera recibir información por correo electrónico (tales como encuestas, boletines, y otra información relacionada) del Distrito? Padrastro ! Sí ! No Comentario: ¿Ha trabajado o buscado trabajo usted o un miembro de su familia en la agricultura, viveros, ciencia forestal, pesca en los últimos 3 años? Madrastra ! Sí ! No PADRE/TUTOR #2 Pariente Custodia ! Segundo en ser llamado en caso de emergencia ! Apellido Inicial del segundo nombre Nombre ¿Dispuesto a servir como voluntario? Parentesco con el alumno Domicilio (si es diferente del alumno) Ciudad Teléfono de casa No está en el directorio ! Número celular/localizador Teléfono del trabajo Lugar de trabajo ! Sí ! No Ciudad Código postal Correo electrónico ¿Quisiera recibir información por correo electrónico (tales como encuestas, boletines, y otra información relacionada) del Distrito? Comentario: Abuela Abuelo *Otro *Por favor especifique o comentarios: ! Sí ! No INFORMACIÓN DE HERMANO(S) 1. Nombre del hermano/a (si vive en casa) Escuela Grado 3. Nombre del hermano/a (si vive en casa) Escuela Grado 2. Nombre del hermano/a (si vive en casa) Escuela Grado 4. Nombre del hermano/a (si vive en casa) Escuela Grado Continúe con la información de inscripción al reverso de esta forma 8 return to top INFORMACIÓN DE PERSONAS EN CASO DE EMERGENCIA Llamar primero (después del padre/tutor) – ! Puede recoger al alumno Llamar segundo – ! Puede recoger al alumno Apellido Nombre Apellido Nombre Parentesco Tel. de casa Parentesco Tel. de casa Idioma que habla (si es otro aparte del inglés) ! Español ! Ruso No está en el directorio ! - Idioma que habla (si es otro aparte del inglés) ! Español ! Ruso ! Otro Dirección Ciudad/Código postal Ciudad/Código postal Teléfono del trabajo Lugar de trabajo Teléfono del trabajo Lugar de trabajo Número de celular/localizador Comentarios Número de celular/localizador Comentarios Apellido Nombre Parentesco Tel. de casa - Idioma que habla (si es otro aparte del inglés) ! Español ! Ruso Llamar cuarto – ! Puede recoger al alumno No está en el directorio ! Apellido Nombre Parentesco Tel. de casa - Idioma que habla (si es otro aparte del inglés) ! Español ! Ruso ! Otro Dirección - ! Otro Dirección Llamar tercero – ! Puede recoger al alumno No está en el directorio ! Ciudad/Código postal No está en el directorio ! - ! Otro Dirección Ciudad/Código postal Teléfono del trabajo Lugar de trabajo Teléfono del trabajo Lugar de trabajo Número de celular/localizador Comentarios Número de celular/localizador Comentarios INFORMACIÓN DE LA NIÑERA Va al cuidado de niños ! Antes de clases ! Después de clases Nombre de la niñera Dirección Teléfono Días en el cuidado de la niñera ! L ! M ! Mié ! J ! V Notas ! La niñera puede recoger al alumno INFORMACIÓN MÉDICA DEL ALUMNO Nombre del doctor Teléfono del doctor Nombre del dentista Teléfono del dentista Alergias o problemas de salud Pone en peligro su vida ! Alergias o problemas de salud Pone en peligro su vida ! Yo, el padre/tutor doy permiso a la escuela para transportar a mi hijo(a) a una instalación médica en caso de emergencia: ! Sí ! No Mencione los medicamentos necesarios en la escuela (la administración de medicina(s) en la escuela requiere la solicitud escrita del doctor) PERMISOS Y AUTORIZACIONES El uso del Internet del alumno está sujeto al reglamento Uso Aceptable del Internet, IIBGA-AP, el cual es publicado en el Manual de Derechos y Responsabilidades del Estudiante proporcionado a todos los alumnos del Distrito Escolar de Canby. En caso de una enfermedad seria, accidente u otra emergencia que involucre al estudiante, la escuela enviará al alumno al hospital de su preferencia mencionado arriba. Si no se especificó un hospital, entonces será al hospital más cercano. Firma del padre *Información del directorio es el nombre del alumno, campo de estudio, participación en actividades y deportes reconocidos oficialmente, peso y altura de los miembros del equipo deportivo, fechas de asistencia, licenciatura y premios recibidos, escuela a la que asistió recientemente y foto del alumno o parecido. YO NO quiero información que identifique personalmente** a mi hijo(a) usado en: ! TV/Radio ! Periódico ! Directorio estudiantil ! Página de Internet ! Libro de los recuerdos **Póliza de la Mesa Directiva JOA, JOB PREPARATORIA SOLAMENTE: YO NO quiero que el nombre de mi hijo(a), dirección, número de teléfono sea proporcionado a: ! Reclutadores militares ! Reclutadores de facultades/universidades El Decreto Que Ningún Niño se Quede Atrás del 2001 requiere que, cuando se pidan, los distritos proporcionen los nombres, direcciones y números de teléfono de los alumnos del 11vo y 12vo grado a los reclutadores militares y de facultades o universidades. Si usted no quiere que el distrito escolar proporcione información sobre su hijo(a) a el militar o facultades o universidades, usted tiene la oportunidad de ‘optar no’ Para poder hacerlo, usted debe marcar una o ambas de las categorías (Militar/Facultad/Universidades) de arriba. Fecha Meeuwsenc/District/Forms/Registration//RegK-12_4-30-10 return to top return to top 9 Race & Ethnicity Data Collection Thank you for filling out this questionnaire and helping us to fulfill our lawful requirements of collecting the data. For more information about this questionnaire, please see the reverse side of this document. Student’s Last Name First Name School Name Date Completed Student ID Number (If Known) !"OID (Office Use Only) Self-identification is the preferred choice of selecting an individual!s race and ethnicity, though you are not required by law to make these selections. The federal government requires the use of observer identification of elementary and secondary school students! race and ethnicity, as a last resort, if such information is not provided by the students and/or their parents. Part A. Is the student Hispanic/Latino? (Choose only one) !" No, not Hispanic/Latino !" " Yes, Hispanic/Latino (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.) The above part of the question is about ethnicity, not race. No matter what you selected above, please continue to answer the following by marking one or more boxes to indicate what you consider your student!s race to be. Part B. What is the student!s race? (Choose one or more) !" " " American Indian or Alaska Native (A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.) !" " " Asian (A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.) !" " Black or African American (A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.) !" " Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (A person having origins in any of "the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.) !" " White (A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.) Canby School District ! 1130 S Ivy ! Canby ! OR ! 97013 ! 503-266-7861 ! 10 return to top Overview of the Race & Ethnicity Data Collection in Canby School District Overview The U.S. Department of Education requires all states to collect information on the race and ethnicity of public school students and staff. The federal government has developed a new way to report ethnicity and race that includes new categories. These same categories were used for the 2000 Census, and will be used for the upcoming 2010 Census as well. The changes should provide a more accurate picture of the nation's ethnic and racial diversity. Beginning in the Fall of 2009, families of all students will be asked to fill out a brief form to update the reporting of their children's ethnicity and race. Reporting of staff data will occur at a later date. If I have already provided this information to the school system, why must I provide it again? In the past, forms for reporting race and ethnicity to the federal government allowed individuals to be identified in only one racial category. The new form enables individuals to be identified in ethnic and racial classifications and in more than one racial category. The federal government is requiring that ethnic and racial information for all students and staff be reported in this new way in order to reflect the nation's diversity more accurately. return to top return to top How will the information be used? The data with the new ethnicity/race categories will be used in the same manner that racial/ethnic data are currently used. The new categories will replace the existing categories for use in all state and federally sponsored statistical data collection that include data on ethnicity or race. Some examples include student record cards and test results. Who provides the information? Parents will complete a brief form to identify their children's ethic and racial identity. Staff members will receive a form to fill out their own information. When and how will the new information be gathered? Canby School District will follow the new federal guidelines beginning in the Fall of 2009. The new form will be distributed to all schools and will appear in our registration packets. The families of newly enrolled students AND of all current students will be asked to complete the form and return it to the school. Staff members will be asked to fill out a form at a later time, yet to be determined. Where can I find more information? More information is available on the Canby School District website at 11 Recopilación de Datos de la Raza y Origen Étnico del Estudiante Gracias por completar este cuestionario y ayudarnos a cumplir con nuestros requisitos reglamentarios de la recopilación de datos. Para más información sobre este cuestionario, por favor vea el reverso de este documento. Apellido del estudiante Nombre Nombre de la escuela completo Fecha en que se Número del estudiante (si lo sabe) !"OID (Office Use Only) La auto identificación es la manera preferencial de seleccionar la raza y origen étnico de una persona, aunque la ley no requiere que usted haga estas selecciones. El gobierno federal requiere el uso de un observador para identificar la raza y origen étnico de los estudiantes de la escuela primaria y secundaria, como último recurso, si tal información no es proporcionada por el estudiante y/o sus padres. Parte A. ¿El estudiante es Hispano o Latino? (Seleccione solo una respuesta) !" No, no es Hispano o Latino !" #$%"&'()*+,","-*.'+,"/0+*")12(,+*"31",2'41+"506*+,%"718'5*+,%")012.,22'901:,%"31;"#02" ,"<1+.2,"31"=7>2'5*%"0",.2*"50;.02*"0",2'41+"1()*:,;%"('+"'7),2.*2";*"2*?*@A" La pregunta mencionada anteriormente es sobre el origen étnico, no de la raza. Sin importar lo que mencionó anteriormente, por favor continúe contestando lo siguiente marcando todo lo que sea pertinente para indicar lo que usted considera ser la raza de su estudiante. Parte B. ¿Cuál es la raza del estudiante? (Marque uno o más) !" Indio Nativo Americano o Nativo de Alaska (una persona que tenga orígenes de cualquiera de los primeros habitantes de América del Norte o Sur (incluyendo América Central) y que mantenga una afiliación con una tribu o unión comunitaria.) !" Asiático (una persona que tenga orígenes de uno de los primeros habitantes del Lejano Oriente, Sureste de Asia o de la India Subcontinental, por ejemplo, Camboya, China, Japón, Corea, Malasia, Pakistán, Islas de las Filipinas, Tailandia y Vietnam.) !" Negro o Afroamericano (una persona que tenga orígenes de cualquier grupo de la raza negra de África.) !" Nativos de Hawai u otros nativos de las Islas del Pacífico (una persona que tenga orígenes de un de los primeros habitantes de Hawai, Guam, Samoa u otras islas del Pacífico. !" Blanco (una persona que tenga orígenes de cualquiera de los primeros habitantes de Europa, Medio Oriente o África del Norte.) Canby School District ! 1130 S Ivy ! Canby ! OR ! 97013 ! 503-266-7861 ! 12 return to top Resumen de la Recopilación de Datos de la Raza y Origen Étnico en el Distrito Escolar de Canby Resumen El Departamento de Educación de los EEUU requiere a todos los estados de recopilar información de la raza y origen étnico de los estudiantes y personal de las escuelas públicas. El gobierno federal ha desarrollado una nueva manera de reportar el origen étnico y la raza que incluye nuevas categorías. Estas mismas categorías fueron usadas para el Censo del 2000, y también serán usadas para el próximo Censo del 2010. Los cambios deben de proporcionar una idea más exacta de la diversidad étnica y racial de la nación. Comenzando en el otoño del 2009, a las familias de todos los estudiantes se les pedirán completar un breve formulario para poner al corriente el origen étnico y la raza de su estudiante. El reporte de los datos del personal ocurrirá en una fecha futura. ¿Si ya proporcioné esta información al sistema escolar, por qué debo proporcionarla otra vez? En el pasado, los formularios para reportar la raza y origen étnico al gobierno federal permitían a los individuos a ser identificados en solo una categoría racial. El nuevo formulario permite a la identificación de individuos en clasificaciones étnicas y raciales en más de una categoría racial. El gobierno federal está requiriendo que la información de origen étnico y racial de todos los estudiantes y el personal sea reportada de esta nueva manera para que refleje la diversidad de la nación de una forma más precisa. return to top return to top ¿Cómo será usada la información? Los datos con las nuevas categorías de origen étnico y la raza serán usados de la misma manera que la información racial y étnica es usada actualmente. Las nuevas categorías reemplazarán a las actuales categorías para el uso de toda la recopilación de datos estadísticos patrocinado a nivel estatal y federal que incluyan información de origen étnico o de la raza. Algunos ejemplos incluyen las tarjetas de registro estudiantil y resultados de evaluaciones. ¿Quién proporciona esta información? Los padres completarán un breve formulario para identificar la identidad étnica o racial de su estudiante. Los miembros del personal recibirán un formulario para completar su propia información. ¿Cuándo y cómo será recaudada la información? El Distrito Escolar de Canby seguirá las nuevas reglas federales comenzando en el otoño del 2009. El nuevo formulario será distribuido a todas las escuelas y aparecerá en el paquete de inscripción. A las familias de estudiantes de nuevo ingreso Y de todos los estudiantes en curso se les pedirá completar el formulario y regresarlo a la escuela. A los miembros del personal se les pedirá completar el formulario en otro momento, aun no determinado. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar más información? Más información está disponible en la página Web del Distrito Escolar de Canby en 13 Official Use Only School: Canby School District HLS Date: CANBY STUDENT ID: HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY ELL Staff Person: To be completed by parents/guardians only Follow-up Date: Follow-up Comments: Child’s full name: G ra d e : F a th e r’s n a m e : M o th e r’s n a m e : Date of Birth: Phone: Parents/Guardians: Please answer the following questions. Schools in Oregon are required to determine the language(s) spoken in the home. This information is critical in order for the school to provide a meaningful education to all students. If you have questions about the language services provided in Canby School District, please contact your child’s principal. Thank you for supporting us in meeting this important educational requirement. You may mark more than one language for each question. English Spanish Russian American Indian/Alaska Native Other Language: ________ 1. Language or languages this child learned when he/she began to talk 2. Language(s) this child most frequently uses at home 3. Language(s) this child most frequently uses to speak to the adults in the family 4. Language(s) this child most frequently uses to speak with friends 5. Language(s) you use with this child 6. Language(s) adults speak in the home 7. Language you prefer for home/school communication 8. Identify the adults in your home who read English: ! The student speaks and understands no English How well does this child speak and understand English in comparison to the home language? CHECK ONE ONLY ! The student speaks and understands the home language better than English ! The student speaks and understands English and the home language equally well ! The student speaks and understands English better than the home language ! The student speaks and understands only English at times P a re n t/G u a rd ia n S ig n a tu re : Copies: Original/White: School Yellow: HL D a te : Pink: ELL Office District/Forms/HomeLangSurv-EngEsp.doc Revised April 2009 14 Official Use Only School: HLS Date: Canby School District CANBY STUDENT ID: ENCUESTA DE IDIOMAS ELL Staff Person: Los padres o el tutor deben de llenar esta hoja Follow-up Date: Follow-up Comments: Nobre completo del alumno: Grado: Nombre del Padre: Fecha de Nacimiento: Nombre de la Madre: Teléfono: Padres/Tutores: Favor de contestar las siguientes preguntas. Las escuelas de Oregón necesitan averiguar sobre los idiomas que se hablan en el hogar. Esta información es muy importante porque nos ayuda proveer a cada alumno una educación excelente. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre los servicios de lenguaje ofrecidos en Canby, favor de ponerse en contacto con el director de su escuela. Les agradecemos el apoyo que nos dan en completar este requisito educativo. Puede seleccionar más de un idioma para cada pregunta. Inglés Español Ruso Indio Nativo Americano Nativo de Alaska Otro Idioma: 1. Idioma(s) que el alumno habló primero 2. Idioma(s) que el alumno usa con más frecuencia en la casa 3. Idioma(s) que el alumno usa con más frecuencia para comunicarse con los adultos en la casa 4. Idioma(s) que el alumno usa con más frecuencia para comunicarse con los amigos 5. Idioma(s) que Ud. usa para comunicarse con este alumno 6. Idioma(s) que los adultos usan en la casa 7. Idioma(s) que Ud. prefiere para la comunicación que recibe de la escuela 8. Nombra todos las adultos en la casa que pueden leer el inglés: ! El alumno no habla ni comprende el inglés. Compare la facilidad que tiene su alumno al hablar y comprender el inglés a su facilidad en el idioma del hogar. MARQUE SÓLO UNO. ! El alumno habla y comprende el idioma del hogar mejor que el inglés. ! El alumno habla y comprende el inglés y el idioma del hogar con la misma facilidad. ! El alumno habla y comprende el inglés mejor que el idioma del hogar. ! El alumno sólo habla y comprende el inglés. Firma del padre, de la madre o del tutor: Copies: Original/White: School Yellow: HL Fecha: Pink: ELL Office District/Forms/HomeLangSurv-EngEsp.doc Revised April 2009 15 Superintendent Jeff Rose 1130 S Ivy Canby OR 97013 503-266-7861 Date: DISTRICT SERVICES TO FAMILIES AND CHILDREN IN TRANSITION (Providing this information is voluntary. Fill out one form per family.) The following two questions help determine eligibility for enrollment and possible McKinney-Vento services for students. The questionnaire is confidential and in compliance with the McKinney-Vento Education Assistance Improvements Act 42 U.S.C. 11435. No 1. Is your current address a temporary living arrangement? Yes 2. If yes, is this temporary living arrangement due to loss of housing or economic hardship? Yes No Current Residency Status Residency information is important as it directly relates to educational rights under the McKinney-Vento Act. House/Apartment/Condo (single family) Hotel/Motel Transitional housing program Family doubled up with relatives/friends Campground/RV/Car or Unsheltered Student with guardian/friend/relative Emergency Shelter Other: Current address: Phone/contact information: Services provided by Canby School District for children and families may include: • Academic support • Free and/or reduced cost lunches • Referral for clothing • Referral process for networking resources in the school, city or county Name of Family: Student legal name: School: Grade: Student legal name: School: Grade: Student legal name: School: Grade: Student legal name: School: Grade: Names and ages of children not enrolled in school: Is there anything else you’d like us to know? Do you have questions about homeless services? For more information, please contact: John Hackworth District Advocate Canby School District Office: 503-266-0060, Mobile: 503-969-5440 Jennifer Houghton Building Advocate Canby School District/Canby High School Office: 503-263-7200, Ext. 5617, Mobile: 503-969-0029 Para español, ver la parte de atrás. OFFICE: Provide copy to Building Advocate Services to Families_Children in Transition -2863 esp/eng 16 return to top Superintendent Jeff Rose 1130 S Ivy Canby OR 97013 503-266-7861 Fecha: SERVICIOS DEL DISTRITO PARA FAMILIAS Y NIÑOS EN TRANSICIÓN (El proporcionar esta información es algo voluntario. Llene un formulario por familia.) Las siguientes dos preguntas ayudan a determinar la elegibilidad para inscribir a los estudiantes y para posibles servicios estudiantiles de McKinney-Vento. El cuestionario es confidencial y cumple con lo estipulado en el Acta 42 U.S.C. 11435 de Mckinney-Vento de Mejoras a la Asistencia Educativa. 1. ¿Es su domicilio actual un arreglo de vivienda temporal? Sí ___ No ___ 2. ¿Si es así, este arreglo de vivienda temporal es debido a la pérdida de vivienda o dificultades económicas? Sí __ No ___ Situación de la Vivienda Actual La información sobre la vivienda es importante ya que se relaciona directamente con los derechos educacionales bajo el Acta McKinney-Vento. Casa/Apartamento/Condominio (una familia) Hotel/Motel La familia está viviendo con un Programa de vivienda de transición familiar/amigos Campamento/Vehículo recreacional (RV)/Carro o sin refugio El estudiante está con el tutor/amigo/familiar Otro: Refugio de emergencia Dirección actual: Teléfono/información de contacto: Los servicios proporcionados por el Distrito Escolar de Canby para niños y familias pueden incluir: • Apoyo académico • Almuerzos gratis y/o a precio reducido • Petición para ropa • Proceso de petición para establecer contactos de recursos en la escuela, ciudad o condado Nombre de la familia: Nombre legal del estudiante: Escuela: Grado: Nombre legal del estudiante: Escuela: Grado: Nombre legal del estudiante: Escuela: Grado: Nombre legal del estudiante: Escuela: Grado: Nombre y edades de los niños que no están matriculados en la escuela: ¿Hay algo más que usted quisiera que nosotros sepamos? ¿Tiene preguntas sobre los servicios de niños y jóvenes sin vivienda? Para más información, por favor comuníquese con: John Hackworth Representante del Distrito Distrito Escolar de Canby Oficina: 503-266-0060, Celular: 503-969-5440 Jennifer Houghton Representante del Edificio Distrito Escolar de Canby/Escuela Preparatoria de Canby Oficina: 503-263-7200, Ext. 5617, Celular: 503-969-0029 For English, see the other side. OFFICE: Provide copy to Building Advocate VM/BS TR-2863 return to top Services to Families_Children in Transition -2863 esp/eng 17 The Staff and Students of Canby High School Invite the Class of 2015 To our Sixteenth Annual LINK CREW FRESHMAN / NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION September 12, 2011 7:50 AM – 11:45 AM Location: Stadium Gym The purpose of this orientation is to make the transition from middle school to high school a positive one. Seniors and juniors will be serving as leaders and mentors to the freshmen. Large and small group activities are designed to address students’ needs and concerns in an enjoyable manner. REMEMBER: At registration freshmen will not receive their class schedules. Students will be given their class schedules and meet their teachers during this orientation on September 12th. Please dress in comfortable clothes and do not bring backpacks, as we will be doing group activities. 18 return to top Canby High School REGISTRATION 2011-12 Your student’s Verification form, Families in Transition form, and Registration Fee sheet will be mailed in August for your completion and signature. Please drop off or mail forms and payment to: Canby High School, 721 SW Fourth Avenue, Canby, Oregon, 97013-3999. CHS Office summer hours: 8:00-3:30. Mail in or drop off your registration materials prior to August 12th: To pre-register your student, please mail in or drop off: For continuing students, turn in: Verification form, Families in Transition form (if applies), and Registration Fee sheet and payment. For new students, pick up a Registration Packet from the main office and turn in: Registration form, Forecasting form, Home Language Survey, Families in Transition form (if applies), Registration Fee sheet and payment. If you miss the date to pre-register (August 12th), you cannot use the Express Line at Registration. The fee line can be long, please try to pre-register – you won’t be sorry! Registration Dates/Times: Wednesday, August 17th Seniors Juniors Lunch Break for staff Sophomores Thursday, August 18th Freshmen Dinner Break for staff All Grades 7:30 am - 9:30 am 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 11:30 am - 3:00 pm 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Please pay all fees prior to registering your student(s). If your student has outstanding fees or fines, invoices were mailed out with the last report card (grades 10-12). You can also pay fees online using WebStore. Go to the CHS website: Under “Information,” click on WebStore and follow the easy directions. Please note: there is a 6% convenience fee that will be charged to you for using this service. Credit/debit card payment can not be taken on Registration day. On Registration day: Students will receive: Student ID Card (from Life Touch – flyer will be mailed with registration packet) Student Parking Tag (if applies) – bring your ODL # and License Plate # Student Schedule (except Freshmen – Freshmen schedules will be issued on September 12th) Locker (if wanted) – if sharing a locker, please come with locker partner to Registration Please do not mail in LifeTouch picture form and money with pre-registration materials. Students will need to bring the form and money with him/her to Registration (August 17th or 18th); the form and money must be given directly to the LifeTouch photographer. Please contact me if you have questions. See you on Registration day! Sincerely, Jennifer Kraxberger CHS Bookkeeper, 503.263.7217 return to top 19 INSCRIPCIÓNES para la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby del 2010-2011 El formulario de verificación, el formulario de transición y la hoja de cuotas para la inscripción de su estudiante se mandarán por correo para que las completen y firmen. Por favor pasen a dejar o manden por correo los formularios y pago a: Canby High School, 721 SW Fourth Avenue, Canby, Oregon, 97013-3999. Las horas de oficina de verano de la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby son de las: 8:00 a las 3:30. Manden por correo o pasen a dejar sus materiales de inscripción antes del 12 de agosto. Para la inscripción temprana de su estudiante, por favor manden por correo o pasen a dejar: • Para los estudiantes actuales, devuelvan: el formulario de verificación, formulario de transición (si aplica) y la hoja de cuotas para la inscripción y el pago. • Para los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso, recojan el paquete de inscripción en la oficina principal y devuelvan: el formulario de inscripción, la hoja de elección de cursos, la encuesta del idioma que se habla en la casa, formulario de transición (si aplica) y la hoja de cuotas para la inscripción y el pago. Si dejaron pasar la fecha de inscripción temprana (el 12 de agosto), NO pueden usar La Línea Rápida de inscripción. La línea para pagar puede ser larga, por favor traten de inscribirse temprano – ¡no se arrepentirán! Fechas/Horas de inscripción: El miércoles, 17 de agosto 12vo grado 11vo grado Almuerzo para el personal 10mo grado 7:30 am - 9:30 am 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm El jueves, 18 de agosto 9no grado Cena para el personal Todos los grados 11:30 am - 3:00 pm 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Por favor paguen todas las cuotas antes de inscribir a su(s) estudiante(s). Si su estudiante tiene una cuota o multa pendiente, se enviaron las facturas con la última boleta de calificaciones (grados 10-12). Ustedes pueden pagar todas las cuotas en la Tienda por Internet (WebStore). Vayan a la página web de la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby: Bajo el título “Information” opriman en el vínculo que dice WebStore y sigan las fáciles instrucciones. Por favor noten: habrá un cargo de 6% que le cobraremos por usar este servicio. El día de las inscripciones: Los estudiantes recibirán: • La tarjeta de Identificación Estudiantil (de Life Touch- se mandará el folleto en el paquete de inscripción) • El permiso de estacionamiento estudiantil (si aplica) - traiga consigo el número de las placas y la licencia de conducir • El horario de clases (excepto los estudiantes del 9no grado – los horarios de clases de los estudiantes del 9no grado se proporcionarán el 12 de septiembre) • El casillero (si quiere uno) – si quiere compartir un casillero, por favor venga con la/el compañera(o) de casillero a las inscripciones Favor de no mandar el formulario de la fotografía de Life Touch y el dinero junto con sus papeles de inscripción temprana. El estudiante debe traer el formulario y el dinero el día de la inscripción (el 17 ó 18 de agosto); el formulario y el dinero se deben entregar directamente al fotógrafo de Life Touch. Por favor comuníquense conmigo si tienen preguntas. ¡Los veremos el día de las inscripciones! Atentamente, Jennifer Kraxberger Contadora de la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby, (503) 263-7217 return to top TR-3073 bs/vm 3073-registration info from booking 2011-12 Last printed 8/1/2011 1:01:00 PM 20 Page 1 of 1 Registration Fee Sheet 2011-2012 Canby High School 721 SW 4th ST Canby, Oregon 97013 Bookkeeping 503.263.7217 Name Grade 9 10 11 12 Student ID (circle grade) ✔ $35 ASB/Activity Card (required) Athletics (OSAA sanctioned): ___$125 Freshman (each sport) ___$125 Sophomore (each sport) ___$125 Junior (each sport) ___$125 Senior (each sport) Check the sport(s) you are paying for: Fall Sports ___Cross Country (boys) ___Cross Country (girls) ___Football ___Soccer (boys) ___Soccer (girls) ___Volleyball Winter Sports ___Basketball (boys) ___Basketball (girls) ___Swimming (boys) ___Swimming (girls) ___Wrestling Spring Sports ___Baseball ___Softball ___Golf (boys) ___Golf (girls) ___Tennis (boys) ___Tennis (girls) ___Track/Field (boys) ___Track/Field (girls) *Two sport maximum fee to any one athlete. **Maximum Family Cap for Athletics fee of $450. You can pay for sport by season; you don’t have to pay for all sports up front. Extra-Curricular Activities/Athletics/Clubs ___$50 Cheer ___$35 Concert Choir ___$50 Dance ___$35 Drama – Fall Play ___$35 Drama – Musical ___$35 Equestrian ___$35 FBLA ___$35 FFA ___$60 Lacrosse ___$50 Marching Band ___$60 Rugby ___$35 Ski Team ___$35 Snowboard Team ___$50 Speech Team Optional Fees ___$8 PE Lock (unless purchased at Ackerman/91) ___$50 Yearbook (will increase after 1st trimester) ___$20 Parking Tag (bring license plate # and ODL to registration) ___$30 G.A.P. (senior graduation all-night party / non-refund) Total Amount: $ **Pay Online** Pay online with a credit/debit card – go to the CHS website at and click on the WebStore link under “Information.” Incoming Freshmen will not be able to access WebStore until August 11th. **NOTE: there is a 6% convenience fee. NO Credit/debit card payments taken at Registration August 17th and 18th. Avoid the rush: Drop off or mail in your check before the payment deadline August 12th. 21 return to top Hoja de Cuotas para la Inscripción del 2011-2012 Escuela Preparatoria de Canby • 721 SW 4th St. • Canby , Oregon • 97013 • Contabilidad • 503.263.7217 Nombre:_________________________ Grado: 9 10 11 12 # de Identificación estudiantil _____ (circule el grado) ✔ $35 Tarjeta del Cuerpo Estudiantil/Tarjeta de Identificación Estudiantil (requerida) Deportes (OSAA sancionado): ___$125 Grado 9 (cada deporte) ___$125 Grado 10 (cada deporte) ___$125 Grado 11 (cada deporte) ___$125 Grado 12 (cada deporte) Marque el deporte por el cual usted está pagando: Deportes de otoño ___Campo traviesa (varonil) ___Campo traviesa (femenil) ___Fútbol americano ___Fútbol (varonil) ___Fútbol (femenil) ___Voleibol Deportes de invierno ___Baloncesto (varonil) ___Baloncesto (femenil) ___Natación (varonil) ___Natación (femenil) ___Lucha grecorromana Deportes de primavera ___Béisbol ___Softball ___Golf (varonil) ___Golf (femenil) ___Tenis (varonil) ___Tenis (femenil) ___Pista y campo (varonil) ___Pista y campo (femenil) *Cuota máxima de dos deportes para cualquier deportista. **Cuota máxima por familia en deportes es de $450. Usted puede pagar por deporte cada temporada; no tiene usted que pagar por todos los deportes a la misma vez. Actividades Extracurriculares/Deportes/Clubes ___$50 Porra ___$35 Coro de concierto ___$50 Baile ___$35 Teatro – Obra de teatro de otoño ___$35 Teatro – Musical ___$35 Ecuestre ___$35 FBLA (Futuros Líderes Negociantes de América) ___$35 FFA (Futuros Granjeros de América) ___$60 Lacrosse (Juego parecido al hockey pero con raqueta y al aire libre) ___$50 Banda de marcha ___$60 Rugby ___$35 Equipo de esquí ___$35 Equipo de surf sobre nieve (snowboard) ___$50 Equipo de discurso Cuotas opcionales ___$8 Candado de Educación Física (al menos que ya lo hayan comprado en Ackerman/91) ___$50 Álbum de los recuerdos (el precio sube a $55 después del 1er trimestre) ___$20 Permiso de estacionamiento (traiga consigo el número de las placas y la licencia de conducir) ___$30 G.A.P. (fiesta de los estudiantes del grado 12 / no hay reembolso) Cantidad total: $ **Pague por Internet** Pague por Internet con tarjeta de crédito/débito –vaya a la página web de la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby en y haga click en el vínculo WebStore bajo el título “Information.” Los estudiantes del noveno grado recién ingresados no podrán tener acceso a la Tienda por Internet (WebStore) hasta el 11 de agosto. **NOTA: Habrá un cargo de 6% por este servicio. No se aceptan pagos con tarjeta de crédito/débito durante las inscripciones el 17 y 18 de agosto. Evite las líneas largas: Pase a dejar o mande su cheque por correo antes de la fecha límite para pagar del 12 de agosto. 22 return to top CHS Registration 4th Street Center 8/17 Seniors 7:30 am – 9:30 am Juniors 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Sophomores 12:45 pm – 3:00 pm August 17th & 18th 8/18 Freshmen 11:30 am – 3:00 pm All Grades 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm Pick up photo card first Entrance Start here 1. Turn in all forms, pay fees, Athletics (Room 1) – if paid and forms turned in, go to Express table to pick up receipt then go directly to step 2! 2. Get picture taken for Student ID Card (Room 2), pick up ID card 3. Get locker (not required) and parking tag (with receipt) (Room 5) 4. Pick up class schedule You must have a Student ID card to get your schedule, locker and parking NOT PAID YET EXPRESS 3 Photo Stations Career Center and Reception Pick up ID card HERE – need for schedule, etc. Express table – pick up receipt (already paid) 2 Bus schedule & other forms GAP ASPIRE Exit Bus schedule & other forms Blank Forms Restrooms 1 Updated 06/11 Turn in forms, pay fees 4 Athletics Schedules Lockers 3 Parking 23 24 Online You’re first in line Visit the Canby High School WebStore*: fdsfsdf •Information •Parents •Web Store *You will be assessed a 6% convenience fee by WebStore for using this service. Buy Online All Year! Default Login: Username = Student ID Password = first initial & last name (no spaces & all lower case letters) Ex: John Smith = jsmith Don’t Stand in Line, Pay Online! PAY FOR YOUR FEES ONLINE! We are very excited to provide parents the ability to pay ONLINE for fees PRIOR to Registration day! Our WebStore allows you and your children to easily purchase student items, pay for student fees and debts, all securely via the internet so that you don’t have to wait in line during registration! Here you will be able to pay for all of your student’s needs directly from the convenience of your computer. Once you’ve completed your transaction, you’ll receive a confirmation email that you’ll need to bring with you to Registration. What are the Benefits? Convenient! return to top Easy! Time Saving! 25 Canby High School 2011-2012 Sports & Activities Important information for all Teams OSAA sanctioned Fall sports: Cross Country, Football, Soccer, Volleyball Winter sports: Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling Spring sports: Baseball, Golf, Tennis, Softball, Track & Field Dance, Cheer Club Sports: Equestrian, Lacrosse, Rugby, and Snowboarding Welcome to the 2011-12 Canby High School Athletic/Activity year! We invite you to become a member of our athletic and/or activity programs this coming year . The Athletic Office will be open for fall clearance beginning the week of August 8th, 7:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. During school registration times on August 17 and 18, the athletic secretary will be available for you to obtain sports clearance at the same location and hours. Each fall sport, the cheer team, and dance team can begin practices August 22nd. Most of you may have received information from your coach about starting times, equipment issue, and practice hours. If you did not, please call or stop by the Athletic Office to receive information. Students participating in fall sports (football, volleyball, soccer, cross country), cheer or dance must get clearance (see checklist on page 2) confirming they have met all the requirements and conditions as set by Canby School District before they can begin practicing on August 22nd for fall sports in the 2011-2012 school year. Winter and spring sports and activities are listed in the Athletic-Activity Handbook and clearance for those seasons can take place prior to the start of each respective season. If you have any questions or problems relating to your participation, please feel free to contact me at the high school 503-263-7200, ext. (1) 5302. We hope to see you involved. Dennis Burke Associate Principal / Athletics 26 return to top Checklist for Sports/Activity Participation: To obtain clearance for participation in practices and contests, please be sure the following requirements are met and forms are taken to the Athletic/Activity office: 1. Medical Update Form (filled out by parents annually), form attached 2. Copy of current physical exam, must use attached OSAA form (not two years old) 3. Completed and signed Parent/Guardian Approval – Athletic/Activity Clearance form (Return all 3 copies to the Athletic-Activity office). PLEASE NOTE: By signing the enclosed clearance form, the parent and student agree to abide by the rules in the Student / Parent Handbook for Athletics & Activities. 3. Meet or exceed academic requirements regarding minimum satisfactory progress toward graduation at the beginning of the school year: 10 th grade – 4.5 credits, 11th grade – 10.0 credits, 12th grade – 17.5 credits. Also, 10th -12th grade students must have passed 4 full credit classes the previous trimester or 5 classes the previous semester; Currently enrolled in a minimum of 4 full-credit classes (‘0’ period class counts only as 1/3 credit). All freshmen are academically eligible at the start of the school year. 4. Pay participation fee to CHS bookkeeper: $125 per OSAA sanctioned sport with a $250 individual cap and $450 family cap (payment not required for practice or try-out). To Be Cleared for Practice: You must meet all requirements listed above with the exception of paying the participation fee. Upon payment of fee, full participation in contests is granted. Physical Exams will be available at a reduced cost through: Canby Physical Therapy and supporting local doctors Location: Canby High School, cafeteria area Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 Time: From 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Cost: $10.00 per student The money generated will be donated to the school for the Sports Medicine program. You may get a physical from a doctor of your own choice, but you must use our School District/OSAA form, available in your student packet or online at, and click on the Athletics & Activities tab. IMPORTANT: 3-part NCR form for Athletic / Activity Clearance is included in this mailing. Complete and sign the form and return all three copies, along with your physical exam (or medical update if current exam is already on file with the high school) to the Athletic Office for necessary signature. DO NOT GIVE YOUR FORMS DIRECTLY TO THE COACH – YOU MUST OBTAIN THE OFFICE SIGNATURE TO PARTICIPATE. 27 return to top Canby Schools Student Sport Physicals $10.00* When: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Where: Canby High School (cafeteria area behind school) 721 SW 4th Avenue Canby OR 97013 Please call Canby Physical Therapy at 503-263-6786 to inform them you are attending. This will not, however, guarantee an appointment time, but will help with estimating how many doctors to have on hand. Physical exams will be performed by Canby area physicians. OSAA approved exam forms are available at your school office, in the student packet mailed in July, and online at or websites. Parents must fill out and sign the pre-exam side of the form prior to their child getting the exam. If the form does not have a parents’ signature, we will be unable to perform the physical. *Proceeds are donated to the Canby High School Sports Medicine Program 28 return to top School Sports Pre‐Participation Examination – Part 1: Student or Parent Completes Revised May 2010 NAME: BIRTHDATE: / ADDRESS: PHONE: ( ) Athlete and Parent/Guardian: Please review all questions and answer them to the best of your ability. Explain any YES answers on back. Medical Provider: Please review with the athlete details of any positive answers. YES NO Don’t Know / 1. Has anyone in the athlete’s family died suddenly before the age of 50 years? 2. Has the athlete ever passed out during exercise or stopped exercising because of dizziness or chest pain? 3. Does the athlete have asthma (wheezing), hay fever, other allergies, or carry an EPI pen? 4. Is the athlete allergic to any medications or bee stings? 5. Has the athlete ever broken a bone, had to wear a cast, or had an injury to any joint? 6. Has the athlete ever had a head injury or concussion? 7. Has the athlete ever had a hit or blow to the head that caused confusion, memory problems, or prolonged headache? 8. Has the athlete ever suffered a heat‐related illness (heat stroke)? 9. Does the athlete have a chronic illness or see a physician regularly for any particular problem? 10. Does the athlete take any prescribed medicine, herbs or nutritional supplements? 11. Does the athlete have only one of any paired organ (eyes, kidneys, testicles, ovaries, etc.)? 12. Has the athlete ever had prior limitation from sports participation? 13. Has the athlete had any episodes of shortness of breath, palpitations, history of rheumatic fever or tiring easily? 14. Has the athlete ever been diagnosed with a heart murmur or heart condition or hypertension? 15. Is there a history of young people in the athlete’s family who have had congenital or other heart disease: cardiomyopathy, abnormal heart rhythms, long QT or Marfan's syndrome? (You may write "I don't understand these terms" and initial this item, if appropriate.) 16. Has the athlete ever been hospitalized overnight or had surgery? 17. Does the athlete lose weight regularly to meet the requirements for your sport? 18. Does the athlete have anything he or she wants to discuss with the physician? 19. Does the athlete cough, wheeze, or have trouble breathing during or after activity? 20. Are you unhappy with your weight? 21. FEMALES ONLY a. When was your first menstrual period? b. When was your most recent menstrual period? c. What was the longest time between menstrual periods in the last year? Parent/Guardian’s Statement: I have reviewed and answered the questions above to the best of my ability. I and my child understand and accept that there are risks of serious injury and death in any sport, including the one(s) in which my child has chosen to participate. I hereby give permission for my child to participate in sports / activities. I hereby authorize emergency medical treatment and/or transportation to a medical facility for any injury or illness deemed urgently necessary by a registered athletic trainer, coach, or medical practitioner. I understand that this sports pre‐participation physical examination is not designed nor intended to substitute for any recommended regular comprehensive health assessment. I hereby authorize release of these examination results to my child's school. Signed: Date: Parent/Guardian ORS 336.479, Section 1 (3) "A school district shall require students who continue to participate in extracurricular sports in grades 7 through 12 to have a physical examination once every two years." Section 1(5) “Any physical examination required by this section shall be conducted by a (a) physician possessing an unrestricted license to practice medicine; (b) licensed naturopathic physician; (c) licensed physician assistant; (d) certified nurse practitioner; or a (e) licensed chiropractic physician who has clinical training and experience in detecting cardiopulmonary diseases and defects.” Oregon School Activities Association ‐ 119 ‐ Forms – School Sports Pre‐Participation Examination Revised: 05/10 return to top 2011‐12 Handbook 29 Canby Boosters’ Club invites you to their annual Kick-off Dinner/Membership Drive ***BBQ burgers, potato salad, soft drinks, dessert Friday September 2 (next to the stadium, on the tennis courts) 4:00-6:30 (before the 7:00 Canby football game) admission to game separate Learn all about Canby Booster Club, meet the board members, some of the fall coaches, hear the Canby Pep Band, sing the CHS fight song, sign up for help with 50/50 Raffles, concession stand and more! *** Feed the w-h-o-l-e family with a $15 membership fee 30 return to top 31 return to top School Sports Pre‐Participation Examination – Part 2: Medical Provider Completes Revised May 2010 NAME: / Height: Vision: R 20/ Weight: % Body Fat (optional): L 20/ Corrected: Y N MEDICAL Pupils: Equal NORMAL BIRTHDATE: / Pulse: BP: ____/____ (____/____, ____/____) Unequal Rhythm: Regular _____ Irregular _____ ABNORMAL FINDINGS INITIALS* Appearance Eyes / Ears / Nose / Throat Lymph Nodes Heart: Pericardial activity 1 & 2 heart sounds Murmurs Pulses: brachial / femoral Lungs Abdomen Skin st nd MUSCULOSKELETAL Neck Back Shoulder / arm Elbow / forearm Wrist / hand Hip / thigh Knee Leg / ankle Foot * Station‐based examination only CLEARANCE Cleared Cleared after completing evaluation / rehabilitation for: Not cleared for: Reason: Recommendations: (print or type) Date: Address: Phone: ( ) Signature of Medical Provider: Name of Medical Provider: ORS 336.479, Section 1 (3) "A school district shall require students who continue to participate in extracurricular sports in grades 7 through 12 to have a physical examination once every two years." Section 1(5) “Any physical examination required by this section shall be conducted by a (a) physician possessing an unrestricted license to practice medicine; (b) licensed naturopathic physician; (c) licensed physician assistant; (d) certified nurse practitioner; or a (e) licensed chiropractic physician who has clinical training and experience in detecting cardiopulmonary diseases and defects.” Oregon School Activities Association ‐ 120 ‐ Forms – School Sports Pre‐Participation Examination Revised: 05/10 return to top 2011‐12 Handbook 32 SUGGESTED EXAM PROTOCOL FOR THE PHYSICIAN Revised May 2010 MUSCULOSKELETAL Have patient: 1. Stand facing examiner 2. Look at ceiling, floor, over shoulders, touch ears to shoulders 3. Shrug shoulders (against resistance) 4. Abduct shoulders 90 degrees, hold against resistance 5. Externally rotate arms fully 6. Flex and extend elbows 7. Arms at sides, elbows 90 degrees flexed, pronate/supinate wrists 8. Spread fingers, make fist 9. Contract quadriceps, relax quadriceps 10. “Duck walk” 4 steps away from examiner 11. Stand with back to examiner 12. Knees straight, touch toes 13. Rise up on heels, then toes To check for: AC joints, general habitus Cervical spine motion Trapezius strength Deltoid strength Shoulder motion Elbow motion Elbow and wrist motion Hand and finger motion, deformities Symmetry and knee/ankle effusion Hip, knee and ankle motion Shoulder symmetry, scoliosis Scoliosis, hip motion, hamstrings Calf symmetry, leg strength MURMUR EVALUATION – Auscultation should be performed sitting, supine and squaring in a quiet room using the diaphragm and bell of a stethoscope. Auscultation finding of: 1. S1 heard easily; not holosystolic, soft, low‐pitched 2. Normal S2 3. No ejection or mid‐systolic click 4. Continuous diastolic murmur absent 5. No early diastolic murmur 6. Normal femoral pulses (Equivalent to brachial pulses in strength and arrival) Rules out: VSD and mitral regurgitation Tetralogy, ASD and pulmonary hypertension Aortic stenosis and pulmonary stenosis Patent ductus arteriosus Aortic insufficiency Coarctation MARFAN’S SCREEN – Screen all men over 6’0” and all women over 5’10” in height with echocardiogram and slit lamp exam when any two of the following are found: 1. Family history of Marfan’s syndrome (this finding alone should prompt further investigation) 2. Cardiac murmur or mid‐systolic click 3. Kyphoscoliosis 4. Anterior thoracic deformity 5. Arm span greater than height 6. Upper to lower body ratio more than 1 standard deviation below mean 7. Myopia 8. Ectopic lens CONCUSSION ‐‐ When can an athlete return to play after a concussion? After suffering a concussion, no athlete should return to play or practice on the same day. Previously, athletes were allowed to return to play if their symptoms resolved within 15 minutes of the injury. Studies have shown that the young brain does not recover that quickly, thus the Oregon Legislature has established a rule that no player shall return to play following a concussion on that same day and the athlete must be cleared by an appropriate health care professional before they are allowed to return to play or practice. Once an athlete is cleared to return to play they should proceed with activity in a stepwise fashion to allow their brain to readjust to exertion. The athlete may complete a new step each day. The return to play schedule should proceed as below following medical clearance: Step 1: Light exercise, including walking or riding an exercise bike. No weightlifting. Step 2: Running in the gym or on the field. No helmet or other equipment. Step 3: Non‐contact training drills in full equipment. Weight training can begin. Step 4: Full contact practice or training. Step 5: Game play. If symptoms occur at any step, the athlete should cease activity and be re‐evaluated by a health care provider. 581‐021‐0041 Form and Protocol for Sports Physical Examinations The State Board of Education adopts by reference the form entitled "School Sports Pre‐Participation Examination May 2010" that must be used to document the physical examination and sets out the protocol for conducting the physical examination. Medical providers conducting physicals on or after June 30, 2010 must use the form dated May 2010. NOTE: The form can be found on the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) Website Stat. Auth: ORS 326‐051 Stats. Implemented: ORS 336.479 Hist.: ODE 24‐2002, f. & cert. ef. 11‐15‐02; ODE 29‐2004(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 9‐15‐04 thru 2‐25‐05; ODE 4‐2005, f. & cert. ef. 2‐14‐05 Oregon School Activities Association ‐ 121 ‐ Forms – School Sports Pre‐Participation Examination Revised: 05/10 return to top 2011‐12 Handbook 33 2011-2012 CANBY SCHOOL DISTRICT CALENDAR Adopted June 30, 2011 M T W T F M JULY T W T F M AUGUST T 1 2 3 4 5 H4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 HR5 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 NOVEMBER 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 C17 C18 C19 24 25 26 7 1 2 6 W7 W8 TR9 *12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 S/TR DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 HR 11 5 6 7 8 9 C20 C21 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 T15 G16 27 28 TR21 TR22 N23 HR 24 25 N19 N20 N21 N22 N23 28 29 30 26 N27 N28 N29 N30 1 2 JANUARY N/H N/H FEBRUARY H2 SR3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 6 N* 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 APRIL MARCH 1 2 7 8 9 13 14 15 H20 21 22 27 28 29 3 10 5 6 7 8 16 17 12 13 14 T15 23 24 C19 C20 C21 N26 N27 N28 TR/P MAY SR2 SR3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 C/T 22 N29 9 G16 C/G 23 N30 JUNE 1 2 3 7 8 C9 C10 11 4 5 6 7 8 20 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 27 21 22 23 24 25 18 T19 G20 TR21 22 H28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 Narrative Sept. 5............................................................Labor Day Holiday Reduction Day Sept. 6 …Half day Staff Training AM, Half day Staff Training Reduction Day PM Sept. 7-8………………………………………………………….Teacher Work Days Sept. 9.............................................................Staff Training Day Reduction Day st Sept.12.......................................... 1 day of School; schedules vary by building Oct. 12...................................................................................... PSAT day (CHS) th th All students in session except 9 & 12 grade Oct. 14.....................No School K-12 Statewide Inservice Day .5 Reduction Day Oct. 17-19..................................................Elementary Conferences after school Oct. 19 ……………………………...HS evening conferences, 4:00-8:00 PM Oct. 20......................................... Elementary schools closed for conferences; .....Mid/High schools in session, with MS evening conferences, 4:00-8:00 PM Oct. 21.........................................No School K-12, Parent/Teacher Conferences Nov. 11..........................No School K-12, Veterans’ Day Holiday Reduction Day Nov. 21-25................................................. No School K-12, Thanksgiving Week Nov. 21-22............................................................ Staff Training Reduction Days Nov. 24-25..................... Thanksgiving Holiday Reduction Day/Non-contract day Dec. 15.............................................................................. End of First Trimester Dec. 16..................................................................No School K-12, Grading Day Dec. 19-30............................................................ No School K-12, Winter Break Dec. 26......................................................Christmas Day, Non-contract/Holiday Jan. 2............................................................................. New Year’s Day Holiday Jan. 3...............................................................................Student Reduction Day Jan. 16............................................. No School K-12, Martin Luther King Jr. Day Feb. 10 ...................................................No School K-12, Day .5 Reduction Day Feb. 20……………………............…… No School K-12, Presidents’ Day Holiday nd March 15 End of 2 Trimester for Elementary March 16 No School Elementary Only, Grading Day Mid/High schools in session March 19-23………………………………...Elementary Conferences after school return to top F 14 TR/P 31 30 T SEPTEMBER 1 OCTOBER W C = Conferences G = Grading Day H = Holiday N = Non-Contract N/H = Certified non-contract day, Classified Holiday P = Student Progress Day S = Staff Training T = End of Trimester W = Workday SR=Student Reduction Days 3 days (potential to add back 1, 2 or all 3 days after Dec. 1 audit) HR = Holiday Reduction Days 3 days TR = Training Reduction Days 6 days TR/P 4 1 March 22............................................................. Elementary schools closed for Conferences, .....................................................................................................Mid-High schools in session nd March 22…………………… ....................................................... End of 2 Trimester for MS/HS March 23………........................................................No School K-12, Elementary Conferences MS/HS Grading Day Mar. 26-30 .................................................................................... No School K-12, Spring Break April 2-3 ................................................................................................. Student Reduction Days May 4.........................................................No School K-12, Student Progress/.5 Reduction Day May 9................................................................MS evening Parent Conferences, 4:00-8:00 PM May 10.............................................................. HS evening Parent Conferences, 4:00-8:00 PM May 28...........................................................................No School K-12, Memorial Day Holiday, June 15............................................................................................................. CHS Graduation June 19...........................................................................................................Last Day of School June 20.....................................................................................................................Grading Day June 21...........................................................................................Staff Training Reduction Day Student Days Elementary (60/52/53 ) ......................................................................................................165 Middle/High (61/54/53 ) .....................................................................................................168 Teacher Days .........................................................................................................................179 12 Reduction Days from original calendar (Unpaid for Teachers & Administrators) 3 Student Contract Reduction Days (potential to add back 1, 2 or all 3 days after Dec. 1 audit) Jan. 3, April 2-3 6 Staff Training Reduction Days Sept. 6, 7 (.5), Oct. 14 (.5), Nov 21 & 22, Feb. 10 (.5), May 4 (.5), June 21 3 Holiday Reduction Days Sept. 5, Nov. 11, Nov. 24 34 CALENDARIO DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR DE CANBY 2011-2012 Adoptado el 30 de junio del 2011 L M Miér J V L JULIO M Miér J V L AGOSTO M 1 2 3 4 5 F4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 FE5 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 NOVIEMBRE 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 C17 C18 C19 24 25 26 7 1 2 6 T7 T8 EE9 *12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 E/EE DICIEMBRE 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 FE11 5 6 7 8 9 C20 C21 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 FT15 C16 27 28 EE21 EE22 N23 FE24 25 N19 N20 N21 N22 N23 28 29 30 26 N27 N28 N29 N30 1 2 ENERO N/F N/F FEBRERO F2 DE3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 6 N* 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 ABRIL MARZO 1 2 7 8 9 13 14 15 F20 21 22 27 28 29 3 10 5 6 7 8 16 17 12 13 14 FT15 23 24 C19 C20 C21 N26 N27 N28 EE/P MAYO DE2 DE3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 J/FT 22 N29 9 C16 J/C 23 N30 JUNIO 1 2 3 7 8 J9 J10 11 4 5 6 7 8 20 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 27 21 22 23 24 25 18 FT19 C20 EE21 22 F28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 Resumen 5 de sept……................................... …… Feriado del Día del Trabajo eliminado 6 de sept ......................... .5 día de entrenamiento del personal por la mañana, .5 día de entrenamiento del personal por la tarde eliminado 7-8 de sept............................................................ Día laboral para los maestros 9 de sept ....................................... Día de entrenamiento del personal eliminado er 12 de sept ............................. 1 día de clases; los horarios varían por escuelas 12 de oct. .....................Día del examen PSAT (Escuela Preparatoria de Canby) no vo Hay clases para todos con excepción del 9 y 12 grado 14 de oct...... No Hay clases, .5 día de entrenamiento para maestros a nivel estatal reducido 17 al 19 de oct. .................................Juntas en las primarias después de clases 19 de oct.…………………. Juntas en la preparatoria por la noche, de 4 a 8 p.m. 20 de oct. ………………..……….Escuelas primarias cerradas para las juntas; Hay clases para la Secundaria/Preparatoria, con juntas en las secundarias por la noche, de 4 a 8 p.m. 21 de oct. ................................. No hay clases K-12; Juntas de padres/maestros 11 de nov. ............ No hay clases K-12, Feriado eliminado/Día de los Veteranos 21 al 25 de nov. ...................No hay clases K-12/Semana de Acción de Gracias 21 y 22 de nov. ......................... Días de Entrenamiento del personal eliminados 24 y 25 de nov. .......Feriado eliminado/Día de Acción de Gracias/Día no laboral 15 de dic. ........................................................................ Fin del primer trimestre 16 de dic. ........................................... No hay clases K-12, Día de calificaciones 19 al 30 de dic................................ No hay clases K-12, Vacaciones de invierno 26 de dic. .............................................. Día de Navidad, Día no laboral /Feriado 2 de ene.....................................................................Feriado-Día de Año Nuevo 3 de ene. ............................................................Día eliminado para estudiantes 16 de ene.............................. No hay clases K-12, Día de Martin Luther King Jr. 10 de feb................................... ……..… No hay clases K-12; .5 día eliminado 20 de feb. …………………..No hay clases K-12, Feriado/Día de los Presidentes do 15 de mar……………………..…Fin del 2 trimestre para las escuelas primarias 16 de mar. ……………………….…No hay clases para las escuelas primarias, Día de calificaciones, Hay clases para la Secundaria/Preparatoria return to top F 14 EE/P 31 30 J SEPTIEMBRE 1 OCTUBRE Miér CLAVE J = Juntas de Padres/Maestros C =Día de calificaciones F = Feriado N/F = Día no laboral para maestros, feriado para otros. N = Día no laboral P = Reporte del progreso de los estudiantes E =Entrenamiento del personal. FT = Fin del trimestre T = Día de trabajo DE=Día para estudiantes eliminado-3 días (es posible que se recuperen 1, 2 o todos los 3 días después de la auditoría del 1r o de diciembre) FE= Feriado eliminado-3 días EE= Entrenamiento eliminado-6 días * = Vea el resumen EE/P 4 1 19 al 23 de mar. ............................. ............................ Juntas en las primarias después de clases 22 de mar…………………….……..Escuelas primarias cerradas para la juntas, Hay clases para la Secundaria/Preparatoria do 22 de marzo…………… .........................……Fin del 2 trimestre para la secundaria/preparatoria 23 de marzo……….................................................. No hay clases K-12, Juntas en las primarias Día de calificaciones para la Secundaria/Preparatoria 26 al 30 de mar ..................................................... No hay clases K-12, Vacaciones de primavera 2 y 3 de abril. .............................................................................Días eliminados para estudiantes 4 de mayo. ...... No hay clases K-12; Reporte del progreso estudiantil/.5 día de entrenamiento eliminado 9 de mayo. ............................. Secundaria: juntas de padres/maestros en la noche, de 4 a 8 p.m. 10 de mayo ...........................Preparatoria: juntas de padres/maestros en la noche, de 4 a 8 p.m. 28 de mayo .................................................No hay clases K-12, Feriado/Día de Conmemoración 15 de junio……........................ …......................Graduación de la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby 19 de junio .............................. …................................................................... Último día de clases 20 de junio......................................................................................................Día de calificaciones 21 de junio................................................................Día de entrenamiento del personal eliminado Días de clases para los estudiantes Primaria (60/52/53)...............................................................................................................165 Secundaria/Preparatoria (61/54/53) .....................................................................................168 Días laborales de los maestros .................................................................................................179 12 días laborales eliminados del calendario original (días no pagados para maestros y administradores) 3 días bajo contrato para enseñar a estudiantes (es posible que se recuperen 1, 2 o todos los 3 días después de la auditoría del 1ro de diciembre) 3 de enero, 2 y 3 de abril 6 días de entrenamiento eliminados 6 y 7 de septiembre (.5), 14 de octubre (.5), 21 y 22 de nov., 10 de feb. (.5), 4 de mayo (.5), 21 de junio 3 días de feriado eliminados 5 de septiembre, 11 de nov., 24 de nov. 35 CANBY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2011-2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Attendance Rights and Responsibilities Student Activities/Athletic Attendance Eligibility Attendance and Finals Checking out During the School Day Appointments Student Illness General Pre-Excused Absences School-Related Pre-Excused Absences Town Pass Homework Requests Tardiness Forged Signature Unexcused Absences Consequences for Excessive Excused/Unexcused Absences GENERAL INFORMATION 2 CSD Non-Discrimination Statement CHS Contacts Counseling Canby High Health Center Student Arrival/Departure Approved Fines and Fees 2011-2012 Student ID Cards and Optional Fees No Pets in Buildings/On Grounds School Closures POLICY AND PROCEDURES 5 Bulletin Board Closed Campus – Open at Lunch Only Communicable Diseases Computer/Internet Use Field Trips Fire Alarms/Safety Library Media Center Locker Operation and Assignment School Buses School Dances Self-Medication Student Fees and Fines Student Publications Textbooks CODE OF CONDUCT 28 School Environment Discipline Procedure for Suspension or Expulsion of students with IEPs/504s School Activities During Suspension or Expulsion Student/Parent Grievance Procedure STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 12 Academic Awards Academic Ethics Admission to CHS Assembly of Students Credits Required Dress & Grooming Freedom of Expression Grade Reduction/Credit Denial Grading System/Grades on eSIS Homebound Instruction (Tutor) Honors Diploma Incompletes Minimum Enrollment for Athletics and Activities Off Campus Credit Personal Communication/Electronic Devices Proof Of Enrollment (DMV) Senior Graduation and Activities Student Parking Student Visitors Are Not Allowed Students Driving Vehicles/Passengers Students of Legal Age Ticketing and Towing of Student Vehicles Transcripts Transfer of Student Records Transferring/Leaving CHS Trespassing ATTENDANCE Excused Absences 33 ACADEMIC RESOURCES 41 Canby High School th 721 SW 4 St. Canby, OR 97013-3999 503.263.7200 23 1 return to top STUDENT ATHLETICS / ACTIVITIES HANDBOOK 36 GENERAL INFORMATION CSD NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT Canby School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, disability, marital status, personal life orientation, or age in providing education or access to benefits of education services, activities, and programs in accordance Title DI, Title VII, Title IX, and other civil rights or discrimination issues; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and the Americans With Disabilities Act (from Canby School District’s Students’ Rights & Responsibilities). CHS CONTACTS CANBY HIGH SCHOOL 503.263.7200 Administration Pat Johnson Principal, x5303 Dennis Burke Associate Principal/Athletics, x5304 John Ogden Associate Principal/Activities, x5322 Kimie Carroll Associate Principal/Alternative Programs, x5323 Secretaries Christy Ankeny Jennifer Kraxberger Lonnie Harms Claudia Aguliar Lori Wujek Loree Carlson Leesa Beaudoin Pam Saatkamp Jamie Netter Office Manager, x5300 Bookkeeper, x5307 Athletic Secretary, x5301 Attendance Secretary, x5312 Counseling/SBHC Secretary, x5340 Counseling Secretary, x5341 Registrar, x5342 Student Center/Activities Secretary, x5320 Career Center Secretary/ASPIRE, x5022 Email Communication Teachers are best reached via email. Go to the Canby High School web site ( for a directory and staff blogs. The Canby School District’s web site is COUNSELING CHS offers the services of a complete guidance and counseling program for high school students. This program includes guidance, which relates to curriculum information, course planning, as well as career planning. In an effort to best meet the needs of the individual student at Canby High, we have assigned students to specific counselors. However, to retain flexibility, a student is welcome to see any counselor, whether or not he or she has been assigned him or her. The counselor assignments follow: Andrew Young A-G Kelly Jindrich H-O Daren Gilbert P-Z Trevor Lockwood Intervention Specialist x5348 x5347 x5346 x5343 CANBY HIGH SCHOOL BASED HEALTH CENTER Health care at school keeps kids in school. Available services include: • Assistance in the management of chronic illness such as asthma or diabetes in cooperation with the student’s Primary Care Provider • Communicable disease control and prevention • Diagnosis and treatment of minor illness, infection and injury (i.e., skin infections, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.) • Health screening and referral • Immunizations • Lab tests to monitor health conditions • Physical Examinations and Sports Physicals • Mental health assessment and referrals, brief counseling and family support 2 return to top 37 • • • Substance abuse assessment and referral Tobacco prevention and cessation information Wellness and lifestyle education and support Health Center services are private and confidential for students 15 or older. Students under the age of 15 must have parental consent. Health records will not become a part of a student’s school record. Only Heath Center staff may access health records. HIPPA rules and regulations are followed. Appointments are recommended for non-urgent health concerns: 503.263.7219. Nurse Practitioner: Julie Passon, 503.263.7219 STUDENT ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE School personnel are not on duty until 7:15 am each morning (or 8:15 for late start Wednesdays). For student safety we require that students not come prior to that time. Students are to leave the building by 3:00 pm unless involved in a school-supervised activity and/or working with an instructor. Students with “late-arrival” should arrive no more than fifteen minutes before their first scheduled class, or check into the library or the Student Center. Students with “early dismissal’ should be off campus ten minutes after their last class has concluded, unless they have made prior arrangements to work with an instructor. APPROVED FINES AND FEES FOR 2011-2012 Optional Fees PE Lock st Yearbook 1 Trimester nd 2 Trimester Parking (on campus) Student ID Card Health II-First Aid Card Early Childhood Cadet Teaching for Tomorrow Planners Student ID cards $8.00 $50.00 $55.00 $20.00 $35.00 (required for all CHS students) $3.00 (card fee) $10.00 (Food Handlers Card required) $10.00 (Food Handlers Card required) $10.00 (replacement fee)* $5.00 (replacement fee)* *Note: Planners and Student ID cards are required for all CHS Students OSAA Sanctioned Sports $125.00 per sport Two sport maximum fee to any one athlete Maximum family cap of $450.00 for OSAA Sanctioned Sports Extra-Curricular Activities and Club Sports Cheer $50.00 Concert Choir $35.00 Dance $50.00 Drama Fall Play $35.00 Spring Musical $35.00 Equestrian $35.00 FBLA $35.00 FFA $35.00 Lacrosse $60.00 Marching Band $50.00 Rugby $60.00 Ski Team $35.00 Snowboard Team $35.00 Speech Team $50.00 Requests for refunds for fees paid and not used must be submitted to the Canby High School bookkeeper st by June 1 of the same school year they are assessed. STUDENT ID CARDS 3 return to top 38 All students must have a student ID card and are expected to carry this card with them while attending school and school events. The student ID card will also be used to check out books in the library, textbook depository, and can be used as a debit card for lunch. All students must purchase a CHS ID card for $35.00. The student ID card admits students to CHS hosted athletics and activities (except for OSAA championship events or fundraisers, i.e.: dances). NO PETS IN BUILDINGS / ON GROUNDS Due to possible allergic reaction to pet dander, we encourage students, staff and community members to not bring pets to school or school events. This includes outside events. The exception: trained guide dogs. SCHOOL CLOSURES Because of weather conditions or some other emergency, it may be necessary to close school or start school late. You are advised to listen to your radio or television station for closure or late start information. For snow route information, please call First Student Transportation at 503.266.2064. We will make every effort to have a decision on school closure by 6 a.m. regarding the closing of school, or in the delay of opening school. In the event the opening of school is delayed, students should follow this procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Be prepared to catch your bus two (2) hours later, realizing that the buses may be running late because of road conditions. When you arrive at school, report to your first period class. Class periods will be shortened, but we will attempt to meet all classes on a shortened schedule. Delayed starting time will be two (2) hours. First period will start at 9:40 a.m. In the event school is dismissed early or closed due to inclement weather, all athletic and activities will be cancelled. POLICY AND PROCEDURE BULLETIN BOARD Club advisors have the authority to approve bulletin board material, see the Student Center for questions. All students must obtain permission from the Student Center before posting materials. The approved materials will then be stamped to identify the length of time they can be posted. When posting bulletins, advertisements, and posters on the premises, the following procedures should be followed: - Materials are to appear only in designated areas. Signs, posters, and flyers are allowed only if they promote School-Related and sponsored events. All materials should be taken down immediately following the event advertised. Make sure posted material has who, what, why, where and when. If posted materials do not meet the above criteria or they are deemed inappropriate by the administration, the materials will be removed immediately. CLOSED CAMPUS – OPEN AT LUNCH ONLY Canby High School is a CLOSED campus – open campus for walkers - only during lunch. Students are free to walk off campus during lunch to eat at local restaurants or purchase food and return to campus. In order to keep an open campus and maintain good relations with local businesses and their patrons, remember that students are not to loiter, litter, or disrupt offcampus businesses or properties. Students are encouraged to be in supervised areas during lunch. Student vehicles may not be moved at any time without permission from administration. **Please refer to Student Driving/Passenger Policy in this handbook. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Any student suspecting they have a contagious or communicable disease is to be excluded from class by the teacher and sent to the Counseling Office where the school nurse will be 4 return to top 39 consulted. If the student has such a disease, a health slip from a doctor may be needed to reenter school. COMPUTER / INTERNET USE All students must comply with the Canby School Technology/Electronic Communication Policy. Unacceptable use of the internet include, but are not limited to: use of the system to access profane or obscene (pornography), that advocates illegal or dangerous acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people. *See CSD Rights and Responsibilities Handbook and code of conduct level system in this handbook. FIELD TRIPS Field trips may be scheduled for educational, cultural, or other extra-curricular purposes. All students are considered “in-school” while participating in school-sponsored field trips. This means students are subject to the school’s student conduct rules, applicable board policy, and other rules as may be deemed appropriate by the supervisor. FIRE ALARMS / SAFETY Our fire alarm system is used as a means of protecting each of us from serious injury or death due to fires. A fire escape route is posted in each classroom. Fire drills will be conducted on a monthly basis. This drill, which will be conducted by school officials, is a means to help students learn the procedure of evacuation of the school so if a fire occurs. A safe and speedy evacuation will take place. CAUTION: A slow evacuation when a real fire occurs could result in injury and/or death. Students are reminded to take drills seriously. The administration feels very strongly about the potential danger of setting off false alarms. Time missed from class because of false alarms may be made up. In addition to school consequences, violators may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. In the event of emergencies other than fire, an emergency plan is posted in each classroom. Directed evacuation drills, which include earthquake and lockdown, will be held periodically. LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER The Library Media Center has printed and non-printed materials for research, instruction and/or recreational use. A copy machine is available (5-cents per page) for copies. Computers are available and are networked to a laser printer. See the Media Center for available multi-media support. Students must show their Student ID Cards in order to check out library materials. Books are checked out for two weeks. Students will be assessed the replacement cost of any book not returned or renewed by the due date. Lost books and other materials must be paid for before grades are sent out each trimester. LOCKER OPERATION AND ASSIGNMENT Lockers are the property of the school and the student does not have the same right of privacy regarding it that a person has in their home. However, students have no legal right to enter either locked or unlocked lockers that are not assigned to them by the office staff. School lockers may be inspected or searched, and any school administrator may take prohibited material. Locker inspections may be held at any time at the discretion of the administration. The school is not responsible for items lost, damaged, or stolen from lockers; please note: this includes textbooks. Locker damage on the inside or outside will be the responsibility of the student, and the student will be charged for the cost of repair. If there is excessive writing or scratches on the inside of a locker, please notify the Student Center. Lockers will be inspected at the end of each school year and students will be charged for damages: Cleaning Paint door Damage to door (replace) $ 5 Damage to lock $12 Replace double door $30 $10 $72 5 return to top 40 Vandalism occurring to any locker must be reported immediately to the Student Center or the student assigned to that locker will be charged. SCHOOL BUSES Students must follow the rules governing behavior on school buses or may forfeit the right to ride. Students should understand that the bus driver is responsible for the safety of students. A staff member is responsible for establishing departure times of field trips and for maintaining order during field trip activities. An adult, other than the bus driver, must be on the bus for all field trips. 1. Pupils being transported are under the authority of the bus driver. 2. Pupils shall be on time for the bus both morning and evening. 3. *Pupils shall not bring firearms, weapons, or any other potentially hazardous material on the bus. 4. *Fighting, wrestling, or boisterous activity is prohibited on the bus. 5. *Pupils shall remain seated while the bus is in motion. 6. *Pupils shall not extend their hands, arms, or head through bus windows. 7. Pupils shall not bring animals, except approved assistance guide animals, on the bus. 8. *Pupils shall use the emergency door only in case of emergency. 9. The bus driver may assign pupils seats. 10. When necessary to cross the road, pupils shall cross in front of the bus or as instructed by the bus driver. 11. *Pupils shall be courteous to the driver, to fellow pupils, and passersby. 12. Pupils shall have an appropriate bus pass issued by the school to leave the bus other than at home or school. 13. *Pupils shall converse in normal tones; loud or vulgar language is prohibited. 14. Pupils shall not open/close windows w/o permission of the driver. 15. Pupils shall keep the bus clean, and must refrain from damaging it. 16. Pupils who refuse to obey promptly the directions of the driver or refuse to obey regulations may forfeit their privilege to ride on the bus. Statutory Authority: ORS Chapter 820 Transportation Video Recording: The bus company has installed video and audio equipment on all school buses to monitor school transportation. Videotapes shall be treated as protected student records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. The following guidelines shall apply: 1. Tapes shall remain in the custody of the bus company. 2. Parents or students who wish to view the videotape in response to disciplinary action taken against a student may request such access, under the procedures set out in the Student Record Board Policy and Administrative Guideline (Code 5070). 3. Persons unrelated to a disciplinary incident shall not be permitted to view bus videotapes. If you would like further information or a copy of the board policy on use of video surveillance please contact the District Office or the Canby High School Main Office. Additional District procedures related to student transportation: 1. Pupils shall not have in their possession on the bus 1) tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs, or 2) matches, or other incendiaries, or concussion devices. * 2. Pupils shall not have on their possession without prior approval 1) glass containers or other glass objects; 2) balloons; or 3) skateboards or other large objects which might pose safety risks or barriers to safe entry and exit from the bus. 3. Pupils shall not eat food, drink, or chew gum while on the bus. 4. Pupils shall not damage school property or the property of others. * 5. Pupils shall not throw any objects. * * These regulations are serious violations with severe consequences because of the threat of safety of others. Driver’s Evacuation Drill Checklist I. Safe Boarding Practices II. Safe Riding Practices III. Safety Leaving the Bus IV. Point out Oregon State Bus Regulations V. Evacuation Drill i. Explain that during the drill we evacuate from the front door only. 6 return to top 41 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Point out all the other exits. Explain how they operate in case of a real emergency. We evacuate only if it is safer outside the bus than inside. Instruct students on how to set the parking brake and how to remove the key from the ignition. Remind students to leave belongings on the bus in an emergency. Instruct students on proper evacuation exiting Seat 1 followed by Seat 2, …etc. Remain seated until it is your turn. Then exit quickly and orderly, walking not running. Assign one student to lead the students away from the bus and two students to stand at the door to assist students off the bus and count them. Instruct them to lend a hand, not pull the student from the bus. Instruct students to do this even when the bus driver is unable to help them. Outside the bus SCHOOL DANCES The success of a school dance is largely determined by the amount of pre-planning involved. Please follow the guidelines below regarding school dances: 1. The advisor of the group sponsoring the dance will be responsible for organization and supervision of the dance. Scheduled dances must be approved by administration. 2. Admission will be limited to Canby High School students for most dances. Students must show a Student ID Card. 3. Guests are only allowed at the two major dances: Homecoming and Prom. The guest/CHS student must fill out a guest pass and return it completed to the Student Center. Guests over 19 will not be allowed to come to school dances unless an administrator grants permission. Background checks will be completed on all guests. All guests must show ID and bring the guest pass with him/her to the dance. Grade/Middle school students will not be permitted to attend high school dances. 4. Administrators, Security and Chaperones at the dance will have the authority to remove any student or guest from school dances for violation of school or dance rules. 5. All after game dances will end by 11:00 p.m. unless otherwise designated. No student will be admitted after one hour, unless at a school-sponsored activity or arranged by an administrator. 6. If a student or guest leaves the building in which the dance is held, they will not be permitted to return to the dance. 7. Security (Campus Security or School Resource Officer) will be on duty at school dances. He/she will be responsible for supervising the grounds and parking lots, and to remove any unauthorized persons from the premises. Individuals are not permitted to loiter around the dance area. 8. Students violating the district drug/alcohol policy during a school dance will be dealt with as prescribed by school district policies. They may be detained until parents and/or legal authorities have been summoned and action taken. 9. All school rules apply at dances, including: no grinding (back to front), moshing, or being provocative with dance or dance moves. Public display of affection is also not appropriate. Continued violations will result in removal from the dance. 10. Dances held off-campus such as the Prom operate under the same guidelines as all other school dances. SELF-MEDICATION Sharing and/or borrowing of medication, with another student, is strictly prohibited and in violation of Policy JFCG, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs. Designated trained school personnel will provide assistance to students who are developmentally and/or behaviorally unable to self-medicate. A permission form and written instructions need to be submitted to the Counseling Office as required for Administering Medication to Students. 1. Prescription Medication: certain prescription medications may be self administered if the following conditions are met: a. All prescription medication must be kept in its appropriately labeled, original container. Prescription labels must specify the name of the student, name of the medication, dosage, route, and frequency or time of administration and any other special instruction. 7 return to top 42 b. 2. All requests for self-medication or for the District to administer medication to a student shall be made by the parent in writing. Requests shall also include the written instructions of the physician for the administration of a prescription medication to a student. All students requesting self-medication require written approval from a school administrator. Nonprescription medication: a. Self-medication of nonprescription medication is allowed. b. Students shall be responsible for their own nonprescription medications, which must be brought to school in the original container, properly labeled with the student’s name affixed to the original container. Permission to self-medicate may be revoked if the student violates Board Policy, Administering Non-injectable Medicines to Students and/or this procedure. STUDENT FEES AND FINES In accordance with the law and with the district policy, certain student activities/records may be withheld if fines and charges are not paid. The administration may hold the grade reports, diploma or records of the student who owes the fee or is responsible for the loss or damage until the student or the parent/guardian of the student has paid the amount owed. The school district shall not withhold the education records of a student in the circumstances described in ORS 326.575 and applicable rules of the State Board of Education or when such records are requested for use in the appropriate placement of the student. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS District Sponsored: Students’ First Amendment rights to freedom of expression and equal protection of the law will be observed regarding district-sponsored publications. The observance of these rights must be balanced against the legitimate needs of the educational process. Some student publications, such as yearbooks, and school newspapers, may be educational devices developed as part of the curriculum to benefit primarily those who compile, edit and publish them. Staff advisors will be assigned to guide students engaged in these activities. Any commercial advertisements in such publications will conform to Board regulations. Students may be required to submit publications for approval prior to distribution. When approval is required, school administrators must make available to students the standards, which will be used to determine granting or denying permission to publish. Such guidelines will be specific and will be directed toward ascertaining which publications will cause substantial disruption of district activities or contain libelous or obscene content. Prior restraints will contain precise criteria, which spell out what is prohibited. A definite, brief time limit will be set within which school officials must approve or disapprove of distribution. To be valid, these guidelines must prescribe a procedure for appeals from students. All Publications: It will be the responsibility of administrators to set reasonable and specific regulations; setting for the time, manner and place in which distribution of student publications may occur. TEXTBOOKS Textbooks are provided free of charge to all students that attend Canby High School. When textbooks are first issued, students must inspect the book thoroughly and advise library staff and teachers of any markings, tears, defects or other damage. The assigned student is responsible for all damaged, lost, or stolen textbooks. At the opening of school be sure you put your name on the slip at the front of all your textbooks. Also, label all of your equipment with your name. Check textbooks carefully when issued, as there will be a charge for book damage that was not previously recorded. Damaged book charges: Broken Binding Defaced Covers Other Damage $15 Torn Pages, ink markings $7 Defaced Pages up to full cost of book $2 $1 8 return to top 43 STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ACADEMIC AWARDS Academic Letter An academic letter requires a cumulative GPA of 3.70 with a minimum of four academic classes taken each of the previous two trimesters. Academic classes will be defined as all credit classes offered with the exception of staff assistants (TLAs), work based learning and work experience. No exchange students will be acknowledged with an academic letter. The school provides the academic letter certificate, but the student will be responsible for picking up the emblem or letter for his/her academic award from the Athletic Office (in Main Office). The Academic Awards Night takes place in the spring in the FAC. Honor Roll Honor roll status requires a 3.50 GPA for a single trimester with a minimum of four classes. ACADEMIC ETHICS Every school has a responsibility to promote honesty and integrity on the part of all students. At CHS, students are expected to rely on their own efforts to achieve and to accept the consequences for their own choices as they complete their work. Teachers take care to promote ethical behavior on the part of all students and will not tolerate cheating. It is the responsibility of each student to avoid the act or the appearance of an act of dishonesty, whether it is as the supplier or recipient of unethically obtained materials or information. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Glancing during a test or quiz Unsanctioned teamwork on an assignment Habitual absenteeism on tests or assignments Failure to cite sources adequately on assignments Copying a major paper in a research project Changing answers, using cheat notes or stealing a paper or test Receiving excessive outside assistance on an assignment Plagiarism Computer or grade book misuse/accessing or changing grades It is the school’s expectations that students will not plagiarize. That is, they will not copy another writer’s work (either published or unpublished) without giving proper credit to the original writer. The faculty and administration of Canby High School take this violation seriously. Students may be denied credit on a test or paper or for the entire course. (From “What is Cheating,” courtesy of Rex Putnam High School.) Students are also subject to school discipline. ADMISSION TO CHS A student seeking enrollment in the district for the first time must meet all academic, age, immunization, tuition and other eligibility prerequisites for admission as set forth in state law, board policy and administrative regulations. Students and their parents should contact the counseling center for admission requirements. Canby High School utilizes an intake procedure for students with health, safety or special academic needs. This procedure was developed to assist the counseling staff, case managers, administrative staff and families in school placement. Intake meetings are scheduled based on availability of staff and take place in the Counseling Office. The intake team members include, but are not limited to: counselor, administrative staff, intervention specialist, case manager (IEP), and district program staff as needed. The district may deny regular school admission to a student who is expelled from another school district and who subsequently becomes a resident of the district. ASSEMBLY OF STUDENTS 1. Students of Canby High School shall be given a limited open forum which allows them the opportunity to meet for non-curriculum related topics on school premises during noninstructional time. 2. All meetings shall have prior approval of school authorities and be scheduled in advance. They shall not disrupt school classes or activities or create a hazard to person or property. 9 return to top 44 3. Non-curriculum related meetings (limited open forum) should include meetings of a philosophical, political, or a religious nature. a. Meetings shall be student initiated and attendance shall be voluntary. b. Meetings shall be open to all students without regard to sex, race, religion, or national origin. c. Meetings shall not be sponsored by the District, or any employee of the District. d. Meetings shall not be subsidized by public funds beyond the incidental cost of providing space. e. Meetings shall be monitored by school authorities to determine compliance with policies. f. Employees or agents of the District may be present at religious meetings in a nonparticipatory capacity only. 4. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to authorize school officials to do any of the following: a. Sanction meetings that are unlawful. b. Abridge the constitutional rights of any person. c. Establish a minimum numerical size for meetings. d. Compel any school agent or employee to attend a school meeting, if the content of the speech at the meeting is contrary to the beliefs of the agent or employee. e. Require any person to participate in prayer or any other religious activity. f. Influence the form or content of any speech, prayer, or other religious activity. 5. Students have the right of freedom of expression and assembly but must accept responsibility for their expressions of personal opinion so as not to interfere with the freedom of expression of others. The use of obscenities, libel, slander, threats of harm to person or property, or any other expression which might result in disruption of, or interference with, the educational process or school activity, is prohibited. CREDITS REQUIRED Administrative approval is required for credit to be given twice for the same subject. Exceptions to this are: Band, Advanced Speech, Vocal Music, Newspaper Production, Yearbook, Student Leadership, PE, Weight Training, Office Procedures, Work Based Learning, and OJT (On-the-Job Training). Course repeated for a higher grade will receive credit only once. DRESS AND GROOMING GUIDELINE (Board Policy JFCA) 1. Right a. Dress and grooming regulations shall be a part of the written school policy and such rules shall be made readily available to parents or guardians and students. 2. Responsibility a. A student’s dress and grooming while on school premises or at any time while under the jurisdiction of the school shall be clean and in keeping with reasonable standards of health, safety, and sanitation. b. When students are participating in school activities, their dress and grooming shall not disrupt the performance of, or constitute a health or safety threat to, the individuals or to other students. Disruptive or immodest dress and grooming shall not be permitted which disrupts the teaching-learning process. CHS DRESS CODE 1. Dress and grooming while on school premises or at any time under the jurisdiction of the school is the responsibility of the student and parents or guardians. When dress and grooming disrupts the learning process for the individual student, other students, or the learning climate of the school, it could become a discipline issue for the student, including parent contact. 2. Clothing, jewelry, or other forms of appearance, which are likely to interfere with safety or the educational process may not be worn or displayed. Examples include overly revealing clothing and clothing decorated with illustrations or words which are lewd, vulgar, 10 return to top 45 3. obscene, plainly offensive, or which promote illegal activity (drug, alcohol or tobacco). Chains may be no longer than 6 inches. Students will not be allowed to wear gang-related clothing or paraphernalia as determined by school officials. Parents are responsible for the dress, grooming, and conduct of their children. Parents will be notified at the earliest possible time and asked to bring a change of clothing to the school, or come and get their student. Should a student and/or parent refuse to cooperate regarding correcting a violation of the code, it shall be necessary to handle the matter according to the schools policies regarding student conduct and discipline. Repeated violations will be treated in a similar manner. It is essential that the staff of the school have the authority to interpret and enforce the dress and grooming code established by the District School Board. It shall be the responsibility of all staff members to inform the administrative staff of any violations, and if necessary, to send students to the Student Center. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION st th Students, as citizens, have the right of free expression under the 1 and 14 Amendments of the US Constitution and under Article 1, Section 8, of the Oregon Constitution. Because school is a learning experience, the matter of free expression must also be viewed as a part of the learning process. School officials have the responsibility to see that what is presented to students is truthful and factual, has a proper explanation and background, is appropriately and properly presented, and if there are two sides to any issue, that both are told. Any student activity at school or school-sponsored function must be cleared and approved beforehand by the advisor or school official in charge. Distribution of leaflets or papers on school premises will not be allowed unless approved by the administration. GRADE REDUCTION / CREDIT DENIAL Grade reduction or denial determinations may include student attendance; however, student attendance may not be a sole criterion. If attendance is a factor, prior to a grade reduction or credit denial, the following shall occur: 1. The teacher shall identify how attendance and class participation is related to the instructional goals of the subject or course in the form of the course syllabus to be distributed to students at the beginning of the course. 2. Parents and students shall be informed of classroom procedures regarding expectations and grading. 3. A grade is not reduced or credit denied based upon absences due to: • Religious reasons • Student’s disability • School-related activities • An excused absence, as determined by the district’s policy GRADING SYSTEM / GRADES ON ESIS A letter grade will be used on progress reports and report cards: A - Student masters the content completely, accurately, and supplements with enriching experiences, thus greatly increasing his store of knowledge and broadening the student’s experience. Also, the student is able to apply the assignment practically and relatively. B - Student comprehends and masters most of the principles and understands the content involved sufficiently to make application. C - Student understands the content and is able to make a reasonable amount of application. D - Student understands enough of the content to apply the minimum essentials of the work to warrant a recommendation to continue study in this particular field. F- The performance of the student has not reached the minimum necessary for credit. In addition, an F is recorded if a class is dropped without teacher approval. 11 return to top 46 I - A student should receive an I for incomplete when appropriate. A student is to either have made arrangements with a teacher to make up work, or have made up the work within three weeks of the completion of the grade period. Third trimester incompletes must be made up or have teacher approval at end of first three weeks after the succeeding first trimester begins, or incomplete letter grade converts to the grade the student earned. P - Pass - credit not figured in GPA N - Dropped classes: Withdrawal from any course must be done within five full school days of the course. After five days any changes must be teacher initiated. Courses dropped after ten days by a student will receive an “F” grade. Teacher initiated drops will be graded “N” or “F” at the teacher’s discretion. After ten days, administrative approval is required in order for a teacher to give an “N,” teacher must fill out an Add-Drop Request form. U - or S refers to Alternative Grading. PARENT / STUDENT ASSISTANT (eSIS) AND GRADES Students’ academic progress will be reported approximately every 6 weeks throughout the school year. Parents and students can access current students’ attendance and grades through Parent or Student Assistant. They can find the link on the CHS website under “Parent Assistant.” Parents/Guardians can contact Susie McMullin for their usernames and passwords at 503.263.7200 x5361. Students go to the technology counter in the back of the library for assistance. ASSESSMENT, RECORDING, AND REPORTING Teachers are required to maintain daily attendance. Notification to parents, counselors, and administrative staff in regards to students, who are not meeting state attendance expectations, is mandatory. The evaluation of student progress is a primary responsibility of all teachers. The highest possible level of student achievement is a common goal of both the district and the home. As a close working relationship between the district and the home is essential to the accomplishment of this goal, regular communication with parents is essential. Parents are encouraged to attend Parent/Teacher conferences. Also, for those parents with concerns, email is another way parents can communicate with teachers. A listing of teacher email addresses is posted on the CHS website: Parents are encouraged to contact teachers or counselors if they have concerns or questions about their students’ grades. Instruction is related to the program guides, planned course statements and goals. HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTION (TUTOR) Canby High School offers assistance for students unable to attend classes because of medical reasons. Written verification by a physician that necessitates a student’s absence from school for five (5) or more days must be presented to an administrator prior to the initiation of tutor services. Please see a counselor for paperwork and support. HONORS DIPLOMA Students who desire to be challenged to academic excellence and to increase their chances for success in college or other Post Secondary Programs should consider an Honors Diploma track. Students must meet or exceed the following requirements: a. Pass 10 credits from the Honors Core classes (C or better) b. Have a minimum 3.50 accumulative GPA c. Complete at least 28 credits d. Complete all other graduation requirements (see pg. 6 of the 2011-2012 Academic Planning Guide) e. In addition to what’s listed on pg. 6 of the Academic Planning Guide; meet or exceed Oregon State Assessment Scores: math 236, reading 236 and writing 40. Please see the 2011-2012 Academic Planning Guide’s Honors Diploma Requirements or your counselor if you have questions. INCOMPLETES An incomplete grade must be made up, or arrangements made, by the end of the third week of the succeeding trimester, or no credit will be granted. An incomplete grade automatically 12 return to top 47 changes to a failing grade after the third week. Teachers can make a grade change at any time. MINIMUM ENROLLMENT FOR ATHLETICS AND ACTIVITIES Students who participate in athletics or activities must be enrolled in a minimum of four (4) class periods at all times. All other students are expected to enroll in a minimum of four (4) class periods each trimester. Work experience cannot replace credit for a class that has been dropped. However, work experience through a regularly scheduled class can count for credit if it meets the established criteria. See the CHS Athletics & Activities Handbook or Academic Counselor for complete eligibility requirements. OFF CAMPUS CREDIT The following are to be considered with respect to early graduation and/or concurrent “OffCampus for High School Credit” enrollment: 1. In order to insure that the class to be taken meets CHS requirements, approval from your counselor is necessary. 2. Off campus credit can be granted if approved by CHS administration. 3. State and local requirements for high school graduation still must be met. 4. Three (3) college credit hours will be equivalent to one-half CHS credit. Credit amount for special programs will be determined on an hourly basis. 5. In order to be eligible for high school activities (athletics, speech, music, drama, etc.) a student must be enrolled in a full time program at Canby High School – at least four subjects. 6. Tuition and fees at other educational institutions will be the responsibility of the person taking course(s). 7. All credits taken outside of Canby High School that are to be applied toward graduation requirements must be verified by an official transcript and/or certificate of completion. 8. In order to qualify for a CHS diploma, the final trimester of high school work must include enrollment on a full-time basis at Canby High School. Full time enrollment is defined as three classes. Any exceptions must have an administrative approval. 9. Those students entering and completing the Oregon National Guard’s “Oregon Plan” and completing the “Training Agreement” contract will receive one-half unit in Career Education. Proof of completion in the form of a letter from the “Guard” must be submitted to the CHS administration before credit can be granted. 10. The grade earned from the off-campus class is computed into the cumulative GPA, if the course is taken as credit retrieval. It does not replace the grade earned at Canby High School. Also, the course is included on the official transcript. Students are to see their academic counselors for more information. PERSONAL COMMUNICATION / ELECTRONIC DEVICES High school students may possess personal communication and/or electronic devices. All students have the responsibility to ensure their communication/electronic devices do not disrupt the learning environment. A student is subject to disciplinary action for disrupting the learning atmosphere. Failure to follow rules will result in denial of privilege to possess and or use an electronic device or cell phone at school. Students are asked to follow the “off and away” rule at school. Cell phones are permitted during passing time and at lunch. Students are not to use cell phones in school, during class time (even if stepping out of the classroom). Students are not allowed to wear headphones or earphones in school. This is a safety issue. Students must be able to hear staff direction at all times. Students are required to use their electronic devices appropriately during school hours while on campus or at school-related activities and events. Consequences: st 1 offense warning from teacher/staff nd 2 offense classroom discipline and parent contact rd 3 offense classroom referral, parent meeting w/administrator, 13 return to top 48 school discipline (progressive sequence of consequences: in school suspension, student contract, out of school suspension, etc.) PLEASE NOTE: Canby High School will not be responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices. PROOF OF ENROLLMENT (DMV) Proof of Enrollment DMV forms are issued through the Counseling Center for students who are enrolled at Canby High School. Per the Oregon Department of Transportation, Driver and Motor Vehicle Services, Canby High School has the right to suspend driving privileges of a student if he/she is considered to have withdrawn (either voluntary or by a 10-day drop) from school per ORS 339.257 (2). Students th between the ages of 7-18 who have not graduated from the 12 grade are required to attend school regularly (ORS 339.010). SENIOR GRADUATION AND ACTIVITIES Seniors at Canby High School must complete all graduation requirements, including Senior Portfolio, by 2:30 p.m. the day before graduation in order to go through the commencement ceremony (see the 2011-2012 Academic Planning Guide). In order to qualify for a CHS diploma or alternative certificate and walk at graduation, the final trimester of high school course work must include enrollment in at least three nd on-campus classes at CHS or have principal approval by 2 trimester. Only students receiving diplomas/alternative certificates will participate in the graduation ceremony. If seniors are missing credits, they must be enrolled in an institution that grants high school or college credit to complete their graduation requirements. A letter from the institution (student’s responsibility) must be given to the counselor one week prior to graduation verifying success in the course. Verification of enrollment from the institution must be given to the counselor at the beginning of the third trimester. A diploma/alternative certificate will not be issued until official verification from the institution is received. Graduation activities and programs are to be arranged by the senior class, their advisors, and an administrator. Final program is subject to approval of the school administration. Speakers at graduation will be selected from the senior class and content of speeches must be submitted to the administration for approval. Baccalaureate is a religious service and student attendance is voluntary. The Constitution of the United States establishes a separation of church and state. This includes school. The C.I.T.Y. Club provides Baccalaureate services. They are responsible for the selection of the speaker and ministers who will participate. The service is non-denominational. The Graduation All-Night Party (GAP), held the night of graduation, is for seniors only. Hosted by the parents of the senior class, the purpose is to provide a drug and chemical-free party for the graduates. Rules and protocol for this event are the responsibility of the GAP Committee. STUDENT PARKING Students parking on school grounds must have a registration tag. Those students not parking on campus must park in legal, unassigned parking areas only and are subject to city parking regulations, ticketing and towing, if necessary. Students are advised to utilize the transportation of First Student Transportation as much as possible. Call 503.266.2064 for bus schedules or more information. The parking facility at the NE end of the 200 wing is off limits to student parking. Students and staff are not to park in visitor or SRO designated spaces, no parking zones, or in painted handicapped parking spaces (unless authorized). Vehicles could be subject to ticketing or towing if parked in unauthorized areas. STUDENT VISITORS ARE NOT ALLOWED In maintaining a safe, non-threatening environment, student visitors are not permitted at CHS during regular school hours. An administrator, with a 24-hour prior notice, may grant exception to this policy. The visit must be for educational purposes. 14 return to top 49 STUDENTS DRIVING VEHICLES / PASSENGERS Students are not to be in vehicles during the school day whether the vehicles are on or off school campus. This includes the lunch period. Reminder: this policy is to help keep students safe and to ensure an open campus for those that are walking and following guidelines. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO DRIVE OR BE A PASSENGER DURING THE SCHOOL DAY AND/OR WHILE STUDENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SCHOOL. This policy applies to both the DRIVER and PASSENGERS in vehicles during the school day. • • • • First Offense — one day of in-school suspension and parent notification. Second Offense — one day of out of school suspension, parent notification and student must sign a driving contract to continue driving to school. Third Offense: — three days out of school suspension, parent notification, and the driver must register his/her keys in the Student Center each day for the remainder of the trimester (If deemed by an administrator, the registering of keys could be for the remainder of the school year). Student must leave car keys upon arrival to school and pick them up before departure each day. Fourth Offense — five days out of school suspension, parent notification and loss of driving privileges for the remainder of the school year, possible other discipline. Failure to comply with student driving policy can result in the above listed discipline and extreme violations could result in continued out of school suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion. Students are expected to drive in a safe manner and follow local and state laws when operating their vehicles both on and off the premises. Town passes may be issued only in the case of emergency or special circumstances. Parent permission and written administrative authorization is required to be on file in the Student Center. All vehicles parking on school grounds must purchase a parking tag. Go to the Student Center for more information. STUDENTS OF LEGAL AGE A student who reaches the age of 18 when enrolled at Canby High School shall be deemed an adult or “eligible student” and shall be accorded the same rights and responsibilities as an adult, unless the student waives his or her rights through written notification to the high school principal. These rights include, but are not limited to, all notifications and decisions relative to school conduct, discipline and attendance that were formerly granted the parent or guardian. Students who are of legal age, but do not act responsibly when excusing themselves from school, will have the privilege to excuse themselves revoked, because they have failed to abide by the previous standards; therefore written excuses will be required and administrator review needed before an absence will be excused. (Refer to Absences and Excuses in this handbook). TICKETING / TOWING OF STUDENT VEHICLES Students who park on Canby High School property and are not registered or parked in an authorized parking area (staff parking, visitor parking, etc.), will be issued a parking violation warning. Vehicles that are parked in a manner that is a safety issue will be towed away at the owner’s expense without warning. First Violation: Student will be issued a written or verbal warning. Parent will be contacted by phone and advised of the violation and will also be informed that the second violation will be ticketed and could result in the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense. A copy of the violation will be sent home and one will be put into the student’s file. Second Violation: Vehicle will be ticketed and student charged at least $10. Non-registered cars will be towed at owner’s expense. Third Violation: Vehicle will be towed at owner’s expense. TRANSCRIPTS 15 return to top 50 Students can receive official copies of their transcripts without a fee assessed. Requests are made either in the Counseling Office or by emailing Lori Wujek at [email protected]. Include full name, date of birth, year of graduation or years of attendance at CHS, address to receive transcript, and official or unofficial copy. TRANSFER OF STUDENT RECORDS If a student withdraws from Canby High School and enrolls in another high school or school system, an official transcript of grades and credits, and the student’s other education records, will be sent to the new school upon our receipt of notification of the student’s official enrollment in that institution. This transfer is provided for in the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974, as amended June 17, 1976. Prior to the withdrawal of a student from Canby School District, his or her parent has a right to see the student’s records, with the exception of students who are age 18 or over. If a parent requests a hearing to contest the records, a two-day period must be allowed between the request and the hearing. Parents or legal guardians may receive a copy of the records to be transferred, if desired. Any hearing must be held prior to the actual withdrawal of the student. The Superintendent’s Office will be glad to answer any inquiries in this regard, or you questions or concerns may be directed to the principal. TRANSFERRING / LEAVING CHS Any student leaving CHS is to do the following: 1. Parent/guardian to contact the Student Center authorizing the withdrawal of his/her student from CHS. 2. A withdrawal form will be prepared by the Student Center to be presented to each teacher and the other offices to initial, providing all books/equipment are returned and all fees/fines are paid. The form will then be forwarded to the Registrar. TRESPASSING No individual may loiter on school facilities or grounds at any time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To help protect students and the orderly operation of school, officials must know of any persons who are not members of the staff or student body are inside the buildings or on the school grounds. Any or all persons having a legitimate reason to be on the school premises during a normal school day shall report directly to the school office and arrange to conduct their business. Upon entering the school, persons having a relationship involving custody of or the responsibility for a student shall report to the main high school office. Spectators and competitors will not be required to have clearance through the office, but will be expected to confine their presence to only those areas required by that activity. Any person refusing to follow the above procedures or leave the school building or surrounding area when requested to do so, will be subject to arrest and the penalties of the law pertaining to loitering. Any school district employee may request unauthorized persons on school grounds to leave. Complaints against persons in violation of the above law, policy, and procedures, will be signed by a school administrator on behalf of the school district. Students may not loiter on school grounds. ATTENDANCE The school system provides learning experiences, which can only be attained by consistent attendance in school. Attending class is a requirement. A student with excessive unexcused absences will be held in violation of the Rules of Student Conduct. If a student becomes ill or injured at school, the school contacts the parent or guardian through the information provided on the student verification form. It is especially important; therefore, that any changes in the family address or emergency contacts should be updated at once to the school. 16 return to top 51 As per Oregon State Law, after ten (10) consecutive days absence in all classes, the student will be dropped from school. A letter will be sent to the resident address, notifying parents or guardians of this action. Attendance number or message: 503.263.7210 (24 hours a day) EXCUSED ABSENCES According to ORS.339.065 and Canby High School Protocol, excused absences are defined as: 1. For illness of the student or family member 2. For emergencies 3. For pre-excused absences - school and non-school sponsored (if approved by administration) In accordance with state law requiring attendance at school, students may not be excused for work or childcare. Students and Parents are asked to monitor attendance via Parent or Student Assistant. Usernames and passwords will be shared with them the first trimester. School-Related Excused Absences are field trips, athletic contests or any school sponsored activity that takes students out of the regular class period. Periods of in school or out of school suspension are also excused. ATTENDANCE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Student’s rights and responsibilities if excused absent: • To clear the absence within two (2) school days. • The student can either bring a note or have his/her parent or guardian call the Attendance Office. If a student is marked absent and was in class, he/she is also expected to clear that absence with the teacher within 2 school days. • To make-up assignments missed during the time of absence (including suspension). The student has the number of days absent to make up work missed. For example, if a student is excused absent 2 days, he/she has 2 days to make up work missed. • To take the initiative to obtain make-up assignments, schedule missed exams, etc. from or with the teacher. Teacher’s rights and responsibilities if student is excused absent: • To give student access to content, correct and credit assignments, projects, exams. Please note: Teachers reserve the right to not give students access to content if the absence is unexcused. It is at the discretion of the teacher. STUDENT ACTIVITIES / ATHLETICS ATTENDANCE ELIGIBILITY In order to participate in practice, contests or performances, students must be in school attendance the full day of such activity. Any exceptions must be cleared through administration. Students must be enrolled in and passing the equivalent of four (4) trimester classes, in addition to other grade requirements. See Student Athletics/Activities Handbook for more information. ATTENDANCE AND FINALS NOTES WILL NOT BE SENT OUT DURING FINALS. Students may bring a note the morning of finals and turn it into the Attendance Office if they need to leave sometime during the school day. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to not schedule appointments during finals. Students should prearrange to take the final early from their teachers if needed and it is at the teacher’s discretion whether or not the student is allowed to take the final early – it is not a guarantee. 17 return to top 52 CHECKING OUT DURING THE SCHOOL DAY REMINDER TO STUDENTS: BEFORE LEAVING CAMPUS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY, STUDENTS MUST CHECK OUT THROUGH THE ATTENDANCE OFFICE OR THE ABSENCE WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE UNEXCUSED. APPOINTMENTS • Students are to bring a note to the Attendance Office before school and to get their attendance check-out slip. • Attendance may need to verify the appointment with parent/guardian. • Note should include the time the student needs to leave and if student is returning. • If returning to school, students must check back in at the Attendance Office to get the admit slip back to class. STUDENT ILLNESS • • • • • The student should report to the Counseling Office (SBHC). The Counseling Office will notify parent/guardian. If parent is unavailable, one of the emergency contacts for the student will be notified. Students are not allowed to leave without checking out from the Counseling Office. A doctor’s verification may be required after three consecutive days of absence due to illness or injury. GENERAL PRE-EXCUSED ABSENCES • Pre-Excused Absence forms are available in the Attendance Office. • A Pre-Excused Absence form needs to be used whenever a student is planning to miss more than a few periods on a specific day. • Pre-Excused forms need to be completely filled out, signed by all teachers and administrator and then returned to the Attendance Office prior to the absence. • Pre-Excused absences are strongly discouraged for the last few days of a trimester or during finals. SCHOOL-RELATED PRE-EXCUSED ABSENCES It is the intent of this process that the custodial parent or guardian must approve the absence, and that a parent, guardian or school staff, coach or advisor should accompany the student. Student’s responsibility: • Make sure absence is arranged by staff, coach or advisor. • Absence notification will be via email from the staff, advisor, coach or secretary OR • Student will be required to use Pre-Excused Absence form by the staff, advisor or coach. Any special circumstances that are different from this procedure must have prior written approval of the administration. TOWN PASS Students must have a Staff Assistant Off-Campus permission form (Town Pass) on file in the Student Center if they leave campus by any means (except lunch). This form can be obtained in the Student Center. Students with Town Passes must check out and back in with the Student Center or the office designated by the Principal, including students in the Applied Technology Center, Fine Arts th Center and 4 Street Center, during the class period in which they have been approved. If approved to drive off campus, students must follow driving guidelines (see Students Driving Vehicles or Passengers in this planner). HOMEWORK REQUESTS Homework requests may be made only for two or more days’ absence. Homework requests must be made by 9:00 a.m. and are to be picked up at the Attendance Office by 3:30 p.m. that day. 18 return to top 53 TARDINESS Tardiness is not acceptable and could have a negative effect on your daily participation grade. Each teacher will outline his/her expectations within the classroom and post the rules and policies. Teachers start class on time; therefore, students are expected to arrive on time. FORGED SIGNATURE Students who write excuses for themselves or others, and/or use forged excuses will be assigned in-school suspension as a first offense. Parents will also be notified. UNEXCUSED ABSENCES Any absence from school, which is not in accordance with Oregon State Law: 1. 2. 3. 4. Parent request, not in accordance with Oregon State Law; Truancy and absence from school without valid reason and parent permission; Any absence not cleared by a parent’s note/call within two (2) days; Leaving school without checking out through the Attendance Office. Automated Absence Notification • Parents/guardians will receive an automated call between 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. if the student is marked unexcused absent from class. • If the student is marked incorrectly, it is the student’s responsibility to clear the absence with his/her teacher within two (2) school days. CONSEQUENCES FOR EXCESSIVE EXCUSED / UNEXCUSED ABSENCES It is recommended that teachers use the following procedure when dealing with student absences: • Student/teacher conference • Parent contact by teacher • Referral to administrator (see chart next page). Truancy A student who is absent from school or from any class without permission will be considered truant and will be subject to disciplinary action, including detention, Saturday School, suspension, expulsion, and/or ineligibility to participate in athletics or other activities. The following chart represents levels of seriousness of absences per trimester and potential consequences: LEVEL I After six (6) unexcused absences, letter, or email or automated call to parents from Attendance Office, Lunch / after school detention, Saturday School and/or School Service. LEVEL II LEVEL III Excused/Unexcused Excused/Unexcused After ten (10) absences, a disciplinary conference may be held if so determined, and/or InSchool Suspension. After fifteen (15) absences, a meeting may be held by a counselor, the student, parents and administrative staff to consider alternative options program and/or attendance contract, out of school suspension. CODE OF CONDUCT The Code of Conduct for Canby High School students encompasses four basic concepts. Each student is expected to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Show evidence of learning. Be punctual and regular in attendance. Demonstrate behavior appropriate for the school setting. Respect the authority of the school. 19 return to top 54 Behavior outside of these areas confronts teachers and administrators in conducting teaching free from disruption and disruptive behavior that impede the learning of all students. As a result, school officials may find it necessary to discipline a student, or to remove the student from the formal learning environment for a period of time. Discipline decisions regarding students and their behavior will be based on careful and reasoned investigation (due process) of the facts and consistent with school rules and regulations. SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Students have the RIGHT to: • Attend school in a safe environment free of harassment, intimidation, or any threat to personal safety. • Attend a school that is free of fighting or physical violence. Students have the RESPONSIBILITY to: • Respect the rights of others. • Seek help of authority when they have knowledge of a wrongful act, harassment, or potentially unsafe situation. • Seek help if needed to resolve personal disputes in a peaceful, responsible manner. • Seek safe, peaceful alternatives to fighting and physical violence in settling all disputes. From the CSD Rights and Responsibilities Handbook We encourage students to speak to a counselor or administrator if they have questions or concerns about their safety or others’ safety. Students can report harassment to the Student Center. DISCIPLINE Students will be notified of the school rules and procedures by which the school is governed, and the processes by which discipline may be involved. The District has authority and control over a student at school during the regular school day, at any school-related activity, regardless of time or location, and while being transported in District-provided transportation. Students will be subject to discipline including detention, Saturday school, school service, inschool suspension, loss of awards and honors, suspension, expulsion, and/or referral to law enforcement officials for the following: LEVEL I CONSEQUENCES Attendance Abusive/Profane Language Bus Referral Cheating/ Plagiarism Closed Campus Violation Disruptive Conduct/Aggressive Behavior Electronic Device – Misuse Forgery st Gang Identifier – 1 offense Inappropriate display of affection Inappropriate dress Insubordination Internet use violation and/or misuse of computers at school Lying/Dishonesty Roughhousing Staff options include any of the following: • Administrative conference. • Parent contact. • School service or detention during lunch, after school or as assigned • Saturday school. • In-school Suspension. • Behavior Contract. • One (1) to five (5) day(s) out of school suspension. • Possible removal from class(es). • Bus referral: Warning to exclusion from riding bus up to rest of year may occur. LEVEL II CONSEQUENCES Open Defiance (1) Disrespect to Authority Fighting/Assault Firecrackers/Explosive – Possession/Use Staff options include any of the following: • One (1) to five (5) day(s) out of school suspension, parent 20 return to top 55 nd Gang Identifier – 2 offense Harassment, Bullying, Intimidation (3, 4) Internet, Texting and/or Social Networking use that becomes threatening or harassing Possession/Use/Distribution of Alcohol, Drugs or misuse of Prescription Medication Possession/Use of Tobacco Sexual Harassment (5) Theft Vehicle – Reckless Use Vandalism Weapons/Look-a-like Weapons – Possession/Use/Attempted Use 1. Insubordination, such as disobeying directives from school personnel or school policies, rules and regulation. 2. Persistent failure to comply with rules under the lawful directions of staff or district officials. 3. Directing profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures toward other students 4. Name calling, ethnic or racial slurs, or derogatory statements that may substantially disrupt the school environment or incite violence. 5. Inappropriate physical or sexual contacts offensive to other students or school personnel. • • • • • contact. Parent conference may be required. Referral to appropriate law enforcement officials and/or a citation may be issued. Five (5) day suspension, parent conference requested, possible removal from class. Pre-expulsion / behavior contract required. 5-10 days out of school suspension. Recommendation for expulsion. LEVEL III CONSEQUENCES Alcohol, Drugs misuse of Prescription Medication, second offense Arson Assault/Menacing Bomb threat Computer Misuse/Academic Integrity Fire Alarm – False rd Gang Identifier – 3 offense Theft Vandalism nd Weapons/Look-a-like weapons, 2 offense Assault or threats of harm to self or others. Any unauthorized possession and/or use of a loaded or unloaded firearm or any other instrument, device, material, or substance which is used, attempted to be used, or threatened to be used, and is readily capable of causing death or physical injury. Committing extortion, coercion, or blackmail that is, obtaining money or other objects of value from an unwilling person or forcing an individual to act through the use of force or threat of force. Persistent failure to comply with rules under the lawful directions of staff or district officials. Staff options include any of the following: • Up to 10 days out of school suspension • Up to 10 days out of school suspension, pending recommendation for expulsion • Referral to appropriate law enforcement officials In the event of a second violation for alcohol/drug use within 36 months of the first offense, expulsion or change of placement will be recommended. Any alcohol/drug offense that occurs at least 36 months after a previous offense shall be considered as a first offense. Exceptions to the foregoing rules regarding possession of alcohol/controlled substances or lookalikes as used in dramatic productions, athletic events, classroom instruction, or school clubs activities are only permitted pursuant to prior arrangements and written permission under direct staff supervision. Additional procedures and guidelines regarding alcohol and controlled substances are listed in separate school board policies. In addition, further guidelines applying to the student activity program are listed in the various program handbooks. (Examples. Athletic/Activities Handbook and Band Handbook.) [Board Policy JFCG]. For further information regarding discipline, see Problem Areas and Definitions and Appendix A: Range of Consequences for Disciplinary Infractions in the Canby School District “Rights and Responsibilities” handbook. Additional procedures and guidelines regarding alcohol and controlled substances are listed in separate board policies. In addition, further guidelines applying to the student activity program are listed in the various program handbooks (Examples: Athletic/Activities Handbook and Band Handbook) [Board Policy JFCG]. 21 return to top 56 HEARING THE ACCUSER Staff Complaints: Students may hear directly from the teacher or the staff member the specific complaints or descriptions of unacceptable behavior if requested by the student. Student Complaints: It is recognized that a school official, as a public officer, shall not be examined as to communications made to him in official confidence, when the public interest would suffer by such disclosures. For this reason, in recognition of the special jeopardy in which the student witnesses may be placed, and the possible traumatic effects of adverse proceedings conducted by attorneys, police officers, or court officials, the complaining student may not be required to face the accused, nor have his/her identity revealed. However, the administrator or other official conducting an investigation is under special obligation to assure careful and cautious investigation of all relevant facts and testimony. When it is determined that the student ought not to face the accused, the school official then becomes the official complainant. NOTE: CHS works cooperatively with the Canby Police Department through the School Resource Officer. Police investigation protocol may differ from school practice. PROCEDURE FOR SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION OF STUDENTS WITH IEPs / 504s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. When a student with an IEP or 504 is recommended for expulsion or suspended for more than 10 school days, the administrator in charge will: a. Notify the Student Services Coordinator so that a Manifestation Determination Meeting will be scheduled by the IEP Team, and b. Notify the parent of the meeting, and c. Serve as a member of the meeting for this student. The Coordinator will: a. Convene the Manifestation Determination Meeting as soon as possible and no later than five days after notification, and b. Send the parent a Prior Notice of Proposed Change in Placement, a copy of parental rights under IDEA. The IEP Team in the Manifestation Determination Meeting will determine the relationship between the student’s behavior and his/her handicapping condition. The IEP Team in the Manifestation Determination Meeting may also consider whether the student’s misbehavior is the result of inappropriate placement and make recommendations for change. If the IEP Team concludes the misconduct has no relationship to the student’s disability, the student may be disciplined in the same manner, as would other students. If the IEP Team concludes the misconduct is a consequence of the student’s disability: a. The student may not be expelled or suspended for more than ten (10) school days; b. The MDT may recommend alternative placement for the student. The District will offer special education services to students with disabilities who are expelled. Parents will be provided with notice of the right to a hearing to rebut the charges that resulted in the expulsion and will be provided notice of the availability of appropriate and accessible alternative programs. The District will provide special education services to all students, including those who are a danger to themselves or others. In-house suspension that results in the interruption of a student’s special education program will be counted as time toward suspension requiring a change in placement. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES DURING SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION During the period of suspension or expulsion, students may not attend after-school activities or athletic events, be present on district property without a parent or guardian (with administrative approval only), or participate in activities directed or sponsored by the District. Students who may have violated these provisions may be referred to law enforcement officials and may be charged with criminal trespass. STUDENT / PARENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE The following procedure is an attempt to insure that student rights are not violated. Any student that feels their rights have been violated may implement this grievance procedure. 1. The student should request a conference with the staff member and discuss the conflict. Situations outside the scope of the staff member should be referred to an administrator (i.e.: Student dress, internet misuse, etc.). 22 return to top 57 2. 3. 4. 5. A meeting may be requested with the Associate Principal at which time the matter will again be discussed. After hearing the concern from the student and discussing the matter with the staff member, the Associate Principal will attempt to resolve the matter. If the problem is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student and/or parent at the Associate Principal level, a meeting can be requested with the Principal. If the problem is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student and/or parent at the Principal level, a written request for a hearing can be presented to the Superintendent or designee. Within this request shall be a description of the grievance. a. The Superintendent or designee will set a time for this meeting and will preside over the hearing. b. The student shall be permitted to have a representative present at the hearing to advise and represent him/her. The representative may be an attorney, parent, or guardian. c. The Superintendent or designee shall be permitted to hear evidence presented and will render a decision. If the student does not feel the decision is acceptable, the student may proceed to step five. School Board: The student may request to meet with the school board at which time the board will listen to the evidence and will make a final decision. ATHLETICS/ACTIVITIES HANDBOOK (These sections are excerpts from the Canby School District Athletic/Activity Handbook for 2011-2012) PART 2—FOR THE STUDENT/PARENT Canby is fortunate to have many dedicated and hard-working coaches on our staff. Many of them have received distinguished awards, and have been selected to coach State all-star teams. Each sport is allowed a specific number of coaches whose salaries are paid by the school district. The head coach of each sport is responsible for the entire program, and he/she works with assistant coaches to offer a quality program. We are also very fortunate to have a number of volunteer coaches who are non-paid members of our coaching staff. We appreciate their contribution to our athletic program. The athletic/activities code as outlined in this handbook establishes minimum expectations for athletics/activities for the current school year. The code will be administered by coaches/advisors in conjunction with the building administration. All participants in athletics/activities in the Canby School District are also governed by the rules/regulations outlined in the OSAA Handbook, Canby School District’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook and Canby High Student Handbook. All rules/regulations apply to coaches/advisors/students in grades 9-12. Academic Requirements The Academic Eligibility Policy for participation in extra-curricular activities covers all those activities in which members compete against outside groups and/or perform before an audience. At present this includes: all sports teams, cheer, dance team, rodeo, rugby, lacrosse, equestrian, ski team, snowboarding, class and student body officers, music, band, drama, speech, FFA, and FBLA. The Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) and the Canby School District require that a student must be making satisfactory progress toward the school’s graduation requirements as determined by the Canby School District. Any exceptions to individual eligibility are defined in the Oregon School Activities Association Handbook, under Constitution Rules, Rule 8-1, 8-1-1, 8-1-2, 8-1-3, 8-1-4, and 8-2. The Oregon School Activities Association Handbook is on file in the athletic/activity office and online at The school board has adopted OSAA's academic eligibility requirements for schools on a trimester. A full time student is one who is enrolled in and passing a minimum of four classes, and who during the immediate preceding trimester was enrolled, attended regularly, and passed a minimum of four classes. Zero period classes do not count as one of the four or five classes. A zero period class is a class held prior to the start of the regular school schedule. *PLEASE NOTE THIS IMPORTANT NEW INFORMATION REGARDING MINIMUM SATISFACTORY PROGRESS REQUIREMENTS! OSAA has further defined Rule 8.1.2. ‘Satisfactory Progress Toward Graduation’. In addition to the specific credit requirements mentioned in Rule 8.1.1. to be scholastically eligible a student must also be making progress towards the school’s graduation requirements by earning a minimum of the quantity of credits indicated below for the specified year. Credits to Graduate: Credits per year (70%) – Prior to Grade 10 (80%) – Prior to Grade 11 (90%) – Prior to Grade 12 26 6.5 4.5 10.0 17.5 23 58 return to top If a student is ineligible at the beginning of the year due to having recoded too few credits to meet the ‘Minimum Satisfactory Progress Requirements’, the period of ineligibility covers the entire school year. Students who participate in athletics/activities must meet the above requirement at the end of each trimester. Students who do not meet the grade requirement at the end of the trimester will not be eligible until after successful completion of the next trimester. Students who do not meet the grade requirement at progress report time of each trimester will be placed on a two-week academic probation. Students will supply their coach/advisor with weekly written reports of progress, from their teacher, for any class not meeting the standard. During the time of probation, the student may participate in practices and perform in competitions as long as satisfactory progress is being made. If after two weeks the student does not improve their academic performance, they may become ineligible for the remainder of their season and/or trimester. Students who do not meet the minimum academic standard by the end of the trimester will become ineligible to compete in athletics/activities throughout the following trimester. The athletic/activity director, along with all coaches/advisors, will work with teachers and counselors to monitor the progress of each probationary student and ensure that all students who participate in athletics/activities in the Canby School District are meeting academic standards. Any student who has an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) who has not met the OSAA or Canby School District academic standards due to their handicapping condition may still be eligible to participate if the student’s multidisciplinary team determines that the student is making adequate educational progress towards meeting their goals and objectives. Appeals Procedure Any student disciplined under the Athletic Training Rules or denied participation in athletics/activities due to the Academic Eligibility Policy may appeal the decision. To appeal an athletic training or eligibility decision, the student must follow the procedures outlined in the Canby High School Student Handbook in the section Code of Conduct under Student/Parent Grievance Procedure. Attendance Requirement All participants in athletics/activities are expected to be students first, therefore attendance at school for the entire day is a prerequisite for student participation in contests or practice. School-related activities or appointments with prior approval by the administration do not fall under this requirement. More information pertaining to attendance can be found in the school’s parent/student handbook. Extenuating circumstances may be reviewed and determined by the athletic/activity director (e.g., doctor, funeral). Parents are encouraged to call the attendance office at (503) 263-7210 whenever they are concerned about their child’s attendance. Athletic/Activities Code Students who plan to or have participated in any CHS Athletic and/or Activity program are expected to observe the CHS athletic/activity training rules 365 days per year. Citizenship Expectations Membership in an athletic/activity program is an honor that should be carefully guarded. The privilege of competing in athletics/activities carries added responsibility for each participant, a privilege that may be forfeited for conduct that is detrimental to the team, school, or program in general. As a participant in an extra-curricular school program, a student’s behavior on campus, in the community, and at other schools reflects not only on the student, but on the program and school as well. Criminal acts, violence, intimidation or discrimination, whether at school or in the community, will not be tolerated and may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including suspension/dismissal from the program. Please refer to policy JBA, Sexual Harassment of Students, and JFCF, Hazing/Harassment/Threats. Training Rules for Extracurricular Activities Members of the Canby High School athletic/activity teams are expected to follow behavior patterns that are a credit to themselves, their teams, and their school. Also, in caring about our students, the expectations are designed to protect their health and safety, and to help students acquire the tools to consider options and make proper decisions. Furthermore, it is clearly beneficial for students who wish to participate in extracurricular activities to stay in top physical and mental condition. Therefore, students participating in extra-curricular activities are expected to observe the following training rules: • Participants are prohibited from selling, possessing or using tobacco, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, inhalants, and narcotics on or off campus at any time. 24 59 return to top • • 1. In addition, participating students who are in the presence of other students or individuals in violation of this policy are expected to take all reasonable actions necessary to leave the premises immediately where such illegal activity is occurring, even if the participating student is not using or possessing or distributing alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or paraphernalia. Failure to leave the premises when such violations occur will be considered an infraction of the policy and the appropriate consequences will be applied. First Offense: Suspension from participation for a period of three (3) contest/performance weeks, or in the case of some activities, i.e. drama, band and/or choir, one-third of the scheduled contests or performances in front of an audience. (A contest/performance week is any week that has a scheduled contest/performance.) • In addition, the participant may not attend practices or meetings in any extracurricular program for one calendar week and must agree to meet with the CHS Intervention Specialist and follow his or her prescribed assessment(s) and/or treatment program. • After the one-week removal, the student-athlete is expected to attend all practices and games and complete the season in good standing. In the event of a first offense, if there are not three (3) contest/performance weeks remaining in the season, the count will resume with the first contest/performance week of the next season/year in which the participant is involved. Note: A meeting must be held with the participant, the parent/guardian and the CHS Prevention/Intervention Specialist to discuss the assessment(s), if deemed necessary, and determine prescribed recommendations. Agreement to follow the recommendations and the activity/athletic or principal approval, are required for reinstatement in the program. Failure to comply with the recommendations will result in continued suspension from all athletic/activity participation. Cheer and Dance teams: The contest/performance season for cheer and dance is aligned with the OSAA fall and winter competition seasons. Clubs: A violation of the rules, while involved in any activity of a club, will result in the student being suspended from that activity. Because of the nature of certain clubs, individual clubs may add further penalties. Class and Student Body Officers: Violation of the above rule by any class or student body officer will result in that officer being removed from office for the remainder of his/her term. The student would be able to run for another office at the end of the suspension period, should no further violations occur. 2. Second Offense: A second offense will require suspension from participation for a period of six (6) contest/performance weeks or in the case of some activities, i.e. drama, band and/or choir, two-thirds of the scheduled contests or performances. (A contest/performance week is any week that has a scheduled contest/performance.) • In addition, the participant may not attend practices or meetings in any extracurricular program for two calendar weeks and must agree to meet with the CHS Prevention/Intervention Specialist and follow his/her prescribed assessment(s) and/or treatment program. • After the two-week removal, the student-athlete is expected to attend all practices and games and complete the season in good standing. • In the event of a second offense, if there are not six (6) contest/performance weeks remaining in the season, the count will resume with the first contest/performance week of the next season/year in which the participant is involved. Note: A meeting must be held with the participants, the parent/guardian and the CHS Prevention/Intervention Specialist to discuss the assessment(s), if deemed necessary, and determine prescribed recommendations. Agreement to follow the recommendations and the activity/athletic or principal approval, are required for reinstatement in the program. Failure to comply with the recommendations will result in continued suspension from all athletic/activity participation. 3. Third Offense: A third violation of the athletic/activity training rules will result in one year suspension from CHS athletics/activities, including all club sports/activities from the date that knowledge of the violation became known to the school official. 25 60 return to top The participant will not be permitted to have any association with any team, club or activity. The participant will meet with the CHS Prevention/Intervention Specialists and agree to follow their prescribed assessments(s) and/or treatment program. Note: A meeting must be held with the participants, the parent/guardian and the CHS Prevention/Intervention Specialist to discuss the assessment(s), if deemed necessary, and determine prescribed recommendations. Agreement to follow the recommendations and the activity/athletic or principal approval, are required for reinstatement in the program. Failure to comply with the recommendations will result in continued suspension from all athletic/activity participation. 4. Fourth Offense: A fourth violation of the athletic/activity training rules will result in full exclusion and permanent suspension from the Canby High School extra-curricular athletic and activities program. Off-Season The CHS activity/athletic training rules must be observed 365 days per year. Students involved in athletics/activities are expected to follow the training rules during the off-season. The off-season is defined as the summer break and any time during the school year when the student is not actively involved in a sport or activity. If a violation of a training rule occurs during the off-season, the student participant will serve the appropriate level of offense of the training rules for the next sport/activity they become involved in. Self-Referral It is understood that substance abuse is a condition that can be treated. If a student involved in extra-curricular activities voluntarily seeks help, he/she will be referred to the appropriate people for assistance. If there has been no accusation of substance use/abuse and the student has obtained help on his/her own, he/she may continue athletic/activity participation without penalty. Any student who attends school and/or an athletic/activity and is impaired or in possession (violating school rules) will have school related consequences and will receive a violation. Further Expectations of Participants in Athletics / Activities The following regulations pertain to athletic/activity participation: No student may participate in more than one athletic/activity during any one-sport season unless approval has been obtained from both coaches/advisors of the respective sports or activities, as well as administration. Athletes who quit one sport may not enter another sport in that season without the consent of both coaches involved and the athletic/activity director. Athletes removed from an athletic team because of disciplinary action may not turn out for another team in that season. All students must meet academic requirements. See "Academic Requirements" (Section 21) for details. Students are to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. Students are required to be at every practice unless the coach/advisor has excused them prior to practice. Athletes must practice and condition sufficiently to prepare for a sport before being allowed to compete in that sport. In accordance with OSAA policies, students turning out for football must have nine (9) days of practice prior to competing in a game. 1. Athletes may not accept any articles or awards for athletic skills during the school year other than the school awards or OSAA sanctioned awards. 2. Students must maintain emotional control at all times. Any displays of misconduct, unsportsmanlike actions, or use of profanity in practices, competition, or on campus, will result in disciplinary action. 3. Optional Lay-Off: Athletes, in working with their coaches, may have up to one week calendar week layoff between the end of a sport season and the beginning of a new sport season. Athletes must communicate to their varsity coach their plan in exercising this option. 4. Students are to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. Violation of city and local ordinances may result in disciplinary action. Athletic / Activity Clearance Students desiring to participate in athletics/activities must obtain clearance from the athletic/activity secretary before participating in practice or activity. • After presenting the necessary completed forms to the Athletic/Activity office, the athletic/activity secretary signs the form and the top copy will be taken by the student to the coach of their particular sport/activity. • If the student-athlete does not have a signed and approved form, they will not be allowed to participate in try-outs or practices. The student must meet the following requirements before participation in competition is allowed: 26 61 return to top 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Turn in a completed Athletic Participation form (includes parent permission, insurance and emergency contact information). Have on file with the Athletic / Activity office, a copy of a current physical examination. (Required every two years, see Part 5 for sample of Physician's Statement). A medical update is required on alternate years. Pay participation fee or apply for a community service scholarship. Scholarship forms are available through the athletic/activity office. Scholarship eligibility is based on an individual qualifying for the federal Free and Reduced-Price Meal Program and/or special circumstances. Meet academic eligibility standards (grades checked by school office) Have returned all equipment issued in previous sport(s) or have paid for item(s) not returned. Obtain a current student identification card. Pay-To-Participate Policy A participation fee of $125 per student per season per sport will be charged. Individual students will pay a maximum participation fee of $250 per school year. Families with high school students in several sports will pay a maximum of $450 per year. A fee to participate in activities is $35/$50/$60 per performing/competing activity. No student will be allowed to participate in any event until they have met the requirements of the pay-to-participate fee policy. 1. All athletic/activity fees must be paid in full, or a pay-to-participate scholarship granted prior to participation in any athletic/activity program sponsored by the Canby School District. The school will develop a system to assess/collect participation fees in accordance with district guidelines. 2. Fee reimbursement will be made on the following conditions: a. Students who are not selected for the team by the coaching/advisory staff prior to the first regularly scheduled league will be reimbursed in full. b. Those students, who quit the team for any reason, will be reimbursed on a pro-rated basis by dividing the entire season into weeks. 3. The Booster Club offers scholarships for students who cannot meet the fee requirements. Free and/or reduced price lunch qualifications will be considered for such provisions. Most scholarships that are granted include up to eight hours of community service. Please contact the athletic office for more information regarding the application process. Team Selection/Cut Process In order to provide a quality athletic/activity program in which students can participate under optimum conditions, it is sometimes necessary to limit the total number of participants on a team. The head coach, in cooperation with the athletic/activity director, will determine the participation limit for each team. Reasons for limiting the number of participants may include safety, funding, OSAA requirements, and the need to provide the best possible teaching/learning environment for students. Choosing the members of any particular team is the sole responsibility of the coach/advisor of that team. The coach/advisor must choose the team members in conformity with the philosophy of the athletic/activity program. The need for limitation of the number of participants on a team may vary from one sport/activity to another. Criteria and procedure for the selection/cuts will be available in writing for students and parents prior to and during the first week of practice or tryouts. In the event that a student is cut from a team, he/she will be informed in person by the coach/advisor in a timely manner. OSAA Policies are available online: CSD Policies are available online: CHS Student and Athletic/Activity Handbooks are available upon request Handbooks can also be viewed online at: CHS Academic Resources Canby High School Research Paper Style Guide MLA Formatting: Seventh Edition • Double Space entire document • Margins – One inch on all sides • Header – Upper right-hand corner ½” from top and flush with right margin o Includes your last name and all pages numbered consecutively • First Page 27 62 return to top o Heading – one inch down, double spaced: Name Instructor Course Date (example: 24 May 2011) o Double space and center title, use title case Example: Andrew Carnegie: The Father of Middle Class o Double space and begin first line of text, indenting ½” (1 tab) Cougar 1 Casey Cougar Mr. Teacher English 101 1 June 2011 Digital Devices Drain Brains As digital devices have become an integral tool of every day life for many people of all ages, the effect of being constantly connected to some form of electronic media is taking an unseen toll on our brains. Just like an athlete who needs time for his muscles to recover after a hard work out, the brain needs time away from stimuli to process and organize all the new information it is being bombarded with. People should spend less time using digital media because scientific studies have show that there are negative effects on the user’s ability to pay attention, memorize and learn. While the use of technology has been increasing dramatically with the introduction of small hand held devices that can keep us connected to those around us twenty-four hours a day, it has not necessarily made us more productive. They have made us more distracted instead. In fact, practices like text messaging while driving have become an alarming trend. According to psychology professor Paul Atchley, “text messaging while driving is probably the most dangerous thing you can do in a vehicle other than driving with your eyes closed.” It is responsible for a 2,400 percent increase in accident risk compared to alcohol use with a 400 percent increased accident risk (Sousa). Clearly this is a problem that needs to be addressed. Works Cited Web Site: Author’s Name (Last, First, MI). “Title of Work.” (only if different from overall website) Title of Overall Website. Website Publisher/Sponsor or N.p., Date posted or n.d.. Medium (Web). Date Accessed. URL. Book: Authors Name (Last, First, MI). Title of book. Publishing City, Publishing State:Publisher, copyright date. Medium (Print). Journal/Magazine – online database Author’s Name (Last, First, MI). “Title of Article.” Journal Volume #. Issue# Publication Year: Pages or n.pag. Database Name. Medium (Web). Date Accessed. Database Service URL. Newspaper Article on the Internet 28 63 return to top Author’s Name (Last, First, MI). “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper/Website City. (if not national & not in title) Website Publisher/Sponsor or N.p. Date Posted/Published or n.d.. Medium (Web). Date Accessed. Article URL. Reference Book Author (Last, First, MI). “Title of article.” Title of Reference Book. Edition. Volume. City of Publication, State: Publisher, Year. Pages. Print. Cougar 8 Works Cited Berman, Mark G., John Jonides, and Stephen Kaplan. "The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting With Nature." Association for Psychological Science 19.12 (2008): 1207-1212. Web. 1 June 2011. <>. "Paul Atchley quantifies risk phone use adds for motorists." The Oread KU Employee Newsletter. The University of Kansas, 23 Aug. 2010. Web. 1 June 2011. <>. Richtel, Matt. "Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime." The New York Times. The New York Times, 24 Aug. 2010. Web. 1 June 2011. <>. Sousa, David A. How the Brain Learns. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2006. Print. 29 64 return to top Canby School District PARENT/GUARDIAN REQUEST TO DENY ACCESS TO INTERNET Canby School District provides students with access to the Internet for supervised educational purposes. Parents have the RIGHT to file a request with the school principal that their student not use the Internet. • Students have the RIGHT to use the district’s network for educational purposes including classroom activities, professional or career development, and limited high-quality exploration of personal interest areas. • Students have the RESPONSIBILITY to follow acceptable use procedures including guidelines for personal safety and rules. [Board Policy IIBGA and Administrative Procedure IIBGA-AP] and to report any inappropriate use of the Internet by other students to a teacher or other school official. ACCEPTABLE uses include: Activities that directly support teaching and learning or that support attainment of the District’s mission and priorities. Students will have access to Internet services, including email accounts for specific purposes and ages. Internet filtering services are provided by the Clackamas ESD to provide additional security for students using Canby School District on-line services. UNACCEPTABLE uses include: • Student posting of personal information; • Agreeing to meet someone they meet online without parental approval and participation; • Not disclosing any message a student receives that is inappropriate or uncomfortable. • Attempts to gain access to the district system or other computer system through the district or go beyond authorized access. • Making deliberate attempts to disrupt the computer system performance or destroy data by spreading computer viruses or by another means. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Using the district system to engage in any illegal act; Sharing his or her password to another person. Failing to notify appropriate school employee of a possible security problem; Failing to use standard virus protection procedures when downloading software; Using inappropriate language in all communications; Posting information at school or at home that could cause damage, danger of disruption, or disruption; Engaging in personal attacks; Harassing another person, making threats directed at students, staff, or the school environment; Knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about a person or organization; Use of the system beyond educational, career, professional, limited high-quality personal research; Downloading of large files unless absolutely necessary; Posting chain letters or engage in spamming; Failing to check email account often to manage; Subscribing to discussion group mail lists that are irrelevant to their education or professional/career development; Plagiarizing works found on the Internet; Disrespecting the rights of copyright owners; Use of the system to access profane or obscene (pornography), that advocates illegal or dangerous acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people; Failing to disclose inadvertent access to such information as stated above. (Reference: Administrative Procedure IIGBA-AP, Acceptable Use of the Network.) ! I have read Canby School District Internet access information and wish to deny access to my student. Student name (first/last--please print): ___________________________________________________________________ School: _______________________________________________________ Grade: ______________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________ _____________ Print parent/guardian name (first/last) Parent/guardian signature Date Contact your student’s school principal if you have questions about Internet access and procedures. [RETURN TO SCHOOL OFFICE] 65 return to top Canby School District’s Google Apps for Education Canby High School Student Account Information Canby School District is pleased to provide you a Google Apps for Education account. This account provides an email address for you to use in your schoolwork, access to Google Docs used to create, share, and store your documents, spreadsheets and presentations, and a Google calendar to keep track of your schedule, homework, and other important dates. Please keep your login information safe and secure. Make sure to LOGOUT of your email or other Google session on every computer that you use, and do not enable “Remember me” in any browser for your own safety. Included below are important reminders of Canby School District’s acceptable use policy that guides staff and student use of our electronic resources including Internet usage. Internet Safety Personal Information and Inappropriate Content Students and staff should not reveal personal information, including a home address and phone number, on web sites, blogs, podcasts, videos, wikis, e-mail or as content on any other electronic medium. Students and staff should not reveal personal information about another individual on any electronic medium. If students encounter dangerous or inappropriate information or messages, they should notify the appropriate school authority. Filtering and Monitoring Filtering software is used to block or filter access to content that is obscene and all child pornography in accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Other objectionable material may be filtered. The determination of what constitutes “other objectionable” material is a County and District decision. Any attempts to defeat or bypass the district’s Internet filter or conceal Internet activity are prohibited including, but not limited to: proxies, https, special ports, modifications to district browser settings, and any other techniques designed to evade filtering or enable the publication of inappropriate content. Copyright Downloading, copying, duplicating and distributing software, music, sound files, movies, images or other copyrighted materials without the specific written permission of the copyright owner is generally prohibited. However, the duplication and distribution of materials for educational purposes are permitted when such duplication and distribution fall within the Fair Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright Law (Title 17, USC) and content is cited appropriately. Network Security and Privacy Network Security Passwords are the first level of security for a user account. System logins and accounts are to be used only by the authorized owner of the account, for authorized district purposes. Students and staff are responsible for all activity on their account and must not share their account password without specific District authorization. No Expectation of Privacy The district provides electronic resources as tools for education in support of the district’s mission. The district reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store, without prior notice, information about the content and usage of: ● The network; ● User files and disk space utilization; ● User applications and bandwidth utilization; ● User document files, folders and electronic communications; ● E-mail; ● Internet access; and ● Any and all information transmitted or received in connection with network and e-mail use. No student or staff user should have any expectation of privacy when using the district's network. The district reserves the right to disclose any electronic message to law enforcement officials or third parties as appropriate. Disciplinary Action All users of the district’s electronic resources are required to comply with the district’s policies, procedures, and regulations and must agree to abide by the provisions set forth in the district's Acceptable Use Policy. Violation of any of the conditions of use explained in the Acceptable Use Policy or in these procedures may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion from school, suspension or dismissal from employment, and/or suspension or revocation of network and computer access privileges. 66 Canby High School - BELL SCHEDULE Regular 1 Hr Late Start 1 Hr Late Advisor y Split Assembly AM Assembly PM Assembly 2 Hr. Late Start Warning Bell 7:35 8:35 8:35 7:35 7:35 7:35 9:35 1st Period 7:40 – 8:50 8:40 - 9:40 8:40 – 9:34 7:40 – 8:40 7:40 – 8:46 7:40 – 8:46 9:40 – 10:29 Break 8:50 – 8:55 9:40 – 9:50 9:34 – 9:39 2nd Period 9:00 – 10:20 9:50 – 10:50 9:44 – 10:38 8:45 – 9:45 8:51 – 9:57 8:51 – 9:57 10:34 – 11:23 Advisory 1st Assembly AM Assembly 10:43 – 11:08 9:50 – 10:50 9:57 – 10:32 2nd Assembly 10:55 – 11:55 return to top return to top 3rd Period 10:25 – 11:35 10:55 – 11:55 11:13 – 12:07 9:50 – 11:55 10:37 – 11:43 10:02 – 11:08 11:28 – 12:17 11:35 – 12:10 11:55 – 12:30 12:07 – 12:42 11:55 – 12:30 11:43 – 12:18 11:08 – 11:43 12:17 – 12:52 4 th Period 12:15 – 1:25 12:35 – 1:35 12:47 – 1:41 12:35 – 1:35 12:23 – 1:29 11:48 – 12:54 12:57 – 1:46 5th Period 1:30 – 2:40 1:40 – 2:40 1:46 – 2:40 1:40 – 2:40 1:34 – 2:40 12:59 – 2:05 1:51 – 2:40 Lunch PM Assembly 2:05 – 2:40 2011-2012 67 Canby High School AM Times 7/29/11 Route 1 PM Times Route 1 6:44 23875 KLUPENGER RD NE 3:09 25000 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 6:49 25000 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 3:13 25696 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 6:53 25696 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 3:15 25977 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 6:55 25977 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 3:15 26022 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 6:56 26022 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 3:15 26049 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 6:57 26049 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 3:16 26090 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 6:57 26090 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 3:17 26201 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 6:59 NE BUTTEVILLE RD @ NE RIVER VISTA LN 3:17 26350 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 7:00 26350 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 3:18 26444 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 7:00 26444 NE BUTTEVILLE RD 3:20 NE BOONES FERRY RD @ NE DENBROOK RD 7:04 13528 DENBROOK RD 3:21 13528 NE DENBROOK RD 7:08 24485 NE BOONES FERRY RD 3:24 24485 NE BOONES FERRY RD AM Times Route 2 PM Times Route 2 6:50 NE AIRPORT RD @ NE MULLIGAN CT 2:54 N CEDAR ST @ NW 2ND AVE 6:51 25098 NE AIRPORT RD 3:04 NE AIRPORT RD @ NE COUNTRYSIDE DR 6:52 SW MOLALLA BEND RD 3:06 NE AIRPORT RD @ NE MULLIGAN CT 6:53 SW ARMITAGE RD @ SW ARMITAGE CT 3:07 25098 NE AIRPORT RD 6:55 31985 SW COUNTRY VIEW LN 3:10 SW ARMITAGE RD @ SW ARMITAGE CT 6:56 SW COUNTRY VIEW LN @ SW WESTCHESTER CT 3:11 31985 SW COUNTRY VIEW LN 6:57 SW COUNTRY VIEW LN @ SW IRONWOOD CT 3:13 SW COUNTRY VIEW LN @ SW WESTCHESTER CT 7:00 SW FRENCH PRAIRIE RD & SW CURRY DR 3:13 SW COUNTRY VIEW LN @ SW IRONWOOD CT 7:02 SW FRENCH PRAIRIE RD@ SW BOONES BEND RD 3:16 SW FRENCH PRAIRIE RD & SW CURRY DR 7:05 NE AIRPORT RD @ NE COUNTRYSIDE DR 3:17 SW FRENCH PRAIRIE DR @ SW LOUVONNE DR 7:14 N CEDAR ST @ NW 2ND AVE 68 AM Times Route 3 PM Times Route 3 6:45 24560 S BARLOW RD 2:55 24560 S BARLOW RD 6:59 15785 NE EILERS RD 2:55 24475 S BARLOW RD 7:09 NE PRAIRIE VIEW DR @ NE PRAIRIE VIEW CT 2:56 6835 S ARNDT RD 7:10 25081 NE PRAIRIE VIEW DR 3:03 24752 NE PRAIRIE VIEW DR 3:03 24913 NE PRAIRIE VIEW DR 3:04 25081 NE PRAIRIE VIEW DR 3:04 NE PRAIRIE VIEW DR @ NE PRAIRIE VIEW CT 3:10 15785 NE EILERS RD Route Route 4 PM Times Route 4 6:53 7201/7200 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 2:55 420 N KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 6:53 7241 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 2:55 499 N KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 6:55 7400 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 2:56 640 NW 8TH PL 6:58 499 N KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 2:56 NW 8TH PL @ N ELM ST 6:58 420 N KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 2:57 555 NW 9TH AVE 7:00 505 NW 9TH AVE 2:58 NW 9TH AVE @ N BIRCH ST 7:00 555 NW 9TH AVE 2:58 N BIRCH ST @ NW 10TH AVE 7:01 640 NW 8TH PL 2:59 N BIRCH ST @ NW 12TH AVE 7:02 NW 8TH PL @ N ELM ST 2:59 N BIRCH ST @ NW 13TH AVE 7:03 NW 9TH AVE @ N BIRCH ST 3:00 650 NW TERRITORIAL RD 7:04 N BIRCH ST @ NW 10TH AVE 3:01 NW TERRITORIAL RD @ N HOLLY ST 7:05 N BIRCH ST @ NW 12TH AVE 3:03 716 NW 22ND AVE 7:06 N BIRCH ST @ NW 13TH AVE 3:04 NW 22ND AVE @ N BIRCH ST 7:07 650 NW TERRITORIAL RD 3:05 1635 N BIRCH ST 7:08 NW TERRITORIAL RD @ N HOLLY ST 3:06 N BIRCH ST @ NW 12TH AVE 7:10 716 NW 22ND AVE 3:07 815 N BIRCH ST 7:10 NW 22ND AVE @ N BIRCH ST 3:09 7400 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 69 7:12 1635 N BIRCH ST 3:10 7241 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 7:13 NW 13TH AVE @ N ASH ST 3:11 7201 / 7200 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 7:14 925 NW 12TH AVE 7:15 815 N BIRCH ST AM Times Route 5 PM Times Route 5 7:00 840 N GRANT ST 2:55 840 N GRANT ST 7:01 N GRANT ST @ NW 9TH AVE 2:56 965 N GRANT ST 7:01 965 N GRANT ST 2:56 N GRANT ST @ NW 10TH AVE 7:O2 N GRANT ST @ NW 10TH AVE 2:57 1295 N GRANT ST 7:03 1295 N GRANT ST 2:57 360 NW 13TH AVE 7:03 360 NW 13TH AVE 2:58 1370 N HOLLY ST 7:04 1370 N HOLLY ST 2:59 1377 N HAWTHORNE ST 7:05 1377 N HAWTHORNE ST 3:00 1526 N IVY ST 7:07 1526 N IVY ST 3:01 1380 N IVY ST 7:08 1450 N IVY ST 3:02 N IVY ST @ NW 12TH AVE 7:08 1380 N IVY ST 3:02 N IVY ST @ NW 10TH AVE 7:09 N IVY ST @ NW 12TH AVE 3:03 1017 N JUNIPER ST 7:11 1017 N JUNIPER ST 3:04 N JUNIPER ST @ NE JUNIPER PL 7:12 N JUNIPER ST @ NE JUNIPER PL 3:05 1473 N LOCUST ST 7:13 1473 N LOCUST ST 3:05 1316 N LOCUST ST 7:13 1316 N LOCUST ST 3:06 368 NE 12TH AVE 7:14 368 NE 12TH AVE 3:07 184 NW 10TH AVE 7:15 184 NW 10TH AVE 3:07 980 N HOLLY ST 7:17 N HOLLY ST @ NW 4TH AVE 70 AM Times Route 6 PM Times Route 6 6:57 MOLALLA RIVER STATE PARK 2:58 N LOCUST ST @ NE 19TH AVE 6:57 133 NE 37TH AVE 2:58 N LOCUST ST @ NE 20TH AVE 6:58 241 NE 37TH AVE 3:00 2797 N LOCUST ST 7:02 2797 N LOCUST ST 3:03 MOLALLA RIVER STATE PARK 7:03 N LOCUST ST @ NE 20TH AVE 3:03 133 NE 37TH AVE 7:04 N LOCUST ST @ NE 19TH AVE 3:04 241 NE 37TH AVE 7:06 530 NE TERRITORIAL RD 3:07 2965 N HOLLY ST 7:06 N MAPLE ST @ N FAIRWAY LN 3:09 NE 22ND AVE @ N MAPLE ST 7:07 N MAPLE ST @ NE 21ST AVE 3:10 2650 N MAPLE ST 7:07 N MAPLE ST @ NE 22TH AVE 3:12 N MAPLE ST @ NE 34TH PL 7:08 2650 N MAPLE ST 3:15 N MAPLE ST @ NE 21ST AVE 7:10 N MAPLE ST @ NE 34TH PL 3:15 N MAPLE ST @ NE 20TH AVE 7:12 N MAPLE ST @ NE 22nd AVE 3:16 N MAPLE ST @ N FAIRWAY LN 7:13 N MAPLE ST @ NE 20TH AVE 3:16 1855 N MAPLE ST 7:13 1855 N MAPLE ST 3:17 530 NE TERRITORIAL RD AM Times Route 7 PM Times Route 7 6:55 21091 S HWY 99E 2:58 520 N LOCUST ST 6:56 21631 S HWY 99E 2:59 912 N LOCUST ST 7:04 520 N LOCUST ST 2:59 450 NE 10TH AVE 7:04 912 N LOCUST ST 3:00 530 NE 10TH AVE 7:05 450 NE 10TH AVE 3:00 NE 10TH AVE @ N MANZANITA ST 7:05 530 NE 10TH AVE 3:01 N MANZANITA ST @ NE 12TH AVE 7:06 619 NE 10TH AVE 3:01 N MANZANITA ST @ NE 14TH AVE 7:08 N MAPLE ST @ NE 16TH AVE 3:02 1500 N MANZANITA ST 7:09 574 NE 16TH AVE 3:03 574 NE 16TH AVE 7:10 1549 NE LAURELWOOD CIR 3:03 1549 NE LAURELWOOD CIR 7:11 1500 N MANZANITA ST 3:13 21091 S HWY 99E 71 7:12 1420 N MANZANITA ST 7:13 N MANZANITA ST @ NE 12TH AVE 7:14 NE 10TH AVE @ N IVY ST 7:15 980 N HOLLY ST 7:17 NW 4TH AVE @ N FIR ST AM Times Route 8 3:15 21631 S HWY 99E PM Times Route 8 7:04 N HOLLY ST @ NW 6TH AVE 2:52 NW 4TH AVE @ N FIR ST 7:05 NE 9TH AVE @ N JUNIPER ST 2:53 NW 4TH AVE @ N HOLLY ST 7:06 NE 9TH AVE @ N KNOTT ST 2:53 N HOLLY ST @ NW 6TH AVE 7:08 N IVY ST @ NW 6TH AVE 2:54 NW 6TH AVE @ N IVY ST 7:09 183 NE 5TH AVE 2:55 NE 4TH AVE @ N KNOTT ST 7:10 588 N JUNIPER ST 2:58 975 N IVY ST 7:11 680 N JUNIPER ST 2:59 183 NE 5TH AVE 7:12 N JUNIPER ST @ NE 9TH AVE 2:59 588 N JUNIPER ST 7:13 NE 4TH AVE @ N KNOTT ST 3:00 680 N JUNIPER ST 7:16 NW 4TH AVE @ N HOLLY ST 3:00 N JUNIPER ST @ NE 9TH AVE 7:17 NW 4TH AVE @ N FIR ST 3:01 NE 9TH AVE @ N KNOTT ST 3:02 171 NE 9TH AVE 3:02 147 NE 9TH AVE AM Times Route 9 PM Times Route 9 6:57 453 NE 4TH AVE 2:54 453 NE 4TH AVE 7:02 850 NE TERRITORIAL RD 2:56 PINE TERRACE APTS @ 800 N PINE ST 7:03 1045 NE TERRITORIAL RD 2:57 N PINE ST @ NE 8TH PL 7:03 1802 N PINE ST 2:57 N PINE ST @ NE 9TH PL 7:06 N PINE ST @ NE 15TH AVE 2:58 N PINE ST @ NE 11TH PL 7:07 N PINE ST @ NE 14TH AVE 2:58 N PINE ST @ NE 12TH WAY 72 7:07 N PINE ST @ NE 13TH AVE 2:59 N PINE ST @ NE 13TH PL 7:09 N PINE ST @ NE 12TH PL 3:00 N PINE ST @ NE 14TH AVE 7:10 N Pine St @ NE 11th PL 3:00 N PINE ST @ NE 15TH AVE 7:10 N PINE ST @ NE 9TH PL 3:01 1802 N PINE ST 7:12 N PINE ST @ NE 8TH PL 3:02 1045 NE TERRITORIAL RD 7:12 PINE TERRACE APTS @ 800 N PINE ST AM Times Route 10 PM Times Route 10 6:56 N REDWOOD ST@NE 11TH AVE 2:57 N REDWOOD ST @ NE 11TH AVE 6:59 N REDWOOD ST @ NE 13TH PL 2:58 N REDWOOD ST @ NE 13TH PL 7:01 N REDWOOD ST @ NE 16TH AVE 2:59 N REDWOOD ST @ NE 16TH AVE 7:02 N REDWOOD ST @ NE 18TH PL 3:00 N REDWOOD ST @ NE 18TH PL 7:03 N REDWOOD ST @ NE 19TH LOOP 3:00 N REDWOOD ST @ NE 19TH LOOP 7:04 2040 N REDWOOD ST 3:01 2040 N REDWOOD ST 7:06 1879 N TEAKWOOD ST 3:02 N TEAKWOOD ST @ NE 20TH AVE 7:07 1848 N TEAKWOOD ST 3:03 1879 N TEAKWOOD ST 7:09 N TEAKWOOD ST @ NE 20TH AVE 3:03 1848 N TEAKWOOD ST 7:10 NE TERRITORIAL RD @ N VINE ST 3:05 NE TERRITORIAL RD @ N VINE ST 7:11 NE TERRITORIAL RD @ N WALNUT ST 3:06 NE TERRITORIAL RD @ N WALNUT ST AM Times Route 11 PM Times Route 11 6:48 11511 S MULINO RD 2:42 377 SW 2ND AVE 6:48 11846 S MULINO RD 2:52 SE 13TH AVE@S LUPINE ST 6:49 11904 S MULINO RD 2:53 SE 13TH AVE @ S PINE ST 6:51 12400 S ADKINS CIR 2:55 1834 / 1826 SE 13TH AVE 6:55 11494 S MULINO RD 2:57 2134 SE 13TH AVE 6:55 11474 S MULINO RD 2:58 2542 SE 13TH AVE 6:58 11466 S MULINO RD 3:00 10319 S MULINO RD 73 6:58 S MULINO RD @ S BLUNDELL RD 3:01 S MULINO RD @ S BLUNDELL RD 6:59 10319 S MULINO RD 3:04 11466 S MULINO RD 7:02 2542 SE 13TH AVE 3:04 11474 S MULINO RD 7:03 2134 SE 13TH AVE 3:04 11494 S MULINO RD 7:05 1834 / 1826 SE 13TH AVE 3:05 11846 S MULINO RD 7:10 SE 13TH AVE @ S PINE ST 3:06 11904 S MULINO RD 7:14 SE 13TH AVE@S LUPINE ST 3:07 12400 S ADKINS CIR AM Times Route 12 PM Times Route 12 6:47 SE 1ST AVE @ HAZEL DELL WY 2:57 2344 SE 1ST AVE 6:48 2112 SE 1ST AVE 2:58 2150 SE 1ST AVE 6:48 2150 SE 1ST AVE 2:58 2112 SE 1ST AVE 6:49 2344 SE 1ST AVE 2:59 SE 1ST AVE @ HAZEL DELL WAY 6:50 23116 S HAINES RD 3:02 23116 S HAINES RD 6:50 23040 S HAINES RD 3:03 23040 S HAINES RD 6:51 S HAINES RD @ S CARRIAGE LN 3:03 S HAINES RD @ S CARRIAGE LN 6:52 22695 S HAINES RD 3:04 2675 E TERRITORIAL RD 6:52 2675 E TERRITORIAL RD 3:07 22111 S HAINES RD 6:55 22111 S HAINES RD 3:08 22695 S HAINES RD 6:58 10201 S BREMER RD 3:10 10201 S BREMER RD 6:59 10565 S BREMER RD 3:11 10565 S BREMER RD 7:00 10612 S BREMER RD 3:12 10612 S BREMER RD 7:02 11455 S BREMER RD 3:14 11455 S BREMER RD 7:04 11463 S TOWNSHIP RD 3:17 11463 S TOWNSHIP RD 7:05 11340 S TOWNSHIP RD 3:17 11340 S TOWNSHIP RD 7:06 11255/11252 S TOWNSHIP RD 3:18 11255/11252 S TOWNSHIP RD 7:07 S TOWNSHIP RD @ RONDEVIC DR 3:19 S TOWNSHIP RD @ RONDEVIC DR 7:08 10684 S TOWNSHIP RD 3:19 10896 S TOWNSHIP RD 7:09 S TOWNSHIP RD @ SKYLANE DR 3:20 10694 S TOWNSHIP RD 74 7:10 23905 S BLOUNT RD 3:21 S TOWNSHIP RD @ SKYLANE DR 7:13 23240 S MULINO RD 3:22 23905 S BLOUNT RD 3:25 23240 S MULINO RD 3:26 23625 S MULINO RD AM Times Route 13 PM Times Route 13 6:40 S CENTRAL POINT RD @ S MAKIN LN 3:01 21134 S SOUTH END RD 6:40 22990 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:01 20950 S SOUTH END RD 6:41 22700 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:02 20718 S SOUTH END RD 6:42 22665 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:02 20701 S SOUTH END RD 6:42 22560 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:02 20695 S SOUTH END RD 6:43 22551 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:03 20618 S SOUTH END RD 6:44 22030 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:03 20614 S SOUTH END RD 6:45 22025 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:03 20540 S SOUTH END RD 6:48 10540 S NEW ERA RD 3:06 20466 S MAY RD 6:49 10285 S NEW ERA RD 3:08 S GEO ANN RD @ S GOULD CT 6:50 10137 S NEW ERA RD 3:14 21733 S HWY 99E 6:55 21134 S SOUTH END RD 3:16 10137 S NEW ERA RD 6:55 20950 S SOUTH END RD 3:17 10285 S NEW ERA RD 6:56 20718 S SOUTH END RD 3:18 10540 S NEW ERA RD 6:56 20618 S SOUTH END RD 3:22 22025 S CENTRAL POINT RD 6:57 20614 S SOUTH END RD 3:23 22551 S CENTRAL POINT RD 6:57 20540 S SOUTH END RD 3:23 22560 S CENTRAL POINT RD 7:00 20466 S MAY RD 3:24 22665 S CENTRAL POINT RD 7:02 S GEO ANN RD @ S GOULD CT 3:24 22700 S CENTRAL POINT RD 7:02 10650 S GEO ANN RD 3:25 22990 S CENTRAL POINT RD 7:07 20701 S SOUTH END RD 3:25 S CENTRAL POINT RD @ S MAKIN LN 7:08 20695 S SOUTH END RD 7:10 21733 S HWY 99E 75 AM Times Route 14 PM Times Route 14 6:32 11638 S NEW ERA RD 3:06 22011 S PENMAN RD 6:32 11620 S NEW ERA RD 3:06 12228 S NEW ERA RD 6:40 20923 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:08 S NEW ERA RD @ S PARROT CREEK RD 6:42 12368 S CRITESER RD 3:09 13141 S NEW ERA RD 6:45 20296 S LELAND RD 3:12 13429/13395 LELAND RD 6:51 20530 S LELAND RD 3:12 21377 S MILLIGAN RD 6:52 13140 S WARNOCK RD 3:12 BIG DOG STABLES @ 13262 LELAND RD 6:53 13450 S WARNOCK RD 3:14 21288 S LELAND RD 6:55 20890 S LELAND RD 3:15 20890 S LELAND RD 6:56 21288 S LELAND RD 3:16 13140 S WARNOCK RD 6:57 BIG DOG STABLES @ 13262 LELAND RD 3:17 13450 S WARNOCK RD 6:57 13429/13395 LELAND RD 3:21 20296 S LELAND RD 7:01 13141 S NEW ERA RD 3:26 20530 S LELAND RD 7:02 S NEW ERA RD @ S PARROT CREEK RD 3:29 12368 CRITESER RD 7:04 12228 S NEW ERA RD 3:31 20923 S CENTRAL POINT RD 7:04 22011 S PENMAN RD 3:38 11638 / 11620 S NEW ERA RD AM Times Route 15 PM Times Route 15 6:33 S HWY 213 @ S MITCHELL LN 3:10 S HWY 213 @ S MITCHELL LN 6:34 14852 S GREEN TREE DR 3:11 14852 S GREEN TREE DR 6:35 S GREEN TREE DR @ S MOSSY ROCK CT 3:11 S GREEN TREE DR @ S MOSSY ROCK CT 6:36 S GREENTREE DR @ S CASA BERRY CT 3:12 S GREENTREE DR @ S CASA BERRY CT 6:39 21695 S HWY 213 3:14 21695 S HWY 213 6:39 14669 LELAND RD 3:14 14669 LELAND RD 6:40 S LELAND RD @ CLOUDVIEW DR 3:15 S LELAND RD @ S CLOUDVIEW DR 6:41 S LELAND RD @ CREST VIEW DR 3:16 S LELAND RD @ CREST VIEW DR 6:42 S LELAND RD @ LEE DR 3:16 S LELAND RD @ LEE DR 6:43 14241 S LELAND RD 3:17 14241 LELAND RD 76 6:43 14213 LELAND RD 3:17 14213 LELAND RD 6:44 13993 S LELAND RD 3:18 13993 S LELAND RD 6:47 21725 S FOOTHILLS AVE 3:21 21725 S FOOTHILLS AVE 6:49 21875 S FOOTHILLS AVE 3:22 21875 S FOOTHILLS AVE 6:49 S FOOTHILLS AVE @ S FARM POND CT 3:22 S FOOTHILLS AVE @ S FARM POND CT 6:52 S LARKSPUR AVE @ S HAWTHORNE CT 3:24 S LARKSPUR AVE @ S HAWTHORNE CT 6:53 21900 S LARKSPUR AVE 3:25 21900 S LARKSPUR AVE 6:54 21987 S LARKSPUR AVE 3:25 21987 S LARKSPUR AVE 6:55 14387 S IRONWOOD RD 3:26 14387 S IRONWOOD RD 6:55 S IRONWOOD RD @ S CONIFER CT 3:26 S IRONWOOD RD @ S CONIFER CT 6:55 21983 S SOMERSET DR 3:27 21983 S SOMERSET DR AM Times Route 16 PM Times Route 16 6:45 CEMETERY ON KIRK RD 3:02 11931 S CARUS RD 6:50 S LELAND RD @ S TONYA CT 3:11 CEMETERY ON KIRK RD 6:52 15134 S LELAND RD 3:15 S LELAND RD @ S TONYA CT 6:53 22015 S LESLIE AVE 3:17 15134 S LELAND RD 6:53 S LESLIE AVE @ S DALES AVE 3:17 22015 S LESLIE AVE 6:54 S DALES AVE @ S MARILYNS AVE 3:18 S LESLIE AVE @ S DALES AVE 6:56 15050 S DALES AVE 3:18 S DALES AVE @ S MARILYNS AVE 6:56 22082 S DANS AVE 3:19 15050 S DALES AVE 6:58 21921 OR-213 3:20 22082 S DALES AVE 6:59 OR-213 @ S MUELLER RD 3:21 21921 OR-213 7:00 22871 OR-213 3:22 OR-213 @ S MUELLER RD 7:07 11931 S CARUS RD 3:23 22871 OR-213 77 AM Times Route 17 PM Times Route 17 6:33 12151 S CARUS RD 3:01 S CARUS RD @ S WARD CT 6:34 12340 S CARUS RD 3:03 12151 S CARUS RD 6:35 12580 S CARUS RD 3:04 12340 S CARUS RD 6:36 S CARUS RD @ S MCDONALDS PL 3:05 12580 S CARUS RD 6:38 13600 S CARUS RD 3:06 S CARUS RD @ S MCDONALDS PL 6:39 14074 S CARUS RD 3:07 13600 S CARUS RD 6:40 14296 S CARUS RD 3:09 14074 S CARUS RD 6:41 14466 S CARUS RD 3:09 14296 S CARUS RD 6:43 15356 S CARUS RD 3:10 14466 S CARUS RD 6:44 15520 S CARUS RD 3:12 15356 S CARUS RD 6:45 15568 S CARUS RD 3:13 15520 S CARUS RD 6:50 15920 S SPANGLER RD 3:13 15568 S CARUS RD 6:51 S SPANGLER RD @ S BEATIE RD 3:19 S SPANGLER RD @ S BEATIE RD 6:52 15561 S SPANGLER RD 3:20 15561 S SPANGLER RD 6:53 15424 S SPANGLER RD 3:20 15424 S SPANGLER RD 6:54 15180 S SPANGLER RD 3:21 15180 S SPANGLER RD 6:54 15056 S SPANGLER RD 3:21 15056 S SPANGLER RD 6:55 15000 S SPANGLER RD 3:22 15000 S SPANGLER RD 6:57 14399 S SPANGLER RD 3:24 14399 S SPANGLER RD 6:58 14060 S SPANGLER RD 3:25 14060 S SPANGLER RD 6:58 14006 S SPANGLER RD 3:25 14006 S SPANGLER RD 7:00 13623 S SPANGLER RD 3:27 13623 S SPANGLER RD 7:01 13281 S SPANGLER RD 3:28 13281 S SPANGLER RD 7:03 12741 S CASTO RD 3:30 12741 S CASTO RD 7:06 12002 S CASTO RD 3:32 12002 S CASTO RD 7:07 S CARUS RD @ S WARD CT 78 AM Times Route 18 PM Times Route 18 6:50 25090 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:04 25090 S CENTRAL POINT RD 6:52 11927 S UNION HALL RD 3:06 11927 S UNION HALL RD 6:53 12293 S UNION HALL RD 3:07 12293 S UNION HALL RD 6:54 12390 S UNION HALL RD 3:07 12390 S UNION HALL RD 6:55 12587 S UNION HALL RD 3:08 12587 S UNION HALL RD 6:56 S UNION HALL RD @ S ZELLER RD 3:09 S UNION HALL RD @ S ZELLER RD 7:01 S ELDORADO RD @ S GRIFFITH LN 3:14 S ELDORADO RD @ S GRIFFITH LN 7:05 EXCALIBUR MOBILE HOME CT @ MAILBOXES 3:17 EXCALIBUR MOBILE HOME CT @ MAILBOXES 7:07 23501/23505 S HWY 213 3:18 23535 S HWY 213 7:07 23535 S HWY 213 3:19 23637/23635 S HWY 213 7:08 23637/23635 S HWY 213 3:20 24449 S HWY 213 7:10 24449 S HWY 213 3:27 24741 S CENTRAL POINT RD 7:16 24741 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:27 24633 S CENTRAL POINT RD 7:17 24633 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:28 24571 S CENTRAL POINT RD 7:17 24571 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:28 24520 S CENTRAL POINT RD 7:18 24520 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:28 24510 S CENTRAL POINT RD 7:18 24510 S CENTRAL POINT RD 3:30 11945 S TOWNSHIP RD 7:20 11945 S TOWNSHIP RD AM Times Route 19 PM Times Route 19 6:38 2ND ST NE @ LIBERTY ST NE 2:55 25000 S BARLOW RD 6:43 26000 S MERIDIAN RD 2:57 26510 S BARLOW RD 6:44 26259/26262 S MERIDIAN RD 2:57 S BARLOW RD @ S SEVEN OAKS LN 6:45 26979 S MERIDIAN RD 2:59 26560 S BARLOW RD 6:46 27618 S MERIDIAN RD 3:01 S LONE ELDER RD @ S RHOTEN RD 6:47 27789 S MERIDIAN RD 3:02 6350 S LONE ELDER RD 6:52 S MERIDIAN RD @ S REATHA CT 3:05 26000 S MERIDIAN RD 6:57 6431 S WHISKEY HILL RD 3:06 26259/26262 S MERIDIAN RD 79 6:57 6465 S WHISKEY HILL RD 3:07 26979 S MERIDIAN RD 6:58 S WHISKEY HILL RD @ KENAGY RD 3:08 27618 S MERIDIAN RD 6:59 6849 S WHISKEY HILL RD 3:09 27789 S MERIDIAN RD 7:00 6923 S WHISKEY HILL RD 3:13 S MERIDIAN RD @ S REATHA CT 7:01 29190 S BARLOW RD 3:18 6431 S WHISKEY HILL RD 7:03 28452 S BARLOW RD 3:18 6465 S WHISKEY HILL RD 7:03 6923 S ZIMMERMAN RD 3:19 S WHISKEY HILL RD @ KENAGY RD 7:05 6390 S ZIMMERMAN RD 3:21 29190 S BARLOW RD 7:09 26262 S MERIDIAN RD 3:22 28452 S BARLOW RD 7:13 6350 S LONE ELDER RD 3:23 6923 S ZIMMERMAN RD 7:14 S LONE ELDER RD @ S RHOTEN RD 3:24 6390 S ZIMMERMAN RD 7:17 25000 S BARLOW RD AM Times Route 20 PM Times Route 20 6:32 7190 S LONE ELDER RD 2:56 7190 S LONE ELDER RD 6:33 7471 S LONE ELDER RD 2:57 7471 S LONE ELDER RD 6:34 7770 S LONE ELDER RD 2:58 7770 S LONE ELDER RD 6:35 8171 S LONE ELDER RD 2:59 8171 S LONE ELDER RD 6:37 8550 S LONE ELDER RD 3:01 8550 S LONE ELDER RD 6:38 8890 S LONE ELDER RD 3:02 8890 S LONE ELDER RD 6:39 25950 S HWY 170 3:03 8835 S LONE ELDER RD 6:39 S HWY 170 @ S GOOD LN 3:05 END OF GELBRICH RD 6:40 S HWY 170 @ S VALE GARDEN RD 3:07 26130 S BOLLAND RD 6:42 8306 S VALE GARDEN RD 3:08 S BOLLAND RD @ S LARK ST 6:46 END OF GELBRICH RD 3:09 26344 S BOLLAND RD 6:50 S BOLLAND RD @ S LARK ST 3:11 26873 S BOLLAND RD 6:50 26344 S BOLLAND RD 3:11 26940 S BOLLAND RD 6:53 26873 S BOLLAND RD 3:12 27021 S BOLLAND RD 6:53 26940 S BOLLAND RD 3:14 27400 S GRIBBLE RD 80 6:54 27021 S BOLLAND RD 3:14 27575 S GRIBBLE RD 6:56 27400 S GRIBBLE RD 3:15 8175 S GRIBBLE RD 6:57 8268 S GRIBBLE RD 3:15 8268 S GRIBBLE RD 7:02 9767 S GRIBBLE RD 3:16 S GRIBBLE RD @ S PRIMROSE PATH 7:03 9687 S GRIBBLE RD 3:19 9335 S GRIBBLE RD 7:04 9451 S GRIBBLE RD 3:19 9451 S GRIBBLE RD 7:04 9335 S GRIBBLE RD 3:20 9687 S GRIBBLE RD 7:07 S GRIBBLE RD @ S PRIMROSE PATH 3:20 9767 S GRIBBLE RD 7:08 8175 S GRIBBLE RD 3:24 27329 S HWY 170 7:10 7950 S MARK RD 3:29 7950 S MARK RD 7:11 7841 S MARK RD 3:30 7841 S MARK RD 7:11 7750 S MARK RD 3:30 7750 S MARK RD 7:14 S BARLOW RD @ S SEVEN OAKS LN 3:34 S BARLOW RD @ S HANSEN LN 7:15 26560 S BARLOW RD 3:34 27942 S BARLOW RD AM Times Route 21 PM Times Route 21 6:37 9272 S KRAXBERGER RD 2:53 S HWY 170 @ S VALE GARDEN RD 6:39 9911 S KRAXBERGER RD 2:54 S HWY 170 @ S GOOD LN 6:40 10264 S KRAXBERGER RD 2:56 9272 S KRAXBERGER RD 6:41 S KRAXBERGER RD @ DRIVEWAY 2:58 9911 S KRAXBERGER RD 6:43 26500 S HARMS RD 2:59 10264 S KRAXBERGER RD 6:44 26998 S HARMS RD 3:03 26500 S HARMS RD 6:49 S ELISHA RD @ DRIVEWAY 3:05 26998 S HARMS RD 6:59 S MACKSBURG RD 3:12 11280 S RIGGS DAMM RD 7:02 11280 S RIGGS DAMM RD 81 AM Times Route 22 PM Times Route 22 6:42 8784 S HEINZ RD 3:01 7925 S ZIMMERMAN RD 6:43 8473 S HEINZ RD 3:01 7912/7920 S ZIMMERMAN RD 6:45 28950 S NEEDY RD 3:01 7899 S ZIMMERMAN RD 6:48 S ZIMMERMAN RD @ S SUNDOWNER CT 3:02 28950 S NEEDY RD 6:49 7225 S ZIMMERMAN RD 3:04 8473 S HEINZ RD 6:50 28923 S BARLOW RD 3:05 8784 S HEINZ RD 6:52 29910 S BARLOW RD 3:09 29011 S NEEDY RD 6:56 29849 S NEEDY RD 3:09 29080 S NEEDY RD 6:57 29625 S NEEDY RD 3:11 29489 S NEEDY RD 6:58 29489 S NEEDY RD 3:11 29625 S NEEDY RD 6:59 29080 S NEEDY RD 3:12 29849 S NEEDY RD 7:00 29911 S NEEDY RD 3:15 29910 S BARLOW RD 7:02 7899 S ZIMMERMAN RD 3:18 7225 S ZIMMERMAN RD 7:02 7912/7920 S ZIMMERMAN RD 3:19 S ZIMMERMAN RD @ S SUNDOWNER CT 7:03 7925 S ZIMMERMAN RD 3:25 27315 S PELICAN CT 7:09 27315 S PELICAN CT 3:25 27320 S PELICAN CT 7:09 27320 S PELICAN CT AM Times Route 23 PM Times Route 23 6:32 25351 S BARLOW RD 2:56 25351 S BARLOW RD 6:36 S BARLOW RD @ S HANSEN LN 3:00 28855 S BARLOW RD 6:38 28855 S BARLOW RD 3:00 28923 S BARLOW RD 6:42 31499 BARLOW RD 3:02 6923 S WHISKEY HILL RD 6:43 6349 HWY 211 3:02 6849 S WHISKEY HILL RD 6:44 31501 S YODER RD 3:05 5862 S WHISKEY HILL RD 6:49 4383 HWY 211 3:06 29955 S MERIDIAN RD 6:51 4799 S TIMBER TRAIL DR 3:08 S MERIDIAN RD @ S HOPE AVE 6:52 4631 S TIMBER TRAIL DR 3:08 S MERIDIAN RD @ S BERRY LN 82 6:58 31064 S MERIDIAN RD 3:08 30579 S MERIDIAN RD 7:00 30631 S MERIDIAN RD 3:09 5757 MILLER RD 7:01 5757 S MILLER RD 3:12 30631 S MERIDIAN RD 7:02 30579 S MERIDIAN RD 3:14 31064 S MERIDIAN RD 7:02 S MERIDIAN RD @ S BERRY LN 3:17 4383 S HWY 211 7:03 S MERIDIAN RD @ S HOPE AVE 3:19 4799 S TIMBER TRAIL DR 7:05 29955 S MERIDIAN RD 3:19 4631 S TIMBER TRAIL DR 7:06 S WHISKEY HILL RD @ 91 ACCESS 3:23 31501 S YODER RD 7:06 5862 S WHISKEY HILL RD 3:27 6349 S HWY 211 7:12 27942 S BARLOW RD AM Times Route 24 PM Times Route 24 6:32 27329 CANBY-MARQUAM HWY 3:00 9000 S BARNARDS RD 6:38 S HWY 170 @ S SCONCE RD 3:00 S BARNARDS RD @ S BLACKBEAR DR 6:39 S SCONCE RD @ S ARROW CT 3:04 S BARNARDS RD @ S CANDLELIGHT CT 6:42 7725 S SCONCE RD 3:07 S HWY 170 @ S SCONCE RD 6:44 7320 S SCONCE RD 3:08 S SCONCE RD @ S ARROW CT 6:45 7176/7175 S SCONCE RD 3:11 7725 S SCONCE RD 6:47 30570 BARLOW RD 3:12 7320 S SCONCE RD 6:48 7171 S BARNARDS RD 3:13 S SCONCE RD @ S BOND RD 6:49 7236 S BARNARDS RD 3:13 7176/7175 S SCONCE RD 6:50 S BARNARDS RD @ S STARLIGHT CT 3:15 30570 S BARLOW RD 6:54 30906 S NEEDY RD 3:16 7171 S BARNARDS RD 6:55 30840 S NEEDY RD 3:17 7236 S BARNARDS RD 6:57 30047 S STUWE RD 3:18 S BARNARDS RD @ S STARLIGHT CT 6:58 30799 S STUWE RD 3:19 7878 S BARNARDS RD 7:01 30073 S STUWE RD 3:19 30050/30047 S STUWE RD 7:02 30050 S STUWE RD 3:22 30799 S STUWE RD 7:04 S BARNARDS RD @ S CANDLELIGHT CT 3:23 30047 S STUWE RD 83 7:06 S BLACKBEAR DR @ S GRIZZLY BEAR CT 3:25 30840 S NEEDY RD 7:08 9000 S BARNARDS RD 3:25 30906 S NEEDY RD AM Times Route 25 PM Times Route 25 6:41 5649 S NEWMAN RD 3:03 31499 BARLOW RD 6:43 5861 S NEWMAN RD 3:09 5649 S NEWMAN RD 6:46 34175 S BARLOW RD 3:11 5861 S NEWMAN RD 6:46 34221 S BARLOW RD 3:14 34175 S BARLOW RD 6:54 S ELLIOTT PRAIRIE RD @ S VERNA ST 3:14 34221 S BARLOW RD 6:55 S ELLIOTT PRAIRIE RD @ S MORCOM ST 3:20 S MERIDIAN RD @ S NEWMAN RD 6:57 S ELLIOTT PRAIRIE RD @ S LONE HOLLOW LN 3:21 S ELLIOTT PRAIRIE RD @ S VERNA ST 6:58 4371 S ELLIOTT PRAIRIE RD 3:22 S ELLIOTT PRAIRIE RD @ S MORCOM ST 6:59 4496 S ELLIOTT PRAIRIE RD 3:24 4496 S ELLIOTT PRAIRIE RD 7:03 32929 S MERIDIAN RD 3:25 4371 S ELLIOTT PRAIRIE RD 7:03 32901 S MERIDIAN RD 3:25 S ELLIOTT PRAIRIE RD @ S LONE HOLLOW LN 7:04 32704 S MERIDIAN RD 3:30 32929 S MERIDIAN RD 7:05 32636 S MERIDIAN RD 3:30 32901 S MERIDIAN RD 3:31 32704 S MERIDIAN RD 3:31 32636 S MERIDIAN RD 3:33 5518 S HWY 211 AM Times Route 26 PM Times Route 26 6:30 S BARLOW RD @ S BOND RD 3:07 33475 S BARLOW RD 6:36 33475 S BARLOW RD 3:09 7156 S GIBSON RD 6:38 7156 S GIBSON RD 3:16 33380 S BARLOW RD 6:45 33380 S BARLOW RD 3:17 33285 S BARLOW RD 6:46 33285 S BARLOW RD 3:17 33230 S BARLOW RD 6:46 33230 S BARLOW RD 3:20 6900 S SCHNEIDER RD 84 6:49 6900 S SCHNEIDER RD 3:21 7270 S SCHNEIDER RD 6:50 7270 S SCHNEIDER RD 3:24 32455 S NEEDY RD 6:53 32455 S NEEDY RD 3:27 7425 S HWY 211 6:57 7425 S HWY 211 3:32 5791 S SCHNEIDER RD 7:02 5791 S SCHNEIDER RD 3:32 5773 S SCHNEIDER RD 7:02 5773 S SCHNEIDER RD 3:32 5684 S SCHNEIDER RD 7:03 5684 S SCHNEIDER RD 3:35 5428 S HWY 211 7:06 5428 S HWY 211 3:37 6460 HWY 211 7:08 6460 S HWY 211 AM Times Route 27 PM Times Route 27 7:04 718 SE TOWNSHIP RD 2:40 S TOWNSHIP RD @ S LOCUST ST 7:05 518 S MAPLE ST 2:44 CANBY HIGH SCHOOL 7:06 S MAPLE ST @ SE 5TH AVE 2:54 250 S LOCUST ST 7:10 416 S MANZANITA CT 2:56 S LOCUST ST @ SE 4TH AVE 7:11 SE 4TH AVE @ S LOCUST ST 2:57 416 S MANZANITA CT 7:13 250 S LOCUST ST 2:58 SE 5TH AVE @ S MAPLE ST 7:16 S LOCUST ST @ SE 2ND AVE 3:00 718 SE TOWNSHIP RD 3:01 1310 SE TOWNSHIP RD AM Times Route 28 PM Times Route 28 7:07 450 S PINE ST 2:38 S REDWOOD ST @ SE 11TH LOOP (1ST ENTRANCE) 7:08 S TOWNSHIP RD @ S PONDEROSA ST 2:39 S REDWOOD ST @ SE 9TH AVE 7:11 S REDWOOD ST @ SE 9TH AVE 2:42 450 S PINE ST 7:12 S REDWOOD ST @ SE 11TH LOOP (1ST ENTRANCE) 2:43 S TOWNSHIP RD @ S PONDEROSA ST 85 AM Times Route 29 PM Times Route 29 6:56 23000 OR-99E 2:57 23000 OR-99E 6:57 22844 HWY 99E 2:58 22844 HWY 99E 7:00 10038 S NEW ERA RD/CANBY REGENCY 3:00 10038 S NEW ERA RD/CANBY REGENCY 7:09 1111 SE 3RD AVE 3:09 1111 SE 3RD AVE 7:12 S PINE ST @ SE 7TH AVE 3:11 S PINE ST @ SE 7TH AVE 7:13 S PINE ST @ SE 10TH AVE 3:12 S PINE ST @ SE 10TH AVE 7:14 1141 S PINE ST 3:12 1141 S PINE ST 7:16 S PINE ST @ SE 13TH AVE 3:13 S PINE ST @ SE 13TH AVE AM Times Route 30 PM Times Route 30 7:02 25381 HWY 99E 2:36 1400 S ELM ST 7:03 TOP O HILL RESTAURANT GRAVEL LOT 2:39 1655 S ELM ST 7:08 24310 S HWY 99E 2:48 25381 S HWY 99E 7:10 1400 S ELM ST 2:51 TOP O HILL RESTAURANT GRAVEL LOT 7:14 1655 S ELM ST 2:55 24310 S HWY 99E AM Times Route 31 PM Times Route 31 7:10 N CEDAR ST @ NW 6TH AVE 2:54 N ELM ST @ NW 4TH AVE 7:10 NW 6TH AVE @ N BIRCH ST 2:54 NW 4TH AVE @ N CEDAR ST 7:12 NW 6TH PL @ N ASH ST 2:55 N CEDAR ST @ NW 5TH AVE 7:13 705 N ASPEN ST 2:56 N CEDAR ST@NW 6TH AVE 7:14 N CEDAR ST @ NW 5TH AVE 2:56 NW 6TH AVE @ N BIRCH ST 7:15 N CEDAR ST @ NW 4TH AVE 2:57 NW 6TH PL @ N ASH ST 7:17 NW 4TH AVE @ N ELM ST 2:58 705 N ASPEN ST 86 AM Times Route 32 PM Times Route 32 7:07 1265 N OAK ST 2:55 1265 N OAK ST 7:08 N OAK ST @ NE 10TH AVE 2:56 N OAK ST @ NE 10TH AVE 7:11 NE 10TH AVE @ N NOBLE CT 2:57 NE 10TH AVE @ N NOBLE CT 7:10 1065 N MAPLE ST 2:57 1065 N MAPLE ST 7:10 1131 N MAPLE ST 2:57 1131 N MAPLE ST 7:11 N MAPLE ST @ NE 14TH AVE 2:58 N MAPLE ST @ NE 14TH AVE 7:12 N MAPLE ST @ NE 16TH AVE 2:59 N MAPLE ST @ NE 16TH AVE AM Times Route 33 PM Times Route 33 6:59 6885 S ANDERSON RD 2:58 6885 S ANDERSON RD 7:01 6380 S ANDERSON RD 3:00 6380 S ANDERSON RD 7:04 24560 S BARLOW RD 3:03 305 N 2ND ST 7:04 24483 S BARLOW RD 3:04 N 2ND ST @ S RAILROAD DR 7:05 S BARLOW RD @ S KING ST 3:04 S RAILROAD DR @ N OAK ST 7:06 6835 S ARNDT RD 3:05 N 1ST ST @ N MAIN ST 7:07 6741 S ARNDT RD 3:05 24483 S BARLOW RD 7:08 23861 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 3:06 S BARLOW RD @ S KING ST 7:08 23793 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 3:07 6741 S ARNDT RD 7:09 6585 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 3:08 23861 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 7:09 6655 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 3:09 23793 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 7:10 6972 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 3:09 6585 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 7:11 23730 S BARLOW RD 3:09 6655 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 7:11 23795 S BARLOW RD 3:10 6972 S KNIGHTS BRIDGE RD 7:12 23890 S BARLOW RD 3:11 23730 S BARLOW RD 7:13 24475 S BARLOW RD 3:11 23795 S BARLOW RD 7:14 305 N 2ND ST 3:11 23890 S BARLOW RD 7:14 N 2ND ST @ S RAILROAD DR 7:15 S RAILROAD DR @ N OAK ST 87 7:16 N 1ST ST @ N MAIN ST AM Times Route 34 PM Times Route 34 7:05 S LUPINE ST @ SE 7TH AVE 2:56 405 S IVY ST 7:09 406 S KNOTT ST 2:57 SE 7TH AVE @ S LUPINE ST 7:12 231 S KNOTT ST 2:59 406 S KNOTT ST 7:16 421 S IVY ST 3:00 S KNOTT ST @ SE 3RD AVE 7:16 S IVY ST @ SE 3RD AVE 3:01 231 S KNOTT ST 88 Canby School District 1130 S Ivy Canby OR 97013 503-266-7861 www.canby.kl2.or.u~ ,,,ooL ,yJ,cT Dear Parent/Guardian: Children need healthy meals to learn. Canby School District offers healthy meals every school day. Breakfast costs $7.00 /Elementary $7.75/Middle School - $7.25/CHS; lunch costs $2.00 /Elementary - $2.30/Middle School - $2.6O/CHS. Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. Reducedprice is $.40 for lunch and $30 for breakfast. 1. Should Ifill out an application if Igot a letter this school year saying my children are approved for free meals? Please m d the Her you got carefully and folbw the instructions.Call Kim Mabry, 50S266-6742 if you haw quedions. 2. Do I need to fill out an application for each child? No. Use one Free and Reduced Price School Meals Application for all students in your household. We cannot approve an application that is not complete, so be sure to fill out all required information. Return the completed application to your school office or mail to the address above. 3. Who can get free meals? Children in households getting Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, TANF or FDPlR can get free meals regardless of your income. Also, your children can get free meals if your household income is within the free limits on the Federal Income Guidelines. 4. Can foster children get free meals? Yes, foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court can get free meals. Any foster child in the household can get free meal regardless of income. 5. Can homeless, runaway and migrant children get free meals? If you have not been informed that they will get free meals, call the Homeless Liaison (503-266-7861) or the Migrant Coordinator (503-263-7429) to see if your child(ren) qualify, 6. Who can get reduced price meals? Your children can get bw cost meals if your household income is within the reduced price limits on the Federal Income Chart 7. If my child is eligible for free or reduced price meal benetits, M e n will the meal benefits begin? Meal beneb for new applications cannot start unflan ap~licationis approved. Please ~rovidea lunch or money for a wid lunch until you receive notice that the applicationis amved. 8. 1get WK=. Can my child(ren) get free meds? This can only be detemilned by completing and submitting the endosed applicationfor meal benefits. Please fill out an application. 9. My children receive Oregon Health Plan benefits. Can they get free meals? This can only be determined by completing and submitting the endosed a p p l i for meal benefits. Pleasefill out an appkabn. 10. Will the information I give be checked? Yes, we may ask you to send written proof. 11. If I do not qualify now, may Iapply later? Yes. You may apply at any time during the school year. 12. What if I disagree with the school's decision about my application? You should talk to school officials. You also may ask for a hearing by calling or writing to: David Moore, at the address listed above. 13. May I apply if someone in my household is not a U.S. citizen? Yes. You or your child(ren) do not have to be a U.S. citizen to qualify for free or reduced price meals. 14. Who should I include as members of my household? You must include all people living in your household, related or not (such as grandparents, other relatives, or friends). You must include yourself and all children who live with you. Foster children may be included as household members. If you live with other people who are economically independent (for example, people you do not support, who do not share income with you or your children and who pay a pro-rated share of expenses), do not include them. 15. What if my income is not always the same? List the amount that you normally get. For example, if you normally get $1000 each month, but you missed some work last month and only got $900, put down that you get $1000 per month. If you normally get overtime, include it, but not if you get it only sometimes. 16. We are in the militaty; do we include our housing allowance? tf you get an off-base housing allowance, it must be counted as income. However, if your housing is part of the Military Housing Privatization Initiative, do not include your housing allowance as income. 17. My spouse is deployed to a combat zone. Is combat pay counted as income? Combat pay is excluded if it is received in addition to the service member's basic pay; because of the deployment; and not received before being deployed. 18. My family needs more help. Are there other programs we might apply for? To find out how to apply for Oregon SNAP or other assistance benefits, contact your local assistance office or call 1800-SAFENET (723-3638). If you have other questions or need help, call 503-266-6742. ,Sincerely, A yJd c 1b.q id Moore, Business Manager Canby School District 89 INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLYING For Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits OR Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Households, do the following: Part 1: Complete Household information Part 2: List child(ren)'s name, school, grade, birthday and mark the checkbox, if they are a formally place foster child in the family. Part 3: Give the name of the person in the household with benefits and their case number, (SNAP) benefits (A11-11-1111) or TANF (AA111 or AAA111) Part 4: Skip this part. Part 5: Sign the form. A Social Security Number is not necessary. Part 6:.Answer this question if you choose to. Part 7: Answer this question if you choose to. If you are applying for a FOSTER CHILD, follow these instructions: Part 1: Complete Household information Part 2: List child(ren)'s name, school, grade, birthday and mark the checkbox, if they are a formally place foster child in the family Part 3: Skip this part Part 4:.Skip this part Part 5: Sign the form. A Social Security Number is not necessary Part 6: Answer this question if you choose to. Part 7: Answer this question if you choose to. OR - Complete a household application for the entire household including the foster child following instructions for " All Other Households" ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLDS, including WIC households, follow these instructions: Part 1: Complete Household information. Part 2: List child(ren)'s name, school, grade, birthday and mark if child is foster. Part 3: Skip this part. Part 4: Follow these instructions to report total household income from last month. Column ?-Name: List the first and last name of each person living in your household, related or not (such as grandparents, other relatives, or friends). You must include yourself, those children living with you but not attending school and children in school receiving regular income. Do not repeat children listed in part 2 unless they receive regular income. Attach another sheet of paper if you need to. Column 2 -Gross Monthly Income. Next to each person's name, list each type of income received last month. For example, Monthly Income: List the gross income each person earned from work. This is not the same as take-home pay. Gross income is the amount earned before taxes and other deductions. The amount should be listed on your pay stub, or your boss can tell you. If your income is paid weekly, every 2 weeks or twice a month, follow the instructions on the back of the application. Column 3 - List the amount each person got last month from welfare, child support, alimony. Column 4 - List the amount each person got last month from pensions, retirement, Social Security. Column 5 - List the amount each person got last month from Worker's Compensation, unemployment, strike benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Veteran's benefits (VA benefits), disability benefits, regular contributions from people who do not live in your household, and ANY OTHER INCOME. Report net income for self-owned business, farm, or rental income. Next to the amount, write how often the person qot it. If you are in the Military Housing Privatization Initiative do not include this housing allowance. Part 5: An adult household member must sign the form and list the last four (4) numbers of his or her Social Security Number, or mark the box if he or she doesn't have one. Part 6: Answer this question if you choose to. Part 7: Answer this auestion if vou choose to. 90 Application Number 201 112012 CONFIDENTIAL FAMILY APPLICATION FOR FREE & REDUCED MEALS NOTICE: If you received an ELIGIBILITY NOTIFICATION- FREE MEALS from the school district do not complete this application. See Application Instructions on back of form. HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION m Name l Print name of person completing this application (Last name, First name) I Home Phone or Cell Phone (Circle One) u + Number living in this household Mailing Address -Apt # (Write names of all household members on part 2 andlor part 4 of this form) I City State Zip STUDENT INFORMATION Child's Name (Last name, First name) School Grade Birth Date Check if Foster Child BENEFITS If any member of your household receives SNAP or TANF, provide the name and case number of the member receiving benefits 0 0 Name SNAP Case Number Go to Part 5 below TANF Does this household receive FDPlR (Food Distribution on Indian Resewationsl - Yes (Go Part 5 and comDlete) . , HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS & GROSS MONTHLY INCOME if not monthly, see back for conversions Column 1 List all household members, including children not attending school, and income. Do not indude students listed in part 2, unless they receive regular income. (Last name, first name) Column 2 MONTHLY INCOME (Total earnings 8 wages before deductions) Column 3 MONTHLY CHILD SUPPORT, WELFARE, ALIMONY RECEIVED Column 4 MONTHLY PENSIONS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT Column 5 OTHER MONTHLY INCOME -Including unemployment and workers comp. Column 6 Check if NO income SIGNATURE, DATE and Last four numbers of SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (Adult must sign) I certify (promise) that all of the information on this application is true (correct) and that all income is reported. I understand that the school will get Federal funds based on the information I give. I understand that school officials may verify (check) the information. I understand that if I give purposely false information, my children may lose meal benefits and I may be prosecuted. Signature of Adult Household Member Date Signed Social Security Number I do not have a (See privacy statement on back) Social Security X XXX-XX Number. Monthldaylyear - RACIAL OR ETHNIC GROUP (OPTIONAL) Mark one ethnic identitv: Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Mark one or more racial identities: Asian Black or African American American Indian 8 Alaskan Native White, not of Hispanic origin Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Other Iprefer all written correspondence i n OSpanish q Russian q Other I do not want my information shared with State children's health insurance programs. Sign here: I have a child (or children) who does not have any kind of health coverage Total Income: Free based on: SNAPrrANF FDPlR household income foster child's Income Number in household: Reduced based on: 17 household income foster child's income Determining Official's Signature : - neither private health insurance nor Oregon Health - Denied Reason: income too high incom~letea.~.~ l i c a t i o n Date Date Withdrawn: Temporary: 13 Free Reduced Until: Until: (maximum45 days each) 91 If your household receives SNAP, TANF or FDPIR, complete parts 1, 2, 3 and 5; parts 6 and 7 are optional. If you do not receive these benefits and your income is w & the guidelines, complete parts 1, 2, 4 and 5; parts 6 and 7 are optional. If you are a household with a FOSTER CHILD, complete parts 1, 2, 4, and 5; parts 6 and 7 are optional. DETERMINING MONTHLY INCOME FOR EARNINGS & WAGES Monthly income for all household members must be reported in Part 4 of this application. Income means any money regularly received from work, child support, alimony, pensions, retirements, social security or any other source. Exclude studenUschool loans. Household members who are not paid monthly should change earnings into monthly income by doing the following: Household members who are paid everv week: Multiply total earnings and wages for one pay period, before deductions, by 52. Then divide by 12. The resulting amount is the total monthly income. Household members who are paid everv 2 weeks: Multiply total earnings and wages for one pay period, before deductions, by 26. Then divide by 12. The resulting amount is the total monthly income. Household members who are paid twice a month: Multiply total earnings and wages for one pay period, before deductions, by 24 then divide by 12. The resulting amount is the total monthly income. Household members who are seasonal workers or work less than 12 months: Project annual rate of income to accurately represent actual circumstances then divide by 12. The resulting amount is the projected monthly income. I I Note: Money received from a business or farm owned by you should be reported as "net income." Net Income is defined as the total income leff after business and farm operating expenses are subtracted from gross receipts. FEDERAL INCOME GUIDELINES Your children may qualify at least for reduced price meals if your household income falls within the limits of this chart. - PRIVACY STATEMENT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS and OTHER INFORMATION The Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act requires the information on this application. You do not have to give the information but if you do not, we cannot approve your child for free or reduced price meals. You must include the last 4 digits of the social security number of the adult household member who signs the application. The last 4 digits of the social security number is not required when you apply on behalf of a foster child or you list a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program case number or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) identifier for your child or when you indicate that the adult household member signing the application does not have a social security number. We will use your information to determine if your child is eligible for free or reduced price meals and for administration and enforcement of the lunch and breakfast programs. We may share your eligibility information with education, health, and nutrition programs to help them evaluate, fund, or determine benefits for their programs; auditors for program reviews; and law enforcement officials to help them look into violations of program rules. We may share the information on this form with Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), unless you tell us not to. The information, if disclosed, will only be used to identify eligible children and seek to enroll them in Medicaid or SCHIP. NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT This explains what to do if you believe you have been treated unfairly. 'In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability." To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 IndependenceAvenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call, toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individual who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay at (800) 877-8339) or (866) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer." Form 581-3514e-P (Rev. 04111) 92 Canby School District 1130 S Ivy Canby OR 97013 503-266-7861 www.canby.kl2.or.u~ S C I I O O L D!STDfCT Estimado Padre de FamilialEncargado: Los nirios necesitan comida nutritiva para aprender. Canby School District ofrece comidas nutritivas todos 10s dias escolares. El desayuno cuesta $1 - $1.25 y el almueno $2.00 - $2.60. Sus nirios podrian calificar para comidas gratis o a precio reducido. El precio reducido es y $30 para el desayuno y $40 para el almueno. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ~Debocompletv una s o l i d si este aiio escobr reciti una carta en la que me d m i que mis hips esth aprobados para recibir comidas g d ? Lea la cab que recM d e h i d m k y sga hs msbmiones.Si no recW una carta para cada uno & bs nibs & su hogar, enbnces debe conpletar una mkhd b d o a bdos bs miembros& su hogar.Lbme a Kin Mabry, 503-266-6742si t i preguntas. 6Es necesario llenar una solicitud para cada niiio? No. Complete la forma para solicitar comidas gratis o a precio reducido. Use una solicitud para comidas aratis o a ~recioreducido Dara todos 10s estudiantes en su hoaar. Asegurese de llenar la solicitud con toda la informacion requerida ya que no podemos aprobar solicitudes incompletas. Devuehra la solicitud completa a: 1130 S Ivy, Canby, OR 97013. ~ Q u ipuede i redbir comidas gratis? Nibs en hogares que redben SNAP o TANF y la mayoria de 10s menores bajo la supervision de servicios sociales pueden recibir comidas gratis sin importar sus ingresos. Tambibn si su ingreso familiar esth denvo de 10s limites de la Tabla Federal de Ingresos, sus niiios pueden recibir comidas gratis. ~Pueden10s niiios bajo tutela temporaria recibir comidas gratis? Si, 10s ninos bajo tutela temporaria que esthn bajo la responsabilidad legal de una agencia de tutela temporaria o tribunal pueden recibir comidas gratis. Todos 10s niiios bajo tutela temporaria del hogar pueden recibir comidas gratis independientemente del ingreso. ~Pueden10s niiios sin hogar, niiios que han abandonado su hogar y niilos emigrantes recibir comidas gratis? Si no le han informado que sus hijos recibirhn comidas gratis, por favor comuniquese con: (503-266-7861) o (503-263-7429) para verificar si sus hijos califican. ~ Q u puede h recibir comidas a precio reducido? Sus h i pueden puedenbri comdas a precio reduddo s su ingreso W l i esth dentro de 10s limites de la Tabla Federal de lngresos rmtradaen esta solicbd. Si mi hip es elegii para recibir bmefkh de comidas gratis o a precio reducido, ~cuiindo bs beneficios?Losbenekks & anidas~ a r hs a soCcibks nuem no weden comenzar ha& aue se aMuebe b soildud. Haw aue su hio lleve ahxlerzo o d& dinero wa comwar uno hasta que redba n o t k x i h & aue se ha aWobado la s o E i . se puede &termmar caqkta& y presentado la s d i i para benefidos & anidas 8. Recibo W. ~Puede(n)mi(s) hijo(s) obtener comidas gratis? Esb que se adjunta. Sirvase ampletar una solchd. completa& y presentado b 9. Mi hijos reciben hen- del Plan de Salud de Oregon. ~Puedenohtener comaas gratis? Esto d b se puede &krn-har solicibd para W ide comidas que se adjunta. Sirvasecompletar una wkkd. 10. ~ S e r dverificada la informacibn que yo provea? Si, nosotros podriamos pedirle que envie prueba escrita de la inforrnacion provista. 11. Si yo no califico ahora ~puedosolicitar miis tarde? Si. Usted puede solicitar en cualquier momento durante el ano escolar si el tamano de su familia aumenta, sus ingresos disminuyen, o si comienza a recibir SNAP' o TANF. Si usted pierde su trabajo, sus ninos podrian recibir comidas gratis o a precio reducido durante el tiempo que usted estk sin empleo. pasa si no estoy de acuerdo con la decisibn de la escuela con respecto a mi solicitud? Usted deberh hablar con 10s oficiales de la 12. ~ Q u h escuela. Tambien podria solicitar una audiencia ya sea llamando o escribiendo a: 503-266-6742. 13. ~Puedosolicitar aunque alguien en mi hogar no sea ciudadano americano? Si. Ni usted ni sus ninos necesitan ser ciudadanos americanos para recibir comidas gratis o a precio reducido. 14. LA quienes tengo que incluir como miembros de mi familia? Usted debe incluir a todas las personas que vivan en su hogar aunque no sean parientes suyos (por ejemplo, abuelos, otros parientes o amigos). Usted tambibn debe incluirse a si mismo y a todos 10s niiios que viven con usted. Se puede incluir a 10s ninos bajo tutela temporaria como miembros de la familia. Si usted vive con otras personas que son econbmicamente independientes (por ejemplo, personas a quienes no mantiene, que no cornparten ingresos con usted o sus hijos y que pagan una parte prorrateada de 10s gastos), no las incluya. 15. ~ Q u 6pasa si mi ingreso no es siempre igual? Anote la cantidad que usted recibe regularmente. Por ejemplo, si usted normalmente recibe $1000 al mes per0 se ausentb al trabajo el mes pasado y solo recibib $900, anote que usted recibe $1000 al mes. Si usted generalmente cobra por horas extras de trabajo incluya esa cantidad, per0 no es necesario incluirla si solo trabaja horas extras a veces. 16. Estamos en las Fuerzas Armadas, iincluimos nuestro subsidio para vivienda? Si recibe un subsidio para vivienda fuera de la base, debe contarlo como ingreso. Sin embargo, si su vivienda es parte del la lniciativa de Privatizacibn de Viviendas para Militares (Military Housing Privatization Initiative) no incluya el subsidio para vivienda como ingreso. 17. Mi cbnyuge ha sido enviado a una zona de combate. LSe cuenta la paga de combate como ingreso? . La paga de combate esth excluida si se recibe en adicibn a la paga bhsica de miembro en servicio; se recibe como resultado del envio del miembro a la zona de combate; y no se recibia antes del envio a la zona de combate. 18. Mi familia necesita miis ayuda. hay otros programas en 10s que podamos participar? Para saber cbmo solicitar el Oregon SNAP u otros beneficios de asistencia, comuniquese con la oficina de asistencia local 1-800-SAFENET (723-3638). Si usted tiene otras preguntas, por favor llame a/: 503-266-6742. 7. (4~ h/\bG@ Saceramente, A Da ' Moore, Business Manager Canby School District 93 INSTRUCCIONES PARA SOLlClTAR BENEFlClOS Para beneficios de SNAP (Programa de Asistencia de Suplementaria) g hogares con TANF, haga lo siguiente: Parte 1: Complete la informacion de las personas que viven en su hogar Parte 2: Liste el nombre, la escuela, el grado escolar y la fecha de nacimiento del niiio o niiios y marque la casilla si son niiios formalmente colocados bajo tutela temporaria en la familia. Parte 3: D8 el nombre de la persona en el hogar que tiene beneficios y su numero de caso beneficios (SNAP) (A11-11-1111) o TANF (AAl 111 o AAAl11). Parte 4: Saltee esta parte. Parte 5: Firme el formulario. No es necesario dar un Numero de Seguro Social. Parte 6: Responda esta .pregunta si lo desea. Parte 7: ~esbondaesta pregunta si lo desea. Si esta hacienda una solicitud para un NINO BAJO TUTELA TEMPORARIA, siga estas instrucciones: Use una solicitud separada para cada niiio bajo tutela temporaria Parte 1: Complete la informacion de las personas que viven en su hogar. Parte 2: Liste el nombre, la escuela, el grado escolar y la fecha de nacimiento del niiio o niiios y marque la casilla si son niiios formalmente colocados bajo tutela temporaria en la familia. Parte 3: Saltee esta parte Parte 4: Saltee esta parte. Parte 5: Firme el formulario. No es necesario dar un Nlimero de Seguro Social. Parte 6: Responda esta pregunta si lo desea. Parte 7: Responda esta pregunta si lo desea. 0 Complete una solicitud del hogar para todo el hogar, incluido el niiio bajo tutela temporaria, siguiendo las instrucciones para "Todos 10s otros hoaaresn TODAS LOS OTROS HOGARES, incluidos aquellos que reciben WIC, sigan estas instrucciones: Parte 1: Complete la informacion de las personas que viven en su hogar. Parte 2: Liste el nombre, la escuela, el grado escolar y la fecha de nacimiento del niiio o niiios y marque si es un niiio bajo tutela temporaria. Parte 3: Saltee esta parte. Parte 4: Siga estas instrucciones para informar el ingreso total del hogar del mes pasado. Columna 1 - Nombre: Liste el nombre y apellido de cada persona que vive en su hogar, emparentada o no (como abuelos, otros parientes o amigos). lncluyase a si mismo, a 10s niiios que viven con usted per0 que no asisten a la escuela y a 10s niiios que estan en la escuela que reciben un ingreso regular. No vuelva a listar a 10s niiios que ya figuran en la parte 2, a menos que reciban ingresos regulares. Adjunte otra hoja si es necesario. Columna 2 - lngreso bruto mensual Al lado del nombre de cada persona, liste cada tipo de ingreso recibido el mes pasado. Por ejemplo, lngreso Mensual Liste el ingreso bruto que gano cada persona en el trabajo. Esto no es lo mismo que la paga que se lleva a la casa. El ingreso bruto es la cifra ganada antes de impuestos y otras deducciones. La cifra debe estar listada en su tal6n de pago o se la puede decir su jefe. Si su ingreso se paga semanalmente, cada 2 semanas o dos veces al mes, siga las instrucciones al dorso de la solicitud. Columna 3 - Liste la cifra que obtuvo cada persona el mes pasado de asistencia social, manutencion infantil y pension alimenticia. Columna 4 - Liste la cifra que obtuvo cada persona el mes pasado de pensiones, retiro y Seguro Social. Columna 5 - Liste la cifra que obtuvo cada persona el mes pasado de compensacion laboral, seguro de desempleo, beneficios de huelga, lngreso de Seguridad Suplementario (SSI), beneficios de Veteranos (Beneficios VA), beneficios por discapacidad, contribuciones regulares de personas que no viven en su casa y CUALQUIER OTRO INGRESO. lnforme el ingreso neto de negocios o granjas propios o ingresos por renta. Al lado de la cifra, escriba la frecuencia con que la persona obtuvo ese inqreso. Si esta en la lniciativa Militar de Privatization de Vivienda no incluya este complemento para vivienda. Parte 5: Un miembro adulto del hogar debe firmar el formulario y listar 10s ultimos cuatro (4) numeros de su Numero de Seguro Social o marcar la casilla si no tiene uno. Parte 6: Responda esta pregunta si lo desea. Parte 7: Responda esta pregunta si lo desea. 94 Application # SOLlClTUD FAMILIAR CONFIDENCIAL 201112012 PARA COMIDAS GRATIS Y DE PRECIO REDUCIDO AVISO: Si ha recibido una NoTIFICACI~NDE ELEGlBlLlDAD PARA COMIDAS GRATIS del distrito escolar, no complete esta solicitud. Vea las lnstrucciones para completar la solicitud al dorso de este formulario. ( Nombre Escriba Telbfono particular o m6vil (marque uno con un circulo) Telbfono del trabajo + Nlimero de integrantes del hogar Direcci6n postal -Apt # Escriba 10s nombres de todos los integrantes del hogar en las partes 2 ylo 4 de este formulario Ciudad Estado C6digo Postal ~Recibeeste hogar FDPlR (Distribucidn de Alimentos en Resewaciones Indigenas) INFORMACI~NDE LOS ESTUDIANTES Nombre del niiio (Apellido, Primer nombre) Escuela Grado Si (Complete las partes 2 y 5) Fecha de nacimiento caso para cada niiio si recibe beneficios pliblicos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - BENEFlClOS Si algun miembro del hogar recibe SNAP o TANF, db el nombre y numero de caso del miembro que recibe 10s beneficios. Nombre Numero de caso SNAP TANF ~Recibe este hogar FDPlR (Distribucibn de comida en resewaciones indigenas) Siga abajo en la Parte 5 S i (Siga en la Parte 5 y complete) - MIEMBROS DEL HOGAR E INGRESO MENSUAL BRUT0 s i no es mensual, vea las conversiones al dorso Columna 1 Liste todos 10s miembros del hogar, incluidos nifios, que no asisten a la escuela, y el ingreso. No incluya a 10s estudiantes listados en la parte 2, a menos que reciban ingresos regulares. (Apellido, Primer nombre) Columna 2 lngreso mensual (Ganancias y sueldos totales antes de deducciones) Columna 3 Manutencibn infantil. Asistencia social, Pensi6n alimentiua Recibidas por mes Columna 4 Mensual pensiones, Retiro del Seguro Social por mes Columna 5 Otro lngreso mensual - lncluido Seguro de desempleo Y Compensaci6n laboral Columna 6 Marque si no hay ingreso 1. - FIRMA, FECHA Y ultimos cuatro numeros del NUMERO DE SEGURO SOCIAL (Un adulto debe firmar) Certifico (prometo) que toda la informaci6n en esta solicitud es verdadera (correcta) y que he informado todos 10s ingresos. Entiendo que la escuela obtendra fondos federales en base a la informaci6n que proporclone. Entiendo que 10s funcionarios de la escuela pueden verificar (controlar) la informacl6n. Entiendo que si doy informaci6ndeliberadamente falsa, mis hijos pueden perder 10s beneficios de wmidas y se me puede procesar. Finna de un miembro adulto del hogar Firmado en X Nlimero de Seguro Social (Ver declaracibn de privacidad al dorso) nx-xx- No tengo numero de Seguro Social Mesldialaiio GRUPO RACIAL 0 ETNICO (OPCIONAL) Negro o afroamericano Marque una o m i s identidades raciales: Marque una identidad ktnica: Asiitico Blanco, no de origen hispano Hispano o latino lndio americano y nativo de Alaska Otra Nativo de Hawai o de otra isla del Pacifico Prefiero recibir toda la correspondencia en Espaiiol Ruso Otro NOdeseo que mi informacidn se comparta con el programa de seguro de salud de nii'ios del Estado Firme aqul:: Tengo un hijo (o hijos) que no tienen ninglin tipo de cobertura de salud - ni de seguro de salud privado ni de Oregon Health Plan I Total Income: Free based on: SNAPITANF FDPlR household income foster child's Income Form 581-3514e-P (Rev. 04111) Number in household: Reduced based on: household income foster child's income - Denied Reason: n income too high incomplete application Date Withdrawn: Temporary: Free Reduced Until: Determining Official's Signature : Date Until: (maximum 45 days each) 95 a a Si su hogar recibe SNAP, TANF o FDPIR, complete las partes 1,2 y 5; las partes 6 y 7 son opcionales. Si no recibe estos beneficios y su ingreso se encuentra por debaio de las pautas, complete las partes 1, 2,4 y 5; las partes 6 y 7 son opcionales. Si en su hogar hay un NINO BAJO TUTELA TEMPORARIA, complete las partes I,2,4 y 5; las partes 6 y 7 son opcionales. C~MO DETERMINAR EL INGRESO MENSUAL PARA GANANCIAS Y SUELDOS En la Parte 4 de esta solicitud debe informarse el ingreso mensual de todos 10s miembros del hogar. El tbrmino ingreso significa cualquier dinero que se recibe regularmente por trabajo, manutenci6n infantil, pensi6n alimenticia, pensiones, retiros, seguro social o cualquier otra fuente. Excluya prbstamos estudiantileslescolares. Los miembros del hogar que no cobran mensualmente deben convertir 10s ingresos a ingresos mensuales de la siguiente manera: Miembros del hogar que cobran cada semana: Multiplique por 52 10s ingresos y sueldos totales de un period0 de pago, antes de las deducciones. Luego divida por 12. La cifra resultante es el ingreso mensual total. Miembros del hogar que cobran cada 2 semanas: Multiplique por 26 10s ingresos y sueldos totales de un period0 de pago, antes de las deducciones. Luego divida por 12. La cifra resultante es el ingreso mensual total. Miembros del hogar que son trabaiadores de tem~oradao aue trabaian menos de 12 meses: Proyecte el porcentaje de ingreso anual de ingreso para representar correctamente las circunstancias presentes y luego divida por 12. La cifra resultante es el ingreso mensual proyectado. Nota: El dinero que recibe de un negocio o una granja que es de su propiedad se debe informar como 'ingreso neto". El ingreso net0 se define como el ingreso total que queda despubs de substraer 10s gastos para operar el negocio o la granja de 10s recibos brutos. PAUTAS FEDERALES PARA INGRESO - DECLARACI~NDE PRlVAClDAD NUMEROS DE SEGURO SOCIAL La Ley Nacional de Almuerzo Escolar Richard B. Russell requiere la informaci6n en esta solicitud. Usted no tiene que dar la informaci6n per0 si no lo hace no podemos aprobar a su hijo para que reciba comidas gratis o a precio reducido. Debe incluir 10s ultimos 4 digitos del numero de seguro social del miembro adulto del hogar que firma la solicitud. Los ultimos 4 digitos del numero de seguro social no se requieren cuando usted hace la solicitud en nombre de un niiio bajo tutela temporaria o lista el Programa de SNAP, un numero de caso del Programa de Asistencia Temporaria para Familias Necesitadas (TANF) o un identificador para su hijo del Programa de Distribuci6nde Alimentos en Reservaciones lndigenas (FDPIR), o cuando usted indica que el miembro adulto del hogar que firma la solicitud no tiene un ndmero de seguro social. Usaremos su informaci6n para deteninar si su hijo es elegible para recibir comidas gratis o a precio reducido, y para administrar y hacer cumplir 10s prograrnas de almuerzo y desayuno. Podemos compartir su informaci6n de elegibilidad con prograrnas de educacibn, salud y alimentaci6n para ayudarles a evaluar, financiar o determinar beneficios para sus prograrnas; con auditores de revisi6n de programas y con funcionarios del orden para ayudarles a detectar violaciones a la reglas de 10s programas. Podemos compartir la informaci6n de este formulario con Medicaid o el Programa de Seguro de Salud de Niiios del Estado (SCHIP), a menos que usted nos diga que no lo hagamos. La informacibn, si se revela, se utilizara para identificar niiios elegibles y tratar de inscribirlos en Medicaid o SCHIP. DECLARACI~NDE NO DISCRIMINACI~N Esto explica qub hacer si considera que ha sido tratado injustamente. De acuerdo con la ley Federal y El Departamento de Agricultura de 10s EE. UU. (USDA por sus siglas en inglbs) esta instituci6n prohibe la discriminaci6n a base de raza, color, origen national, sexo, edad, o impedimentos. Para presentar una reclamaci6n de discriminacibn, escriba a USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 o llame gratis al (866) 632-9992 (voz). Las personas con dificultades auditivas o discapacidades del habla pueden comunicarse con el USDA a trav6s del Sistema Federal de Transmisiones al (800) 8778339 o al numero (866) 845-6136. USDA es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igual oportunidad a todos. Form 581-3514e-P (Rev. 04111) 96 NEED HELP WITH COLLEGE PLANNING? Take Advantage of the ASPIRE Program! Post High School Education Planning ASPIRE advisors can help you search for the perfect college, university, trade school, or apprenticeship program. Additionally they will help you apply for scholarships, grants, and loans. Located in the Fourth Street Center at CHS, ASPIRE utilizes adult volunteers from the Canby community to help high school students plan, prepare for, and achieve their postsecondary education goals, which may include college or a vocational/technical school. ASPIRE Advisors meet regularly with students, in the presence of school staff, and assist with the development of a post high school education plan. They provide encouragement, information, and technical assistance for financial aid and admissions applications. All students are encouraged to participate in the ASPIRE Program. For more information or if you are interested in volunteering for the ASPIRE Program, please contact our office at 503-263-7200 ext. 5022. If you think college is too expensive...if someone says you’re not smart enough...think again. ASPIRE (Access to Student assistance Programs In Reach of Everyone) 97 return to top Senior Graduation Photos for Canby High School’s Yearbook This list of specification should be given to your photographer in order that two specific and uniform photographs are sent to the Cougar Yearbook staff. The technical specifications for the yearbook and composite are as follows: 1. Two identical photographs must be submitted. 2. Photos may be in color or black and white (color is preferred). 3. The print size must be wallet size, approximately 2”x3” in a portrait layout. (Preferred head size is three-quarter inch to approximately one inch (3/4”-1”) from the top of the head to the chin). 4. Photos should be only of the graduating senior. Photos containing other people or props will not be accepted. 5. If you are submitting a photo electronically (via e-mail or on disk) be sure that the resolution is at least 300 dpi when printed at the appropriate size. 6. All photos submitted via e-mail should be sent to [email protected]. Please make definite plans with your photographer for delivering your senior photograph to the yearbook staff. Send them to: Canby High School Attention: Yearbook Staff 721 SW 4th Ave. Canby OR 97013 Or Deliver them yourself to Ms. Czerkies at Canby High School. You may place them in her box or bring them to room 409. Please place the photographs in a sealed envelope that has your full name and the words Yearbook Photo and Ms. Czerkies printed on the envelope. Students who do not submit a photograph, or submit a photograph that does not meet the specifications listed above, may have their photo replaced with their student identification photograph. The final date that senior photographs will be accepted is November 14, 2011. If you have additional questions, please contact Ms. Czerkies at 503-263-7200 Ext. 5409 or at [email protected] 98 return to top GRADUATION ALL-NIGHT PARTY CLASS OF 2012 GAP 2012 AN EVENT ORGANIZED BY PARENTS AND COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS The planning has begun... We have begun planning for the Class of 2012 Graduation All-Night Party (GAP 2012). The party begins at 10:30 p.m. the day of graduation, June 15th, 2012. It will follow the graduation ceremony and will end after breakfast at 5:00 a.m. the following Saturday. The party will be held at Baker Prairie Middle School. ORDER YOUR TICKETS TODAY Tickets can be purchased for $30.00 each. Seniors who purchase tickets before April 1st (no foolin’!) will be entered in a drawing where one senior will be refunded his/her ticket price. Tickets can be purchased at Registration or simply send your payment to: GAP, PO Box 227, Canby, OR, 97013. The ticket will be held in the graduate’s name. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! This event is a FUN one! We are providing a fun-filled, alcohol-free party for our seniors. Because we will be serving at least 350 seniors, we need volunteers! Please contact Debbie Turrentine at 503.381.3549 or Brigitte Zieg at 503.266.6581. Lei Orders for the Graduates We have two different kinds of leis available for sale for the graduates: Orchid and Kukui Nut. the Stadium Gym. To order, fill out the form below, detach it and mail it with payment to: Leis are $15 each. Please make checks payable to GAP. Jolene Neuberger, 656 SE 6th Place, Canby, OR, 97013. The Leis will be delivered just before the Graduation Ceremony in Order deadline: June 1st. Orchid Please check out our facebook page! Do a search for Canby Allnight Party on Kukui 2012 Lei Order Form Name of person ordering: Quantity: Orchid or Kukui Total Amount Paid: $ Person(s) to receive the lei(s): @ $15.00 each. 99 return to top CANBY HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION ALL-NIGHT PARTY AGREEMENT & WAIVER OF LIABILITY FORM The undersigned senior graduate (and her or his parent or legal guardian if the graduate is under 18 years old at the time of signing this document), hereby agrees as follows: I understand that the Graduation All-Night Party (hereafter “GAP” or “Party”) has been organized and is being carried out by numerous volunteers who have sacrificed their time and talents to put on this voluntary, non-alcoholic and drug-free party for the benefit of the graduating seniors. I understand that the Party will take place at Baker Prairie Middle School in Canby, Oregon, and will involve carnival type activities, sports type activities and other activities that involve inherent risks. In exchange for the right to participate, I am willing to agree to the standards of conduct set forth below, and am willing to waive and release all claims of liability against such volunteers and others, and to indemnify them, as described below. Standards of Conduct 1. Smoking, alcoholic beverages and drugs are prohibited. Alcohol, even on the breath, becomes a police matter. 2. Please arrive at the party between 10:30 and 11:30 pm. If work or a family gathering requires a student to arrive late, special permission must be pre-arranged by contacting Karen Langford. 3. If a student needs to leave the party early, he/she must pre-arrange special permission. This requires prior permission from both your parent and Karen Langford. No one, after leaving, will be allowed to re-enter the party. 4. Homes of students who have paid but do not show up at the party will be called. This will take place between 11:30 pm and 1 am. Parents of students deciding not to attend should inform Karen Langford to avoid this call. 5. No backpacks or purses will be allowed into the party. Students who have personal items they cannot get into pockets will be provided with a labeled, gallon-sized Ziploc bag in which to store such items. These bags will be kept in the coatroom but may be retrieved whenever needed. 6. Parents will be called if a student becomes unruly or is an endangerment to others. He/she will remain at the party until a parent is able to pick them up. 7. Dress is casual; however we ask that you use good judgment. *Karen Langford can be contacted @ 503-266-1643. CHS Graduation All-Night Party Waiver of Liability; Indemnification In addition to the risks of participation mentioned above, I recognize there is an inherent risk in operating a vehicle after an all-night party, and that I am hereby strongly encouraged to make other arrangements for my transportation home from the party. (continued on page 2) 1 100 return to top CHS Graduation All-Night Party Waiver of Liability; Indemnification (continued) I hereby acknowledge that I am responsible to inform Karen Langford of any medical conditions and any medications that might impact my participation at the Party, and agree that this information may be disclosed by the adult volunteers to medical providers as reasonably deemed necessary by such volunteers in connection with any medical treatment given or offered to me. I recognize that the GAP Committee will have a nurse or emergency medical technician available during the Party, and shall in no way be responsible for any medical care given by such person(s). During the Party, if I require medical treatment and am unable to authorize medical decisions for myself, I authorize and direct the medical personnel at the Party to make emergency medical decisions for me. I understand that the volunteers will attempt to contact my parent or guardian as soon as reasonably possible in this situation, but agree in any event that the costs associated with my transport and treatment for medical emergencies will be paid by the undersigned. I hereby release, indemnify, hold harmless and forever discharge the Canby High School Graduation All-Night Party Committee and its agents, employees, officers, directors and affiliates, all volunteers assisting in the planning, organizing, preparation and/or conduct of the Party, and the Canby School District, of and from all claims, demands, debts, contracts, expenses, causes of action, lawsuits, damages and liabilities of every kind and nature, whether known or unknown, in law or equity, that I (or my child) ever have or may have, arising from or in any way related to my (or my child’s) participation in the Party; provided, however, that this waiver of liability does not apply to acts of gross negligence or intentional, willful or wanton misconduct, or to any other actions for which a waiver of liability would be invalid under Oregon law. This document is binding on the undersigned and on her/his heirs, executors, successors and assigns, and shall continue in full force and effect even after the termination of the Party. If any provision herein is held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain fully enforceable. In any legal dispute concerning this document, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover his or her costs and attorney fees, both at trial and on any appeal there from. This document shall be governed by Oregon law. I have read and understand the terms of this document and hereby sign it willingly. (The parent or legal guardian must also sign if the graduate is under 18 years old at the time of signature.) Graduate’s Date of Birth: __________________________ Graduate’s Cell Number: _________________________ Graduate’s Name: _______________________________ Age: ____________ Graduate’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____________ Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________ Parent Signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________ Parent/Guardian’s contact numbers during the party: _______________________ 2 101 return to top August 2011 Dear Parent/Guardian: All medications will require the enclosed form to be completed by the parent, even for students requesting the privilege of self-medicating. Self-medication also requires administrative approval, which considers the welfare of all students in the building. This privilege can be revoked for any student violating school board policy. We at Canby High School feel that most medications, especially inhalers and over the counter products, can be safely self administrated by high school students. Every medication requires its own form. When prescriptions change in medication / dose / or time, new written directions must come from the prescribing physician. Medications still need to come to school in the original container with the students’ name or pharmacy label. Authorization to Dispense Medication forms need to be turned in at the counseling office for approval. Additional forms can be obtained in the counseling office. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 503266-7861. Sincerely, Dianne Holme, RN Canby School District Nurse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADMINISTERING MEDICATION TO STUDENTS The district recognizes that administering of medication to students and self-medication may be necessary when the failure to take such medication would jeopardize the health of the student or the student would not be able to attend school if medication were not made available during school hours. Requests for school personnel to administer medication to students may be approved by the district as follows: A. An Authorization to Dispense Medication form (prescription) must be submitted to the school office with the following information: 1. Written signed permission from the parent or guardian; 2. Written instruction from the physician for the administration of the prescription medication for the student shall include: a. Name of the student; b. Name of the medication; c. Route; d. Dosage; e. Frequency of administration; and f. Other special instruction, if any. The prescription label will be considered to meet this requirement if it contains the information listed in a through f above. B. An Authorization to Dispense Medication form (nonprescription) must be submitted to the counseling office with the following information: 1. Written signed permission from the parent or guardian; 102 return to top 2. Written instruction from the parent or guardian for the administration of the nonprescription medication for the student shall include: a. b. c. d. e. f. Name of the student; Name of the medication; Route; Dosage; Frequency of administration; and Other special instruction, if any. C. Medication is to be submitted in its original container. D. It is recommended that medication be brought to the school by the parent or guardian or an adult. In the event a student does bring medication to the school, the original container must be in a sealed envelope. Before the medication is administered, confirmation shall be made between the district and the parent or guardian. E. It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to ensure that an adequate amount of medication is on hand at the school for the duration of the student’s need to take medication. Also, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to pick up all unused medications within five (5) days after the last day of school. F. It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to ensure that the school is informed in writing from the physician in any changes in prescription medication instructions. G. The district will attempt to provide trained staff for off-site curricular activities, such as field trips. However, trained staff may not be available; therefore, the parent or guardian may need to administer the medication to the student, or make other arrangements. H. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to administer medication to his/her student(s) in all extra curricular activities. SELF-MEDICATION A. Sharing and/or borrowing of medication with another student is strictly prohibited and in violation of Policy JFCG, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs. B. Grades K-8: Self-medication of prescription and nonprescription medication is not allowed except in cases where a student must carry such medication on his/her person and the necessary permission form and written instructions have been submitted as required in Administering Medication to Students, Sections A and B. C. Grade 9-12: 1. Students must meet age appropriate guidelines to self-medicate without assistance from school personnel. All requests for self-medication shall be made by the parent in writing. Requests for prescription medication shall specify self-medication in the written instructions from the prescribing physician. Complete Authorization to Dispense Medications forms are submitted to your building administrator for final approval. 2. All prescription medication must be kept in its appropriately labeled, original container. Prescription labels must specify the name of the student, name of the medication, dosage, route, and frequency or time of administration and any other special instruction. D. Permission to self-medicate may be revoked if the student violates Board Policy, Administering Noninjectable Medicines to Students and/or this procedure. 103 return to top Agosto 2011 Estimado Padre/Tutor: Una enmienda a ley estatal que cubre los medicamentos requeridos para los estudiantes en la escuela ha cambiado los procedimientos del distrito. Ahora todos los medicamentos requerirán la forma que está incluida para ser llenada por el padre, aún para aquellos estudiantes que soliciten el privilegio de auto-medicarse. La auto-medicación también requiere la aprobación administrativa la cual busca el bienestar de todos los estudiantes de la escuela. Este privilegio puede ser prohibido a cualquier estudiante que esté violando la póliza de la mesa escolar. Nosotros en la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby (CHS) sentimos que la mayoría de los medicamentos, especialmente los inhaladores y los productos sin receta, pueden ser auto-administrados con seguridad por los estudiantes de la preparatoria. Cada medicamento requiere su propia forma. Cuando las recetas cambian el medicamento/dosis/u horario, el médico tiene que prescribir nuevas indicaciones por escrito. Los medicamentos necesitan ser traídos a la escuela en su envase original con el nombre del estudiante o la etiqueta de la farmacia. Las formas de Autorización para Administrar Medicamento necesitan ser entregadas a la oficina de consejería para recibir la aprobación. Formas adicionales las pueden obtener en la oficina. Sabemos que la nueva ley ha hecho de esta rutina de tomar medicamento en la casa ahora un inconveniente en la escuela. Queremos continuar simplificando este procedimiento mientras nos sea permitido para que su estudiante sea un triunfador en la escuela. Gracias por su cooperación. Si tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación, favor de llamar al teléfono 503-266-7861. Atentamente, Diane Holme, RN Enfermera del Distrito Escolar de Canby Anexo ADMINISTRACIÓN DE MEDICAMENTOS PARA LOS ESTUDIANTES El distrito reconoce que la administración de medicamento para los estudiantes y la automedicación puede ser necesaria cuando la falta de tomar dicho medicamento podría poner en peligro la salud del estudiante o que le impidiera asistir a la escuela si el medicamento no pudiera estar disponible durante las horas de clases. Las solicitudes para que el personal escolar administre medicamento a los estudiantes deben ser aprobadas por el distrito así como se especifica en lo siguiente: A. La forma de Autorización para Administrar Medicamentos (con receta) debe ser sometida a la oficina escolar con la siguiente información: 1. El permiso por escrito y firmado por el padre o el tutor; 2. Las instrucciones escritas del médico para la administración del medicamento recetado para el estudiante deben incluir: a. Nombre del estudiante, b. Nombre del medicamento, c. Forma, d. Dosis, e. Frecuencia de la administración y f. Otras instrucciones especiales, si las hay. La etiqueta de la receta será considerada para cumplir con estos requisitos si contiene la información mencionada arriba de la “a” a la “f”. TR-347 EO/VA/DBH file: 347 esp-Nurse Ltr & info (CHS)1.doc return to top Fecha de impresión 8/1/11 12:21 PM Página 1 de 2 104 B. La forma de Autorización para Administrar Medicamento (sin receta) debe ser sometida a la oficina escolar con la siguiente información: 1. El permiso por escrito y firmado por el padre o el tutor; 2. Las instrucciones por escrito del padre o el tutor para la administración del medicamento sin receta para el estudiante deben incluir: a. Nombre del estudiante, b. Nombre del medicamento, c. Forma, d. Dosis, e. Frecuencia de la administración y f. Otras instrucciones especiales, si las hay. C. El medicamento debe ser presentado en su envase original. D. Se recomienda que el medicamento sea traído a la escuela por el padre o tutor o por un adulto. En el caso de que el estudiante traiga el medicamento a la escuela, el envase original debe estar en un sobre cerrado. Antes de que el medicamento sea administrado, se necesita la confirmación del distrito con el padre o tutor. E. Es la responsabilidad del padre o tutor asegurarse de que una cantidad adecuada de medicamento esté al alcance del estudiante en la escuela por el tiempo que deba tomar el medicamento. También, es la responsabilidad del padre o tutor recoger el medicamento sin usar dentro de un lapso de cinco (5) días después del último día de clases. F. Es la responsabilidad del padre o del tutor asegurarse de que la escuela sea informada por escrito de parte del médico, de cualquier cambio en las instrucciones del medicamento recetado. G. El distrito procurará proveer personal que esté entrenado para administrar medicamento para las actividades fuera de la escuela tales como los paseos. Sin embargo, el personal entrenado pudiera no estar disponible; por lo tanto, el padre o tutor necesita administrar el medicamento al estudiante o hacer otros arreglos. H. Es la responsabilidad del padre o tutor administrar el medicamento a su estudiante(s) en todas las actividades llevadas a cabo después de clases. AUTOMEDICACIÓN A. El compartir y/o prestar el medicamento a otro estudiante está estrictamente prohibido y es una violación a la Póliza JFCG, sobre Tabaco, Alcohol, y Drogas. B. Para los grados del K-8: La automedicación de medicamento con receta o sin receta no está permitida excepto en casos donde el estudiante deba llevar tal medicamento consigo y el permiso necesario y las instrucciones por escrito hayan sido sometidas como se pide en la Administración de Medicamento para Estudiantes, Secciones A y B. C. Grados 9-12: D. 1. Los estudiantes deben tener la edad apropiada para automedicarse sin la ayuda del personal de la escuela. Todas las solicitudes para automedicarse deben ser hechas por el padre por escrito. Las solicitudes de medicamento recetado deben especificar la automedicación con las instrucciones por escrito de parte del médico que lo ordena. Las formas llenas de la Autorización para Administrar Medicamento son sometidas al administrador de la escuela para la aprobación final. 2. Todos los medicamentos recetados deben mantenerse con sus apropiadas etiquetas y en el envase original. La etiqueta del medicamento debe especificar el nombre del estudiante, nombre del medicamento, dosis, forma de administración, y la frecuencia y el horario de la administración y cualquier otra instrucción especial. El permiso para automedicarse puede ser suspendido si el estudiante viola la póliza, sobre la Administración de Medicinas No-inyectables para Estudiantes y/u este procedimiento. TR-347 EO/VA/DBH file: 347 esp-Nurse Ltr & info (CHS)1.doc return to top Fecha de impresión 8/1/11 12:21 PM Página 2 de 2 105 Canby High Math Department recommends the following calculators for the courses listed below: Most calculators go on sale in August, so you may want to watch for the calculator your student will need. Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Informal Geometry, and Geometry: The calculator we are recommending is the Texas Instrument TI-30XS IIS. The price ranges from $15 - $18. It is a scientific calculator with dual display, fraction key and trigonometric ratio keys (sin, cos, tan). If you should purchase this calculator, please cut out the proof of purchase symbol to give to your student’s math teacher. Collectively, these proofs of purchase can be redeemed, by teachers, to receive classroom technology related to calculators. ** Advanced Algebra, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus: The calculator we are recommending is the Texas Instrument TI-84 Plus or TI Inspire. This is the type of calculator your teacher will be using. If you should purchase one of these calculators (or any TI graphing calculator), please cut out the proof of purchase symbol to give to your student’s math teacher. Collectively, these proofs of purchase can be redeemed, by teachers, to receive classroom technology related to calculators. Parents whose students already have a graphing calculator do not need to buy another graphing calculator. ** ** NOTE: If you know that it will be impossible for you or your student to purchase any of the above-mentioned calculators at this time (or ever), please contact your student’s math teacher at the beginning of the school year. We have a limited number of each calculator model to loan. El Departamento de Matemáticas de la Escuela Preparatoria de Canby recomienda las siguientes Calculadoras para los cursos mencionados abajo: La mayoría de las calculadoras salen a la venta en agosto, así que usted debe buscar la calculadora que su hijo(a) necesitará. Pre-Algebra, Álgebra I, Geometría Informal y Geometría: La calculadora que estamos recomendando es la Texas Instrument TI 30X IIS. El precio varía entre $15 y $18. Una calculadora científica con clave de fracción y con claves trigonométricas (sin, cos y tan). Si usted compra esta calculadora, por favor entregue el recibo de compra al maestro de matemáticas de su hijo(a). Juntando estos recibos como prueba de compra, los maestros pueden canjearlos para recibir tecnología escolar relacionada con las calculadoras. ** Álgebra Avanzada, Álgebra II, Pre Cálculo, AP Cálculo: La calculadora que estamos recomendando es la Texas Instrument TI 84 Plus ó la TI Inspire. Esta es la clase de calculadora que su maestro estará usando. Si usted compra esta calculadora (o cualquier calculadora gráfica TI), por favor entregue el recibo de compra al maestro de matemáticas de su hijo(a). Juntando estos recibos como prueba de compra, los maestros pueden cambiarlos para recibir tecnología escolar relacionada con las calculadoras. Los padres de los estudiantes que ya tengan una calculadora gráfica, no necesitan comprar otra. ** ** NOTA: Si usted sabe que será imposible para usted o su hijo(a) comprar en este momento (ni después), cualquiera de las calculadoras ya mencionadas, por favor comuníquese con el maestro de matemáticas de su hijo(a) al principio del año escolar. Tenemos un número limitado de cada modelo de calculadora que podemos prestar. 106 return to top
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