REGULAR ACTIVITIES Year B, Cycle 1I :: Vol. 3 No. 3 :: 2nd Sun In Ord Time :: 15th January, 2012 REFLECTION MASS SCHEDULE: Sundays: 6:30am & 9:00am WEEKDAY MASS Tuesdays: 6:00am Wednesdays: 6:30pm (Youth Mass) Thursdays: 6:00am Fridays: 6:30pm Saturdays: 6:30am GROTTO MASS 1st Saturday of Each Month: 6:00pm CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 5:00 – 7:00pm INFANT BAPTISM 1st Saturdays of Each Month: 6:30am BCC MEETINGS Mondays: 7:00pm CHILDREN’S SERVICE Sundays: 9:00am HOLY HOUR Thursdays before the 1st Fridays of every month: 6:30pm COMMUNION FOR THE SICK After First Mass (6:30am) on Sundays BENEDICTION Every Sunday: 6:00pm MARRIAGE Marriage is arranged with the Parish Priest 6-months notice before wedding. CATECHISM CLASSES Tuesdays & Thursdays: 5:00pm Saturdays at 8:00am DIVINE MERCY PRAYERS Every Friday at 3:00pm HOUR OF GRACE Last Sunday of every month: 6:00pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mondays - Fridays: 8:00am - 5:00pm Sundays: After 1st & 2nd masses PARISH MISSION STATEMENT T o proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all kinds of people, responding to the needs of the people, the sick, the imprisoned, the poor, the oppressed, etc. We accept great commission as having personal implication for every Christian disciple..... (Matt. 28: 18-20, Acts 1: 8, Mk 16: 15) W E ARE IN THE SEASON OF ORDINARY TIME. THIS IS A TIME of growth. I pray that we all grow in virtue these weeks before the Season of Lent. We are presented with the call of Samuel in today's first reading. God called the boy Samuel who for a while had been serving in the temple. It is worth noting that God's call to Samuel was a very personal call. God called him by name, Samuel! It's so real, so human, so personalized, that Samuel keeps thinking that Eli is the one who's calling him. Eli is someone who knows Samuel, someone Samuel knows, a close companion in life. That Samuel was able to confuse God's voice with Eli's shows just how personal God's call was. In calling Samuel, God was offering Samuel a friendship. Today, God is reminding us that he is not only willing to but more importantly He wants to enter into a relationship with you. Developing that friendship is his deepest desire! God knew Samuel, through and through. Samuel was serving in the temple. He slept close to the Ark of the Covenant. This is how God calls each one of us. God calls us because He knows us. The truth of the matter is that God knows us even better than we know ourselves; as St Augustine put it He is nearer than my nearest self. The Catechism expresses this truth wonderfully. It says: "... at every time and in every place, God draws close to man [#1]... God never ceases to draw man to himself [#27]. So on the one hand God is always coming close to us, and on the other hand he is always drawing us closer to him. We need to respond positively to the friendship of God. In the gospel, John the Baptist points to Jesus and directs his own disciples to him. Andrew recruits Simon Peter, and together they seek out Jesus. Jesus, in turn, recognizes them. He responds to their questions and invites them to come and see where he lives. Do we have the courage to enter this same mutual recognition with God? Once we recognize God and God in turn call us, nothing will ever be the same. Sometimes we imitate others in our faith journey; that may be good for a start but relying on them for our identity and vocation is not enough. We need to personally discover who Jesus is. When you have found Him, Jesus will have a personal message for you just as he had a personal message for Peter. Peace Be With You TODAY’S READINGS First Reading: Sam 3:3-10,19, Res. Psalm: Ps 40 Res.: "Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will" Second Reading: Cor 6:13-15. 17-20 Gospel: Jn 1: 35-42 | [email protected] | [email protected] Tel: 0303-206393 | Fax: 0303-200666 2012 THEME Fr. John K. O. Amoah (Parish Priest): [email protected] Fr. Bernard Kwasi Kyei (Assistant Parish Priest): [email protected] “One Family In Christ Discovering & Nurturing Talents” Miss Casandra Botchway (Secretary): 024-7157583 Maurice Acquah Amponsem (Technical Assistant): 024-4706539 / 020-8866343 READINGS FOR THE WEEK SAINT OF THE WEEK Mon16th Sm 15:16-23,Ps 50, Mk 2:18-22 Tue 17th St. Anthony, Abbot Sm 16:1-13, Ps 89, Mk 2:23-28 Wed 18th Sm 17:32-33. 37. 4051, Ps 144, Mk 3:1-6 Thu 19th Sm 18:6-9; 9:1-7, Ps 56, Mk 3:712 Fri 20th Blsd Cyprian Michael Phil 2:1-1, Matt 13:31.44-45 Sat 21st St. Agnes Sm 1:1-4.11-12. 17.19.23-27, Ps 80, Mk 3:20-21 Sun 22nd 3rd Sun in Ord. Time Jonah 3:1-5. 10, Ps 25, Cor 7:2931, Mk 1-14-20 St. Paul the Hermit feast day: January 15 Paul was reportedly born in Egypt, where he was orphaned by age 15. He was also a learned and devout young man. During the persecution of Decius in Egypt in the year 250, Paul was forced to hide in the home of a friend. Fearing a brother-in-law would betray him, he fled in a cave in the desert. His plan was to return once the persecution ended, but the sweetness of solitude and heavenly contemplation convinced him to stay. He went on to live in that cave for the next 90 years. A nearby spring gave him drink, a palm tree furnished him clothing and nourishment. After 21 years of solitude a bird began bringing him half of a loaf of bread each day. Without knowing what was happening in the world, Paul prayed that the world would become a better place. Thought to have been about 112 when he died, Paul is known as the "First Hermit." His feast day is celebrated in the East; he is also commemorated in the Coptic and Armenian rites of the Mass. Christian Puzzle Christian Humour The Story of Moses A little boy went to church with his grandma. He went into Sunday school with the other kids. After church he rejoined his grandma, who asked what he had learned that day. "Well there was this guy named Moses," the boy started, "and he was running from this mean pharaoh. Moses & his army came to the Red Sea, but pharaoh was closing in, so Moses had his engineers build a bridge real quick & they got in their tanks & went across it. They got to the other side & when pharaoh's army was still on it they called in an air strike!!" “I don't think that's the story you were told," the grandma said. "You're right grandma, but if I told you the story they told us you wouldn't believe it either." Christian toons JOIN US FOR DIVINE MERCY PRAYER AT 3: 00PM ON FRIDAYS IN THE ADORATION CHAPEL The pure soul is a beautiful rose, and the Three Divine Persons descend from Heaven to inhale its fragrance. -- St. John Vianney YOU & YOUR HEALTH HEALTH BENEFITS OF APPLE Lung Cancer Prevention According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples. Diabetes Management The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes. Weight Loss A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting. Advertisement NACO FASHION Nan’s J COLLECTIONS Dealers in all kinds of FABRIC, LADIES & MEN’s WEAR Dealers in Wedding Accessories, Footwear, Jewellery, Lace and all kinds of Fabrics LOCATE US AT: Ground Floor, Adom FM,Comm. 2, Tema, near the Total Filling Station TEL: 0303.204721 / 020.8199242 / 027.6525134 BAKOSSY’ S SHOP Home of Quality Textiles For Men of Class and Women of Substance P. O. Box CO 2058, C.1, Tema Tel: 030.3206470, Mob: 027.7450777 LOCATION: Pentecost Junction, Danquah House, Comm. 5 MYSTICAL ROSE Crèche and Day Care Open to children from 3 months to 2 years old. !eunitnoc eb ot PARISH BILLBOARD ŸWe are all encouraged to contribute in cash or kind for the production of the Parish Bulletin. We also encourage you to patronize our advertizers. ŸDues are paid to Secretary at her office: Adults and workers GH 6 for the year, University, Senior and Junior High students GH 3 and children GH 2 for the year. ŸStandard Newspaper: Subscribe to the Standard today CONTACT: Baaba Korsah Addison(Mrs.) Community 1 Shopping Centre opp. The Shell Filling Station or SK 834, Sakumono, Tema Tel: 030.3208478 Mob. 024.4251 693 / 026.4251693 / 027.2807549 Contact Mrs. Sarah Grant Tel: 0303.207036 / 024.4247578 H/No. 26/N1C2, Comm. 2, Tema Near Peace on Earth, Italian Flat, DUFIE FARMS Eggs and buy more for friends. Dressed Chicken ŸMass Etiquette: Leaving The Church: The final part of Mass is singing a closing hymn. Leaving before the hymn ends is inappropriate. Genuflect toward the tabernacle before leaving your seat or aisle. Please leave the church quietly and make way for the Eucharistic Ministers carrying the Holy Communion for the sick. ŸPlease don't Litter the Church compound, let us keep it clean and sacred for the Lord. ŸKneelers: Please desist from resting your shoes on the kneeler. Kindly pull them gently when kneeling. ŸMarriage: All those who would want to get married should please contact the Parish Priest, Fr. John Amoah at least six months before the anticipated date of the wedding to make the necessary arrangements and preparation for the wedding. Pass the outlet at Mankoadze for fresh eggs. Contact us on 024.4637705 / 024.362171 Paradise gardens gardens the floral and Landscape professionals Order your fresh wedding flower arrangements, bouquets, corsages, funeral wreaths etc... Participate in a weekend course for three months. Learn how to make all the above and more. Acquire skills whiles you have fun, boost your décor business and give better care to your garden. Contact: Nada 0244 77 20 56 / 0274 77 20 56 Loc: Opp. Guiness Depot Hse. No. AD/7, Comm.5, Tema Tel: 0244-216772 Fax: 0303-215678 Email:[email protected] If we say less than we should, it is easy to add. But having said too much, it is hard to take it away. -- St. Francis de Sales 3 Announcements Bulletin Sponsors: Mrs. Ursula Ata- Caesar May the Peace of Love and Mercy remain in you and your family PPC Members May the Everlasting Love of the Lord be upon you Mrs. Francisca Asirifi May the Good Lord bless the works of your hands Mrs. Sarah Ossom May the Good Lord bless and protect your family. Mrs. Theresah Yaabah Erzuah May the Lord grant you good health and long life Mrs. Agnes Huges Fynn May the Good Lord in His love and mercy guide and protect you. Madam Vincentia Aborah May Jesus the Good Shepherd be your guide and protection. Madam Grace Obeng We ask for God's Strength and Grace for you and your entire family Madam Elizabeth Sampson We Pray for God’s blessing & protection on her & on her family Parish Book Store Now Available are: Ÿ Good News Bible in two different sizes Ÿ The St. Anthony Treasury MEETINGS The Senior Marshallans will meet after the 1st mass. Akan Society will meet after the 2nd mass Christian Mothers will meet after both masses St. Theresa society will meet on Tuesday @ 5:30pm Members of BCC cell 9 are reminded of their meeting tomorrow at 7pm. New members are welcomed. Ÿ CASU will meet today @ 4pm. Ÿ CYO will meet today 4:00pm oth old and new members are welcome. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ. Ÿ INFORMATION: Ÿ The Priests will visit BCC cells 22 & 23 tomorrow @ 7pm Ÿ THE MISSAL LEAFLETS MUST NOT BE TAKEN AWAY Ÿ The Credit Union will have its AGM today after the 2nd Mass at the Parish Hall. Ÿ The Parish Calendar is on sale @ GH¢ 5.00 Please do well to buy some for the Home for the office and for friends. Ÿ Parishioners are to bring their Passport photo with their names written at the back for the database to the Secretary. Ÿ Societies who have not presented the Thanksgiving Receipt Books should hand them over to the Parish Secretary. Ÿ All parishioners who made pledges during the Annual thanksgiving are kindly asked to redeem them. Ÿ Catholic Institute of Business Technology (CIBT) invites you to pursue a degree programme in an Academic friendly environment. Admission is in progress. Those interested may apply or call 0243713982, 0244973202 and 0242118280. THIS WEEK Ÿ Fri 20th Ÿ Fri 20th Ÿ UPCOMING EVENT Sun 22nd - Sun 29th Wed 25 Sun 29 Sun 29 - Sun 5th Feb Sat 3rd March Ÿ Let Us pray with St. Anthony Ÿ Good News Bible Covers Ÿ Children's Bible ( Different types) Ÿ Different types of Rosaries Ÿ Mary Statues (Different sizes) 6:00am 6:00pm Education Week Conversion of St. Paul 6.30pm Hour of Grace/Healing 6.00pm Children's Week The Parish is embarking on its annual Pilgrimage to Agbenoxoe on Sat 3rd March. The fare is GH¢25.00 per person. Parishioners are encouraged to start registering and paying with their societal leaders or with the Parish Secretary. MARRIAGE BANNS 1st Time: Daniel Sackey & Joyce Gyapong 3rd Time: Frank Sekyere Boakye & Helen Fosuhemaa Wiafe 3rd Time: Alex Brenya & Hagar Abakah Turkson FUNERAL Ÿ We Regret To Announce The Death Of Mrs. Juliana Ofeibea Date Tetteh on 2nd January. Ÿ Different types of crucifix Ÿ Pieta Statue Ÿ The Jerusalem Bible Ÿ The RSV Bible with Deutrocanonical Books Ÿ The Catholic Diary and Directory Ÿ A shorter Morning and Evening Prayer Book Ÿ Divine Office Morning Mass Deanery candlelight Procession near the Meridian Hotel Funeral is from the 4th to 5th of February, 2012. All Parishioners are invited to mourn with them. Ÿ The family of the late Mr. James Hasford Mensah will have the family gathering today at Rasta Bazaar near Mangoase Bar. All parishioners are invited. APPRECIATION The Salifu family wishes to express their profound gratitude to the Parish Priest, his Associate and to all parishioners who in diverse ways supported during the Diaconate ordination of their son, Rev. Emmanuel Salifu. May God richly bless you all. PARISH DUTIES: C.Y.O will handle the cleaning of the Church and compound, the bidding prayers and the presentation of the offertory gifts @ the 1st mass and @ the 2nd mass, EWE UNION will handle the bidding prayers and the presentation of the offertory gifts. YOUR COMMENTS ON THE NEWSLETTER & WEBSITE MEAN A LOT TO US. WRITE TO US: The Parish Secretary or [email protected] / [email protected]
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