!‫כשר ושמח‬
Agudas Yisroel of America
April 11, 2015 - ‫ תשע"ה‬, ‫ כ"ב ניסן‬- Vol: 8 Issue: 25
)‫כז‬:‫ו‬,‫א‬:‫ו‬-‫ב‬:‫ ה‬,‫ז‬-‫ה‬:‫ ויאמר יהושע… (יהושע ג‬:‫כו הפטרה‬:‫טו‬-‫יז‬:‫ שמות יג‬:‫ שביעי של פסח‬- ‫חצי הלל ב ימים אחרונים‬
)‫כה‬-‫ כא‬,‫ט‬-‫א‬:‫ וישלח המלך… (מלכים ב כג‬:‫יז הפטרה‬:‫טז‬-‫כב‬:‫ דברים יד‬,‫ שיר השירים‬:‫אחרון של פסח‬
‫ כתובות ס״ז‬:‫ דף יומי‬- ‫כה‬-‫יט‬:‫ במדבר כח‬:‫מפטיר ב׳ ימים אחרונים‬
‫ּדֹודי ִהּנֵה זֶה ָּבא ְמ ַד ֵּלג ַעל ֶה ָה ִרים ְמ ַק ֵּפץ ַעל ַה ְּג ָבעֹות‬
ִ ‫קוֹל‬
The voice of my Beloved! Behold it came suddenly to redeem me as
ִ ‫)ׁשיר ַה ִּׁש‬.
if leaping over mountains, skipping over hills (‫ח‬:‫ירים ב‬
ִ ‫ ִמ ְד ָרשׁ ִׁשיר ַה ִּׁש‬on this ‫ ָּפסוּק‬comments that when ‫ מ ֶֹׁשה‬told ‫ְּכ ַלל יִ ְׂש ָר ֵאל‬
that their ‫אוּלה‬
ָ ‫ג‬,ְ redemption, from Egypt was imminent, they did not
believe him. “How can this be, if we don’t have the ‫כוּתים‬
ִ ‫ ְז‬necessary
for ‫אוּלה‬
ָ ‫”?ג‬
ְ they asked. ‫ מ ֶֹׁשה‬replied, “If ‫ הקב״ה‬desires to redeem you, He
will overlook your many sins. In whose merit will the ‫אוּלה‬
ָ ‫ ְג‬come? The
ִ ‫ ַצ ִד‬among you, including ‫ ַע ְמ ָרם‬and his ‫ּבית ִדין‬.”
ֵ The ‫ ִמ ְד ָרשׁ‬adds that
‫ הקב״ה‬says, “If I will analyze their wicked deeds, ‫ ְּכ ַלל יִ ְׂש ָר ֵאל‬will never be
redeemed. But I will redeem them in the merit of the leadership role
‫ ַע ְמ ָרם‬performs and the fact that the people accept his advice, because
whoever heeds the advice of the ‫ ֲח ָכ ִמים‬will not stumble.”
ָ ‫ ְג‬to the many in the merit of
This ‫ ִמ ְד ָרשׁ‬teaches that ‫ ד׳‬will bring ‫אוּלה‬
the few. A similar idea is found in ‫ֵרא‬
ָ ‫ּפ ָר ַׁשת ַוי‬,
ָ when ‫ ד׳‬informed ‫ַאב ָר ָהם‬
that He intended to destroy the sinful city of ‫ ְסדוֹם‬and its neighbors
due to the selfishness and bad behavior of its inhabitants. The
ִ ‫ ְס‬represented the very opposite of what ‫ַאב ָר ָהם‬
ְ had devoted his
life to teaching the world. In their eyes, he was certainly “public enemy
number one.” Nevertheless, he began to negotiate with ‫ ד׳‬to try to
ַ – Will you
save them. ‫ַאב ָר ָהם‬
ְ pleaded with ‫ד׳‬, … ‫?האַף ִּת ְס ֶּפה ַצ ִּדיק ִעם ָר ָׁשע‬
also stamp out the ‫צ ִּדיק‬,
ַ righteous, along with the wicked? ‫אוּלי יֵשׁ ֲח ִמ ִּׁשים‬
‫יקם ֲא ֶׁשר ְּב ִק ְר ָּבהּ‬
ִ ‫יקם ְּבתוְֹך ָה ִעיר ַהאַף ִּת ְס ֶּפה וְ ֹלא ִת ָּׂשא … ְל ַמ ַען ֲח ִמ ִּׁשים ַה ַצ ִּד‬
ִ ‫ – ַצ ִּד‬What
if there were fifty ‫יקים‬
ִ ‫ ַצ ִּד‬in the midst of the city? Would You still stamp
it out rather than spare the 50 ‫יקים‬
ִ ‫ ַצ ִּד‬within it? ‫ָח ִל ָלה ְלָך ֵמ ֲעׂשֹת ַּכ ָּד ָבר ַהּזֶה‬
… – It would be sacrilege to You to do such a thing … (‫כה‬-‫כג‬:‫אׁשית יח‬
ִ ‫)ּב ֵר‬
‫ ד׳‬agreed to this concept. Realizing that fifty ‫יקים‬
ִ ‫ ַצ ִּד‬would not be found
in ‫סדוֹם‬,
ְ ‫ַאב ָר ָהם‬
ְ bargained for forty-five, then for forty, then for thirty,
then for twenty and finally ten, but this too was not possible. After that,
he stopped, realizing that ‫’סדוֹם‬s
ְ fate was sealed.
It seems as if ‫’ַאב ָר ָהם‬s
efforts were in vain. Nonetheless, according
to the Dubno Maggid, he did win an important agreement from ‫;ד׳‬
namely, that He would spare an entire city in the merit of a few ‫יקים‬
ִ ‫צ ִּד‬.
This did not help the ‫דוֹמים‬
ִ ‫ ְס‬but it was crucial when ‫אוּלת ִמ ְצ ַריִם‬
ַ ‫ ְג‬took
place. There were many in ‫ ְּכ ַלל יִ ְׂש ָר ֵאל‬who did not consider themselves
worthy of redemption and refused to listen to ‫’מ ֶֹׁשה‬s call to prepare to
leave Egypt in ‫נִיסן‬.
ָ ‫ מ ֶֹׁשה‬explained to them this concept, that despite
the shortcoming of the vast majority of his fellow Jews, many of whom
were idolaters, there existed among them a minority of ‫יקים‬
ִ ‫צ ִּד‬,
ַ and ‫ד׳‬
had promised to bring the ‫אוּלה‬
ָ ‫ ְג‬in the merit of those few.
‫’ַאב ָר ָהם‬s
appeal for the ‫דוֹמים‬
ִ ‫ ְס‬also teaches us the power of our ‫ּת ִפ ָּלה‬.
ְ ‫ד׳‬
sees the bigger picture. Quite often, it is better for us that the ‫ ְּת ִפ ָּלה‬we
daven is saved and applied at a later time for our future generations!
Adapted from: Rav Pam on Yom Tov (with kind permission from ArtScroll)
Gedolim Glimpses
Yahrtzeits Gedolim
R' Moshe Halberstam ‫ַצ״ל‬
ַ ‫ ז‬was born in the town of
Tshokava, Galicia to ‫ ר׳ ַי ֲעקֹב‬Halberstam. He was a greatgreat-great grandson of the ‫ ִד ְב ֵרי ַחּיִ ים‬of Sanz. As a ‫ּבחוּר‬,
he learned under the ‫ נְ ִתיבוֹת ָׁשלוֹם‬of Slonim in ‫אַב ָר ָהם‬
ְ ‫יבת ֵּבית‬
ַ ‫יְ ִׁש‬. Later on, his
‫ ֶר ִּבי ֻמ ְב ָהק‬was R' Shmuel Wosner ‫יט״א‬
ָ ‫ ְׁש ִל‬in ‫לוּּב ִלין‬
ְ ‫יבת ֲח ְכ ֵמי‬
ַ ‫יְ ִׁש‬. He delivered
ִ ‫ ִׁש‬for decades in a ‫כּוֹלל‬
ֵ for ‫ ֲה ָל ָכה‬which he headed. Later, he became
a member of the ‫ ֵּבית ִּדין‬of the ‫ ֵע ָדה ֶה ָח ֵר ִדית‬and ‫יבה‬
ָ ‫ רֹאשׁ יְ ִׁש‬of Yeshivas
Tshokava. He founded the ‫ַעד ָה ַר ָּבנִים ְל ִענְ ָינֵי ְצ ָד ָקה‬
ַ ‫ו‬, and was the head of ‫ִח ַּבת‬
‫שׁוֹמ ֵרי ַהחוֹמוֹת‬
ְ ‫כּוֹלל‬
ֵ ‫יְרוּׁש ַליִם‬.
He also served as the ‫ָׂשיא‬
ִ ‫ נ‬of ‫ה ָצ ָלה‬,
ַ and was
the ‫ ָרב‬of the Shaarei Tzedek Hospital. He was known for his special
tolerance and his manner of dealing with all types of Yidden. He authored
‫שו׳ת ִד ְב ֵרי מ ֶֹׁשה‬.
‫כ״ו ניסן‬
5692 - 5766
1932 - 2006
‫ ר׳ מ ֶֹׁשה‬Halberstam ‫ַצ״ל‬
ַ ‫ ז‬went with his son on
a short trip outside of ‫יְרוּׁש ַליִם‬.
As they drove
back, ‫ ר׳ מ ֶֹׁשה‬saw the distant buildings of
the ‫ ַהר נוֹף‬neighborhood. His son recalled
how when ‫ ר׳ מ ֶֹׁשה‬saw these homes, he
broke into joyous melody and sang, ‫ע ְֹמדוֹת‬
‫יְרוּׁש ַליִם‬
ָ ‫היוּ ַר ְג ֵלינוּ ִּב ְׁש ָע ַריִ ְך‬,
ָ our feet shall stand
inside your gates, ‫יְרוּׁש ַליִם‬
ָ ! This happened
whenever he left and came back to ‫יְרוּׁש ַליִם‬.
He taught us to imagine the ‫ ִׂש ְמ ָחה‬we will all experience
when travelling to ‫יְרוּׁש ַליִם‬
ָ when ‫יח‬
ַ ‫ ָמ ִׁש‬will come!
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Living Torah
… ‫יתנוּ ְּב ָר ָעב זַנְ ָּתנוּ‬
ָ ‫ֲב ִדים ְּפ ִד‬
ָ ‫וּמ ֵּבית ע‬
ִ … (From ‫)נִ ְׁש ַמת‬.
… and freed us from the house of bondage. In famine You
nourished us …
Why was ‫ ִמ ְצ ַריִם‬called ‫ֲב ִדים‬
ָ ‫ּבית ע‬,
ֵ a house of bondage? Because
it was impossible for a servant to escape the bleak situation. So
too, during a famine, the people are lost and desperate. With a
strong ‫ ֱאמוּנָה‬in ‫ ה׳‬the situation can change, and what appeared
impossible yesterday, happens!
For Jews living in Leningrad during the height of the Cold War,
life under Communism was nearly intolerable. Working long
hours all week, a man could barely provide for a small family.
But when a Jew would try to make a living, he was up against
even greater odds.
ָ observant Jews lived in constant terror that their forbidden
observance would be discovered. That was a direct ticket to
Siberia. All of the pressure forced hundreds of thousands of
Jews to stop keeping ‫ ַׁש ָּבת‬and abandon the ‫תּוֹרה‬.
ָ But R' Yitzchak
Isaac Krasik would not succumb — not from the hunger, political
pressure and certainly not from fear. He lived by his own set of
rules. But one time his ingenuity got him in trouble.
On the first ‫ ַׁש ָּבת‬morning of his new job, he had shown up to
work with a fake bandage on his head in order to get excused
from work for the day. The next ‫ ַׁש ָּבת‬he came in complaining of
another ailment. For the first few ‫ׁש ָּבתוֹת‬,
ַ his manager authorized
his sick leave. Then he noticed the pattern. Every ‫ׁש ָּבת‬,
ַ R' Krasik
came in with another excuse. Each time another mysterious
ailment prevented him from doing any physical labor. Finally
the plant manager called him in and informed him that he knew
precisely what tricks he was up to. R' Krasik quickly shifted
gears. He pleaded with his boss and the man promised, at least
for now, not to report the “crime.” After another few weeks,
however, he fired R' Krasik from his job.
He was now faced with the daunting challenge of finding a
job to help feed his family. But no one was willing to overlook
Searching For Survival
the fact that he skipped work every ‫ׁש ָּבת‬.
ַ Weeks turned into
months and the Krasik family was desperate for food. With ‫ֶּפ ַסח‬
approaching, the home was completely bare. Not a morsel of
food could be found.
As the eve of the 14th of ‫נִיסן‬
ָ was upon them, they were
required to check their home for any possible ‫ח ֵמץ‬.
ָ The thought
was ludicrous. ‫ ָח ֵמץ‬in their barren home? How could he
possibly check for ‫ ָח ֵמץ‬at a time like this when his entire family
was starving? A thought crossed R' Krasik’s mind: Perhaps this
year there was no obligation for him to check for ‫ח ֵמץ‬.
ָ Perhaps
the entire house was considered a ‫נִיסים ּבוֹ ָח ֵמץ‬
ִ ‫ – ָמקוֹם ֶׁש ֵאין ַמ ְכ‬a
place where no ‫ ָח ֵמץ‬could have possibly entered.
His nephew, R' Meir Dobrovsky, came over and they discussed
the idea of not checking for ‫ ָח ֵמץ‬since there was obviously no
food to be found. Nevertheless, the notion of skipping ‫יקת‬
ַ ‫ְּב ִד‬
‫ ָח ֵמץ‬entirely just did not seem right. We check for ‫ ָח ֵמץ‬because
that is what ‫ ה׳‬wants from us and not necessarily because of
what we might find. Although his hunger made it feel more
like ‫ יוֹם ִּכפּוּר‬than ‫ּפ ַסח‬,
ֶ R' Yitzchak was determined to fulfill the
requirement to search for ‫ח ֵמץ‬.
As night fell and the stars appeared, he began his solemn
search. Going through the motions, he walked from room to
room searching for ‫ח ֵמץ‬.
ָ Though weak from hunger, he kept at
it. When he was almost finished, he stumbled across a large
roll! He could hardly believe his eyes. Where had it come from.
It couldn’t possibly have been there beforehand. But there it
was before his very eyes.
He sat down upon concluding his ‫יקת ָח ֵמץ‬
ַ ‫ ְּב ִד‬and, together with
his family, ate a very special ‫עוּדה‬
ָ ‫יקת ָח ֵמץ ְס‬
ַ ‫ּב ִד‬.ְ As they savored
every morsel that entered their mouths, their joy knew no
bounds. Together they had upheld a 3000-year-old tradition
and now their efforts were being rewarded.
R' Yitzchak never forgot that lesson: A person must do what
he is required to do, and help will come from the most unlikely
of places.
Adapted from: One Shining Moment (with kind permission from ArtScroll)
*Chaim asked Fischel to come to the dining room after
school. When Fischel came into the dining room, he saw
that Chaim was wiping away a tear. Chaim told Fischel that
he had taken a side alley to get to ‫יבה‬
ָ ‫יְׁש‬.
ִ He walked past
a non-kosher restaurant and notice that Fischel's 'friend'
was standing at the counter ordering a cheeseburger. He
walked in to the restaurant and tried to stop the boy from
eating the non-kosher food, but the boy was not interested.
Can Fischel believe Chaim's story and spread it around?
*Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations.
1.Why did ‫ הקב״ה‬make a strong wind blow all night
before He split the ‫ ?יַם סוּף‬Would it not have been a
greater miracle if the ‫ יַם סוּף‬just split in one instant?
2.What else is compared to ‫יעת יַם סוּף‬
ַ ‫?ק ִר‬
1. ‫ ד׳‬likes to keep any miracle, even the most obvious one like ‫ְק ִריַאת‬
‫ יַם סוּף‬disguised in as natural a manner as possible (‫ֵס ֶפר ַה ִחינוְּך ִמ ְצוָה‬
‫ספר ח״ח הלכות לשון הרע כלל ז׳ סעיף ז׳‬
‫ ֶּפ ַסח‬Questions week
2. A person’s ‫ָסה‬
ָ ‫ ַּפ ְרנ‬- livelihood - is compared to ‫יעת יַם סוּף‬
ַ ‫ק ִר‬.
ְ So too
is the finding of a person’s ‫ׁשדּוְּך‬.
ִ Can you think of any reason why?
Chofetz ChaimMoment
Answer : Fischel is allowed to be ‫חוֹׁששׁ‬
ֵ that the story happened, and must keep away from this
'friend' until he is completely convinced that he did full ‫שׁוּבה‬
ָ ‫ּת‬.
ְ Of course, Fischel can notify
people about the episode if they can help; however, it is ‫ אָסוּר‬to spread the story around to
people who can do nothing.
ear Talmid,
R' Moshe Halberstam
ַ ‫ ז‬was the ‫יבה‬
ָ ‫ רֹאשׁ יְ ִׁש‬of
the Tshokava ‫יבה‬
ָ ‫ יְ ִׁש‬in ‫יְרוּׁש ַליִם‬
ָ and one
of the most prominent members of
the ‫ ֵע ָדה ָח ֵר ִדית‬in ‫יְרוּׁש ַליִם‬.
He published
a collection of ‫וּּתשׁוּבוֹת‬
ְ ‫ ְׁש ֵאלוֹת‬called
‫ּד ְב ֵרי מ ֶֹׁשה‬.ִ Just two days before
his ‫ירה‬
ָ ‫ּפ ִט‬,ְ he discussed with his
grandson plans to publish his ‫ֵס ֶפר‬
on ‫יוֹרה ֵד ָעה‬,
examining the ‫ּכ ָת ִבים‬,ְ
making a number of corrections and
engaging his grandson in ‫ ִּפ ְלפּוּל‬on
several halachic points.
R' Halberstam was also the ‫ ָרב‬and
ֵ of the Shaarei Tzedek Hospital
and as the spiritual authority for the
Bikur Cholim Hospital, standing
by the hospital during hard times.
He would take part in various
hospital events and provide staff
physicians with an attentive ear.
Numerous people would come to
his home and to the nearby ‫הוֹראָה‬
ָ ‫ּבית‬,
including many doctors and others,
with halachic questions related to
medicine. Healthcare professionals
were often astounded by his
profound understanding of medical
Understanding Davening
and ‫ ֶח ֶסד‬organizations, including
four decades at the head of
the ‫ ר׳ ֵמ ִאיר ַּב ַעל ַהנֵס‬Foundation,
dedicating hours of his time to
help the poor of ‫א ֶרץ יִ ְׂש ָר ֵאל‬.
ֶ He
also served as ‫ָׂשיא‬
ִ ‫ נ‬of ‫ה ָצ ָלה יִ ְׂש ָר ֵאל‬,
constantly guiding the directors
of the organization in halachic
R' Moshe was known for his
tolerance towards all types
of people and treated every
Yid with great respect. People
remember how he made that
extra special efforts to gladden
them by attending their ‫ׂש ְמחוֹת‬,
despite his full schedule. His ‫ר ִּבי‬,
R' Shmuel Wosner ‫יט״א‬
ָ ‫ׁש ִל‬,
ַ said
at his ‫ל ָויָה‬,ְ that for over 50 years
his ‫ ַּת ְל ִמיד‬would call him every
Friday afternoon to wish him a
"‫ "גוּט ַׁש ָּבת‬and then the two would
converse on halachic matters.
My ‫ּת ְל ִמיד‬,
ַ with such a special
combination of ‫תּוֹרה ִעם ֶד ֶרְך ֶא ֶרץ‬
is it any wonder that the ‫ֲחזוֹן ִאישׁ‬
would honor ‫ ר׳ מ ֶֹׁשה‬with an ‫ֲליָה‬
ִ ‫ע‬,
saying that he is destined for
ְ ‫ ּג‬in ‫!תּוֹרה‬
‫!יְהי ז ְִכרוֹ ָּברוְּך‬
‫ּביְ ִדידוּת‬,ִ Your ‫ֶר ִּבי‬
R' Moshe was also a ‫ ֶח ֶסד‬machine.
He worked to promote various ‫ְצ ָד ָקה‬
A letter from a Rebbi (based on interviews)
Halacha Corner
1. There is a requirement of ‫ ָּכבוֹד‬and
‫ עוֹנֶג‬on ‫מוֹעד‬
ֵ ‫( חוֹל ַה‬e.g. one should not wear
weekday clothing).
2.  There is a requirement of ‫ ִׂש ְמ ָחה‬on ‫חוֹל‬
ֵ ‫ ַה‬to create a proper mood for service
of‫ ד׳‬on ‫מוֹעד‬
ֵ ‫חוֹל ַה‬. Men should fulfill their
requirement of ‫ ִׂש ְמ ָחה‬with a ‫יעית‬
ִ ‫ ְר ִב‬wine
and not grape juice.
3.  It is forbidden to garden or plant on
ֵ ‫חוֹל ַה‬. Watering is only permitted if the
plant is in danger of dying.
4.  Many forbid fishing or picking fruit for
pleasure on ‫מוֹעד‬
ֵ ‫חוֹל ַה‬.
5.  Brushing one’s hat is permissible on ‫חוֹל‬
ֵ ‫ה‬.
ָ ‫ענְ יָנֵ י ְד‬ ִ
ֵ ‫ִה ְלכ�וֹת ח�וֹל ַה‬
6.  Polishing one’s shoes is permitted
according to some authorities.
7. ‫אַׁש ְּכנ ִַזים‬ 
forbid cutting one’s nails on
ֵ ‫חוֹל ַה‬, while ‫ ְס ָפ ַר ִּדים‬hold that it is
8.  Most repairs on a car are forbidden on
ֵ ‫ חוֹל ַה‬and a ‫ ָרב‬must be consulted if
the car is needed for ‫מוֹעד‬
ֵ ‫חוֹל ַה‬.
9.  It is forbidden to instruct a non-Jew to
perform any activity that is forbidden for
a Jew to do on ‫מוֹעד‬
ֵ ‫חוֹל ַה‬. *Since we only discuss 1-3 ‫הלָכוֹת‬,
ֲ it is important to consider these
‫ ֲהלָכוֹת‬in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting
point for further in-depth study.
‫וּבמ ֶֹׁשה ַע ְבדוֹ‬
ְ ‫ַא ִמינוּ ַּבה׳‬
ֲ ‫ַוּי‬
The word ‫ַא ִמינוּ‬
ֲ ‫ ַוּי‬is often translated they
had belief or faith. Faith implies complete
acceptance of something not supported
by reason. Indviduals who witness an event
with their own eyes do not need to have
faith to believe in the truth of that event.
Similarly, ‫ּכ ַלל יִ ְׂש ָר ֵאל‬,ְ having seen with their
own eyes the Divine revelations at ‫יעת יַם‬
ַ ‫ְק ִר‬
‫סוּף‬, did not have to rely on faith to believe in
‫ד׳‬. They knew and experienced ‫'ד׳‬s Mighty
Hand as it triumphed over ‫ּפ ְרעֹה‬.
ַ Based on
this understanding, the meaning of ‫ֶאמוּנָה‬
is complete trust in and dependence on
‫ד׳‬. Our trust is based on the entire nation
ָ ‫מ ַּתן‬,
personally witnessing the event of ‫תּוֹרה‬
which was then transmitted precisely from
father to son. It is as though we ourselves
witnessed ‫יעת יַם סוּף‬
ַ ‫ק ִר‬.
ְ We reaffirm our trust
in ‫ ד׳‬every day. ‫לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל‬
This Week in History
‫ ִה ְלכוֹת ַחג ְּב ַחג‬contest
The ‫ ַר ָמ״א‬writes in ‫ימן א׳‬
ָ ‫ ִה ְלכוֹת ְמ ִג ָּלה תרצ״ה ִס‬that
it is a beautiful idea that one should begin
ִ ‫עוּדת‬
ַ ‫ ְס‬by learning ‫תּוֹרה‬.
ָ He explains
the ‫פּוּרים‬
that this ‫ ִמנְ ָהג‬is hinted at in the words
‫אוֹרה וְ ִׂש ְמ ָחה‬
ָ ‫הוּדים ָהיְ ָתה‬
ִ ְ‫ – ַלּי‬the Jews had
light and rejoicing; the word ‫אוֹרה‬,
ָ light, is a
ָ Based
reference to the spiritual light of ‫תּוֹרה‬.
on this ‫ר ָמ״א‬,
ַ many have the custom to start
ִ ‫עוּדת‬
ַ ‫ ְס‬with one of the ‫ ֲה ָלכוֹת‬of ‫ּפ ַסח‬.
their ‫פּוּרים‬
ִ is exactly 30 days before ‫ ֶּפ ַסח‬and there
is a ‫ ֲה ָל ָכה ְלמ ֶֹׁשה ֵמ ִסינַי‬to start learning ‫ִה ְלכוֹת יו״ט‬
thirty days before the ‫יוֹם טוֹב‬.
With this in mind, we have chosen the next
international contest of the Pirchei Agudas
Yisroel of America Newsletter: the learning
of one ‫ ֲה ָל ָכה‬in ‫ ִה ְלכוֹת ֶּפ ַסח‬in ‫ִקצוּר ֻׁש ְל ָחן ָערוְּך‬
every day until ‫ּפ ַסח‬.
The 3 ‫ימנִים‬
ָ ‫ ִס‬that are practical for most of
us and have 26 ‫יפים‬
ִ ‫ ְס ִע‬are: ‫ימן ק״ז‬
ָ ‫ִה ְלכוֹת( ִס‬
ִ ‫נִיסן וּבוֹ ג׳ ְס ִע‬
ָ ‫)ח ֶֹדשׁ‬, ‫ימן קי״ח‬
ָ ‫ִה ְלכוֹת ַה ָכנַת ַה ֵס ֶדר( ִס‬
ִ ‫ )וּבוֹ י״א ְס ִע‬and ‫ימן קי״ט‬
ָ ‫ִה ְלכוֹת ֵס ֶדר ֵליל ֵס ֶדר( ִס‬
ִ ‫)וּבוֹ י״ב ְס ִע‬.
If you are interested in joining this special
program this year and of course will
continue to ‫ אי״ה‬review the weekly ‫ָּפ ָר ָׁשה‬
as per your grade level, please send a fax
every week signed by a parent to 718 506
9633 – include your grade, name, school,
city & state, and your contact number and
fax number. Your name will be entered into
a raffle to win a beautiful set of ‫ִמ ְק ָראוֹת ְגּדוֹלוֹת‬
‫חוּמ ִשׁים‬
ָ after ‫ּפ ַסח‬.
Learning from our Leaders
It was
a few
Pesachafter the passing of
It was
first erev
at the
Rebbetzin Bluma Dessler and a few of R’ Dessler’s
You ask well. I actually
Thank you, but
stopped eating gebroks
please put that small
when I was a bochur in
kos away and use this
Slabodka. In those days, we
larger one.
didn’t go home for Pesach
and would eat ‘taig.’*
close talmidim were setting the Shabbos table.
Yossi, you might be
interested to know that
I see
is to be
our minhag Here
is not
have you been and
stringent with gebroks*
kos (Kiddush
on Pesach.
for all of these them
out too…
*matzoh being in contact with any liquid.
I was
during Pesach,
something to eat...
all the
He looks perplexed.
years, why did he
I’ll explain to him at
change now?
the seudah.
would you like
some matzah
ball soup?
Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America
*literally means ‘days.’ The yeshiva would make
arrangements with the community for the bochurim
to eat on different days of the week in various
townspeople’s homes.
...I night
found a safe way out...
At the Friday
Let me share
with you
I’m sorry...
I why
I requestedam
not noheg to The small
kos that I have used
until now
ok. No
eat gebroks
onwas a
gift from R’ Chaim Ozer
received it from his wife’s grandfather R’
Yisroel Salanter…I used it for years until
I moved to Bnei Brak.
...I wasn’t sure about their kashrus standards, let alone
their Pesach kashrus... But I did not want to embarrass
the hostess, who had worked hard to prepare the food...
I realized
my first
in Bnei Brak, I decided to made
Kiddush on the larger kos because this is city where the
Chazon Ish is the Rov and he holds of a bigger shiur for
I the
wife A”H respectfully disagreed.
that I don’t eat gebroks on
Pesach. I didn’t say
Bli Neder...
I would
prefer the
If I eat gebroks
on, so much
kos. now
it means
that would
to me,
if it was good enough
a Yisroel
Neder! Salanter and R’
for R’
Chaim Ozer…it’s good enough
for us!
a personal
in Bnei
this isthat
I used the
but now
wife A”H
but you
why you’ve
her passing
I now have
me eating gebroks
to show my
respect to the
Chazon Ish’s
Right then and there I was mekabel on
myself not to eat gebroks on Pesach.
R’ Yaakov Kamenetsky, ‫זצ״ל‬, grew up in Dolhinov, Poland. He left for Minsk at the age
R’ Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler ‫זצ״ל‬, born in Libau, Latvia, was the son of R’ Reuven Dov
of 11. In 1905, R’ Yaakov and R’ Aaron Kotler went to learn by ‫דער אַלטער מסלבּוֹדקא‬. He
Dessler, a ‫ תלמיד מבהק‬of R’ Simcha Zissel ‫ זצ״ל‬of Kelm. His mother was a granddaughter
also learned in Slutzk. During WWI, he took refuge in R’ Yechiel Michel Gordon’s ‫ישיבה‬
of R’ Yisrael Salanter ‫ זצ״ל‬and a niece of R’ Chaim Ozer ‫זצ״ל‬. After learning at Kelm,
in Lomza. In 1919, he married Rebbetzin Ita Ettel. In 1937, they left for the USA. At R’
he married R’ Simcha Zissel’s granddaughter. During the Bolshevik revolution, in 1927,
Mendelovitz’s request, he became ‫ ראשׁ ישיבה‬in ‫ מתיבתא תּוֹרה ודעת‬in 1945, a position he
he moved to London. In 1941, he founded the Gateshead Kollel. In 1948, at the request
kept until he retired. Along with R’ Moshe Feinstein, he led American Jewry in issues of
of the ‫ רב‬of Ponevezh, R’ Yosef Kahaneman ‫זצ״ל‬, he emigrated to ‫ ארץ ישראל‬to become
‫ הלכה‬and ‫השקפה‬. He was renowned as ‫חכימה דיהוּדאי‬, the wise man of the Jews. He was a
a ‫ משגיח‬in the Ponevezh Yeshiva. Many of his shmuessen and thoughts are collected in
‫ בקי‬in many
of ‫ תּוֹרה‬but was known for his insightful ‫ דקדּוּק‬and expertise in ‫הלכה‬
‫ מכתב‬areas
(six volumes). A compilation of some of his ‫ חדּוּשים‬on ‫ ש״ס‬were printed in
(especially the 5th ‫) חלק שו״ע‬. His ‫ חדּוּשים‬are printed in ‫ אמת ליעקב‬on ‫ תּוֹרה‬, ‫ ש״ס‬and
‫אליעזר על הש״ס‬
‫חדּוּשי ר׳‬.
‫שלחן ערוּ‬
For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval 718-395-9794
5623 -- 5713
5700 1892
1863 -- 1953
1940 ‫טבת‬
‫כ“ד אדר‬
Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required ‫על ִּפי ַה ָל ָכה‬.
ַ Please do not read this publication during ‫ קריאת התורה‬,‫ קדיש‬or ‫חזרת הש״ץ‬.
Printed before Pesach for distribution during Chol Hamoed