Cover Sheet St. Raphael-Holy Angels (609) 585-7049 Bulletin # 911176 / December 3 and 4, 2005 Please note that this bulletin is revised as of 12/02/05. Please call Usha @ 609-585-7049 if you should have any questions. Thank you for your understanding. Page 1 Second Sunday of Advent To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven “...a time to be born…” A.Goss,M.Adzima,N.Nyerges,C.Andrejco “...a time to love…” II Aaron Outcalt and Erica Wieger “...a time to heal…” MASS INTENTIONS Monday, December 5, 2005 6:45 a.m. - Botter / Fowler Families, Margaret Fowler 8:00 a.m. - Helen Tereszczyn, Husband Paul 7:00 p.m. -Rosary Altar Society Dymphna Agos Tuesday, December 6, 2005 6:45 a.m. - Richard E. Hoffman, Barb and Jack Tracey 8:00 a.m. - Fares / Farley / Marino Families 7:00 p.m. - Nick and Anna Mayer - Mrs. Anna Hahn Wednesday, December 7, 2005 6:45 a.m. -Anthony Mantuano, John Margicin 8:00 a.m. - Albert Fischer, Mark & Maria Pratico&Family 7:00 p.m. - Eugene Sersen, Sandi Sersen Edward Tiedemann –Catherine Walker Thursday, December 8, 2005-Immaculate Conception 6:45 a.m. - John Haller III, The Scardone Family 8:00 a.m. - Edward Rafalowski, Wife 9:30 a.m. - Albert Wilcox –Tom &Carolyn DiFilippo & Family 7:00 p.m. - Mabel Malloy, John Malloy A Special Intention, Diane M. Fair Friday, December 9, 2005 6:45 a.m. - Paul Sciarotta, Carol & Andy Jasiewicz 8:00 a.m. - Jim Ross, Mark & Maria Pratico 7:00 p.m. - People of the Parish Saturday, December 10, 2005 8:00 a.m. - Elizabeth Zimmer,Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zimmer - Catherine Lauderback,Margaret McGee - Andrew C. Mayernik, Tony & Julie Schujko 5:00 p.m. - Rose Kalesek, Alice & Dave Mount - Joan Warren,George Rose Sunday, December 11, 2005—Third Sunday of Advent 7:30 a.m. - Antonio & Severina Brun,The Brun Family 8:30 a.m. - People of the Parish Jack Leahy, Mary Leahy 9:30 a.m. - Joseph J. Dill, Wife & Children 10:30 a.m. - Catherine Lauderback, Resurrection Choir 11:30 a.m. - Dominic Cucinotta, Mr. & Mrs. Kambes 5:00 p.m. - James Alu Sr., Wife & Family Please Note : In celebration of the Immaculate Conception, our parish rectory will be closed on Thur.12/8. We will resume office hours on Fri. 12/9 from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Mass Schedule for the Solemnity of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vigil Mass Wednesday, December 7th At 7:00 PM Thursday, December 8th 6:45 AM, 8:00 AM & 9:30 AM & 7:00 PM August Angioletti Alice Aquilino Rose Marie Astore Candy Barth Dolly Barbalace Alberta Beforce Vincent Beforce Robert Benson Alex Bencivengo Clare Berger Whitney Bivens Michael Bridge Faye & Shane Briel Nancy Brokofsky John Catana Nicholas Cirillo Anthony Davis Josephine De Marie Josephine Di Santis Jason Dzbenski Jackie DuPont Anthony Fabrizio Loretta Ferri Helen Finn Doreen Forberg Tony Fratticcioli Rev. J.C. Garrett Jack Garrett Kathy & Robert Gaskill Joy Marie Grietzer Claire Hofmann Paul Hohman Jack Hornyak Anthony Intorelli Fr. Eugene Keenan Michele Kelly Peter Kernast Joseph Krawiec Fran Kujalowicz Michael Kupetsky Anna Kuprian Carrie Laird Heather Nicole Laird Marion Lanzoni Cindy Lins Julia& Lauren Makrancy John Margicin Samuel S. Marrone Ferdinand Mather Sr. Margaret McBride Anna Modica Faye Moore Fred Morelli Anna Rose Mucci Colleen Murphy Mary Murphy Eleanor Mycock Stanley Myslinski Alfonso Napoleon Clara Napoleon Linda Nasuti Fay Natcher Robert O’Boyle Elizabeth O’Neil Charles Papiez Phyllis Pelke Ray Pental Janet Peterson Rita Pisano Joseph Pizzutti Elaine Ragano Russell Paolini Bunny Posner Regina Procell Raymond Pyontek Rocco Ranalli Carl Reinhardt Jr. June Reinhardt Mary & Louis Revesz Paulette Schmitt Emily Sears Katie Serenelli Michael Serenelli Gabriella Fasoli Sizemore Patricia Smith Marilyn Snider Chris Somma Sandy Suarez Matthew Sutton Carol Szabo Florence Tangery Concetta Testa Dharma Johnson Thamis Stan Thompson Samuel Trombino Margaret Tylus Hanna Tyrasinski Ann Van Arsdale Chuck Vickey Irene Von Goten Erwin Weber John Witbeck Helen Wolosyn Elizabeth Wnuk Frances Womack Jeanette Worthington Martin Zimmerman John Zubricky “...and a time to die…’’ Ronald Trauger,Paul Marfino “...and a time for peace…” Pray for our servicemen here and abroad. Page 2 December 4th, 2005 Pastor’s Notes Music Notes JESUS IS LORD! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we prepare to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus, our minds often turn to the many preparations we have to make: buying and wrapping gifts, decorating trees, planning parties and family gatherings, and so on. With so much to do in such a short time, we could benefit by listening to and contemplating the words of scripture: “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem… Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low” (Isaiah 40:1-2,4). The time had come for John the Baptist to proclaim the arrival of one greater than himself- Jesus Christ, the Comfort of God (Mark 1:7-8). As he spoke of the coming of the Messiah, John proclaimed the promises God had made to all generations- promises that still apply to us, even in our day-to-day lives. God has come to smooth out our “rough places” and level off the mountains and valleys of strife and sin that make it hard for us to travel home to him. God wants to comfort his people. From all time, he has wanted to gather us together and shower his love on us. Even when we were lost in sin, his love was such that he chose to heal and restore us. God has appointed Jesus to be our Judge and our Redeemer. All who believe and are baptized into his name receive forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38). God enters their lives and begins to impart to them his wisdom, his understanding, and his compassion. Through Jesus, God wants to bind up our wounds, forgive our sins, and restore us. As we move closer to the celebration of Christmas, let us invite Jesus to come into our hearts more deeply. He who knows how to give good things to those who ask will not fail us. “The more truly we believe, the more strongly we hope; the more ardently we desire, the more generously we will receive” (St. Teresa of Avila, The Way to Perfection). Let us pray: “Heavenly Father, we rejoice in your faithfulness. By the power of the Holy Spirit, fill our minds with wonder and awe at the promise of your salvation through Jesus, our Savior. May our preparation this Advent be our belief and our acceptance of the light, love, and power you have for us. Amen.” In Jesus and Mary, Father Jeff Kegley From St. Raphael’s Music Ministry... 1.All choirs rehearse at their normal time this week. 2.CD sales are going well...if you haven’t purchased “How Sweet The Sound”...treat yourself! It makes for great listening year round. 3.The Christmas CD- “Emmanuel, A Child Is Born” is also available in limited quantities. From Holy Angels’ Music Ministry… As we prepare our hearts in anticipation of our Lord, please join us for our upcoming liturgies. Our Christmas cantata this year “Do You Hear What I Hear’’ will begin @ 8:30pm on 12/24 and choir, timpani, horns and flute will enhance our “Midnight Mass” at 9:00 pm. Call Dawne Mechlinski@732-974-2528 for rehearsal times. Elderberry Club We look forward to seeing all of you at the German American Club for the Christmas Luncheon on December 9th at 12:00 p.m.. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Members and their guests must already have a reservation to attend. Doors open @ 12:00 noon and lunch will be served @ 12:30 pm.. Due to the luncheon, there will be no meeting on Dec.7th. The next meeting will be on Wed. Jan. 4th. @ 1:00 pm. Please Note : The trip to the Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre on December 22nd has been cancelled ! St. Raphael-Holy Angels Food Pantry HELP IS ONCE AGAIN NEEDED! Due to the tremendous generosity of our parish community, the pantry served Thanksgiving meals to approx. 180 families last month. The recipients of these meals were extremely thankful, as they looked forward to celebrating the holiday with their families. On December 10th, our pantry will be open once again, at which time we hope to distribute Christmas holiday meals. We expect the same number of families to visit our pantry on that day, and we hope that we will not have to turn anyone away. Greatly needed are canned vegetables, stuffing mix, gravy, potatoes, canned fruit, juice, jello or pudding, pie filling and crust mix, as well as breakfast foods such as cold and hot cereals. These items can be deposited in the bins located at the entrances of our churches. We are also in need of turkeys or hams to complete the meals. Perishable items can be dropped off at the pantry [accessible by the ramp to the right of St. Raphael Church bell tower] on Wed 12/7[ 7-8 pm] and on Sat. 12/10 [9-8 pm]. Monetary donations are also appreciated and may be deposited in the marked boxes inside St. Raphael Church. Page 3 The Church of St. Raphael—Holy Angels St. Raphael’s Altar Candle this week… - In memory of Pat Della Rossa Requested by his wife and Children. IN THE WORDS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE BENEDICT XVI Holy Angels’ Altar Candle this week… - In memory of Victoria Gudebski Requested by her Daughters. Dear Brothers and Sisters! With this Sunday Advent begins, an extremely evocative time from the religious point of view, as it is full of hope and spiritual expectation. Every time the Christian community prepares to remember the birth of the Redeemer, it feels a tremor of joy, which is communicated, in a certain measure, to the whole of society. During Advent, the Christian population relives a double movement of the spirit. On one hand, it raises its gaze to the final goal of pilgrimage in history, which is the glorious return of the Lord Jesus; on the other, recalling his birth in Bethlehem with emotion, it bends down before the crib. The hope of Christians is directed to the future, but always remains well rooted in a past event. In the fullness of time, the Son of God was born of the Virgin Mary, "born of woman, born under the law," as St. Paul writes (Galatians 4:4). The Gospel invites us today to remain vigilant while awaiting the last coming of Christ. "Watch!" says Jesus, "for you do not know when the master of the house will come" (Mark 13:35-37). The brief parable of the master who left on a trip and of the servants, in charge of taking his place, manifests the importance of being ready to receive the Lord, when he comes unexpectedly. The Christian community awaits his "manifestation" with longing, and the Apostle Paul, when writing to the Corinthians, exhorts them to have confidence in God's fidelity, and to live so that when he returns he will find them "guiltless" (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:7-9) in the day of the Lord. For this reason, very appropriately, at the beginning of Advent the liturgy puts on our lips the invocation of the Psalm: "Show us thy steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation" (Psalm 84:8). Spiritual Adoption Program Announcement At two months… Your spiritually adopted baby’s brain began functioning at 40 days after conception. By 6 or 7 weeks, all vital organs are present. By 8 weeks, the baby responds to painful stimuli and can grasp an object. Pray that the Lord of Life saves your spiritually adopted baby who is most vulnerable to being aborted during this month. Please pray daily the Prayer of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn child that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion Amen. able, with the help of God, to renew the world. In this connection, I would also like to recall today the Second Vatican Council's constitution "Gaudium et Spes" on the Church in the contemporary world: It is a text profoundly permeated with Christian hope. I am referring in particular to Number 39, entitled: "New Earth and New Heaven." In it, one can read: "We are taught that God is preparing a new dwelling place and a new earth where justice will abide (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:2; 2 Peter 3:13). Nevertheless, "the expectation of a new earth must not weaken, but rather stimulate our concern for cultivating this one." We will rediscover the good fruits of our efforts, in fact, when Christ hands to his father his eternal and universal kingdom. May Mary most holy, virgin of Advent, enable us to live this time of grace watching and committed while awaiting the Lord. VATICAN CITY, NOV. 27, 2005 We could say that Advent is the time in which Christians must awaken in their hearts the hope of being Page 4 Do not be afraid; you will be safe. But PRAISE GOD forever. Tobit 12:15-17 The Time is Now ... Religious Education Classes Join the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in its Catholic Campaign to end use of the Death Penalty. New Jersey is close to replacing capital punishment with life without parole, but many legislators want to hear from their constituents before they vote.Please write your State Senator, two Assembly Members and the Governor now. Ask them to support Bill No. A-3569/S1212 to replace the death penalty with life without parole. CCD— Tuesday, December 6th, 2005 Grade 3—4:00 to 5:00PM Grades 6 & 7—7:00 to 8:15PM CCD—Wednesday, December 7th, 2005 Grades 1 & 2—4:00 to 5:00PM Grades 4 & 5—7:00 to 8:15PM CCD—December 11th, 2005 Kindergarten—9:30AM to 10:30AM Gov. Richard J. Codey is at: State House, Box 001, Trenton, NJ 08625. Family Centered Program (FCP) Sunday, December 18th, 2005 9:30AM—12:00PM .Coming Events Tues.Dec.6-Advent penance service-Gr.7[during class time] Wed.Dec.7-Advent penance service-Gr.5 Wed.Dec.14-1st&2nd Gr.-Christmas program,4-5pm Dec.18th thru 22nd-Christmas Giving Tree-gift sorting For your legislators' names and addresses, call 609-278-6719, 973-635-6396 or 856-8543182 or go to districts/municipalities.asp Click on your town to get your district, then on your district number for your representatives, then write. Please pray for an end to the death penalty in our state. "We cannot teach that killing is wrong by killing. We cannot defend life by taking life." HELP! HELP! HELP! Assistant Teacher for grade 3-Tuesdays, 4:00 to 5:00PM Cardinal Theodore Mc Carrick Call the Religious Education Office at 585-3848 from 9:00AM to 12:00PM, and 1:00 to 3:00PM, Monday through Friday. Children’s Liturgy Committee ATTN : ALL HIGH SCHOOL TEENS Greetings! Game night @ Our Liturgy of Nov.27th was a great success! The children did a fantastic job in every aspect of the Mass. We are all very proud of them. Next will be our Christmas Liturgy on Sat.Dec.24th @ 4:00 pm to be held at St. Raphael Church. Rehearsal will be on Sun.Dec.16th @ 6:15 pm also at St. Raphael Church. More information will be upcoming. St. Raphael—Holy angels 3500 S. Broad St. Hamilton, NJ 08610 Sunday December 11th @ 6:15 PM after the 5:00 PM Mass Join us in the Convent for : > Video Games Mark your calendars… > Foosball ...for the Annual New Year’s Eve Dance! Don’t miss this opportunity to mingle and create fond memories with your fellow parishioners! We are looking for volunteers who are interested in helping to plan this fun event. If you’ve always felt that your party planning skills out-shine Martha’s, here’s your chance to show us what you’ve got! Call Rose Crucili at 585-6170 to sign up. Please see future bulletins for more information. > Board Games > Card Games > Pizza & Refreshments For more info call Tom @ 609-585-7049 or send email to [email protected] Page 5 A cheerful heart is good medicine. Proverbs 17:22 GIVING TREE 2005 Each year during Advent the Religious Education Program of St. Raphael—Holy Angels parish sponsors the traditional service project called “The Giving Tree”. It’s purpose is to provide gifts to needy individuals in our local community. These gifts are distributed to organizations that serve those individuals, and we also reach out to individual families within our own parish and local community who experience difficulty in providing for their families during the holiday season. The Giving Trees are located in the main lobby of each church, (both St. Raphael and Holy Angels). On the tree hang the various paper ornaments that designate an individual. Each ornament lists gift suggestions as well as instructions regarding wrapping. We ask the parishioners of St. Raphael—Holy Angels to join with us in this project by taking an ornament from the tree, purchasing one (or more) appropriate gift, attaching the ornament to the package, and returning the gift by the deadline date, December 18th. Gifts for the Martin House ministry[ lilac hearts], are due by December 11th. Please note that as these items will be Christmas gifts, we request that all items donated for this project be NEW. Used items cannot be accepted. May God bless you for your generosity! BALL: ST. RAPHAEL-HOLY ANGELS PARISH & LOCAL COMMUNITY: There exists within our own parish and local community a need for assistance during the holiday season for individuals and families experiencing hardship due to unemployment, underemployment, illness, etc. Each yellow ornament represents an individual who has been referred to us. The ornaments include information regarding this particular person, including the gender, age, gift suggestions and sizes. These gifts may either be wrapped or placed in gift bags, but it is very important that the ornament be firmly attached to the package. As each ornament represents a particular individual, we ask that you only take ornaments for those for whom you wish to purchase a gift. The green ornaments do not represent a particular individual, but rather will be used to fill in for those who may not have a gift returned, and for late referrals. These gifts should not be wrapped. HEART: MARTIN HOUSE: A ministry that serves the needs of the inner city. Martin House challenges poverty and racism with a number of programs to improve conditions in its inner city neighborhood, such as housing, adult classes, a clothing store, and youth programs. Our Parish has been asked to supply gifts for 6 families from the Martin House ministry. Gifts may be placed in gift bags or wrapped, but the ornament must be firmly attached to the package. ** Santa’s Helpers will be needed to sort the gifts donated for our Giving Tree Program. If you have a few hours to spare, and would like to assist with this wonderful project, please call 585-3848. Help will be needed on Monday through Thursday, December 19-22nd, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Rosary Altar Society EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS… The regular monthly meeting of the Rosary Altar Society will be held on Monday, December 5th after the 7:00 p.m. Mass with recitation of the Rosary at 6:40 p.m. Sign-up sheets are posted in the Altar Server’s Sacristy at St. Raphael and the Sacristy at Holy Angels for you to volunteer to serve at the Christmas Masses. Please stop by and sign-up while there are still openings. I am also asking any available Hospital EMs to sign-up for the Christmas Day 9:00 am Mass at Holy Angels and the New Year’s Day 9:30 am Mass at St. Raphael. Please call Ed Burke at 585-5101 with any questions. Thank you! After the Mass there will be a short meeting. All are invited the Christmas Program and a dessert buffet. Please bring a dessert to share. You can drop it off at the Parish Center before Mass. Page 6 The Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels Purgatorial Society Mass @ 7:30 am on Sunday December 4th is celebrated for the intentions of the faithful departed enrolled in this month’s Purgatorial Society. Joseph Teneglia Req. by Wiliam & Grace Briscoe Robert Vaccaro Req. by Antonette & Steve Saranin Req. by Russell & Bernadette Vaccaro Req. by Christopher Zeier Sylvia Krupa Req. by Dolores Allen Anna Gelak Req. Mike & Maryann Babice Req. by Peg & Bill Lindeman Mary Ann Willette John Donoher Req. by Bill & Denise Stein &Family Req. by John & Gloria Hayes Req. by MaryBeth & Jim Webster&Family Req. by Jerry & Nancy Hayes Joyce R. Budden Req. by John & Sally Minar Mrs. O’Donnell Req. by Candy Sabo Edward Tokazewski Req. by Robert & Jean Cifelli Walter Mastalesz Req. by Regina Matlesz Anthony Capasso Req. by Michele Marue & Family Anthony Parziak Req. by The Nicolini Family Bobby Mickschutz Req. by Mom, Dad, Jill, Joe & Matthew Jackie C. Dupont Req. by Tom & Joyce Garsky Jack Kramer Req. by sister Joyce & brother-in-law Tom Wanda Kramer Req. by daughter Joyce & son-in-law Tom Helen Arch Req. by Dolores Allen Joseph Mc Cabe Req. by Mr.& Mrs. Edward Woodrow Rino Belardo Req. by Mr.& Mrs. Attilio Avino Req. by Mr.& Mrs. Giovanni Oliveti Req. By Ken & Lucy Klish Req. By Frank & Lisa Oliveti Robert Russin Req. by Ronald & Dolores Nolan Req. by Michael Lubik Req. by Deborah Pinto Req. by The Stam Family Mindy Sopko Req. by The Reggi Family George Di Pasquale Req. by Teresa Gavan Thomas J. Warfel Req. by Alex & Mary Ann Candelori Brian Dougherty Req. by Sean, Mary & Tadhg Pender Margaret June Needham Req. Kevin & Mary Kim Keane James M. Gurbisz Req. by Jim & Stephanie Panacek Robert Allen Morrison Req. by Virginia Mennel Rose Marie Astore Req. by The Stam Family Req. by Tom & Victoria Di Filippo Req. by Betsy & Howard Bolton Req. By The Wyrough Family Req. by Russ & Claudia Devlin Req. by Barbara & Al Buzgo Eugene A. Von Gonten Req. by Cecilia Dougherty Req. by Suzi,Bob,Heather&Bobby Radice Req. by Bill&Ellen Chepiga & Family Req. by Bill Chepiga Req. by Susan &Bob Agos & Family Req. by Dolores Allen David A. Hunt Req. by Jonathan & Anna Maria Zeier Req. by Melissa,Christopher,Jennifer & Jonna Zeier Thomas Mc Carty Sr. Req. by A.P.I. Carpenters– N.J.M. Mary [Jennie] Seitz Req. by Merinda & Wayne Giles Req. by Helen Augustyn Ronald Trauger Sr. Req. by John Margicin Req. by Thelma Petty Paul Marfino Sr. Req. by Mr.& Mrs. Edward Mazzeo Req. by Mr.& Mrs. John Mazzeo John T. Dymowski Req. by Mrs. James Bresnan Estelle L. Czenis Req. by Anna & Gus Burson Donna Lynn Reed Sanchez Req. by MaryAnn &Dave,Sylvana &Dave Robert Patrick Dillon Req. by Pete & Mary Lou Jensen Noreen M. Owen Req. by Mr.& Mrs James Keane Joseph L. Sacchini Sr. Req. by Alex & Mary Ann Candelori Earl Baker Req. by Lisa Sheppard Joseph A. Hornyak Req. by Tom & Victoria Di Filippo Marian J. Tafs Req. by Marie & Henry Babecki Page 7 Theresa Manning Req. by The Colter Family CATHOLIC CHARITIES DISASTER RESPONSE PROGRAM During this past year, there has been untold misery and destruction in our world, from local floods, to hurricane in the south, to tornadoes in the Midwest, to mudslides and fires in California, just to name a few. Other countries have experienced earthquakes and tsunamis. Thousands of people approach the coming holidays as homeless individuals and families. Many have also lost loved ones and are grief-stricken in addition to being displaced. If you would like to help, Catholic Charities has an uncomplicated, yet very meaningful suggestion : GIFT CARDS ! For more information, contact Michele Madiou, Program Director, at 208-0651 or 1-800-652-2080. The PTA invites you to participate in the Lucky Number Calendar fundraiser! There is still time to order ! Just fill out the form below and return it as indicated . St. Raphael’s School Lucky Number Calendar Order Information Form Please Note: Use one form for each calendar. Forms may be dropped off at the school office, placed in the collection basket at Mass or mailed to St. Raphael School, Att’n: PTA Lucky Number Calendar, 151 Gropp Ave. Hamilton, NJ 08610. Street Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Lucky Number Calendar # Assigned (to be completed by PTA representative) Owner information (person who will receive cash prize), if different from above. Name: Street Address: State: City: Zip: Phone Number: Please make checks payable to St. Raphael—Holy Angels School PTA St. Raphael’s School Lucky Number Calendar Receipt (To be completed by a PTA representative) Date: / / 2005 Calendar Number: Cash: $ Check #: Check $: Purchaser: Owner: PTA Representative Signature: Page 8 A tree is recognized by its fruit. Matthew 12:33 Sacrificial Offering- week ending, Nov. 26-27 1st collection 2nd collection Children’s Envelopes Total Events Around Town… Christmas Sing-Along with Frank Looking for an easy and relaxing way to bring some simple Christmas cheer into the season? A parishioner, Frank Bresnen, is having two December sing-alongs [Friday, Dec.2 and Dec. 16] at Java Hut, Independence Mall on S. Broad St. from 7 to 9 pm. All are warmly welcomed including kids of all ages. Take some time out of your busy schedule to experience the special blessings of this, friends [old and new], and the joy of our Lord’s birth. Donations collected at the sing-alongs will be given to the St. Raphael-Holy Angels Food Pantry. Hope to see you there. $ 16105.45 $ 2,871.05 $ 109.25 $ 19,085.75 Thank you for your generosity! PTA Lucky Number Calendar Raffle Winning Numbers Sunday, November 27—498 Monday, November 28—974 Tuesday, November 29—768 Wednesday, November 30—663 Thursday, December 01—831 Friday, December 02—942 Saturday, November December 03—919 Adult CCD [Coffee, Conversation and Donuts] Do you remember CCD or religion classes? The Adult Faith Formation team is hosting an adult CCD gathering on Dec.4th @ St. Raphael Church, All-Purpose Room from 12:45 to 2:15 pm. If from to time you’ve asked yourself can I understand more about my Catholic faith? How do I apply my faith to the challenges of today’s fast-paced world? Please consider joining us in conversation about what we could be doing within our parish community to help each other find the answer to these and other questions. Your very valuable input will help us in determining the types of faith enrichment opportunities to focus on for the New Year. Please contact Lou Monticchio @ 609-585-3081 with any questions. P.S. - The donuts are pretty good too !! Social Concerns Upcoming Events Hamilton Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support– Social Con- cerns is co-sponsoring a party for all caregivers and “caregetters” at Alterra Claire Bridge on Monday, Dec.5th from 12-2pm. Caregivers of those with memory problems are also invited. Volunteers are needed to help that afternoon. Marian Peace Conference, December 5-6 7:30PM—Donations of $6 for one night or $10 for two. Come and hear what best-selling author Wayne Weible has discovered during the 16 years that he has devoted himself to understanding the mystery of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Medjugorje. St. Paul’s Church, 214 Nassau St, Princeton, NJ—Call (609) 924-1743 ext 122. Mercer County Geriatric Center-We will have our Christmas Party and Bingo for the residents on Tues.Dec.13th from 6:158pm. Lots of volunteers [including our wonderful students] are needed to help with Bingo and refreshments and to distribute calendars, cards and gifts. 2006 Calendars -Have you started receiving more calendars than you need? Are you getting new CHRISTMAS CARDS from organizations through the mail? Please place your unneeded calendars/cards in the baskets found in the entrance areas to the church. These will be distributed to area nursing homes and the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. Call Kathy Wooley at 585-4307 for more information on the above three [3] events.. Pennies From Heaven-The sisters of St.Francis of Philadelphia and the Franciscan Companions of the Trenton area wish to thank everyone who contributed to the 2005 penny drive. Thanks to your generosity, a check in the amount of $2,126.20 was presented to the Franciscan Ministries Foundation Capital Campaign. This gift was made in the name of the St. RaphaelHoly Angels Parish Community in celebration of the Sisters’ 150th Anniversary Jubilee, in grateful thanksgiving for the Sisters’ many years of service to our community. Our original threeyear pledge was for $2500. This year’s gift brings our three-year total to $6,260. As you can see, God truly blesses every act of charity. A Classic Irish Christmas, December 7 Starring Andy Cooney and his Band, Noel Ginnity “Ireland’s Funniest Man”, and Emer Hartnett—Irish Soprano @ the Church of St. Gregory the Great, 4620 Nottingham Way, Ham. Sq., NJ – Tickets:$20.00 pp.Reservations call (609) 585-6470. Inter-faith Memorial Service– The 18th annual candlelight service for those who have lost loved ones through suicide will be held on December 11th 2005 @ 3:00 pm at Unity Church by the Shore, 3508 Asabury Avenue, Neptune, NJ. For additional info call Joanne Murphy @ 732-363-1710 or Peggy Farrell @ 732-462-5267. Volunteers Needed! Volunteers are needed to deliver hot nutritious meals to the people in the Greater Trenton/Ewing area who are homebound due to illness. Please join this highly rewarding ministry. - Mobile Meals of Trenton/Ewing, 546 Bellevue Avenue Join us! Call (609) 695-3483* NEW * Angels Have Wheels All Medicare recipients should now be aware that if they suffer from conditions such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disorders, and have difficulty walking or propelling a standard wheelchair, they maybe eligible to receive an electric wheelchair paid for by Medicare. Need more information? Call Gregory @ 1-800-810-2877. Page 9 - This week at SAINT RAPHAEL– HOLY ANGELS Event Location Time Information St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s SR Convent St. Raphael’s Parish Gym St. Raphael’s SR Parish Center. During Class Time 5:30PM – 6:45PM 6:30PM – 7:30PM 7:00PM – 8:15PM 7:30PM – 9:30PM 7:45PM – 9:30PM 8:00PM – Religious Ed.—page 5 St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s 4:00PM – 5:00PM 5:30PM — 6:45PM 7:00PM – 8:15PM St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s 2:30PM 5:30PM 7:30PM 7:45PM St. Raphael’s SR Parish Center. SR Parish Center. 7:00PM 7:00PM – 8:00PM – Monday, December 5, 2005 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 CCD Grade 7(Advent Penance Service) Heaven’s Echo and High School Music Ministry Children’s RCIA CCD Grade 6 & 7 (Advent Penance Service) Adult Recreational Volleyball Contemporary Ensemble Bingo Wednesday, December 7, 2005 CCD Grades 1 & 2 Cool Kidz for God CCD Grades 5 (Advent Penance Service) Thursday, December 8, 2005 Afternoon Bells Evening Bells Charismatic Prayer Meeting Adult Choir Friday, December 9, 2005 Healing Mass Lucky Number Drawing Bingo Saturday, December 10, 2005 Reach Out Saturday Breakfast with Santa Breakfast with Santa Sunday, December 11, 2005 Sign Interpreted Mass CCD Kindergarten Adult RCIA – – – – Religious Ed.—page 5 Religious Ed.—page 5 3:45PM 6:45PM 9:15PM See Ad—page 8 All Purpose Room SR Parish Center. 9:00AM – SR Parish Center. 11:00AM – Holy Angels St. Raphael’s HA Convent Religious Ed.—page 5 See Ad—page 5 See Ad—page 5 8:30AM Mass 9:30AM – 10:30AM 10:30AM – Religious Ed.—page 5 HELLO! If you should have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, please complete the form below and put it in the collection basket, mail it to the rectory, or give us a call at (609) 585-7049. I would like to become a member of the parish. I would like to learn more about becoming Catholic. Other: I would like to learn more about completing my sacraments. Please make the changes to my record indicated below: Name: City: Address: Day Phone: State: Evening Phone: Email: Comments/Questions: Page 10 NJ:
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