Cover Sheet Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels 3500 South Broad Street Hamilton, N.J. 08610 Bulletin # 911176 Weekend of March 5th 2006 Contact Usha @ Ph#609-585-7049 Or Fax#609-585-5876 With any inquiries. Thank you. Page 1 Sunday March 5th First Sunday of Lent For The Sick of Our Parish - “God has created us to do small things with great love...this love should come from our hearts and should start at home...then reach everyone” Blessed Mother Teresa MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 6, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Ronald Tellefsen, Carol & Jerry Adams Lena Collins, Rosary Altar Society 7:00 p.m. - Rosary Altar Society, Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Pietroselli Family, Kay Garruba 7:00 p.m. - Joan Maddalena, A. Maddalena Wednesday, March 8, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Peter Frascella, Family - Anthony Ventello, Family 7:00 p.m. - Charles[Chaz]Harcar, Robert & Rita Welsh Thursday, March 9, 2006 Dymphna Agos August Angioletti Raymond Astorini Alice Aquilino 7:30 a.m. - William&Syshie Babuschak, M/M Jerry Natrello 7:00 p.m. - Anna May Toomey, Rith Tietbohl Friday, March 10, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Peter&Mary Frascella, Nick&Ann Persichetti 7:00 p.m. - Lena Collins, Louise Walsh 7:30 p.m. - [Stations of the Cross] Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:00 a.m. - Ronald Krecicki, James&Maryann Ferdetta & Families Carrie Grieco, M/M Anthony J. Miele 5:00 p.m. - Joseph&Carmela Domino, John&Rose Crucili Sunday, March 12, 2006 [2nd Sunday of Lent ] 7:30 a.m. - John Szymanski, Gertrude Lawton[SR] 8:30 a.m. - Robert Kranch, Ryan & Susan Ramirez [HA] 9:30 a.m. - M/M Basilio Cortina,Mary Cortina & Son [SR] 10:30 a.m. - The People of the Parish [HA] 11:30 a.m. - Charles B. Ryan, Wife and Family [SR] 5:00 p.m. - Leonard Bucca, Wife and Children [SR] Robert Benson Whitney Bivens Fred Bogdan Michael Bridge John Cairo Jean Cairo John Catana Nicholas Cirillo Anthony Davis Joan De Lorenzo Josephine De Marie Larry Driver Jason Dzbenski Robert Esposito Anthony Fabrizio Tony Feldenzer Loretta Ferri Helen Finn Rev. J.C. Garrett Mary Gusz John Hartmann Mae Healy Madison Hernandez Claire Hofmann Paul Hohman Jack Hornyak Sandy Iglesias Dana Infantine Linda Iorio Jennifer Jimmerson Fr. Eugene Keenan Pat Kelly Jim Kicinski George Kmetz Marie Lee Marion Lanzoni John Margicin Patti Menichelli Margaret McBride Anna Modica Faye Moore Fred Morelli Anna Rose Mucci Jan Niedermaier Anatoli Gischlar Robert J. O”Boyle Albert Paul Phyllis Pelke Janet Peterson Bunny Posner Elaine Ragano Regina Procell Ray Pental Rocco Ranalli Evelyn Ranalli Carl Reinhardt Jr. Mary & Louis Revesz Anne Rzeminski John Sagui Ferdinand Scaccotti Michael Serenelli Natalie Severino Matthew Shea Dorothy Smith Chris Somma Concetta Testa Katie Thomas Stanley Thompson Kevin Tucci Patricia Walter James Widmann Frances Womack John Zubricky Eucharistic Adoration, Mass and Stations of the Cross St. Raphael’s Altar Candle this week… In Loving Memory of Edward Dill Every Friday, St. Raphael Church will have Eucharistic Adoration from 6pm to 7pm followed by evening Mass at 7pm. During the Lenten Season, we will have Stations of the Cross after the 7pm Mass. Requested by Wife Holy Angel’s Altar Candle this week… In Loving memory of Anthony Carnevale Requested by Aunt Mary & Uncle Joe Pizzuti Please remember that flower offerings at both St. Raphael and Holy Angels churches will resume after Easter. “Loving Father, let me make a gift of myself to you this Lent” The Magnificat Page 2 Music Notes Pastor’s Notes JESUS IS LORD! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Lent is a season of spiritual cleansing and renewal. In the weeks between now and Easter, by withdrawing ourselves a little from our lives in this world, we will seek to find greater fullness in our life with Christ. He has a plan for Lent, a plan to pour out to us graces of repentance and humility and joy in his presence. Truly, if we live this season in tune with God’s plan, we will be transformed people by the time we sing our Easter Alleluias. The three spiritual observances which Christians traditionally practice with greater fervor during Lent are fasting, almsgiving, and prayer. Jesus himself recommended these, but three times exhorted his disciples to approach these practices with the proper attitude. We are not to act like “the hypocrites” (Matthew 6:2). The word “hypocrite” is derived from a Greek word referring to an actor on stage: In other words, one who plays a part or puts on a show, but does not reveal his or her own true self. In the time between now and Easter, we must not be actors just going through the motions of these practices as a role, in the hope of proving that we can “perform” a good Lent. On the contrary, a Lent which bears spiritual fruit will occur only if our true and interior selves are revealed in prayer and changed and healed by the Lord. All the other practices of Lent will serve to reinforce this kind of prayer. As St. Augustine said in a Lenten sermon: “By almsgiving and fasting we add wings of fervor to our prayers so that they may more easily fly up and reach God… Through humility and charity, fasting and almsgiving, abstaining and forgiving, avoiding evil and doing good, our prayer seeks peace and achieves it. For such prayer takes its flight on the wings lent it by these virtues and easily reaches heaven, where Christ our Peach has gone on ahead.” (Sermon 206, 2-3) From St. Raphael’s Music Ministry… We have begun preparation for the upcoming Lenten and Confirmation celebrations. This is a wonderful time to consider being part of this vibrant ministry. We are in need of handbell ringers in both choirs, and always in need of singers and instrumentalists. Being involved in the music ministry is a way to serve your parish and deepen your faith. Please consider joining. See “This Week @ St. Raphael– Holy Angels” for details. St. Raphael-Holy Angels Food Pantry Today may we appreciate this food and remember those who are hungry. May we appreciate our family and friends and remember those who are alone. May we appreciate our health and remember those who are sick. May we appreciate the freedoms we have and remember those who suffer injustice and tyranny. Peace on Earth . Amen Please remember our hungry, sick and lonely neighbors who visit the parish food pantry regularly. Your prayers and support are most appreciated. Upcoming “Reach Out Saturdays” are on Saturday, March 11th & March 25th from 9 to 11am. Flower Offerings in Memory of …. Antoinette Serenelli Req.Ann Parvese & Joseph Serenelli M/M Joseph Domino & M/M Paul Crucili Req.John & Rose Crucili [pastor’s message continued ] Above all else, we must approach Lent with hearts that long for God. Then we shall pursue our spiritual activities not merely as an end in themselves, but with a zeal for the way they can bring us closer and open our minds to the Lord. His presence will lend the radiance of joy to these next forty days. Page 3 In Jesus and Mary, Father Jeff Kegley, Pastor Weekly Collection for Feb. 25th & 26th IN THE WORDS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE BENEDICT XVI Dear Brothers and Sisters: The Gospel of Mark, theme of the Sunday celebrations of this liturgical year, presents a catechumenal itinerary, which leads the disciple to recognize Jesus as Son of God. By a fortunate coincidence, today's passage touches on the topic of fasting: As you know, next Wednesday the Lenten season will begin with the rite of ashes and penitential fasting. For this reason, the Gospel is particularly appropriate. It recounts how while Jesus was seated at table in the publican Levi's house, the Pharisees and followers of John the Baptist asked him why his disciples did not fast as they did. Jesus answered that the wedding guests cannot fast while the bridegroom is with them; they will fast when the bridegroom is taken from them (cf. Mark 2:1820). With these words, Christ reveals his identity of Messiah, Israel's bridegroom, who came for the betrothal with his people. Those who recognize and welcome him are celebrating. However, he will have to be rejected and killed precisely by his own: At that moment, during his Passion and death, the hour of mourning and fasting will come. As I mentioned, the Gospel episode anticipates the meaning of Lent. As a whole, it constitutes a great memorial of the Lord's passion, in preparation for the Easter resurrection. During this period the 'Alleluia' is not sung and we are invited to practice appropriate forms of penitential denial. The Lenten season must not be faced with an "old" spirit, as if it were a heavy and tedious obligation, but with the new spirit of the one who has found in Jesus and his paschal mystery the meaning of life, and now feels that everything must make reference to him. This was the attitude of the Apostle Paul, who affirmed that he left everything behind to be able to know Christ "and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that if possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead" (Philippians 3:10-11). May our guide and teacher in our Lenten journey be Mary Most Holy, who, when Jesus went with determination to Jerusalem to suffer the passion, followed him with total faith. As a "new amphora" she received the "new wine" prepared by the Son for the messianic betrothal (cf. Mark 2:22). And, in this way, she was the first to receive under the Cross that grace, poured out by the pierced heart of the son, incarnation of the love of God for humanity, that she herself, had requested with a 1st collection - $ 17,708.50 School Endowment - $ 2,506.40 Children’s envelopes -$ Total - $ 20,420.05 205.15 Thank you for your generous contributions to your parish ! TRIP TO THE SHRINES IN ROME Join Sister Sandra as the Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels prepares to leave for a spiritually enriching trip to The Shrines of Rome! We depart on September 9th and return on September 17th, 2006. Points of visit include Rome, Florence, Sienna and Assisi. For pricing, reservation and/or more information call Sister Sandra at St. Raphael’s Rectory - 585-7049 Attention All Choir Members ! A special choir is being formed to lead the music at the 7th Annual Celebration for Law Enforcement to be held on Tuesday, April 4, @10:30am at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption. Parish choir members who would like to participate in this liturgy may contact Mr. Donival Brown @ 609-587-9876. Come be a part of this wonderful celebration of appreciation for all those in Law Enforcement! Remember in prayer, the deceased of our parish and their families : Mark Brown Ann Novak Clementine Cusato {The Words of the Holy Father continued } mother's instinct for the bride and groom of Cana (cf. "Deus Caritas Est," Nos. 13-15). May this holy season be a time of profound spiritual renewal for you and your families. Upon all of you I cordially invoke the Lord's blessings of joy and peace. Page 4 VATICAN CITY, FEB. 26, 2006 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Parish and Community Events… CCD - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 Grade 3 - 4:00 PM to 5:00PM Grades 6 & 7 - 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM The Holy Name Society– Our next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday, March 8th in the parish center. All men of our parish are encouraged to join us in this spiritual organization. Our purpose is to love, defend, praise, honor and evangelize the holy name of Jesus Christ. CCD - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 Grades 1 & 2 - 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Grades 4 & 5 - 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM The Elderberry Club– Please continue to submit your reservations for our Spring Luncheon on Wed. April 19th 2006 at the German American Club. CCD - Sunday, March 19, 2006 Kindergarten - 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM Family Centered Program [ FCP] -Sunday, March 5, 2006 - 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon St. Raphael-Holy Angels Rosary Altar Society-We welcome all women of our parish who will be joining us for our monthly program on Monday, March 6th. Please stay for refreshments and most importantly Don’t Forget To Bring Your Dimes !! COMING EVENTS Tuesday March 7th Grade 3 & 6 - Lenten Penance Service during class time. Tuesday, March 14th Grade 7 - Confirmation line-up and practice - 7- 8:15PM Wednesday, March 15th Grade 5 - Lenten Penance Service during class time Thursday, March 16th Grade 2 - 1st Communion parent meeting - 7PM, APR Tuesday, March 21st Grade 7 - Confirmation practice - Music Sunday, March 26th Final confirmation practice for sponsors and students 2- 4PM - APR and Church The Parish Community of Our Lady of the AngelsPresenting Lenten Series 2006. We welcome our guest homilist Fr. Brennen J.Farleo, O.F.M.Conv. on each Sunday of Lent beginning at 4:00pm at Immaculate Conception Church. Way of the Cross with adoration and benediction will begin on each Friday of Lent at 7:00pm. You can reach The Religious Education Office @ 585-3848 from 9am to 12:00noon and 1:00pm to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday. R.C.I.A. { Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults} Now that Lent has arrived, the R.C.I.A. Process will be entering into an intense period of prayer and reflection leading up to the Easter Vigil. At that time, Candidates and Catechumens world-wide will be welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church. This weekend will be the Rite of Sending in our Diocese. All churches will send the unbaptized for the Vigil, and their sponsors, to the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption. There, Bishop Smith will preside, as names of Catechumens [those who are unbaptized] will be written into the Book of the Elect. Look for more information as we travel together through the coming weeks of Lent, and please keep the Cathechumens and Candidates in your special prayers. Divine Mercy Parish Altar Rosary-We will be holding a “Gift Auction” on Sunday, April 2,2006 at the Holy Cross Community Center located on Grand and Cass Streets in Trenton. Doors will open at 12:00 noon and drawings begin at 1:30pm. Refreshments and lunch will be available and admission is $5.00. For additional information call Dolores Klama @ 609-392-8598. Lifeteen Music Ministry - Are you a teen or an adult with instrumental or vocal talents and a desire to serve God through song? If so, contact Rob MacReynolds, Director of Contemporary Music -St. Raphael-Holy Angels at [email protected]. Social Concerns Mercer County Geriatric Center St. Patrick’s Day– Don’t forget about our annual Wearing of the Green party for the residents. Lots of volunteers, especially student volunteers are needed and invited to come. On Sunday 3/5/06 @ 1:00pm, meet at Kathy’s house for gift wrapping and party preparations. All are welcome! On Tuesday 3/14/06 @ 6:15pm, meet on the 2nd Floor of the Center for our spectacular party! We will have refreshments, entertainment, favors and gifts for all. If you can help either day, or have gifts that can be used as prizes on the 14th, please call Kathy @ 585-4307. Page 5 ST. RAPHAEL - HOLY ANGELS PURGATORIAL SOCIETY - MARCH 2006 Rose Costa Req. by Husband & Family “And if ere the dawn I should draw my last breath And the sleep that I take be the long sleep of death, Be near me, dear Mother, for dear Jesus’ sake When my soul on Eternity’s shore shall awake” Our Lady of the Rosary Library Pasquale J. DeLorenzo Raymond Sabat Req. by Thomas & Victoria DiFilippo Req. by M/M Edward Woodrow William Gallagher Req. by Wife Mary K. Gosselin Req. by John&Sally Minar & Family Stanley W. Sobun Req. by Joan&Richard O’Grady Bobby Mickschutz Req. by Mom,Dad,Jill,Joe&Matt Lena Hirschman Req. by Neighbors from Kinter Ave. Joseph TimKo Req. by Mike Lipski Francis J. Miller Req. by Haley, Kelsey, Jesse & Matthew Adeline Milito Req. by Yolanda Zaffutti Req. by All Her Children Michael Cullen Req. by The Baisas Family Req. by The Janalo Family Daniella Lukasewycz Req. by Pat & Bob Sheldon Anne Yostembski Req. by Greg & Linda Czenis James D. Connelly Req. by Robert G. Yuhas Joseph M. Guadagno Sr. Louis DeBlasio Req. by Mary Guadagno&Family Req. by Mary DeBlasio Ruth A. Borland Req. by Walt & Betty Hughes Encarnacion Tadeo Req. by The Janalo Family William Whalen Req. by Sean & Mary Pender James A. Santoro Req. by Marlene Snyder Anthony Silvia Jr. Req. by Maryann, Dave, Sylvania & Davie Nancy Cook Req. by Mary Hogan and Judith Pullman Elizabeth Drobnak Req. by Carol & Rich Kiernan and Pat & Jack Kiernan Thomas Cavanaugh Req. by M/M Denis Cavanaugh Claire E. Lorenzen Req. by Walt & Betty Hughes Grace Aiello Req. by Patty Rusinovich W. Donald Matlack Req. by Elsie Carvale Barbara Jean Kubisz Req. by Joe & Donna Brunner Glenda Jo Houck Req. by John & Gloria Hayes Alex Bencivengo Req. by Frank Thomann Req. by Len & Grace Domanski Req. by Debra & Kevin Lowy Michael Kennedy Req. by Teresa Kennedy Req. by Richard & Mary Habres Req. by Thomas Jr.& Elaine Kennedy Anthony Meszaros Req. by M/M Joseph Sedor Sr. Req. by M/M Tom Warner Patricia Giallella DePula Req. by Terri & Barry Loda Req. by Peg Burroughs and Donna & Peter Possert Req. by Jean Quick Gianna Nesbitt Req. by The Travaglini Family Req. by Jo Ann Grace Dario Panfili Sr. Req. by The Wilk Family Helen Leck Req. by Valerie Hens&Family Jessica Capardi Bernardo Tuazon Req. by M/M Thomas Wilson Sr. Req. by M/M Thomas Wilson Jr. Req. by M/M Anthony Irilli & Son Req. by David Wilson and Danielle Crawford Req. by John Wilson and Req. by Mary Szucs Mark Brown Req. by Roberta & Helen Page 6 SCHOOL AND SPORTS NEWS... Attention All Girls In 5th thru 8th Grade ! Save the Date! Friday May 19, 2006 St. Raphael School is proud to announce our 2nd Annual Golf Classic Cream Ridge Golf Club, Cream Ridge NJ 8:30 a.m. shotgun start $110.OO per golfer includes: 18 holes of golf, cart, continental breakfast, luncheon, tee gift package, awards, and prizes. There will be sign-ups in the St. Raphael’s Gym on Wednesday, March 8th 2006 for soccer and softball. For information regarding Softball please call MaryBeth Micharski @ 609-585-0567. For information regarding Soccer please call Elizabeth Flynn @ 609-585-7553 Jeff Foss @ 609-575-3933 or MaryBeth Micharski @ 609- 585-0567 For more information contact: Hope Costa (609) 585-7733 or [email protected] St. Raphael School Computer Camp St. Raphael - Holy Angels Cheerleaders Are you looking for something to do this summer ? Do you want to have fun ? Then you want to be at the St. Raphael Computer Camp ! Congratulations go out to all our cheerleaders for their hard work this season! Our schedule of success is as follows… JV - 3rd Place Varsity - 2nd Place Miss Yell- Victoria McCabe - JV - 2nd Place Miss Yell- Samantha LaRocca - Varsity - 2nd Place Hurry and reserve your spot today as limited seating is available!! CYO - 2/11/06 OLS - 2/18/06 JV - 1st Place Varsity - 1st Place Miss Yell- Jenna Udijohn - JV - 2nd Place Miss Yell- Jackie Baeza - Varsity - 2nd Place Ocean City, Maryland - 2/24 to 2/26 JV and Varsity won 1st place trophies as National Champions in their divisions. Miss Yell- Angela Grieb - JV - 1st Place Miss Yell- Brielle Forsthoffer - JV - 2nd Place Miss Yell- Courtney Parent - Varsity - 4th Place Activities include Fun Fridays in a great game room, and trips. In addition every camper gets a free tee shirt. Classes are held in a safe and air conditioned environment. A registration fee of $30.00 is due by April 28th. The camp also offers before care from 7am to 9am and after care from 2pm to 5pm everyday. Camp dates are from July 3rd through August 11th and camp hours are 9am to 2pm.For an application contact Ms. Sandra Poole @ 609-585-4155. PTA Lucky Number Calendar Raffle Winning Numbers Best of luck at the Motions Tournament on March 18th ! Sunday Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, “ Little by little you recognize the ‘talent’ or ‘talents’ which each of you has, and you begin to use them in a creative way, you begin to increase them.” Pope John Paul II Page 7 February 26 February 27 February 28 March 1 March 2 March 3 March 4 — — — — — — — 369 291 822 461 746 958 439 Attention Teens: Are You and Your Friends Looking for a New Place to hang out on Saturday Afternoons? Bored of the same old Saturday Routine? JOIN US FOR: LTX SATURDAYS Here’s your chance to meet new people and make new friends. LTX is a place for local teens to hang out and have some fun. LTX Saturdays consist of: “Old School,” Two-Hand Touch, Pick-Up Football That’s Right! We’re bringing it back to the “Old School,” where there are no refs, where whoever shows-up plays, and where there are no trophy’s, only glory and bragging rights. Big Screen, PS2 & Game Cube - Showdowns Our Entertainment Room features 2 TV’s and 2 Video Game Consoles. The room is equipped with a Big Screen TV, a PS2 with multi-taps for up to 8 players, and a Game Cube. Additionally, we have some of the hottest games for both systems, such as: Madden, Gran Turismo, Soul Calibur, Super Smash Bros., and MarioKart. Feel free to bring your games from home. Arcade Air Hockey and Fooseball Tournaments Our Game Room features 2 Fooseball tables, one of which is a Deluxe, and a 7 ½ foot Arcade Style, Air Hockey Table. We’ll be counting your wins and loses, so we know where you fall on the Leader Board. Here’s your chance to duke it out for recognition as one of our top table game players. Free Pizza!!! What would a get together be without pizza? The pizza is on the house, and of course we’ll always have snacks, soda, and other refreshments on hand. EVERY SATURDAY, STARTING MARCH 18th, FROM 11:30am – 1:00pm Hosted by St. Raphael’s – Holy Angels LIFE TEEN program. Staffed by our Youth Minister Tom McMullin and the Youth Ministry Team LTX is located at St. Raphael’s Parish Community at 3500 S. Broad St. in Hamilton, NJ. For more info visit our website at, or call us at 609-585-7049. Page 8 Protecting God’s Children® Online - A must for parents, educators and volunteers Date: 3/25/2006 | Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Protecting Children and Young People from Online Dangers: The Internet has become the new schoolyard for child molesters seeking girls or boys to victimize. For 2005, the VIRTUS® programs present an intensive one-day training seminar that illustrates the growing problem of sexual predators who target children via the Internet. The seminar will identify and then discuss the methodologies and seduction techniques employed by the child molester in the various chat rooms and on the World Wide Web. Additionally, the seminar examines the topics of child erotica, child pornography, and their use by the child molester. Lastly, the seminar explores safety techniques and software that can be used to protect children. Speaker: Robert Hugh Farley, M.S., a 30-year veteran of the Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department in Chicago, Illinois, presents this eye-opening seminar. As a highly decorated detective and deputy United States Marshal, Detective Farley has had over 28 years experience conducting and supervising all aspects of child abuse investigations—from sexual abuse to child homicide. Specific topics addressed at the seminar: • Historical background of child exploitation. • The evolution of the online problem that began in 1997. • The progression of child pornography from Polaroid photos, to camcorders, to digital cameras, and beyond. • The use of the computer, text messaging and the Internet in child sexual exploitation. • Web-cams, chat rooms, file severs, and the Internet Relay Chat (IRC). • Strategies for developing an online child friendly/child safe atmosphere in a religious and/or school environment. • Awareness of fundamental computer hardware, technology and terminology. • Techniques for interviewing the victim of online child abuse. • Identification, disclosure, and the special needs of the victim of online child abuse. • The situational child molester, the preferential child molester and the online child sexual predator. • The child molester’s online seduction techniques. • Child molester collections: child pornography, trophies, and child erotica. • Law enforcement’s reactive and proactive response to the online problem. The seminar will be held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center on March 25, 2006 from 9:00am – 4:00pm Space is limited – please register early Registration by March 11th – $25.00 per person (includes lunch) Registration after March 11th – $35.00 per person (includes lunch) Send check made out to “Diocese of Trenton” to: Office of Administrative Services, Diocese of Trenton 701 Lawrence Rd. Po Box 5147 Trenton NJ 08638-0147 Page 9 - This week at SAINT RAPHAEL– HOLY ANGELS Event Location Time Information Grade 3&6 Grade 3 Grade 6&7 Grades 6-12 Parish Gym St. Raphael’s SR Parish Center. During Class Time 4:00PM - 5:00PM 7:00PM - 8:15PM 5:30PM - 6:45PM 7:30PM - 9:30PM 7:45PM - 9:15PM 8:00PM Grades 1&2 Grades 4&5 Grades 2-5 4:00PM - 5:00PM 7:00PM - 8:15PM 5:30PM - 6:45PM St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s Holy Angels 2:30PM - 3:45PM 5:30PM - 6:45PM 7:30PM 7:45PM - 9:15PM 7:00PM - 8:30PM Monday, March 6th, 2006 Tuesday, March 7th, 2006 Lenten Penance Service CCD CCD Heaven’s Echo Adult Recreational Volleyball Contemporary Ensemble Bingo Wednesday, March 8th, 2006 CCD CCD Cool Kidz for God Thursday, March 9th, 2006 Afternoon Bells Evening Bells Charismatic Prayer Meeting Adult Choir Angels of Faith Choir Friday, March 10th, 2006 Lucky Number Drawing Bingo Young Adult Ministry Saturday, March 11th, 2006 Sunday, March 12th, 2006 Adult RCIA CCD Family Centered Program SR Parish Center. 7:00PM SR Parish Center. 8:00PM St. Vincent de Paul 7:30PM [Yardville] Holy Angels 10:30AM Kindergarten 9:30AM - 10:30AM All Purpose Room 9:30AM - 12:00 Noon Attention !! OFFICE OF YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES Anyone Serving or Would Like to Serve in Religious Education and/or Pastoral Ministry March Calendar The Catholic Ministry Conference at Georgian Court University in collaboration with the Office of Parish Life, Diocese of Trenton welcomes Professor Thomas Groome as he presents “Our Best Hopes For The Future of Ministry” Friday,April 7th 10AM to 2:30PM In the Casino Auditorium Registration is $10.00pp and includes continental breakfast and a boxed lunch. Register only through GCU by calling 732-987-2263. 3/10 3/17 3/24 3/25 3/31 The Catholic Underground YA Adoration - St. Patrick Women’s Fellowship - Topic TBA Men’s Fellowship - Topic TBA Movie: The Passion of the Christ The next event ,March 10th, will take place at St. Vincent DePaul Church in Yardville beginning at 7:30pm. For information and/or directions visit: You may also contact Ed Parma @ 588-4177 or call Jeanine Loh [Coordinator of Young Adult Ministries @ The Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels] 585-7049. Page 10
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