Breast NSSG Annual Report 2010/11 Agreement Cover Sheet This Annual Report has been agreed by: Position: Chair of the NSSG Name: Mr Neil Rothnie Organisation: Southend University Hospital NHS FT Date Agreed: 1st September 2011 Position: Chair of the Network Board Name: Sheila Bremner Organisation: NHS North Essex Date Agreed: 20th September 2011 Category Report Introduction This annual report from the Breast NSSG covers the period 1st April 2010 – 31st March 2011. The NSSG was established following the merger of South Essex and Mid Anglia Cancer Networks in 2007. The key emphasis in 20008/09 and 2009/10 was consolidation of the group and implementing the agreed network plans for delivering IOG compliant Breast Cancer services. Key achievements in 2010/11 include: • The establishment of a moving on exercise group in North Essex. This group met on two occasions during 2010/11 one business meeting and one audit event. Minutes attached Appendix 1. Key challenges where some progress made but additional work required next year, includes: strong fully constituted MDTs (addressing any Peer Review shortfalls and presenting Commissioning Guide Key Indicators for Breast cancer); IOG compliant breast cancer services across all localities; review of NSSG constitution; greater commitment to network-wide audit and agreement of minimum dataset (MDS) information systems. NSSG Meetings Schedule / Attendance There have been two Breast NSSG meetings during 2010/11 one dedicated to business and one audit event. Annual Review Date: 14th July 2011 Conducted by: Tom Carr, Medical Director The attendance demonstrates involvement from core members from each of the four Breast MDTs that serve the Essex Cancer Network (Appendix 3). Breast NDR.doc Activity Overview Breast Surgery 201011.xlsx Surgical data is also included in part of the clinical lines of enquiry data within appendix 5. Waiting Times 2010-11 Breast 2WW BASILDON CHELMSFORD COLCHESTER SOUTHEND Grand Total No. 981 1123 1216 1276 4596 % 95.80% 95.41% 97.05% 99.45% 97.02% 31 Day No. 165 252 348 383 1148 % 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 62 Day No. 101 141 171 126 538 % 98.01% 95.73% 94.74% 98.41% 96.47% Network Audit A range of topics were presented at our Network audit event agreed via NSSG. Each project was assigned a co-coordinator and the results of the projects were presented at our Half Day event in October 2010 held at The Waterfront in Chelmsford. The meeting was highly successful and was well attended by members of the NSSG as well as some external visitors. Audit flyer shown in appendix 2 Audit projects presented included • Management of Breast cancer in the Elderly. • HER2 availability HER 2 Audit Oct 2010 55.ppt The audit event was extended to include others working in breast care services outside of the NSSG membership. A summary of attendance is included below: Attendance Sheet for 8.10.10 Audit.pdf Breast “Lines of Inquiry” National Data The tables setting out the ECN ‘Breast Clinical Lines of Inquiry (nationally available data) are set out in Appendix 5. We propose collecting the ‘Key Commissioning Questions’ data from each unit with individual, but anonymised, surgical data to encourage IOG compliance. Research The Breast NSSG had agreed their list of clinical trials during 2009/10 and reviewed and updated this list for 2010/11 Professor N Davidson has been elected as the Research Lead. The agreed list and MDT recruitment levels into each clinical trial for the 2010/11(up to March 2011) is listed in Appendix 4. The NSSG at its meeting in March 2010 discussed clinical trial list for 2010/11 and activity lists (as required by measure 1C-151) will be reviewed at all future meetings and action agreed as required during 2010/11. Patient & Carer Feedback and Involvement Each breast care nursing team has carried out a patient satisfaction survey annually and presented findings & action plan to their own teams. This years survey is being collated as a network and will be presented at the NSSG meeting in November 2011. The group has active user members who bring patient issues to the NSSG. The users also meet with their local breast care nurses to discuss local user support groups and the establishment of moving on programmes. Essex Cancer Network Breast Cancer NSSG meeting Friday 8th October 2010 12 noon – 2.00pm Essex Cardiothoracic Centre, Basildon Hospital Minutes Paul Sauven (Chair) PS Breast Surgeon, MEHT Neil Rothnie (Deputy Chair) NR Breast Surgeon, SUHFT Mr S. Chandra Sekharan SC Consultant Surgeon, CHUFT Sharron Beesley SB Service User, ECN Kathy Rooke KR Research Sister, Breast Care, MEHT/CHUFT Teresa Dearson (for Carolyn Ollenbuttel TD Breast Care Sister, MEHT Anne Robinson AR Consultant Oncologist, SUHFT Wendy Ella WE Consultant Oncologist, SUHFT Roger Whitney RW Consultant Radiologist, MEHT Ashley Solieri ASo Research Network Manager, ECRN Ms. Emma Grey AR Consultant Surgeon, SUHFT Mr Ali Salih AS Breast Surgeon, BTUHFT Khalid Al Janabi KJ Consultant Pathologist, MEHT Asha Eliti AE Consultant Radiologist, SUHFT Taghreed Toma 1. TT Consultant Radiologist, SUHFT Apologies Karen Hull, Reggie Inwang, Karen Reeve, Karen Travis, Karen Duncombe, Carol Napper, Phil Murray, Nazira Visram 2. Previous Minutes of NSSG – 5th March 2010 The minutes were agreed as a true record of proceedings. 3. Matters Arising 3.1 Review 2009/10 Work Programme • Seeing all breast referrals in two weeks None of the localities reported any problems with meeting this standard. • Service Improvement Clinical lines of enquiry PS reminded the NSSG that each unit would be required to submit individual consultant data on Mastectomy/Conservation ratios, axillary clearance, immediate reconstruction rates, length of stay and survival. He stated that he had significant reservations about the appropriateness of the data being requested but that it was not optional. Following discussion on the 5 additional lines of enquiry it was also agreed that some of the information will not accurately reflect activity and clear definitions will be required to ensure consistency of the data. It was not clear whether the questions referred to only invasive cancers or all cancers and NR also was concerned as to who will be providing the information as there were some questions as to the accuracy of the HES data. AS will ask Sue Maughn to investigate who is expected to collect the data. Action: AS BCCOM data All localities had submitted their data with Basildon submitting theirs unchecked. NR stated that checking the data does improve the accuracy however if Trusts have no support to undertake the checking it is better to submit unchecked than not at all. 3.3 Peer Review It was agreed that there is a lack of support at all localities for uploading the documents required for peer review. Basildon and Chelmsford MDT’s received a formal visit, reports available on CqUINS 3.4 Discuss and Agree Service Development priorities for Breast Cancer PS wished to defer this item 3.5 Network Constitution/Clinical Guidelines PS will review and update the NSSG guidelines and circulate for comments. PS requested that oncologists and radiologists review and update their respective sections and similarly surgeons. The oncologists requested that they undertake this following the SABCC international meeting in December. Action: PS, surgeons, Oncologists and Radiologists 3.6 Data Collection The Somerset System will eventually be in place across all MDT’s in the ECN. Mid Essex reported they are piloting only target and not clinical data on a couple of tumour sites, Colchester and Basildon had nothing to report. Southend reported data was being collected at breast and colorectal MDTs by the MDT co-ordinators; however they do not yet know how robust the data is. PS reminded the NSSG that until all the trusts were making Somerset available and supporting clinical data input there was no likelihood of accurate data collection and it would be very difficult to answer the clinical lines of enquiry. 3.7 Audit 2010/11 Audit topics already agreed as listed above – a) Elderly Audit. Lead – Neil Rothnie. - Presented 08.10.10 b) HER2 availability – Presented 08.10.10 It was agreed that the topics for next year were: • • • Length of stay – Lead Emma Grey – 4/12 prospective data collection February to May 2011. EG to circulate proformas by Jan 2011 for comment Satisfaction audit - Breast care Nurses –– TD reported the proformas had been agreed. PS asked the nurses agree a time table to undertake the survey and inform him. To be presented at the October 2011 audit day. Staging Investigations for Primary Breast Cancer – Lead Taghreed Toma – 4/12 data collection (February to May 2011). TT to circulate draft proformas to radiologists and then to PS by Jan 2011 Date of Audit for 2011 to be agreed at next meeting. 3.8 Review and agree Clinical Trials for Breast Cancer The current list of trials were agreed. ASo outlines the key peer review measures of an NSSG lead for research and the NSSG informing the MDT of the agreed list. The group felt they did not need to undertake this as they regularly receive recruitment reports showing a good level of recruitment. WE reported that Basildon now had research nurse support and it was hoped that recruitment would improve with the re-opening of Persephone and Supremo, although there had been some problems recently. 3.9 Breast CNS Up-date Nil to report. 3.10 User Up-date Nil to report. 4. Any Other Business 4.1 Chair PS reported that he was reducing his hours to part time in January 2011 and planned to demit his position as Chair on 1st April 2011. NR, as the current deputy Chair, will take over as Chair at this time. PS asked for nominations for the position of Deputy Chair to be forwarded to him. 5. Date of future meetings Friday April 8th 2011 – 12 noon to 2pm, Board and Middle Rooms at Swift House Chelmsford, CM2 5PF Followed by NSSG Business Meeting 1.00pm – 3.00pm (closed meeting) The Essex Cardiothoracic Centre, Room 3, Level D, Basildon Hospital sponsored by and (with an unrestricted educational grant) TIME TITLE OF PRESENTATION 9.00 PRESENTER Coffee and Biscuits 09.30 Welcome Professor P. Sauven 09.40 Management of Breast Cancer in the Elderly Neil Rothnie 10.20 HER2 Availability Audit Khalid Al-Janabi 11.00 11.15 Refreshment Break Bolero 2 Research Clinical Trial David Rich, Novartis 11.55 Closing Remarks and Audit Proposals for 2011 Professor Paul Sauven 12.15pm LUNCH 1.00pm – 3.00pm NSSG Business Meeting – Closed Meeting – Agenda to follow For more information please contact Sue Maughn, Interim Network Director, Essex Cancer Network (tel. 01245 397647). If you plan to attend, please e-mail: [email protected] Appendix 3 Summary Attendance at Breast NSSG 2010/11 Name 8.10.2010 NSSG % Title ORG Admin Manager Consultant Surgeon Consultant Surgeon Consultant Oncologist CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT CHUFT N Y N N N app 0 100 0 0 0 0 Khalid Al-Janabi Carolyn Ollenbuttel(Teresa Dearson-Alternate) Neville Davidson Karen Hull Kathy Rooke Reggie Inwang Consultant Pathologist Breast care Sister MEHT MEHT Y Y 100 100 Consultant Oncologist Service Manager Research Sister MEHT MEHT MEHT/CHUFT MEHT Paul Sauven( chair until 31.12.10) Simon Smith Roger Whitney Consultant Surgeon North East Essex Pat Budd Mr. S. Chandra Sekharan Rebecca Elvin Angela Haigh Simon Marsh Phillip Murray Mid Essex N app app 0 0 0 0 100 MEHT Y N Y 0 100 Y Y Y 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 Consultant Surgeon Consultant Radiologist MEHT MEHT Consultant Consultant Consultant Consultant Surgeon Oncologist Oncologist Surgeon SUHFT SUHFT SUHFT SUHFT Consultant Radiologist Consultant Radiologist Consultant Oncologist SUHFT SUHFT SUHFT SUHFT Y Y Y N app BTUHFT BTUHFT BTUHFT app N Y 0 100 app Y 0 100 South Essex - Southend Emma Gray Wendy Ella Anne Robinson Neil Rothnie (chair from 1.1.11) Asha Eliti Tagreed Toma Colin Trask Anne McPherson South Essex - Basildon Karen Duncombe Jackie Gibson Mr. A. Salih Service Manager Consultant Surgeon User Representation Nazira Visram Sharron Beesley User rep User rep Cancer Network Sue Maughn(from 1.6.2011) Tom Carr Netty Wood Network Director Medical Director Network Pharmacist ECN ECN ECN N N N 0 0 0 Manager ECRN Y 100 Essex Cancer Research Network Ashley Solieri Entries in Blue are Core Breast MDT members Appendix 4 Essex Cancer Network – Agreed Breast Cancer Trial and Recruitment Accrual 2010/11 Trial Name and Short Description Southend 10/11 Total Basildon 09/10 Total ACHEW ARTemis / Avastin Randomised Trial with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy 5 5 Azure Bone Study / Bone health in Br Ca Survivors following adj Bisph 11 14 BBC-NCRN / British Breast Contralateral study 17 408 Chelmsford 09/10 Total 8 8 18 BORIS / Novel biomarkers of chemotherapy efficacy 0 09/10 Total 2 3 209 1394 37 64 58 BORIS / proteins CTCF & BORIS in breast samples Glacier / National study of the genetics of lobular carcinoma in situ Colchester 69 IBIS II / Prevention + Bone 2 61 6 34 IBIS II / DCIS 2 9 2 6 3 39 3 17 Icicle / Genetics of in situ carcinoma of the ductal subtype E 11 Import High / Dose escalated intensity modulated radiotherapy 0 Import Low / Intensity modulated and partial organ radiotherapy *Complete / A Randomized, Open-Label, Phase III Study of Taxane Based Chemotherapy with Lapatinib or Trastuzumab *NCRN070 Vinflunine / Phase III study of vinflunine plus capecitabine versus capecitabine alone *NCRN81 / A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of Neratinib (HKI-272) After Trastuzumab *NCRN098 / BOLERO II - A Randomized Placebo-controlled DoubleBlind Study of Everolimus in Combination with Exemestane Neo-Comice / Establishing the Efficacy of Advanced Semi-automated Functional MR Imaging 26 Neo Excel / pre-op exmstn or ltrzl +/- clcxb Persephone / Duration of Trastuzumab with chemotherapy in women with early stage breast cancer POETIC / Trial of Perioperative Endocrine Therapy REACT / A phase III multicentre double blind randomised trial of celecoxib versus placebo SOFEA / Faslodex with/out concomitant Arimidex vs Exemestane 51 0 83 2 2 3 3 3 12 2 2 0 3 3 1 1 1 4 0 2 4 4 10 12 6 7 9 9 3 12 1 6 3 29 In set up 1 2 18 1 1 0 1 Supremo / chest wall irradiation in intermediate risk breast ca 5 12 0 1 2 TNT / Carbpltin vs dctxl ER- PR- AND HER2- patients 4 5 0 9 0 1 ZICE / Zoledronate versus Ibandronate Comparative Evaluation 6 29 0 13 2 12 *Commercial study 0 1 Appendix 5 Breast Clinical Lines of Enquiry - ECN (Nationally available Data) 1. Rates of immediate breast reconstruction among English Cancer Networks Taken from: The National Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Audit; A national audit of provision and outcomes of mastectomy and breast reconstruction surgery for women in England Second Annual Report 2009 Data from The National Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Audit 2009 2. Ratio of mastectomy to Breast Conserving Surgery (BCS) Mastectomy and Breast Excisions (Breast Neoplasm) Number of Procedures & Ratio of Procedures by Network (of Postcode of Trust) & Trust Procedure Based Analysis (Between 1st April 2009 and 31st March 2010) Number of Procedures Network Of Trust PC Essex Essex Total Proc L1 Trust Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Mastectomy 32 82 207 95 416 Data from NATCANSAT Other Excision of Breast Grand Total 72 213 155 260 706 104 295 362 355 1,122 Ratio Mastectomy % 31% 28% 57% 27% 37% Other Excision % 69% 72% 43% 73% 63% 3. Each surgeon managing at least 30 new cases per year Mastectomy and Breast Excisions (Breast Neoplasm) Number of Procedures & Ratio of Procedures by SHA & Trust Procedure Based Analysis (Between 1st April 2009 and 31st March 2010) (Multiple Items) Breast Neoplasm Mastectomy or Other Excision Only Proc L1 Diag L1 rev EPIKEY Count GMC N 7179 7078 7302 7258 7124 6949 1258 Trust Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 6119 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 1 6149 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 3 6696 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 3 6160 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 4 6875 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 8 6806 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 11 6796 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 23 7375 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 61 7307 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 74 Note 1: there are a number of surgeons who appear to be only performing 1 or 2 procedures – it is possible that this may YEAR 2009-10 28 50 26 78 135 82 1 be due to coding issues. Not all surgeons with numbers at a particular Trust have been red ragged – this is because they may be operating at more than one Trust and NATCANSAT have used the aggregate numbers to flag red. 7043 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 84 7048 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 89 113 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 1 2652 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 1 3424 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 1 4401 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 1 5509 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 1 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 62 7210 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 76 7260 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 79 7455 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 133 4. Average length of stay for breast cancer : Mastectomy and Breast Excisions (Breast Neoplasm) Average Length of Episode by Network (Postcode of Trust) & Trust Procedure Based Analysis (Between 1st April 2009 and 31st March 2010) 2009-2010_v13 YEAR Diag L1 rev Avg_LoS Network Of Trust PC Breast Neoplasm Proc L1 Mastectomy 6.5 Trust Basildon & Thurrock NHS FT Other Excision of Breast Grand Total 2.49 3.72 Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust 3.85 2.22 2.67 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 6.29 0.82 3.94 Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 4.28 1.07 1.93 5.37 1.5 2.93 Essex Total Data from NATCANSAT 5. The one-, three- and five-year survival rates 1996-00 Area code Area (PCTs, CNs and SHAs) EN England N38 Essex 1997-01 Area code EN England N38 Essex 1998-02 2000-04 2001-05 2002-06 DSR ll ul DSR ll ul DSR ll ul DSR ll ul DSR ll ul DSR ll ul DSR ll ul 93.7 95.1 93.6 94.3 93.9 95.9 94.0 95.8 93.9 95.1 94.2 96.6 94.3 95.7 94.2 95.0 94.5 96.5 94.6 95.6 94.5 94.8 94.7 96.3 94.9 94.9 94.8 94.2 95.0 95.7 95.1 95.4 95.0 94.7 95.2 96.1 95.4 95.4 95.2 94.7 95.5 96.2 1994-98 Area (PCTs, CNs and SHAs) 1 year survival female 1999-03 1995-98 ll ul 84.2 83.9 84.4 84.5 83.1 85.9 DSR 1996-00 ll ul 84.9 84.6 85.1 86.0 84.6 87.3 DSR 3 year survival: Females 1997-01 1998-02 ll ul ll ul 1999-03 ll ul 85.7 85.5 86.0 86.4 86.2 86.6 87.0 86.8 87.2 87.4 86.1 88.6 88.1 86.9 89.3 88.5 87.3 89.7 DSR DSR DSR 2000-04 ll ul 87.5 87.3 87.7 88.8 87.6 90.0 DSR ll ul 88.1 87.9 88.3 88.5 87.3 89.7 DSR 1994-98 Area code Area (PCTs, CNs and SHAs) EN England N38 Essex 5 year survival: Females 1996-00 1995-99 1997-01 1998-02 DSR ll ul DSR ll ul DSR ll ul DSR ll ul DSR ll ul 78.4 78.1 78.7 79.2 79.0 79.5 80.3 80.1 80.6 81.2 80.9 81.4 82.0 81.7 82.2 78.8 77.2 80.4 80.3 78.8 81.9 82.1 80.6 83.7 83.2 81.7 84.7 83.5 82.0 85.0
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