WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES Division of Health Care Financing 1 W. Wilson St. Madison WI 53703 To: Electronic Case File (ECF) Handbook Users From: Joanne Simpson, Interim Director Bureau of Eligibility Management Re: Electronic Case File (ECF) Release 07-03 Release Date: Effective Date: May 31, 2007 May 31, 2007 EFFECTIVE DATE The following process additions or changes are effective 05/31/07 unless otherwise noted. Bold text in the new process section denotes new text. Text with a strike through it in the old process section denotes deleted text. Changes Advanced Functions Reminder Each agency should have one or two people with update access (or advanced functions) to the ECF Viewer, or Eclient. Update access allows you to move or delete documents within the ECF. See section 1.3 for more information on this. Each person scanning should know who these people are within your agency. If your agency has not requested advanced functions for anyone, please send a request immediately by clicking on the “Contact Us” link in the handbook in the toolbar or at the bottom of each page. Include the name of the persons and their CARES IDs. Software Updates Agency IT staff were instructed to install Ascent Capture 7, Service Pack 3 by May 25, 2007. If it wasn’t installed, your scanners may not work properly after that date. To verify if the upgrade was done, from Ascent Capture’s Scan module, go to Help> About Ascent Capture. You should see a reference to Service Pack 3. 1.1.2 Viewing the ECF> ECF Access> Search Screen New Process: A new screenshot was added to this section to reflect the two new fields added to the Eclient (ECF viewer): The ACCESS Tracking Number field and the Comments field. The 10 digit ACCESS Tracking Number for applications or changes sent in via ACCESS will display automatically in the ACCESS Tracking Number Field. The Comments field is being added now in anticipation of future changes. It will remain blank until those changes are made at a later date. 1.5 Viewing the ECF> ECF Document List – sorted by Document Type 1.6 Viewing the ECF> ECF Document List – sorted by Doc Code Abbreviation 1.8 Viewing the ECF> ECF New Process: Sections 1.6 and 1.8 were deleted from the handbook. They were the same information as 1.5, in different formats. To reduce errors, only one section in the ECF Handbook will contain these document codes and definitions. A link will remain to an updated spreadsheet with the updated document codes and definitions in case you want to print, sort, or analyze document codes. Section 1.7 ECF Definitions was renamed “1.6 ECF Defintions.” Non-state forms were deleted from these sections. Also, descriptions were ECH Handbook 07-03 Page 2 Alphabetical Document Key clarified for the following document codes: APP- Scan any RFAs or Applications. Includes the HCF16019A and its translations. Previously RFAs used the RFA code. Do not use the RFA Doc code anymore. If it's a mail-in CAF, or the client brought a completed CAF to the office, scan the whole thing, excluding instructions. Include Combined Application forms, blue fold-outs, white mail-ins. (MP101C). CARES generated ACCESS applications (Apply For Benefits) are automatically stored in the ECF with the APP code. Include RFAs and applications for Medicaid, FoodShare, W-2 and Related Programs Application (DWSW-2471), W-2 and Related Programs Registration (DWSP-14880), Child Care, Emergency Assistance Application (DWSW-2010), Job Access Loan Application (DWSP-2482), refugee application paper work and applications for other programs such as W-2 emergency payments, county issued programs, etc. CHG- HCF 16006 (FoodShare Wisconsin Change Report), HCF 10137 (Medicaid Change Report), HCF 16066 (FoodShare Wisconsin Income Change Report), DWSP-2001 (Change Report), ACCESS Report My Changes Change Reports are stored in the ECF with the CHG code. NOD- Notices NOT generated in CARES. Notice of Disqualification (HCF 16024) and Notice of Program Violation (HCF 16014). Negative Notice (HCF 16001) and Positive Notice (HCF 16015). OP- Overpayments, underpayment and benefit recovery documents used for over payment or under payment calculation, AFDC and/or W-2 Services Repayment Agreement DES-10790 Wisconsin Works (W2), Overpayment Recoupment Notice (DES-10787) Wisconsin Works (W2) Overpayment Worksheet (DES- 10785), BV worksheets, associated letters. Sheriff's reports and manual wage verification used to calculate overpayments. Request for Write Off or Adjustment DWSD11439. State Letter of 'Acknowledgment of Receipt'. For overpayments related to fraud, refer to FRAUD. EI- Paychecks, check stubs, paystubs, etc. (treat as a multi-page document if more than one per job), employer statements. SEI- Includes SEIRF's, other self employment info, tax forms for the most current tax year, and Self-Employment Income Report (DWSP2131), room and board documents/ forms. DAF- Voluntarily Declining Aid (DWSW-2233) LEGAL- Includes guardianship papers, power of attorney, divorce, separation, Marriage certificates. Bankruptcy papers. Notice of Intent to File a Lien, MA-113. Affadavits of Lost, Destroyed, or Stolen Benefits (FIS-12768). For all Child Support legal documents, refer to CS. CS- All Child Support (non-expense related documents) including initial or subsequent paternity orders, court orders regarding support payments, referrals to child support including Good Cause Claim (DWSP-2019), Good Cause Notice (DWSP-2018), Notice of Assignment- ECH Handbook 07-03 Page 3 Child Support, Family Support, Maintenance and Medical Support (DWSP-2477), Any legal documents regarding Child Support should use the CS code and not LEGAL. For specific CS expenses, use CSE. CSE- All Child Support expense related documents, including documents related to child support payments. SCHL- School related documents used for all programs except Learnfare. For Learnfare, refer to WLCM. Includes school schedules used for Child Care authorizations, Financial Aid Information. ROI- Any release of information form, including Authorization for Disclosure of Confidential Information (DWDS-10779) form, School Enrollment and Attendance Information Release (DES-11297). CONF- Effective 05-31-07, this code is obsolete. Instead, use ROI, Release of Information. WDR- This is used for referrals to outside agencies such as the DVR and CAP programs, assessment referral forms, etc. This includes work program referrals, supportive services referrals, etc. For referrals within an agency, refer to OCNTY. REP- FoodShare Authorized Buyer FS-108. Legal guardian form. MP110, the Authorized Representative section of ACCESS' Apply For Benefits, if completed. 2.14 Ascent Capture / Scanning> Importing Documents New Process: 3.6 Technical Documentation> Agency Offices Remote Installation Procedures This section was entirely rewritten to include updated instructions and links to the latest versions of the software required when installing or reinstalling Ascent Capture, Kofax Virtual ReScan, or any of the DHFS custom components. 5.1.2 FAQs> Basic Scanning Questions> B19 New Process: This new section was added. ECF users are now able to import digital versions of documents into the ECF without scanning them. In situtations where you have digital documents, you will not need to print documents just to scan them. Instead, you can choose to import emails, Word Documents, PDFs, or serveral other file types. This section gives details on how and when to import documents. Q: Why are there sometimes straight vertical lines on the scanned documents? Sometimes it only appears on one side of a document. A: There is either a scratch or dirt on the glass part of the scanner. Most likely it’s dirt. Lift up the scanner document feeder and use a alcohol pad to clean the upper and lower glass. These are the very narrow stretches of glass and not the flatbed glass. If only one side has dirt on it, that would explain why only one side of a document has the vertical line. In effect, your’re scanning a stationary piece of dirt as the paper is pulled through and scanned. The result is a vertical line. If it’s a scratch, you may need to replace the glass. Scanning a document with a staple or paper clip on it is the likely culprit.
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