RATES OF GROWTH AND SAMPLE MODULI FOR WEIGHTED EMPIRICAL PROCESSES INDEXED BY SETS by Kenneth S. Alexander TECHNICAL REPORT No. 86 Revised June 1986 Department of Statistics, GN-22 University ()fWashiI1gtrin Seattle, W;lshington 98195 USA Rates of Growth and Sample :Moduli for Weighted Empirical Processes Indexed by Sets Kenneth S. Alexander" University of Washington** Revised June 1986 ABSTRACT Probability inequalities are. obtained for the supremum of a weighted empirical process indexed. by a Vapnik-Cervonenkis class C of sets. These inequalities are particularly useful under the assumption P(ufC E: C : P(C) < t D -? 0 as t -? o. They are used to obtain almost sure bounds on the rate of growth of the process as the sample size approaches infinity, to find an asymptotic sample modulus for the unweighted empirical process, and to study the ratio Pn/P of the empirical measure to the actual measure. Key words and phrases: Cervonenkis class, process, law of the modulus. it ""~,,,t..rl Icgarfthm, Vaonik- 60FI0 AM'S 1980 subject classifications: Abbreviated title: Growth rates for ~mnlrl(>al processes 1 Research 5l1l!)nlllrte~d under an NSF Postdoctoral Fel]o~rship 11686, and in NSF No. DMS~301807. DelJartm.ent No. MeS8S- of Maithemsltics, UrJ.versitv of Southern L Introduction ure n s: Pn'. -- n- 1",Lli=lUX.. , lin; =n -P). may be as a stochastic process C. C 1)d: = H-"".x] : x E $. 1171. becomes a normalized distribution tion; we call the d.f. case. Properties of 1171. in case, in related case C class ld of of ]Rd. been extensively studied. Recently, attention has been given to more general classes of sets or functions, both in the theory (Dudley (1978), Gine and Zirin (1984), Cam 1, 198 1111. To detailed information about the behavior of 1171. on small sets. it is often helpful to weight 1171. at each set C by a function of c;2(C): = P(C)(l - P(C)), the variance of IIn (C ). Since c;2(C) '" P(C) as P(C) -7 0, this is often equivalent to weighting by the same function of P(C); when convenient we do the latter. In particular, given a nonnegative nondecreasing function q E C[O,l] and sequences 771. .... and (an). we may ask for a finite R and a sequence (on) such that ° $ =R P[lvn(C)1 > onq(c;2(C)) (1.2) for someC E C with c;2(C) ~ 711.] .... 0, a particular rate. ask for a functioIl gsuch that (1.1) or (1.2) some < 0 < 00, i.e. :C - co E < I 00 < {J < 1, <00 (1 Lx a.s. { a.s, -2is :C E on I a.s. 1 This is f!.enelralize:d exact rates that (1.5) ,-,"'-l"C, 1982b). Note 1 (1.6) li17"LnSUpHlIn(C)I/(2P(C)LP(C)-1)2: C E I 1,{57n :?, P(C):?' 0711J = 1 a.s. 1 which essentially says that the function t (Lt -2) 2' is a local asymptotic modulus of continuity for lin on 11 , A precise definition of "local asymptotic modulus" will be given in section 4. Van Zuijlen showed d-dimensional for each P(C)·~ 1 )Ln and (1.8) p[Pn(C) ~ (K Ln)-l P(C) for some C E D d with Pn(C) r6 0] < n-{1+o) for all n ;;;;; no. These results were applied to the asymptotic theory of rank statistics. Breiman et al. (1984) showed that if C is a Vapnik-Cervonenkis, or "VC", class of sets (defined below), then for o,e > 0 there exist K andno such that (1.9) P[supHPn(C)/P(C) - 11: P(C) ;;;;;Kn- 1Ln, C Eel> e] =0(n-{1+0). In Atexanaer more general classes of sets and functions. mcrucnng constants and cutoff (the (b n ), (7n). for VC classes as in the speera; "'.J.'-'......."', however, do full 1.9) only 11,",'"'''''' bounds, except For T> 0 define fJT to be the solution B.> 1 of fJ(logfJ - 1) fJ",,: 1. ,-1)-1 as T -l> 0, fJT . . . = (1. fJT - 1 ...... - 1~ T-l> as for all T> 0, = (1.1 = + 00, + =(1 - T)/T, and -3in the one-cnmenstonai d.f. case with P (1.13) ): C E: D 1,a2(C) ~ I,.J =R a.s. where t t R = {2(a + 1»2 and bn = (LLn)2 if n- 1LLn = o{,n) and LL,:;:;l/LLn t t R = max(2,T2 {P-r - 1» and bn = (LLnf2i f ,71. = Tn- -+ a 1LLn for all n t R = 1 and bn = LLn/«n,n)2L(LLn/n,n» if (1.14) In =o (n- 1LLn) Wellner (1978) showed that, (1.15) and LLn/L(LLn/n , n) t eo P uniform on [0,1), if n- 1 ~ E: D -+ = 0(,71.) then 0 in probability, while if (1.16) SU7JJll-'_(C)/P{C) - 11: C E: D l,P{C) In~ -eDa.s. Note that the growth rates (bn ) in (1.13) differ from those in (1.3)-(1.6), and the cutoff levels (,n) in (1.15) and (1.16) differ from those in (1.9); we would like to understand such differences from a general point of view. In this paper we present an approach which unifies all the results (1.3)-(1.9), (1.13), and (1.15)-(1.16). We will extend them to all VC classes of sets,including extension to higher dimensions of the d.f. and interval cases, and show how to choose optimal q ,(bn ), and (,n) in general. aSjrm.1Pto,tic mqdulus for 1171. ,call Gaus:sian process Gpwhich is it'ljll 1 the weak limit of (1.17) lin on C. That is, ql(t):= 1/Jl(t 2 ) should satisfy 0 < lirnsuPt ->0 sup Hcp(C)I/q 1{U 2(C» : C E: C, u 2 (C ) ~ t ~ < co a. s. The problem of findingsuchaqtwas considered in Alexander (1986). The main result can be summarized as follows. t ~ 0: c, := lC E: ) ~ t,P(C) ~ 2 U lce : C E: C,u 2 {C) ~ t,P{C) > ~ ~ C: Ct,s:= lC\D: C aCt) := ) := t E: Ct , u 2(C\D) ~ s ] -4- give a lower bound on the number needed. This is quantified section 3 using the concept of a C. Note that since IIn (C ) = - IIn(CC) , one can often simplify matters, especially the definition of Ct , by the concntion that P(C) ;;;; 2 for all C E C, considering separately C EC with P(C) ;;;; ~ and the complement of those with p(C) > 2' This means a 2(C) is of the order of P(C) for those sets of principal interest, i.e. those with small a 2 (C ) . For a reasonably regular VC class C. 1 ql(t):= (2t(Lg(t)+LLt- I (1.18) »"2 satisfies (1. 17). Suppose q ;;;; qi is given, and we wish to find growth constants (bn ) such that (1.1) or (1.2) holds. Since lin is less well-behaved on smaller sets, we might expect that roughly sup lilln (C)I/q (a 2(C» : C 2(C» llIn (C)I q l(a q(a 2C» ~ sup qI(a 2(C» ! for some 0 < R < 00. E C, r« . . C ; ; a 2(C) s an} 2 E _ C. a (C) - Y« I This. along with the standard LIL. leads us to expect (b n ) 1 in (1.1) to be on the order of qI(7n)/q(7n) or (LLn)2, whichever is greater. 1 For example. when q(t) = t"2 we expect bn to be on the order of (1.19) which is true provided 7n is not too small, as Theorem 3.1 shows. Upper bounds for (bn ) can be obtained by replacing get) with its upper bound t- I ; this is equivalent to disregarding the possibility that E t may be only a small part of the whole space X. This is reasonable in the non-I.i.d. case. where g (t) might vary with n in a complicated way, and is the reason the present results improve on those in Alexander (1985). In the onedimensional d.f, case, for example, g (t) == t , so if L7:;; 1 rv Ln then the rate 1 1 (1.19) is (LLnf2 (d. (1 13» while the upper bound rate is (Ln)"2. approach remedies this deficiency and gives exact results in a large number of cases. -5H. An Inequality ~~!S:S:~~~~or VC sup~card n C : C E: Cs : card{F) =nF c Xs < Zn for some n ~ 1. The ..... '"'u.~ ..... '" the of C and denoted V(C). eHJLPSOIC[S, all Examples in R d ~H'_J.U"''orthants {-oo,x], or all with at most lc (Ie Any of a VC class is a VC class, and ~C\D : C ,D E: C 5 or !C ill) : C ,D E: C 5 a VC class if C is one. See Dudley (1978, 1984) VC classes. and s ,t separable for all i, s for the topology of pointwise convergence (i.e. the topology in which Ci ~ C if and only if le.\ ~ lc pointwise). Further, we assume that the r.v.'s Xi are canonically formed, i.e. that they are defined on the probability space (X"', a,"',P) with Xi the ith coordinate function, where P = P"'. This terminology comes from Gaenssler (1983). Given the law P, define a functions on !::!~~~.9: andC(t) c s P(C) ~ ~,0'2(C) ~ (t) for all C E: C(t). Given a P-stratified VC class, Et := Uc € C{t)C get) := aU )/«t). Q := a convention, E: :q ~ 0, q t, q(t monotone runctrons f .- t t if if f -6¢ to be O. Theorem 2.1. (C I), t E [-l,aJ, a g E Q, n ~ 1, and p,b,u ~ O. z(t):= g(t)/~(t) z(t ),g(t), and )/t are nonincreasrng. Define VC and 1 (2.1) r:= [(a- 1(p/n)Az- 1(2n 2/b»vg-1(u/b)vJ'Jl\a 1 s := in:f<t ~ 0: z(t);:i 2n2/b~. K There exists a =K(V(C(a») such that if q2(t)/~(t)Lg(t) ~ (2.2) Kb-2 for all r v s -1 g(r) (2.4) (2.5) -1 ;:i t ;:i rvs;:i t f a, ;:i a, <s and r if ~ -~ q(t)L(bg(t)/n2~(t»/L(na(t»~Kn 26- 1 for all t E [r,s)n[r,aJ, then (2.6) P[Il/n(G)! > bg(t) + u: for some ~p J';:i t ;:i a and G E C(t)J a + 36 f t-1exp(-b2q2(t)/512~(t»dt 1'/2 1 + 68exp(-bg(r)n 2/256). 1 q(t)PLg(t)t and g(t)PL(bg(t)/n2~(t»ton [/"aJ (2.7) for some 0 ;:i {J < 1, and if 1 1 bg(r)n 2L(g(r)A (bg(r)/n2~(r»)~ (1_{J)-1, (2.8) (2.9) P[!l/n(G)! > bg(t) + u for some ;:i P + J';:i t ;:i a and G E C(t)J + (bg(r)/n and - 7- Remark 2.2. the function 9 0.-"; I.Uctn Hence for a nonincreasing. lion. I ,or", 111""".' we assume h",'''r>C'""f"\lr1" possibility of modifying ?f makes (2.7) a ,-,,.,,,,"'''' to fol9 (or ?f) is mild condi- -8HI. The Square Root Weight Function section may compared to lies to obtamtng eenavior of Nz(u, C. P): lYnn"'", bounds =minlk ;;;; 1: there 13). lim sup existCt..... Ck miTl.;.iO:k P(C 6.C;.) E C such that < u Z for all C E C~. The function log N z( •• C.P) is called the entropy of C in LZ(P). (Note P(C aD) /lle - 1n lIi2(p)') It measures the size of C, telling us "how totally Cis. < t &1/4)byPt(A peA () ef}/p(Et ) . Hence usingLernrna2. 7 of1\1exancier of Dudley (1978), we have for any = 1. (3.1) 1._1. N Z(u t 2.Dt .P ) = N Z(u t 2P (E t ) 2,D toP t ) & 2(16g(t)u- 2L(8g(t)u-2» V(C)- t & K(g (t )/u Z ) V(C)- for some constant K sets C 1.' " ,C" E =K(o,V(C» 1+6 for each 0 > O. the following concepiwillhe use{::Jv,'r~T sufficiently small A>· o there sumcierrtty t > a there are k ;;;; E:>.11 (t )1->.. C with (T2(C,;) if =t and p(ein (Uj",,';Cj »& A peed. of nearly-disjoint sets of any Ci's be cnosen Theorem 3.1. Cbe a Won:= Yn := c 1 := lim SUPnWn Cg:= lim SUPnWn for some -9- A =A(6) < oo for all t,6 > o and U E (0,1). (A) Then limsuPnsuPfllln(C)VbnO"(C): C E C,0"2(C) ~ I'n~ (3.4) =R a.s, where (I) if n -l wn 1 =0(/71.) .1 n- 1w; and decreases, then bn =w;J. and R ~ (2(PC1+C2+Cs)f2; (li) if 771. '" Tn- 1w,; for some 1 T> 1 R ;;;; max«2(pc 1+ C2+ ca)) 2", T-Z(fia-r- (iii) if 771. = o(n-lwn ) , n-1Yn 1», where J. w; decreases, B = (pc 1+ ca)-l; 0 and n- 1 J. then bn = W; and decreases, and (3.5) = then bn Yn and R ~ pc 1 + Cll' (B) If p ~ 1, C is full, the lim sups in (3.2) are actually limits, and (for (i) and (li) only) Lg(t )/Lr 1 is nondecreasing, then the upper bounds for R in (i)(iii) above are also lower bounds, so (i)-(m) give the true values of R in (3.4). (C) If the assumptions in (B) hold, C is spatially full, and Cll 0, the "lim sup" may be replaced by "lim" in (3.4) for each of (i)-(ui). I By (3.1), (3.3) is always valid with 7]/2 = p = V(C)- L Later however, willshow< thatthis need notb~ optimal. In fact, we will with V(C) arbitrarilylarge. = Remark 3.2. The condition (3.3) is related to the "relative metric entropy" condition (1.25) in Alexander (1985). In fact, is easy to verify that 1 N 2(ut 2 ' C t \C(1-u 2/4)t 'P ) ;;;; NU(u/2,C,P) for all 0 < U < 2 and t > 0, Wh,F'T"p NU is defined Alexander (1985). aO-l in (3.4) of R (3.4) are as follows. C. c 1 comes .,..,.1'1,,,,1'1 must be considered; this numner of values cr 2( C) must be C3 comes requirement that sums of certain probabilities, for geometrically increasina subsequences of values of n, must be finite, as some proofs of the If C is full, it is clear that pmust be at 1 if g is unbounded, hence in T'lRrtlI""1l1Fll'" if C 1 > there Theorem 3.1 (B) arising When (3.6) LL-,:;;.1 = o (LLn) and Lg(-'r,J = o (LLn), 1 we see from Theorem 3.1 (i) that the value of R in (3.4) is 2'2. This is true, for ing to the tails in the d.f. case, is the sole determiner of the rate of growth of the weighted empirical process when (3.6) holds . .Kxa.mple 3.3 p= J. Theorem Y1I. =LLn/((n-'1I.)2·L(LLn/n-'rzJ), we have (3.5) 3.1. I Th'''rll'''PTn .c! = 2 = aca. and - 11 - In (ii}, if 71'1. . . . An- ILLn, we get T = "A(d -1)-1, pc 1 + c2 + Cs = (d + 1)/(d -1). and 0 = (d -1)/d. In (iii). if (3.5) holds. i.e. if n- 1(Ln)-t = 0(71'1.) for all e > 0, the values are W n ...... (d -1)LLn.cl = l.cs = (d -1)-1. and (d -1)(PCl +cs) = d. To see that Ud is full. :fix (3.7) F: a < "A < 1 and a < t < I, and let J1.: ="Ad- 1 and = ~[a.x]: x =(f (t)J1.-it.J1.i 2•... ,J1.id ) E [a.l]d for some integers ji G a with it = El;'2ji~ where f (t) ~ ~ is given by ! (t )(1-! (t» = t. Then (3.8) IFI =lHh.... ,jd) E ints~-1 : Et=2it ~ e« {(log r 1)/ (log J1.- 1» d- l (lo,g! (t)-I)/(log J1.- 1HI 1 G l:d),.g (t ) for some constants l:d and eo: where ints ... denotes the nonnegative integers. Since P{C n (VD€F.D"cCD» ;;i dp.?{C) for C E F. this shows thatD d is full. This establishes (up to the proof of (3.3» the for d > 1. • Coronary 3.5. P be LL7;:;1/LLn -+ on [0, (d G 1) and let 7n.j, a for some aGO. ~ 7n~ R= R + = R=dand and = =0 ) + = =R 11'1. . . . 71'1. = a.s, a so that - 12- I Example 3.6. Let P be a nondegenerat on ]Rd, Cbv : E : X<i1.J ~ b 5 for v in the Sd-l and b E and let C: fCbv : b E lR, v E Sd-I S be the class of all closed half spaces ]Rd. an map A : lRd -'? 1. (A) the normal law N(O,!). A preserves all the relevant structure of C, we may assume P N(O,!). Let Ij? be the d.f. on ]R of N(O,l), and let x£ be a chi-squared r.v. with d degrees of freedom. Now for t ~ ~, (j2(Cbv ) ~ t(l-t) if and only if = = = Ib I ~ 1j?-1(1- t), Tt ...... tzu P(Et {1- t » so EW-t) = fx E Rd : ~ 1j?-1(1- t)j. Let Tt: = 1j?-1(1- t); 0, it =F[1X11 2 as t -'? since 0, = . . . K tTF- 2exp(-Tt2/ 2) . . . K 2 where K I and K 2 are constants depending on d., so get) . . . K 2 (Lt - I ) {d - 0 /2 . We will show in the proof of the next corollary that C is full and (3.3) is valid with p 1, though V(C) ~ d + 2. Suppose LL"Y;;,I/LLn -'? a for some a ~ O. Then in Theorem 3.1 (i) we have = cs> 0, W n '" ca1LLn, c 1 =(d - 1)acs,/2, c2 =acs, and pc 1 + c2 + Cs = cs(l + a(d+l)/2). In (ii), if "Yn =(d- C2=CS T = ACs, (J = 2/ca(d + 1), and pc 1 + (;2 + C3 = (d + 3)cs/2. In (iii), we find = The + 1)cs,/2. summarizes this. I Corollary 3.7. P a> O. a{C) : C E C, a(C) ~ v« f =R a.s. - 131 R -= (2(1+a(d + 1)/2)>"2 and 1 1 bn 1 R = max«d + 3) 2 ,A2 (,8ZA/{d + 1) =(LLnf2 if n- 1LLn =o ()'n) 1 - 1» and bn = (LLn)2 if )'n "" An- 1LLn 1 R =(d + 1)/2 and bn =LLn/«n)'n)2L{LLn/n)'n» Example 3.8. Let P be the uniform law on [O,l]d (d ~ 1), recall that I d is the class of all subreetangles of [O,l]d, and let C: = fC E: Iii : P(C) ~ ~ $. The bound on P(C) is assumed for convenience, to avoid the technicalities of dealing with complements of large rectangles. Then P(Et } ; 1, so get) = t- 1• is clear that Cis spatially full. (3.3) with p 1 will be checked in the proof of the. next corollary, using the techniques of Theorem 2.1 of Orey and Pruitt (1973). Suppose LLn/Ly;;1 ~ a for some 0 ~ a ~ co. If a ~ 1, the constants in Theorem 3.1 are = C1 = 1, =0, =a, C2 n "'" L)':;;,1 E: C,er(C) ~ )'nS Cs W while if a > 1 they are By Theorem 3.1 (i), if L< a < co we have 1 limsuPnsupfjvn(C)I/(er2(C)LLn)2: C = (2(1 + a- 1 I»2 a.s, which is equivalent to l l limsuPnsupHvn(C)I/(er2(C)L)':;;,1)Ja: C In er 2(C) ~ )'n5 = (2(1 + a»)2 a.s. 3.1 (ii), if)'n "'" An -1Ln the constants are a and we can e > 0, we E: C, = 0, use T = A, () = 1, W n "" Ln , C 1 if (3.5) (1. a = 0, C1 = 1, ca = 1, C2 = Cs if UU.lUL::::l, = o. I =0 = 0 ) - 14Corollary 3.9. Let P be uniform law on [O,1]d (d ~ 1) and decreases and LLn/L7;;:1 -7 a for some 0 ~ a ~ 00, 1 711. J. 0 so that n-1(L7;;:1f~· where 1 R 1 =2 2 and bn =(LLn)2 if a = co [i.e, if (Ln)-& = 0(711.) for all s 1 (3.10) R > 0) 1 = (2(1+ a»2 and bn = (L7;;:1)2 if n- 1Ln = 0(711.) andO<a<oo 1 (3.11) R 1 = 22 and bn =(L7;;:1) 2 if n- 1Ln = (711.) and a =0 = "A.-iurA - 1) and bn = (Ln)2 if 711. '" An- 1Ln = 1 and bn =Ln/((n7n)2L(Ln/n7n» if 711. =0(n- 1Ln) and n -{1+&} = 0 (711.) for all s > 0, 0 1 (3.12) R (3.13) R 1 1 provided in each case that n"' l bn decreases. For (3.11)-(3.13), "lim sup" may be replaced by "lim' in (3.9). I Taking 711. n- 1(Ln )P(- 00 < (3 < 1) in Corollary 3.9, we see that the lim sup in (1.4) is (1 - p)-1 a.s. = For d = 1, (3.11) is Stute's result (1.5), and (3.10) and (3.12) are due to Mason. Shorack, and Wellner (1983). For d > 1 (3.11) is related to other results of Stute (1984). IV. The .4symptotic Modulus of the Empirical Process nonaeereasmg runctron 'ljI on [0,1/4] an ~:!!!.E~!:9 ~~~~ of~~~ (4.1) 'ljI(O) (4.2) 'ljI(s + t) ~ 'ljI(s) =0 + 'ljI(t) for all s,t E [0,1/4] there exist sequences 7'11.' an J. 0 satisfying nan t, 7'11. ~ an, and (4.3) n- 1Ln = (4.4) 0 (an) such that (4.5) . lim: S'UJ>nSUPI Ivn(C)-vn(D)! 'ljI(a(C tJ) » : C ,D E C, P(C sn ~ 1/2, co a.s. 'ljI is a local aSY!Ilptotic modulus at!k(the empty set) for (vn) on C if (4.1)-(4.3) hold with (4.5) replaced by . 'vn (C)l 2(C) lim. SUPnSUPI 'ljI(a(C» : C E C,7n ~ a ~ an~ (4.6) < co a.s, The requirement (4.4) ensures that, ill (4.5) and (4.6), we are not considering only sets so small that Pn need not be much like P. Define glCt) by Lg 1(t):=Lg(t} + LLr 1, and set =i(Lg 1 (t 2 » 1/2 7floCt): =t(Lt- 2) 1/2 , Theorem 4.1. liC is a VC class then asymptotic modulus of continuity and I is a local asymptotic modulus soace case modulus of both a variant some cases, as the Theorem 4.2. C be s vc and lim .... 171 Cl:= lim (t ~.'"' > o. - 16/ c'a:= lim SUPt ...oLU- 1/Lg 1(t) := lim suPrtLL c )/Lg 1(cx"J , Ca:= lim suPrtLLn/Lg 1(cx71.) . (i) Suppose (4.9) entropy condition (3.3) holds for some p ;;;; O. Then limsuPnsupfllln(C)I/lf1(a{C»:C E: C.)'n ~ a 2(C) ~ cxnS ~(2(PCl+C2+C3»1../2 as. 1, Lg (t )/Lt- 1 is nondeoreasing, and the lim sups in (4.8) are actually limits, then equality holds in (4.9). (ii) If C is full, p ~ = (iii) If C is (4.10) CXnS = : C E: C.l'n In (iii) tells a.s. <H1l1JleIlslIOllial. uniform interval case (Example 3.8). Theorem4.2 holds provided l'n.CXn J., ncxn t, n- 1Ln o (l'n), l'n ~ CXn. = 1 = and Llm. 0 (L cx.;1). Since here 1/I1(t) . . . t(Lt- 2 )2, this generalizes Stute's (1982a) result (1.9). Dudley (1978) proved that lin, indexed by a VC class C. converges weakly (under some measurability conditions) to a Gaussian process Gp on C with the same covariance as lin' Lemma 7.13 of Dudley (1978) and Theorem 2.1 of Dudley (1973) show that 1/10 is a sample modulus for Gp on C. For C Dd or = : C E: Id,P(C) ~ (4.12) (4.13)limg ... oSUpHGp(C)!/1/Il(a(C»: C (4. E: DdP(C) l.,a 2(C ) < d 1 =22" ~ ~ ,a2(C ) < eS =0 ;;;; p 1 = 22" (4.13) are also obtained as special cases of Ale:l{ander (1986). 1) and Corollary 4.3. C Dd v« J. 0 and CXn J. 0 so a.s. on a:s. 'I'h"",",1"''''',",", some a, b > O. and LL 7/I!Ct) . . . lim sUPnsupi!vn(C)l/7/ll(a(C» : C E Dd,.P(C) ~ ~ ,"In ~ a 2(C) ~ =(2(d-l+(lAb)+a- 1)/d)2.l Our final theorem in anS I section is an in-probability version of Theorem 4.1. Theorem 4.4. Let C be a VC class and let "In I -+ 0 with n- 1Lg ('111,) = Q (rn)' Then - 18V. The RatioPn/P. q(t) behavior =t and bn =n 1/2 in (1.1) and (1.2), we can I IPn(C) the ( supf I P (C) . - 1 : C E: C, PC) ~ 1n ~ As with q(t)=t 1/2 , analogs of Wellner's (1978) results (1.15) and (1.16) will depend on the behavior of P (E t ) as t -l' O. as n-l'OO. Theorem 5.1. Let Cbe a VC class and let 1n -l' O. If o (1n) then as n -l' 00, Pn(C) supfl P(C) - 11: C E: ep(c) ~ 1n~ (5.2) -l' 0 in probability. If also then the convergence in (5.2) is a.s. Collversely if C is full and either (5.4) then (5.5) . tirn. T Theorem 5.2. C be s >0 SUPnSUP\!(,Pn(C) P(C) - 1I : C h,,,,y,..,,rn mctudes (1 P(» C E: C, as a ~ 1n) > 0 a.s. I case. vc = for some C E: e with for 19 - and (5.7) p*lsup~;(~!: C EC,P(C) G e7n*~ >R] <g(7n*)-·4I\e- A . If g is bounded, then supc Pn(C)/P(C) is bounded in probability (Le. we can take e 0 above). I 771. * is well-defined in Theorem 5.2 since g(t) is assumed nonincreasing. In the d-dimensional uniform d.f. case (Example 3.4), g(7n *) - 1)! if d > 1, In the d- = bound on the 1.7). - 20VI. Proof of the Inequality 1 be an mequanty > O. hI(>'):= (1 +>.-I)log(l +>.) - 1. >. It is readily shown that hI(>.)t. >.-tht(>.)J.. (6.1) j >./2 as h t (>.) '" L~ (6.2) A x-;. 0 as A -;. co. >. h t (>.) ~ 2(1-11.) for all A> O. (6.3) and ht(X) ·.·I·v4 if X ~ 4 >. ~ 4. ~(LX)/2.if Bennett's ill equality (Bennett, 1962) tells us that 1 1 FElvn (C)! >M] ~ 2exp(-Mn 2ht(M/n 2u2(C») (6.5) for all M ~ 0 and all C. Hence (6.4) and Theorem 2.8 of Alexander (1984) give us the following. Proposition 6.l. Let C be a VC class of sets. n ~ 1. M > O. and a ~ supc u 2(C). There exists a constant Ko (V(C» s uc h that if ....... ".,.. ""' . . 1 1 M 2 ~Koet.L(n/a) and M ~ KoL (n / a )/ n 2L (M/ n 2 a} (6.5) or (li) (6.7) then 1 1 (5.8) F[supclvn(C)!>M] ~·16exp(-M2/6a}+ 16exp(-lMn2L (M/n 2 a}}. (6.8) corresponds to a 1. If M/n 2a Poisson (2.8) hold. q{a»" r for all j ~ 1. ~ 0: . > tj+t ~ )+u approximation. the the Gaussian approximation is domdominates. Proof of Theorem 2.1. .N ,,- I d. and r:' := f or some ., ~ t ~ a and C € - 21 - > bq(t) for some 7 ~ t < r' and C E > + for E + := pCC} pCO). We ~U'pplJ8e 7 ~ .! t < t:', C .! C(t), E .! Ivn(C)1 = n 2 p (C ) ~ 2n 2 0'a(C ) ~ 2n 2 q (t )/ z (t) ~ bq(t). It follows that (6.10) p(o) ~ P[Pn (C) > 0 for some C nP (Er ·) ;?; E: C(t) and "I;?; t < r'] ;?; p. Turning next to the pP}, we have (6.11) pp} ~ + P[lvn(.E't;)1 > ~ bq ._ p{2} .- j + p{3) j' Fixj and let k h k a be nonnegative integers such that IVn (.E'dl J (6.12) 1 ~ a1 bq (t j )fj(tj) a if and only if k 1 ~ nPn (JJ: t . ) ~ k a. J Then (6.13) De:fin.e a new prooamnta measure pti(.) =P(-IEt) and let P tj := (pti)OO be the corresponding product measure on(X OO , (tOO). (C(ti ) is easily shown to be deviation-measurable for ptj , since it is deviation(6.14) ptj(C) =P(C)/p(Et.) and J O'~(C) := pti(C)(l- ptj(C» ~ O'a(C)/p(E\) Fix k , kl;?;, k ~ ka, and define 14: := k C E 1 ap k 1 _ kn -aptj (C = --=-~...,-'-IJ-' k n ;?; fj(t j )-1 for C E: C(tj ). Now P« to e(tj}' k] P n.lC(t . ) = Ft,[kPk:. E.], 1 (6.15) F[suPc(tj)lvn (C}l > ~ o.q (t i }lnPn (E\) the restriction of l =k] 1 =Fti[suPc(tj) n £2( kPk:.(C) n -P(C)}I > Z-bq(ti } ] J =Ft.[suPc(t.)!(k/n) 1 s > ; (n/k)Zoq(ti ) ]· 1 1 2 __1,. t ,uk:. (C) + len 2p i(C) -n 2P(C)! 1 > -2,bq (t i )] 1 1 We now wish to apply Proposition6.! with M:= ;(n/kyabq(tj), and g(tj)-t in the role of the €X there (see (6.14». Case 1: 1 z(t j ) ~ 2n z/ b , i.e. (6.16) = Hence by (2.2), M2 ·.~b2q2(tj }/32~(tj)g(tj )3~.Kg(tj )-tL'fj(tj) (6.18) by .In 4 (na(tj )} ~ KLk . Proposition 6.1 (Ii), and use (6.17) and If K (6.18) to get for ~ (6.19) so (6. of (6.11), )/za~(tj» (6.20) + 1 - 23- . :i 2exp (- b 2 g2(t j )/28t(tj)} since, by (6. the (6.11) and (6.20), we see FP>:i (6.22) of hi above is at most for the Fi O of (6.9), Combining 1 1 18exp (-b 2g 2(t j)/zSt(tj» + 18exp(-2-8n 2bg (t j )L(bg(tj )/n2t(t j») .1 + 34exp(-2-8n 2bg(tj )L'i/(tj ». (The last term in (6.22) is superfluous now but will be used Iater.) Case 2; 1 z(t j ) > 2n 2/b. Then r ~ t j < 5, so (2.4) holds, and .1 ( 6 . 2 3 ) b g ( t j) >211. 2t(t j). We wish to use Propositioni~.l(i). To prove (6.6) it issuificient to show that, for the constant Ko of that proposition, . 1 1 M2'i/(tj) ~ ~Mk-iL(M?/(tj)/k2)~KoL(k'i/(tj»' (6.24) We need two subcases, according to which of the two terms added in (6.17) is the larger. Case 2a; (6.25) bg(t j) ~ .1 .1 8n2t(tj)'i/(tj) 2 . again valid. By (6.17), (6.23),.an.d (2.4), 1 M'fj(tj)/k2 1 =n 2bg(t")'i/(tj)/4k .1 (6.26) ~ bg(tj)/Bn2t(tj) (6.27) ~ (1/4) v(K/Bnt(tj». 1 BY(6.2'7),.M9(ti)7lc-a~~L(M?/ and the .flrst inequality in (6.24) follows. The second follows, if K is large enough, from the following inequalities, which are consequences of (6.17), of (2.4) and (6.27), and of (6.26) and (2.5), respectively. L(k'i/(tj»~ L(2na(t j)'i/(tj » » ~ L (2/nt(t j + 2L (na(tj » ~ 4 1 (6.28) 1 )/k 2) ~ ~ n 2bg(tj)L(bg » - 24argument of hl in (6.21) is at most 1, so by (6.5) Thereforeso does (6.22). (6.4), (6.21) again holds. Case 2b: 1 1 bq{t j) > Bn2t(tj)g{tjf2. (6.29) Here, by (6.12) and (6.29), (6.30) lc 1 n ~ a{t j) + an .1 bq{t j)g{tj)2 ~ 1 4n -.1 .1 2bq(t j)g(tj)2. It follows that 1 Mg{tj)/lc 2 (6.31) 1 1 =n 2bq(tj)'g{tj)/4lc ~ g(tj)2 ~ 1, so the :first inequality in (6.24) holds. in (6.31), if large>enoughthen (6.30), (2.4), and the :first inequality 1 KoL(lcg(tj » KoL(~n-ibq(tj»+ ~KoLg(tj) 1 ~ 3~n2bq(tj)Lg(tj) 1 1 ~ ~ Mk 2L(Mg(tj )/lc 2). Thus we have (6.24). From Proposition 6.1 (I), (6.24), and (6.31) we conclude that 1 1 P1~4) ~ 16exp(-~M2g(tj» + 16exp(-~Mlc2L(Mg{tj)/lc2» 1 .•• 1 ;i 3Zexp(- 3~Mlc2L(Mg(tj)/lc2» ;i 3Zexp (-z-8n 2bq (t j )Lf/(tj » .1 so by (6.13), 1 pF') ti3Zexp(-Z-,an 2bg{tj)Lg(tj (6.32) ». To bound pP) we use (6.5) to conclude that (6.33) P}3);i Zexp (- ~ bq (tj )f/(tj f~n~hl(bq (tj )/Bn ~t(tj )g(tj yli» ;i nct\I1.IUI Zexp --:--00 (6.22) holds. it to sum estabnsned (6.22) (t (t - 25monctoructty of g{t)/r;{t) and q{t)fJ- l9'i{t) (which follows t i + 1 ~ t,/2 and 9'i(t j + 1) ~ 2-(1-P>!Pi(t j (6.34) ) (2.7», we (j < Hence, using also the monotonicity of r;(t )/t, (6.35) '£f=oexp{-b 2q2(t i )/z8r;{tj = '£1=02 t i » -tt:/2 exp(-b 2q2(t j )/28r;(t i » J a ~ 2 J r/2 t- 1exp (-b 2q2(t )/29r;(t ». Summing the second term in (6.22) over i: (6.34) and (2.8) may be applied to show, = 1,2, where ():= 2 1- P - 1 ~ (1- (3)log 2. The theorem now follows from (6.9), (6.10), (6.22), (6.35), and (6.36). When we do not have (2.7) or (2.8), we replace L(.) by its lower bound 1 in (6.22), and observe that the second term in (6.22) is then not needed, since the third term in (6.22) becomes an upper bound for the second term in (6.20). Otherwise the proof remains essentially the same. I - 26- VII.. Proofs of the General Results a temma demcnstratm that a well-known about stopping , remains true even if , is not measurable It is included solely to avoid unwieldy measurability to our arguments. Lemma 7.1. = Let , be given on (X""', "'" ,P) by , : min~m : (X 1,'" 'xm) E Am ~ for some sets Am c X'", and let n ~ 1, 0 < f3 < and F c X", Suppose for each (Zh ... ,zm) ,m < n is a = (7.1) (7.2) F. (X'm+h'" ,zn)E8(Zh ... ThenP*[, ~ n] ~ (:r1p·[(X h ... 'xn) ]. Proof. We may write P*(D) forp·«X 1... 'xm) ED) for anym andD cxm. Let C and D 1,••• ,Dn be measurable sets with G::) F,Dm ::) Ir ~ m], peG) = P·(F), and P(Dm) = P*[, ~ m]. Define on X"'" by ,·(Col) := minim : Col EDm~' Then ,. ~,so ,* p.[, ~ n] ~ pC,· ~ n] (7.3) = pC,· =m] = P(Dm \Dm- 1) where Do a copy of xm on O2 is a copy of X"'" on which Xm+ 1'xm+2' . . . are defined, P 1 is P'", and P2 is POO. For Coli EOI let SC{Coll) := (Col2 : (Coll,Col2) E GJbe the section of Gover Col1' Then (7.4) .P[G nDm Dm-tJ =[P2(SC(Col1»dP1(Coll) 1 f3]. Now if Coli E ~ m] n (Dm\Dm - l ) (viewed as a subset of X m), (7.2), It LUl..1Un';:, a measuraote = by (7.1) and I asymptotic upper bounds the weighted process will be obtained from Theorem 2.1 with the help of following lemma. Lemma 7.2. Let C a class of sets. let q E Q. and let (bll.). (Un), (Yn), (an) be nonnega- tive sequences with (7.6) UCJ.J.J.J.'" events u 2(C ) ~ an] with + Un) for some C > (1- E C with")'n ~u2(C) ~ (1 +e)O:n] Suppose (7.7) and suppose that for some e.e > O. (7.8) e: (A ',Je» Then = O«Ln)-(1+6). = 1.0. Let r be the infimum in (7.7) and choose 6 > 0 small enough so 262 +.2r- 16 < e. Fix rn , (1-6 2 )n < m ~ n. If (Xit ... ,x.m) EAm • then there exists C = C(Xl' ... ,x.m)EC with 11lm(C}! >bmq(u2(C» + Urn ~ (1- ( 2 )(bn q {u2(C» (7.9) Cand here we have (7.10) by the dejjnition ~ (1- ~ (1- 1, ••. 1 » +Un) ,x.m) = Un) - 28For n(k):= [(1+0 2/2)k] (the integer part), we have by (7.8) that 2:k ;<:1P*(Ain(k)(e» < 00, the lemma then follows from (7.11) and BorelCancelli. I For asymptotic lower bounds on full classes, our method modeled 1 somewhat after that of Stute (1982a). Let b(j,n,p):= (j)p1(1_p)n- denote the binomial probability, n :E B+(k,n,p):= b(j,n,p) 1=k the binomial upper tail, and h 2(A) := A/(1 + A) - log(1 + A) = -(1 + A- 1)- 1h 1(A). The following generalizes Lemma 1 of Kiefer (1972). Lem.m.a 7.3. Let (Pn), (kn.), (In) be nonnegative sequences (With n ~ 1) satisfying Pn ~ 0, k n ~ 00, and k n ;:;i In o(n). Let Ao > O. Then there exists TJn ~ 0 such that = whenever (7.12) k = {1+A)np, kn;:;i k: ;:;i In, 0 <p ;:;iPn. and A ~ Aa. I Proof. Fix n,k,p, and A satisfyin.g (7.12). Comparison to a geometric series shows b(k,n,p);:;i B+(k,n,p);:;i (1+A- 1)b(k,n,p), so (7.13) Define bo (k,n,p) := (n!)k (~l~f) )n-k, b 1(n,k) := (27rk(:-k) Stirling's formula, if n is large, (7.14) Now (7. for some TJ'n b ~ + ,k)l= 0, since kn. ~ 00 ,n,p)l + log(1- (1 + A)p)1 ;:;i TJ'nk (1+A)p = A ~ n -+ ;:;i In/n ~ O. Also 0 as n -+ 00, )i. - 29- s : if n - x}+ x 2 + ::: 0{x 2 ) 16), since h 2(A) is bounded ;:i ~ Lemma 7.3 can be translated use. This we as l.n./n ~ and (7.13)- 0, I '-0. a statement about IIn (C ) for easier later Lemma 7.4. Pn -? Let '-0 > 0 and let (Pn), (77tn), and (.lvfn ) be nonnegative sequences satisfying 0, n- 1/2 = o (77tn), and.lvfn = o (n 1/2 ) . Then there exists 7111. -? 0 such that 1 1 l-logP[lIn(C) >.lvf] - .lvfn 2h 1(.lvf/n 2a2(C»1 1 ;:i 7Jn .lvfn 2h 1(M / 1 n 2a2(C» 1 whenever P(C);:i Pn' M/n 2a2(C) ~ '-0, and 77tn The next •lemma ers the I of Stout (1974). It cov- excluded in Lemma near O. Lemma 7.5. For each f) > 0 there exist K,'-o > 0 such that P[lIn(C) >.lvf] ~ exp(-(1+e).lvf2/2a2(C» whenever n ~ 1- 1,.lvf2 ~ Ka2(C), and M/n 2a2(C) ;:i I '-0. Proof of Theorem 3.1 (A). It is easily that (i)..(iii). It follows that _1 1'nl~(nb~n) ,2 = 0 (1). From the Kolmogorov 0-1 law we then conclude that the lim sup in (3.4) is some constant a.s, By Lemma 7.2, to prove (A) it suffices to show that for each 0 >0, P-[llIn(c)1 > (1+8o)R obnl7(C) for some C (7.17) € Cwith a2(C) ~ 1'11.] where R 0 J. R o aso ~ 0 and R(J is Ro (i), (ii), or (iii) we are 0<0 < 1/8. Let (a",) and (Un.) be with an ~ 1'11. and 0 < Un. < o. 'i j := E(j) := Ct.'1 ~ given in whichever of sequences, to be 0, and ;:i 1'n~' c E (j) for j ;:i , + and A + ) € =A < 00 for all j s (7.19) Since we have (7.20) P*[lvn(C)! > (l+Bo)R obntT(C)Js with v« ;;;; a2(C) ;;;; an] ;;;; P*[lvn(C)! > (l+Bo)Robntl.(f for some j ;;;; N n and C E E(j)J N", ; ; l: P[lvn(C)1 > (1+4o)R obnt//2 for some C FU)) E i=O Ne", := l:.Pj+Pn *' i=O We now consider separately the cases (i)-(iii) of (3.4). Proof of (A) (I). Here we take an == 1/4. Un. == u for some 0 < u < 0 to be specified later, and R o := (2«P + o)(c 1 + 0) + J. c2 + Ca + 20»2. 1 n -+ Now a2(C) ;;;; t i for C E F(j), and maxiW", wJ/2/n 2ti 00 since n- 1wn = 0 (-Yn). so by (6.5). (6.2), and (7.18). -+ 0 as 2IF(j)le~(-{1+40)RSwn/2) ;;;; exp (-[(1+4o)RS/2 - (p+o)(c 1+0)]Wn) ;;;; e~(-(1+o)(c2+ca+2o)wn)' SinceNn ;;;; (log (1-u 2/4}-1)-1 £-y:;;1, it follows that N". (7.21) l: Pi s Nne~(-(1+o)(C2+C3+2o)wn) 1==0 ;;;; e~{-(l+o)LL7l.). 'rneerem 2.1, (7. g(t) w n / 4u 2n "'nT~"'T",nT from -y := -Yn' of Th~:>nl"prn 2.1, aCt) u- 2g (t) (see Remark 2.2), 0 (-Yn). so r > s (2.5) 1; if we u ;;;; 6RoK- 1/2 b := "'... (J.....", = for =0 771. t 1 (')''11) ~ for all t =o «nWn Y2) and Yn, so _J. Kt 2L{na{t» ~Kt _.1 _.1 2L{nt) +Kt 2Lg(t) for all t ~ On, and (2.3) follows. u 2 < 0 2/512, ~ .1 6R 6(nwn)2 Theorem 2.1 now tells us that, if we take 1/4 JPn • s 36 J t-1exp(-02R~n/512u2)dt "''''/''2 .1 + 6Bexp(-oR 6{nYn wn)2/256) ~ 140exp (-{l+o)(ca+o)Wn) ~ 140exp{-{1+6)LLn). With (7.20) and (7.21) this proves (7.17), and (A) (i) follows. Proof of (A) (li). Here we take Un o for .1 with R 6 := max(R 61,Roz) to bevspeeified later, and 1 R 62 := T2(Pe(o)T-1), where B(6) := {(P+ 6)(Cl + 6) + Ca+ 0)-1. We take (7.22) CXn J. 0 = o(an) and U{y;l cx·nJ = o(w,J. 7'11 .- . Since = Lg(an} ~Lg(7n) ~ L(cx.;;:ta(cxn » + L(y;ICXn) Lg(an) + o(wn ), we have W n "" wn and n- 1wn 0 (cxn ) . It is then VPl"ift,,'rl stants C1. Cz. Ca are unchanced if Yn is replaced by an in (3.2). = above proof of (7.23) (A) (i) (C)! > ) for some C E C with = sumces to barilla > and R o1 := (2«P+O)(Cl+0)+Cz+ca+26»2 for some C E a2(C) ~ CXn 1 with - 32- ~ 2IF(j)!exp( -(1+40)2R12wnAi';hl(A.,J). Set Tn := n7nw~1 and t := fJa{o)'T' - Tn 1. -l> T, (1+40)R o2 T n ~ (1+30)t. From (1.11) we know that thl(t) we have = =(8{0)T)-1. It follow that A.,,,h 1(A.,J ~ >..rn2{1+30 )t h l(t ) = (1 +30)Tn/( 1+40)2R l2 B(O)T ~ (1+Zo)/(1+40)2Rl2 B(o) so by (7.24) and (7.18), N", 2J ZIF(j)Jexp(- (1+ZO)8{0)-1U/n) 1=0 ~ exp(-(1+6)LLn) » since Llln = O{LL(7,;l exn =<o(wn ) b y{ 7.22). To bound J?~ we use. Theorem 2.1,.· a.sin the. proof of (A) (i),witht(t ):=u 2t , b := 6R o2w J /2 , 7 :=7n' IX:=!ln, g(t):= t 1/2, and eft) from (7.19). Again aft) is at = _.1 a{t), get) is u-2g(t), z(t) u- 2t 2, r is "In' and s is Sn := 62RI2wn/4"l.dn ..... 62R127n/4U4T > 27n provided we take u < (62R12/8T)1/4. most Thus r v S = Sn' lfwetakeu < 6R o2K _.1 2 then b 2/ u 2K for and (2.2) follows .. Also (7.26) (7.27) (t) -l> )+ (t ~ 00. - 33on the consider t (7.28) increases =7'11. of (7.28) we take i. U i:>J..LlGll it of 1 ./ 2, enough so L{o~82/211,4,)~ aK/OR o 1 1 ORo2(n'U..ln7n)2L(02Rt2'U..ln/n11,47n) ~ 2 OR62,,2w nL(02Rj.z/211,4,) ~ 4KLg(-yn) and (7.28), and then (2.5), follow. Since g(t) decreases and art) and t- P/2Lt increase, we have t P/2Lg(t) = 11,-{1a(t ){1/2(11,-2g (t »-{1/2 L(11,-2g(t}) increasing, and (2.7) follows. Theorem 2.1 and (7.22) can now be applied, and the result is that r; - ~ a.". 36 f r exp (- 02R 12w n / 5 12u 2)dt 1 1.. /2 1 1 + 36exp(-2-9,-ioRo2WnL(6Ro~2,211,2» ~ 140exp(-(1+6)LLn) provided 11, ~ 11,0 for some Uo(,.6) > O. In combination with (7.20) and (7.25) this proves (7.17), and (A) (ii) is proved. Proof of (A) (iii). This time we later, and take Cln Un =n- 1wn =(n7n/wn)stfor some (large) p.. > 0 to be specified and R o := (p + 6)(c 1 + 6) + C3 + O. Set wn := ) w'"n1/2 -- 0 (Yn, for some C E C (ii) it SUIIlCI~S to bound of = since Nn = (6.2). Now LU;;1 = Q (tlJn) by (3.5), so (7.25), (7.29) (7.18) by h I(An) '" O(LU;;2+LL ~ and e::cp(-(l+o)LLn). Once again Theorem 2.1 will provide the needed bound on P n ". As before we take (t):= u1t, b := oR 6Yn, 1':= 1'11" a:= an, g(t}:= t 1/2, and Crt) as (7.19), ),g(t) so = (nt )-l/2L(nt) ~ (nl'nJ z(t)=U;; 2t _l. _l. ".» =Ynw;;lL(wn/n'YrJL (ni'n'> 2 L(nl'n) ~ Ynw;;I(4/-L}-lL(U;;4}Lwn ~ (4/-L}-l ynL(wn/nu,Jt). For the second term, (ii). LL (27;;,lcx n ) now apply =LL (Z'Y;;,ln -lwn) = esraonsned as in the and use the fact that 1 to obtain, if /-L is large enough, l. l. + 36e::cp(-Z-8oR 6Yn(n'Yn )2L (oR 6Yn/(n '111, )~u1» ~ 140exp (A) by (3.5), - 35The result now follows as the proof of (A) (ii). I We introduce now some notation and preliminary calculations for use in the proofs of the next three propositions. Let R > 0 and 6, A,J,L E (0,1) be constants to be specified later. C be a full VC class. For each t E (0,1/4] let D t c C with eA!l(t}l-A ~ cr(C) = lD t ~ eA!l(t}l-A t, P(C} ~ 1/2, and P(Cfi(UJ)€Dt,D"oCD» + 1, and s AP(C) for all C EDt, where ex ~ 1/8 is the constant in the definition of "full". Let (i'71.)' (an), and (on) be nonnegative sequences with 7'11. ~ an ~ 1/4 and n V 2bnQ(7n) ..... (7.31) 00, Let (n(k ),k ;;;: 0) be a strictly increasing sequence of integers with nCO) set = 0, and m(k} :=n(k} - n(k -1} n~) Y.I:{C) := lc(Xi ) i=n{.I:-l)+l 1 S.I:(C) := Y.I:(C) - m(k)P(C) 1 = n(kfivn(.I:)(C) - n(k -lf2 Vn (.I: _ l )( C ) t.l:j := an (.I: )p/, N.I: = minU ;;;: 0 : tk.j+l N'1e := minU ;;;: 0 : t.l: j ~ < 7n(k)L 7J,f(16j, 1.1: := Hi,i): N'.I: ~ i ~ Nk> 1 r(k,i) si ~ IDtkilL :=IIltkil, and observe that D tki = ~Ckji : 1 s i ;;;; r(k,i)~ for some sets C.l:ji. Note the k indexes the number of sample points, j indexes the sizes of the sets, and i indexes the collection of sets correspondto each and i. The Ckji are nearly di:.;joint for fixed k and i : we wish to replace them with fully disjoint sets Dk ji • Define G'.l:ji := C.l:ji D'kji := C.l:ji \G'leji' G fi (Um"oiCkjm), := D 'kji fi (Ul:>j Um:lir(.I:.l)Cktm), while P(UiC"kfd ~ 2tkLr(k,l) ~ EL>f(2e>..a(tkL)1-.A.t,Q + 2tkd ~ EL>f (2e>..a(tkj)1- Att,p!'(L-f) + 2t kjp!'(L-j» ~ 2(e.A. + 1)p!'(1- f.LA)-l a(tkj )l-Atk~' If, as we henceforth assume, f.L is chosen small enough so 2(e.A.+1)f.L.A.(l-~tl;;i>..e>..(l->")/2, it follows that P(UiC"kji);;i>"P(UiD'kjd/2. Hence for fixed k,j, for at least half the values of i we have P(C"kfi) ;;i AP(D'kfi)' By reducing E:.A. and ID t,l;jl by half if necessary, we may assume this is valid for all i; it then follows from C P(Dkji)·~ (1- (1- 2>,,)P(Ckjd, so (7.32)CT~(Dkji).~(1 ... 2>..P(Ckji). Observe also that (7.33) Ckji =Dkji U Gkji as a disjoint union, and Gkji () (UL~j Um~r{k.j,.nkLm.) = ¢. ".' We now define events 1 A kji := [Sk(Ckji) ~ (l-26)Rn (k)2b n{k)q (a2(C kji»] A'kji := 1 Ekji := [V n(k-l)(Ckji) ~ -oR (n(k )/n(k -1»2b n{k)q(a2(Ckji »] r, := u{j,i)€h"Ei.ji B k ..- B' k U{j.i)e:Ik A 'kji' Note that A and A "kfi imply Akj i, that Akji and E kji together imply that Vn{k)(Ckji) ~ (1-3o)Rb n{k)q(cr(Ckji». Thus (7.34) lim SUPnSUPlVn(C}/bn{k)q(cr(C» : C C, 7n E a.s. i.o. } Sk are mdependent, EP so we ) = 1, (7.35) P(Fk i.o.) .LVl.'LU" )=00, EP = O. if < 00, ;;i cr(C} ~ Cln $ Ukj := [Yk (Hkj) ~ Zkj] Zkj by =6Rn(k)l/2on{k)Q(tkj)/2. 16Atkj (zJcj - m ( k )P (H kj » (7.37) k and "" B 'k by E T I (",, ) := minU : "" EA'kji for some is. T e(",,):= minfi: "" EA'kTt{t..l)iS, and let T I = T e = CX) off B'k. If 5k is large on Dkji, it is probably also large on because D kji is most of Ckji by (7.32). To make this precise, we will show that Ckji , P(BkIB'k,Ukj,(TitTe) = (j,i» (7.38) ~ P(A"kjiIB T z) Once (7.38) is establishe(f, we have 2P(BJ<,T I=j) ~ 2P(Bk,Ukj,Tl:::j)~P(B'J<,UJcj,T I=j) ~ P(B'k,T I=j) - P(Ufj) so that 2P(B k) ~ P(B'k) - (7.39) N" 2:; P(Ufj)' j=N'k , The :first inequality in (7.38) follows directly from the definitions. To prove thesecpnd., . oiJserve thatiJ), (7.33) ,8k (Gkji) . . i~conditi()nallYitndependentof (Sk(J)J.:jm),m .•~r(k,j» . givenSk(Hki) (or equivalent!y,givenYk(Hkj»' n·.follows that (7.40) P(A "kjilB '",Ukj,(T hT2 ) =2:; = (j,i» peA "kjilTl ~ j,Yk(Hkj) =l)P{Yk(Hkj) =II B 'k,Ukj,(T I,T z) =(j ,i» l':i'Zki , ..u .v ........... = Yk{Hk;j) l-, Yk{Gkji} has a binomial distribution m{k) - l and p = bmomtat dis:tribution = one ) = l] once we eatannsn ~ 1/2. - 38(7.37), an~ (7.31), on the event [Yk(Hkj) m(k)P(Gkji) - Np =l], =P(H£j)-lp(Gkji)Sk ~ 16>" dG(Ckjd(Zkj - m{k )P{Hkj » ~ oRn(k )l/2bn{k)q(tkj )/2 ~ -1 + oRn{k}l/2bn{k)q(dG(Ckji ». (7.41), then (7.38) and (7.39), now follow. It is clear that for any m and M and any collection J o .... ,Jm of disjoint sets, P[Yk (J(j) ~ MIYk (Ji ) = li for all 1 ~ i ~ m] is monotone increasing in each 4. From this "negative dependence" of Yk on disjoint sets, it follows that (7.42) n P«B'k)C) ~ P«A'kjd C) ~ (j,i)£I/i; n N/i; (1- mi7ti1if:r{k,j)P(A'kji»r{k.j). j=N'/i; the remainder of the proof it is necessery to split into cases. We state each of these asa separate proposition. In each proof we will specify (n(k», R, 0, and >.., then continue the present calculation. Proposition 7.9. Let C be a full VC class and q E Q, and suppose 1 q(t)/t 2 (7.43) ,l., q(t}/(tLt-l}l/2 t, Lg(t}/Lr 1 t. Let (7n), (an), (b n) be nonnegative sequences satisfying and 1 (7.44) bnq(7n}/n27n -+ O. Suppose the following limits exist and are finite: (7.45) c 1 := lilTl.n 7nLg(7n}/b.fq2(7n) c2 : =lilTl.n YnLL (y;;: 1ex'll. }/b.fq 2( Yn) Ca:= lilTl.n YnLLn/b.fq2(7n}. Then (7.46) Proof. o < 0 < 1 and V:= R= assume R > O. , we ccntinue our , >..= -.;aJLI,.; U.LaLJLUU takmg ]. Set u(k):= e>..g(7n{k»1-0/8,N(k) :=Nk -N'k Since tg(t) and Lg(t)/Lr 1 increase, for j + I. we have ;E N'k r(k,j);E eA!J(tkj)l->";E eA!J()'~(f{16)1-0/16 G u(k). Hence by (7.42) and (7.47), IfW'k > o then so while similarly ;E (-1 + (o/16log J.l-l) log (7;;(k)(Xn{k») v L Since 7;;(k)CXn{k) ~ 00 0, it follows that c2(1-o/4)b,r{k)q2(7n{k»/7n{k) i::51Illi1arJ.y since logpk-2 • For i ;EN'k Hoetfdulg (1963) "rlttf>/2. J rtence by (7.50), we see Using this and Theorem 1 of - 408P(Bk ) ~ N(k)u(k}Pk A 1. (7.52) (7.49) we obtain (7.53) N(k luCk )Pk = £).N(k )g(7n(k)P-6/B exp( -(1-0/4)R2b~(k)q2(1n(k»/27n(k» ~ £).exp( -(1-o/4)csb~(A:)q2(7n(k»/7n(k» ~ e).exp(-(1-o/8)LLn(k}) ~ £).k-(1-6/16). = With (7.52) this shows EP(B k ) 00. To establish (7.36) it remains 7n(k) ~ t ~ £k := 7~(f(16, to bound P(Fd. By (7.43), for and ~:2: q2(7n(k» t ,n(k) Lei 1 :2: q2(7n(k» L';;(k) - 2,n(k) . Also N(k) ~ N k + 1 ~ (log j.l-1)-11 0 !1. (' ;;(k )(Xn(k » + L Combining these facts with (6.5), (6.4), (7.44), and (7.43) we obtain P(Fk.) . .~.E(j.i)~h.2er[J(--o2VIi2~~(k)q2(a2{C~ji»/tk;2·(Ck#}} ~ Ef:N'1; 4g (t kj )exp (-4R2b~(k)q2(tkj)/tkj) ~ E:'~N'I;4exp (- (B 2+2c 2+2c s)b~(k )q2(t~j )/tkj ) ~ 4N{k)exp(-(R 2/2+C2+ Cs)b;(k)q2(,n{k»/,n(k» ~ 4exp(-(5/4)LLn(k}) and (7.36), and (7.34), follow. Since 0 may be arbitrarily small, this TI1"'I"1V"""Z the proposition. • Remark 7.10. C4:= lim - 41 one, for us to obtain some lower bound on ccrresponding lim I Proposition 7.11. Let C be a full VC class. Let 7T'" w n , Cit and Ca be as in Theorem 3.1 and 0:= (Cl+Ca)-l, and suppose 771. "" Tn- 1W n for some T> O. Suppose the lim sups in (3.2) are actually limits. .1 lim sUPnsupHvn(C)I/w~(T(C): C E C, a2(C) (7.54) = 771.5 1 ;;;; T 2 ({JeT - 1) a.s, Proof. q (t) A ::: -w 1/'2", _ .... 11. take <0 = -_·,1tt 'V f\.A.ll where V ;;;;80- L 1s large enough so oR T1/'2h 1(oVR /2T 1/'2) ;;;; 6(c l+Ca). (7.55) We may assume R > 0, so C1 + Ca::: 0- 1 > O. Note that N k ::: N'k ::: 0, so j is always O. By Lemma 7.4 and (1.11), similarly to (7.47), P(A'kjd;;;; P[vm(k)(D kji);;;; (1-0/2)R(Wn(k)7n(k)1/'2] ;;;; exp(-(1-0/4)Wn(k,RT 1/'2h 1(R T- 1/'2» =earp (-(1-0/4)(c 1+Ca)Wn(k» .As in Proposition (d. (7.48» it rouows P(B'k);;;; (U(k)pk/2)A(1/2) for u(k) then ;= so E P(B k ) eA9(7n(k»1-A. Analogously to (7.51)-(7.53), we obtain P(Ufj) ~ pt and 00. By (6.5) and 1 1 P (Fk) ~ 2r (k ,0 )exp (-oR (h (k }Wn(k)7n(k)y2h 1(oVR /2T 2 » ~ 4g(7n(k»exp(-5(c l+ C a)Wn (k» -GLd.Hl.\K; as Proposiiticm 7.9, » I - 42Proposition 7.12. C a 7'11.' w n• Yn' = (7.56) 7'11. (7.57) L(wn/n7n) 0 Ct, and Cs be as in Th~:>£'lrpTn 3.1, (n-twn) and =o (w n). I Proof. Let 0 < 0 < 1 and this time continue the calculation preceding bn an 7'11.'.8. A and q(t) then = L(n(k )/n(k-l» 'Wn(kV4 takIf 30-2 L(Wn(k)/n(k hn(k» and Wn(k) !!; zu: Again we may assume R > O. and j is always O. By Lemma 7.4. (6.2), and (7.56). P(A ·k;,.) ~ P[lIm(k)(Dk;,.) 1 !!; (1-0/2)RYn(k)(7n(k)n(k )/m(k» 2] 1 1 ~ exp (-(1-6/2)RYn(k)(n(k hn(k»2L (RYn(k)/(n(k hn(k» 2» :=Pk· As in Proposition 7.11 it follows from this that 8P(Bk)~ u (k)Pk A 1 wh,prp u(k) u(k &A9(7n(k»t->... If Cs =0 ~ exp(-(1-6/4)cs'Wn(k» !!; exp(-(1-6/16)Lk) then U(k)Pk ~ 1 so EP(B..;) exp(-(1-0/8)LLn(k» and (7.59) lJI'!;i:lfn fk 1fn (k )/n(kIf Cs >0 L (7.57), = oe , If cs> 0 ) ~ 4g (7n(k)}exp P ~ < 00. so P(F;J ~ 4g (-3Rwn (k» ~ 4exp(-Wn(k» ~ 4k- 2 once more result now follows. SO ) <: 00. As in previous two propositions, the desired I Proof of Theorem 3.1 (D). For (i) and (iii) the result is immediate from Propositions 7.9 and 7.12 by ; to get Proof of Theorem 3.1 (C). We return now to the notation of the calculation preceding Propositions 1 7.9, 7.11, and 7.12, but with the following changes: Dk j i := Ck j i • We specify now 8 k := k: 2 Vk and the theorem it suffices to show that, whatever <5 may be, P(BC i.o.] = (7.42), since the (7.60) 7. while as in Since Cg =0, r(k,O)Pk ;G; """'-Yl. exp(-(1-<5/4)Lg (7k» »~ so -;. 0, ,0 and I o. As in - 44- 4.2. of AtLg (At) ~ AtL (A-lg (t t, which is f'lp::::Irlv to prove (i) p·[lvn(C}1 > (1+8o)R oql(q2(C» (7.61) with "'In ~ u2(C) ~ cxn] some C e € =O«Ln)-{1+o», 1 where R 0 := (Z«P+o)(c 1+0)+C2+CS+ZO»"2. Fix n and 0 < 0 < 1/8, then 0 < u < 0 small enough so o2R3,/512u 2 ;E Z(cs+Z). (7.62) tettt:= (l.... u}i cxn&ndlet E(j),F(j), N n , 3.1 (A). As in (7.20), p·Ilvn(C)1 as in the proof of Theorem (1+8o)R oQl(q2(C» for some C € e with "'In u2(C) ~ 2:f:oP[!v n(C)1 > (1+4o)R oQl(tj) for some C + p·[llIn(C)1 > OR oQl(t) for some "'In ~ t ~ € € cxn] F(j)] CXn and C € e(t)] ..... "Nn~ lD lD • ..... '-'j=O" j + u: n . By (3.3), we can take 1 ~«Lgl(7n))/n7n)"2~ for.soIIleK=K(q,u)<oo. using (6.5) and (6.2)·that (7.63) Pj s Z!F(j)lexp(.... (1+4o)R 3(LU1(tj»/2) ~2Kexp("'(1+4o)(C2+Cs+2o)Lg l (tj» ~ 2Kexp(....{1+4o)(cg+o)Lg t {tD .... (1+4o)LLn) » ~ ~ exp(-(1+40)LLt j 2:;=o(jiog (1-u =0 asn~oo so =O«Ln (7.64) If C2 =c = =0 we obtain - 45so again (7.64) holds. As' proof of 'rneorern 3.1 and (4.7) that p,/ an ;:;i 36 f (I), we V'-''',GUJ. from Thf'/Tr,PTn 2.1, (7.62), t-lexp(-o2RKLg l(t )/512u2)dt 7,,/2 1 + 68exp( -oR6(n1nLg 1(1n»2/256) an ;:;i 36 f r lexp (- 2LLr l - 2(c s+l )Lg l (a n » dt 7,,/2 =O(exp(-2LLn», and (7.61), and then (i), follow. For (ii), fix 0 > 0 and set Y« * := 1n v aJ+6. We wish to apply Proposition 7.9. Consider the sequences in (7.45): since Lg(t)/Lt- 1 increases, Lg l(1n *) ~ (l+o)Lg l(an) so li'mn.1~Lg(1~)/qr(1:)= Cl lim infn1:LL«1~)-lan)/qf(1:) ~ (1+0)-lc2 Since 0 is arbitrary, Proposition and Remark 7.10 prove (u). For (iii), by increasing 1n we may assume 1n an' The proof is then just like that of Theorem 3.1 (C), since C2 = 0 and C 1 = 1 whenever Cs O. I = = Proof of Theorem 4.1. localasym.ptotic modulus at ¢for (v n ) . To show 1/10 is an asymptotic modulus of let 1n,an .!. 0 with nan t, 1n ~ an, n-1Ln 0 (1n), LLn O(La~l). It suffices in (4.5) to consider C,D ~P(CAD Let D:= : C,D E C, 1n/2;:;i cf4(C\D) ~ an! : C.IJ EC, 1n ;:;i ) ;:;i We g(t) := t- l ) ,we = = EC » :C E E.1n ~ : C ED - 46- I so the result follows from Theorem 4.2. Proof of Theorem 4.4. We use 2.1, with C{t) := Ct. ((t):= t , q{t):= '¢'1{t 1/2 ) , 1:= 711.' and 0::= we use p:= 0.) r = 711. > S (2.1), n- 1Lg{7n) e (7n). If b is large enough then (2.2) is clear, (2.3) follows easily from the observation that = L{na{t)) ~ L{nt) + Lg{t), (7.65) and (2.4) and (2.5) are vacuous. Hence (2.6) holds. If b is large then exp{-bZqz(t )/512t) ~ b- 1{Lt - 1)Z, so the second term on the right side of (2.6) 1 can be made small. Since q{1n)n 2 ~ (n1n)VZ small for large n,and the theorem fellows. -'> 00 as n -'> 00, the third term is I Proof()fTheorems 5.1 arid 5.2. Observe that for M > 0, Pn{C) . P[supfl P{C) - (7.66) 11 : C E C,p{C) ~ 111. ~ > M] 1 ~ P[lvn{C)1 > Mn 2a2{C) for some C E Cwith a2{C) ~1n/2]. Thus to prove the desired results we use Theorem 2.1 with C{t):= Ct> 1 and b := Mn 2". If (2.2)-(2.5) hold then ({t) := t , 1:= 111./2, 0::= 1/4, (2.6) bounds the of 68exp ( -u« 1n/256) (7.67) = 0(exp(-M2n1n/1024» + 0(exp{-.Mn1n/256». In (2.1) the values (7.68) if s= r= M ~ 2 To prove (5.2), we take M fixed but arbitrarily small in (7.66). Then (5.1), that n1n -'> 00 and (2.3). (2.4) and (2.5) are (7.65), and the vacuous by (7.68), so (5.2) (7.67). If (5.3) .u."'.1."'-'", same O({Ln)-Z), and a.s. C011verlH:::I1c:e ~ n- 1 ~ 2, (7.69) (C) for some C E C with P n S1J.'lI)l-~":- - 1/ : C E C,P{C) ~ R1~j Pn{C) F 0, ) F > are vacuous. (7.66), vacuous. If 9 is t, then all e > 0 by bounded, supfPn(C)/P(C) : C € C, P(C) ;S e/~S (5.7), while for R > 0, P[sup~Pn.(C)/P{C) : C € C,P(C) ~ P[supfPn (C) :C € < e/~S > R] CP(C) < e/~S > 0] ~ naky~) ~ nAe/~ ~ AeLA -l' 0 as e -l' 0, and the last statement in Theorem 5.2 follows. It remains to prove (5.5) when C is full and (5A) holds. By (5.4) we have Un) for all n some so if wedefinet'n to be the solu7= then -''11. for some 0 < supfl m-1(£g( -,) Set w'n := Lg(Yn)vLLn. By Proposition 7.11 and Remark 7.10, (J < 1 we have infinitely often Pn(C) P{C) - 11: C € C,P(C) ~ 1/2,a2(C) ;S InS ;S sup~lvn(C)I/2(n-,'n)1/2(T{C) : C € C,a2(C) = Y'nS ~ (Par - 1)/4. • })=t, f »= f if P{C);l;; Z Proof of Coronary 3.5. From 3.4 we see that if suffices to prove (3.3) for C := Dd , P = 1, and some Tj < 00. u € (0,1) t € (0,1/4], and set C' := fC € D d : (1-u 2/4)t < if{C) C" := fCc: C € D d so C t\C(1_u 2/4,)t : ;l;; t , P(C) ;a; l/zi (1-u 2/4)t < if(C) ;a; t , P(C) > l/Zi = C' u C"; we will consider C' and C" separately. For C", let /L:= 1 - u 2/ 8d and let F be (3.7). We have (d. (3.8)) , Ci€ C",and Clearly then exists /LX;. ;l;; Yi /L-1 Xi for all i ;a; d; so 2t/Z. u Hence P(CAC z) ;l;; uZt and C' is taken care C:«: C l , = C2 [O,x] € F with P(C 1AC z) ;a; Zd(/L-l_1)P(C l) ;l;; of. For C" the proof is somewhat similar. Let N be an integer between ZOdu- 2 and Zldu- z and set G := f[o,x] : X;. = 1 - ru f (t )/N for some 'rti ;a; N Then we can € G with X;. - f (t )/N ;a; Yi ;a; X;. for each i ;a; d - 1. Now I\d=11Xi;l;; (TIf=11yD(1+4df(t)/N) .50 Xd;a; Yd;l;; xd(1+4dj(t)/N). Thus Since IG C" is now uu..n.... .w. of, Proof of Coronary 3.7. to assume P r .·- 8> ;l;; (22d)d-1 U-2(d-l)g(t), I = 6 - 49- (8.1) Ct \C(I-'Ul3/4)t =iCatl : r ~ b < r\ v E sa-IS u iCCu : -r- < b ~ -r, v E sa-IS Let two vectors = (8.2) ~ MO-(d-l) for some o,i! depending only on d. We now prove (3.3). specify 0 := u Z/ 16r . Let C E C t \C(I-u 2/4)t ' It is clear that there is awE Sd-l for which C C Crw and (8.3) P(C ACrw } ~ P(Crw ) - P(Cr ' w ) =f (t) - f «1-u z/ 4)t ) ~ u Zt / 2. Since V is maximal, there is a v E V making an angle ex can show that ~ 0 with w. Suppose we (8.4) With (8.3) and (8.2) I M un-(d-l) s; 16d-IMu-Z(d-l)rd-1 N Z(ut 2 ,Ct\C (1-u2/4)t' P) s; . Since tfJ-l(l-f(t» "" (2Lf(t)-l)VZ as t -)0 0, there exists K= K(d) such that K-1g (t) ~ r (8.5) d- 1 and (3.3) follows. The equality in (8.4) is clear. Since H (j ~ Kg (t) etc; \Crw ) depends only on r and the T closed half .plane bounded by lz and disjoint from Crw , and W the wedge Crv with vertex at TV. Then (8.6) (3.3) follows =tfJ(r) - tfJ(r cos ex) ~ r(1-cosex)exp{-rZ(cos2ex)/2) ~ r 02 exp (r 2 0 z/2) exp (-r z/2)/2 ~ ~ u Z( 1- tfJ(r» / 8 ~ u Zt / 4. TV we obtam (8.8) peW) = Combining (8.6). (8.7). and (8.8) proves (8.4). and (3.3) follows. To show C is full we use similar ideas. but change 8 to (16dLr )V2/r . Fix A E (0.1) and take b = b(d) large enough so v.w since the angle between If xECrv nCrw for v and w is at least 8. we have IIxl1 2 ~ r 2 + r 2tan2( 8/ 2). so IIx!l ~ r(1+8 2/16). It follows using (8.9) and (8.10) that etc; n (UW€v.w,",vCrw) ~ POx: ~ b (2r )d-2 exp (-r 282/16)exp (-r 2/2) Ilxll ~ r(l+02/16)D Since by (8.2) and (8.5). IVI ~ 0 8-{d-i) ~ or tt - 1/(H3dLr ){tt-i)/2 .~ Eg(t )1-],. for some constant thatC is f u l l . ; E P 1. u E (0.1) (0,1/4] and set r := and r := . 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Department of Statistics University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 J. Multivar.
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