Patient Thermograms Patient: Jane Doe Date: 03-11-11 SAMPLE PATIENT REPORT – HIGHEST RISK THERMOGRAM (Cancer was not detected by patient’s Mammogram) 36.5 °C 36.5 °C 36 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28.5 28.5 36.5 °C 36.5 °C 36 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28.5 28.5 36.5 °C 36.5 °C 36 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28.5 28.5 Breast Thermography is not a standalone technology and does not replace Ultrasound, Mammography and/or MRI This Report is intended for use by trained health care providers to assist in evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. This Report does not provide a diagnosis of disease or other conditions. It is not intended for use by individuals for self diagnosis or self evaluation. 1525 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ● 1407 Garden Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 560-8111 Judy Dean, MD Board Certified Diagnostic Radiologist or (805) 441-5557 Gaea Powell, Board Certified Thermographer Patient Thermograms Patient: Jane Doe Date: 03-11-11 SAMPLE PATIENT REPORT – HIGHEST RISK THERMOGRAM (Cancer was not detected by patient’s Mammogram) 36.5 °C 35.5 °C 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28 28.5 27.5 36.5 °C 35.5 °C 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28 28.5 27.5 36.5 °C 36.5 °C 36 36 34 34 32 32 30 30 28.5 28.5 Breast Thermography is not a standalone technology and does not replace Ultrasound, Mammography and/or MRI This Report is intended for use by trained health care providers to assist in evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. This Report does not provide a diagnosis of disease or other conditions. It is not intended for use by individuals for self diagnosis or self evaluation. 1525 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ● 1407 Garden Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 560-8111 Judy Dean, MD Board Certified Diagnostic Radiologist or (805) 441-5557 Gaea Powell, Board Certified Thermographer Patient Thermograms Patient: Jane Doe Date: 03-11-11 SAMPLE PATIENT REPORT – HIGHEST RISK THERMOGRAM (Cancer was not detected by patient’s Mammogram) 36.5 °C 36 35 34 Dt4 33 Dt3 32 Dt2 31 Dt1 30 29 28.5 LOCATION Nipple Areola Global UOQ Upper Quadrant Upper Quadrant Lower Quadrant Lower Quadrant ACC ROI1 ROI2 PATIENT’S THIRD THERMOGRAM RIGHT LEFT RN Average Temperature 29.4 °C LN Average Temperature 32.8 °C RA Average Temperature 30.8 °C LA Average Temperature 33.7 °C RG Average Temperature 32.6 °C LG Average Temperature 33.7 °C RUOQ Average Temperature 33.1 °C LUOQ Average Temperature 33.5 °C UIQ CL Site Maximum Temp. 33.2°C UIQ VW Maximum Temperature UOQ CL Site Maximum Temp. 33.5°C UOQ VW Maximum Temperature Lower Quadrants VW Max Temp. 33.3°C Lower Quadrants CL Max Temp. °C °C Nipple CL Site Max Temperature 31.4°C Nipple Maximum Temperature Areola CL Site Max Temperature 30.7°C Areola Maximum Temperature * Δ Rounded off to nearest 0.1 C VW=Vascular Warming Summary: TH2 Right Breast; TH5 Left Breast 34.9°C 34.4°C 34.5°C °C °C 34.5°C 35.0°C *DELTA Dt1 3.5 Dt2 2.9 Dt3 1.1 Dt4 0.4 Dt 1.7 Dt 0.9 Dt 1.2 Dt Dt VM=Vascular Marking ACC=Area of Clinical Concern Highest Risk Thermogram 3.1 4.3 NORMAL Δ < 1.0 C Δ < 1.5 C Δ < 1.5 C Δ < 2.0 C Δ < 2.0 C Δ < 2.0 C Δ < 1.0 C Δ < 1.0 C Δ < 1.0 C Δ < 1.0 C Δ < 1.5 C CL=Contra Lateral Markedly abnormal thermovascular asymmetry persists between breasts. Thermovascular signatures in the upper quadrants of the Left are stable when compared to previous Thermograms of 04-21-10 and 01-09-10 and consistent with the known malignancy in this breast. Thermovascular warming continues to increase in the nipple, areola and lower quadrants of the Left breast. There is increasing retraction of the left breast consistent with enlarging tumor. Surgical consultation is strongly recommended. Judy Dean MD Breast Thermography is not a standalone technology and does not replace Ultrasound, Mammography and/or MRI This Report is intended for use by trained health care providers to assist in evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. This Report does not provide a diagnosis of disease or other conditions. It is not intended for use by individuals for self diagnosis or self evaluation. 1525 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ● 1407 Garden Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 560-8111 Judy Dean, MD Board Certified Diagnostic Radiologist or (805) 441-5557 Gaea Powell, Board Certified Thermographer Patient Thermograms Patient: Jane Doe Date: 03-11-11 SAMPLE PATIENT REPORT – HIGHEST RISK THERMOGRAM (Cancer was not detected by patient’s Mammogram) 36.5 °C 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28.5 Previous Thermogram Date: 04-21-10 PATIENT’S SECOND THERMOGRAM 36.5 °C 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28.5 Previous Thermogram Date: 01-09-10 PATIENT’S FIRST THERMOGRAM Breast Thermography is not a standalone technology and does not replace Ultrasound, Mammography and/or MRI This Report is intended for use by trained health care providers to assist in evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. This Report does not provide a diagnosis of disease or other conditions. It is not intended for use by individuals for self diagnosis or self evaluation. 1525 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ● 1407 Garden Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 560-8111 Judy Dean, MD Board Certified Diagnostic Radiologist or (805) 441-5557 Gaea Powell, Board Certified Thermographer Patient Thermograms Patient: Jane Doe Date: 03-11-11 SAMPLE PATIENT REPORT – HIGHEST RISK THERMOGRAM (Cancer was not detected by patient’s Mammogram) Breast Thermography Evaluation Information Thermal imaging helps determine a woman’s risk for currently having breast cancer or developing it in the future by looking at the surface temperature of the breasts. This information can be used to help determine when additional testing is necessary, to improve the accuracy of finding cancer on other examinations, and sometimes aids in monitoring treatment. Thermography is an adjunct screening and does not replace mammography, ultrasound and/or MRI. Thermal breast imaging is a functional test to evaluate temperature as an indicator of metabolic and/or angiogenic (blood vessel) activity. It does not directly detect or diagnose cancer but can indicate the level of risk for breast cancer. Causes of increased heat which Thermography may image include a variety of conditions including cancer, inflammation, infection, healing scars, benign tumors, and others. An abnormal thermal finding is not a guarantee that cancer is present, nor is a low risk thermal image a guarantee than cancer is not present. Thermal imaging is an adjunctive screening and does not replace other tests, such as mammography. It is not independently diagnostic of pathology. Thermography is a topographical infrared mapping technology which does not see inside the body. When Thermography is abnormal other imaging is necessary to validate and localize disease. Breast Thermography is intended to monitor breast health over time. Each woman has distinct thermal patterns, like a “thermal fingerprint”, which should not change substantially from year to year. Baseline studies for comparison are therefore important. Follow-up Thermograms may then identify changes that could represent physiological differences that warrant additional investigation. Thermography findings are reported on a scale from 1 to 5 as follows: Note: Abnormal signs may be indicated on a patient’s initial Thermogram that could be determined as stable, once recommended serial thermal imaging is established to create a baseline and/or due to known non-cancerous causes (e.g. abcess or recent benign surgery). TH1: Lowest Risk and TH2: Low Risk – These ratings suggest the lowest risk of current or future breast cancer. These ratings do not guarantee that the breasts are cancer free, and should not delay any other breast examination recommended by your doctor. The increase in risk between TH1 and TH2 is minimal. TH3: Medium Risk – This rating suggests a mid-level risk that breast cancer is currently present or may develop in the future. Additional imaging such as MRI, mammography, ultrasound or other diagnostic tests should be performed if these have not been done. TH4: High Risk – This rating suggests a substantial risk that breast cancer may be present or may develop in the future. This rating is not a guarantee that cancer is present, and needs to be evaluated by other imaging to determine its significance. Additional imaging such as MRI, magnification mammography, ultrasound or other diagnostic tests should be performed. TH5: Highest Risk – This rating indicates a high risk that breast cancer is present or will develop. This rating is not a guarantee that cancer is present, and must be evaluated by additional imaging to determine its significance. All required clinical protocols were observed. The patient was partially disrobed and underwent thermal equilibration for 15 minutes with the temperature of the examination room 18°C - 23°C. Examination performed consistent with recommended protocol for thermal breast examinations. The data for this examination were acquired using an infrared sensitive camera. Views of the breasts consisted of a frontal image, including the sternum, and lateral images that included the axillary regions. Breast Thermography is not a standalone technology and does not replace Ultrasound, Mammography and/or MRI This Report is intended for use by trained health care providers to assist in evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. This Report does not provide a diagnosis of disease or other conditions. It is not intended for use by individuals for self diagnosis or self evaluation. 1525 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ● 1407 Garden Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 560-8111 Judy Dean, MD Board Certified Diagnostic Radiologist or (805) 441-5557 Gaea Powell, Board Certified Thermographer
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