STEKLARNA ROGAŠKA d.d., Ulica talcev 1, 3250 Rogaška Slatina promocijski izvod | promotional copy 12 SLOVENSKE ZGODBE O PRESEŽKIH NARAVE, TRADICIJE, KULTURE, UMETNOSTI IN LJUDI SLOVENIAN FEATURES ON OUTSTANDING NATURE, TRADITION, CULTURE, ART AND PEOPLE o MAREC – junij 2011 | MARCH – JUNE 2011 WELLNESS, KI VAS POŽIVLJA Spas that invigorate you HOW TO GET HERE? Leave the north-east part of the Ljubljana Ring Road at the exit Nove Jarše (BTC), go into Šmartinska cesta and follow our signs. Žale ta ska ces Šmartin P BTC ov juh Ka ta es ac Letališka cesta Sava Turizem – TMC, podjetje za upravljanje dejavnosti Turizem, d.o.o., Škofjeloška c. 6, 4000 Kranj, [email protected] wellness.indd 1 18.12.2009 15:43:15 Kolosej 5HVMH-HWWD 1RYD-HWWD3UHVHQHWOMLYRGUXJDÍQD Nova Jetta navdušuje s popolnoma novo celostno podobo. Že na prvi pogled preseneti z elegantno silhueto limuzine, skladnimi stranskimi linijami ter dinamičnim sprednjim delom. Športno-eleganten dizajn dopolnjuje z inteligentno premišljeno in praktično notranjostjo. Postavlja nove standarde, saj je najdaljša limuzina v svojem razredu. Na voljo vam je bogata serijska oprema, kot je klimatska naprava Climatic, asistenca za speljevanje na klancu, 6 zračnih blazin, elektronski stabilizacijski program (ESP) ter radio RCD 310 s CD/mp3 predvajalnikom. Opcijska oprema med drugim obsega sistem za avtomatsko odklepanje vozila Keyless Access*, sistem za uravnavanje dolgih luči Light Assist* in parkirni sistem s krmilno avtomatiko Park Assist*. Na voljo je v bencinski TSI in dizelski TDI izvedbi z motorji najnovejše generacije, ki so izjemno dinamični in hkrati varčni ter do okolja prijazni. 1RYD-HWWDSUHVHQHWLREYVDNHPSRJOHGXĉHSUHGHQYVWRSLWHYDQMR 1RYD-HWWD]ERJDWRVHULMVNRRSUHPRLQSRGDOMĉDQLPMDPVWYRP ]DLQOHWRYDPMHQDYROMRĜH]D(85 Porsche Slovenija d.o.o., Bravničarjeva 5, 1000 Ljubljana. Kombinirana poraba goriva: 4,5–5,7 l/100 km. Emisije CO2: 119–138 g/km. *Navedena opcijska oprema je na voljo ob doplačilu. Slika je simbolna. Domen Grögl 2 2 uvodnik |editorial POSLANSTVO MISSION Na pragu tega tisočletja je veliki mislec in Nobelov nagrajenec za mir, dalajlama, v svoji knjigi Etika za novo tisočletje bralce pozval k duhovni revoluciji. Na videz precej bojevit poziv je seveda v nadaljevanju obrazložil povsem umirjeno in človekoljubno – v duhu sočutja, sprejemanja in univerzalne ljubezni ne glede na barve, status, veroizpoved ali prepričanja, ki nas tako rada razdvajajo. Misel mi je zastala ob vnovičnem prebiranju njegovih besed. Deset let novega tisočletja je za nami. Se je kaj spremenilo? Po oceni zaznavanja z našimi petimi čutili so spremembe močne, večinoma jih doživljamo kot slabe, katastrofalne, uničujoče. Če pa pomislim na prebujanje človeške medosebne zavesti, na rast notranjih vrednot in na iz dneva v dan več izrazito pozitivnih ljudi, ki jih srečujem, sem prepričana, da se je duhovna revolucija resnično začela. At the start of the new millennium, a great thinker and winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace, the Dalai Lama, called for a spiritual revolution in his book ‘’Ethics for the New Millennium’’. As expected, the seemingly rather zealous appeal was later explained in the book in the most calm and humane manner – in the spirit of compassion, acceptance and universal love, regardless of skin colour, religion and other beliefs that so easily divide people. My thoughts paused as I was reading his words again. Ten years of the new millennium lie behind us. Has anything changed? Our five senses tell us the changes are considerable and we mostly experience them as negative, disastrous, devastating. However, the awakening of interpersonal awareness, a stronger sense of inner values and the positive people I meet every day, convinced me that the spiritual revolution has truly begun. V Sloveniji imamo srečo – živimo na majhnem in raznolikem prostoru, ki nam ponuja neverjetno veliko različnih izkustev in doživetij. Ne le z naravno dediščino, ne le s pestrim tokom zgodovine, ne le s tradicijami, ki skrivajo brezštevilne modrosti. Tudi z dejstvom, da ga poseljujemo izjemno kreativni ljudje – le malo kje je med množico mogoče najti tako veliko svežih, inovativnih, pogumnih in z vero v svoje delo prepojenih ljudi. Najlažje bi temu, kar počnejo, rekli poslanstvo. We are lucky in Slovenia, living in a small and diverse place that offers an incredible array of impressions and experiences. This is not only due to natural heritage, the country’s diverse history or traditions that contain numerous wisdoms, but also due to the fact that Slovenia is full of exceptionally creative people – there are not many places where, from amongst a lot of people, one can find so many fresh, innovative, courageous people with such faith in their work. What they do, could easily be called a mission. Salon Slovenija tokrat predstavlja nekaj izbranih draguljev, ki jih povezuje prav iskrena želja, da bi služili ljudem. Naj gre za poslanstvo dežele Slovenije, njenih krajev ali njenih prebivalcev – povezuje jih magična predanost. Ne glede na to, ali boste med bralci slovenskega ali angleškega stolpca, verjamem, da boste odkrili delček te predanosti. Vsaj za nekaj trenutkov se predajte – naši revoluciji povezovanja in želje po dobrem za vse. This time Salon Slovenia presents several special gems, jioned by an honest desire to serve people. Whether it is the mission of the country of Slovenia, its places or its people – they are all connected by magical commitment. It does not matter if you are among the readers of a Slovenian or an English column, I believe you will discover a part of this commitment. Surrender yourself only for a moment to our revolution of connecting people and wishing the good for everyone. Polona Bohorič, urednica | Editor Wellness Orhidelia Prebudite ljubezen Awaken the Love Terme Olimia d.d., Zdraviliška cesta 24, SI – 3254 Podčetrtek, Slovenija T +386 (0)3 829 70 00, [email protected], Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 4 Revija Salon Slovenija je ekskluzivna promocijska revija, ki je kot informacija in predstavitev slovenskih zgodb namenjena: • gostom hotelov višje kategorije • gostom v izbranih SPA centrih ter zasebnih lepotnih in zdravstvenih ordinacijah • partnerjem predstavništev STO v Evropi (Bruselj, Dunaj, Milano, München) • vsakomur, ki želi odkrivati izjemne zgodbe Slovenije. Salon Slovenia is an exclusive promotional magazine packed with valuable information and exciting features about Slovenia aimed at: • guests of upmarket hotels • guest of chosen SPA, beauty and private health centres • partners of Slovenian Tourist Board Offices in Europe (Brussels, Wien, Milano, München) • everyone who is willing to discover the exceptional stories of Slovenia. Salon Slovenija je registrirana in zaščitena blagovna znamka v Sloveniji. Salon Slovenija is a registered and protected trademark in Slovenia. Revija je vpisana v Razvid medijev pri Ministrstvu za kulturo Republike Slovenije. The magazine is listed on the Media Register at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia. ISSN 1855-1408 Izdajatelj in založnik / Published by: Divanova, d.o.o. Urednica / Editor: Polona Bohorič Lektorica / Proofreading: Vera Lašič Angleški prevod / English translation: Almudena, Mojca Žnidarič Oblikovanje in postavitev / Design: Skupina Opus Design Tisk / Printed by: Tiskarna SET, Ljubljana Trženje oglasnega prostora / Marketing: Divanova d.o.o. Naročanje / Subscription service: Divanova d.o.o. Parmova ulica 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana Telefon / Telephone: +386 1 517 40 88 Faks / Fax: +386 1 517 40 89 Email: [email protected] Izdaja marec - junij 2011 je na voljo gostom v: Issue March - June 2011 is available to the guests of: Ankaran: Plastična kirurgija Fabjan Banovci: Hotel Zeleni gaj, Terme Banovci Bled: Diagnostični center Vila Bogatin Grand Hotel Toplice, Sava hoteli Bled Hotel Golf, Sava hoteli Bled Hotel Park, Sava hoteli Bled Kraljeva klubska hiša, Sava hoteli Bled Wellness Živa, Hotel Golf Studio Luisa, Grand Hotel Toplice Brežice: Kirurgija Volovec Celje: Plastična kirurgija Fabjan Domžale: Kalliste, klinika za ginekologijo, osteoporozo in medicinsko estetiko Idrija: Hotel Kendov dvorec, Spodnja Idrija Ivanjkovci, Ormož: Dvorec Jeruzalem Kamnik: Hotel Malograjski dvor Metropolis SPA Kranj: Plastična kirurgija Fabjan, Studio Stelinea Kranjska Gora: Grand hotel Prisank, Hit holidays Hotel Alpina, Hit holidays Hotel Kompas, Hit holidays Hotel Larix, Hit holidays Hotel Špik, Hit holidays Ljubljana: Antiq Palace hotel & spa Antiq hotel, Gornji trg Best Western Premier Hotel Slon Baaalaaances, kozmetični salon, wellnes, spa Dermatologija Bartenjev-Rogl Dermatološki Center Parmova Dermatološko medicinski center Dimnik Žgavec Estetika Onišak Felicitas, studio za oblikovanje telesa Hotel in kongresni center Mons Kirurški sanatorij Rožna dolina Kozmetika in savna Fanči Kozmetika Omersa Medicinski center Septum Medico dr. Sentočnik, Center za zdravljenje debelosti in wellness center Mo-Gy - Preventivni pregledi dojk in manualna medicina Negovalni salon Moments Pacient Plastična kirirugija dr. Čokl Salon lepote Moretti Sense Wellness Club Spa center lepote Sunny studio Venustas, estetsko-kozmetični center Zobozdravstvena ordinacija Nenad Markovič, dr. med. Lendava: Hotel Lipa, Terme Lendava Logarska dolina: Hotel Plesnik Maribor: Hotel Arena, Pohorje Hotel Bolfenk, Pohorje Mo-Gy - Preventivni pregledi dojk in manualna medicina Mengeš: Wellness Harmonija Miklavž na Dravskem polju: Plastična kirurgija Fabjan Moravske Toplice: Hotel Ajda, Terme 3000 Hotel Livada Prestige, Terme 3000 Hotel Termal, Terme 3000 Thermalium, Terme 3000 Estetika Onišak Olivier’s, kirurški center zdravja in lepote Estetski studio Vivat Nova Gorica: Mo-Gy - Preventivni pregledi dojk in manualna medicina Podčetrtek: Wellness Hotel Sotelia, Terme Olimia Hotel Breza, Terme Olimia Wellness Orhidelia, Terme Olimia Pokljuka: Hotel Center, Rudno polje Portorož: Beauty SPA center Moretti Ptuj: Grand Hotel Primus, Terme Ptuj Valens Augusta Wellness, GH Primus Park hotel Ptuj Radenci: Hotel Radin, Zdravilišče Radenci Hotel Izvir, Zdravilišče Radenci Corrium, Zdravilišče Radenci Rogaška Slatina: Hotel Sava Rogaška Sežana: Wellness center Sanai, Hotel Safir Slovenj Gradec: Apartmaji Ribnica, Kope Wellness Sitar, Kope Trebelno: Posestvo Pule Velenje: Hotel Paka Cena za posamezni izvod Price per copy 7 EUR Naslovnica / Cover page: Domen Grögl Ekskluzivna prodaja Exclusive selling Vse avtorske pravice pridržane. Izdano v marcu 2011. All rights reserved. Published March 2011. Aktualne informacije so objavljene na spletni strani For the latest information and updates please visit the Salon Slovenija website 6 7 vsebina |contents 8/16 / 84 10 14 18 26 28 čestitke / congratulations kultura&umetnost / culture& art vino&kulinarika / fine food&wine narava&dediščina / nature&heritage v gibanju / in motion razvajanje telesa / pampering the body 30 ZGODBA VELIKIH SRC / A STORY WITH A BIG HEART Prof dr. Metka Zorc, ustanova Medicor / The Medicor Foundation 36 POSVEČENI V ZELIŠČARSTVO / HALLOWED FOR HERBALISM Za zidovi samostanov / Behind the walls of monasteries 42 KUHINJA – SRCE HOTELA / KITCHEN – THE HEART OF A HOTEL Slovenske hotelske kuharske zvezde /Slovenian celebrity chefs 50 TAKO MOČAN SPOMIN / SUCH A POWREFUL MEMORY Gledališče Senzorium / Senzorium Theatre 54 NINA JE RES – POSEBNA / NINA IS TRULY – SPECIAL Nina Kokelj, ustvarjalka / the Creator 58 400 OBRAZOV & EN MAMUT / 400 FACES & ONE MAMMOTH Miha Kač, kipar /the Sculptor 62 70 74 76 80 82 86 91 96 METROPOLA V MALEM / THE SMALL – SCALE METROPOLIS Lendava NARAVNA VINA / NATURAL WINES dogodki / events tradicije / traditions narava / nature dobrodelnost / charity festivasli / festivals priporočamo / we reccomend pogled naprej / looking ahead Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 8 9 čestitke |congratulations Trideset let Hotela Lipa Arhiv/Archive: Sava Hotels & Resorts Terme Lendava spadajo med mlajša in manjša zdravilišča, kjer se izjemna naravna dediščina termalnih vrelcev prepleta z bogato kulturno in zgodovinsko dediščino, slikovito okolico vinorodnega območja ter prijaznimi ljudmi, ki živijo v sožitju z naravo. Hotel Lipa v Termah Lendava je pred tremi desetletji sprejel prve goste in do danes gostil več kot četrt milijona obiskovalcev in zabeležil čez milijon hotelskih nočitev. Pomemben del ponudbe Term Lendava in Hotela Lipa predstavljajo aktivne počitnice. Hotel ima certifikat kot pohodnikom in kolesarjem prijazen hotel in je odlično izhodišče za izlete po Lendavskih goricah in Pomurju. Ne pozabljajo pa tudi na druge ciljne skupine, kot so upokojenci, družine in pari, za katere so letos pripravili privlačne posebne programe. Častitljivih osemdeset The Glorious Eighty V Grand Hotelu Toplice pa v jubilejnem letu pripravljajo tudi vrsto drugih privlačnih tematskih paketov in doživetij. Med drugim bodo vse leto gostje deležni edinstvenih doživetij. Eno takšnih je »gourmet večerja«, ki jo bo po receptih iz starih kuharskih knjig hotela v moderni preobleki pripravil vodja kuhinje Simon Bertoncelj. Doživetje bo tudi tečaj priprave koktajlov s svetovnim podprvakom v klasični pripravi koktajlov, hotelskim barmanom Mirom Petrevčičem. Vsi gostje hotela pa bodo ob odhodu prejeli darilni bon s simboličnim zneskom 80 evrov. Polovico tega zneska bodo lahko izkoristili sami ob prihodnjem obisku, bon za drugo polovico pa bodo lahko podarili svojim prijateljem ali znancem. The glorious anniversary will be marked with a number of hotel events. Celebrations will culminate between 8th-10th April when the town of Bled will also celebrate its municipal holiday. The hotel, in cooperation with the Gorenjska Museum, will open an exhibition that will present the history of the hotel and Bled tourism in general. The exhibition will be on display at the hotel every day until mid-May, before going on tour around several museums in Slovenia. A day after the opening, the exhibition and the entire hotel can be visited in the company of historians and hotel employees who will present some of the historically most interesting sites of the building. On Saturday, 9th April, the Grand Hotel Toplice will hold a gala dinner to which many long time guests, who are so fascinated by the hotel that they have been returning for several decades, will be invited. All other guests staying at the hotel that weekend will also be in for special surprises. The Lendava Thermal Spa is one of the newer, smaller health resorts, where the thermal spa’s exceptional natural heritage intertwines with rich cultural and historical heritage, picturesque vineyard surroundings and friendly people living in harmony with nature. The Hotel Lipa at the Lendava Thermal Spa welcomed its first guests three decades ago and has hosted more than a quarter of a million visitors up to now, as well as recording over one million hotel guest nights. The active holiday represents an important part of both the Lendava Thermal Spa and Hotel Lipa. The hotel holds a certificate for being walker and cyclist friendly and it serves as one of the starting points for trips to the Lendava Hills and Pomurje region. They have not forgotten to include other target groups, thus preparing specific attractive packages designed for retirees, families and couples. Arhiv/Archive: Sava Hotels & Resorts Častitljivi jubilej bodo v hotelu zaznamovali s številnimi prireditvami. Vrhunec dogajanja bo od 8. do 10. aprila, ko tudi Bled praznuje svoj občinski praznik. V hotelu bodo ob sodelovanju Gorenjskega muzeja odprli razstavo, ki bo predstavila zgodovino hotela in blejskega turizma nasploh. Razstava bo na ogled vsak dan do sredine maja, nato pa bo gostovala tudi v nekaterih muzejih po Sloveniji. Dan po odprtju si bo razstavo in celoten hotel mogoče ogledati v spremstvu zgodovinarjev ter zaposlenih hotela, ki bodo predstavili nekatere zgodovinsko najbolj zanimive kotičke v hiši. V soboto, 9. aprila, bodo v Grand Hotelu Toplice priredili slavnostno večerjo, na katero bodo povabljeni številni dolgoletni gostje hotela, ki jih je tako očaral, da se vanj vračajo že več desetletij. Posebnih presenečenj bodo ta konec tedna deležni tudi vsi drugi gostje, ki bodo v tem času bivali v hotelu. The Grand Hotel Toplice, one of the hotels at Bled with long tradition and extraordinarily rich history, celebrates its glorious anniversary this year. Eighty years have passed since a local, Jula Molnar, built one of the most modern hotels of the time at the site of the former Luisenbad Hotel. POKAL ZNOVA HOTELU LIVADA PRESTIGE Zaposleni hotela Livada Prestige v Moravskih Toplicah so na 57. Gostinsko-turističnem zboru z bogato bero odlikovanj vnovič potrdili odlično znanje in usposobljenost na področju gostinskih in turističnih storitev. Že drugič zapored so osvojili laskavi pokal kakovosti. Ta je podeljen hotelski hiši z najvišjim številom osvojenih točk, ki mora tekmovati v najmanj šestih razpisanih kategorijah. Zaposleni hotela Livada Prestige so bili tako najuspešnejši v kuhanju in postrežbi menija, pripravi jedi po naročilu, pripravi jedi pred gostom, tekmovanju barmanov, sobaric in hotelskih receptorjev. In the anniversary year of the Grand Hotel Toplice a range of other attractive theme packages and experiences will also be prepared and guests can enjoy unique experiences all year round. One of these will be a ‘gourmet dinner’ composed of recipes from the old hotel cookbooks and given a modern appeal by chef Simon Bertoncelj. Another one will be a cocktail mixing course under the auspices of the world vice-champion in classical preparation of cocktails and hotel barman – Miro Petrevčič. Osebje hotela svoje znanje in spretnosti dnevno dokazuje pred gosti, za pokal kakovosti pa se bodo lahko znova potegovali letos oktobra. Če ga bodo ponovno osvojili, bo prehodni pokal ostal v trajni lasti hotela Livada Prestige. All hotel guests will receive a gift coupon in the symbolic amount of 80 EURO on leaving. Half of this amount can be used at a next visit to the hotel and the coupon for the other half may be used as a gift to friends and acquaintances. Arhiv/Archive: Sava Hotels & Resorts Grand Hotel Toplice, eden od blejskih hotelov z najdaljšo tradicijo in izjemno bogato zgodovino, v letošnjem letu praznuje častitljiv jubilej. Mineva namreč 80 let, odkar je domačinka Jula Molnar na mestu nekdanjega hotela Luisenbad zgradila enega tedaj najsodobnejših hotelov daleč naokrog. Thirty Years Hotel Lipa HOTEL LIVADA PRESTIGE WINS THE CUP AGAIN The employees of the Hotel Livada Prestige at Moravske Tolice have confirmed their excellent skills and qualifications in the field of catering and tourist services with an extensive collection of medals won at the 57th Catering-Tourism meeting. The second time in a row, they won the prestigious Cup of Quality. The Cup is awarded to the hotel that wins the highest number of points after competing in at least six designated categories. The Livada Hotel employees were the most successful in the following categories: cooking and serving meals, preparation of meals on order, food preparation in front of the customer and the barman, room-maid and receptionist competition. The hotel personnel demonstrate the knowledge and skills daily in front of the guests, while they will get another chance to win the Cup in October. If they manage to win it again, the Challenge Cup will stay in the hands of the Livada Hotel permanently. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 11 kultura&umetnost |culture&art OrinoCo – Indijanci amazonskega deževnega pragozda april 2012 Orinoco – Indians of the 20. 4. 2011 Amazon Rainforest Toulouse-Lautrec: Mojster plakata Toulouse-Lautrec: Poster Master V sodelovanju z Muzejem dekorativnih umetnosti iz Pariza bo v galeriji Cankarjevega doma v Ljubljani na ogled razstava del Henrija de Toulouse-Lautreca (1864–1901), slovitega francoskega slikarja in grafika, ki s svojim življenjem in delom simbolizira intenzivnost in nebrzdano eksotiko findesièclovskega Pariza. S svojimi plakati nenavadnih silhuet, močnih barvnih kontrastov, dramatične osvetlitve in izrazitih kontur je oglaševanje spremenil v umetniško obliko ter s tem prvič zabrisal meje med likovno in uporabno umetnostjo. Obsežna razstava v Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju v Ljubljani prikazuje danes vse bolj ogrožen način življenja indijanskih ljudstev Hivi, Hoti, Panare in drugih, ki že tisočletja živijo v deževnem gozdu ob reki Orinoko v južni Venezueli. Na ogled je več kot 800 predmetov vsakdanjega in obrednega življenja indijanskih ljudstev, zbranih na terenu v drugi polovici 20. stoletja, med njimi maske, rezbarije, šamanski predmeti, stolčki, palice in obredno orožje, pogrebni možnarji, nakit, predpasniki čudovitih barv, oblačila, glasbila, čolni, lončenina, koši, tekstil, viseče mreže, strupene puščice, netopirske ogrlice in številni drugi originalni predmeti iz obsežne zbirke venezuelske Fundacije Cisneros. Na razstavi je ob njegovih izvirnih delih predstavljen še izbor najboljših plakatov, ki so nastali leta 2001 v okviru Nouveau Salon des cents, nostalgičnega mednarodnega portfelja stotih grafičnih umetnikov ob 100-letnici Lautrecove smrti. Alfons Mucha v Lendavi Alphonse Mucha at Lendava Razstava del enega največjih umetnikov iz obdobja fin de siècla, slikarja in grafika češkega rodu Alfonsa Muche (1860– 1939) v Galeriji-Muzeju Lendava, je za Slovenijo pomemben dogodek. Prvič se srečujemo z mojstrom, ki je v Parizu konec devetnajstega stoletja soustvarjal art nouveau, umetniško gibanje, poimenovano tudi kot secesija, jugendstil, liberty, nova umetnost. The exhibition of artworks by Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939), one of the greatest artists of the fin-de-sicle period and a painter and graphic artist of Czech descent, at the Gallery-Museum Lendava, is an important event for Slovenia. This is our first encounter with the master who contributed to the Art Nouveau movement – also known as Jugendstil, Liberty and New Art – at the end of the 19th century in Paris. At the turn of the century, Paris was the hub of innovative ideas, extravagant social events, drawing up of diverse manifestos and bohemian decadence. Mucha joined this scenario in 1887. With posters for theatre shows starring Sarah Bernhardt, one of the famous Art Nouveau muses, he instantly caused a proper sensation and became one of the creators of the new style, which was initially also referred to as the Mucha style. Many subjects of his world featured beautiful, angelic female figures and images of intact, almost heavenly nature. His women, which became a symbol of Art Nouveau, still enchant generations of young people today due to its timeless charm. Znameniti kip Apoksiomena zadnjič na ogled zunaj Hrvaške Famous Apoxiomen Statue on Display For the Last Time Outside Croatia Mestni muzej Ljubljana City Art Museum Ljubljana Razstava v Mestnem muzeju v Ljubljani predstavlja grško prisotnost na Hrvaškem v času med 12. in 1. stoletjem pred našim štetjem. Predmeti iz več kot 30 muzejskih in zasebnih zbirk na Hrvaškem odstirajo to oddaljeno zgodovinsko obdobje skozi umetnost, mite, religijo in nekropole. The exhibition at the City Museum in Ljubljana covers the Greek presence in Croatia from the 12th to 1st century BC. The items from more than 30 museums and private collections in Croatia reveal this remote historical period through art, myths, religion and burial. Velik del razstave je namenjen kipu Apoksiomena, ki je eden od le osmih znanih primerkov na svetu: podrobnostim o njegovem odkritju, analizah, raziskavah, restavriranju ... Kip je bil doslej le enkrat na ogled zunaj Hrvaške (na razstavi v Firencah v letih 2006/07 si ga je ogledalo čez 80.000 obiskovalcev), po razstavi v Ljubljani pa bo odšel v trajno hrambo v Muzej antičke skulpture Apoksiomena na Malem Lošinju. 011 4. 2 - 4. 4. 2 2011 3. 3 - 30. 5. Arhiv/Archive Arheološki muzej Zadar The Apoxiomen statue is one of only eight known examples in the world and details of its discovery, analysis, research and restoration, take up a large part of the exhibition. So far, the statue has been on display once outside Croatia – at the exhibition in Florence in 2006/07, and was admired by more than 80,000 visitors. After the exhibition in Ljubljana it will be placed in the permanent keeping of the Museum of Antique Sculpture at Mali Lošinj. Arhiv/Archive Arheološki muzej Istre . 2011 16. 3 - 24. 8 Arhiv/Archive: SEM On display are more than 800 items from everyday and ceremonial life of the Indian peoples, which were gathered during fieldwork in the second half of the 20th century. These include masks, carvings, shamanic objects, small chairs, sticks and ritual weapons, burial vessels, jewellery, beautiful coloured aprons, clothing, musical instruments, boats, pottery, baskets, textiles, hammocks, poison arrows, bat necklaces and many other original items from the vast collection of the Cisneros Foundation in Venezuela. Alongside his original artworks, the exhibition will also feature the selection of the best posters from the nostalgic international portfolio Nouveau Salon des Cents, created in 2001 by one hundred graphic artists for the Centenary of Lautrec’s death. Pariz je bil ob prelomu stoletja središče vrvenja različnih idej, ekstravagantnih družabnostih, porajanja novih manifestov in bohemske dekadence. Leta 1887 se je tam znašel tudi Mucha. S plakati za gledališke predstave z glavno zvezdo Sarah Bernhardt, eno od znamenitih muz art nouveau, je v trenutku povzročil pravo senzacijo in postal eden od soustvarjalcev novega sloga, v začetku imenovanega celo Muchov stil. Njegov motivni svet pa so naselili predvsem nadzemsko lepi ženski liki in narava v svoji neokrnjeni, skoraj rajski podobi. Njegove ženske, ki so postale simbol art nouveau, zaradi brezčasnega šarma še danes očarajo generacije mladih. Arhiv/Archive: Galerija-Muzej Lendava An extensive exhibition at the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana presents the increasingly threatened way of life of Indian peoples like the Hiwi, Hoti, Panare and others who live in the rainforest along the Orinoco River in southern Venezuela. Arhiv/Archive Hrvatski restauratorski zavod ©Foto: Les Arts Decoratifs, Pariz In collaboration with the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris, the Cankarjev Dom Gallery in Ljubljana will showcase an exhibition of art works by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), the famous French painter and graphic artist who symbolizes the intensity and wild exoticism of fin-de-siècle Paris with his life and work. With his posters of unusual silhouettes, strong colour contrasts, dramatic lighting and distinct contours, he turned advertising into an art form and blurred the line between fine art and applied art. Vidoslav Barac 10 Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 13 kultura&umetnost |culture&art Oddaljene kulture – Obraz Brazilije Festival of Remote Culture – The Visages of BraziL 3. 5. 2011 Vsakoletni festival tujih kultur v Cankarjevem domu v Ljubljani letos poteka v znamenju Brazilije Adrianna Calcanhotto: Brazlisko kulturo bomo spoznavali skozi popularno in klasično glasbo, film, fotografijo od marca do julija 2011. Predstavljamo izbor festivalskih dogodkov. Adrianna Calcanhotto je pevka in skladateljica, katere pesmi prištevajo v zvrst MPB (Música Popular Brasileira – brazilska popularna glasba). We will get to know Brazilian culture through their popular and classical music, film and photography from March to July 2011. The range of festival events includes the following: Caio Reisewitz: Mundo inventado Izmišljeni svet The invented world . 2011 15. 3 - 17. 4 Brazilski fotograf Caio Reisewitz portretira naravo v bližini mesta Sao Paolo, kjer je doma. V fotografski objektiv skuša ujeti predele, kjer se ljudje s svojimi posegi še niso uspeli vmešati. Takšne, skorajda utopične kraje, je vedno teže najti. The Brazilian photographer Caio Reisewitz portrays nature near Sao Paolo, where he lives. With his camera he tries to capture the areas where people have not yet interfered with nature. Such almost utopian places are getting extremely hard to find. Gilberto Gil: The string concert The string concert 8. 4. 2011 Eden največjih brazilskih glasbenikov, tudi socialni in politični aktivist Gilberto Gil že 40 let navdušuje svet z odlično glasbo, v kateri se prepletajo ritmi sambe, rumbe, bossa nove, reggieja, funka , rocka, afriške in orientalske glasbe. One of the greatest Brazilian musicians and a social and political activist, Gilberto Gil has been enrapturing the world for the past 40 years with excellent music that combines rhythms of samba, rumba, bossa nova, reggae, funk, rock, African and Oriental music. Enrique Diaz & Cristina Moura: Drugi / Otro 1. 4. 2011 Adrianna Calcanhotto is a singer and composer whose songs belong to the MPB style of music (Música Popular Brasileira – Brazilian Popular Music) Barbatuques: Koncert in glasbena delavnica Concert and Music Workshop 9. 5. 2011 Brazilska glasbena zasedba Barbatuques je petnajstčlanski kolektiv, ki ustvarja zapletene ritme in melodije po principu tolkal s ploskanjem, z rokami, nogami itd. Njihov ustvarjalni cilj je “pretvoriti telo v simfonični orkester”. The Brazilian music group Barbatuques is a collaboration of fifteen people that create sophisticated percussive rhythms and melodies by clapping their hands, stomping their feet etc. Their creative goal is to “transform the body into a symphony orchestra”. Fabio Zanon: Koncert v Slovenski filharmoniji Concert at the Slovenian Philharmonic 10. 5. 2011 do/untill 8. 5. 2011 Narodna galerija, Ljubljana National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana Fundacija Brumen je v sodelovanju z Narodno galerijo pripravila razstavo del vrhunskega grafičnega oblikovalca Miljenka Licula, dobitnika Prešernove nagrade za življenjsko delo leta 2008. Oblikovalec, s katerim si je slovensko grafično oblikovanje utrdilo mednarodno veljavo, je ustvaril svoj prepoznaven, likovno žlahten in skladen oblikovalski slog. Oblikoval je slovenski denar, spominske in zbirateljske kovance, številne osebne dokumente za prebivalce Republike Slovenije, redne in priložnostne znamke ter niz celostnih podob pomembnih ustanov, bil pa je tudi tenkočuten ustvarjalec celostnih grafičnih podob, znakov, razstav, koledarjev, prospektov, plakatov, knjig in revij raznovrstnih podjetij in posameznikov. Njegova dela že nekaj časa veljajo za referenco najvišje kakovosti. Ob razstavi je izšla tudi monografija z vsemi pomembnimi stvaritvami avtorja. The Brumen Foundation, in collaboration with the National Gallery of Slovenia, is organizing an exhibition of artworks by the cutting-edge graphic designer Miljenko Licul, who also won the Prešeren Prize for lifetime achievement in 2008. The designer, who won deeper international respect for Slovenian graphic design, has developed his own distinct, sophisticated artistic and consistent design style. He has designed the Slovenian currency, commemorative and collectible coins, several official documents for residents of the Republic of Slovenia, regular and commemorative stamps and several corporate identities for prominent institutions; he was also a discerning designer of corporate identities, signs, exhibitions, calendars, brochures, posters, books and magazines for various companies and individuals. His work has long been considered the standard for highest quality. The exhibition has also published a monography with all the major creations of the author. Mojstrski brazilski kitarist, skladatelj, dirigent, pedagog in avtor radijskih oddaj, kitari uspešno utira pot na klasičnem koncertnem prizorišču. This masterful Brazilian guitarist, composer, conductor, educator and broadcaster, paves the way for the guitar on the classical concert stage. Seu Jorge & Almaz Samba rock koncert / Samba Rock Concert 23. 6. 2011 Igralec in glasbenik Seu Jorge – poznamo ga iz filma Božje mesto (Cidade de Deus) – se je povezal z glasbeno zasedbo Almaz, ki je ustvarjala glasbo za ta film. S svojim značilnim baritonom in glasbo – mešanico rocka in značilnih brazilskih melodij – bo zagotovo navdušil tudi slovensko občinstvo. This year the annual festival of foreign cultures at the Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana is dedicated to Brazil. Koncert / Concert Miljenko Licul Arhiv/Archive: NG Arhiv/Archive: Cankarjev dom 12 Plesni spektakel Troja Troy – Dance Spectacle 14. 4. 2011 Actor and musician Seu Jorge – we saw him in the film City of God (Cidade de Deus) – has collaborated with the music band Almaz, that made the music for the film. His distinct baritone voice and music – a blend of rock and typical Brazilian melodies – will, without a doubt, enrapture the Slovenian audience. 2 V skupino Coletivo improviso se združujejo umetniki z različnih področij (gledališča, plesa, performansa, glasbe, filma). Izhodišče njihove predstave otro (drugi) je niz potovanj po stopinjah anonimnih prebivalcev Ria de Janeira, neznanega sveta brazilske prestolnice. CéU & Carlinhos Brown The group Coletivo improviso integrates artists from various fields (theatre, dance, performance, music, film). The starting point of their show Otro (Others) is a series of trips in the footsteps of anonymous residents of Rio de Janeiro, offering insights into the unknown world of the Brazilian capital. The singer CéU and the versatile musician Carlinhos Brown are undoubtedly among those exceptional Brazilian musicians whose music has carried popular Brazilian rhythms out into the wide world. Koncert brazilske popularne glasbe A Concert of Brazilian Popular Music 7. 7. 2011 Pevka CéU in vsestranski glasbenik Carlinhos Brown nedvomno spadata med tiste izjemne brazilske glasbenike, ki so s svojo glasbo vsemu svetu približali popularne brazilske ritme. Ljubljana Turška plesna skupina Fire of Anatolia prihaja v Ljubljano s plesnim spektaklom Troja. V dvorani Stožice bo ob odlični glasbi in plesni koreografiji, bogatih kostumih in mogočni scenski postavitvi ponovno oživela ena najbolj dramatičnih pripovedi v zgodovini zahodne civilizacije. Zgodba o Parisu, ki ugrabi lepo Heleno, o divjem bojevniku Ahilu, o velikem branitelju Troje, princu Hektorju, o prekanjenem Odiseju, o Agememnonu, ki je pripravljen žrtvovati lastne otroke za svoje cilje, o jasnovidki Kasandri, ki edina vidi, kaj se dogaja, a je nihče ne upošteva, in še o mnogih junakih, ki naposled sklenejo svoje usode v plamenih uničenega mesta. Turkish dance troupe Fire of Anatolia is coming to Ljubljana with a dance spectacle Troy. At the Stožice Arena, Fire of Anatolia will revive with excellent music and dance choreography, luxurious costumes and grand scenery one of the most dramatic epics in the history of the Western civilization. The story of Paris who kidnaps beautiful Helena, the fierce warrior Achilles, Troy’s great defender prince Hector, the cunning Odyssey, Agamemnon who is willing to sacrifice his own children to secure his own ends, the prophet Cassandra who is the only one able to see what is happening but not believed, and many other heroes, who ultimately decide their fate in the flames of the ruined city. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine vino&kulinarika | fine food&wine Okus Evrope Milano: Iz Slovenije z ljubeznijo Milano: From Slovenia with Love Združeni vrhunski kuharji in vinarji različnih slovenskih regij so Italiji in svetu v začetku leta predstavili to, kar najbolje znajo in vsak dan počnejo z ljubeznijo. Konec januarja, v času, ko mesto sicer zaznamuje pomemben vsakoletni kongres avtorske kuhinje Identita Golose, je v Milanu odmeval dogodek, zaznamovan z odličnostjo iz Slovenije. Nekateri izmed najboljših slovenskih vinarjev in chefov so se pod organizacijsko taktirko Andreje Lajh in njenega Carpe Diem Cluba zbrali v skupino, ki je določno in predano očarala množico gostov. Večer je potekal v Westin Palaceu, prestižnem hotelu v središču Milana, z močno partnersko podporo velikih založniških imen v svetu kulinarike. Med približno 200 gosti je bilo kar nekaj zvezd – od pomembnih piscev do vrhunskih chefov. At the beginning of the year the top chefs and winemakers from different Slovenian regions gathered in Italy and showcased the very thing they do best and with love every day. In late January in Milano, when the city is normally marked by the prominent annual culinary congress Identita Golose, the event, characterized by Slovenian excellence, enjoyed wide response. Some of the best Slovenian winemakers and chefs teamed up under the guidance of Andreja Lajh and her Carpe Diem Club and dazzled the crowd of guests with determination and dedication. The evening event was held in the Westin Palace, a prestige hotel in the centre of Milano, with strong partner support from important culinary publishing houses. There were quite a few celebrities among the 200 guests – from prominent writers to top chefs. Prestižna kulinarična razvajanja The creators of the culinary performance were: Janez Bratovž (the JB Restaurant), Jure Tomič (the Ošterija Debeluh Restaurant), Tanja and Damir Pintarič (the Rajh Restaurant), Uroš Fakuč (the Dam Restaurant), Tomaž Polenec (the Brioni Restaurant) and the guest Jeffery Vella from Malta, currently working in Zagreb. Guests were fascinated not only by the selected dishes but also by the Slovenian wines. The following wines were presented: Movia, Edi Simčič and Ščurek from the Goriška Brda region, Čotar from the Karst region and Kupljen from the Jeruzalem Hills. Arhiv/Archive: Sava Hotels & Resorts Dogodek je utrdil stara prijateljstva, zarisal nove poti in odprl mnoga vrata. Pohod slovenske ljubezni se nadaljuje. Lugano, Firence, Barolo, Caserta in Merano so le nekatere od lokacij, ki bodo gotovo kmalu deležne okusov izpod okrilja Carpe Diem Cluba. Tudi s številnimi pridruženimi vinarji in vrhunskimi kuharji se bo projekt širil – ne le geografsko, ampak tudi vsebinsko. V tem letu se bo o dogodkih Carpe Diem Cluba slišalo tudi v slovenskih hotelih – vsak dan namreč prinaša novosti, Andreja Lajh pa je odprta za sodelovanje vedno, ko gre za kakovost. S kontakti in ugledom, ki ga že žanje v Italiji in še nekaterih drugih državah, se za uspeh njenih projektov ni bati. The event strengthened old friendships, set new directions and opened many doors. The march of love from Slovenia continues. Lugano, Florence, Barolo, Caserta and Merano are only a few of the places, which will surely get their share of tastes that the Carpe Diem Club brings. With many associated winemakers and top chefs the project is sure to expand – not only geographically but also in regard to content. This year the Carpe Diem Club events will also arrive at hotels in Slovenia – there is something new happening every day, while Andreja Lajh is always open to new suggestions when it comes to quality. With her good connections and a growing reputation in Italy and other countries, the success of her projects is guaranteed. V restavraciji Prestige v hotelu Livada Prestige v Moravskih Toplicah to pomlad pripravljajo vrsto kulinaričnih dogodkov. Vodja restavracije Bine Volčič, ki je letos januarja svoje kuharsko znanje izpopolnjeval pri kuharju stoletja, Joëlu Robuchonu, bo goste znova razvajal s svojimi kuharskimi mojstrovinami. Nine museums from nine European countries (Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and Great Britain) are collaborating in a joint exhibition on European food that will run simultaneously in all participating museums in the above mentioned countries. The question ‘Why do we eat like this?’ is a common thread of the exhibition that endeavours to highlight food heritage, food production and food consumption, and the associated environmental issues in each country. Each country will present itself with one of its typical products. The Slovenian part of the exhibition ‘A taste of Europe’ will be on view at the Technical Museum at Bistra. Slovenia will present itself with honey, its production and importance and the protection of bees. The other countries will present themselves with the following products: Czech Republic with beer, Denmark with pork, Estonia with potatoes, Finland with bread, Hungary with wheat, Portugal with olive oil, Sweden with milk and Great Britain (Scotland) with fish. 4.2011 25. 3. / 22. 5.2011 14. 5. / 21. Februarja so v restavraciji uživali predvsem sladkosnedi, ki so se ob Binetu Volčiču naučili priprave vrhunskih sladic – in jih seveda v restavraciji tudi degustirali. Posebne tematske večere pa pripravljajo ob materinskem dnevu 25. marca, pa 22. aprila ob dnevu Zemlje, ter 14. in 21. maja ob svetovnem dnevu kulturne raznolikosti. Vsi, ki pa bi se tudi sami želeli preizkusili v kuhanju, se lahko udeležite kuharskih tečajev z Binetom Volčičem v marcu in aprilu. Prestigious Culinary Indulgence The Restaurant Prestige at the Hotel Livada Prestige at Moravske Toplice will be preparing a series of culinary events this spring. Head of the restaurant, Bine Volčič, who perfected his culinary skills this January with the chef of the century – Joël Robuchon, will be spoiling the guests with his culinary masterpieces. In February, people with a sweet tooth had their field day when Bine Volčič taught them how to prepare top deserts – the taste test followed in the restaurant. Special theme nights are in preparation for Mother’s Day on 25th March, Earth Day on 22nd April and for World Cultural Diversity Day on 14th and 21st May. Anyone who wants to try out cooking, can attend cooking courses with Bine Volčič in March and April. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine Arhiv/Archive: TMS A Taste of Europe Michel Neven Bruno Gaberšek Devet muzejev iz devetih evropskih držav (Češka, Danska, Estonija, Finska, Madžarska, Portugalska, Slovenija, Švedska in Velika Britanija) pripravlja skupno razstavo o evropski hrani, ki bo hkrati odprta v muzejih vseh omenjenih držav. Vprašanje Zakaj jemo, tako kot jemo? je rdeča nit razstave, ki skuša osvetliti dediščino, proizvodnjo in porabo hrane ter okoljska vprašanja, povezana s tem v posameznih državah. Vsaka država se predstavlja z enim izmed značilnih živil. Slovenski del razstave Okus Evrope bo potekal v Tehniškem muzeju Slovenije v Bistri. Slovenija se predstavlja z medom, njegovo proizvodnjo in pomenom ter varstvom čebel. Preostale države pa se bodo predstavile: Češka s pivom, Danska s svinjino, Estonija s krompirjem, Finska s kruhom, Madžarska s pšenico, Portugalska z oljčnim oljem, Švedska z mlekom in Velika Andreja Lajh (carpe Diem Club), Carla Icardi (Grandecucina), Carlo Vischi (Il gusto/Gribaudo), direktor/ manager of RBI - Reed Business Information S kulinarično predstavo so sodelovali Janez Bratovž (restavracija JB), Jure Tomič (ošterija Debeluh), Tanja in Damir Pintarič (Rajh), Uroš Fakuč (restavracija Dam), Tomaž Polenec (Brioni) in kot gost Jeffery Vella, Maltežan, ki trenutno ustvarja v Zagrebu. Goste pa so poleg izbranih jedi očarala tudi slovenska vina. Iz Goriških brd so se v Milanu predstavili Movia, Edi Simčič in Ščurek, s Krasa Čotar, iz Jeruzalema pa vina Kupljen. 15 . 2011 1. 3. - 3. 12 Bruno Gaberšek 14 17 čestitke | congratulations Arhiv/Archive: IEDC Bled 16 50 let Adrie Airways 50 Years of Adria Airways Četrt stoletja IEDC – Poslovne šole Bled A Quarter of a Century of IEDCBled School of Management IEDC – Poslovna šola Bled je v petindvajsetih letih postala ena vodilnih poslovnih šol v Evropi, ki privablja menedžerje iz vsega sveta. Velja za mednarodni center odličnosti, pomembno poslovno središče ter ustvarjalno okolje, ki menedžerje in voditelje spodbuja k učenju in ustvarjalnemu razmišljanju. Od leta 1986 je v različnih izobraževalnih programih IEDC sodelovalo več kot 53.000 udeležencev iz 70 držav; šola je z vključevanjem družbenih, okoljskih in etičnih vidikov v svoje izobraževalne programe uvrščena med 100 najbolj inovativnih poslovnih šol na svetu. In 25 years the IEDC has become one of the most innovative business schools in Europe, attracting managers from all over the world. IEDC is an international centre of excellence, an important business meeting point and a creative environment where leaders and potential leaders come to learn and to reflect. Since 1986, more than 53,000 participants from 70 countries have attended the IEDC’s educational programs and the School has been named among the 100 top business schools in the world with regard to innovations, for demonstrating significant leadership in integrating social, environmental and ethical issues into its programs. IEDC – Poslovna šola Bled bo jubilej praznovala skozi vse leto 2011, vrhunec pa bo velika mednarodna konferenca Trajnostna inovacija za boljši svet 14. oktobra na Brdu pri Kranju. Udeležilo se je bo približno 500 uglednih gostov z vsega sveta, ki bodo v družbi vrhunskih predavateljev. On 25th of June 1991, when the Republic of Slovenia declared its independence, Adria was grounded for three months for political reasons. After this period, the fight for a place in the changed market began. Most charter destinations along the Adriatic coast could not be reached due to the political situation. Instead of charter flights, Adria started to focus its activities primarily on scheduled flights and began to establish connections with other European air carriers. In 2004, Adria was accepted into Star Alliance, the strongest strategic airline alliance in the world, as a regional member. In 2010, as long-term partner of Lufthansa, Adria Airways became a full member of Star Alliance. Today, the majority of its flights are scheduled flights to Amsterdam, Banja Luka, Belgrade, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Istanbul, London, Moscow, Munich, Paris, Podgorica, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, Stockholm, Tirana, Warsaw, Kiev, Vienna and Zürich and in the summer season also to Athens, Barcelona, Dublin, Madrid and Manchester. A. Zdešar 25. junija 1991, ko je Republika Slovenija razglasila neodvisnost, je Adria iz političnih razlogov za tri mesece ostala prizemljena, nato pa se je začel boj za prostor na spremenjenem trgu. Večina čarterskih destinacij na obalo Jadrana je zaradi politične situacije namreč postala nedostopna. Adria je takrat glavnino svoje dejavnosti s čarterskih poletov preselila na redne proge in se začela povezovati z drugimi evropskimi letalskimi prevozniki. Leta 2004 je bila kot regionalna članica sprejeta v najmočnejše strateško letalsko združenje na svetu Star Alliance. Leta 2010 je kot dolgoletni partner Lufthanse postala polnopravna članica združenja. Danes večino njenega prometa predstavljajo redni poleti v Amsterdam, Banjaluko, Beograd, Bruselj, Koebenhavn, Frankfurt, Carigrad, London, Moskvo, München, Pariz, Podgorico, Prištino, Sarajevo, Skopje, Stockholm, Tirano, Varšavo, Kijev, na Dunaj in v Zürich, v poletni sezoni pa tudi v Atene, Barcelono, Dublin, Madrid in Manchester. The beginnings of Adria Airways reach back to 1961 when it was established as a charter company. At first, the company’s main activities were flights for German, British, French and Scandinavian travel agencies to the popular coastal resorts on the Adriatic coast of former Yugoslavia. 30 let Triglavskega narodnega parka Pred 30 leti je prvi in edini slovenski narodni park dobil svoj zakon, s katerim je bil ustanovljen Triglavski narodni park. Z njim so bili tudi uradno opredeljeni osnovni cilji in namen ustanovitve, zunanje meje zavarovanega območja ter varstvena območja in režimi. Med dogodki, ki vse leto potekajo pod okriljem TNP, bodo letos številni posvečeni jubileju. V maju bo tako na ogled fotografska razstava, organiziran bo bolšji sejem predmetov z imenom TNP, med delavnicami, poimenovanimi Brihta ustvarja, bo ena namenjena TNP, in še mnogo drugih zanimivih in radoživih dogajanj bo. Osrednja prireditev bo 28. maja 2011 v Festivalni dvorani na Bledu. Ob celodnevnih spremljajočih aktivnostih bosta pedstavljeni nova monografija in nov vodnik o kulturni dediščini TNP. Maj 2011 30 Years of Triglav National Park Arhiv/Archive TNP Začetki Adrie Airways segajo v leto 1961, ko je bila ustanovljena kot čartersko podjetje. Njena poglavitna dejavnost so bili najprej poleti za nemške, britanske, francoske in skandinavske potovalne agencije v priljubljena obalna letovišča na obali Jadranskega morja v tedanji Jugoslaviji. Adria Airways, the Slovenian air carrier, with its home airport in Zgornji Brnik near Kranj has seen many ups and downs in its fifty year history. The difficult situation of the past years also had an impact on Adria and the company reached an important turning point that calls for new business strategies and a lot of courage to strengthen its position in the market. Time will tell if Adria will make it once more – best wishes from us! Tomaž Favai Slovenski letalski prevoznik Adria Airways s sedežem na ljubljanskem letališču v Zgornjem Brniku pri Kranju je v petdesetletni zgodovini preživel kar nekaj padcev in ponovnih vzponov. Čas ostrih razmer v zadnjih letih Adrii ni prizanesel in ponovno se je znašla na pomembni prelomnici, ki zahteva nove poslovne prijeme in veliko poguma pri uveljavljanju svojega prostora na trgu. Čas bo pokazal, če bo Adrii ponovno uspelo – želimo ji vse najboljše. IEDC will be celebrating its anniversary throughout 2011, while the highlight of the jubilee year will be a renowned international conference »Sustainable Innovation for a Better World«, held on 14 October at Brdo pri Kranju; it will bring together approximately 500 notable guests from around the world who will join up with top level lecturers. Thirty years ago, the Act establishing the first and only Slovenian national park was adopted and this saw the birth of the Triglav National Park. The Triglav National Park Act has formally set the basic objectives and purpose of the park, the external border of the protection area, protected areas and regimes of protection. Many of the events organized at the Triglav National Park are in honour of the anniversary. May sets the scene for a photographic exhibition, a flea market of objects carrying the name TNP, a series of workshops called ‘the smart head creates’, one of which is dedicated to the Triglav National Park, and many more interesting and vibrant events. The main event will take place on 28th May 2011 at the Festival Hall Bled. The presentation of a new monography and a new guide on cultural heritage of the Triglav National Park will be one of the side events lasting throughout the entire day. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 18 narava&dediščina | nature&heritage J. Skok, GOLF, KI VAS IZZIVA Golf that challenges you Vsepovsod narcise Daffodils All Over Vsako pomlad se pobočja zahodnih Karavank spremenijo v obsežen cvetlični vrt, ki ga krasijo nešteti cvetovi belih gorskih narcis. Narcisni travniki, ki se razprostirajo med gorskimi vasicami v Plavškem Rovtu in v Javorniškem Rovtu, so posebnost, ki v te kraje v času cvetenja privabljajo množice občudovalcev naravnih lepot. Each spring the slopes of the Western Karavanke mountains are transformed into a vast flower garden covered with countless blooms of white Poet’s Daffodils. The daffodil meadows that extend between the mountain villages in Plavški Rovt and Javorniški Rovt are a special feature that attracts many admirers of scenic beauty to this area. Narcise, ki rastejo v naravi, pri nas niso redkost. V večjem številu jih najdemo tudi na Krasu, v Prekmurju in na Kočevskem. Prav zato imajo v slovenščini več kot 120 različnih imen. V ljudski govorici se tako imenujejo tudi bedenica, jurjavka, binkoštnica, medenica ... Gorsko narciso (Narcissus poeticus subsp. radiiflorus), ki po travnikih Jeseniških Rovtov cveti do skoraj 2000 metrov nadmorske višine, domačini imenujejo tudi ključavnica. Legenda o nastanku tega imena pripoveduje, da je Bog nekoč vsem živim bitjem na nedeljo ukazal počitek. Ker ga čebele niso ubogale in so tudi ob nedeljah nabirale med, se je razjezil in zaklenil cvetove narcis. Cvet narcise je dejansko oblikovan tako, da čebele ne morejo do medu. Daffodils growing in nature are not uncommon in our country. A great number of them can also be found in the regions of Karst, Prekmurje and Kočevsko. Therefore, there are more than 120 different names for daffodils in Slovenian. The vernacular names are “bedenica”, “jurjavka”, “binkoštnica”, “medenica”... The Poet’s Daffodil (Narcissus poeticus subsp. radiiflorus), which grows on the meadows of Jeseniški Rovt to an altitude of up to 2000 metres above sea level, is referred to by the locals as “ključavnica” (lock). The legend of the name’s origin says that God ordered all living creatures to rest on Sunday. But because the bees did not obey and kept on collecting honey he got angry and locked the cups of the daffodils. The daffodil’s cup is really shaped in a way that prevents the bees from accessing the honey. Bele lepotice v Karavankah običajno cvetijo maja. Zaradi višjih temperatur v zadnjih letih se kakšno sezono zgodi, da cvetijo tudi 3 tedne prej. A maj za domačine še vedno velja za mesec narcis, zato jim takrat posvetijo vrsto različnih prireditev, otroci pa jih spoznavajo na raznih tematskih delavnicah. Prav množično spoznavanje in spoštovanje teh posebnih cvetk jih utegne rešiti pred počasnim, a zanesljivim izumiranjem. Narcise namreč uspevajo le tam, kjer ljudje namesto intenzivnega kmetijstva ohranjajo tradicionalne načine kmetovanja. The white beauties usually bloom in May in the Karavanke mountains. However, due to higher temperatures in recent years, they might start to bloom up to three weeks earlier in an individual season. Nonetheless, the locals still regard May as the month of the daffodils and dedicate a variety of events to these flowers in May, while children are familiarised with them during different theme workshops. Mass awareness and the respect for these special flowers just might save them from slow but certain death. The reason is that daffodils grow only in areas where traditional forms of agriculture are preferred over intensive agriculture. Kot kaže, ljudem ni vseeno. Lastniki zemljišč, lokalne skupnosti in strokovnjaki s skupnimi močmi iščejo rešitve za narcise izpod Golice. V okviru projekta o ohranjanju narcisnih travnikov je nastal tudi kratek film v produkciji zavoda RS za varstvo narave. Naslov si je izposodil od znanega ljubitelja in raziskovalca slovenskih gora Juliusa Kugya (1858–1944), ki je nekoč, osupel in očaran nad nepreglednimi cvetovi pobeljenih planjav, zapisal: »Narcise brez kraja, narcise vsepovsod.« It seems that people do care. Landowners, local communities and professionals work together to find solutions for the daffodils beneath the Golica mountain. A short film was produced by the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation within the scope of the project on the preservation of daffodil meadows. The title was borrowed from Julius Kugy (1858-1944), a famous admirer and researcher of the Slovenian mountains who, amazed and bewitched by the countless cups of white scattered on the plain, once wrote: “An endless number of daffodils, daffodils all over.” Sava Turizem – TMC, podjetje za upravljanje dejavnosti Turizem, d.o.o., Škofjeloška c. 6, 4000 Kranj, [email protected] 20 narava&dediščina | nature&heritage Arhiv/Archive: Sava Hotels & Resorts Z avtobusom na golf Igralci golfa z avstrijske Koroške in gostje, ki počitnikujejo ob Vrbskem jezeru, lahko v letošnji sezoni golfa izkoristijo »golf shuttle«, ki vsak četrtek vozi iz Celovca čez Beljak na igrišče za golf na Bledu. Po slabi uri vožnje z udobnim avtobusom se že lahko predajajo izzivom, ki jih ponuja eno najlepših igrišč v Evropi. Paket poleg povratnega prevoza vključuje tudi igralno karto za 18 lukenj, kosilo v Kraljevi klubski hiši na igrišču in nepogrešljivo originalno blejsko kremno rezino za sladek zaključek aktivnega golfskega dne. Prevoz je privlačen tudi za vse tiste, ki golfa ne igrajo, saj se lahko namesto od enega do drugega igralnega polja sprehodijo po učni poti, namenjeni opazovanju ptic, in tako odkrijejo izjemno naravno bogastvo blejskega golfskega igrišča. By Bus on Golf During this year’s golf season, golfers from Austrian Carinthia and guests spending their holiday at Lake Wörth, can use ‘’golf shuttle’’ that departs every Thursday from Klagenfurt through Villach to the golf course at Bled. After less than an hour of a comfortable bus ride, they can immediately face the challenges of one of the finest golf courses in Europe. Besides a return ticket, the package includes an 18-hole golf ticket, lunch at the Royal club house at the course and a slice of indispensable original Bled cream cake for a sweet finish to an active golf day. The bus transfer might also attract people that do not play golf. Instead of walking from one fairway to the next, they can follow a nature trail for bird watching, and thus discover the exceptional natural wealth of the Bled golf course., Arhiv / Archive ZTK Borut Mežan Miran Dolar TIC Bled, Cesta svobode 11, 4260 BLED, tel. +386 4 5741 122, [email protected], Pot kulturne dediščine Žirovnica The Path of Cultural Heritage – Žirovnica Pot povezuje najpomembnejše kulturno-zgodovinske spomenike v slikovitih vaseh pod Stolom, ki so danes združene v občino Žirovnica. Začne se v idilični vasici Vrba, z rojstno hišo največjega slovenskega pesnika dr. Franceta Prešerna, nadaljuje pa mimo stare vaške lipe in šestnajstih kamnov, na katerih so nekoč zasedali gospodarji. V Žirovnici sledi obisk rojstne hiše jezikoslovca, zgodovinarja, bibliotekarja in kritika Matije Čopa. V vasi Breznica, ki je dom učitelja čebelarstva in slikarja Antona Janše, je na ogled njegov čebelnjak in posebnost slovenskega alpskega prostora – panjske končnice. Sledi rojstna hiša duhovnika, pisatelja, dramatika in prevajalca Frana Saleškega Finžgarja v Doslovčah, ki skupaj s skednjem in kozolcem tvori pravi muzej na prostem. Nato pot vodi v vas Rodine, v rojstno hišo pisatelja in dramatika Janeza Jalna, čigar povesti so prepletene s slikovitimi opisi gorenjske narave, planin, živali in preprostih ljudi. Pot kulturne dediščine se sklene v bližnji cerkvi sv. Klemena, del izleta pa je tudi pristni domači prigrizek v Jalnovi rojstni hiši. The path connects the most important cultural and historical monuments in the picturesque villages below the mountain Stol, which are today merged into the municipality Žirovnica. It starts at the birth house of the greatest Slovenian poet Dr. France Prešeren in the idyllic village of Vrba and then continues past the old village lime tree and the sixteen stones, where once upon a time the village landlords held their meetings. Next, the path leads to Žirovnica, where you can visit the birth house of the linguist, historian, librarian and critic Matija Čop. At the village of Breznica, you can view the home of the beekeeping teacher and painter Anton Janša, who produced a particularity of the Slovenian Alpine region – painted beehive panels. This is followed by the birth house of the priest, writer, playwright and translator Franc Saleški Finžgar at Doslovče, which, together with a barn and hay rack, constitutes a true open-air museum. The path then leads to the village of Rodine, where you will find the birth house of the writer and playwright Janez Jalen, whose tales are entwined with picturesque descriptions of the natural scenery of Carniola, mountains, animals and ordinary people. The path of cultural heritage ends nearby at the church of St. Klemen. For those making the trip an authentic local snack awaits them at Jalen’s birth house. 14. 5. 2011 25. Alpski večer, narodnozabavna prireditev 25th Folk-style Music Evening julij July 2011 Blejski dnevi in Blejska noč Bled Days and Bled Night 22. – 24. 07. 2011 16. Mednarodni glasbeni festival Bled 2010 16th International Music Festival Bled 2010 avgust August 2011 21. Etno festival Okarina Bled 21th Okarina Ethno Festival Bled 2010 22 23 narava&dediščina | nature&heritage Praznično leto 2011 Park Škocjanske jame Park Škocjanske jame zaznamujejo kraški pojavi izjemnih razsežnosti, bogata kulturna, tehniška in arheološka dediščina ter ohranjena naravna pestrost rastlinskega in živalskega sveta. Od leta 1986 je škocjanski jamski splet kot naravna dediščina svetovnega pomena vpisan v seznam svetovne dediščine UNESCO. Letos mineva 25 let od vpisa Škocjanskih jam v seznam UNSECO in 15 let od ustanovitve Regijskega parka Škocjanske jame, zato bo to leto v parku še posebej slavnostno. Načrtujejo odprtje obnovljenih turističnih poti in odprtje novega promocijskega kulturnega središča. Tradicionalne vsakoletne prireditve – spomladanski pohod po parku aprila, dan Parka Škocjanske jame Belajtnga (29. maja) in poletni Škocjanski festival – pa bodo praznično obarvane. LIPICANCI LipIzzaners 25. novembra bodo svečano obeležili obletnico. The Festive Year 2011 In the largest Slovenian event space – the Stožice Arena, the Lipica classical riding school will present itself with a great scenography and musical spectacle, titled with words best describing the Lipizzaner horse: Pride, beauty, courage. Bele lipicance in njihove jahače bodo spremljali tudi baletni umetniki, Orkester Slovenske vojske, trio Eroika, klavirski tandem Bojan Gorišek - Milko Lazar, sopranistka Teja Saksida, tenorist Matej Sušnik, mešani pevski zbor iz Kopra Obala, posebna gostja pa bo švedska sopranistka in mojstrica na igranje irske harfe Miriam Andersen. The white Lipizzaners and their riders will be accompanied by ballet dancers, the Slovenian Armed Forces Orchestra, Trio Eroika, Bojan Gorišek and Milko Lazar performing a piano duet, the soprano Teja Saksida, the tenor Mateja Sušnik, Mixed Choir Obala Koper and a special guest – the Swedish soprano and master of the Irish harp, Miriam Andersen. Čarobni dan / Magic Day Lipica se bo tudi letos spomladi za en dan spremenila v deželo otroškega veselja, zabave in plemenitih dejanj. Otroci in njihovi starši bodo spoznavali lipicance, se vozili s kočijo, otroci bodo jahali ponije, na Čarobnem odru in v Čarobnih deželah pa se obeta veliko družabnih dogodkov za vso družino. Prireditev je dobrodelna, z zbranimi sredstvi pa bodo najmanj 100 otrokom iz socialno ogroženih družin omogočili brezplačno obiskovanje zunajšolskih aktivnosti. Spring will transform Lipica into a land of children joy, fun and noble deeds once again this year. Children and their parents can get to know the Lipizzaner horses, they can ride in a carriage, children can ride ponies and whole families can attend various social events on the Magic stage and in the Magic lands. The funds raised by this charitable event will enable at least 100 socially disadvantaged children free participation in extracurricular activities., Muzej lipicanca Lipikum The Lipizzaner Museum Lipikum 19. 5. 2011 V maju 2011, na dan Lipicanca, odpira svoja vrata Lipikum, muzej, posvečen lipicancu. Stavba muzeja stoji v zgodovinskem jedru kobilarne, ki bo z muzejem po več letih pozabe ponovno zaživel. V novem muzeju bodo imeli obiskovalci možnost spoznati pomen in bogato zgodovino kobilarne in lipcanca. 19. maja 1580 je nadvojvoda Karl II, brat cesarja habsburške monarhije, pod katero so tedaj spadale tudi slovenske dežele, od tržaškega škofa Coreta kupil posestvo Lipica za potrebe cesarskega dvora. Ta datum danes simbolizira rojstni dan lipicanca. The Lipikum, a museum dedicated to the Lipizzaner horses, will open its doors in May 2011 on a Lipizzaner Day. The museum building is located at the historical centre of the Lipizzaner Stallions, which, together with the museum, is coming back to life after several years of oblivion. The new museum offers visitors a chance to grasp the importance and rich history of Lipizzaner Stallions and the Lippizzaner horse. Archduke Charles II, a brother of the Habsburg Emperor bought the Lipica estate for the imperial court from Core, the Bishop of Trieste on 19th May 1580. At the time, the Monarchy included the territory of present – day Slovenia. Toda this date symbolizes the birth date of the Lipizzaner. The Škocjan Caves Park is characterized by karst features of great dimensions, rich cultural, technical and archaeological heritage as well as preserved natural biodiversity. In 1986, the Škocjan Caves were entered as a natural heritage of global significance into UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Arhiv/Archive: Park Škocjanske jame V največjem slovenskem prireditvenem centru – v Areni Stožice se bo Lipiška klasična šola jahanja predstavila v velikem glasbenoscenskem spektaklu, poimenovanem z besedami, ki najlepše označujejo lipicanca: ponos, lepota, pogum. 16. 4. 2011 For the Škocjan Caves Park Pride Beauty Courage, Lipica in Ljubljana Arhiv/Archive: Kobilarna Lipica Ponos lepota pogum, Lipica v Ljubljani 11. 3. 2011 This year it has been 25 years since the Škocjan Caves were added to the UNESCO List and 15 years since the establishment of the Škocjan Caves Regional Park. This is why this year will be especially festive in the park. The opening of the renovated tourist trails and the new Promotion & Cultural Centre is planned. Traditional annual events – the spring hike through the park in April, the day of the Škocjan Caves Park Belajtnga (29th May) and the summer Škocjan festival – will have a festive spirit. There will be a ceremony on 25th November. Odprtje obnovljenih poti, Škocjanske jame 15. 4. 2011 Mahorčičeva in Mariničeva jama se nahajata v začetnem delu Škocjanskih jam, pod vasjo Škocjan. Tu so se začela prva raziskovanja jam v prvi polovici 19. stoletja, prve poti so postopno urejali od leta 1887. Katastrofalna poplava leta 1965 je pot po tem delu jam tako močno poškodovala, da so jo zaprli za obiskovalce. Po zahtevni obnovi bo spomladi 2011 ponovno odprta in prvič po 46 letih bomo lahko vstopili v Škocjanske jame skozi naravni vhod, torej skozi ponor, kjer Reka vstopa v podzemlje. Pot poteka le nekaj metrov nad strugo reke in sprehod po njej predstavlja prav vznemirljivo doživetje podzemlja. V parku so se odločili, da bodo poleg vodenih ogledov obiskovalcem omogočili, da se lahko sami sprehajajo po tej poti in jame spoznavajo na svoj način. Odprtje poti bo 23. 3., na svetovni dan voda. Opening of Renovated Trails, The Škocjan Caves The Mahorčič and Marinič Caves are located at the entrance to the Škocjan Caves, below the village of Škocjan. It was here where the initial investigations of the caves took place in the first half of the 19th century, and where the first trails have been opened gradually for the public since 1887. The catastrophic flood of 1965 damaged the trail in this part of the caves so much that it had to be closed for visitors. It was laboriously renovated and will be re-opened in the spring of 2011 and for the first time after 46 years it will be possible to enter the Škocjan Caves through the natural entrance, a sink where the Reka River disappears into the ground. The trail is only a few metres above the riverbed and a walk on the trail is an exciting way to experience the underworld. In addition to guided tours, the park’s management decided to enable visitors to walk on this trail on their own and discover the caves as they please. The trail will be opened 22. of March, on World Water Day. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 25 narava&dediščina | nature&heritage Posvečeno Zemlji Dedicated to Earth S svojimi dejanji človeštvo spreminja pogoje za življenje na Zemlji. Za nastalo situacijo radi kažemo drug na drugega. Na odločitve drugih težko vplivamo, lahko pa odločamo o lastnem ravnanju in odnosu do okolja. S svojo odgovornostjo bomo lahko odprli pot spremembam na bolje. Humans are changing the conditions of life on earth with their actions. In the present situation we like to point fingers at each other. It is hard to influence the decisions of others, but it is up to us to decide what kind of behaviour and attitudes we adopt about the environment. With a responsible attitude we can lead the way to changes for the better. Dan Zemlje 20. 3. 2011 11 & 22. 4. 20 Arhiv/Archive: Sava Hotels & Resorts 24 Earth Day Svet dan Zemlje praznuje dvakrat v letu. Na pobudo legendarnega aktivista za mir Johna McConnella je UNESCO proglasil za dan Zemlje dan, ko nastopi spomladansko enakonočje z namenom širiti zavedanje, kako pomembno je harmonično sobivanje človeka z naravo in njenimi ritmi. The world celebrates Earth Day twice a year. At the initiative of the legendary peace activist, John McConnell, the UNESCO declared the vernal equinox to be Earth Day with the intention of promoting general awareness about the importance of harmonious coexistence of humans and nature and its rhythms. 22. aprila praznujemo svetovni dan Zemlje v spomin na prve začetke okoljskih gibanj v 60. in 70. letih 20. stoletja. Prvič so ga praznovali v ZDA leta 1970, danes pa je praznik razširjen na približno 180 držav po svetu. Številne organizacije na ta dan pripravljajo prireditve in čistilne akcije, ki se jih v Sloveniji udeležujejo ljudje po vsej državi. On 22nd April we celebrate Earth Day and commemorate the birth of environmental movements in the 60-ies and 70-ies of the 20th century. Earth Day was celebrated for the first time in the USA in 1970 and has since spread to 180 countries around the world. On this day, numerous Slovenian organizations organize events and clean-up campaigns, in which people all around Slovenia participate. Okolju prijazno kampiranje Environmentally Friendly Camping Ura za Zemljo Earth Hour Akcija Ura za Zemljo nagovarja prebivalstvo po vsem svetu, naj med 20.30 in 21. uro po lokalnem času ugasnejo vse luči in preživijo čas ob soju sveč. Lani so luči ugasnile kar v 4000 mestih in 125 državah po vsem svetu. Ob tem se je v temo zavilo tudi 1200 največjih svetovnih znamenitosti. Akcija spodbuja k varčevanju z energijo in predstavlja poziv ljudstva svetovnim voditeljem k ukrepom za obvarovanje našega planeta. The ‘Earth Hour’ campaign appeals to all people around the world to switch off their lights and spend the time from 8:30 pm to 9:00 pm by candlelight. Last year, lights were switched off in as many as 4,000 cities in 125 countries around the world. Also 1,200 greatest world attractions were shrouded in darkness. The campaign promotes the reduction of energy consumption and represents people’s call on world leaders to take action in protecting our planet. Ekologi brez meja za čisto Slovenijo Ecologists Without Borders for Clean Slovenia Po lanskoletni največji prostovoljni čistilni akciji v zgodovini Slovenije Očistimo Slovenijo v enem dnevu društvo Ekologi brez meja za letošnjo pomlad načrtuje popis divjih odlagališč po vsej državi. Podatki, ki jih bodo zbrali v marcu in aprilu, bodo olajšali boj proti nelegalnemu odlaganju odpadkov. Akcija pa je tudi priprava na veliko spomladansko čistilno akcijo v letu 2012, ki bo s pozivom Očistimo svet v enem dnevu (World cleanup 2012) 24. aprila 2012 združila kar največ držav po vsem svetu v enodnevo skupno čistilno akcijo. After last year’s largest volunteer clean-up campaign in the history of Slovenia – ‘’Clean up Slovenia in one day’’ – the Ecologists Without Borders Association is planning a survey of illegal dumps across the country for this spring. The data gathered in March and April will help to combat illegal waste disposal. The campaign is also a part of the preparations for a large clean-up event in 2012, which aims to integrate as many countries as possible around the world in a joint one-day clean-up event with the call ‘’Clean up the world in one day’’ (World Cleanup 2012). Tomaž Favai 26. 3. 2011 Kampiranje je med vsemi vrstami in načini počitnikovanja najbolj povezano z naravo, zato je pestro in ohranjeno naravno okolje ključna prednost sodobnih kampov. V Campingu Bled se tega dobro zavedajo, zato so se kot prvi kamp v Sloveniji lotili projekta izračuna ogljičnega odtisa. S tem so želeli ovrednotiti svoje vplive na okolje in zmanjšati prispevek h klimatskim spremembam. From a varied choice of holiday modes, camping is the utmost nature-related experience, therefore a diverse and preserved natural environment is a key advantage of modern camps. At the Camping Bled site one is well aware of this fact and , as the first camp in Slovenia, started a project to calculate the carbon footprint. The aim of the project was to evaluate the impact of the camp on the environment and to reduce its contribution to climate change. Izračun ogljičnega odtisa je za Camping Bled prinesel zelo dobre rezultate, ki jih na evropski ravni uvrščajo med kampe z najnižjimi emisijami toplogrednih plinov. Vendar so v kampu sprejeli vrsto ukrepov, s katerimi bodo svoj vpliv na okolje še zmanjšali. K temu pa bodo lahko prispevali tudi gostje. Z upoštevanjem motivacijskih sporočil bodo lahko zmanjšali porabo vode in energije ter prispevali k doslednejšemu ločevanju odpadkov. Vsi gostje, ki bodo izbrali okolju prijazen način prihoda na Bled in bodo pripotovali z vlakom, s kolesom ali celo peš, bodo upravičeni do posebnih ugodnosti. Prav tako tisti, ki bodo za ves čas bivanja svoje avtomobilske ključe deponirali v recepciji kampa in bodo uporabljali izključno javna prevozna sredstva ali kolo. V kampu bodo vse goste spodbujali k okolju prijaznim športnim in turističnim aktivnostim in jim omogočili popuste za najem koles. Svoj ogljični odtis bodo gostje lahko zmanjšali tudi tako, da bodo posadili svoje drevo, otroci pa se bodo lahko udeleževali tematskih okoljskih delavnic, kjer se bodo skozi igro seznanjali s skrbjo za okolje. Enkrat na teden pa bodo gostje na posebni tržnici lahko kupili naravno pridelano hrano in druge izdelke lokalnih ponudnikov. The calculation of a carbon footprint for Camping Bled produced very good results, showing that, at the European level, Camping Bled is one of the camps with the lowest emission of greenhouse gases. However, the camp adopted a series of measures which will reduce the impact on the environment even further. The guests will also be able to contribute to this. When heeding the motivational messages they can reduce water and energy consumption and contribute towards more consistent waste separation. All the guests who choose an environmentally friendly mode of arrival to Bled and arrive by train, bicycle or even by foot, will be entitled to special benefits. This also applies to those who stay at the camp, leave their car keys at the camp reception and only use public transport or a bicycle. The camp will encourage all guests to indulge in eco-friendly sports and tourist activities and will promote discounts on rental bikes. The guests will also be able to reduce their carbon footprint by planting their own tree, and the children will be given a chance to attend workshops with environmentally related topics, where they will learn about environmental care through play. Once a week, the guests will be able to buy naturally produced food and other products from local suppliers on the specialized market. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 27 v gibanju |in motion Svetovno prvenstvo v gorskem maratonu Podbrdo World Championship in Alpine Marathon Podbrdo The annual spring charm of the Karst landscape attracts thousands of runners, who put their winter running fitness to the test. If you have no desire to compete and all you want is a bit of warm Mediterranean weather, then you can go on a walk or encourage the runners along the route. 21. 5. 2011 31. Maraton treh src 31st Three Hearts Marathon Radenci Miha Grgič Jelen 2011 11. - 12. 5. 11 5. - 7. 5. 20 Arhiv/Archive Timing Ljubljana Maraton Franja / Marathon Franja Maraton Franja je že zdavnaj prerasel okvire običajne športnorekreatine prireditve. Postal je del slovenske kulture, nepogrešljivi dogodek v junijskih dneh. Prvi dan se na 25 km pomerijo družine in šolarji, na 1500 m pa otroci od 3 do 7 let. Drugi dan sta na vrsti maratona na 156 km in mali maraton na 97 km. Vse preizkušnje se začnejo in zaključijo v trgovskem središču BTC CITY v Ljubljani. The Marathon Franja has long been more than just a sporting/recreational event. It has become a part of Slovenian culture and an essential event in June. On the first day, families and school children compete in the 25 km race, while children from 3 to 7 years old run 1500 meters. The 156 km marathon and the 97 km marathon are run on the second day. All competitions start and finish at the shopping centre BTC CITY in Ljubljana. 10. gorskemu maratonu štirih občin, ki poteka po planinskih poteh iz Petrovega Brda, na Črno prst, nato v Baško grapo in na vrh Porezna s ciljem v Podbrdu, se letos pridružuje še svetovno prvenstvo v gorskem maratonu (Long Distance Mountain Running Challenge). Na tem ekstremno zahtevnem tekaškem spektaklu po prelepi gorski naravi zahodne Slovenije se bodo za naslov svetovnega prvaka pomerila velika svetovna imena gorskega teka. The summer run at Bled, the 10K Night Run, is a unique event among the running competitions, being the only night-time running event in this part of Europe. The highlight of the event is at 10 pm, when the runners compete on a 10 kilometre-long track around Bled Lake in the glowing street lights and torches above their heads. A special feature of the race is a bare-foot category; many bare-foot runners are again expected this year. Arhiv/Archive maraton Franja Commemorating the liberation of Ljubljana on 9th May 1945, the walkers and runners from all over Slovenia follow the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship. The runners compete at a traditional Trio Race, which is a special experience and a symbol of comradeship. The Trio Race runners have to finish the run together, so at the end they often hold hands or they tie themselves together with belts. Poletni tekaški dogodek na Bledu, Nočna desetka, predstavlja svojevrstno posebnost med teki, saj je edina množična nočna tekaška prireditev v tem delu Evrope. Vrhunec prireditve nastopi ob 22. uri, ko se tekači pomerijo na 10-kilometrski progi okoli jezera v soju naglavnih svetilk in bakel. Posebnost teka je bosa kategorija; tudi letos pričakujejo kar nekaj bosih tekačev., The Three Hearts Marathon in Radenci is one of the most prominent mass running events in Slovenia, providing something for everyone: the most highlyprized 42.198 km marathon, the 21.098 km half-marathon on, the paraplegics’ half-marathon and children’s race. The marathon runners will get the chance to qualify for the World Athletics Championship held in South Korea in September and for the Olympic Games 2012 in London. Part of the traditional marathon event is also a walk through the vineyard hills of the Radenci-Kapela District. V spomin na osvoboditev Ljubljane 9.maja 1945 se pohodniki in tekači z vseh koncev Slovenije podajo na Pot spominov in tovarištva. Tekači se pomerijo na tradicionalnem Teku trojk, ki predstavlja prav posebno doživetje, simbol tovarištva in medsebojnega sodelovanja. Tekači trojke morajo skupaj priteči v cilj, mnogokrat se trojice na koncu primejo za roke, ali se med seboj povežejo s pasovi. 9. 7. 2011 The 10th Alpine Marathon of Four Municipalities – it’s track leads from the mountain pass Petrovo Brdo into the Baška grapa valley, then to the top of Porezen and finishes at Podbrdo – is joined this year by the World Championship in Alpine Marathon (Long Distance Mountain Running Challenge). Many prominent alpine runners will participate in this extremely challenging running spectacle through the magnificent alpine landscape of Western Slovenia to win the World Championship title. Maraton treh src v Radencih, ena najbolj množičnih tekaških prireditev pri nas, ponuja za vsakogar nekaj: od najbolj čislanega maratona na 42,198 km, malega maratona na 21,098 km, teka paraplegikov, do teka za najmlajše. Letos bo mogoče teči tudi za norme za svetovno atletsko prvenstvo septembra v Južni Koreji in za olimpijske igre v Londonu 2012. Tradicionalni maraton pa spremlja tudi vsakoletni pohod po vinorodnih gričih Radensko-kapelskih goric. 55. Pohod ob žici in tek trojk 55th The Walk along the Wire and the Trio Race 18. 6. 2011 9. 7. 2011 6. 2011 16. 6. - 19. 18. Dirka po Sloveniji 18th Race Around Slovenia Štiridnevna dirka po Sloveniji ali »slovenska pentlja« predstavlja največji kolesarski dogodek v Sloveniji. Tudi letošnja dirka bo razdeljena na štiri etape. Zaradi vse večje veljave dirke tudi zunaj meja Slovenije, se je – poleg najboljših slovenskih kolesarjev – vsako leto udeleži vse več ekip najvišjega svetovnega razreda. A four-day race around Slovenia, also known as ‘the Slovenian loop’ is the largest cycling event in Slovenia. The track this year consists of four stages. Due to the growing reputation of the race, not just in Slovenia but also abroad, each year more and more world top class teams participate beside Slovenian cyclist. Arhiv/Archive Turizem Bled Čar spomladanske kraške pokrajine vsako leto v Sežano privabi tisoče tekačev, ki preverjajo svojo zimsko tekaško kondicijo. Tisti brez tekmovalnih ambicij, željni le tople mediteranske klime, si dan lahko popestrijo s pohodom ali spodbujanjem tekmovalcev ob progi. Primož Gider 11. Mali kraški maraton 11th Half Karst Marathon Blejska nočna 10ka Bled 10K Night Run Arhiv/Archive Vitezi dobrega teka 27. 3. 2011 Primož Jerončič 26 Svetovno prvenstvo v veslanju na Bledu World Rowing Championship at Bled Po uspešno izvedenih svetovnih prvenstvih leta 1966, 1979 in 1989 bo Bled v letu 2011 ponovno gostil najboljše veslače iz 80 držav sveta. Pomerili se bodo na 2200-metrski progi, tekma pa bo pravo doživetje tudi za gledalce, saj proga na Blejskem jezeru omogoča, da spremljamo veslače od starta do cilja. Za potrebe prvenstva so prenovili veslaški center v Mali Zaki, ki sedaj ustreza vsem standardom za organizacijo velikih športnih dogodkov. After several successful World Championships in 1966, 1979 and 1989, Bled will again host the world’s best rowers from 80 countries in 2011. They will compete on a 2200 metre-long track, while the race is also an unforgettable experience for the spectators who can observe the rowers from the starting line to the finishing line along the track at Bled Lake. The Rowing Centre at Mala Zaka has been renovated for the championship and it now meets the standards for the organization of major sporting events. . 2011 20. 8. - 4. 9 Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 29 razvajanje telesa | pampering the body Središče ugodja v Topolšici Comfort Centre at Topolšica Terme Topolšica so bogatejše za novo središče ugodja – zgrajen je nov wellness center Zala. Sodobni arhitekturni dosežek se ponaša s svetlimi, prijetnimi prostori, ki omogočajo popolno sprostitev. V hiši se nahaja sedem vrst savn, prostori za nego, najrazličnejše masažne in kozmetične tretmaje. Posebnost wellnesa Zala pa so posebni prostori, namenjeni vsem, ki potrebujejo ali želijo več miru, brez srečevanja z drugimi obiskovalci. Trije prostori – vsak v svoji preobleki, od starodavnega Rima, orientalske skrivnostnosti do japonske sončnosti, so vrhunsko opremljeni. Vsak izmed njih ima parno in finsko savno, whirlpool, prostor za počitek, minibar, kopalnico in … presenečenje. Željam po druženju pa lahko zadostita panoramska kavarna in restavracija Luna. Prostor, ki ga od narave loči le steklena stena, ponuja sproščujoč pogled, seveda ob izvrstnih kulinaričnih doživetjih. The Topolšica Thermal Spa now boasts a new comfort centre – the Wellness Centre Zala. The modern architectural achievement is defined by bright, pleasant facilities that allow for complete relaxation. In addition to seven types of saunas in the building, there are rooms and facilities for personal care and grooming, a wide choice of massages and cosmetic treatments. The Wellnes Centre Zala is distinguished by the special facilities for those who need or desire more peace without encountering other visitors. The three rooms, each decorated in a unique style ranging from ancient Rome, oriental mysticism all the way to Japanese sunniness, are characterised by a high standard of outfit. Each has a steam and Finnish sauna, whirlpool, rest room, mini-bar, bathroom and ... a surprise. The desire to socialize can be satisfied at the panoramic café and Luna Restaurant. The room, separated from nature only by a glass wall, offers a relaxing view, which is accompanied by excellent culinary experiences. Arhiv/Archive: Terme Topolšica 28 Hrbet – ogledalo zdravja The Back – Mirror of Health Drugi dom v Topolšici Terme Topolšica se lahko pohvalijo z novostjo posebne vrste. Zgradili so apartmajsko naselje Ocepkov gaj, ki v 27 bivalnih enotah ponuja nove izzive počitniškega bivanja. Hišice so zgrajene iz okolju naravnih materialov in so na voljo v dveh velikostih (150 m2 in 99 m2). Apartmajsko naselje je v celoti opremljeno po standardu štirih zvezdic. Poleg funkcionalno opremljene kuhinje s steklokeramično kuhalno ploščo, hladilnikom z zamrzovalnikom, kavnim aparatom in mikrovalovno pečico imajo vse hišice brezžični dostop do internetnega omrežja, kabelsko televizijo z LCD sprejemnikom, sodobno opremljeno kopalnico in prostorne spalne prostore. Gostje v apartmajih so dobrodošli v hotelskih bazenskih kompleksih, hotelski savni in v wellnesu Zala, brbončice pa lahko razvajajo v restavraciji wellnessa Zale. Arhiv/Archive: Terme Olimia The Topolšica Thermal Spa boasts a special kind of novelty. This is the new apartment complex ‘’Ocepkov Gaj’’ that offers new holiday accommodation ventures in 27 units. The chalets are built from natural materials and available in two sizes (150m2 and 99m2). The fully equipped apartments meet the four star standard. Besides a functionally equipped kitchen with ceramic glass hob, fridge with freezer, coffee machine and microwave, all chalets have wireless Internet access, cable television with LCD screen, modern bathroom and spacious bedrooms. Apartment guests are welcome to use the swimming pool complex, hotel sauna and the Wellness Center Zala, while they can spoil their taste buds in the Wellness Restaurant Zala. Arhiv/Archive: Terme Topolšica The Second Home at Topolšica Način življenja, slabo gibanje in napačna drža telesa so le nekateri od vzrokov, da se pretok energije ustavi, kar se velikokrat pokaže v obliki bolečin v hrbtu. Združevanje različnih terapevstkih metod za odpravljanje tegob in bolečin v hrbtu so v Termah Olimia poimenovali kar olimski pristop. Klasična fizioterapija, ročne masaže, sodobni terapevtski aparati in obravnava po dinamično nevromuskularni stabilizaciji (DNS) pomeni celostno obravnavo sklepov, kosti, mišičja in živčevja, ki vodi v dobro počutje in zdravje. Ne le obisk in terapije, pomembni so tudi napotki, kako to zdravje in počutje vzdrževati s pomočjo ustreznega gibanja in domače telesne vadbe. Več informacij o različnih oblikah programa so na voljo pri usposobljenih strokovnjakih v Centru zdravja Olimia v Termah Olimia. Lifestyle factors, poor physical activities and bad body posture are only a few causes of disrupted energy flow, which often induces back pain. The new approach that combines several therapeutic methods to relieve back problems and back pain, was developed at the Olimia Thermal Spa and was simply named the Olimia approach. A combination of classical physical therapy, manual massage therapy, modern therapeutic appliances and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) approach, it represents a holistic approach to joint, bone, muscle and nerve system treatment, and a pathway to well-being and health. It is not only the therapeutic visits and sessions that are important, but also the instructions on how to maintain health and well-being through appropriate physical activities and exercises at home. More information on various programs is available from qualified professionals at the Olimia Centre of Health at the Olimia Thermal Spa. Mnogokrat pa že nepravilno obremenjevanje stopal povzroča neravnovesje mišic hrbta, kar vodi v bolečine. Zato velja pravilo: kdor želi izboljšati kakovost življenja, mora v osnovi poskrbeti za svoja stopala. Mnogokrat so ravno vložki za čevlje tisti, ki lahko sprostijo in preprečujejo bolečino, vrnejo ravnotežje, dinamiko in kakovost življenja. New step vložki, ki so narejeni po posebni računalniški analizi vašega stopala, pomagajo ohraniti pravilno držo telesa ter obdržati hrbtne mišice v pravilnem ravnovesju. V Termah Olimia ponujajo brezplačno računalniško merjenje vpliva nesorazmerja obremenitve stopal na hrbtenico posameznika. Often, a foot stress asymmetry causes an imbalance in the back muscles and leads to back pain. Therefore, the following rule applies: in order to improve the quality of life, take care of your feet. Often, the use of shoe insoles can relieve or prevent pain, and restore balance, dynamics and quality of life. The New Step insoles, made with reference to a special computer analysis of your feet, help to maintain appropriate body posture and preserve your back muscle balance. At the Olimia Thermal Spa they offer a free computer assessment of the impact of foot stress asymmetry on the spine of an individual person. Med masažami, ki so še posebej blagodejne za hrbtenico, pa v termah Olimia priporočajo štiridesetminutno masažo Amarena. Pogreznjeni v ogrete višnjeve koščice se lahko prepustimo čvrstemu, usmerjenemu dotiku terapevtovih rok, ki obravnava posebne točke v mišicah, ki odženejo napetost in bolečine. S tehniko raztezanja v povezavi z dihanjem pa se doseže sprostitev in učinkovito raztezanje hrbtenice. From the choice of massage programs particularly beneficial for the spine, the Olimia Thermal Spa recommends the forty minute Amarena massage. Immersed in warm cherry pits, you can indulge in the firm, focused touch of therapist’s hands, that address specific points in muscles and drive away all tension and pain. The combination with stretching and breathing techniques achieves relaxation and a good back stretch. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 30 v svetovnem vrhu | among the world’s best 31 Prof. Dr. Metka Zorc, ustanova Medicor The Medicor Foundation Polona Bohorič Arhiv/Archive Medicor prof. dr. Metka Zorc Zgodba velikih src A Story with a Big Heart a pogled drobna, a odločna gospa – dinamična, mladostna, očarljiva, pa tudi srčna in povsem predana svojemu poslanstvu. Metka Zorc – profesorica, doktorica znanosti, kardiologinja, zdravnica. Predstojnica Inštituta za histologijo na ljubljanski medicinski fakulteti, ustanoviteljica, predsednica uprave ustanove in predstojnica centrov Medicor. Slovenka leta. Dobrotnica. Članica organizacije Lions. In še kaj – da le pomaga ljudem. Predvsem tistim, ki jo življenjsko potrebujejo in jim je namenila svoje življenje. N lthough delicate in appearance, she is a determined lady – dynamic, youthful, charming, even hearty and above all, dedicated to her life mission. This is Metka Zorc, a professor with a PhD in Science, a cardiologist and a doctor. She is Head of the Institute of Histology and Embryology at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana; a founder, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Medicor Medical Centres. She is also a winner of the Slovenian Woman of the Year award, a member of the Lions Club and more – offices she is happy and proud to hold, as long as she can help people. Above all, those who depend on her for their life and to whom she has committed her life. A Vzornik Role Model Nima se za trmasto načrtovalko. Pri uresničevanju svoje zamisli pa je bila kljub temu neizmerno vztrajna. Še vedno je. Ideja jo je skoraj obsedla že kot mlado, sedemnajstletno dekle, ko je srečala človeka, ki je postal njen vzornik. Po naključju (kdo še verjame vanje?) je ob obisku sorodnikov v Argentini spoznala profesorja Renéja Favalora, velikega kardiologa, pa tudi velikega človekoljuba. Trdno je verjel v človeške vrednote in predvsem v dejstvo, da je vsak bolnik duša, s katero je potrebno ravnati spoštljivo in občutljivo. Prof. dr. René Favaloro velja za začetnika srčne kirurgije, saj je leta 1967 s kolegi na Clevelandski kliniki v ZDA s prvim »aorto-koronarnim bypassom« (aorto-koronarna premostitev) postavil temelje novi tehniki, s katero še danes rešujejo življenja. Na višku svoje slave po seriji uspešnih operacij se je pred skoraj štirimi desetletji iz ZDA vrnil v rodno Argentino ter ustanovil Favaloro Foundation, ki danes velja za eno najmočnejših središč za raziskave, poučevanje in zdravljenje srčnih bolezni. Prav v času, ko je postavljal na noge svojo kliniko, ga je spoznala tudi Metka Zorc. Z vzorom velikega človeka, ki se je odločil spremeniti svet, je oblikovala svojo vizijo o podobni ustanovi na slovenskih tleh tudi sama. She does not consider herself a headstrong planner. Still, she has always been incredibly persistent in pursuing her ideas. And still is. The idea that later played a crucial part in her life started to obsess her as a seventeen year old girl when she met a man that later became her role model. While visiting relatives in Argentina, she coincidentally (does anybody still believe in coincidence?) met professor René Favaloro, a top heart surgeon and philanthropist. He was a firm believer in human values and above all, in the fact that every patient is a unique soul, worthy of respect and sensitivity. Acknowledged as a pioneer of heart surgery, Prof. Dr. René Favaloro performed the first ‘aortocoronary bypass’ (coronary artery bypass graft surgery) with his colleagues in 1967 at the Cleveland clinic in the USA and set the basis for a new technique that still saves lives today. After four decades of successful surgeries in the USA, he returned to his native Argentina at the height of his fame and established the Favaloro Foundation, which is today regarded as one of the most prominent centres for heart disease research, education and treatment. Metka Zorc met him right at the time he was setting up the clinic. With this great man, who decided to change the world and became a role model for her, she developed her own vision of creating a similar foundation in Slovenia. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 32 v svetovnem vrhu | among the world’s best prof. dr. Metka Zorc & prof. dr. Rene Favaloro prof.dr. R.Stewart, dr. M.Zorc, prof.dr. R.Hobbs 33 prof. dr. C.Hahn, prof.dr. M.Zorc Zamisel The Idea Po vrnitvi iz Argentine je v mislih še kot študentka gojila idejo o ustanovi, ki bi na poseben način reševala življenja srčnih bolnikov. Življenjska pot jo je po končanem študiju vodila na strokovno izpopolnjevanje v Švico. Na vrhunski ustanovi v Ženevi je spoznala očeta srčne kirurgije in začetnika prvega aorto-koronarnega bypassa v evropskem prostoru, prof. dr. Charlesa Hahna, ki je nadaljeval delo svojega prijatelja prof. Favalora. V ekipi prof. Hahna je kot mladi kirurg takrat deloval dr. Ninoslav Radovanović. Kot mlada specializantka se je vključila v delo ekipe prof. Hahna, ki je v tistem času prof. Radovanoviču pomagal ustanoviti kardio kirurški center v Sremski Kamenici pri Novem Sadu. Tu je dobila prve izkušnje in znanje o ustanavljanju nove klinike. Takrat v slovenskem prostoru še ni bilo pravega posluha za podobno središče. Celih dvajset let so tja romali številni slovenski srčni bolniki – na operacije, na invazivne diagnostične posege, po zdravje. Mlada kardiologinja Metka Zorc je v tem centru skupaj s kolegi razvijala novo dejavnost – oddelek za srčno transplantacijo. Specialistične izkušnje se je odpravila nabirat na Clevelandsko kliniko, prav v osrčje znanja, tam, kjer je prof. Favaloro prvič opravil svoj življenjski podvig. Tam je delovala skupaj z največjimi svetovnimi srčnimi kirurgi, se vrnila v Sremsko Kamenico in tam izvršila prvo endomiokardno biopsijo (odvzem tkiva srčne mišice in histološko analizo srčne mišice) pri bolnikih, ki so čakali na transplantacijo, ali so imeli različna obolenja na srcu. Metodo histološke analize je prenesla tudi na inštitut v Ljubljano, kjer je postavila temelje novega raziskovalnega projekta ateroskleroze, diagnostike kardiomiopatij in začela postavljati laboratorij za genetsko analizo. Uspešno zgodbo je nadaljevala ob izjemni pomoči kolegov z Inštituta za histologijo in embriologijo na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani, predvsem prof. dr. Olge Vraspir Porenta, prof. dr. Aleša Žemve, prof. dr. Danijela Petroviča in svoje sestre, prof. dr. Rude Zorc Pleskovič, ki jo je vsa dolga leta podpirala in ji stala ob strani. Having returned from Argentina and engaged in studies, she already harboured the idea of a foundation that would save the lives of cardiac patients in a special way. After she had finished her studies, her life’s journey led her to Switzerland where she started her professional training. At a major institution in Geneva she met a father of heart surgery and the first person to perform an aortocoronary bypass in Europe, Prof. Dr. Charles Hahn, who was continuing the work of his friend Prof. Favaloro. At the time, a young surgeon, Ninoslav Radovanović, was a member of Dr. Hahn's team. As a young doctor undergoing specialization, she joined the team of Prof. Hahn, who was at that time helping Prof. Radovanović establish the Cardiac Surgery Centre at Sremska Kamenica near Novi Sad. This was where she gained her first experience and knowledge of how to establish a new clinic. At that time, everybody was turning a deaf ear to the establishment of a similar centre in Slovenia. For a full twenty years, numerous Slovenian cardiac patients had been travelling to Sremska Kamenica for surgery, intensive diagnostic procedures and to regain their health. It was at the Cardiac Surgery Centre at Sremska Kamenica where the young cardiac surgeon, Metka Zorc, and her colleagues had been working on a new venture – a department for heart transplants. She also underwent another specialization at the Cleveland Clinic – right at the centre of knowledge where Prof. Favaloro first performed the great feat of his life. She worked there with the world's greatest cardiac surgeons, and upon her return to Sremska Kamenica, performed the first endomyocardial biopsy (procedure to obtain a sample of heart muscle tissue and histological analysis of the heart muscle) on patients waiting for heart transplants and patients with other heart diseases. She also employed the histological analysis method at the Institute of Histology and Embryology in Ljubljana, where she laid the foundations for a new project on atherosclerosis research and cardiomyopathy diagnostics, and started setting up a genetic analysis laboratory. She continued on her way of success, staunchly supported by her colleagues from the Institute of Histology and Embriology at the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana, above all by Prof. Dr. Olga Vraspir Porenta, Prof. Dr. Aleš Žemve, Prof. Dr. Danijel Petrovič and her sister Prof. Dr. Ruda Zorc Pleskovič, who supported her and stood by her side all those years. sestri/sisters: prof dr. Ruda Zorc Pleskovič, prof. dr. Metka Zorc prof. dr. Metka Zorc, prim. dr. Miladin Đorđević odprtje centra MC Medicor pred desetimi leti / Opening MC medicot Center ten years ago: prof. dr. Metka Zorc, prof. dr. Ninoslav Radovanović , v ozadju /in back: prof. dr. Robert Hobbs, prof. dr. Roberto Favaloro, prof. dr. Enrique Gurfinkel Kljub močnim povezavam s tujino, tako v času študija in specializacije kot kasneje že kot uveljavljena kardiologinja, prof. Zorc ni opustila ideje o ustanovi za srčne bolnike prav v Sloveniji. Preživela je mnoge zaplete, skupaj s sodelavci, prijatelji in kolegi preplezala številne ovire – tako administrativne kot druge narave ter končno uspela. Pred desetimi leti se je zgodil slovenski Medicor. Rezultat dolgoletnega sodelovanja s prof. Radovanovićem in njegovo ekipo je pomenil začetek uspešne zgodbe. Notwithstanding her strong connections abroad, all through her study years and specialization, as well as later when established as a cardiac surgeon, Prof. Zorc kept her idea of creating a heart patient foundation in Slovenia alive. She has seen numerous complications, hand in hand with her co-workers, friends and colleagues, surmounted numerous obstacles (of administrative nature and other) and finally saw it through. A Slovenian Medicor was set up ten years ago. The year-long cooperation with Prof. Radovanović and his team set a good foundation for a successful story. Ljudska zgodba The People’s Story Zelo dolge čakalne dobe za srčne operacije in kardiološke posege so prisilile bolnike, da so se organizirali in že pred več kot 20 leti ustanovili Društvo na srcu operiranih Slovenije. V želji, da bi pravočasno prišli do pomoči in – preživeli. Zato so podprli tudi idejo o ustanovi in novem srčnem središču, ki bi pomagalo skrajšati oziroma izničiti čakalne dobe. Začeli so zbirati denar, trkali na vrata in moledovali. Zbrali so ga dovolj. The situation of extremely long waiting periods for cardiac surgery and cardiac procedures forced patients to collaborate and more than 20 years ago, they founded the Slovenian Association of Patients who underwent cardiac surgery. They were led by the desire to get help in time and to survive. For this reason they supported the idea of a foundation and a new heart centre, which would reduce or eliminate the long waiting periods. They began raising money, knocking on doors and begging and in the end they managed to raise enough money. Srčni center Leta 2003 se je pod okriljem ustanove Medicor, katere solastniki so tudi bolniki, v najetih prostorih Splošne bolnišnice v Izoli odprl tretji slovenski center za zdravljenje bolezni srca in ožilja. Profesor Rene Favaloro je žal medtem dramatično preminil, njegovo delo pa je z enako vnemo in pripadnostjo nadaljeval njegov nečak, prof. Roberto Favaloro, ki je s svojimi nasveti pomagal zgraditi tudi Medicor in je eden izmed soustanoviteljev. Izjemen kardio kirurg predseduje tudi svetovni zvezi kardio kirurgov ter poleg siceršnje prezaposlenosti najde tudi čas za predavanja, ki jih opravlja v Sloveniji. The Heart Centre In 2003, under the Medicor foundation, which is partially owned by the patients, the third Slovenian Centre for Cardiovascular Diseases opened its doors in the rented premises of the General Hospital Izola. Prof. René Favaloro passed away dramatically but since then his nephew Prof. Roberto Favaloro has continued his work with the same zeal and dedication. Prof. Roberto Favaloro also contributed his advice when the Medicor foundation was established and is thus one of its co-founders. He is a cardiac surgeon of exceptional quality, he presides over the world society of cardiac surgeons and overall is a very busy man; however, he still finds time to give lectures in Slovenia. Uspeh Success Z ekipo, v kateri so veliki ljudje – tako profesionalno kot osebnostno, velikokrat opravljajo svoje delo brezplačno. Medicina ni področje delovanja za človeka, ki pričakuje bajen A team of great people – in a professional and personal sense – often make it possible by working without pay. Dr. Zorc is convinced that if a person expects to earn a colossal salary they should avoid Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 1 29 v svetovnem vrhu | among the world’s best 3 30 4 1.odprtje centra v Portorožu / Opening the Center in Portorož: prof. dr. Meka Zorc, prim. dr. Boris Cibic, prof. dr. Roberto Favaloro, prof. dr. Josip Turk, prof. dr. Anton Jamnik 2. Prof. dr. Roberto Favaloro med operacijo/during the operation 3. Odprtje centra v Portorožu / Opening the Center in Portorož: prof. dr. Meka Zorc & prim. dr. Boris Cibic 4.Posvet / Consultations: prof. dr. Meka Zorc, prof. dr. Miro Denišlič, asist. mag. Zoran Miloševič 5.Pri bolniku / Visiting the pacient: prof. dr. Roberto Favaloro, prof. dr. Meka Zorc, dr. Zoran Konstantinović 6. Center za rehabilitacijo in preventivno kardiologijo, MC Medicor – LifeClass, Portorož zaslužek, je prepričana dr. Zorčeva. Dosežek je že, da smo preživeli, pravi. Kot pravi uspeh Medicorja pa šteje dejstvo, da v Sloveniji ni več čakalnih dob za srčne operacije. Prinesli so novo znanje in nov pristop k bolnikom. Uvedli primerjavo rezultatov v evropskem merilu, ki kaže na uspeh. Preventivni center Pred nekaj meseci jim je uspel nov podvig – septembra 2010 so, ob razumevanju vodstva hotelske verige LifeClass, odprli nov Medicorjev Center za rehabilitacijo in preventivno kardiologijo v hotelu Neptun, v sklopu Term & Wellness LifeClass v Portorožu. Center so poimenovali po začetniku preventivne kardiologije v slovenskem prostoru in učitelju prof. dr. Josipu Turku. Preventiva je namreč najbolj pomembna. Tudi ta center je postavljen po zaslugi ljudi z velikim srcem. Po najsodobnejših principih je opremljen s tehnologijo ter napravami, ki omogočajo sodoben pristop zdravljenja in vračajo bolnike po srčnih operacijah v normalno življenje. Bolniki so tukaj deležni nasvetov, izobraževanja in prehrane, ki bo omogočila spremembo načina življenjskega sloga, kar je po srčni operaciji nujno za zaustavitev bolezenskega procesa. Tudi tukaj so pod vodstvom prof. Zorčeve najbolj pomembni predvsem ljudje, ki sodelujejo – kardiologi, medicinsko osebje, terapevti, psihologi … Medicor posluje podobno kot bolnišnice. Pacienti stroškov za posege in zdravljenja ne plačujejo neposredno – pa saj bi težko. Gre za zneske v višini deset, dvajset … tudi sto tisoč evrov. Vsakodnevno prihaja do razlik med predvidenimi in dejansko nastalimi stroški, ki jih je potrebno kriti. Vedno najdejo način, kako speljati. Vodi jih srce. Tudi to ni naključje. So namreč srčna hiša. getting into the medical profession. Even surviving is a success, she says. For her, Medicor’s major success is the elimination of waiting periods for heart surgeries in Slovenia. The people at Medicor have contributed extra knowledge and a new approach to patients. They have introduced comparative results at the European level and have succeeded. 2 5 The Prevention Centre A few months ago they achieved yet another milestone – in September 2010, in agreement with the management of the hotel chain Lifeclass, a Medicor Centre for Rehabilitation and Preventive Cardiology opened its doors at the Hotel Neptun within the Terme & Welness Lifeclass complex in Portorož. The Centre was named after Prof. Dr. Josip Turk, a pioneer of preventive cardiology in Slovenia and a teacher. Prevention is the most important aspect. This centre was also made possible through the people with big hearts. Based on modern medical principles, it is equipped with the latest technology and equipment, which provide a modern medical approach to treatment and enable patients who have undergone heart surgery to return to their normal lives after their operation. Here, the patients receive advice, education and a special diet that enables a lifestyle change which is necessary after heart surgery in order to stop a progression of the illness. Once again, it is the people who make it happen – the cardiologists, medical staff, therapists, psychologists... – all under the guidance of Prof. Zorc. 6 Medicor operates in the fashion of hospitals. The patients are not obliged to pay for surgery and treatments directly – how could they? We are talking about amounts of ten, twenty ... up to a hundred thousand Euro. At Medicor they are faced with discrepancies between the anticipated and the actual costs that need to be covered, on a daily basis. However, they always find ways to manage. They are led by their heart and this is no coincidence. After all, they are a heart house. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine rožice | flowers 37 Posvečeni v zeliščarstvo Hallowed for Herbalism Marjeta Privšek Arhivi/Archives: TIC Olimje, TIC Slovenske Konjice, Matvež Lenarčič, Sitik d.o.o., Tomaž Favai, Istockphoto edenje o zdravilni moči rastlin prehaja iz roda v rod že od najzgodnejših začetkov človeštva. Celo v današnjem času, ko se zdi, da medicina kmalu ne bo potrebovala več narave za zdravljenje naših tegob, ostaja naravno zdravljenje z zdravilnimi rastlinami globoko vsidrano v naši kulturi. Nekaj te tradicije in znanj se je ohranilo tudi za zidovi nekaterih samostanov pri nas, kjer še danes z veliko ljubezni in spoštovanja nastajajo izdelki, ki si, bolj kot marsikaj, kar nas obdaja, zaslužijo poimenovanje naravno in tradicionalno. A lready from the earliest beginnings of mankind, the knowledge of the healing power of plants has been passed from generation to generation. Even today, when it seems like medicine will soon no longer need nature for healing our illnesses, natural healing with the help of medical plants remains deeply anchored in our culture. Some of this tradition and skill has also been preserved behind the walls of some of our monasteries where to this day products are manufactured with a lot of love and respect. Furthermore, a lot of things that surround us deserve the designation natural and traditional. Tomaž Favai V iStockhhoto 36 Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 39 arhive/Archives: TIC Slovenske Konjice ŽIČE rožice | flowers arhive/Archives: TIC Olimje 38 Včasih se zgodi, da pridemo na kraj, ki nam vzbudi čisto posebne občutke. Kot da bi čas tekel drugače ali se celo ustavil, kot da bi vstopili v neki drug svet … Eden teh posebnih krajev je od hrupnega sveta odmaknjena dolina sv. Janeza Krstnika, nedaleč od vasi Žiče pri Slovenskih Konjicah na Štajerskem. Gotovo ni naključje, da so se na to mesto v 12. stoletju naselili menihi iz Velike kartuzije na Francoskem, potem ko jim je to omogočil štajerski mejni grof Otakar III. V skladu z redovnimi pravili so v tej skriti dolini živeli odmaknjeno, skromno, v molitvi in meditaciji. Samostan je postal kulturno in ekonomsko središče z bogato knjižnico, ki je bila v 14. stoletju manjša le od vatikanske. Tu so skoraj štiri stoletja nastajali znameniti srednjeveški rokopisi iz Žičke kartuzije, ki nam danes dajejo vpogled v več stoletij nepretrganega razvoja srednjeveške knjige. Kartuzijani so bili vneti pospeševalci zdravstvene službe. Imeli so javno lekarno, sami pa so se ukvarjali z zdravilstvom, o čemer priča tudi bogata zbirka strokovnih knjig o zdravljenju in pripravljanju zdravil. Vse do danes se je ohranil rokopis Knjige zdravil samostanskih lekarnarjev, kjer so zapisani tudi recepti rimskega zdravnika Galena. OLIMJE Vasica Olimje pri Podčetrtku leži na vzhodu Slovenije blizu meje s Hrvaško. Vsako leto jo obišče na tisoče izletnikov, predvsem gostov iz bližnjih Term Olimia in Rogaške Slatine, da si ogledajo in doživijo nekaj tiste vseprisotne duhovnosti, ki preveva zgradbe in okolico minoritskega samostana Olimje. Poleg nepozabnih vtisov večina domov odnese še kakšen zdravilni pripravek iz samostanske trgovine, naslednice “Stare lekarne”, ki velja za tretjo najstarejšo lekarno v evropskem prostoru (poleg Pariza in Dubrovnika). Kdaj točno je nastala, se ne ve, zagotovo pa njeni začetki segajo v drugo polovico 17. stoletja. The village of Olimje close to Podčetrtek is located in Eastern Slovenia near the border with Croatia. Each year several thousand guests visit it, primarily guests from the nearby spas Terme Olimia and Rogaška Slatina to see and experience some of the omnipresent spirituality running through the buildings and vicinity of the Olimje Minorite monastery. In addition to unforgettable impressions, most of them take home some medicinal preparation from the monastery shop, the successor of the “Old Pharmacy”, which is the third oldest pharmacy in Europe (right after Paris and Dubrovnik). It is not known when exactly it was established, but its beginnings reach back to the second half of the 17th century. V srednjem veku stolp, nato podeželski dvorec, pozneje pa grad so v 17. stoletju v dar dobili pavlinski menihi, ki so grad preuredili v samostan in se v njem naselili. Patri pavlinci so sistematično proučevali, gojili in nabirali zdravilne rastline, nekateri od njih so se povsem posvetili zdravilstvu. Svoje izkušnje so združevali z dognanji takratne medicinske znanosti in v pritličju samostana odprli lekarno. A leta 1782, ko je habsburški cesar Jožef II. razpustil samostan, je olimska lekarna prekinila z delovanjem. Ponovno zeliščarsko tradicijo so obudili menihi minoriti, ki so se v samostan naselili leta 1990 po dolgem obdobju propadanja in samevanja stavb. Pred samostanom danes uspeva vrt s približno 200 primerki zdravilnih rastlin. Za obiskovalce ob predhodni najavi odprejo tudi Staro lekarno, znamenite olimske zdravilne čajne mešanice in zeliščne pripravke pa je moč kupiti v samostanski trgovini. In the Middle Ages, the tower, followed by the countryside manor and later the castle were given as a gift to the Minims monks in the 17th century who turned the castle into a monastery and settled there. The Minim Fathers systematically studied, grew and gathered medicinal plants and some of them dedicated themselves entirely to medicine. They combined their experience with the findings of medical science in that time and opened a pharmacy on the ground floor of the monastery. However, in 1782 when Joseph II Emperor of Habsburg dissolved the monastery, the pharmacy of Olimje ceased its operations. The tradition of herbalism was resumed by the Minorite monks who settled in the monastery in 1990 after a long period of deterioration and desertion of the buildings. There is a prospering garden with some 200 sorts of medicinal plants in front of the monastery. Upon prior arrangement, guests can visit the Old pharmacy and the famous healing tea blends and herbal preparations are sold in the monastery shop. Redovno življenje Žičke kartuzije je zamrlo, ko jo je, kot mnogo drugih samostanov po cesarstvu, ukinil Jožef II. leta 1782. Zadnja leta se v mogočne ruševine nekdanje kartuzije ponovno vrača življenje. V obnovljenem delu gospodarskega poslopja je priznana umetnostna zgodovinarka dr. Nataša Golob uredila stalno razstavo o zgodovini kartuzije. V samostanski kleti zorijo penine konjiškega Zlatega griča, zeliščni vrtovi in trgovina zeliščnih napitkov ter pripravkov pa obujajo spomin na dragoceno samostansko dediščino. Ponovno je zaživela tudi gostinska dejavnost z restavracijo Gastuž, v spomin na prvotni Gastuž, hišo gostoljubnosti iz 15. stoletja, namenjeno popotnikom, ki danes velja za eno najstarejših gostiln v srednji Evropi. There are times when we come to a place that awakens very special feelings in us, as if time would go by differently or even stop, as if we had stepped into a different world… One such special place is the Valley of St. John the Baptist, which is located away from the noisy world, not far away from the village of Žiče close to Slovenske Konjice in the region of Styria. It is certainly no coincidence that monks from the French Grande Chartreuse settled in this place in the 12th century, after the Styrian margrave Ottokar III approved of it. In compliance with the rules of the order, they lived in this hidden remote valley in a modest way and were devoted to praying and meditating. The monastery became a cultural and economic centre with a rich library, which in the 14th century was only smaller than the one in the Vatican. The famous medieval manuscripts from the Žiče Charterhouse were written here for almost four centuries. Today, they give us an insight into several centuries of continuous development of the medieval book. The Carthusians were zealous promoters of health care. They had a public pharmacy and engaged in medicine, proof of which is also a rich collection of specialised books on healing and the preparation of medicine. To this day, the manuscript of the Book of Medicines of the Monastic Pharmacists has been preserved where one can also find the recipes of the Roman physician Galenus. The monastic life in the Žiče Charterhouse came to an end when it was dissolved by Joseph II in 1782 like many other monasteries across the empire. In the past years, the mighty ruins of the former charterhouse have been filled with life again. The renowned art historian Dr. Nataša Golob prepared a permanent collection on the history of the charterhouse in the refurbished part of the outbuilding. Sparkling wine of the Golden Hillock matures in the cellar of the charterhouse, herb gardens, herbal drinks and preparations in the shop commemorate the precious monastic heritage. The gastronomy was revived with the opening of the Gastuž restaurant, in memory of the first Gastuž, a house of hospitality from the 15th century intended for travellers, which is one of the oldest restaurants in Central Europe. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 41 rožice | flowers STIČNA Matvež Lenarčič, Kartuzijo Pleterje je ustanovil leta 1403 Celjski grof Herman II. Konec 16. stoletja so zaradi materialnega in duhovnega zatona kartuzijo Pleterje dobili jezuiti iz Ljubljane, a po ukinitvi jezuitskega reda leta 1773 je posestvo zasegla država. V začetku 20. stoletja ga je nazaj odkupil kartuzijanski red in mu ponovno vdihnil življenje. Menihi, ki so prišli iz Francije, so s seboj prinesli tudi vinogradniško in kletarsko znanje in začeli obdelovati okoliške vinograde. Tako se je začela zgodba pleterskih vin, ki jih danes stekleničijo in prodajajo pod blagovno znamko Pletér. Znameniti dolenjski cviček, izvrstno mašno vino iz izbranih belih sort in druga vina, so samo del njihove ponudbe. Pleterska kartuzija je znana tudi po naravnih žganih pijačah, ki jih pripravijo iz hrušk, jabolk, sliv in brinovih jagod. Posebnosti med temi izdelki je pleterska hruška, ki zraste v steklenici, nato pa jo zalijejo s hruškovim žganjem. Samostan ima namreč tudi svojo drevesnico, v kateri vzgajajo sadike starih sort jabolk in hrušk, zato je v sezoni tam mogoče kupiti okusne stare sorte jabolk, ki jih danes v trgovinah ni več mogoče najti. In addition to their spiritual mission, the Cisterician monks worked and engaged in economic activities. They cultivated land, improved agricultural techniques, introduced new kinds of crops, built roads and promoted trade. They also engaged in medicine – their monastery’s pharmacy was known far and wide. After the order was dissolved in the second half of the 18th century the Stična abbey was not in use until the end of the 19th century and today it is a religious, spiritual and cultural centre once again. The monastery became truly famous in the second half of the 20th century in the field of natural healing with medicinal plants when Father Simon Ašič (1906-1992), the most famous Slovenian expert on herbs, lived and worked here. People turned to him for help and his advice, teas, tea blends and other natural preparations were so efficient that he was given the name “stiški dohtar” (the Doctor from Stična). Even after his death, interest in his medicine did not cease. Therefore, in 1992 the Sitik Company was established in the monastery, which produces teas, oils, ointments, apple vinegar and other natural products for domestic healing according to his instructions. The invaluable knowledge of Father Ašič is also preserved in three books: Help from the Botanical Pharmacy, Part 1 and 2, and a Manual for Gathering Medicinal Plants. arhive/Archives: Sitik d.o.o. PLETERJE Na ozemlju današnje Slovenije so kartuzijani v srednjem veku ustanovili štiri samostane. Žiče in Jurklošter v 12. stoletju, Bistro pri Vrhniki v 13. stoletju in Pleterje v 15. stoletju. Kartuzija Pleterje ob vznožju Gorjancev pri Šentjerneju na Dolenjskem je danes edini še delujoči kartuzijanski samostan v Sloveniji. Menihi v globoki verski predanosti živijo v svojem svetu tišine in miru za samostanskimi zidovi in v skladu s pravili reda. Odmaknjeni od sveta negujejo in obdelujejo samostansko zemljo. The Cisterian monastery of Stična is located on the way from Ljubljana to Dolenjska near Ivančna Gorica and was established in 1136 by Peregrin, the Patriarch of Aquileia. Throughout its history, apart from some interruptions, it presented the religious, cultural and artistic centre of Carniolia of that period. Stična is known for its manuscripts, which have been produced here in Latin since the 12th century and the Stična Manuscripts; texts in the Slovenian language from 1428, which are invaluable. In the area of present-day Slovenia the Carthusians established four monasteries in the Middle Ages. Žiče and Jurklošter in the 12th century, Bistra near Vrhnika in the 13th century and Pleterje in the 15th century. The Pleterje Charterhouse at the foothills of Gorjanci near Šentjernej in the region of Dolenjska is the only Carthusian monastery in Slovenia still operating today. In a deep religious devotion, monks live in their own world of silence and peace behind the walls of the monastery and in accordance with the rules of the order. Away from the world they take care of and cultivate the monastery’s land. The Pleterje Charterhouse was established in 1403 by Herman II, Count of Celje. At the end of the 16th century, due to a material and spiritual decline, the Pleterje Charterhouse was given to the Jesuits from Ljubljana and after the Jesuit order was dissolved in 1773 the state seized the property. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was purchased by the Carthusian order again who breathed new life into it. The monks, who came from France, brought knowledge about wine growing and the cellerman’s trade with them and began to cultivate the surrounding vineyards. This is how the story of the wine from Pleterje began, which is bottled and sold under the trademark Pletér. The famous cviček from Dolenjska, excellent altar wine from selected white grape varieties and other wines are only part of their offer. The Pleterje Charterhouse is famous for its natural brandies made of pears, apples, plums and juniper berries. The Pleterje pear is a speciality among these products, which grows inside the bottle before pear brandy is poured into it. The monastery has its own tree nursery where saplings of old kinds of apples and pears are grown and during the season you can buy delicious old kinds of apples there which cannot be found in shops anymore. Na poti iz Ljubljane proti Dolenjski blizu Ivančne Gorice stoji cistercijanski samostan Stična, ki ga je leta 1136 ustanovil oglejski patriarh Peregrin. Vso svojo dolgo zgodovino, z nekaj vmesnimi prekinitvami, je predstavljal versko, kulturno in umetniško središče tedanje dežele Kranjske. Stična je poznana po rokopisih, ki so tu nastajali že od 12. stoletja v latinskem jeziku, izjemnega pomena pa so Stiški rokopisi, besedila v slovenskem jeziku iz leta 1428. Menihi cistercijanci so se poleg duhovnega poslanstva posvečali tudi delu in gospodarskim dejavnostim. Kultivirali so zemljo, izboljševali poljedelske tehnike, uvajali nove sorte kulturnih rastlin, gradili ceste in pospeševali trgovino. Ukvarjali pa so se tudi z zdravilstvom – njihova samostanska lekarna je bila znana daleč naokrog. Po ukinitvi reda in samostana v drugi polovici 18. stoletja je stiška opatija zaživela šele konec 19. stoletja in danes ponovno velja za versko, duhovno in kulturno stičišče. Pravo slavo pa je samostan doživel v drugi polovici 20. stoletja na področju naravnega zdravljenja z zdravilnimi rastlinami, ko je tu živel in deloval najbolj znani zeliščarski strokovnjak v Sloveniji, pater Simon Ašič (1906–1992). Ljudje so se zgrinjali k njemu po pomoč, njegovi nasveti, čaji, čajne mešanice in drugi naravni pripravki so bili tako učinkoviti, da se ga je prijelo ime “stiški dohtar”. Tudi po njegovi smrti zanimanje za Ašičeva zdravila ni prenehalo, zato so leta 1992 v samostanu ustanovili podjetje Sitik, ki proizvaja in prodaja čaje, olja, mazila, jabolčni kis in druge naravne pripomočke za domače zdravljenje po njegovih receptih. Svoje dragoceno znanje nam je pater Ašič zapustil tudi v treh knjigah: Pomoč iz domače lekarne, 1. in 2. del ter Priročnik za nabiranje zdravilnih rastlin. arhive/Archives: Sitik d.o.o. 40 40 Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 42 43 dobrote legenda | deliciousness a legend KUHINJA - SRCE HOTELA KITCHEN - THE HEART OF A HOTEL 1 2 3 4 H 5 9 6 10 7 8 11 12 otelske restavracije v Sloveniji so danes precej drugačne kot nekaj let nazaj. Če je bila hrana nekoč zgolj postranska zadeva v hotelu, danes zagotovo ni. Vodstva hotelov se zavedajo, da se je prehranjevalna kultura in z njo pričakovanja gostov močno dvignila. Hoteli, ki težijo k odličnosti, morajo to dosegati tudi v kulinariki. Hotelski kuharji so v zahtevnejši poziciji kot kuharji v restavracijah a-la-carte, saj so vpleteni v širše hotelske aktivnosti. Loviti morajo ravnotežje med hotelsko restavracijo za penzionske goste in tisto s ponudbo a-lacarte, kar je sicer precej bolj kompleksno, a zato tudi večji izziv. Tako danes v Sloveniji sledimo hotelskim kuharskim zvezdam, ki strastno eksperimentirajo z vrhunskimi sestavinami, brskajo po izročilu ter ga nadgrajujejo s sodobnimi tehnikami. Zavedajo se pomembnosti stika gosta s hotelsko kulinariko, ki je tudi njegov prvi stik z lokalno kulturo ob prihodu v okolje ali državo. Zadovoljen gost se bo rad vračal v restavracijo, hotel in lokacijo priporočil naprej. Vse vrhunske hotelske restavracije poskrbijo tudi za vse goste s posebnimi prehranskimi zahtevami – pa naj bodo zaradi zdravstvenih razlogov ali pa samo iz osebnega prepričanja. Vsi naši sogovorniki tovrstne primere vidijo celo kot izziv. Radi se potrudijo in celo presežejo gostova pričakovanja. 13 Andreja Lajh Arhivi hotelov/Archives of hotels 14 15 16 7./9./12./13./15. - Simon Bertoncelj 1./3./11. -Uroš Štefelin 5./6./8./14. -Stefano Cosattini 2./4./10./16. -Andrej Kuhar Iz vrhunskih chefov, kadar govorijo o svojem delu in svojih krožnikih, veje toliko žara, da je takoj jasno, da je Slovenija že postala prava gastronomska destinacija. Večinoma vidijo veliko promocijsko priložnost v povezovanju in skupnem nastopu tudi navzven, saj njih takšne izkušnje bogatijo, gostom pa omogočijo spoznavanje različnih regij in njihovih tipičnih okusov. Vrhunska kulinarika namreč temelji tudi na lokalni tradiciji. Če so entuziasti, pa ne pozabljajo na pomanjkljivosti, ki jih je treba odpraviti – tudi širše od sten njihovih kuhinj. Andrej Kuhar, legenda slovenske kulinarike, pravi: “Potrebujemo več dobrih restavracij s konstantno zanesljivo kakovostjo, prijazne, strokovno usposobljene natakarje, ki so dobri prodajalci, svetovalci in poslušalci, vrhunske sommeliere, ki gostu znajo svetovati, kreativne kuharje, ki spoštujejo kakovostne sestavine in jih znajo pripraviti tako, da jih ne uničijo, ampak v njih poudarijo tisto najboljše … Ob vsem tem bomo postopoma lahko postali prepoznavni kot dežela, kjer se dobro je.” Kdo so v tem trenutku slovenske hotelske kuharske zvezde? H otel restaurants in Slovenia today are much different than a few years back. Once upon a time, food might have been of secondary matter in hotels but certainly not today. Hotel managers realize that the eating culture has risen and so have the expectations of guests. Hotels striving for excellence also need to offer superb cuisine. Hotel chefs are in a more demanding position compared to chefs in a-la-carte restaurants, since they are involved in wider hotel activities. They have to find a fine balance between the hotel restaurant set meals service and the a-la-carte service, which can be rather demanding but is thus a greater challenge. In Slovenia today we see and hear a lot about hotel chef celebrities, passionately experimenting with superior ingredients, investigating traditional cuisine and building upon it with modern cooking techniques. Hotel chefs are aware of the importance of a guests’ experience regarding hotel food since this represents their first encounter with local culture upon arriving to a region or a country. A satisfied guest will return time after time and will also recommend the restaurant, hotel and location to others. All the first-rate hotel restaurants also make sure they satisfy special diet demands of the guests, no matter whether they arise from health reasons or personal persuasion. All the chefs we spoke to, treat these cases as a challenge. They make a real effort and even exceed a guest’s expectations. These top notch chefs absolutely glow when talking about their work and dishes making it quite clear that Slovenia has already turned into a proper gourmet destination. Most of them realize what a great marketing opportunity lies in joining forces and creating a joint appearance externally as well, since they are enriched by the experience and the guests get acquainted with different regions and enjoy their typical cuisine. Premium cuisine is based on local tradition. Despite the enthusiasm, they warn about certain issues that need to be addressed – even outside their kitchen walls. Andrej Kuhar, a legend of Slovenian cuisine says: ‘’We need more good restaurants that maintain constant reliable quality, friendly and professional waiters with qualities of good sellers, advisers and listeners, top sommeliers that provide expert advice and creative chefs with respect for quality ingredients, qualified to use them in a way that does not destroy them but brings the best out of them. With all that in mind, we could gradually become known as a destination where one eats well.’’ Who are the current Slovenian hotel celebrity chefs? Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 44 45 legenda | deliciousness dobrote a legend BINE VOLČIČ, Livada prestige, Moravske Toplice ROBERT GREGORČIČ, Grad Otočec “Gostje so vedno bolj zahtevni – tudi na področju kulinarične ponudbe. Vsi se že zavedamo, da je kakovost pomembnejša od količine in da gre pri jedi tudi za uživanje, ne le za zadovoljevanje potrebe po hrani. Pozitivno gibanje vidim v dejstvu, da hoteli in restavracije postajajo znane tudi zaradi chefov v kuhinji, njihova imena postajajo prepoznavna. V tej deželi je vedno več vrhunskih kuharjev – to ustvarja pozitivno konkurenco in dobre obete za prihodnost slovenske kulinarike. ‘’Otočec Castle is a member of the international association of castles and hotels Relais & Chateaux for the second year, which joins hotels and restaurants around the world under the dedication of a fundamental idea comprising of five Cs: Courtoisie (politeness), Charme (charm), Charactere (character), Calme (calmness) and Cuisine (premium cuisine). It must be original with its own unique character. We felt close to this idea even before the association approved our membership and confirmed that we are on the right path. Today, Otočec Castle can be placed among the world’s best providers of high quality tourism. Najpomembnejši vidik moje kuhinje so sveže in kakovostne sestavine, v hotelu se tako šele zjutraj odločim, kaj bo na meniju zvečer. Gostom tako ponudim najboljše, kar v tistem trenutku lahko dobim. Izogibamo se tudi bifejski ponudbi večerje – vsakemu gostu želimo postreči celotno večerjo porcijsko, kar je veliko bolj osebno – vsakdo dobi jed, ki je bila pripravljena prav zanj. V restavraciji Prestiž pa je moja filozofija, da ni stalnega jedilnega lista. Gost, ki se odloči za mojo kuhinjo, se običajno prepusti moji izbiri jedi, saj tako nedvomno dobi najboljše. Sami “krožniki” pa morajo biti po mojem mnenju enostavni, estetski in okusni že na pogled. Res mi ni všeč, če se na krožniku preveč dogaja … The boutique character of Otočec Castle provides an excellent environment for the creation of original tastes. We develop premium gastronomy in the castle kitchen. The so-called ‘set meals’ are separated from dishes a-la-carte because they follow two entirely different approaches. V hotelu smo že oblikovali posebne kulinarične pakete, za nami je precej tematskih kulinaričnih večerov. Veseli me, da so dogodki lepo obiskani in da je vedno več stalnih »kulinaričnih« gostov, ki se vračajo na oddih in uživanje – ob dobri hrani in vinu.” ‘’The expectations of guests are rising – also in regard to cuisine. We all acknowledge the supremacy of quality over quantity when eating and it is just as much as an enjoyment as it is a necessity. I have observed positive trends where hotels and restaurants gain a good reputation on the account of having ‘chefs’ in their kitchens. Their names are becoming well-known. There are more and more top chefs in this country – this creates positive competition and good prospects for the future of Slovenian gastronomy. The most important aspect of my cuisine is fresh and quality ingredients and so the decision for a dinner menu is made in the morning. In this way, I am able to offer the guest the best possible ingredients in a given moment. We avoid a buffet dinner – the guest should be served the whole dinner which makes it much more personal. They each get a dish made just for them. For the restaurant Prestige I personally advocate no regular menu. The guest choosing chef’s cuisine normally leaves the choice of dishes to me and is thus undoubtedly served the best. The dishes themselves should in my opinion be simple, aesthetically pleasing and tasty at first glance. I really dislike it if there is too much on the plate… At the hotel, we have prepared special culinary packages and we have already carried out several culinary theme nights. I am pleased to see that these events are quite popular and that we have more and more regular ‘culinary’ guests coming back to rest and enjoy – with good food and wine.’’ »Grad Otočec je že drugo leto član mednarodnega združenja dvorcev in hotelov Relais & Chateaux, kjer hotele in restavracije širom sveta obvezuje predanost osnovni ideji, zaobjeti v petih C: courtoisie (vljudnost), charme (šarm), charactere (značaj), calme (spokojnost) in cuisine (vrhunska kuhinja). Le-ta mora biti izvirna, edinstvena, imeti mora svoj značaj. Takšna filozofija nam je bila blizu, še preden nas je združenje sprejelo v svoje vrste in potrdilo, da smo na pravi poti. Danes se otoški grad uvršča v svetovni vrh kakovosti ponudbe visokega turizma. We are always searching for the best recipes, the best ingredients. We combine local tradition and modern techniques of food preparation. The castle restaurant tasting menus express the richness of the local and regional cuisine. Besides the cultural and natural attractions of the countryside, its culinary specialities are also important. The menu of the Otočec Castle restaurant combines the delights of the Dolenjska region with various modern culinary trends. This is one of the ways in which the guests get acquainted with the local culture and according to our experience, they enjoy it a lot.’’ Butičnost hotela Grad Otočec nam zagotavlja odlične pogoje za ustvarjanje izvirnih okusov. V grajski kuhinji razvijamo vrhunsko kulinariko. Tako imenovanih penzionskih obrokov ne mešamo z jedmi a-la-carte, saj sta to dva popolnoma različna pristopa. Vedno iščemo najboljše recepte, najboljše sestavine. Združujemo lokalno tradicijo in sodobne tehnike priprave hrane. Degustacijski meniji grajske restavracije izražajo bogate kulinarične značilnosti našega ožjega in širšega okolja. Poleg kulturnih in naravnih znamenitosti posamezne dežele so zelo pomembne tudi njene kulinarične posebnosti. Na jedilnem listu otoške grajske restavracije se tako prepletajo etnološke posebnosti Dolenjske in razni sodobni kulinarični trendi. Gostje tudi na ta način spoznavajo lokalno okolje in to jim je – po naših izkušnjah sodeč – zelo všeč.” Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 46 47 legenda | deliciousness dobrote a legend SIMON BERTONCELJ, Grand Hotel Toplice, Bled UROŠ ŠTEFELIN, Hotel Triglav, Bled “Filozofija naše kuhinje je, da iz najboljših surovin pripravimo najboljše jedi za naše goste. Osnova je francoska kuhinja s pridihom Mediterana in seveda tipične slovenske jedi. Vse jedi so pripravljene izključno iz svežih sestavin, noben krožnik ne zapusti kuhinje brez pogleda chefa kuhinje ali njegovega namestnika. Osnovni cilj naše kuhinje je preseči pričakovanja gosta – tudi v odnosu med kakovostjo in ceno. Surovine v restavracijah višjega nivoja lahko dosegajo zelo visoke cene, zato je veliko odvisno tudi od politike posamezne restavracije. Osebno se mi zdi izjemno pomemben odnos do sestavin, pa tudi do kreativnosti in obvladanja tehnike, ki ustvarjajo harmonije okusov. “Naša kuhinja je tradicija, ljubezen do doma, kakovost, svežina, skrb za zdravo in polno prihodnost. Naš dolgoročni cilj je dvig kulture pitja in prehranjevanja. Osebno sem ljubitelj kakovostnih rib (divji brancin, škotski losos, jadranski kovač, divji morski list ...), rad imam tudi divjo perutnino, razne delikatese, jagnjetino, hrbet pruskega goveda ... Hit naše restavracije pa je “poširan file divjega brancina s kremo jakobinke in sveže mete na dimljenem krompirju s hrenom, kolerabo, kumarami, zelenim jabolkom in penasto omako vodne kreše”. Za mojo kuhinjo je značilno prepletanje več okusov na enem krožniku, različne barvne kombinacije, uporaba svežih, lokalnih in sezonskih sestavin, domače zelenjave z vrta. Velik poudarek pripisujem tudi videzu krožnikov, saj okušamo tudi z očmi. V Restavraciji 1906 v Hotelu Triglav Bled uporabljamo tradicionalne, prvovrstne sestavine, ki nam jih pripeljejo domači dobavitelji, s tem skrbimo za ohranjanje tradicionalnih proizvodov in videz krajine za prihodnost. Nekateri razvijajo določene sestavine prav zaradi nas – npr. postrvje ikre. Tradicionalne sestavine pripravljamo z modernimi postopki, jih nadgradimo s posebnostmi francoske ali mediteranske kuhinje ter pogledi naših kuharjev. Jedi ob ustrezni vinski spremljavi z izborom iz naše vinske kleti postanejo celota. Naša posebnost je Kuharska šola, v okviru katere želimo dvigniti ugled gostinskih poklicev, otrokom pokazati lepoto kuharstva in strežbe, privzgojiti občutek uživanja ob hrani in pijači, dvigniti nivo hranjenja in pitja v Sloveniji. Večina gostov pride na Bled še vedno predvsem zaradi čudovite okolice. Večja promocija naše kulinarike bi bila zagotovo dobrodošla, saj so gostje, ki se vračajo tudi zaradi kulinarike, najboljše zagotovilo, da delamo dobro.” Vedno pogosteje se dogaja, da se za naš hotel gostje odločijo zaradi restavracije, kot dodatno ponudbo pa jim ponudimo nastanitev. ‘’Our cuisine represents tradition, love of the home country, quality, freshness and care for a healthy and complete future. Our long-term goal is to positively influence the eating and drinking habits of people. ‘’The philosophy of our cuisine is that for our guests we prepare the best dishes from the best ingredients. The menu is based on French cuisine with Mediterranean accents, offering the typical Slovenian dishes as well. All dishes are made exclusively from fresh ingredients and not one plate leaves the kitchen without a glimpse from the chef or his substitute. The basic goal of our cuisine is to exceed the expectations of guests – including the relation between the quality and the price. The ingredients in certain high ranking restaurants can be very expensive so a lot depends on what policy an individual restaurant follows. Personally, I highly value an appropriate attitude towards ingredients as well as creativity and mastering techniques to achieve a harmony of tastes. I like preparing quality fish (wild sea bass, Scottish salmon, Adriatic dory, wild sole,…) and also wild poultry, various delicatessen, lamb, Prussian beef back,… A top choice in our restaurant is ‘pouched wild sea bass fillet with Jacobean pear and fresh-mint cream on smoked potatoes with horseradish, kohlrabi, cucumber, green apple and foamy water cress sauce’. Most visitors to Bled are still primarily attracted by the magnificent surroundings. The promotion of our cuisine on a larger scale is certainly welcome. It is the guests who also return because they have enjoyed the cuisine that serve as the best assurance of the quality of our work.’’ At the Restaurant 1906 at Hotel Triglav Bled we use traditional, first grade ingredients brought to us by domestic suppliers. This is our way of making sure that the traditional products and the landscape are protected for the future. Some develop certain ingredients just because of us – e.g. trout eggs. We combine traditional ingredients with modern cooking techniques, complementing them with the specialties of French and Mediterranean cuisine and the opinions of our cooks. My cuisine involves combining several tastes in one dish, using different colour combinations, using fresh, local, seasonal ingredients and home-grown vegetables from the garden. I put great emphasis on the appearance of each dish since we also taste with our eyes. In combination with the appropriate wine from our cellar, the dishes reach completeness. The aim of our particularity at the culinary school is to raise the distinction of the gastronomic profession, show children the beauty of preparing and serving food, teach them to enjoy the food and drink and to stimulate exquisite table manners in Slovenia. It is becoming quite common that guests choose our hotel on the account of the restaurant, with accommodation as an extra service. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 48 49 legenda | deliciousness dobrote a legend STEFANO COSATTINI, Hoteli in SPA LifeClass, Portorož ANDREJ KUHAR, Promenada, Bled “Kulinarika v hotelih je vse bolj pomembna. Tudi pri nas. Spremembo je prinesla sodobna organizacija in pristop v vodenju hotelskih hiš. S porastom individualnih gostov, predvsem italijanskih, se je pojavila potreba nadgraditi tudi kulinarično ponudbo. “V globalni konkurenci se vsak hotel bori za svoj košček pogače in se prilagaja pričakovanjem gostov. Gostje pa danes hotelov ne iščejo več samo zaradi ugodnega prenočišča, ampak hotele obiskujejo predvsem zaradi doživetij. Del tega je tudi kakovostna hrana in hoteli so se temu morali prilagoditi. V naši hotelski kuhinji se gostu posvečamo s svežo in na zdrav način pripravljeno hrano. Naši hoteli so zelo znani po svojih wellness storitvah, zato tudi pri hrani želimo slediti tovrstni usmeritvi. Posebno poudarjamo izvor in kakovost živil in sestavin, tako da lahko našo kuhinjo poimenujemo “sredozemska varovalna prehrana”. Naklonjeni smo pestrosti, kreativnosti in raziskovanju novih jedi in okusov. Prav tako se pogosto zatekamo k tradiciji in jo poskušamo elegantno vtkati v naše vsakodnevno delo in življenje. V naši restavraciji izhajamo iz klasične francoske kuhinje, kateri dodajamo vplive mediteranske in deloma slovenske kuhinje. Pri uporabi sestavin in pripravi hrane premišljeno sledimo sodobnim trendom. Ohranjamo pristne okuse izdelkov, ki jih z domiselnimi kombinacijami poskušamo še poudariti. Pazimo na usklajenost okusov. Vsaka jed mora biti harmonična – z gosti ne moremo eksperimentirati in nenavadne kombinacije okusov, ki sicer presenetijo, med seboj pa niso usklajene, ne sodijo v vrhunsko kulinariko. Dolgoročno si želimo narediti še korak naprej in lansirati svojo blagovno znamko “Gourmet Life”, ki bo odražala in zastopala našo strategijo in aktivnosti na področju hrane in pijače. Želimo si namreč, da bi v prihodnje prihajali k nam gostje tudi zaradi našega posebnega odnosa do kulinarike, kot zdaj prihajajo zaradi vrhunskega wellnessa. Morda bomo tudi podprli kakšen promocijski festival gastronomije ali celo ustvarili svojega.” Osnova naše kuhinje so prvovrstne, sveže sestavine, brez tega v vrhunski kulinariki ni mogoče delati. Nagibamo se k uporabi hrane, pridelane na zdrav način, saj se to odraža tudi v okusu. Prednost imajo neškropljena zelenjava in sadje, bio pridelano meso in divje ribe. Pomemben je tudi videz krožnika, trudimo se, da so jedi pripravljene kreativno in očem privlačno, saj je splošno znano, da hrano najprej uživamo z očmi. Moj cilj je dvigniti kakovost tega, kar danes delamo in ponujamo gostu. Restavracija, ki jo imamo sedaj na Bledu, še ni popolnoma izpolnila mojih vizij. Počasi napredujemo, ampak to gre v korak z razumevanjem in sprejemanjem gostov.” ‘’Hotel gastronomy is increasingly gaining importance and this includes our hotel as well. The change was brought on by modern organization and a modern approach to hotel management. The rising numbers of individual guests, predominantly Italians, demand the enrichment of the culinary offer. The hotel cuisine offers the guest a menu of freshly-prepared and healthy dishes. Our hotels are renowned for wellness services and we endeavour to gain a similar reputation in the area of gastronomy. By highlighting the source and the quality of products and ingredients we can name our cuisine “Mediterranean healthprotective diet”. We enjoy diversity, creativity and the exploration of new dishes and tastes. We also adhere to tradition and pursue to elegantly interweave it with our everyday work and life. For the long-term, we wish to make a step forward and launch our own brand “Gourmet Life”, which will reflect and represent our strategy and activities in the area of food and beverages. Namely, in the future we would like to attract guests with a distinct approach to gastronomy in the same manner that we attract them now with our top wellness services. We might also support a certain festival aiming to promote gastronomy or even organize our own.’’ ‘’In global competition, each hotel fights for its piece of cake and adapts to the expectations of guests. Hotel guests today do not only seek suitable accommodation, but mainly visit hotels in search of experience. Part of the experience is quality food and hotels were obliged to adapt to this. Meals in our restaurant are based on classical French cuisine with hints of Mediterranean and partly Slovenian cuisine. When choosing ingredients and preparing food, we attentively follow current trends. We preserve the genuine taste of the ingredients and even highlight it with imaginative combinations. We pursue a harmony of tastes. We seek harmony in dishes – we are not about to experiment with guests, believing that the unusual taste combinations which indeed contain the element of surprise but are not compatible have no place in premium gastronomy. Basing our cuisine on high grade fresh ingredients means following the number one rule of premium gastronomy. We always endeavour to use food produced in a healthy manner because this is also brought out in the taste. We prefer unsprayed vegetables and fruit, organic meat and wild fish. We realize the importance of appearance and we strive to prepare creative and attractive dishes for it is generally known that we taste food first with our eyes. My aim is to raise the quality of our work and what we offer to the guest. The restaurant we now operate in Bled has not completely fulfilled my vision. Progress is slow but in accordance to awareness and receptiveness of the guests.’’ Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 50 51 uglašeno | harmonized Nina Kokelj Arhiv/Archive Senzorium, iStockphoto iStockphoto GLEDALIŠČE SENZORIUM SENZORIUM THEATRE Enrique Vargas, legendarni mojster gledališča čutov, je 14. februarja na Youtubu spregovoril o novem evropskem projektu z imenom Izkušnja velikodušnosti. Kot njegov vodja je v svojem videonagovoru poudaril poslušanje, učenje in dajanje. Gre za projekt petih evropskih držav (Belgije, Danske, Francije, Španije in Slovenije), petih gledališč in dveh let, morda še mnogo daljšega časa. Spletna stran vabi mlade, da delijo svoje digitalne umetniške prispevke, s katerimi pripovedujejo, čemu želijo pripadati, kaj hočejo nuditi svoji skupnosti. Iz tega navdiha bo zrasla predstava, koncert, morda parada, “amaterji” pa bodo postali umetniki – v sodelovanju z mladimi iz težavnih okolij bodo ustvarili predstavo, ki bo poleti 2012 potovala po Evropi. V spremstvu Knjige velikodušnosti; ta bo ljudi vabila, naj vanjo dodajo svoje sanje. Širijo radodarnost. Ker deliti pomeni povezovati ljudi, ker je radodarnost stanje duha, ki nagovarja k aktivni spremembni vsakdanjega življenja – danes, tu. TAKO MOČAN SPOMIN Krst /Baptism SUCH A POWERFUL MEMORY S enzorialni jezik je tisto staro zaprašeno otroško igrišče, tisti davno pozabljeni notranji rajski vrt. Barbara Pia Jenič S ensorial language is that old dusty children’s playground, that long-forgotten inner Garden of Eden. Barbara Pia Jenič Enrique Vargas je gledališče čutov konec 20. stoletja pripeljal v Evropo. Razvija ga, izpopolnjuje, režira, uči, se uči, navdihuje, potuje po vsem svetu, v številnih državah sodeluje z lokalnimi umetniki. Na osnovi ideje enakosti, brez razlikovanja med odraslimi in otroki. Tako gledališče govori brez besed. Z vzdušjem, vonjem, zvoki, s senzoričnimi izkušnjami. Komunikacijo čutov razumejo vsi, zato je idealen način povezovanja ljudi, ki govorijo različne jezike. Čisto pravo senzorialno gledališče imamo tudi v Sloveniji. Vodi ga režiserka, igralka in producentka Barbara Pia Jenič. Senzorium – ustanovljen je bil leta 2001 – nagovarja in uroči s kakovostjo prvinskosti. Izkušnjo. Dotikom. Temo, tišino in samoto, v katerih utripa kolektivno nezavedno; senzorialni jezik se gledalca (ki pravzaprav ni gledalec, ampak glavni akter, popotnik skozi lastne čute) dotika na naraven, praizvoren način. V plapolanju ognja svečk, mehkobi cvetnih listov, brbotanju potočkov, v vinu, vonju po marelici, v glasbi Petra Penka, v pesmi Mile Kačič, v meču, maski, kosmatem repu sladke Muce Čarodejke ... je pritajeno dražeče tisto – skrivnostno. Ko se – čudiš. Vstopili smo v Mesto tišine, predstavo – labirint, v čas po smrti, v pogled nazaj; noč, spanje. Tišina, da. Duhovnost. Ne tista cenena. Tista, ko razumeš, kaj pomeni da; “... je neizogibna noč, da spet pride dan”. Enrique Vargas, the legendary master of sensorial theatre, spoke on 14 February on Youtube about a new European project named “Experience of Generosity”. As its leader he emphasized the importance of listening, learning and giving in his speech. It is a project including five European countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain and Slovenia) five theatres, and two years, maybe even longer. The website invites young people to share their digital pieces of art by explaining what they want to belong to and what they want to offer to their community. A show, concert or maybe a parade will emerge from this inspiration and “amateurs” will become artists – and in cooperation with youth from difficult environments they will create a show which will travel across Europe in 2012. In the accompaniment of the Book of Generosity; the book will invite people to write down their dreams. To spread generosity. Since sharing means connecting people and since generosity is a state of the mind that addresses active change in everyday life – here and now. Enrique Vargas brought the sensorial theatre to Europe at the end of the 20th century. He is developing it, refining it, directing it and teaching it. He also learns, inspires, travels the world and cooperates with local artists in numerous countries based on the idea of equality, with no differentiation between adults and children. The theatre speaks without words. It speaks through atmosphere, smell, sounds and sensorial experience. Communication with the senses is understood by all, thus it is the ideal way of connecting people who speak different languages. There is a real sensorial theatre in Slovenia as well. It is led by director, actress and producer Barbara Pia Jenič. Senzorium – which was established in 2001 – addresses and impresses with quality of the primevalness. Experience. Touch. Darkness, silence and solitude in which the collective unconsciousness beats; sensorial language touches the spectator (who is actually not a spectator but the main actor; a traveller through their own senses) in a natural, primordial way. In the flickering candle flame, in the softness of petals, in the burble of the streams, in the wine, in the smell of apricot, in the music of Peter Penko, in the poems by Mila Kačič, in a sword, in a mask, in the hairy tail of the sweet Cat the Magician… the mysterious is teasing covertly. When you are wondering. We entered the City of Silence, a performance – a labyrinth, the after world, the view back; night, sleep. Silence, yes. Spirituality. But not the cheap one. The one when you understand the meaning of the sentence; “... night is unavoidable and day will come again.” Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 52 53 uglašeno | harmonized 3 1 6 8 6. Mesto tišine / City of Silence 7. Biti ali imeti / To be or to have 8.-9. Polnočna Margareta /Midnight Margita 2 5 1. Večer z Milo Kačič / An Evening with Mila Kačič 2. Krst /Baptism 3. Odstiranja / Unveiling 4. - 5. Mesto vzdihljajev / City of Sighs 10 10. Mesto vzdihljajev / City of Sighs 11. In vino veritas 9 11 7 4 Leta 2004 se je Barbara Pia Jenič vprašala: Katera je moja pesem? v kontekstu prelepega labirinta, ki so ga postavljali 140 ur, v predstavi Biti ali imeti. Ko je obiskovalec potoval iz slutnje v slutnjo, iz rok v roke in uziral izgubljene resnice, moč vrednot sočutja, sobivanja, empatije. In 2004, Barbara Pia Jenič asked herself; “... which song is mine?”; in the context of a beautiful labyrinth – it took them 140 hours to put it up – in the performance To be or to have. When the visitor was travelling from premonition to premonition, from hand to hand and saw lost truths, the power of the values of compassion, co-existence and empathy. Polnočna Margareta 2005, Nevidno mesto 2005, Odstiranja 2006. V slednji je Senzorium prebudil arhaičnega človeka, preskočil prepad tisočletij, razprl kult agrikulturnih Elevzin na prehodu iz poletja v jesen. V žetvi, obilju, v pšenici in vinu, v kultu praboginje, v arhetipu, v spominu – ni duhovne praznine. Midnight Margita 2005, Invisible City 2005, Unveiling 2006. In the latter, Senzorium awakened the archaic man, skipped the abyss of millenniums, presented the cult of the agricultural Eleusius during the transition from summer to autumn. At the harvest, during an abundance of wheat and wine, during the cult of the goddess, archetype and during remembrance – there is no spiritual emptiness. V senzorialni predstavi Mesto vzdihljajev, ko je Slovenija predsedovala Evropski uniji in je Ljubljana v evropskem letu medkulturnega dialoga (2008) kipela od dogajanja, so na ljubljanskem gradu v igrivosti o ljubezni peli živahni duhovi, žive legende. S predstavo La Luna so sugestivne podobe vzniknile na toskanskem gradu Castello di Cennina; avtentični starinski predmeti, ogenj, petje. Ples. Leta 2009 so tri legendarne slovenske igralke Ivanka Mežan, Štefka Drolc in Iva Zupančič v predstavi Večer z Milo Kačič “šle skozi pomladni dež” - predstavile so izbrane pesmi za vedno naše Mile Kačič. Bili so spomini, čustvovanja, doživljanja, During the sensorial performance City of Sighs at the time of Slovenia’s EU Presidency and the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008) when a lot of events were taking place there was a performance of lively spirits at the Ljubljana Castle where living legends sang about the playfulness of love. With the performance La Luna suggestive images emerged at the Tuscany castle Castello di Cennina; authentic old objects, fire and singing. Dancing. In 2009, three legendary Slovenian actresses Ivanka Mežan, Štefka Drolc and Iva Zupančič “walked through the spring rain” in the performance An Evening with Mila Kačič – they presented selected poems by Mila Kačič who is forever konflikti, bolečine, odnehanja, obupi ... violina in kontrabas, klavir in harmonika. Predstava In vino veritas?, ki se je igrala v letu 2008 in 2009, je s senzorialno gledališko poetiko popeljala obiskovalce čez proces od grozdja do vina in jim na dionizičen način pomagala razkrivati resnico o sebi, vinu, o sebi v vinu in o vinu v sebi ... Vizualni svet je bil izključen. “Gledalec” voden z lasmi, s kožo, s sapo, z grozdjem. Sam je šel po nenavadno izkušnjo, v udobnih oblačilih in bos, potovanje je trajalo eno uro, vstopnico je rezerviral po telefonu. V senzorialnem gledališču so igralci “čutni in občutljivi, obenem pa prizemljeni in praktični. V stiku z obiskovalci menjajo različne vloge in so vsega po malo: psihologi, psihiatri, pedagogi, plesalci, igralci, otroci, očetje, ljubimci, matere, prijatelji, glasbeniki, ekonomisti, matematiki, fizični delavci, športniki, politiki, diplomati, tehniki, ljubeči gostitelji. Turistični vodiči po notranjih svetovih”. Lani se je na ljubljanskem gradu zgodil Krst. Po motivih Prešerna in Smoleta. Ko so sence govorile o modernem svetu in položaju umetnika. Misel je bila ostra in jasna, a ocenjevali smo s srci. ours. There were memories, emotions, experiences, conflicts, pain, termination, and desperation… a violin and a contrabass, a piano and an accordion. The performance In vino veritas?, which was staged in 2008 and 2009, with its sensorial theatrical poetics took the visitors through the process from grapes to wine and helped them in a Dionysic manner to discover the truth about themselves, about wine, about themselves in wine and about wine in themselves… The visual world was switched off. The “spectator” was guided by hair, skin, breath and grapes. They went through an unusual experience on their own in comfortable clothes and bare-foot, the journey lasted one hour and the ticket was booked by phone. Actors are “sensual and sensitive and at the same time down-toearth and practical in the sensorial theatre. They change different roles when they are in contact with visitors and they are a little bit of everything: psychologists, psychiatrics, pedagogues, dancers, actors, children, fathers, lovers, mothers, friends, musicians, economists, mathematicians, physical workers, athletes, politicians, diplomats, technicians and caring hosts. Tourist guides in inner worlds.” A Baptism was performed at the Ljubljana Castle last year. It was based on the motives of Prešeren and Smole when the shadows talked about the modern world and the position of the artist. The thought was sharp and clear; however, we judged it with our hearts. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine kreativnost | creativity 55 Matevž Kostanjšek 54 Polona Bohorič Ko sem jo leta kasneje prvič srečala, se mi je zdela presenetljivo umirjena in racionalna, natančna in poslovna, kot pritiče odgovornemu svobodnemu novinarju. Vsako nadaljevanje najinega poznanstva je bilo obarvano z nečim drugačnim. Kot bi bila njena glavna naloga v življenju sprememba. A ne za vsako ceno ali po načrtu. Njene vsakokratne drugačnosti se zdijo nujne, iz nje, spontane in resnične. Nina je res - posebna. Nina is truly – special. O njej sem prvič slišala in brala ob izidu njenega prvega romana Milovanje. Ne vem več, kaj vse so pisali o njej v presežnikih, zapomnila sem si le vtis: mlada, nenavadno pišoča, živa in občutljiva. Že naslov njenega romana je bil tako … drugačen. I heard and read about her for the first time when her first novel “Milovanje” was published. I no longer know what was written about her in superlatives and the only thing I remembered was an impression: a young, unusual, lively and sensitive writer. Already the title of her novel was so… different. Rafael Marn Foto osebni arhiv/ Photo personal Archive: Matevž Kostanjšek, Klemen Prepeluh, Rafael Marn Ilustracija/ Ilustration: Maja Babič Košir »Na skrivaj« je pisateljica, ne glede na zelo zanimivo izobrazbo (diplomi iz politologije in ekonomije). Igra se z besedami, s spoštovanjem do jezika, ki je, kot je videti, obojestransko. Tudi kadar prodaja svoje avtorstvo, si dovoli in zahteva v tem najprej uživati. Mogoče prav zato z njenimi besedami uživamo tudi vsi mi. Všeč mi je, kako se postavi za svoje besedotvore – če si je zamislila besedo takšno, kot jo je napisala, za tem stoji ona vsa. In potem naš skupni jezik to sprejme. Razvija ga in ga vsakokrat malo vzdrami, da ni zaspan in polenjen. Nenavadna je – zelo rada. Ima dva sončka, nečaka in nečakinjo. Sicer pa so njeni vsi otroci, kar jih doseže. Ujame jih s knjigami, s predstavami, z mislijo in izrazom na obrazu. Njihova prijateljica je. Predaja se jim in jih zasipa z lepotami, ki jih sama zaznava. Uspeva ji, da jo razumejo. Bolje kot mnogi odrasli. Jasno – ona je del njihovega, otroškega sveta, ki je poln, ki zna sprejemati, dajati, odpuščati. Njeno otroštvo se ni končalo. In se, upajmo, nikoli ne bo. When I met her for the first time many years later she seemed to be surprisingly calm rational, precise and entrepreneurial as is typical of a responsible freelance journalist. Each time our friendship was stained with something different. As if the main task in her life was change but not at any price or according to plan. Her constant differentness seems to be obligatory; it is rooted in her and is spontaneous and real. “Secretly”, she is a writer, in spite of having a very interesting education (a degree in political science and economics). She plays with words, having respect for language, which is apparently mutual. Even when she sells her copyrights she takes the liberty and demands to enjoy it above all. Maybe, this is why her words bring joy to us as well. I like how she defends her word creations – if she thinks of such a word creation and writes it down, she stands behind it one hundred percent and then our common language accepts this. She develops it and awakens it a little each time, so it is not sleepy and lazy. She is unusual – and she likes to be. She has got two little stars, a nephew and a niece. Apart from them, all the children she reaches are hers in a way. They are captured by her books, shows, thought and the expression on her face. She is their friend. She is devoted to them and showers them with the beauty she detects herself. She manages to be understood by others. Better than many adults. Naturally, she is part of their world, a child’s world that is full and is able to receive, give and forgive. Her childhood has not ended yet and let’s hope it never will. Je popotnica. Vodnarski duh ne zna počivati. Tudi ne želi. Gre in nabira vtise. Vpija ljudi, ker jih ima rada. Vse po vrsti. V njej se nanizajo zgodbe. Kot bi hodila po tržnici in v košaro nabirala najbolj barvito zelenjavo. Ali morda iz sočutja nalašč pobrala najbolj uvelo in utrujeno. Potem pa v domači kuhinji čarala, dodajala, zmešala, poskušala. Njene začimbe so navidez preproste, pa tako mojstrske. Tako zelo njene. She is a traveller. The Aquarius inside of her cannot rest and also does not want to. She goes away and collects impressions. She absorbs people because she loves them. Each one of them. Stories are compiled in her mind as though she would be walking in a marketplace, collecting the most colourful vegetables and putting them into her basket. Or maybe she was intentionally collecting the most withered and tired ones out of compassion. Then afterwards she performs her magic in her kitchen, by adding to the dish, mixing it and then tasting it. Her spices are seemingly simple and at the same time so masterful. They are her very own. Razigranka je. Rada ima ptice. In rože. In ljudi. Neverjetno je, kako ljubezen, ki jo žarijo njene besede, ne doseže praga She is playful. She loves birds, flowers and people. It is unbelievable how the love that glows in her words does not reach the threshold of Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 56 kreativnost | creativity 57 sladkobnosti, ki ga takšna usmerjenost tako hitro premami. Kako spretno vijuga med ekscentričnostjo in preprostostjo, kakšen užitek je, ko jo lahko za hipec umestimo v svoje predalčke, in kakšno (čeprav pričakovano) presenečenje, ko nam iz predala v naslednjem trenutku tudi uide. Dopoldne se igra in pozira s cvetjem v laseh, popoldne si nadene kostum nagajivosti v predstavi za svoje ljube gledalce – otroke. Zvečer vrejo iz nje krepki, polni, težki, a tekoči in sočni sestavki, ki zmorejo premakniti goro v srcu. sugariness, which can happen so easily with such an attitude. How skilfully she winds between eccentricity and simplicity, what a pleasure it is to pigeonhole her for a moment and what a surprise (albeit expected) it is when she escapes the pigeonhole the next moment. In the morning she plays and poses with flowers in her hair, in the afternoon she puts on a costume of friskiness during the performance for her dear audience – the children. And in the evening strong, full, heavy, but fluent and juicy compositions pour out of her that could move a mountain in the heart. She is a business woman. Since she loves beauty in all its forms, this also holds true for her own environment. She is not lost and bohemian just because she is an artist. She has clear plans and ideas. Her vision is to create a Slovenian Walt Disney with wonderful people (some of whom she already knows: Marko Rop, Saška Rakef, Maja Babič Košir, Jan Bučar, Grega Hribar, Maja Martina Merljak, Petra Radulovič, Mateja Gajgar etc. – and some key players are still wanted). The Creator – Nina Kokelj Od leta 1998, ko je izšel njen prvi roma Milovanje, je uknjižila še štiri: Sviloprejko (2002), ki je že prevedena v češčino in makedonščino, Sibidusovo kukalo (2005), ki ga je ustvarila v soavtorstvu z Janom Bučarjem, Poletje s klovnom (2009), ki so mu sledile predstave in performansi. Njen najnovejši roman Slamnata dežela, ki je pravkar izšel pri “prijazni, inteligentni, moderni” novomeški založbi Goga. Knjiga, ki jo je ilustrirala “njena osebna ilustratorka, ki vse razume” Maja Babič Košir, govori o veri v človeka, o lepoti neminljive bratske ljubezni. Since 1998 when her first novel “Milovanje” was published she has written another four: “Sviloprejka” (2002), which has already been translated into Czech and Macedonian, “Sibidusovo kukalo” (2005), written together with Jan Bučar and “Poletje s klovnom” (2009), which was followed by shows and performances. Her latest novel is called “Slamnata dežela”, which was recently published by the “kind, intelligent, modern” publishing house Goga from Novo mesto. The book, which was illustrated by Maja Babič Košir, “her personal illustrator who understands everything”, speaks about the faith in mankind and the beauty of eternal brotherly love. “Moj brat Rok ... izjemno sposoben, uspešen podjetnik in človek širnega duha, modrec življenja ... če ne bi bila brat in sestra, se najverjetneje ne bi nikoli srečala. Preveč sva si različna. A sva se – srečala. Se kot otroka skupaj igrala. Skupaj pokadila prvo cigareto. Skupaj slavila ob rojstvu njegove hčerke. Skupaj, s sestro “My brother Rok... a very capable, successful entrepreneur and a broad-minded man, a wise man of life... if we were not siblings, we would have probably never met. We are way too different. But we did – meet. We played together as children, smoked our first cigarette together and celebrated the birth of his daughter together. We stood Petra Radulovič, Mateja Gajgar … - nekatere ključne pa še čaka) ustvariti slovenski Walt Disney. Poet življenja je. Prepušča se toku, a izbere ona. Izbira vse odtenke. Od čiste, opojne lepote, do bolečine, ki presega meje pričakovanega. Rada spreminja svet okrog sebe, kot svet spreminja njo. S svojo podobo se igra, kot se igra s podobami svojih junakov. Čeprav jo obvezuje resnica, dovoli tegobam, da postanejo proces celjenja. In pušča upanje. Da bo svet na koncu ves lep, kot je bil lep na začetku. Kot je lepa otroška duša. Njena. She is a poet of life. She goes with the flow but nonetheless makes decisions. She chooses her shades of colour. From clear ravishing beauty to pain that exceeds the limits of the expected. She likes to change the world around her, like the world changes her. She plays with her image, like she plays with the images of her characters. Although she is bound by the truth, she allows troubles to become part of the healing process and she leaves us with hope. With the hope that in the end the world will be as beautiful as it was at the beginning. A child’s soul is as beautiful as the soul of the child inside her. Tino, stala na grobu očeta. Najin odnos je resnično lep. Ko sem to – enigmo pravzaprav – skušala ubesediti, o njej govoriti, se je rodil samo en samcat stavek: Prišel je čez štiri otoke in bil ji je brat.” Nina je v zadnjih desetih letih ustvarila osem otroških knjig in slikanic, dva scenarija za lutkovno igrico, številne predstave in samostojne performanse – za občinstvo različnih starosti. Nina poleg pisanja knjig in scenarijev za predstave tudi koncipira, organizira in moderira novinarske konference in javne dogodke, piarovsko pokriva kulturne projekte, piše scenarije za risane filme, reportaže, intervjuje in impresije objavlja v pisanem kalejdoskopu tiskanih medijev, kot “kreativka” sodeluje z oglaševalskimi agencijami ... in še mnogo vsega, kjer lahko pripoveduje zgodbe. Matevž Kostanjšek Osebni arhiv / personal Archive Klemen Prepeluh Osebni arhiv / personal Archive Osebni arhiv / personal Archive Matevž Kostanjšek Maja Babič Košir Je poslovna ženska. Ker ljubi lepoto v vseh oblikah, to velja tudi za njeno lastno okolje. Ni izgubljeno boemska, ker je umetnica. Ima jasne načrte in ideje. Njena vizija je s čudovitimi ljudmi (nekaj jih že pozna: Marko Rop, Saška Rakef, Maja Babič Košir, Jan Bučar, Grega Hribar, Maja Martina Merljak, Ustvarjalka Nina Kokelj together at our father’s grave with our sister Tina. Our relationship is truly beautiful and when I tried to put this enigma into words that is to talk about it, one single sentence emerged: He has crossed four islands and he was a brother.” Over the past ten years, Nina has written eight children’s books and picture books, two scripts for a puppet show, numerous shows and independent performances – for audiences of different ages. In addition to writing books and scripts for shows, Nina also designs, organizes and hosts press conferences and public events, manages the PR for cultural projects, writes scripts for cartoons, reports, interviews and publishes the impressions in a colourful kaleidoscope of print media and as a “creative writer” she cooperates with advertising agencies… and is active in many more areas where she can tell stories. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 58 oblika z namenom | shape with the purpose Miha Kač, kipar Sculptor 400 obrazov Faces Polona Bohorič 59 & en mamut One Mammoth Marko Kališnik T rinajst let mu je bilo, ko je po številnih kipcih vrtnih palčkov, ki so že takrat predstavljali zaslužek in lažjo možnost preživetja, v glini oblikoval prvi pravi portret. Prešerna. Velikana slovenstva. Velikani ga spremljajo vse do danes. Pretežno slovenski, pa tudi kakšen izreden karakter izza meja ga je že prevzel. H e was thirteen when he created his first real portrait out of clay, after numerous garden gnomes, which had already provided a source of income and made life easier at that time. It was France Prešeren, the great Slovenian. Great people still play an important role in his life to this day. Predominantly great Slovenians, but also some outstanding individuals from abroad have already captivated his mind. Oče mu je umrl, še preden je začel govoriti. Zato je bil kmalu postavljen v surov boj za obstanek. Morda tudi od tu izvira njegova inovativnost. Svojo ročno spretnost in umetniški izraz je kalil najprej povsem tehnično, z modelarjenjem, nato je razvijal svojo inovatorsko žilico – v elektrostroki. O njegovih lastnih izumih priča tudi mala hidroelektrarna, ki jo je postavil povsem sam in energetsko v celoti oskrbuje njegov dom blizu Kamnika. His father died before he even started talking. This is why a tough fight for survival quickly became reality. This just might also be the source of his innovation. He first developed his manual skills and artistic expression primarily in a technical fashion by modelling and then later he nurtured his innovative side – in the field of electricity. One of his inventions is a small hydro power plant, which he built completely on his own and caters for the electricity needs of his home in Kamnik. Zadovoljuje pa ga predvsem kiparjenje. Je povsem samouk, ampak kakšen! Tenkočuten, poglobljen in natančen, da je kaj. Ko oblikuje obraz, se potopi vanj, vpija vse karakterne izraze, ki jih lahko ujame. Kot pravi znanstvenik razišče ozadje življenja portretiranca. Kadar ima na voljo samo fotografije in je prihodnji However, his primary passion is sculpting. He is an autodidact, but what an autodidact! He is very sensitive, deep and precise. When he forms the face, he “dives” into it and absorbs all the characteristics he can capture. As a true scientist he studies the life of the person being portrayed. When all he can work with are only photographs and the person who is about to Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 60 oblika z namenom | shape with the purpose Razmerja Proportions spoštovane osebnosti Respected personalities portret že odživel življenje v tej podobi, poišče vse razpoložljive vire in se seznani z njegovimi hibami, navadami, postavo, držo, velikostjo, naravnanostjo. Tako mimogrede odkrije, da se osebe nižje rasti s pogledom (logično) usmerjajo višje ter da imajo visokorasli običajno bolj sključeno držo. Narava in fizika – to sta dve njegovi boginji. Pravzaprav ena sama. be portrayed is already deceased, he finds all the available sources and becomes acquainted with the person’s faults, habits, physique, posture, height and attitude. Thus, he incidentally discovers that the look of shorter people is (logically) directed upwards and the posture of taller people on the other hand, is more bent. Nature and physics – these are his two goddesses. Actually, only one goddess. Tudi psihologija je del njegovega raziskovanja in priprav. Obraz namreč zrcali človekovo osebnost. Mnogokrat ga pri delu usmerjajo naročila portretov, največkrat pa je njegovo izhodišče svobodno: osebnost, ki jo upodablja, ga mora najprej prevzeti, pridobiti njegovo osebno spoštovanje. Na tak način je nastala živopisana zbirka velikanov – umetnikov, kulturnikov, znanstvenikov … Tudi med politiki je odkril osebnosti, ki jih visoko ceni. Obisk njegove domače galerije je prava učna ura slovenske zgodovine in presežkov: spoznamo lahko strokovnjaka za vesoljsko tehniko Hermana Potočnika, matematika Jurija Vego, arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika, pesnika Prešerna, učenjaka Matijo Čopa, znanstvenika in Nobelovega nagrajenca Friderika Preglja, igralko Milo Kačič, pesnico Nežo Maurer, slikarja Jožeta Tisnikarja in še mnoge druge obraze. Skoraj štiristo jih je. Povsod. V vitrinah, na omaricah, za vratci, v zabojih, ob mizah, v stanovanju, na dvorišču … Vseh velikosti, pretežno v glini in bronu. Tudi naprodaj so, tistim obiskovalcem, ki pridejo z namenom in željo. Psychology is also part of his research and preparations. The face is a reflection of a person’s personality. He often receives orders for portraits but more often than not he is free in his choice: the person to be portrayed first needs to attract his attention and gain his respect. This is how the vividly colourful collection of great men – artists, culture professionals, scientists etc. – was created. He has also found personalities among politicians whom he holds in high regard. A visit to his home gallery is a true lesson in Slovenian history and achievements: we get to know space technology expert Herman Potočnik, mathematician Jurij Vega, architect Jože Plečnik, poet France Prešeren, scholar Matija Čop, scientist and Nobel Prize winner Friderik Pregelj, actress Mila Kačič, poet Neža Maurer, painter Jože Tisnikar and many other faces. There are almost four hundred of them. Everywhere. They can be found in glass cabinets, on cupboards, behind doors, in boxes, beside tables, in the apartment and in the yard etc. They come in all sizes and are made primarily of clay and bronze. They are also sold to visitors who come with the intention and wish to buy. Mamut The Mammoth Hiša Kačevih pa pripada še enemu velikanu, ki je močno zaznamoval življenje kiparja in njegove družine v zadnjih nekaj letih. Kip mamuta, ki je fizično nastajal dve leti in pol, velja za največjo skulpturo v Sloveniji. Mamut v naravni velikosti je, upodobljen z vizijo, da bo s travnika ob sotočju Nevljice in Kamniške Bistrice pozdravljal obiskovalce na Maistrovem mostu v Kamniku. The house of the Kač family is home to another giant that has had a great impact on the life of the sculptor and his family in the past few years. The mammoth that physically took shape over a period of two and a half years is believed to be the biggest statue in Slovenia. The mammoth is of natural size, created with the vision to greet visitors on the pasture at the confluence of the rivers Nevljica and Kamniška Bistrica next to the Maister Bridge in Kamnik. 61 zbirka velikanov Collection of great men pet glavi slovenski genij / five-headed Slovenian genius: Jurij Vega, Herman Potočnik, Jože Plečnik, Friderik Pregel, Jakob Gallus France Prešeren, prvi portret kiparja Kača / first portrait of the sculptor Kač Neveljski mamut je svojevrstna znamenitost že od leta 1938, ko so ob regulaciji reke Nevljice našli okostje mamuta, starega približno 20.000 let. Velja za eno najpopolnejših okostij mamuta v Evropi in predstavlja ponos in simbol Prirodoslovnega muzeja, kjer se nahaja. The mammoth of Nevlje has been a sight of its own since 1938, when an approximately 20,000 year old mammoth was found during the amelioration of the Nevljica River. It is one of the most complete skeletons of a mammoth in Europe and is the pride and symbol of the Museum of Natural History where it is located. Miha Kač je ob turističnem obisku Južne Amerike, kjer je na vsakem koraku srečal podobe tamkajšnjih znamenitosti, dinozavrov, prišel na idejo, da v domačem Kamniku vendar obstaja precej bolj edinstvena pošast. Odtlej mu mamut ni dal več miru. Preučeval je okostje, vso dosegljivo literaturo, slikovne materiale in filme o gibanju slonov. Izdelal je precej poskusnih kipcev, precej manjših seveda, da je tudi vizualno dovršil vse svoje vedenje. Medtem pa je uspel celo prepričati občinske veljake, da je kip mamuta, odlit v bron, smiselna naložba – sploh ker je šlo za okroglo, 70. obletnico najdbe okostja. Pisalo se je leto 2008. On a journey to South America, Miha Kač saw depictions of their sights, dinosaurs, and came up with the idea that in his hometown of Kamnik there is a far more unique monster. Ever since that journey he could not get the mammoth out of his head. He studied the skeleton, all available literature, images and movies on the movement of elephants. He made many experimental statues, naturally way smaller in size in order to transfer his knowledge into a visual image. In the meantime he even managed to convince the municipality that the statue of the mammoth cast in bronze, was a sensible investment, especially since the 70th anniversary of finding the skeleton was approaching. This was in 2008. Štiri metre visok ter šest metrov in pol dolg kip, ki ga je povsem sam, s svojim tehničnim znanjem in inovativnostjo,iz lesa, stiropora, cementa in palminih vlaken, dobesedno zgradil in v nadaljevanju oblikoval Miha Kač, stoji na domačem dvorišču. Veličasten in malce zmeden. Kako ne – kalup, ki so ga izdelali po njem, je že dolgo pripravljen za vlitje bronastega brata dvojčka. A čaka. Na milostni startni strel, ki je odvisen od odločitev pri občinskih oblasteh. Dolgo ne bo zdržal. Ne negativ in ne original, ki ni namenjen večnosti, tako kot bron. Prav zato, ker pozna čas in njegovo moč razjedanja, se kipar ne želi zadovoljiti z drugim materialom. The four metre high and six metre and a half long statue, which stands in his yard, was literally built and later shaped by Miha Kač alone who used his technical knowledge and innovativeness to make it out of wood, polystyrene, cement and palm fibres. Majestic and slightly confused. The mould that was made afterwards has been waiting for a long time for the casting of a bronze twin brother. But it is still waiting. It is waiting for the green light, which depends on the decisions of the municipality. It will not endure for an extended period of time. Neither the negative nor the original, which is not made for eternity like bronze, will endure. Since he precisely knows what time means and the corrosion it brings, the sculptor will not accept any other material. Zdi se, kot da sta se kipar in kip spojila v eno – kot bi mamut s svojim živim pogledom klical na pomoč, prav potihem,kajti kipar tega ne želi. Ob vsem svojem vloženem času, fizičnem delu, razmišljanju, denarju ter neverjetni podpori in razumevanju družine, o˝ staja trden v svojem ponosu. Verjame, da bo zgodba doživela svoj pravični razplet. It seems that the sculptor and the statue have melted into one – as if the mammoth is screaming for help with his vivid look, very silently, since the sculptor refuses to do so. Despite all the invested time, physical work, thinking, money and incredible support and understanding of his family, his pride remains firm. He believes that there will be a just end to the story. In bo stal za večno. And that the mammoth will stand there forever. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine enkratno | unique 62 63 Lendava Metropola v malem The Small-Scale Marjeta Privšek Metropolis Arhiv/Archive: Terme Lendava, TIC Lendava N ekje je bilo zapisano: »Če v obrisu Slovenije na zemljevidu prepoznate kokoško, potem vam ne bo težko najti Lendave, ki se nahaja prav v sredini njenega kljuna.« Kljun slovenske kokoške pa je tudi prispodoba. Lendava namreč velja za sodobno večnacionalno mesto ob tromeji med Slovenijo, Madžarsko in Hrvaško, kjer se v pisani mešanici prepletajo jeziki, kulture, veroizpovedi. Drug ob drugem tu živijo Slovenci, Madžari, Hrvati, Romi in pripadniki drugih narodnosti in vsak po svoje ter vsi skupaj ustvarjajo zanimiv večjezični življenjski prostor. I t was written somewhere: “If you recognize the shape of a hen on the map of Slovenia, finding Lendava is easy, it is right in the middle of the chicken’s beak.” The beak of the Slovenian hen is also an allegory. Lendava is a modern multinational town on the border of Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia where there is a colourful mixture of languages, cultures and religious beliefs. Slovenians, Hungarians, Croatians, Roma and other nationals live side by side in their own way and together they create an interesting multilingual living space. Smo pravi »multikulti«, se radi pošalijo Lendavčani in zraven dodajo, da ravno oni govorijo najbolj pravilno slovenščino, saj imajo za vsakdanjo rabo na voljo toliko drugih jezikov, da pravilno slovenščino uporabljajo le v šoli in ob uradnih priložnostih, zato ni podvržena raznim oblikam spreminjanja, ki so običajne za vsak govorjeni jezik. Poleg slovenščine pa je v Lendavi uradni jezik tudi madžarščina. Še pred nekaj leti se nam je zdelo Prekmurje preveč oddaljeno, da bi ga pogosteje obiskovali in Lendavo smo številni Slovenci poznali le v povezavi z družbo Nafta Lendava in njenimi poskusi črpanja nafte v Prekmurju. Prav ta industrija pa je pripomogla k še večji narodnostni raznolikosti prebivalstva, saj so v času Jugoslavije v družbi zaposlovali delavce z vseh koncev nekdanje skupne države. Danes je Lendava z avtocesto povezana z vsemi večjimi evropskimi mesti in odročnost ne more biti več izgovor, da ne bi obiskali tega slikovitega »mini velemesta«, njegove zgodovinske glavne ulice in gradu, ki s svojo strateško lego že stoletja obvladuje okolico. A mesto se kar naenkrat prelije v podeželje in že se znajdemo med vinogradi Lendavskih goric, največjem strnjenem nasadu vinogradov v Sloveniji, ki se razteza na 600 hektarih vinorodnega območja. Po goricah se vije vinskoturistična cesta z vinotoči in domačijami, kjer poleg vina nudijo prekmurske dobrote, ki jih v teh krajih nekoliko drugače pripravijo kot drugod: gibanico, perece, bujto repo, dödöle in pa pravi lendavski bograč. The people of Lendava like to joke that they are truly “multicultural” and add that they speak the most correct version of Slovenian as they have so many languages at their disposal for everyday use that proper Slovenian is used only in school and for official occasions, that is why it is not subject to different forms of change encountered in every spoken language. In addition to Slovenian, Hungarian is an official language in Lendava. Up to a few years ago, the Prekmurje region seemed too distant for more frequent visits and Lendava was known by many Slovenians only in connection to the company Nafta Lendava and their attempts to extract crude oil in Prekmurje. This industry contributed to an even greater diversity of inhabitants in terms of nationality as workers from all parts of the former common country were employed at the time of former Yugoslavia. Today, Lendava is connected by motorway to all other large European cities and the remoteness can no longer be an excuse for not visiting this picturesque “mini metropolis”, its historical main road and castle, which thanks to its strategic location has been a prominent landmark for several centuries. However, the town suddenly becomes countryside and we find ourselves among the vineyards of the Lendavske gorice, the largest continuous plantation of vineyards in Slovenia, stretching on 600 hectares of wine-growing area. There is a tourist wine road with wine shops and homesteads where wine and dishes from Prekmurje are offered that are prepared in this region in a somewhat different way than elsewhere: gibanica (layer cake), pereci (dessert or side-dish made of dough), bujta repa (turnips with pork), dödöle (potatoe side-dish) and the real bograč (stew) from Lendava. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 64 enkratno | unique 65 The Mummy of Lendava Lendavska mumija V kapeli svete Trojice, ki stoji na griču ob mestu, najdemo še eno posebnost Lendave – edino mumijo v Sloveniji! Nekoč je na tem strateško pomembnem mestu stala vojaška postojanka, ki je v času turških vpadov v 16. in 17. stoletju odigrala pomembno obrambno vlogo. V začetku 18. stoletja je na njenem mestu zrasla kapelica, kjer si danes lahko ogledamo naravno mumificirano truplo, okoli katerega je ljudska domišljija napletla mnogo legend, med njimi tudi romantično zgodbo o junaku in njegovi ljubezni, o Romeu in Juliji iz Lendave. Legenda pripoveduje o prepovedani ljubezni med revnim plemičem, Mihaelom Hadykom in graščakovo sestro Katarino. Graščak ljubezni ni odobraval, in čeprav se je Mihael izkazal v vojni s Turki, se ga je želel odkrižati. Leta 1603, med turškim obleganjem Lendave, Mihaela s sovražnikom za petami ni spustil v grad, zato je ta skušal zbežati na bližnji utrjeni hrib, kjer danes stoji kapela svete Trojice. Med begom so ga ujeli in ubili sovražniki, Katarina pa se je od žalosti vrgla z gradu in umrla. Truplo Mihaela Hadyka je narava ohranila pred razpadom, da bi se ga prihodnji rodovi lahko spominjali. Resnica o mumiji je nekoliko manj dramatična. Truplo je 130 let mlajše, kot govori legenda, in pripada drugemu Mihaelu Hadyku, ki pa je prav tako umrl v bitki leta 1733. A legenda o junaškem mladeniču živi naprej in nas opominja na uničujočo moč čustev, zmot in strasti. In the Holy Trinity Chapel, which stands on the hill outside town, one can find another particularity of Lendava – the only mummy in Slovenia! There used to be a military post on this strategically important location, which played an important defensive role during the time of the Turkish invasions in the 16th and 17th centuries. At the beginning of the 18th century, a chapel was built on that location where you can see a naturally mummified corpse today. The imagination of people has created many legends relating to the mummy. One of them is a romantic story of a hero and his love, Romeo and Juliet from Lendava. The legend speaks of a forbidden love between Mihael Hadik, a poor nobleman, and the lord of the castle’s sister Katarina. The lord of the castle did not approve of the love and although Mihael proved himself during the war with the Turks, the lord wanted to get rid of him. In 1603, during the Turkish siege of Lendava, he did not let Mihael enter the castle, although the enemy was hard on his heels. That is why he tried to flee to a nearby fortified hill where the Holy Trinity Chapel is located today. During the getaway he was captured and killed, and in her grief Katarina jumped out of the castle and died. The corpse of Mihael Hadik was preserved by nature from decay, so future generations could remember him. However, the truth about the mummy is, a bit less dramatic. The corpse is 130 years younger than the legend implies and belongs to another Mihael Hadik, who also died in a battle in 1733. Nonetheless, the legend about the heroic young man lives on and reminds us of the destructive power of emotions, errors and passion. Kulturni dom Začelo se je z lipovim gajem It Began with the Linden Grove Pokrajina, kjer se panonska ravnica dviguje v gričevnat svet, je od nekdaj nudila ugodne pogoje za življenje in najstarejše sledi človeka segajo daleč v mlajšo kameno dobo pred 8000 leti. Mimo današnje Lendave so vodile starodavne trgovske poti, kot je slavna jantarska pot, antični Rimljani pa so tu zgradili cestno postojanko Halicanum. Ime Lendava po stari legendi izhaja iz srednjega veka: Karel Veliki naj bi okoli Halicanuma ukazal zasaditi sveta drevesa lipe in tako je nastal lipov gaj – Lindau Lendava. The region where the Pannonian Plain ascends into hills always offered favourable conditions for life and the earliest traces of man in the region reach back to the Neolithic Age 8000 years ago. Ancient trade routes led past modern-day Lendava, like the famous Amber Road and the Ancient Romans built the Halicanum post here. According to an old legend, the name Lendava comes from the Middle Ages: Charles the Great is said to have ordered the planting of linden around Halicanum, the result was a linden grove and this is where the name Lindau – Lendava – comes from. Judovsko poglavje The Jewish Chapter Od 18. stoletja pa vse do druge svetovne vojne je na razvoj mesta in meščanske kulture zelo vplivala močna judovska skupnost. Judje so v te kraje začeli prihajati ob koncu turških vpadov po trgovskih poteh s severa in severovzhoda. V Lendavi so prepoznali mesto priložnosti in se začeli naseljevati. Ukvarjali so se s trgovino, denarništvom, gostilništvom, medičarstvom, bili so tudi zdravniki in pravniki. Judovska skupnost je veliko vlagala v mesto in njegovo podobo, ki je konec 19. stoletja doživelo pravi gospodarski in kulturni razcvet. A to poglavje lendavske zgodovine se je tragično končalo med drugo svetovno vojno, ko so leta 1944 nemški okupatorji vseh 64 lendavskih judovskih družin deportirali v Auschwitz. Le štirje so se po vojni vrnili. Za njimi je ostal spomin na zlate čase, ena od le dveh sinagog v Sloveniji in urejeno judovsko pokopališče ob robu mesta, ki velja za največjega v Sloveniji. From the 18th century to World War II, the strong Jewish community had a great impact on the development of the town and the bourgeois culture. The Jews started coming here at the end of the Turkish invasions on trade routes from the North and North-East. They saw Lendava as a town of possibilities and began to settle here. They engaged in trade and financial business, owned inns, sold honey and worked as doctors and lawyers. The Jewish community made large investments into the town and its appearance, which reached its economic and cultural zenith at the end of the 19th century. However, this chapter of Lendava’s history came to a tragic end during World War II when German occupiers deported all 64 Jewish families from Lendava to Auschwitz in 1944. Only four people returned after the war. What is left is the memory of a Golden Age, one of two Slovenian synagogues and a Jewish cemetery at the edge of the town, which is the largest of its kind in Slovenia. Pestro kulturno dogajanje v Lendavi danes pooseblja leta 2004 zgrajeni kulturni dom, ki že po zunanjem videzu močno izstopa zaradi svojih nenavadnih oblik. Gledališka in koncertna dvorana je po prepričanju mnogih najlepša v Sloveniji, zaradi svojih akustičnih lastnosti pa je primerna za najzahtevnejše koncertne uprizoritve. Stavba je delo enega najvidnejših madžarskih arhitektov Imre Mákovcza. Svet je navdušil z organsko arhitekturo, ki izstopa iz togih okvirov načel gradnje stavb in navdih išče v oblikah narave in arhetipih določenega prostora. V skladu z načeli, ki jim sledi pri svojem delu, je tudi v strukturo lendavskega kulturnega doma vnesel elemente zgodovine in mitologije samega kraja. Za mnoge mojstrska, za druge nekoliko šokantna podoba stavbe pa spet na samosvoj način poudarja večplastno dušo mesta in njegove okolice. The Culture House The culture house is proof of the diversified cultural life in Lendava today. It was built in 2004 and due to its unusual shapes it stands out from the rest of the buildings. Many believe that the theatre and concert hall is one of the most beautiful in Slovenia and due to its acoustic characteristics it is suitable for the most demanding concert performances. The building is the work of one of the most prominent Hungarian architects Imre Mákovecz. He impressed the world with organic architecture which surpasses the rigid principles of construction and looks for its inspiration in the shapes of nature and archetypes of a certain space. In accordance with the principles he follows in his work, he used historic and mythological elements of the town in the structure of the local culture house. The appearance of the building, which is hailed as a masterpiece by many and is somewhat shocking to others, emphasizes the multilayered soul of the town and its surroundings in its own special way. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 66 enkratno | unique 67 Terme Lendava 30 let zdraviliškega turizma Zaradi posebnosti v geološki zgrabi tal najdemo v Prekmurju številne vrelce mineralne in termalne vode, ki ob tektonskih prelomih prihajajo na površino iz globin zemlje, znana pa so tudi nahajališča nafte in zemeljskega plina. Leta 1965 je lendavska naftna družba v vasi Petišovci blizu Lendave nameravala odpreti vrtino za črpanje nafte, a na dan je privrela le vroča voda. Voda je pritegnila pozornost domačinov, ki so ugotovili, da si s kopanjem v njej lahko olajšajo razne starostne težave. Tako se je začela zgodba enega najmlajših zdravilišč v Sloveniji, Term Lendava. Terme Lendava 30 Years of Health Resort Tourism Due to its special geological soil structure, numerous mineral and thermal water springs can be found in the region of Prekmurje that come to the surface from the earth’s interior along tectonic fault; however, it is also known for its deposits of oil and natural gas. In 1965, the local oil company wanted to open a well for oil extraction in the village of Petišovci near Lendava, but instead of oil only hot water poured out. The water attracted the attention of the locals, who noticed that they can relieve several age-related problems by bathing in this water. Therefore, this is how the story of one of the youngest spas in Slovenia, Terme Lendava, began. Parafinska voda Paraffin Water Velika posebnost lendavske termalne vode, ki jo loči od drugih termo-mineralnih vod, je visoka vsebnost parafina. Raziskave so potrdile, da lendavska voda preprečuje in zdravi revmatska obolenja, učinkovita je pri rehabilitaciji po poškodbah in operacijah gibalnega sistema, boleznih ali poškodbah perifernega živčevja in po opeklinah, zato je leta 1981 pridobila status naravnega zdravilnega sredstva. Parafinska voda s svojimi ugodnimi učinki na kožo je osnova »hišne« kozmetične linije negovalnih izdelkov Spa Lyndva, ki postaja prepoznavna tudi zunaj zdravilišča, saj je izdelke mogoče kupiti v nekaterih specializiranih trgovinah po Sloveniji. The distinctiveness of the thermal water from Lendava, which sets it apart from other thermal mineral waters, is the high content of paraffin. Research has confirmed that the water from Lendava prevents and heals rheumatic disorders, it is efficient in the rehabilitation after injuries and surgery of the locomotor system, illnesses and injuries of the peripheral nervous system and after burns. Therefore, it was given the status of a natural remedy in 1981. The paraffin water with its beneficial effects on the skin is the basis of the “in-house” cosmetics line of body care products with the name Spa Lyndva, which is becoming increasingly recognizable outside of the spa and the products can be purchased in some specialized shops across Slovenia. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 68 enkratno | unique 69 Prireditve v Lendavi Events in Lendava Enotnost v vsej raznolikosti etnološkega izročila v Lendavi najbolje doživimo na mnogih prireditvah v mestu. Najbolj odmevni prireditvi sta Bogračfest in Lendavska trgatev. The entirety of diverse ethnic traditions can best be experienced by attending the many events around the town. The most notable are the Bogračfest and Lendava Grape Harvest. Lendavska trgatev Lendava Grape Harvest Lendavska trgatev velja za pravo turistično atrakcijo, saj na njej lahko v živo doživimo vse lendavske kulinarične in etnografske posebnosti. Začetki segajo v leto 1979, ko so tedanji turistični delavci organizirali prevoz sodov na kmečkem vozu in vino točili mimoidočim od gostišča Krona do nekdanjih Term v Petišovcih. Danes društva iz bližnje in daljne okolice prikazujejo vinogradniška in druga tradicionalna opravila v povorki, predstavljajo se domače in tuje folklorne ter druge etnoskupine. Domači vinogradniki ponujajo pestro množico domačih vin, rokodelci pa tradicionalne rokodelske izdelke, značilne za te kraje. Vse skupaj pa zaokroži večerni zabavno-glasbeni program. Prireditev tradicionalno poteka drugo soboto v septembru in v mesto privabi tudi do 10.000 obiskovalcev. Pravi odklop Kick Back and Relax Obiskovalcem Term Lendava so na voljo notranji in zunanji rekreativni bazeni ter termalni bazen z značilno parafinsko vodo zelenkaste barve in temperaturo 38 stopinj Celzija. Termalni kompleks obsega trizvezdični hotel Lipa, ki je pred kratkim praznoval 30. obletnico, apartmajsko naselje in kamp. Terme Lendava niso tiste vrste zdravilišče, ki meji že na zabaviščni park, s tako obsežno ponudbo, da obiskovalec zlepa ne more izkusiti vsega, kar ponujajo. A mnogo majhnih, nadvse pomembnih podrobnosti in posebnosti marsikoga prepriča, da se vedno znova vrača k njim na oddih. Občutek pristne povezanosti vsega z vsem je v lendavskih termah močno prisoten, saj delujejo v tesni povezavi z mestom in njegovo okolico. Le nekaj deset metrov loči hotel od lendavske vinske ceste, kolesarske in pohodniške poti v okolici pa gostu odpirajo vrata v skrivnosten, a prelep svet panonskih ravnic in gozdov ob reki Muri. Visitors of Terme Lendava may use indoor and outdoor recreational swimming pools and a thermal swimming pool with typical greencoloured paraffin water at a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius. The spa complex comprises of a three star hotel named Lipa, which recently celebrated its 30th anniversary, an apartment complex and a camping site. Terme Lendava is not the kind of spa that resembles an amusement park, with such an extensive offer that visitors cannot try out everything that is offered. However, many very important details and particularities convince many to come back here for a break. The feeling of a genuine connection between things is present at Terme Lendava as the spa is closely integrated with the town and its surroundings. The hotel is only a stone’s throw away from Lendava’s Wine Road, and the nearby cycling and walking paths open the door to a mysterious yet beautiful world of the Pannonian Plain and forests along the Mura River to guests. The Lendava Grape Harvest is a proper tourist attraction as it offers firsthand experience of all Lendava culinary specialities and ethnic traditions. It all started in 1979, when the tourism workers of that time organized transportation of barrels on a farm cart and poured wine to all passers-by on a road from the restaurant Krona to a former Thermal spa at Petišovci. 27. 8. 2011 Bogračfest Bogračfest – ‘Bograč’ Goulash Cooking Contest Bograč je doma v Lendavskih goricah. Pod tem sloganom prirejajo v Lendavi tradicionalno tekmovanje v kuhanju te slastne obare. Po pripovedovanju naj bi bograč nastal, ko so se vsako leto srečevali pastirji, ki so pasli vse vrste živali. Vsak naj bi na srečanje prinesel meso svoje živali in čebulo. Bograč danes pripravljajo ob raznih družabnih dogodkih in poleg kulinaričnega izročila ohranja tudi pridih skrivnostnosti, saj vsak kuhar skrbno čuva svojo skrivno recepturo. V zadnjih letih so Bogračfest preselili v središče mesta, na Glavno ulico, da bi ponovno oživili staro mestno jedro. Prireditev poteka zadnjo soboto v avgustu. Zanimanje za tekmovanje je vsako leto večje in tako tekmuje že čez 80 ekip. Nowadays, the Lendava Grape Harvest integrates people belonging to associations from far and wide who demonstrate vineyard practices and other traditional tasks in a walking pageant; domestic and foreign folklore dance groups and other ethno-groups also perform their traditional dances. Domestic wine growers offer a diverse selection of local wines, while craftsmen present traditional handicraft products specific to this area. All is nicely rounded off by a musical entertainment program in the evening. The event traditionally takes place on the second Saturday in September and it attracts up to 10,000 visitors. 10. 9. 2011 The Lendava Hills are the home of ‘bograč’ goulash! This is the slogan of a traditional contest in cooking this delicious stew. The story goes that the ‘bograč’ goulash originates from the time when shepherds, tending to all kinds of animals, had their regular annual get-together. It is said, that each brought the meat of their tended animal and onions. Today, the ‘bograč’ goulash is prepared at various social events and, in addition to preserving the culinary tradition, it also maintains the air of mystery, since each chef carefully guards his secret recipe. In the last few years the Bogračfest has been moved to the old town centre (Glavna ulica street) in an attempt to revive it. The event is held on the last Saturday in August. The interest in the contest is growing from year to year and more than 80 teams are already competing. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 70 vinske resnice | wine truths 71 Andreja Lajh Marijan Močivnik, Leo Caharija, Tomo Jeseničnik, Aci Urbajs, Ubald Trnkoczy, Laura Lajh Prijatelj Laura Lajh Prijatelj Ubald Trnkoczy, NARAVNA VINA NATURAL WINES C ivilizacijski posegi v okolje so posegi v nas same. S pesticidi, antibiotiki in drugimi dodatki obremenjena narava ter posredno hrana, ki jo uživamo, obremenjuje in zastruplja naše organizme. Vse več ljudi se zaveda potrebe po drugačnem pristopu. Eko in bio nista le modni oznaki. Tudi pri vinih ni nič drugače. H uman interference with nature causes adverse effects on humans. Our environment loaded with pesticides, antibiotics and other substances causes contamination of the food we eat and in this indirect way represents a burden and poison for our bodies. The need for a different approach is acknowledged by more and more people each day. Thus, going eco or organic is not merely a fashion statement. Wines are no exception with regard to this matter. V harmoniji z naravo In Harmony with Nature Avtohtone sorte grozdja niso muha enodnevnica, ampak so nekako najbolj logična odločitev za vsakega pridelovalca. To so sorte, ki so na določenem območju uspevale od nekdaj, kar pomeni, da so se razvijale v skladu z okoljem in so zato bolj odporne. Kot produkt okolja so prilagojene zemlji in podnebju, v katerem so se razvile, zato bolje uspevajo in zahtevajo manj človeških in kemičnih posegov. So pravzaprav idealne za naravno vzgojo grozdja in kasneje vina. Giving priority to autochthon grape varieties is not a passing whim, but a sound decision by an individual wine grower. Having thrived in certain areas from old times, these varieties have evolved in harmony with their environment and have thus grown more resistant. As a product of their environment, they are well-adapted to the soil and climate conditions and so demand less interference from man and chemicals. In fact, they represent an ideal when it comes to natural viticulture and wine production. Kaj je bistvo naravnih vin? Za nas, uživalce, predvsem to, da pijemo vina, ki so bogata z minerali in vsemi drugimi dobrimi sestavinami ter s čim nižjo stopnjo kemikalij. And what is the essence of natural wines? For us, the wine connoisseur, the essence of natural wines lies mainly in drinking wines that are rich in minerals and other goodness and low in chemicals. Popolna, čeprav naravna Perfect, Although Natural Nekateri vinarji svojo nespretnost radi opravičujejo z izgovorom, da vino ne more biti popolno, če je “zgolj” naravno. Kar pa ni res. Ta trditev meče slabo luč tudi na vrhunska vina, ki so pridelana v sozvočju z naravo, saj ima marsikdo zaradi tega do naravnih vin predsodke, ki niso upravičeni. Naravna vina so lahko odlična, če jih je negoval človek, ki je pošten in spoštljiv do narave, do sebe in do svojih kupcev. Some wine producers tend make an excuse for their unskilfulness by claiming that perfection cannot be achieved with ‘merely’ natural wines. But this is not true. Moreover, this reflects unfavourably on the natural production of fine wines, confirming unjustified prejudices towards natural wines. Natural wines might be the perfect wines, if nourished by a person who is honest and respectful towards nature, themselves and their buyers. Certifikati Certificates Naravna vina se rodijo v vinogradu, v katerem ne uporabljajo herbicidov, genetsko spremenjenih organizmov, rastline varujejo s sredstvi kot v ekološkem načinu kmetovanja, sorte so avtohtone, grozdje pa je pobirano ročno. Do tukaj našteto tudi zadostuje za certifikat ekološkega pridelovalca vin. Kaj se dogaja od trgatve naprej, pa certifikat več ne zagotavlja. Od tukaj naprej gre za vest in prepričanje vinarja, ki vino doneguje. Vinarji, ki so zares zavezani naravni pridelavi, v kleti uporabljajo le naravne kvasovke iz grozdja, med vrenjem ne uporabljajo dodatkov, kot so vitamini, encimi ali bakterije, prepovedane so tudi metode zgoščevanja mošta, pospeševanje ali zaviranje vretja mošta, uporabljajo le nekontrolirano vrenje, tudi filtracija in bistrenje nista dovoljena, saj porušita ravnovesje vin. Zgornja meja skupnega žvepla v vinu pa lahko dosega do 80 mg/l v suhih in 100 mg/l v sladkih vinih. Veliko vinarjev sledi tudi metodam biodinamike. Natural wines are born in vineyards where no herbicides or genetically modified organisms are used, where the vines are protected according to the principles of organic farming, where only autochthon grape varieties are cultivated and where the grape is picked by hand. Adhering to the above mentioned principles satisfies the requirements for certified organic wine producers. However, the certificate does not determine the processes after harvest, therefore the vinification process rests entirely on the consciousness and persuasions of an individual winemaker. The winemakers who are truly dedicated to natural wine production only use natural yeasts found in grapes and restrain from using additives, such as vitamins, enzymes or bacteria in the process of fermentation. Furthermore, the natural winemaking rejects the methods of must thickening, acceleration and slowing down the fermentation process, while approving only uncontrolled fermentation. The use of filtration and clarification methods is not permitted either as it disturbs the balance in wines. The upper limit of total sulphur in wine is 80 mg/l for dry wines and 100 mg/l for sweet wines. Also the biodynamic methods have been followed by quite a few winemakers. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine vinske resnice | wine truths 73 , Marijan Močivnik Med najbolj čiste, naravnim vinom zavezane vinarje zagotovo sodita Branko in Vasja Čotar. Vasja pravi: Branko and Vasja Čotar can undeniably be counted among the purest winemakers committed to natural wine production. Vasja says: “Naša filozofija je ta, da vina spremljamo, ne naredimo. To za nas pomeni dobro grozdje v vinogradu, v kleti pa nobenih dodatkov, razen minimalne količine žvepla, in sicer pri belih vinih 30 mg/l, pri rdečih pa 20 mg/l skupnega žvepla. Bistvo naravnosti meni osebno pomeni, da ne posegam preveč v vino in da v vinogradu pridelam zdravo grozdje s škropivi, ki so jih uporabljali naši predniki (baker, žveplo). Tako pridelano vino mora biti suho in sladkega okusa, polno, z nizkim alkoholom.To najbolje dosežemo pri avtohtonih sortah, ki so se tu že prilagodile.” ‘’Our philosophy is that wines are monitored, not made. For us this means a combination of fine grapes from vineyards and no additives at the vinification process apart from a minimal amount of sulphur (30 mg/l for white wines and 20 mg/l for red wines). Personally, I associate natural wine production with minimal intervention in the winemaking process and with producing healthy grapes where only the sprays used traditionally by our ancestors (copper, sulphur) are used. The wine produced in this manner must be dry but sweet in taste and full-bodied with low alcohol content. This effect can be best achieved by cultivating well-adapted autochthon grape varieties.’’ Natural winemaker Aleš Kristančič from the Movia estate has been dedicated to natural principles for a long time. From the viewpoint of natural winemaking, two of the Movia wines raise a particular interest: Puro, the sparkling wine free of chemical and liqueur additives, which stays undisgorged right up to the time of drinking; and Lunar, which is, as Aleš puts it, touched by a human hand only at harvest time and at bottling. The grapes with stems on are placed in a barrel where they are left unpressed without further intervention to the natural processes that make wine out of them. As to the question, what indicates the naturalness of wine, he replies: ‘’It is best if each individual feels the taste of a good wine for themselves, not only in their mouth but rather in their whole body and spirit after drinking it.’’ Urbajs Klinec Foto: Leo Caharija. Naravni vinar je tudi Aleš Kristančič s posestva Movia, ki je naravi zavezan že od nekdaj. Pri ponudbi Movie sta s stališča naravnosti še posebej zanimiva Puro, penina brez vsakih kemičnih dodatkov in likerjev, nedegoržirana, ki jo drožiramo sami tik pred pitjem, in Lunar, vino, ki se ga, kot pravi Aleš, človeška roka dotakne samo dvakrat: prvič ob trgatvi in drugič ob polnitvi. Pobrane grozde skupaj s peclji, nesprešane, pustijo v sodu ter jih brez vsakih posegov prepustijo naravnim procesom, da iz njih nastane vino. Vsem, ki prisegajo na naravna vina, je dobro znano ime Aleks Klinec. Svojo odločitev za naravna vina opiše takole: All natural wine lovers know the name Aleks Klinec. He describes his decision to produce natural wines as follows: “Menim, da moramo mi, kmetovalci, nase prevzeti veliko odgovornost za naš planet. Zemljo lahko zastrupimo, uničimo, spremenimo v puščavo ali pa jo ohranimo živo, zdravo in jo predamo našim otrokom takšno, da bodo lahko z njo in od nje živeli. Na naši kmetiji smo se odločili za slednje, sonaravno – biodinamično kmetovanje. Ne uporabljamo pesticidov, herbicidov, insekticidov in umetnih gnojil. Trte ščitimo pred boleznijo s sredstvi, ki so okolju prijazna, izdelanimi na bazi ekstraktov rastlin in morskih alg, v poštev pridejo tudi kisle gline, silikati, modra galica in žveplo. Rastline gnojimo s kompostom, ki ga pripravljamo sami. Vinogradi so zatravljeni, okoli njih raste grmičevje ali drevje, tako da je vsak vinograd svoj ekosistem. Prav tako upoštevamo kozmične cikluse za določena opravila v vinogradih. Na ta način zemljo ohranjamo živo, ta pa nam omogoča, da naše trte živijo v popolnem ravnovesju ter nam dajejo izredne plodove, iz katerih lahko pridelamo to sveto pijačo – vino. Vino ustekleničimo brez filtracije in z zelo nizko vsebnostjo žvepla.” ‘’I think that we, the farmers, have to take on great responsibility for our planet. We can poison, destroy and turn the soil into a desert or we may just keep it alive and healthy so our children will be able to live with the land and off it. On our farm we chose the latter, sustainablebiodynamic farming. We do not use pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers. The vines are protected against diseases by environmentally-friendly preparations made from plant extracts and algae, while sour clays, silicates, blue vitriol and sulphur may also be added. We fertilize soil with homemade compost. The vineyards have a grasscover and they are surrounded by bushes and trees so that each vineyard represents its own ecosystem. We also consider cosmic cycles for the certain tasks in the vineyards. In this way the soil is kept alive, allowing our vines to achieve a perfect balance and bear the remarkable fruit from which we produce the sacred drink – wine. The wines are then bottled and unfiltered using a very low sulphur content.’’ Tomo Jeseničnik Na vprašanje, kaj je pokazatelj naravnosti, pa odgovarja: ”Najbolje je, če vsak porabnik sam občuti, kaj je dobro vino, in sicer ne le v ustih, temveč v vsem počutju svojega telesa in duha – potem, ko je vino zaužil.” Kristančič www.s Marijan Močivnik, Čotar 73 Aci Urbajs 72 Med najbolj vnete zagovornike sonaravne pridelave sodi zagotovo Aci Urbajs z Rifnika pri Šentjurju. Popolnoma predan biodinamičnemu gospodarjenju, ki ga odlikuje tudi najbolj strog med vsemi certifikati, Demeter, ustvarjanje vina prepušča ciklusom in procesom narave, ki ji pomaga z zeliščnimi pripravki za škropljenje in prepletenostjo z vsem, kar nudi okolje. V njegovi ponudbi najdemo vina vrhunske kakovosti od pozne trgatve, izborov, pa vse do ledenega vina. Aci Urbajs from Rifnik near Šentjur is one of the most zealous proponents of sustainable production. Utterly committed to biodynamic practices, distinguished by the strictest among certifications – Demeter, he leaves the creation of wine to natural cycles and processes and contributes his share by spraying with herbal preparations and by embracing everything nature has to offer. His high-quality wines range from late harvest and select harvest wines to ice wines. Izbira je vaša The Choice is Yours Pridelovalcev naravnih vin – s certifikati ali brez njih – je kar nekaj. Med njimi so tudi Primož Lavrenčič, Uroš Rojac, Matjaž Četrtič, Valter Mlečnik, Jure Štekar, Joško Renčel in številni drugi. Izbor vin na sicer majhnem slovenskem trgu je velik. Od popolnoma naravnih do manj naravnih. Odločitev, katera boste pili, pa je seveda vaša. There are quite a number of natural wine producers – with or without certificates – Among them are also Primož Lavrenčič, Uroš Rojac, Matjaž Četrtič, Valter Mlečnik, Jure Štekar, Joško Renčel and many others. The wine selection in a rather small Slovenian market is vast from completely natural to less natural ones. The decision on which ones to drink is, of course, left up to you. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 74 75 dogodki | events Prenova gradu Bogenšperk Arhiv/Archive: Javni zavod Bogenšperk Renovation of Bogenšperk Castle Arhiv/Archive: Sava Hotels & Resorts Grad Bogenšperk je eden najpomembnejših renesančnih gradov na Slovenskem in dom enega najpomembnejših mož naše preteklosti, Janeza Vajkarda Valvasorja. Javni zavod Bogenšperk je v sodelovanju z Narodnim muzejem Slovenije, Tehniškim muzejem Slovenije in Slovenskim etnografskim muzejem pripravil vsebinsko in programsko prenovo gradu z vzpostavitvijo Valvasorjevega središča, ki vključuje novo muzejsko ureditev grajske notranjščine, prostore za turistične in druge programe (poroke, prodajo spominkov, prireditve), namenja nove funkcije objektoma grajske pristave in ureja naravno okolje gradu z grajskim parkom. V objektih grajske pristave predvideva ureditev nastanitvenih in spremljajočih prostorov. Grad naj bi tako postal kulturno, znanstveno, raziskovalno in turistično središče. Načrt zajema tudi zbiranje, restavriranje in razstavo vseh Valvasorjevih originalnih del in dragocenih predmetov, ki so se po Valvasorjevi smrti razgubili po svetu. Starorimska poroka v Grand Hotelu Primus An Ancient Roman Wedding at the Grand Hotel Primus Grand Hotel Primus v Termah Ptuj je edinstven hotel v slovenskem prostoru, saj svojo zgodbo gradi na bogati rimski zgodovini najstarejšega slovenskega mesta. The Grand Hotel Primus at the Ptuj Thermal Spa is a unique hotel in the Slovenian region, as its story is based on the rich Roman history of the oldest Slovenian city. Stalnica ponudbe hotela, ki je bil po izboru slovenskih gostov izbran za najbolj priljubljen štirizvezdnični slovenski hotel 2010, je tudi odmeven nagradni natečaj, v okviru katerega Terme Ptuj zmagovalnemu paru podarijo poroko po starorimskem izročilu. Natečaj, ki poteka letos že četrto leto zapored, se zaključi s poročnim slavjem konec aprila, nanj pa lahko mladoporočenca povabita do sto svatov. Zmagovalca natečaja prejmeta tudi enodnevno bivanje v predsedniškem apartmaju v Grand Hotelu Primus, ki se ponaša z lastnim masažnim bazenom in savno, obenem pa vrhunsko bivanjsko izkušnjo bogati izjemen razgled na ptujski grad in mesto Ptuj. Starorimska poroka je postala tudi tržni produkt. Pari lahko tako v Grand Hotelu Primus doživijo poroko v slogu antičnih Rimljanov. The standing offer of the hotel, selected by guests as the most popular Slovenian four-star hotel 2010, includes a notable prize competition where the winner is hosted a wedding held in the style of ancient Roman traditions. The competition, which takes place for the fourth time this year, ends with a wedding celebration in late April, to which the newlyweds can invite up to a hundred guests. The winners of the competition also receive a one-day stay at the Grand Hotel Primus’ Presidential Suite which boasts its own jacuzzi and sauna. At the same time this unique experience is highlight by an exceptional view of Ptuj Castle and the town of Ptuj. The ancient Roman wedding has also become a commercial event. Couples can thus experience a wedding in ancient Roman style at the Grand Hotel Primus. TRIPLET ON SHOWGROUND GRAJSKA POROKA CASTLE WEDDING Celjsko sejmišče se v drugi polovici marca že tradicionalno odene v barve cvetja, narave in veselja do življenja. Na mednarodnem sejmu vrtnarstva, cvetličarstva in krajinske arhitekture FLORA bo že 16. zapored priložnost za ogled novih trendov in usmeritev pri urejanju doma in vrta ter vzgoje in oblikovanja rastlin. In the second half of March, Celje showground traditionally reveals its colours of flowers, nature and joy of life. For the 16th time in a row, the International Fair of Gardening, Floristry and Landscape Architecture, FLORA, will provide a chance to get acquainted with new trends and directions in home and garden design, and in cultivation and arrangement of plants. Grajski tisočletni jubilej bo prazničen tudi drugače: na srednjeveški način bodo sredi junija na Grajski poroki poleg slovenskega dahnili usodni da tudi povabljeni pari iz občin, pobratenih z Bledom. The millennial anniversary of Bled Castle will also be festive in a slightly different manner: in the middle of June, at the Bled Castle Wedding, the couples from Slovenia and the invited couples from Bled’s twinned municipalities will use the mediaeval form when making their wedding vows and saying the fateful ‘’I do’’. Sejem POROKA, ki je zrasel pod okriljem Flore, pa bo letos praznoval 10. obletnico. Na sejmu se vsako leto predstavi več ponudnikov izdelkov in storitev za organizacijo poroke in privablja številne zaljubljence. WEDDING Fair, which grew under the auspices of Flora, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. The number of wedding product and service providers at the fair grows from year to year, attracting many lovebirds. Ločen od njiju, pa vendar povezan s časom in prostorom, pa je sejem ALTERMED, ki zaokrožuje praznovanje pomladi v Celju. Sejem zdravega načina življenja, zdravilstva, zeliščarstva, zdrave prehrane, naravne kozmetike, okolju prijaznega bivanja in duhovnosti. Sejemskemu trojčku se bo letos pridružil tudi čebelarski posvet z mednarodno prodajno razstavo. 2011 18. 3.-20.3. Separated from the other two fairs, but correlated with regard to time and place, is the ALTERMED Fair which completes the spring celebrations in Celje. It is the fair of healthy lifestyle, alternative and herbal medicine, healthy nutrition, natural cosmetics, environmentally friendly living and spirituality. The Beekeepers Convention with International Trade Exhibition coincides with the showground triplet this year. Arhiv/Archive: Zavod za kulturo Bled TROJČEK NA SEJMIŠČU Arhiv/Archive: Celjski sejem Bogenšperk Castle is one of the most important Renaissance Castles in Slovenia and home of one of the most prominent men in Slovenian history, Janez Vajkard (Johann Weichard) Valvasor. The Public Institute Bogenšperk, in collaboration with the National Museum of Slovenia, Technical Museum of Slovenia and Slovene Ethnographic Museum, plans a castle renovation in terms of content and program and the establishment of a Valvasor centre. This will include a fresh museum arrangement of the castle interior, facilities for tourism and other purposes (weddings, souvenir shop, events), implementation of new purposes for the two manor house buildings and management of the castle’s natural surroundings with the castle park. The manor house buildings will feature accommodation and supporting facilities. The castle would thus become a cultural, scientific, research and tourist centre. The project includes the collection, restoration and exhibition of all Valvasor’s original works and valuable items, which were scattered throughout the world after Valvasor’s death. Tridnevni program bo zaokrožil poročno dogajanje na blejskem in gorjanskem podeželju. Neveste se bodo učile peke potice, ženini se bodo urili v mečevanju, obiskali bodo nekatere naravne in kulturne spomenike blejske okolice in se ves čas po srednjeveško veselili. Prav gosposko jih bodo prevažali blejski fijakerji v svojih kočijah s konjsko vprego, na osrednjem dogodku – civilnem obredu na Blejskem gradu pa bo po odpiranju penine z mečem sledila še prava srednjeveška gostija. Graščak z Blejskega gradu vabi k svatovanju vse, ki so željni pravega grajskega slavja. 2011 17. - 19. 6. The three-day programme will be rounded off by the wedding events in the countryside around Bled and Gorjanci. The brides will learn to bake traditional Slovenian walnut cake, the grooms will be trained in fencing, while they will all visit some of the natural and cultural monuments in the surrounding region of Bled and enjoy medieval traditions. They will feel quite genteel when the Bled coachmen (‘fijaker’) drive them around in horse carriages at the main event, while the civil ceremony at Bled Castle will be followed by the sabering of a bottle of sparkling wine and a genuine medieval feast. The Lord of Bled Castle invites everyone who would like a real castle celebration to a wedding ceremony. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine TISOČLETNI GRAD NA BLEDU A THOUSAND CASTLE YEARS AT BLED Po pisnih virih najstarejši grad na Slovenskem letos praznuje zelo okroglo obletnico. Blejski grad, ki se dviga na mogočni strmi skali 130 m nad ledeniškim Blejskim jezerom, velja skupaj z romantičnim otočkom sredi jezera za eno najbolj slikovitih podob Slovenije. Leta 1004 je v italijanskem Trentu nemški cesar Henrik II. briksenškemu škofu Albuinu podaril posest Bled na Kranjskem, leta 1011 pa je z novo darovnico Albuinovemu nasledniku Adalberonu podaril tudi grad na pečini (castellum Veldes), ki se v tej drugi darovnici prvič omenja v ohranjenih pisnih virih. Častitljivi jubilej bodo na gradu praznovali skozi vse leto, še posebej pa bo temu obeležju namenjeno dogajanje v drugi polovici maja, ko bodo poleg protokolarnega slavnostnega dogodka potekale tudi prireditve za obiskovalce. V soboto, 21., in v nedeljo, 22. maja, bo na sporedu več uprizoritev srednjeveške igre Kralj Matjaž in Alenčica in baročne Poliksena in potopljeni zvon. Bled Castle, which is the oldest Slovenian castle according to written sources, celebrates a round anniversary this year. Together with a romantic island in the middle of the lake, Bled Castle, which is located atop a mighty, steep cliff rising 130 metres above glacial Lake Bled, is considered as one of the most picturesque images in Slovenia. In 1004 in the Italian province of Trento, the German Emperor Henry II conferred the Bled estate in Carniola on Bishop Albuin of Brixen, while in 1011, Henry II also awarded Albuin’s successor, Adalberon, the castle on the cliff (castellum Veldes) in a charter – the oldest preserved written source which first mentioned the castle. The memorable anniversary will be celebrated throughout the whole year at Bled Castle, but particularly in the second half of May, when many events open to the public will be held in addition to the protocol gala event. On Saturday 21st May and Sunday 22nd May there will be several performances of the medieval legend of King Mathias and Alenčica and the legend of Poliksena and the sunken bell which is from the Baroque period. Mestno jedro Kamnika The town centre of Kamnik Jurijeva tržnica na Ptuju George’s Market at Ptuj 23. 4. 20e 1fo1renoon th dopoldne / in Srednjeveška Jurijeva tržnica se dogaja v sklopu Jurijevega sejma na Ptuju, natančneje na Slovenskem trgu, kjer prostor pred gledališčem vsako leto osvojijo razstavne in prodajne stojnice, za njimi pa pravi srednjeveški trgovci iz Slovenije, Madžarske in Avstrije. V pisanih kostumih ponujajo zelišča, lesene izdelke za gospodinjstvo, kovaške in usnjene izdelke, loke, puščice, razstavljajo oklepe in orožje ... Tržnico najavlja srednjeveška bobnarska skupina, obiskovalci pa so deležni tudi pravega »tržnega spora« in reševanje tega spora, v katerega poseže mestni sodnik. The Medieval George’s Market constitutes a part of the George’s Fair at Ptuj, or more precisely, at Slovenian square, where the place in front of the theatre is occupied annually by exhibition and market stalls staffed by real medieval traders from Slovenia, Hungary and Austria. In colourful costumes they offer herbs, wooden household articles, blacksmith and leather products, bows, arrows, and they exhibit armour and weapons. The marketplace is announced by a medieval drum band, while visitors are also able to participate in a real ‘market dispute’ in which the city judge intervenes. Srednjeveški dnevi Medieval Days Že 15 let zapovrstjo se staro mestno jedro Kamnika sredi junija povrne v srednji vek, v obdobje svojega največjega vzpona, ko so mestu vladali gospodje Andeški. Tudi letošnji Srednjeveški dan bo živahen: zbor konjenikov, vitezov, dam in gospodov se bo v sprevodu podal z Glavnega trga na Mali grad, kjer bomo lahko spremljali srednjeveške plese in mečevanje vitezov. For the past 15 years the old town centre of Kamnik has revisited the Middle Ages in mid-June – a period of the town’s greatest development when the city was ruled by the noble Andechs family. This year’s Medieval day will be as vivid as ever: The assembly of horsemen, knights, ladies and gentlemen will walk in a procession from Main Square to Little Castle, where visitors can watch medieval dances and knights sword fighting. D. Mladenovoič 2011 20. - 22. 5. 77 Rado Škrjanec tradicije | traditions Marjan Zupan, Arhiv/Archive: Zavod za kulturo Bled 11. 6. 2011 Historial Škofja Loka Tudi letos se bo Škofja Loka konec junija (25.–28. 6.) odela v svečano srednjeveško oblačilo. Letošnji Historial bo še posebno posvečen 500. obletnici potresa, ki je leta 1511 dodobra stresel temelje mesta. Škofja Loka je dobila svojo srednjeveško podobo prav z obnovami po tem potresu – tudi mogočni Loški grad je takrat dobil svojo današnjo podobo. V okviru dogodkov bo potekala bogata srednjeveška tržnica, pripravljen bo pester otroški program, za ljubitelje glasbe se bo odvijal Festival historične glasbe, obletnici potresa pa bo posvečen tudi cikel predavanj na to temo, ki se bo z mednarodnim posvetom slovesno zaključil v okviru Historiala. Po različnih mestih Slovenije se s pomladjo prebudijo tudi starodavni spomini življenja, tradicij in kulture srednjega veka. Ker je tovstne zgodovine precej, so tudi dogodki, čeprav na videz podobni, obarvani vsak s svojo posebnostjo. Predstavljamo nekaj tovrstnih dogajanj, ki bodo na sporedu še pred nastopom pravega vročega poletja. Blejski grad / Bled Castle 11 4. - 5. 6. 20 Že petič zapored, tradicionalno prvi konec tedna v juniju, bodo Blejski grad preplavili pogumni vitezi, lepe gospodične, ponosno plemstvo in meščanstvo ter spretni trgovci in rokodelci. Znotraj grajskega obzidja, na zgornji grajski terasi, se bodo predstavili spretni mečevalci, lokostrelci, plesalci in grajska gospoda iz Slovenije in tujine. Spodnja grajska ploščad pa se bo tudi letos spremenila v srednjeveško tržnico, kjer bodo rokodelci in trgovci predstavljali svojo obrt, grajski kuharji pa postregli s srednjeveškimi dobrotami. For the fifth consecutive year, on the first weekend in June, Bled Castle is traditionally flooded with brave knights, fair ladies, a proud aristocracy and bourgeoisie, skilled tradesmen and craftsmen. Rado Škrjanec Inside the castle walls, on the upper terrace of the castle, skilled swordsmen, archers, dancers and lords of the castle from Slovenia and abroad present themselves. This year the lower castle courtyard again transforms into a medieval market where craftsmen and tradesmen present their craft, and the cooks of the castle serve medieval delicacies. Arhiv/Archive Zavod za kulturo Bled The ancient memories of life, traditions and culture of the Middle Ages are reawakened in various Slovenian towns with the coming of spring. The history of this period is quite rich and so are the seemingly similar events coloured with their own peculiarities. Here we present some of these events which start before the really hot summer. Once again, the town of Škofja Loka will adorn itself in festive medieval garments at the end of June (25th-28th June). This year’s Historial is dedicated in particular to the 500th anniversary of the earthquake, which thoroughly shook the town’s foundations in 1511. Škofja Loka got its medieval appearance with the renovations that were carried out after the earthquake – the present appearance of mighty Škofja Loka Castle also originates from that time. The sequence of events includes an abundant medieval market, a varied program for children, the Festival of Historic Music and Dance Festival for music lovers and, dedicated to the earthquake anniversary, a series of lectures on the subject, which formally concludes with an international consultation held during Historial. Arhiv/Archive LTO Blegoš 76 2011 25. - 29. 6. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 79 tradicije | traditions Birds at the Ljubljana Castle Slovenci imamo čisto svoj praznik zaljubljenih – gregorjevo. Naše babice so o 12. marcu govorile, da se tega dne ptički ženijo. Po starih običajih so dekleta na gregorjevo zrla v nebo. Prva ptica, ki jo je dekle videlo, je naznanila, kakšen bo njen mož … Ljubljanski grad že nekaj let zapored obeležuje ta prikupen slovenski praznik, letos v sodelovanju z mentorji in učenci Osnovne šole Ledina, ki na grajskem dvorišču postavljajo na ogled ptičke in ptičje hišice. In Slovenia, we have our own holiday for lovers called St. Gregory’s Day. Our grandmothers used to say that birds get married on that fateful day, the 12th of March… The old traditions have it that maids gaze up at the sky on St. Gregory’s Day, so that they can see what their future husbands will be like by the first bird they spot… As in years past, this holiday is still observed at the Ljubljana Castle, where an exhibition of birds and bird houses at the castle court is prepared in collaboration with the mentors and pupils of the Ledina Primary School. For the second decade, the town of Slovenske Konjice has been following the tradition of St. George’s Day (JURJEVANJE) in honour of St. George, a patron saint of this beautiful town. On this day, the old legend about the dragon of Slovenske Konjice, who demanded the beautiful young maiden Marjetica, comes to life. The revival of the legend has grown into an excellent traditional St. George’s Festival (JURIJEV FESTIVAL) and as a result, the town of Slovenske Konjice was granted membership of the International Carnival Cities Association, which unites 48 countries and 368 cities. Once again this year, St. George’s Day promises a memorable Saturday morning on Town square, filled with lively stalls and St. George’s cavalry. The town also celebrates its 865th birthday. 4. 2011 11. 3. - 17. 16. 4. 2011 Nekdaj so ljudje – bolj kot danes – živeli v skladu z naravnimi ritmi. Leto se je začelo spomladi, ko se narava prebuja iz zimskega počitka in se začne nov življenjski krog. Aprila nastopi jurjevo, poleg velike noči najbolj priljubljen ljudski praznik. Sveti Jurij je po prihodu krščanstva verjetno nadomestil starejše božanstvo, ki je posedovalo moči oživljanja narave. Po izročilu poskrbi, da narava ozeleni, da gredo lahko živali spet na pašo in posevki hitro rastejo. Ljudje so sv. Juriju v čast pripravljali praznovanja po vsej Evropi. A home of a most famous St. George in Slovenia is the White Carniola – he is a young man, adorned with greenery, who, accompanied by a group of musicians and singers, walks around a village and asks for gifts. The White Carniola, known for the richness of its preserved folk tradition, numerous folklore dance groups, white national costumes and white birch trees, is a place of the annual folklore festival Jurjevanje (St. George’s Festival), which is the largest and oldest folklore event in Slovenia. Tambour groups, folk singers and other musicians and folklore groups from abroad revive the cultural heritage with performances that are luxury for eyes and ears. Bobo, In the past, people – more than today – lived in harmony with the rhythms of nature. A year began in spring, when nature awakens from winter rest and begins a new life cycle. St. George’s Day in April is, beside Easter, the most popular folk festival. After the arrival of Christianity, St. George probably replaced an older deity, which possessed powers to revive nature. According to the legend, St. George makes nature go green, so animals can graze and the crops grow fast. People have been preparing celebrations all around Europe in honour of St George. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine Salina Festival in Piran Ob Jadranskem morju je nekoč cvetelo solinarstvo in trgovina s soljo. Do danes so se tradicionalne soline ohranile le malokje in pridelava soli, kot je potekala nekoč, počasi odhaja v pozabo. V krajinskem parku Sečoveljske soline so uspeli ohraniti solinarstvo kot dragocen biser slovenske kulturne dediščine, s katerim se obiskovalci lahko spoznajo konec aprila na vsakoletnem prazniku solinarjev, ko se prične nova sezona pridobivanja soli. Po tradiciji pričetek sezone sovpada s praznikom sv. Jurija, 23. aprilom, ki je tudi zaščitnik mesta Piran. Letos v tem času praznujemo veliko noč, zato je praznovanje zamaknjeno za teden dni. Na stojnicah v središču Pirana bo mogoče kupiti izdelke domače obrti, piransko sol in domače specialitete. Na svoj račun bodo prišli ljubitelji starin, odprt bo bolšji sejem z otroškimi oblačili in igračami. Obiskovalci si bodo lahko ogledali starodobne avtomobile in barke, predstavile se bodo razne glasbene in umetniške skupine, otroci se bodo lahko udeležili ustvarjalnih delavnic. The Adriatic Sea coast once flourished with salt production and salt trade. To this day, there are only a few places left that preserve the traditional salt pans and salt production. The ways of the past are slowly drifting into oblivion. In the Sečovlje Salina Nature Park they managed to preserve salt pans as a real pearl of Slovenian cultural heritage, which visitors can learn about in late April at the annual Salters’ Festival which takes place at the beginning of a new salt harvesting season. In accordance with tradition, the beginning coincides with St. George’s Day (23rd April) because St. George is also a patron saint of the town of Piran. This year we celebrate Easter at that time, which is why the festivities start one week later. . 2011 30. 4. - 1. 5 JURJEVANJE V ČRNOMLJU ST. GEORGE’S FESTIVAL AT ČRNOMELJ Najbolj znani Zeleni Jurij pri nas je doma iz Bele krajine – mladenič, okiten z zelenjem, ki s skupino glasbenikov in pevcev hodi po vasi in prosi darov. V Beli krajini, poznani po bogastvu ohranjenega ljudskega izročila, številnih folklornih skupinah, beli narodni noši in belih brezah, vsako leto organizirajo folklorni festival Jurjevanje, največjo in najstarejšo folklorno prireditev Solinarski praznik v Piranu 6. 2011 17. 6. - 19. Bobo, Došel je došel, Zeleni Jure He has come, the Green St. George pri nas. Tamburaške skupine, ljudske pevke in drugi glasbeniki, pa tudi folklorne skupine iz tujine z nastopi, ki so prava paša za oči in ušesa, oživljajo bogato dediščino. Arhiv/Archive: Turistično združenje Portorož JURJEVANJE - St. George’s Day With intensive renovations having taken place in the last few years, the Ljubljana Castle has nearly achieved its final form and has hosted numerous new events. The Ljubljana City Municipality has recently established the Ljubljana Castle Public Institution, which is now formally responsible for running and managing the castle. Up until now, the castle was run by the Ljubljana Festival and several other organizations. From March onwards, the complete range of cultural, tourist, child and adult educational, catering and other new events will be available, all joined under one umbrella. Arhiv/Archive: TIC Slovenske Konjice Ljubljanski grad z intenzivno obnovo v zadnjih letih dobiva končno podobo, ki ponuja novo domovanje številnim novim dogodkom. Mestna občina Ljubljana je ustanovila Javni zavod Ljubljanski grad, novo formalno preobleko delovanja in upravljanja gradu, ki je bilo doslej pod okriljem Festivala Ljubljana in nekaterih drugih ustanov. Od letošnjega marca je skrb za celovito ponudbo kulturnih, turističnih, pedagoških, andragoških, gostinskih in drugih novosti torej združena pod eno taktirko. Arhiv/Archive: TIC Slovenske Konjice Arhiv/Archive: TIC Slovenske Konjice Slovenske Konjice že drugo desetletje negujejo tradicijo JURJEVANJA v čast svetemu Juriju, zavetniku tega lepega mesta. Na ta dan oživi stara legenda o konjiškem zmaju, ki je zase zahteval mlado in lepo deklico, Marjetico. Obujanje legende je preraslo v imeniten tradicionalni JURIJEV FESTIVAL, s katerim so se Konjičani vključili v svetovno združenje karnevalskih mest, ki povezuje 48 držav in 368 mest. Tudi letos se sredi aprila obeta nepozabno sobotno dopoldne na Mestnem trgu v Slovenskih Konjicah, z dogajanjem na stojnicah in Jurijevo konjenico. Mesto obenem praznuje svoj 865. rojstni dan. Ptički na Ljubljanskem gradu At the stalls in the centre of Piran you will be able to purchase handicraft products, the Piran salt and homemade specialties. All the antique lovers will come into their own and the flea market with children’s clothing and toys will also be on. In addition, visitors will have the chance to view vintage cars and boats, performances of various music and artistic groups, and children will be able to attend creative workshops. Arhiv/Archive: Turistično združenje Portorož JURJEVANJE V SLOVENSKIH KONJICAH ST. GEORGE’S DAY AT SLOVENSKE KONJICE Marjana Cvetko 78 Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 81 narava | nature 6. 2011 27. 5. - 12. Praznik češenj Cherry Festival V Goriških brdih, kjer tradicija vinogradništva in sadjarstva narekuje življenje, imajo češnje prav posebno vlogo. So prvi sadež, ki v sadovnjakih dozori v teh krajih in mnogim kmetom predstavlja tudi prvi dohodek v letu. Marsikdo komaj čaka, da na slovenske tržnice pridejo briške češnje, saj to pomeni, da se bliža poletje, pa tudi najpomembnejši praznik v Brdih, praznik češenj. Obsežna prireditev z bogatim spremljevalnim programom ponuja izobraževalne delavnice, sejme, razstave, koncerte, športne prireditve, tržnice z briškimi pridelki in degustacije vin. Praznik v treh zaporednih vikendih z začetkom 27. maja bo potekal po krajih v Goriških brdih, glavnina dogajanj pa bo v Šmartnem in v Dobrovem. Med rekreativnimi kolesarji zelo priljubljen Češnjev kolesarski maraton s startom v Ljubljani in ciljem v Dobrovem bo potekal 4. junija. Vsi , ki radi hodijo, pa bodo prišli na svoj račun 12. junija, ko bo na sporedu češnjev pohod po briških gričih. In the Goriška Brda region, where the traditions of viticulture and fruit growing represent the driving force of life, cherries play a special role. They are the first fruit to ripen in orchards of this area and selling them gives many farmers their first income of the year. Many people can hardly wait for the Brda cherries to arrive on Slovenian markets since this means that summer is drawing closer – and also that the most important holiday of the Brda region will take place: the Cherry Festival. This major event with a rich accompanying program, provides educational workshops, fairs, exhibitions, concerts, sporting events, markets with products from the Brda region and wine tasting. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine . 2011 23. 4. - 2. 5 Jagodne nedelje Strawberry Sundays Na vzhodnem robu Ljubljane se ravnina počasi dviguje v gričevnato pokrajino, ki jo poleti radi imenujemo dežela jagod in borovnic, jeseni pa dežela kostanja. Skozi kraje med Javorom in Jančami se vije Sadna cesta od kmetije do kmetije, kjer si obiskovalci lahko nakupimo vse vrste dobrot, pridelanih v teh očarljivih krajih. Vsako leto na drugo in tretjo nedeljo v juniju potekajo jagodne nedelje, ki obljubljajo jagode, jagodne sladice, likerje in žgane pijače, zabavni program za otroke pa igre na Jagodnem igrišču in na Jagodožeru. 20. RAZSTAVA TULIPANOV 20th TULIP EXHIBITION Za mnoge se prava pomlad začne šele, ko v Arboretumu Volčji potok zacvetijo tulipani. Konec aprila jih zacveti več kot dva milijona, več kot 250 različnih sort na kar 30 hektarov površin. Letošnja razstava tulipanov je že 20. po vrsti, kot vsako leto pa jo bodo tudi letos spremljali različni dogodki, kot so razstava cvetja, vrtnarstva, vrtne opreme in vrtnarski sejem, kjer ljubitelji cvetja in vrtov vedno najdejo kaj zanimivega zase. The Volčji Potok Arboretum is not merely a collection of trees and shrubs for educational and research purposes. It is designed as a threshold for public purposes and serves as a popular meeting place and promenade for people of all ages. The wealth of various kinds of vegetation arranged into a park, invites crowds of visitors to enjoy the beautifully arranged landscape particularly in spring and summer. Šparga fest / Asparagus Festival Šparglji – gojeni ali divje rastoči, že od nekdaj zasedajo posebno mesto v kulinariki. Nekateri jim pripisujejo izjemne zdravilne lastnosti, nekateri v njih vidijo eminentno delikateso, zagotovo pa lahko špargljeva pojedina izpod rok izkušenega mojsta postane pravo kulinarično doživetje. Sezona špargljev se začne aprila, divjerastoče poganjke pa nabiralci po primorskih gozdovih iščejo že v marcu. For many, the real spring does not begin until the tulips at the Volčji Potok Arboretum bloom. In late April, more than two million tulips come into flower; or in other words, more than 250 different varieties growing on no less than 30 hectares of land. This year’s tulip exhibition is the twentieth in a row and, as every year, it also includes various side events, such as an exhibition of flowers, horticulture and gardening equipment, as well as a garden fair, where lovers of flowers always find something interesting. Konec aprila je kulturno, zabavno in kulinarično dogajanje v Kopru in okolici posvečeno špargljem. V organizaciji združenja Slow food Primorska poteka Šparga fest, prireditev, na kateri obiskovalci spoznavajo in okušajo vse, kar je iz špargljev mogoče okusnega ustvariti. Asparagus – farmed or wild-grown, has always held a special place in the culinary world. Some ascribe the asparagus exceptional healing properties, some consider it a great delicacy, but one thing is sure – the asparagus feast, prepared by the hand of an experienced master, can turn into a true culinary experience. The asparagus season starts in April, however, the wild-grown shoots are already picked by gatherers in the woods of the Primorska region in March. In late April at Koper and the surrounding area, the entertainment, cultural and culinary events are all held in praise of the asparagus. Asparagus Festival is organized by the Slow Food Association of the Primorska region. At the event visitors can get to know and taste all the delicacies which can be created from asparagus. RAZSTAVA TROPSKIH METULJEV EXHIBITION OF TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES Veliko število različnih vrst metuljev z več kontinentov navdušuje obiskovalce s svojimi pisanimi barvami in vsemogočimi oblikami. Razstava se prične, ko se metulji izležejo iz bub, predvidoma 15. maja, in traja do 31. avgusta. A large number of butterfly species from several continents amaze visitors with their gay colours and variety of shapes. The exhibition opens when the butterflies hatch from the pupae, presumably on 15th May, and it lasts until 31st August. ugist 2011 Maj / May - A . 2011 25. 4 - 30. 4 . 2011 1. 4. - 15. 6 Arboretum Volčji potok ni le zbirka dreves in grmov, namenjena izobraževanju in raziskovanju. Oblikovan je kot prak, namenjen javnosti in predstavlja priljubljeno shajališče in sprehajališče za vse generacije. Bogastvo vseh vrst rastlinja, urejenega v park, predvsem v pomladnih in poletnih mesecih vabi množice obiskovalcev, da uživajo v urejeni krajini. The area along the eastern edge of Ljubljana, where the plain slowly rises into a hilly landscape, is often referred to as the land of strawberries and blueberries in the summer and in autumn as the land of chestnuts. Through places between Javor and Janče, the Fruit Road winds from farm to farm, all of which offer visitors all kinds of delicacies produced in these charming villages. Strawberry Sundays are held every year on the second and third Sunday in June, promising strawberries, strawberry deserts, liqueurs and spirits, entertainment and games for children at the Strawberry Playground and on the Strawberry Glutton. Starting on 27th May, the festival runs for three consecutive weekends at various places in the Goriška Brda region, but the majority of events takes place at Šmartno and Dobrovo. Very popular among recreational cyclists is the Cherry Cycling Marathon, starting in Ljubljana and finishing at Dobrovo on 4th June. Those who love walking will come into their own on 12th June when the Cherry Walk through the hills of the Brda region takes place. 2011 Arhiv/Archive: Arboretum . 5. 6. in 12. 6 80 DINOMANIJA / DINOMANIA Po lanskoletnem velikem uspehu razstave dinozavrov se te pradavne pošasti znova vračajo v Arboretum. S seboj bodo pripeljali tudi ledenodobne velikane, ki jih bomo lahko na potovanju skozi čas po zelenicah arboretuma spoznavali, občudovali in se družili z njimi. After last year’s huge success of the dinosaur exhibition, the ancient creatures return to Volčji Potok Arboretum once again. This time they bring along the Ice Age giants, which visitors can discover, admire and associate with on a journey through time on the lawns of the arboretum. MESEC VRTNIC THE MONTH OF ROSES Mesec junij je v Arboretumu Volčji potok posvečen vrtnicam. Nasadi kar 200 sort vrtnic se takrat obiskovalcem pokažejo v vsej svoji barvitosti in raznolikosti. 9. 6. 2011 Voden ogled zgodovinskih vrtnic: obiskovalci bodo izvedeli vrsto zanimivosti o bogati zgodovini vrtnic. 16. 6. 2011 Rožni dan – Slovenski dan vrtnic: Družabna srečanja in razstave potekajo pozno v noč. Ob cvetočih rožnih grmih in soju bakel. The month of June is dedicated to roses at the Volčji Potok Arboretum. At that time visitors can enjoy no less than 200 varieties of roses in rose plantations that bloom in all their colours and diversity. 09.06.2011 Guided tour of historical roses: Visitors can learn interesting facts about the rich history of roses. 16.06.2011 Flower day – Slovenian day of roses: Social events and exhibitions are held late into the night surrounded by flowering rose bushes and torch light. 2011 Junij / June 82 83 dobrodelnost | charity Drevesca za dobrodelnost The Unesco has declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests. This year we should therefore be even more aware of how important forests and trees are for life on Earth. They are certainly aware of this at the oldest Slovenian Lions Club, the Lions Club Ljubljana, where they dedicated this year’s traditional Great Lions Charity Ball at the beginning of the year to trees. As thanks for the funds collected the children from Dolfka Boštjančič Centre for Training, Work and Care made 120 unique ceramic pots. The organizers of the charity event planted these with miniature trees, which were then offered at the charity sale. The visitors obviously welcomed the idea warmly as the trees were sold out quickly. In accordance with the basic rule of the humanitarian organization Lions International, the Lions Club Ljubljana fully distributed the 17,000 Euros raised through entrance fees, donations and charity sales amongst institutions and individuals with the aim of improving living conditions. Netopirji – skrivnostni sosedje Magic of the Solstice Night Kresna noč je trenutek, ko z najdaljšim dnem v letu narava dobi posebno moč. Je tudi čas, ko želijo ljudje s prižiganjem ognjev priklicati več svetlobe tudi v prihodnje. V slovenskem prostoru je imel velik pomen polbog Kresnik, v staroslovanski mitologiji sin ognjenega boga. Bil je dobro božanstvo z močjo svetlobe, toplote in ognja. Ni čudno torej, da si je Lions klub Ljubljana Iliria izbral prav kresno noč za obeležje svojega dobrodelnega delovanja. Vsakoletno prireditev Kresna noč namenjajo zbiranju sredstev za pomoč otrokom v Mali hiši – hiši zavetja. Družabni dogodek že tradiconalno poteka na čarobnem vrtu vile Podrožnik, letos pod pokroviteljstvom Njegove ekscelence gospoda dr. Istvána Szent-Iványija, veleposlanika Republike Madžarske v Sloveniji. Večer bo ovit v madžarsko razpoloženje, njeno zgodovino, kulturo in kulinariko. Tudi letos bodo člani kluba prevzeli celotno organizacijo dogodka in s tem poskrbeli za večjo vsoto dobrodelnih sredstev. Solstice Night, the longest day in a year is a time that brings forth special powers of nature. This is also the time when people’s desire is oriented towards bringing more light into the future. Throughout most of Slovenian history, the demigod Kresnik – the son of the sun god in old Slavic mythology – played an important role. He was a kind deity associated with the power of light, warmth and fire. It is therefore not surprising that the Lions Club Ljubljana Iliria chose the solstice night to engage in charitable activities. The purpose of the annual event, Solstice Night, is to raise funds to help children at the Mala hiša – the safe house. The social events now traditionally take place in the magic garden of the Villa Podrožnik and are held this year under the auspices of His Excellency Dr. István SzentIványi, Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary in Slovenia. The night shall be wrapped in the atmosphere of Hungary, its history, culture and culinary delights. The Lions Club members will once again be in charge of organizing the event and thus increasing the amount of charity funds. Lars Mislej Ales Fevzer 23. 6. 2011 3. 9. 2011 19. 3. / 5. 6. / Bats – Mysterious Neighbours Slovensko društvo za proučevanje in varstvo netopirjev v sodelovanju z ZOO Ljubljana pripravlja delavnice izdelovanja netopirnic, nadomestnih hišic za netopirje, ki jih bodo udeleženci lahko odnesli domov in jih obesili v bližini svojega doma. Netopirji si sicer izbirajo naravna zatočišča, kot so jame, drevesna dupla ali stene, neredko pa si za domovanje izberejo tudi dele človeških stavb. Delavnica je primerna za otroke nad 8 let, mlajšim pa pomagajo starši. O nenavadnih ponočnjakih bodo tudi oni izvedeli marsikatero zanimivost. The Slovenian Association for Bat Research and Conservation, in partnership with the Ljubljana Zoo, organizes workshops for making bat houses – alternative homes for bats, which the participants can take home and hang near their home. Bats tend to roost in natural shelters, such as caves, hollow trees or walls, but often they make a home for themselves in parts of human dwellings. The workshop is suitable for children aged 8 years or older, while younger children will need assistance from their parents. Also the parents will discover many interesting things about these unusual nocturnal creatures. Fotosafari Photo Safari Edinstveno dopoldansko doživetje v ZOO Ljubljana poteka z vodnico fotografinjo. Ker so živalska vedenja deloma napovedljiva, se lahko udeleženci dobro pripravijo na najboljše posnetke, obiščejo pa tudi nekatere dele vrta, kamor sicer obiskovalci ne morejo. Vsak udeleženec uporablja svoj fotoaparat, za dogodek, ki poteka običajno enkrat mesečno, pa je potrebna predhodna prijava, za zaključene skupine najmanj osmih ljudi pa je možnost tudi ob drugih terminih. A unique morning experience at the Ljubljana Zoo is guided by a woman photographer. As animal behaviour is partly predictable, the participants have a chance to prepare themselves before taking shots and they can also visit parts of the zoo where visitors normally cannot go. The event usually takes place once a month, the participants have to use their own cameras and are required to register beforehand. This opportunity is also offered at other times for groups of at least eight people. Tradicionalni naravoslovni dan Foto: Ales Fevžer in Lars Mislej Magija kresne noči Živalska srečanja Animal Meetings Arhiv/Archive: ZOO Ljubljana Trees for charity Žare Modic Leto 2011 je Unesco proglasil za mednarodno leto gozdov. To leto se torej še bolj kot sicer zavedamo pomena gozdov in dreves za življenje na Zemlji. Tega so se zavedali tudi v najstarejšem klubu Lions v Sloveniji, Lions klubu Ljubljana, ki so letošnji tradicionalni Veliki dobrodelni Lions ples v začetku leta posvetili drevesom. Varovanci Varstveno-delovnega centra Dolfke Boštjančič iz Ljubljane so v zahvalo za prejeta dobrodelna sredstva oblikovali 120 unikatnih keramičnih lončkov, v katera so organizatorji posadili miniaturna drevesca in jih ponudili na dobrodelni prodaji. Ideja je bila s strani obiskovalcev toplo sprejeta, saj so bila drevesca hitro razpordana. Klub je s pomočjo vstopnine, donatorjev in dobrodelno prodajo na prireditvi zbral 17.000 evrov sredstev in jih, kot zapoveduje osnovno pravilo dobrodelne organizacije Lions International, v celoti razdelil med ustanove in posameznike za izboljšanje življenjskih pogojev. 1 8.-29. 5. 201 14.-15. 5. / 2 S študenti biologije ZOO Ljubljana pripravlja šest postaj z informacijami o ogroženih zvereh: sibirskem tigru, rjavem medvedu, volku, beloglavem jastrebu, levu in leopardu ter pri malih uharicah. Dele kož teh živali bodo obiskovalci lahko pobožali, ogledali pa si bodo lahko tudi lobanje nekaterih zveri z zobovjem. Te dni bo v ZOO potekala tudi delavnica odpravljanja predsodkov do kač, pajkov in žuželk. Zaradi predsodkov je v naravi preganjanih in pobitih veliko živali. Kresna noč / at 21. 6. 2011 ob 21.00 Na dan poletnega solsticija, ko je sonce najvišje na nebu, ZOO Ljubljana vabi na sprehod v večernih urah po delu vrta, ki se nahaja v gozdu. Mogoče bo spoznati rastline, ki so po izročilu v jutru po kresni noči, ovite v roso, najbolj čarne (šentjanževke, kresnice, ivanjščice, različne praproti …),prisluhniti živalskim glasovom, ki odmevajo po gozdu, prepoznavati živalsko govorico in jo ustrezno tolmačiti – pa naj bo s praprotnim »semenom« v čevlju ali brez. Nočni sprehod ponuja ogled dejavnosti živali ponoči in skoraj neslišno in nevidno kukanje k nekaterim, medtem ko spijo. Traditional Natural Science Day In the International Year of Forests, Natural Science Day will once again be dedicated to forests, forest animals, and endangered hominoid apes, such as chimpanzees and gibbons. Together with biology students, the Ljubljana Zoo is setting up more information stops where the following endangered animals are accommodated: brown bear, wolf, lynx, deer, owls, chimpanzees and gibbons. The visitor will get the chance to touch parts of the skin of these animals, and also to take a look at the skulls with matching teeth. At the same time, the Ljubljana Zoo also organizes a workshop, aimed at eliminating prejudices against snakes, spiders and insects. Many animals chased away and killed in their natural environment due to this kind of prejudice. Summer Solstice Night On the day of the summer solstice, when the sun has reached its highest position in the sky, the Ljubljana Zoo invites to a walk in the evening hours through the part of the zoo located in the woods. Visitors can get to know the plants, which, according to tradition, are most magical in the morning after the summer solstice night while covered in dew (St. John’s herb, Goat’s beard, Daisy, various types of ferns…), they can listen for the animal voices, echoing through the woods and they can also try to identify animal language and interpret it accordingly – it does not matter whether it is with a fern ‘seed’ inside the shoe or without. The night walk offers visitors a chance to view animal activities at night and take a peek at those that sleep, as silent and almost invisible watcher. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine čestitke | congratulations Labod Zaki praznuje Swan Zaki Celebrates Labod Zaki, maskota družinskega hotela Savica na Bledu, konec aprila praznuje tretji rojstni dan. Za svoje prijatelje znova prireja velikansko rojstnodnevno zabavo. Zelenica ob hotelu Savica bo tudi tokrat konec aprila gostila mlade in malo manj mlade ljubitelje malega labodka. Na pomoč bodo Zakiju za zabavo prihiteli klovni, čarodeji, žonglerji in seveda, njegovi živalski prijatelji. Manjkala ne bo niti velika rojstnodnevna torta. Na praznovanje so vabljene vse zabave in druženja željne družine, tako tiste, ki so že kdaj bivale v hotelu Savica, kot tudi vsi, ki Zakija še niso imeli priložnosti spoznati. Swan Zaki, a mascot of the family hotel Savica in Bled, will celebrate its third birthday at the end of April. He will once again throw a huge birthday party for his friends. The lawn adjacent to the Hotel Savica will again host all the young and slightly less young fans of the little swan in late April. For entertainment, Zaki will team up with clowns, magicians, jugglers and, most certainly, his animal friends. A big birthday cake will be a must of course. All the families looking forward to fun and entertainment will be invited to the celebration. This includes those that have already stayed at the Hotel Savica and everybody that has not yet had the chance to meet Zaki. 28. 4. 2011 Arhiv/Archive: Sava Hotels & Resorts 84 VODNI PARKI, KI VAS NAVDUŠIJO Water parks that excite you Začelo se je 25. maja 2001, ko je 3.128 fantov in deklet v središču Ljubljane zaplesalo četvorko – tradicionalni ples maturantov. Četvorka je za ljubljanske gimnazijce tako prerasla iz osebnega doživetja v pravi množični dogodek. Organizatorji v Plesni šoli Urška si takat še niso domišljali, da bodo z izjemnim dogodkom poželi toliko navdušenja. V desetih vsakoletnih izvedbah so že šestkrat osvojili Guinnessov rekord za največjo četvorko na eni lokaciji. In še več – pridružujejo se jim maturantje iz vseh mest in držav. Lanskega 21. maja se je iz Ljubljane, rojstnega mesta Maturantske parade, prek satelitskega prenosa Radia Slovenija oglasila Straussova glasba in povezala v sinhroni ples 26.064 plesalk in plesalcev v 59 mestih Srbije, Romunije, Bolgarije, Albanije, Makedonije, Črne gore, Bosne in Hercegovine, Hrvaške in Slovenije in ponovno priplesala nov Guinnessov rekord. more still – secondary school graduates from other cities and countries are joining in. On 21st May last year in Ljubljana, the hometown of quadrille parade, the Strauss music transmitted by Satellite Radio Slovenia played in 59 cities of Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia, and joined 26,064 dancers into a synchronised dance which culminated in a new Guinness record. The motto of last year’s largest mass quadrille in the world was a clear and decisive NO to alcohol and prohibited drugs. This year, on Friday 20th May 2011, at noon sharp Central European Time we will be able to witness a new venture and unforgettable joy, combining both the promotion of dance and experience of young graduates. Dunja Wedam, 10 let svetovnih rekordov s četvorko 10 Years of World Records in Quadrille Dance 20. 5. 2011 Moto lanske najbolj množične četvorke na svetu je jasen in odločen NE alkoholu in prepovedanim drogam. Tudi letos bomo lahko v petek, 20. maja 2011, točno opoldne po srednjeevropskem času priča novemu podvigu in nepozabnemu veselju, ki združuje tako promocijo plesa kot doživetje mladih maturantov. It all began on 25th May 2001, when 3,128 boys and girls danced a quadrille – a traditional dance of secondary school graduates – in the city centre of Ljubljana. Quadrille is no longer just a personal experience but a real mass event for the gymnasium scholars of Ljubljana. Back then, the organizers at the Dance School Urška never imagined that the event would create so much excitement. The annual quadrille parade has set six Guinness records for the largest simultaneous quadrille dance in ten consecutive years. And Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine Sava Turizem – TMC, podjetje za upravljanje dejavnosti Turizem, d.o.o., Škofjeloška c. 6, 4000 Kranj, [email protected] 86 87 festivali | festivals DRUGA GODBA DRUGA GODBA FESTIVAL 011 7. - 14. 5. 2 Ljubljana, 29. 4. 2011 PREŠERNA ANA / MERRY ANA) Ljubljana Prešerna Ana je konceptualno specifičen festival/dogodek v okviru Letnega kroga Gledališča Ane Monro. Gre za razširitev Anine Plesne noči, ki je v letu 2008 in 2009 potekala v okviru mednarodnega festivala uličnega gledališča Ana Desetnica. Tema Prešerne Ane je ples/gib na ulici, v javnem prostoru. V ta namen bo tudi v letu 2011, natančneje 29. aprila (na svetovni dan plesa), v Ljubljani Gledališče Ane Monro združilo moči s številnimi slovenskimi plesnimi ustanovami, društvi in zavodi ter svobodnimi umetniki, ki v ospredje svojega izražanja postavljajo gib. Festivali – ogledalo dežele Festivals – Country Mirror Festival bo potekal že peto leto zapored, obljublja pa spektakularen mednarodni dogodek, ki bo vključeval nekatere najboljše učitelje swinga, štiri noči čudovitih zabav z živo glasbo, mednarodne DJ, tekmovanje Jack’n’Jill, tradicionalni lov Zelene Vile pri Zelenem Zajcu … in še več. The festival, taking place for the fifth consecutive year, promises to be a spectacular international event featuring some of the best teachers of swing, four nights of lavish live musical entertainment, international DJs, Jack’n Jill contest, traditional Green Fairy hunting at the Green Rabbit...and much more. 2011 17. - 20. 3. [email protected]. SOF, Portorož Osrednji letni dogodek slovenske medijske in oglaševalske stroke bo, kakor že vrsto let zapored, potekal v hotelu Bernardin v Portorožu, v treh festivalskih dneh pa se bodo zvrstila številna predavanja, delavnice in zanimiva srečanja. The key annual event of the Slovenian media and advertising industry, is held, just like in the past consecutive years, at the Hotel Bernardin in Portorož. The festival hosts numerous lectures, workshops and interesting meetings over three days. . 2011 30. 3. - 1. 4 The 27th International Druga Godba Festival arrives in a new, more enticing form, and it now offers concerts from March all the way into the late autumn of 2011. The Druga Godba Festival, established in 1984 as an alternative to other festivals of that time and featuring radical or ‘different’ musical practices, was initially focused on alternative rock, “rock in opposition”, contemporary jazz and experimental music, and re-establishing the Slovenian traditional music. In the 90-ies, the focus of the festival programme shifted more to the field of ethno music. Besides its regular programme, the Druga Godba Festival offers a series of side events: street entertainment and concerts, music workshops, events for children, exhibitions, film screenings, lectures. OTROŠKI FESTIVAL GLEDALIŠKIH SANJ CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL OF THEATRE DREAMS Ljubljana TEDEN MLADIH / YOUTH WEEK Otroški festival postaja iz leta v leto gledališko bogatejši, obsežnejši in jezikovno bolj raznolik zahvaljujoč vsem dramskim skupinam in njihovim mentorjem, ki na šolah vzpodbujajo odrsko umetnost , kot seveda organizatorju (Pionirski dom), ki od leta 2003 na odru Slovenskega mladinskega gledališča ponuja priložnost mladim gledališčnikom. V osmih letih je dogodek zrasel v sedemdnevni vseslovenski in mednarodni festival – predstavlja priložnost za vrtce in osnovne šole, da si brezplačno ogledajo gledališke uprizoritve, mladi pa igrajo pred zares številno publiko. Kot vsak pravi festival tudi ta prinaša prestižne nagrade, poimenovane sanjke. Kranj 2011 13. - 21. 5. Teden mladih v organizaciji Kluba študentov Kranj se je od leta 1995 do danes razvil v največji slovenski mladinski festival. Številne športne, mladinske, kulturne, glasbene, izobraževalne, otroške in mednarodne vsebine tvorijo barvit kalejdoskop aktivnega dogajanja, ki v gorenjsko prestolnico privabi na tisoče mladih. Since its inception in 1995, Youth Week, organized by the Kranj Student Club, has evolved into the largest Slovenian youth festival. Numerous sporting, youth, cultural, musical, educational, children’s and international contents create a colourful kaleidoscope of events, that draw thousands of young people to the capital of Carniola. From year to year, Children’s Festival of Theatre Dreams grows richer in terms of theatre shows and more diverse in terms of languages. And the thanks for this goes to drama theatre groups and their mentors, who encourage stage art in schools, and to the festival organizers at the Pionirski dom (children’s cultural centre), which has been offering a chance to young theatre actors to present themselves on a stage of the Mladinsko Theatre since 2003. In eight years, the event has grown into a seven-day all-Slovenian and international festival. It represents a chance for children from kindergartens and primary schools to view the theatre shows free of charge, and for the young to perform in front of a truly wide audience. As any real festival, it also presents prestige awards called ‘’Dreamings’’ (‘’Sanjke’’). Prešerna Ana (Merry Ana) is a conceptually specific festival/event within the Annual Cycle of the Ana Monro Theatre Festivals. It is an extension of Ana’s Dance Night, which took place within the Ana Desetnica International Festival of Street Theatre in 2008 and 2009. The topic of Prešerna Ana is dance/movement on the street, in public places. In 2011, or to be more precise on 29th April (on World Dance Day), the Ana Monro Theatre joins forces again with numerous Slovenian dance foundations, associations, institutes and independent artists whose principal means of expression is movement for this purpose. Festival Druga godba, ki je nastal leta 1984 kot alternativa tedaj obstoječim festivalom z vključevanjem radikalnejših ali “drugačnih” glasbenih praks, je bil v začetku usmerjen v alternativni rock, “rock in oposition”, sodobni jazz in eksperimentalno godbo ter ponovno odkrivanje slovenske ljudske glasbe. V 90. letih se je težišče programa premaknilo predvsem na področje etno godb. Ob svojem osnovnem programu DG ponuja vrsto vzporednih prireditev: poulične animacije in koncerte, glasbene delavnice, prireditve za otroke, razstave, filmske predstave, predavanja. 011 4. - 15. 4. 2 Samo Bešlagič SWEETSWING FESTIVAL, Ljubljana From laughter, fun and games to beer, wine, flowers, food and everything from rock, jazz and chamber music – festival events in Slovenia feature all of this. When the sun awakens, festival events are at their peak – lively beat returns to cities and everybody wants to be out in nature. Festivals have become theme events of all sorts, but they all pursue one goal: to break the routine of everyday life, to capture attention and to help establish local identity. With such a choice of festivals, everyone is sure to find one that fits their liking. Here we present a selection of events, that are held at the start of a real summer, arranged in chronological order: Bojan Okorn Od smeha, zabave, igre, piva, vina, cvetja, hrane, pa vse od rock, jazz in komorne glasbe – vse to spada v festivalsko dogajanje v Sloveniji. V času, ko se sonce prebudi, se seveda tudi v festivalskem smislu dogaja največ – mesta pospešijo utrip, narava vleče k sebi. Festivali so postali tematska dogajanja vseh vrst, prav vsi imajo en sam cilj: potegniti nas iz vsakdanjika, pritegniti pozornost in sooblikovati identiteto kraja. V množici najrazličnejših festivalov bo zagotovo vsak našel kakšnega, ki bo krojen po njegovem okusu. Predstavljamo izbor dogajanj s pravega začetka poletja, ki je urejen po časovnem zaporedju. 27. mednarodni festival Druga godba prihaja v prenovljeni, atraktivnejši podobi, saj bo drugogodbena koncertna ponudba prisotna od marca pa vse tja v pozno jesen 2011. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 88 89 festivali | festivals FESTIVAL LJUBLJANA Ljubljana Arhiv/Archive LTO Bohinj Jaka Vinšek . 2011 21. 5. - 4. 6 2011 17. - 19. 6. The international festival at Idrija, which features events of ethnic, economic, cultural, educational, and entertainment nature, has been a friendly and informative introduction to summer days for the past thirty years. This year, the Festival of Idrija Lace is here to impress once again. This is demonstrated by the events at various locations at Idrija: a fashion spectacle showcasing the creations of Slovenian designers, bobbin lace making workshops for the youngest and the less young, lace exhibitions, displaying innovative ways of using the Idrija lace and, of course, the national competition of bobbin lacemaking. The events are coupled with entertainment programs, providing music and culinary delights. Flowers are associated with great knowledge, stories, old wisdoms, scientific discoveries, they inspire us to be creative and make our life more beautiful. But floral wealth needs our care and protection for it to be preserved for the future. The festival at Bohinj is organised precisely for this purpose. It brings a series of festival events based on floral topics which range from art exhibitions to musical evenings, workshops and presentations, from photography courses to culinary delights, from learning about beekeeping to fine arts courses. The natural surroundings of Bohinj and the mountain behind it nicely round off the flower experience. FESTIVAL SEVIQC Tomo Jeseničnik Letos že trideseta mednarodna etnološka, gospodarska, kulturna, izobraževalna in zabavna prireditev v Idriji je prijazen in poučen uvod v poletne dni. Idrijska čipka vedno znova navdušuje. To dokazujejo festivalski dogodki na različnih lokacijah v Idriji: modni spektakel s kreacijami slovenskih oblikovalcev, delavnice klekljanja za najmlajše in manj mlade, razstava čipk, ki prikazuje vedno nove načine uporabe idrijske čipke, ter seveda državno tekmovanje v klekljanju. Dogajanje bo spremljal zabavni program ob glasbi in kulinaričnih dobrotah. S cvetjem je povezanega veliko znanja, zgodb, starih modrosti, znanstvenih odkritij, navdihuje nas k ustvarjalnosti in lepša življenje. Cvetlično bogastvo pa potrebuje našo skrb in varstvo, da bi ga lahko ohranili tudi za prihodnost. Vsemu temu so namenjeni festivalski dnevi v Bohinju, kjer se bo zvrstila cela kopica prireditev, povezanih s cvetličnimi temami – od likovnih razstav do glasbenih večerov, delavnic in predstavitev, od tečajev fotografije do kulinarike, od spoznavanja čebelarstva do likovnih tečajev. Naravna okolica Bohinja in gora nad njim pa seveda zaokrožuje doživljanje cvetja. At the end of June and the beginning of July, about thirty festival venues will provide mega entertainment – as befits the Festival Lent. Expect an array of concerts of classical, jazz, popular and ethno music, evenings with singer-songwriters and chansons, theatre and dance performances, concerts, drama theatre and puppet shows, and creative workshops for children, sports events… The International Folklore Festival Folkart, the Festival Jazzlent and the Street Theatre Festival will also take place within Festival Lent. And for the 18th time in a row, we invite to: »Start the summer at Lent!«. For the 59th year now the Ljubljana Festival, under the leadership of Darko Brlek, the General Manager and Artistic Director of the Ljubljana Festival and President of the European Association of Festivals, brings culturally dynamic summer events to Ljubljana. This is the largest festival in Slovenia, offering visitors entertainment in the form of opera, ballet and theatre shows, symphonic and chamber music concerts and musicals, all performed by top domestic and international artists. The Ljubljana Festival continues and builds up the tradition and fine reputation earned in the previous years. In 2011, all the art and culture lovers will once again come into their own. The festival programme will be available from 13th April. . 2011 29. 6. - 4. 9 The festival is regarded as one of the most prominent cultural events in Slovenia, while abroad it has gained the reputation of an excellent and highly valued event. It is a recognition of artists, producers, professional critics, business world and music lovers and attracts visitors of all ages, beliefs and opinions, since it offers a chance for spiritual relaxation, music enjoyment and understanding of cultural heritage. Brežice Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine Na približno tridesetih festivalskih prizoriščih bo konec junija in v začetku julija slišati in videti mnogo – kot se za Lent spodobi. Koncerti klasične, jazz, popularne in etno glasbe, kantavtorski večeri in večeri šansonov, gledališke in plesne predstave, koncerti, dramske in lutkovne predstave ter kreativne delavnice za otroke, športne prireditve ... V okviru festivala Lent bomo lahko tudi letos spremljali mednarodni folklorni festival Folkart, festival Jazzlent in festival uličnega gledališča. Že osemnajstič velja: »Pričnite poletje na Lentu!« Jani Peternelj, www.slovenia.inof Idrija Bohinj Arhiv/Archive Festival Ljubljana Arhiv/Archive Narodni dom Maribor S. Rožman, The acronym Semper Viva Quam Creata (“Always live as created”) sums up the business, program and artistic philosophy of the programme. With authentic performance techniques, the festival presents early music performed by top musicians from around the world in the atmosphere of selected Slovenian cultural monuments. Maribor 30. FESTIVAL IDRIJSKE ČIPKE 30TH FESTIVAL OF IDRIJA LACE FESTIVAL ALPSKEGA CVETJA WILD FLOWER FESTIVAL Kratica Semper Viva Quam Creata (vedno živa kakor ustvarjena) povzema vso poslovno, programsko in umetniško filozofijo programa. Gre za festival, ki na avtentičen izvajalski način predstavlja staro glasbo z vrhunskimi umetniki vsega sveta v ambientih izbranih kulturnih spomenikov Slovenije. Festival se uvršča med najpomembnejše kulturne dogodke Slovenije, v svetu pa si je ustvaril status odlične in visoko cenjene prireditve ter požel priznanja umetnikov, producentov, strokovne kritike, poslovnega sveta ter ljubiteljev glasbe, privablja pa obiskovalce vseh generacij, nazorov in mišljenj, saj jim nudi duhovno sprostitev, glasbeni užitek in spoznavanje kulturne dediščine. FESTIVAL LENT . 2011 24. 6. - 9. 7 Festival Ljubljana pod vodstvom Darka Brleka, direktorja in umetniškega vodje Festivala Ljubljana in predsednika Evropskega združenja festivalov, bo letos že 59. poskrbel za kulturno razgibano poletje v Ljubljani. Gre za največji festival v Sloveniji, ki obiskovalcem ponuja užitke ob ogledu opernih, baletnih in gledaliških predstav, simfoničnih in komornih koncertov ter muzikalov v izvedbi vrhunskih domačih in tujih umetnikov. Festival Ljubljana tradicijo in dobro ime, ki si ga je ustvaril v preteklih letih, razvija in izpopolnjuje. Tudi v letu 2011 bo v času festivala poskrbljeno za vse ljubitelje umetnosti in kulture. Program letošnjega festivala bo razkrit 13. aprila. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine festivali | festivals priporočamo | we reccomend SEMenj / The SEMenj Fair Arhiv/Archive: SEM Bojan Okorn Ljubljana FESTIVAL DOKUMENTARNEGA FILMA DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL ANA DESETNICA Ljubljana Ljubljana Najbolj prepoznavna med prireditvami znotraj Letnega kroga Gledališča Ane Monro je Ana Desetnica, mednarodni festival uličnega gledališča, ki vsako leto poteka v Ljubljani, Mariboru, Kamniku, Šoštanju, Celju … in k ogledu nastopov uličnih umetnikov z vsega sveta pritegne množice gledalcev. Samo v Ljubljani združi okrog 30.000 obiskovalcev, skupaj z drugimi mesti pa še enkrat toliko. Štirje festivalski dnevi na različnih prizoriščih po središču mesta in njegovem obrobju ponujajo pester izbor domače in tuje ulične produkcije. www. Slovenski etnografski muzej v Ljubljani vsako zadnjo nedeljo v mesecu odpre svoja vrata, tako da si lahko brezplačno ogledamo zbirke. Na prenovljeni ploščadi pred muzejem takrat poteka tudi mesečni sejem imenovan SEMenj, na katerem slovenski rokodelski mojstri predstavljajo svoje delo obiskovalcem. Naprodaj so tudi vrhunski rokodelski izdelki. 2011 23. - 30. 3. FESTIVAL GORNIŠKEGA FILMA MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL Ljubljana The most well-known event of the Annual Cycle of the Ana Monro Theatre is the Ana Desetnica International Festival of Street Theatre, that takes place every year in Ljubljana, Maribor, Kamnik, Šoštanj, Celje, … and attracts crowds of spectators hungry for performances by street artists from around the world. In Ljubljana alone, the festival draws around 30,000 visitors, and twice as many in combination with the other towns. In four days, the festival offers a wide range of performances of domestic and international street theatre productions at various venues in the centre of town and its outskirts. 2011 10. - 14. 4. The Slovenian Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana provides free admission to view the collection every last Sunday in a month. At the same time, the renovated platform in front of the museum is occupied by a monthly fair, called the SEMenj Fair, where Slovenian craftsmen present their work to visitors. High-quality handicraft products can also be purchased. www. JAZZ CERKNO / JAZZ CERKNO FESTIVAL 2011 19. - 21. 5. JAZZ FESTIVAL Ljubljana . 2011 29. 6. - 2. 7 91 prvaka. Na sloviti planiški skakalnici je dosedaj padlo že 67 uradnih svetovnih rekordov. Trenutni svetovni rekord 239 m Norvežana Bjørna Einarja Romørena je star 6 let. Je letos čas za novega? Vse leto / All Year Arhiv/Archive: Planica 90 BLED CASTLE In the valley below Ponce, the highlight of the final ski jumping World Cup event are the Sunday ski jumps on a sky-flying hill, known as ‘the Giant’ (Velikanka). The world top ski jumpers compete for the World Champion title. No less than 67 world records have been formally recorded at this famous sky-flying hill. The current ski jumping world record of 239 metres was set by the Norwegian Bjørn Einar Romøren 6 years ago. Has the time come to beat this record? COLLECTA 25.–27. 3. 2011 Ljubljana VAYA CON DIOS 12. 3. 2011 Ljubljana Novo mesto 11 1. - 3. 7. 20 The band from Belgium, with impressing top hits from the 80’ies and 90’ies, such as What’s a woman, Don’t Cry For Louie, Nah Neh Nah and Puerto Rico, will perform again in Ljubljana at the Tivoli Hall this spring. SMUČARSKI POLETI V PLANICI SUMMER SKI JUMPS AT PLANICA Gašper Gobec . 2011 30. 6. - 3. 7 Oto Žan 17.–20. 3. 2011 Planica Vrhunec finalnega tekmovanja za svetovni pokal v smučarskih skokih v dolini pod Poncami predstavljajo nedeljski poleti na velikanki. Najboljši skakalci na svetu se pomerijo med seboj za naslov svetovnega Belgijska skupina, ki nas je v 80. in 90. letih navduševala s hiti, kot so What’s a woman, Don’t Cry For Louie, Nah Neh Nah in Puerto Rico, spomladi ponovno prihaja v Ljubljano, v halo Tivoli. ROCK OTOČEC / ROCK OTOČEC FESTIVAL Mednarodni zbirateljski sejem Collecta na Gospodarskem razstavišču v Ljubljani predstavlja zbirališče za filateliste, numizmatike, kartofile, zbiratelje fosilov in kamnin, raznoraznih kartic, antikvitet, militarij in drugih vsemogočih malih zbirk iz vse Evrope. Obiskovalci bodo lahko kupovali ali le občudovali zbirateljske predmeta iz vsega sveta. Collecta – Ljubljana International Collector’s Fair, held at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, represents a meeting Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine Krivulje_Oglas_Revija_Salon_popravek.indd 1 14.6.2010 18:31:38 93 priporočamo | we reccomend M. Tančič SVETOVNI VRH KNJIGE BOOK WORLD SUMMIT 31. 3.–1. 4. 2011 Ljubljana Celoletno dogajanje v okviru Unescovega projekta Prestolnica knjige se spomladi v Ljubljani zaključuje. Ljubljana, prestolnica knjige, bo marca gostila svetovni kongres, katerega osrednja tematika bo Knjiga kot nosilka razvoja človeštva. Srečali se bodo strokovnjaki, ki igrajo ključno vlogo na svetovnem knjižnem področju. Posvečali se bodo tudi temam, kot so elektronske knjige, digitalizacija, pomen prevajanja ... The year-round events of the UNESCO project the World Book Capital Ljubljana will come to completion in spring. Ljubljana – the World Book Capital will host the world congress in March with a central theme ‘’Book: the Bearer of Human Development’’. Experts who play a key role in the global literary field meet at the event. The main topics include electronic books, digitization, the importance of translation… Art market is held every Saturday at the banks of the Ljubljanica between the Cobblers’ Bridge and the Triple Bridge. A group of sculptors, ceramicists and designers of other disciplines present and create their artwork: this ranges from jewellery, ceramics, textile and various decorative objects, aimed at all lovers of beauty and uniqueness. V rastlinjaku v ljubljanskem parku Tivoli bo poleg številnih pisanih tropskih lepotic na ogled tudi orhideja Ljubljana, ki so jo s križanjem različnih vrst vzgojili v nizozemsko-nemškem podjetju Anthura Arndt, ki je večino svojih rastlinskih križancev poimenovalo po različnih svetovnih mestih. Anthura Ljubljana je plod vsaj sedmih generacij križanja, kar pomeni, da ima za seboj približno 50-letno zgodovino. A popular promenade in the Tivoli Park hosts a summer exhibition of artworks from the renowned Slovenian photographer, Žiga Koritnik, titled »Jazz in the Park: The Cloud Arrangers«. The exhibition will display over 120 photos of Slovenian musicians and world-famous celebrities from the world of jazz music, taken at many concerts at home and around the world. The Greenhouse at Tivoli Park Ljubljana, in addition to numerous tropical beauties, also features the Ljubljana orchid, a hybrid cultivated by crossing different species. It is a product from the Dutch-German company Anthura Arndt, that names most of its hybrid plants after different cities around the world. Anthura Ljubljana is a result of seven generations of cross-breeding, which means that it has approximately a 50-year history. 10. 5. 2011 LA VIE EN ROSE Ljubljana Arhiv/Archive: Cafe teater place for philatelists, numismatists, collectors of maps, fossils and rocks, cards of all types, antiquities, military objects and all kinds of other small collectables from different European countries. Visitors will be able to purchase or just admire the collectable items from all around the world. Arhiv/Archive: Turizem Ljubljana UREJEVALCI OBLAKOV CLOUD ARRANGERS 5. 5.–30. 7. 2011 INTERNAUTICA Ljubljana 10.–15. 5. 2011 Portorož Na 11.mednarodnem večeru šansonov v Cankarjevem domu v Ljubljani se bodo zvrstili najboljši slovenski glasbeniki in glasbenice ter gostje iz tujine. 16. mednarodna razstava navtike v Marini Portorož bo tudi letos postregla z vrsto zanimivih dogodkov, regat in predavanj. Razstavljali bodo vsi pomembnejši razstavljalci navtične industrije iz Slovenije in blagovne znamke iz tujine. The 11th International Evening of Chansons hosts the biggest names of Slovenian chanson and guests from abroad at the Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana. This year, the 16th international nautical exhibition at the Marina Portorož once again includes an array of interesting events, yachting regattas and lectures. It features the exhibits of prominent Slovenian companies from the nautical industry and trademarks from abroad. MEDNARODNI DNEVI MINERALOV IN FOSILOV INTERNATIONAL DAYS OF MINERALS, FOSSILS AND ENVIRONMENT 14. 5.–15. 5. 2011 Tržič MEDNARODNA RAZSTAVA ORHIDEJ INTERNATIONAL ORCHID EXHIBITION 20.–25. 4. 2011 Ljubljana UMETNIŠKA TRŽNICA / ART MARKET Maj-oktober / May-October Ljubljana Na obrežju Ljubljanice v starem mestnem jedru Ljubljane med Čevljarskim mostom in Tromostovjem vsako soboto poteka umetniška tržnica. Množica kiparjev, keramikov, oblikovalcev različnih profilov predstavlja in tudi ustvarja svoje izdelke: od nakita, lesenih izdelkov, keramike, do tekstila in raznih dekorativnih predmetov za vse, ki ljubijo lepo in posebno. Priljubljeno sprehajališče v parku Tivoli poleti gosti razstavo priznanega slovenskega fotografa Žige Koritnika Jazz in the Park: The Cloud Arrangers. Razstava bo prikazala čez 120 fotografij slovenskih glasbenikov in svetovno znanih zvezd iz sveta jazzovske glasbe, ustvarjenih na številnih koncertih doma in na široko po svetu. Žiga Koritnik ˝Miloš Mokotar 92 Na vsakoletni razstavi v Tržiču lahko pokukamo v dogajanja izginulih svetov in spoznavamo zaklade iz geološke zgodovine Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 94 95 priporočamo | we reccomend naše Zemlje. Razstavljalci prihajajo iz držav EU, držav nekdanje Jugoslavije, Pakistana, Indije, Maroka in Avstralije. Stojnice so prava paša za oči, ponudba naravnih in obdelanih mineralov iz vsega sveta pa je zelo pestra in kakovostna. Hoteli / Hotels KNJIŽNICA POD KROŠNJAMI V LJUBLJANI LIBRARY UNDER THE TREE TOPS IN LJUBLJANA n the summer weekends, the trees of the Tivoli Park, Trnovo Pier, Tabor Park, Botanic Garden, Ljubljana Castle, Breg Promenade and the Paediatric Clinic Playground offer their shade so one can read, browse through and enjoy the selected books. Flaynet/JLP You can visit a concert of this legendary English singer in Izola at the City Stadium. B.O.FEJST 9. 7.–10. 7. 2011 Ribčev Laz, Bohinj Junij–avgust 2011 / June-August 2011 18. 6. 2011 T: 01/587-44-11 F: 01/528-24-74 ǁǁǁ͘ƐĞƚ͘ƐŝͻരŝŶĨŽΛƐĞƚ͘Ɛŝ ^dരʹരPodjetje za usposabljanje invalidov, d.o.o., Vevška c. 52, 1260 Ljubljana–Polje Vsako leto se vrata slovenskih kulturnih ustanov za en dan odprejo od jutra do pozne noči. Obiskovalci si lahko brez plačila vstopn˝ine ogledajo zaklade muzejev, galerij, se udeležijo delavnic, predavanj, literarnih večerov, koncertov ... Priporočila Reccomendations SPA in ordinacije SPA and health centres www. www. PoslovnI in dobrodelni KLUBI Business and charity clubs Mitja Sodja Slovenija / Slovenia Organizatorji otroške zabavne in dobrodelne pireditve v Ribčevem Lazu v Bohinju prijazno vabijo na enodnevni izlet ali kratek konec tedna v bohinjske kraje na festival B.O.FEJST, kjer se imajo vsi »fejst«, torej lepo. The organizers of entertainment and charity events for children which take place at the Ribčev Laz in the Bohinj valley, invite to a day trip or short weekend in the Bohinj area, where you can visit the B.O.FEJST Festival and everybody will have a ‘fejst’ (great) time. One day every year, the Slovenian cultural institutions are open from early in the morning until late at night. Without having to pay the entrance fee, visitors can view the treasures of museums and galleries, they can attend workshops, lectures, readings, concerts… Razvajam. ELTON JOHN & BAND 2. 7. 2011 Izola Koncert legendarnega angleškega pevca si bomo lahko ogledali v Izoli, na Mestnem stadionu. Mitja Sodja Za branje, listanje in uživanje ob izbranem knjižnem gradivu ob poletnih koncih tedna odstopijo svojo senco drevesa v parku Tivoli, v Trnovskem pristanu, v parku Tabor, v Botaničnem vrtu, na Ljubljanskem gradu, na sprehajališču na Bregu in na igrišču ljubljanske pediatrične klinike. POLETNA MUZEJSKA NOČ SUMMER MUSEUM NIGHT Arhiv/Archive: Salon Slovenija Ljubljana MARINŠEK & MARINŠEK The annual exhibition at Tržič offers a chance to take a glimpse into the events of long-gone worlds and to discover the geological treasures of Earth’s past. The exhibitors come from EU countries, countries of former Yugoslavia, Pakistan, India, Morocco and Australia. The stalls offer a real visual luxury, while the natural and processed minerals from all over the world are truly diverse and of high-quality. Turistične informacije Tourist information Tel 03 896 31 00 | Fax 03 896 34 00 [email protected] Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine 9696 pogled naprej | looking ahead Tadeja Jere Lazanski, English lecture by Terry Troy Jackson Neva Volarič PREDANOST THE DEVOTION doc. dr. Tadeja Jere Lazanski Tadeja Jere Lazanski je docentka in prodekanka za mednarodne odnose na UP FTŠ – TURISTICI. Njena raziskovalna področja so teorija sistemov, sistemsko mišljenje in modeliranje. Je avtorica knjig Gostoljubnost v turizmu ter Sistemski pristop in modeliranje kot metodi za strateško odločanje v turizmu ter številnih znanstvenih člankov. Poleg rednega raziskovalnega in pedagoškega dela se ukvarja še s preučevanjem in poučevanjem psihologije barv, ki jo raziskuje prek dosežkov klasikov ter sodobnega barvnega sistema Colourmirrors. Redno predava na Univerzah na Švedskem in Hrvaškem. Assist. Prof. Tadeja Jere Lazanski Tadeja Jere Lazanski is assistant professor and Vice Dean at UP FTŠ -TURISTICA. Her field of research covers systems theory, systems thinking and modelling. She is the author of books Hospitality in Tourism and Systems Approach and Qualitative Modelling for Strategic Decisionmaking in Tourism. She publishes in several scientific magazines. Along her basic educational and scientific work she also researches and teaches psychology of colours, which has a base in classical writings but also in modern colour system Colourmirrors. She regularly teaches at universities in Sweden and Croatia. Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine Občutek, ko človek s svojim delom in ustvarjanjem ustavi čas, ne da bi pri tem razmišljal o času, da čas sploh obstaja, imenujem predanost. Predanost ustvarjanju vsakega trenutka, ne glede na to, kaj počnemo. Ustvarjanju medsebojnih povezav posameznikov, skupin, narodov, ki rojevajo smeh, veselje, svobodo in soustvarjanje. Predanost je brezpogojna, pa vendar ni nasilna. Je del čutenja posameznika, ki sledi svojemu notranjemu glasu, ki ga vodi v stanje harmonije in miru. Človek je lahko predan mišljenju, s katerim lahko vedno znova ustvarja lastno notranjo harmonijo, ki žari navzven. To je ena tistih predanosti, ki se ujema z občutkom nevezanosti nanjo in razmišljanjem o transformaciji zavesti, ki vodi do poznavanja »velike slike«. Predstavlja zavedanje posameznika, da je del velike celote, povezan z vso civilizacijo in z vsakim posameznikom, da lahko soustvarja. Pogled, ki napeljuje na iskanje nečesa večjega od tistega, kar zaznava oko. To je pogled z »vrha«, ki prikaže »veliko sliko« razumevanja medsebojnih povezav. Opredeljuje sistemsko mišljenje in svet z vsemi svojimi živimi in neživimi organizmi. Posameznik je pomemben, a še bolj pomembno je to, da se ta isti posameznik zaveda, da je le del velike družine, imenovane narod, civilizacija, človeštvo. Ko se začne zavedati, da je del civilizacijskega razvoja, ki v sodelovanju in soustvarjanju z drugimi ljudmi hodi po naravni poti evolucije zavesti in s tem sebi in svetu prinaša nov vidik sebe in sveta, to je vidik svobode, lepote, predanosti, zaupanja in harmonije. Z razumevanjem sebe in sveta okoli sebe postane nevezan na zunanje okolje, hkrati pa nehote vpliva na okolje s tem, ko s svojim osebnim mirom umirja nemirne strasti okolja. Predan misli povezovanja in soustvarjanja z okoljem posameznik v timu dosega optimalne rezultate zase in za človeštvo. S predanostjo je sodelovanje oplemenitil z mislijo soustvarjanja močnih timov za skupno prihodnost, ki je že tu. The feeling of stopping time, when we are in the middle of creative action, without an awareness what time it is, I call devotion. A devotion to the creativity of each and every moment, regardless of what we do or think. It is a creation of interdependent connections of individuals, groups and nations, which give birth to joy, laughter, freedom and co-creation. Devotion is unconditional and not aggressive. It is a part of the individual who follows his inner voice and creates his own inner harmony, which shines outwardly. It is the devotion that fits to the feeling of its detachment and thinking of transformation of consciousness, which leads to knowing “the big picture”. This represents a person’s awareness of being a part of a whole, a part of a planet interconnected with other people in a mutual cocreation process. The big picture is actually a “view from the space”, which clearly shows the interconnections among all elements of our planet. It explains a systems thinking and the world with all its living and non-living organisms. It is important that every single person has an awareness of being a part of a huge family called nation, civilization, humanity. With this awareness, man follows a natural path of evolution and his views of freedom, beauty, harmony, confidence and devotion rise. With self- and world-understanding, he becomes detached from the external world, yet he positively influences it with his inner peace. Devoted to the thoughts of connectivity and co-creativity, an individual in a team achieves optimal results for himself and for mankind. With this devotion, he enriches co-operation with higher thoughts of co-creation of strong teams for a future that is already here. WELLNESS, KI VAS POŽIVLJA Spas that invigorate you HOW TO GET HERE? Leave the north-east part of the Ljubljana Ring Road at the exit Nove Jarše (BTC), go into Šmartinska cesta and follow our signs. Žale ta ska ces Šmartin P BTC ov juh Ka ta es ac Letališka cesta Sava Turizem – TMC, podjetje za upravljanje dejavnosti Turizem, d.o.o., Škofjeloška c. 6, 4000 Kranj, [email protected] wellness.indd 1 18.12.2009 15:43:15 Kolosej STEKLARNA ROGAŠKA d.d., Ulica talcev 1, 3250 Rogaška Slatina promocijski izvod | promotional copy 12 SLOVEnSKE ZGODBE O PRESEŽKIH nARAVE, TRADiCijE, KuLTuRE, uMETnOSTi in LjuDi SLOVENIAN FEATURES ON OUTSTANDING NATURE, TRADITION, CULTURE, ART AND PEOPLE o MAREC – junij 2011 | MARCH – JUNE 2011
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