# test external file Step 1+2 : Sample preparation and quasi static loading variable fname index units boundary Si_110_1-10_1225x245x10_s50.imdconf.lammps metal s s p atom_style atomic read_data ${fname} Define what style of atoms to use in asimulation (solids, liquids, ect.). Force field coefficients Set or change the velocities of a group of atoms in one of several styles. http://lammps.sandi a.gov/doc/velocity. html Sets the style of units used for a simulation. Metal : eV, picoseconds, Angstros ect. Set the style of boundaries for the global simulation box in each dimension: p is periodic, s is non-periodic and shrink-wrapped #Dividing the sample into 6 areas group test1 type 1 group test2 type 2 group test3 type 3 Identify a collection group test4 type 4 of atoms as belonging group test5 type 5 to a group. group test6 type 6 group body type 1 2 3 4 group boundaryb type 5 6 #---------------------- LJ potentials--------------------------Set the formula(s) pair_style sw LAMMPS uses to pair_coeff * * siMarder.sw Si Si Si Si Si Si compute pairwise interactions. Setting boundary conditions: top and lower layer with zero force and zero velocity in x y directions, right end layer with zero and force zero in x direction) velocity boundaryb set 0.0 0.0 NULL sum no units box velocity test2 set 0.0 NULL NULL sum no units box fix zeromobile boundaryb setforce 0.0 0.0 NULL fix zeromobile1 test2 setforce 0.0 NULL NULL compute compute compute temperature all temp peratom all pe/atom keatom all ke/atom Define a computation that will be performed on a group of atoms. minimization algorithm to use. cg: conjugated gradient Set a fix that will be applied to a group of atoms. In LAMMPS, a "fix" is any operation that is applied to the system during time stepping or minimization. http://lammps.sandia.g ov/doc/fix.html #------------------- Minimize----------------------------------Achieving the minimum energy crack shape and atoms positions #use cfg for atomeye Energy minimization of the system. Iterations are minimize 0.0 5.0e-6 10000 10000 terminated when one of the stopping criteria is satisfied. min_style cg dump c_peratom 1 all cfg 1 relaxCG.*.cfg id type xs ys zs id type c_keatom http://lammps.sandia.go dump_modify 1 element Si Si Si Si Si Si v/doc/dump.html run undump 2 1 #-------------------NVE_1---------------------------------Step 3: Crack initiation modeled by MD. velocity all create 0.0001 4928459 dist gaussian timestep 0.000383 fix 2 body nve dump 2 all cfg 500 NVE_SS.*.cfg id type xs ys zs vx vy vz id type c_peratom c_keatom dump_modify 2 element Si Si Si Si Si Si run undump unfix 10000 2 2 #-----------------Rescale--------------------------------------Step 4: homogenous rescaling change_box all boundary p p p units box Change the volume and/or shape of the simulation box during a dynamics run. dump 3 all cfg 1 deform.*.cfg id type xs ys zs vx vy vz id type c_peratom c_keatom dump_modify 3 element Si Si Si Si Si Si Run or continue dynamics for a run 1 specified number of unfix strain timesteps undump 3 fix Change the volume and/or shape and/or boundary conditions for the simulation box. Delete a fix that was previously defined. strain all deform 1 y scale 1 units box Delete a dump that was previously #---------------------NVE_2-Simulation-------------------------defined. Step 5: crack propagation modeled by MD change_box fix all boundary s s p units box 1 body nve #use cfg for atomeye dump 4 all cfg 200 NVE.*.cfg id type xs ys zs c_peratom c_keatom dump_modify 4 element Si Si Si Si Si Si #Display thermo thermo 1 thermo_style custom step temp fnorm pe thermo_modify temp temperature run undump 70000 4 ke
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