Utvikling av merkevaren Norge som feriedestinasjon Oslo 11. juni 2014 Norge som reisemål Er det noe å se og gjøre? Dyrt Kaldt Byer? Nordmenn er reserverte Mørkt Natur Kultur? Vakkert Rikt land Godt velferdstilbud Aktivt What have we done …. We have created qualitative hypothesis four focus groups in each country We have validated them quantitatively 1,200 interviews online in each country What do we ask about? Actual holidays Ideal holidays Perception of Norway What answers can that give us? -How is Norway positioned as a holiday destination? -The competitive landscape (Norway vs. other countries) -What an ideal holiday looks like -How Norway should be positioned (in relation to communication, products and service provision) -Gaps where Norway has weaknesses either in people’s perception of Norway or in relation to their actual holiday experiences The ideal holiday Can be explained by four different factors Skiing A set of activities Saltwater fishing Visit museums Friendly people Destination features Interesting sights Beautiful nature Observe nature Ideal holiday Active Personality of the destination Authentic Discover new and interesting places Relaxed Escape from hectic daily life Emotional benefits sought Share good times with others The results: Fundamental meaning of going on holiday In the research, we found that there are some common denominators across all types of holidays and across all segments: Holidays abroad must always help you to escape from your daily life! The core of all holidays is about: Escapism New and interesting places All holidays must fulfil these criteria irrespective of the type of holiday Source: Qualitative focus groups and quantitative survey Being together The results: The motivational segments Censydiam modellen 8 motivsegment: Disse representerer de ulike basismotivene for hvorfor folk reiser på ferie Segment volume – all markets in total - holidays in general 14% 15% 15% 1% 23% 4% 23% 5% * Share of overnight stays Segment share - All destinations – all types of holiday Total all markets 14 % Netherlands 20 % Russia Germany 15 % 6% 12 % 5% 0% 23 % 26 % 21 % 17 % 22 % 10 % 20 % 24 % 30 % 40 % 4% 5% 2%6% 7% 6% 50 % 23 % 1% 23 % 6% 5% 60 % 0% 70 % 2% 2% 80 % n: 2417 18 % 25 % 21 % n: 6239 15 % 9% 16 % 90 % Liberation Sharing Good Times Togetherness Harmony Routine Broadening your horizon Luxury Exploration n: 1880 n: 1942 100 % n = visits abroad The results: Assessment of Norway Norway as a travel destination Across the 3 markets 19% of people have ever visited Norway, which is lower than any other Scandinavian destination. Norway also ranks at the bottom of the list in terms of repeat visitors. France Spain 38 % Austria 38 % Turkey 45 % 31 % Switzerland 28 % 15 % Croatia 9% Sweden 9% 26 % 25 % Netherlands 13 % Finland 12 % 23 % 18 % 10 % 15 % 5% 4% 24 % 19 % 7% Egypt New Zealand 31 % 13 % USA 43 % 38 % 20 % Denmark China 54 % 49 % 23 % Germany Canada 59 % 27 % Greece Scotland 60 % 43 % Italy Norway 63 % 45 % 12 % 3% 9% 2 %5 % Ever visited (%) France Spain Italy Austria Turkey Greece Germany Switzerland Denmark USA Croatia Sweden Netherlands Finland Norway Egypt Scotland Canada China New Zealand Repeat (%) 71% 71% 64% 70% 56% 51% 74% 52% 44% 53% 36% 37% 53% 53% 35% 55% 34% 34% 34% 31% Visited twice or more (%) Average: 53% Norway is the most considered Scandinavian destination Particularly high in Gerrnany and The Netherlands Ranking higher on the consideration list versus the having visited list indicates a large unlocked potential for Norway. Not a clear brand footprint for Norway Core only (top 5 %) Core and differentiating Norway as a travel destination Profiling PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS PERCEPTION WHAT • • • • HAS BEAUTIFUL NATURE IS NOT TOO WARM HAS UNSPOILED NATURE HAS NATURE THAT OFFERS OPPORUNITIES FOR DISCOVERY • HAS QUIET ENVIRONMENTS • ALLOWS ME TO LIVE CLOSE TO THE NATURE • IS SAFE ACTIVITIES • • • • • • • OBSERVE BEAUTY OF NATURE OBSERVE NATURAL PHENOMENON EXPERIENCE THE WILDERNESS HIKING (MORE THAN TWO HOURS) DO WINTERACTIVITIES HIKING (LESS THAN TWO HOURS) EXPERIENCE MOUNTAINS WHY EMOTIONAL BENEFITS • ALLOWS ME TO DISCOVER NEW AND INTERESTING PLACES • HELPS ME ESCAPE FROM MY HECTIC DAILY LIFE • ALLOWS ME TO BROADEN MY HORIZON • ENRICHES MY VIEW ON THE WORLD • GIVES ME RICH EXPERIENCES • ALLOWS ME TO BROADEN MY KNOWLEDGE PERSONALITY • • • • PEACEFUL ACTIVE FRESH SOOTHING DIFFERENTIATING Norway does not have any area where it has a good or perfect perceptual fit Perceptual Fit with segments - Norway Perfect fit (>0,60) Good fit (0,30-0,60) Croatia (.33) Denmark (.31) China (.48) Scotland (.41) Canada (.34) USA (.31) New Zeeland (.30) Neutral fit (-0,25-0,29) Negative fit (<-0,25) LIBERATION EXPLORATION SHARING GOOD TIMES .17 .29 New Zeeland (.67) China (.56) France (.39) Canada (.34) USA (.31) Croatia (.57) Greece (.53) Turkey (.47) Spain (.46) -.33 LUXURY TOGETHERNESS .24 .17 BROADENING YOUR HORIZON .19 ROUTINE -.12 HARMONY -.19 Not owned Germany (.82) Austria (.60) Finland (.45) Denmark (.41) Switzerland (.31) Not owned Denmark (.76) Greece (.61) Austria (.60) Croatia (.54) Sweden (.54) Finland (45) Konkurrentanalyse for de Skandinaviske landene – Norge har mest til felles med Sverige Utforskende Unik Aktiv Eventyrlysten Open-minded Har attraktive fjellområder Noe utenom de vanlige Komme med bort fra den hektiske hverdagen Vennlig Avslappende Kultivert Dele gode opplevelser med eget reisefølge Er dyrt Har et miljøvennlig tilbud Er ikke ødelagt av turister Har rolige omgivelser Gir med en frihetsfølelse Harmoni Trygghet Er godt organisert Fredfull Omsorgsfull Frisk Hyggelig Har vakker natur Trygt Har god service Har uberørt natur Er lett å reise rundt Kan være fysisk aktiv Gir meg mulighet for personlig vekst Gjør med full av energi Key Conclusions & Recommendations Key conclusions and recommandations (from Ipsos) Key Conclusions & Recommendations 1. Meet the expectations people have for all types of holidays 2. Focus on a specific target 1. Meet the expectations people have for all types of holidays The core of all holidays is about… Escapism New and interesting places Being together Learning (Russia) Norway mostly meet these expectations, except the social element 1. Meet the expectations people have for all types of holidays Areas for improvement to meet hygiene expectations We must address the basic expectations that People have when going on holiday, including basic comfort, a more social experience and more cultural content. A comfortable experience • Ease travel experience • Easy of booking • Visualising the holiday: knowing how to travel, where to go A social experience • Communicate lively towns & villages • ‘Populate’ the isolated scenes • Tackle language barrier (especially for the Russians) Good food & drinks • Talk about local food & drink traditions • But also talk about good international cuisine (for the less adventurous) Key Conclusions and Recommendations Across all three markets Norway fails to attract a lot of visitors • The share of people that have ever visited Norway is low compared to other destinations. • Repeat visiting is also lower than average. Norway has a fragmented brand footprint and does not clearly 'own' any motivational segment. • Across all markets, Norway is often associated with Exploration and Broadening your Horizon. • But the strength of this association is relatively weak. If Norway wants to attract more visitors, it will have to increase its relevance as a holiday destination 2. Focus on a specific target BE LESS •Gives me a safe feeling •Allows me to come to my senses •Restores my sense of harmony & balance •Structured •Soothing •Peaceful •Harmonious BUILD ON •Explorative •Unique •Beautiful nature •Not ruined by tourism •Natural phenomena •Experience wildlife BE MORE •Adventurous •Gives me rich experiences •Allows me to have unique experiences •Allows me to grow personally •Discover local culture •Discover local history & legends •Sightseeing tours 2. Focus on a specific target Norway must become more relevant for tourists Norway is recognized as an attractive destination, but… •Associated with being expensive, cold, lonely and remote •Tourists are unsure what they can do in Norway •Generally low awareness/knowledge about Norway Norway needs to be moved from… • nature alone to nature & culture • isolation to social • passive to active • expensive to priceless Importance of cultural differences • It is not like home! • Rich experiences that help you escape from your hectic daily life Key Conclusions & Recommendations Rebranding of Norway as a tourist destination Focusing and enriching the Uniqueness of Norway Unique Natur Advantages Necessities Mat Aktiviteter Kultur Salgsargumenter Det unike Norge Vi har fire salgsargumenter som alle bygger opp om en turistopplevelse som skaper varige minner. Merkevaren Norge defineres av følgende troverdige, relevante og unike områder: Fersk sjømat og kystspesia liteter Spektakulære fjorder, kystområder og naturfenomen Naturbaserte aktiviteter Levende kystkultur Natur Mat Aktiviteter Kultur Målgruppe Utforskere Hva de ser etter på en ferie: Norges målgruppe er "utforskere". Deres hovedmotivasjon er en nysgjerrighet for å utforske nye og unike territorier – natur, kultur, lokalsamfunn, mat og tradisjoner. De ønsker også å få nye energi og utvide horisonten Hvem er de: De har ofte høyere utdannelse, er erfarne reisende, digitale og reiser som regel uten barn. Innenfor denne målgruppen finnes det to grupper: Aktive utforskere Johan Wildhagen/Visitnorway.com Nysgjerrige utforskere CH/VisitNorway.com Merkevareløfte for Merkevaren Norge Verdens mest dramatiske og berikende fjord- og kystopplevelse Norge kan innfri dette løftet: Norge er en attraktiv destinasjon med et unikt spekter av kvaliteter. Vi har spekatulære fjorder, en lang kyst og mange naturfenomener. Foruten det vakre landskapet er det rike forekomster av fersk sjømat og kystspesialiteter, naturbaserte aktiviteter fra havflate til fjelltopp og ikke minst en levende kystkultur. Det er denne historien vi ønsker å fortelle. Casper Tyberg/visitnorway.com CH/VisitNorway.com Bjørn Eirik Østbakken - Visitnorway.com Merkevareverdier Skaper grunnlag for all kommunikasjon og atferd Frisk • Friskt, velgjørende, sunt, rent, uberørt, forfriskende, kjølig, vitalt, levende, maritimt Ekte • Naturlig, Autentisk, genuint, ærlig, upretensiøst, røft Eventyrlysten • Overrraskende, nysgjerring, spennende, aktivt, uoppdaget, variert Raus • Uformelt, åpent, liberalt, direkte, likeverdig Merkevarekommunikasjon Stil og tone i tekst Merkevaren Norge skal ha en klar og konsekvent stil og tone som preger all kommunikasjon: • Friskt og uformelt – med en vri eller dybde som engasjerer • Utgangspunkt i turistens perspektiv, ønsker og behov - ikke egen organisasjon eller geografi. • Bruke teksten som en mulighet til å formidle merkevareverdiene, ikke bare beskrive et emne eller bilde – gå utover det selvsagte. Gaute Bruvik - visitnorway.com CH/VisitNorway.com CH/VisitNorway.com Merkevarekommunikasjon Bilder Bilder av spektakulær natur er den mest kraftfulle komponenten i merkevarebudskapet. Bildene skal også fortelle at Norge har både natur og kultur, det er et befolket land og en arena for sosiale opplevelser og aktiv deltakelse Ole Christian Salomonsens Terje Rakke/Nordic life Terje Rakke/Nordic life Terje Rakke/Nordic life Kampanje «Skrik» 40 Kreativitet og omtale skaper høyere betalingsvilje og økt lønnsomhet 41 Dette ville vi oppnå med «Skrik» 1. Fylle naturen med et mangfold av spektakulære opplevelser i tråd med merkevaren Norge 2. Spille på følelser 3. Lage noe kreativt, underholdende og morsomt 42 Se filmen: https://vimeo.com/57968138 Oppsummering kampanjen: https://vimeo.com/58024771 1481 skrik fra hele verden 46 Globalt fokus 165 Besøk fra land på på VisitNorway 47 Skrik har vunnet en rekke priser… 48 Tusen takk for meg! John M Aurtande [email protected] 8 8 8 www.innovasjonnorge.no www.visitnorway.com www.visitnorway.org youtube.com/visitnorway
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