The Proposed Norwegian National Transport Plan 2014-2023 International meeting at Park Inn Hotel, Oslo Airport Gardermoen 13 April 2012 Content: English summary Charts of financial framework and priorities Maps AVINOR | JERNBANEVERKET | KYSTVERKET | STATENS VEGVESEN Proposal for National Transport Plan 2014-2023 Summary Effective transport is a prerequisite for welfare and economic growth. The main goal of transport policy is to provide an effective, accessible, safe and environmentally friendly transport system that meets society’s need for transport and promotes regional development. Population growth, combined with economic growth and increasing incomes, will result in a strong increase in the demand for transport. This gives rise to a number of challenges. The capacity of the transport system must be expanded. At the same time, the Government’s climate goal must be met and the transport system must become more environmentally friendly. Although population growth in the largest urban regions represents a challenge, it also provides opportunities to develop denser urban centres and a transport system in which public transport, walking and cycling absorb the growth in local travel. This will help reduce the emissions of climate gases from transport. The transport authorities, including Avinor, propose a three-part policy: In the largest urban areas, the growth in local travel must be absorbed by public transport, walking and cycling. In the cities priority is therefore given to appropriate public solutions and measures to facilitate walking and cycling. The Government must provide financial frameworks for municipalities and counties to expand their public transport systems. Further government funding is required. At the same time, restrictions must be placed on the use of private cars. Examples include congestion charges and higher parking fees. Measures will be taken to promote regional growth, by creating more robust residential and employment areas. Development of the rail lines in the InterCity area and around the major cities and of the road networks in the regions are measures that can help promote regional growth and development. The transport system will be upgraded between cities and regional areas to reduce costs for industry and the inhabitants. This will help promote economic growth and regional development. A unified and rational national transport network with efficient hubs will help ensure that more long-distance cargo is transported by sea or rail, instead of by road. More effort must be put into operations and maintenance throughout the entire transport network, since the infrastructure must become more robust to withstand climate change and other challenges. Traffic volumes and demands for reliability are growing, and the installations to be operated and maintained are becoming increasingly technically complicated. The lack of sufficient maintenance over a prolonged period of time has resulted in an increasing need for renewal of the infrastructure. To obtain a more reliable and robust infrastructure, the standard of the infrastructure must be brought to a level where accessibility and safety are ensured and deterioration is minimised. This will help reduce costs for infrastructure owners, road users and operators alike. Today, far too many people are killed or severely injured in road traffic. Efforts to improve traffic safety and achieve Vision Zero in all forms of transport must be strengthened. The transport authorities propose an ambitious target for the road sector: in 2024, the number of fatalities should not exceed 100, and the total number of fatalities and severe injuries should not exceed 500. 1 In the National Transport Plan 2010-2019 (NTP 2010-2019), the financial framework for transport sector measures was increased by NOK 100 billion from the level in the preceding plan. This increased level of activity presents great challenges to the construction and consultancy industries in terms of planning and implementation. The transport authorities cooperate with these industries to promote competence development and expand implementation capacity in order to achieve shorter planning periods and new contract strategies. Long-term, predictable funding is also required to ensure rational development of transport. With sufficient and predictable funding and more effective planning processes, the transport infrastructure can be developed to a good standard in the course of a 20-year period. NATIONAL STRATEGIES In order to reach transport policy goals, the transport authorities base their priorities in the National Transport Plan 2014-2023 (NTP 2014-2023) on national strategies in a number of fields. Traffic growth in the largest urban areas must be absorbed by environmentally friendly forms of transport In the large urban areas, the goal is for growth in local travel to take place within public transport, walking and cycling. In some areas, current levels of car use must be reduced to improve local air quality. In practice, urban residents must change their transport behaviour. There is a need for large investments and increased operating subsidies for public transport. The costs exceed what the county authorities and Oslo Municipality alone are able to cover with their current revenues. The Government should therefore increase allocations to enable the county authorities to develop a high-quality public transport system. Further funding is also required for operations. Each additional journey using public transport increases the need for government funding by at least NOK 10. The transport policies proposed will entail a substantial growth in the volume of public transport. The transport authorities propose that conditions are established for binding agreements between the government, the county authorities and the municipalities with regard to the development of and allocations for transport schemes in the urban areas. Measures to reduce transport costs and promote regional expansion and development To improve accessibility, reduce transport costs and promote regional development, the transport authorities propose to develop infrastructure between the regions and the cities, with a view to reducing bottlenecks that have an impact on regularity and punctuality for transport on land and sea, and to implementing measures that can improve air transport and other forms of public transport within as well as between the regions. Good international connections are also essential in this context. On the railways, the strategy to increase capacity for cargo transport is continued. The transport authorities propose an efficient and unified development of the InterCity rail lines with optimal progression. For sea transport, the fairways will be upgraded and measures implemented to improve the ports. For air transport, the capacity of the largest airports will be expanded, and the proposal outlines an airport structure that can provide a better availability of flights, including more direct flights to Oslo. Air transport is of key importance in enabling Norwegian enterprises with a global engagement to implement their business model and ensure further expansion. During the planning period, capacity needs will necessitate a decision on whether to construct a third runway at Oslo Airport Gardermoen and a second runway at Bergen Airport Flesland. In the road network, priority is given to continuous development and improvement of routes E6, E16, E18 and E39. To reduce bottlenecks for industry, priority is given to increasing the width of the narrowest roads (less 2 than 6 metres wide) that have no yellow centre line. To establish a unified national transport network, the plan proposes measures to strengthen national inter-modal hubs. Long-distance cargo should be transported by ship or rail wherever possible The transport authorities propose measures directly targeting the cargo volume that can be relocated from road to sea and rail transport. There is a need for efficient terminals with specially adapted areas for forwarding agents and service enterprises. The efforts to improve the infrastructure and increase punctuality in the railway network must continue, while the accessibility to important terminals is enhanced. Improvement of access lanes to selected seaports and ports designated in the national transport grid must be given priority. Taxes and fees on sea transport must be further reduced. The transport authorities propose a new incentive scheme to encourage cargo transport by sea and railway, and further efforts for competence development in the field of cargo transport. To channel more cargo transport to ships and railways, the cargo streams must be concentrated to reduce logistics-related costs. This involves a number of challenges and will require measures in fields that are outside the transport authorities’ area of responsibility. The transport authorities believe that a broad analysis of possibilities and measures is required to ensure more efficient cargo transport and better use of shipping and railways on long-distance transport routes. Large increases in funding for operations, maintenance and measures to counteract deterioration The infrastructure must be operated at a level that ensures good reliability, safety and accessibility in an environmentally friendly manner. Operation costs will increase in pace with increasing traffic volumes. In addition, costs are increasing because installations are becoming increasingly technically complicated, and because society sets high requirements to permanent availability and high quality of the infrastructure. Climate change increases the need for preparedness. For all the transport authorities with the exception of Avinor, insufficient maintenance over a prolonged period has resulted in deterioration and made the infrastructure more vulnerable. This applies also to the county road network. Maintenance must be kept at a level that prevents increased deterioration, roads must be renewed and measures taken to reduce deterioration. Climate change, with more frequent extreme weather episodes, further strengthens this need. Broad traffic safety efforts to reduce the number of fatalities by half Vision Zero for traffic safety envisions no accidents leading to fatalities or serious injury. In road transport, there has been a marked reduction in the number of serious accidents in recent years. Targeted efforts by all actors involved in traffic safety improvement are required in order to continue this development. The transport authorities propose to give priority to investment programmes to prevent head-on collisions, driving off the road and accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists. Measures targeting road users are mainly directed at high-risk groups, with a special focus on reducing driving speed, increasing the use of seatbelts and reducing the incidence of driving under the influence of intoxicants. In the other forms of transport it is essential to maintain and increase current high safety standards. In sea transport, many initiatives are underway to improve safety. In Avinor, air transport safety has high priority for investment policy and operations. In rail transport, measures will be implemented to prevent accidents involving fatalities and serious injuries. This includes technical as well as operational measures. Airport structure The background for the assessment of a future airport structure includes elements such as better roads and the phasing-out of the Dash 8-100/200 aircraft by 2030. Altogether 19 of 23 small airports have a limited technical, operative and market basis for the runway extensions intended for larger aircraft types. All proposals for new airports are financially unprofitable for Avinor and require extraordinary financing. Several new airports will be profitable from a socioeconomic perspective if 3 they can replace two or three smaller airports. In Lofoten and Helgeland, a new airport in combination with a reduction of the total number of airports is recommended. A study of the demand for air transport in the context of future oil and gas extraction is proposed for the western part of Finnmark county. In Western Norway, no changes are proposed for the time being. It is proposed to assess the future role of Fagernes Airport in consultation with local authorities. The study on airport structure is based on local airport initiatives and is mainly concerned with local airports. It is recommended that a renewed structural assessment be undertaken during preparations for the next NTP. Follow-up of the strategy for the High North To further the Government’s strategy for the High North, the transport authorities give priority to increasing the capacity of the Ofoten and Nordland rail lines. The transport authorities will assist in the development of hubs, for example by improving road access to Tromsø port and possibly the provision of a new port in Kirkenes. The access lanes to the ports in Rana, Bodø and Tromsø will be upgraded. Parts of Euroroutes E6, E8, E10, national road no. 94 and Euroroute 105 will be upgraded. Changes are proposed in the airport structure in Helgeland and Lofoten. Transit traffic from neighbouring countries in the Arctic region is increasing and may require construction on the Norwegian side of the border. Enhanced implementation capacity To enhance the implementation capacity, more efficient and faster planning is required. A more efficient organisation for construction management should be developed, to include project and implementation strategies that can facilitate increased competition and efficient production. The transport authorities believe that a new planning regime for large governmental infrastructure projects should be considered. Project funding ought to be long-term and predictable. The expansion of road and rail networks should be undertaken on long and continuous stretches to ensure more rational construction as opposed to building many short unconnected sections with no overall timeframe. Predictable funding is a precondition for adequate implementation capacity. Reduced emissions of climate gases and a better environment To meet the established climate goals, each vehicle, ship and aircraft must reduce its emissions, the use of bio-fuels must be considerably increased and parts of the vehicle stock must be electrified. There is a need to reduce transport volumes and to change the distribution among the various modes of transport in the cities. The growth in local travel must be absorbed by public traffic, walking and cycling. In the cities, efforts must be devoted to public and non-motorised transport combined with restrictions on private car use. This will also help reduce local levels of air pollution and noise. The transport authorities will give priority to measures to preserve biological diversity and comply with the directive for water management. Operations will be better adapted to the environment. Universal design of complete travel chains To allow the population growth in the cities and their adjacent areas to be absorbed by environmentally friendly forms of transport such as public transport, walking and cycling, a transport system based on universal design principles will be required to make these forms of transport attractive and accessible to as many people as possible. The transport authorities give priority to universal design of complete travel chains. This will require coordination of a large number of actors. Measures in the main public transport grid, larger hubs and railway stations are given priority. In air transport, this priority is reflected in construction and upgrading of airport terminals. 4 More pedestrians and cyclists An increase in walking and cycling will reduce congestion and improve public health and the environment. In order to increase the number of pedestrians and cyclists, there is a need for more and better infrastructure with fewer obstructions for greater safety. This will require increased investments by the government as well as the county authorities. In the cities, programmes for pedestrians and cyclists must be included in binding agreements on coordinated package solutions that cut across the level of public administration. Collaboration between the national, county, and municipal authorities, schools, commerce and industry, tourism, sports associations and others must be established to develop a culture in which walking and cycling will be a natural choice of mode of transport for increasing numbers of people. Greater numbers of cyclists and pedestrians will oblige motorists to show more consideration, which in turn will improve safety and motivate even more to walk or cycle. New technology and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) ITS will play an increasingly prominent role in the transport system. ITS and the introduction of new technological solutions, allowing for a better exploitation of available infrastructure, will contribute significantly to reaching the goals for traffic flow, traffic safety, environmental impact and accessibility. The transport authorities will promote solutions that are open and straightforward. Reduced vulnerability and more adaptation to climate change Precipitation, temperature and wind have a strong impact on transport infrastructure and traffic management. Extreme weather, with strong winds, storm surges, heavy rains and temperature fluctuations, imposes increased demands on infrastructure. Large sections of the current transport network are not sufficiently resilient to withstand such increased strains. The infrastructure must be made more robust and emergency preparedness must be improved. Transport programmes for development of tourism The transport authorities give priority to better infrastructure and information, as well as simpler ticket purchases and toll road payment schemes, to provide favourable conditions for the tourism industry. Initiatives to enhance the tourist experience, for example along the National Tourist Routes and the Flåm and Rauma rail lines, will be sustained. Avinor will continue its comprehensive collaboration with the tourism industry. Intensified R&D To face future challenges, the transport sector remains entirely dependent on research and development. In a long-term perspective dominated by comprehensive needs for investment and maintenance, large gains can be obtained by making use of new knowledge and technology. The transport authorities have a sectoral responsibility for research in their respective areas, and contribute to a significant production of knowledge. There is a large potential for inter-agency cooperation. This will ensure that research is undertaken in fields that are of common interest to the agencies and to society as a whole, and allow for a more efficient use of research funds. The agencies have ample opportunities to embed parts of their research projects, pilot projects and demonstration projects in their operation, maintenance and construction activities. This will help ensure a safer and faster implementation of new knowledge and enhance innovative capability in the industry. Setting priorities within the given financial framework In light of the national goals and strategies presented above, the Norwegian National Rail Administration, the Norwegian Coastal Administration and the Norwegian Public Roads 5 Administration propose to prioritise the use of funds within the given financial framework in the following order: 1. Operation of infrastructure Operations must be specified at a level which is sufficient to ensure that the infrastructure functions in the best possible manner from a socioeconomic perspective. An optimal operational standard will provide a more robust and reliable infrastructure, good traffic flow, high safety and wide accessibility in an environmentally friendly manner. A socially optimal level indicates a higher operational standard than at present as a result of increased traffic volumes and higher levels of activity. The population, industry and transport enterprises also have increasing expectations with regard to the standard and accessibility of the infrastructure. In addition, climate change will increase the need for preparedness throughout the transport sector. Costs have also been rising because of the need to operate installations of an increasingly complicated technical nature and due to large cost hikes for new operational contracts in the market. The transport authorities’ proposal implies that the allocations for operations must be increased significantly for the Norwegian National Rail Administration, the Norwegian Coastal Administration and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in relation to the 2010-2019 National Transport Plan. 2. Maintenance of infrastructure Maintenance must be kept at a level that prevents deterioration of the infrastructure. In 2011, the level of maintenance in the road sector was at a level that according to technical estimates was assessed as equal to the needs. New estimates undertaken in connection with this NTP show, however, that the maintenance level in the road sector must be raised to prevent increasing deterioration. For the other modes of transport as well, maintenance must be intensified in relation to current levels. Maintenance costs are increasing because of greater traffic volumes, more complicated installations and higher demands to robustness and reliability. Climate change can be expected to result in increased maintenance costs already in the coming planning period. Deterioration of the infrastructure amplifies the effects of climate change and entails increased costs for operation as well as maintenance. 3. Renewal and measures to reduce deterioration The infrastructure must retain a standard that makes it possible to keep it operating at a sufficiently high level without excessive extra costs. In all forms of transport with the exception of aviation, priority is given to renewal and upgrading of infrastructure that has deteriorated considerably. The financial framework will decide the amount of time needed for this task. In addition to ensuring safety, the railways must prioritise renewal in order to reach the goals for the punctuality of rail traffic. Furthermore, the transport authorities will prioritise upgrading of drainage systems, road and rail foundations and breakwaters, which will help make the infrastructure more resilient to the consequences of climate change. Considerable efforts are also required to upgrade tunnels and bridges. 4. Planning To be able to implement the required investment projects it is essential to devote sufficient resources to planning. This will help optimise the use of the available funding and ensure the quality of the investments. The transport authorities are seeking to increase the pace and efficiency of the planning processes, which requires additional resources. 6 5. Programme area measures Within the designated programme areas, the authorities give highest priority to measures to enhance safety. On the railways, this includes removal of level crossings, construction of avalanche/landslide barriers and other safety-related measures. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration prioritises construction of roads with a central divider and measures to prevent serious incidents of driving off the road and accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists. Other priorities for the road sector include construction of lanes for public transport and facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, as well as universal design of bus/tram stops and traffic hubs. In addition, priority is given to widening the narrowest roads to allow for a yellow centre line. On the railways, emphasis is given to measures in hubs and stations, as well as capacity enhancement. As a contribution to an environmentally friendly development in the cities through coordinated urban package solutions, the transport authorities propose to devote NOK 13 billion of the programmearea funding in the road sector to environmentally friendly transport solutions in the urban areas if the financial framework is increased by 45 per cent. 6. Major investment projects As regards major projects, the implementation of established project commitments will be given first priority. These include projects that have been initiated or approved prior to the start of the planning period. After the completion of these projects, priority is given to investment projects that will benefit industrial cargo transport. New, large investment projects in addition to those described in the 2010-2019 NTP can only be given priority within a larger financial planning framework. On the railways, the capacity for cargo transport is increased by up to 20 per cent in the base plan alternative, while the increase can reach 50-100 per cent if the framework is increased by 45 per cent. This can be achieved by implementing measures to upgrade both railway lines and terminals. In addition to enhanced capacity for cargo transport by rail, priority is primarily given to the construction of double-track lines in the InterCity area in Eastern Norway, provided that the financial framework is increased by 45 per cent. On the national road network, priority is given to expansion and upgrading of the roads that are important for industry (E6, E18, E16 and E39) in order to reduce costs and improve safety. To facilitate cargo transport by ship and rail, priority is also given to upgrading of links to national roads from ports and rail terminals. EFFECTS OF THE PRIORITIES Seen as a whole, the net socioeconomic benefit is negative in the base plan alternative as well as if funding is increased by 45 per cent. For railway projects, the negative net benefit is NOK 18 billion or NOK 38 billion respectively, and for road projects NOK 13 billion or NOK 16 billion respectively. These estimates are fraught with great uncertainty. The large investments foreseen in the base plan alternative represent total savings of NOK 55 billion (net present value over a period of 25 years). If the framework is increased by 45 per cent, transport costs will be reduced by NOK 150 billion. Better reliability and punctuality are achieved in the transport system through improved operations and maintenance, measures to counteract deterioration and the construction of avalanche/landslide barriers. Expansion and upgrading of the infrastructure will result in shorter travel time and reduced costs. Travel time by rail from Oslo to Halden, Lillehammer and Trondheim will be reduced by approximately 30 minutes. The base plan alternative includes the construction of 150 km of new four-lane roads, increasing to 440 km if the framework is augmented by 45 per cent. The base plan alternative also includes the construction of 280 km of two/three-lane roads with a central divider, increasing to 470 km if the financial framework is augmented by 45 per cent. Pedestrians and cyclists 7 will have better accessibility through the provision of 280 km or 580 km of walking and cycling routes respectively. Upgrading of roads and railways will contribute to regional growth and development. To reach the ambitious goals for reductions in the number of traffic fatalities and serious injuries, a broad range of initiatives and instruments must be deployed by a large number of actors. Investments on national roads have been estimated to help reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries by 47, increasing to 84 if the financial framework is augmented by 45 per cent. Expected traffic growth and new road projects will have a negative impact on the environment, while increased use of railways and environmentally friendly transport in the cities, as well as the transfer of cargo from roads to sea and rail, will have a positive effect. The climate goals for the transport sector will require powerful instruments to change the distribution of the modes of transport, promote low-emission technologies and reduce car traffic. LARGE-SCALE STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES In the consultation report from February 2011, the studies of the main networks for road and sea transport and the analysis of perspectives for the railways, the transport authorities have described what will be needed to bring the transport infrastructure up to a high standard in terms of safety, capacity, quality and environmental impact. With the aid of targeted and strategic efforts, much of the infrastructure can be upgraded to this level over a period of 20 years. The implementation will depend on long-term funding and effective planning and decision-making processes. In addition to upgrading of the infrastructure, a description of the need for resources devoted to public transport in the largest urban areas is provided. FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS AND PRIORITIES FOR AVINOR Avinor has a different type of affiliation with the Ministry than the other transport authorities. This enterprise is self-financing and is not included in the financial framework for the NTP. Priorities for funding of investments are determined by the enterprise in accordance with prevailing regulations and framework conditions. Following the investments associated with air transport safety in the entire airport network in recent years, the enterprise is now facing a period when priority must be given to capacity expansion at the largest airports. The challenges Avinor is facing are not as great as for the other transport authorities with regard to infrastructure maintenance and measures to counteract deterioration. Approximately one-fourth of the investment volume has been set aside for such measures in the planning period, which will ensure sustainable operations in accordance with prevailing norms and regulations in the current situation. Continued traffic growth is essential for Avinor’s financial strength and for the implementation of its planned investments. However, financially the enterprise has limited room for manoeuvre within the current framework in respect of prioritising new airports or other measures. 8 -20 per cent Rail investments 2014-2017 2018-2023 Total budget frame Operation Maintenance ERTMS Other renewal Sum operation and maintenance Budget framework Investments not allocated by corridor - New ground route - Traffic routing etc. - Capacity with new material - Safety and environement - Stations and passanger hubs - Capacity and freight 37780 11600 4920 1000 8200 25720 12060 1202 625 100 0 177 100 200 43080 17400 7380 6000 12300 43080 0 0 Investments allocated by corridor 10858 0 Basis 2014-2017 2018-2023 80860 29000 12300 7000 20500 68800 12060 1202 625 100 0 177 100 200 42905 12000 4920 1000 9000 26920 15985 4127 625 100 200 1600 680 922 58165 18000 7380 6000 13500 44880 13285 7520 10858 11858 ERTMS/ testing line Capacity in the Oslo area Follobanen Double track Sandbukta-Moss-Såstad Capacity and freight (passing) 93 Sum corridor 1 93 0 93 0 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 0 92 36 205 2757 5630 0 92 36 205 2757 5630 0 0 8720 0 Capacity and freight (passing) Sum corridor 2 Double track Sandnes-Stavanger Ganddal freight terminal Barkåker-Tønsberg Holm-Holmestrand-Nykirke Farriseidet-Porsgrunn New double track parcel Capacity and freight (Sørlandsbanen) 92 36 205 2757 5630 Sum corridor 3 8720 Ulriken tunnel (incl. Arna passing) Freight terminal Bergen Capacity and goods Sum corridor 5 Eidsvoll-Hamar (Langset-Kleverud) New double track parcel (Kleverud-Sørli) Alnabru container terminal (part 1) Freight terminal Trondheim New logistic centre Trondheim Capacity and freight (Dovrebanen) Capacity and freight (Gjøvikbanen) Sum corridor 6 0 1917 1917 Distance control Mosjøen-Bodø Hell-Værnes (new bridge/double track) Trønderbanen electrification Capacity and freight 128 Sum corridor 7 128 +20 per cent Freight Sum 2014-2023 Sum 2014-2023 2014-2017 2018-2023 50651 12400 4920 1000 9000 27320 23331 4545 625 100 300 1680 1840 70629 18600 7380 6000 13500 45480 25149 8780 1800 800 2400 1020 1500 101070 30000 12300 7000 22500 71800 29270 11647 625 1900 1000 4000 1700 2422 5765 17623 18786 16369 93 1500 93 1500 0 0 0 1593 0 0 0 0 200 200 92 36 205 2757 5630 8720 0 92 36 205 2757 5630 0 0 8720 0 0 0 0 1000 1265 1917 1917 0 0 0 0 0 0 1917 0 128 0 0 0 128 93 1500 1000 1265 3000 1917 3000 128 128 0 93 100 193 400 9120 2265 1917 1917 450 2715 3000 0 0 0 0 4917 2000 250 128 0 0 128 400 128 400 200 4767 200 728 0 0 0 0 0 1063 2018-2023 121280 31000 12300 7000 22500 72800 48480 13325 625 2400 1500 4200 4600 0 46320 12400 4920 1000 9000 27320 19000 5477 625 100 300 1680 1840 932 74960 18600 7380 6000 13500 45480 29480 10280 35155 13523 2014-2017 2018-2023 66941 13000 4920 2000 9000 28920 38021 4985 625 100 500 1760 2000 79609 19500 7380 6000 13500 46380 33229 9440 2300 1200 2520 2760 1500 121280 31000 12300 7000 22500 72800 48480 15757 625 2400 1500 4200 4600 2432 19200 32723 33036 23789 250 1750 93 13200 93 1500 11700 0 0 13293 200 200 400 400 0 0 800 800 92 36 205 2757 5630 0 1200 9920 2265 600 1250 4115 2265 600 800 1400 1917 500 630 200 11530 1917 4200 8000 250 500 1030 400 16297 200 200 128 400 0 400 928 489 489 277 293 228 265 489 1552 4200 6000 277 293 228 265 0 2014-2017 +45 per cent Sum 2014-2023 93 1500 0 0 350 1943 1500 2265 0 0 2265 Narvik station Rombak converter station Bjørnfjell passing Rombak passing Capacity and freight Sum corridor 8 2300 1200 2520 2760 +20 per cent Person Sum 2014-2023 93 0 0 200 200 200 200 400 400 92 36 205 2757 5630 3000 92 36 205 2757 5630 3000 0 11720 3000 800 3800 92 36 205 2757 5630 3000 1200 12920 0 2265 0 0 2265 450 2715 600 800 1400 2265 600 1250 4115 1917 1917 3000 93 14250 400 9120 2265 2000 250 3000 3000 0 0 0 0 4917 128 400 0 128 400 0 0 528 128 400 528 56825 100 14443 3000 1917 2300 1500 2640 3000 93 1500 16600 5000 350 23543 92 36 205 2757 5630 2265 146550 32500 12300 8000 22500 75300 71250 14425 625 2400 2000 4400 5000 0 1500 2350 5000 250 9100 1500 11700 8720 Sum 2014-2023 400 200 4767 200 728 500 700 200 7600 1917 200 8000 250 500 1100 400 12367 1000 200 1200 128 400 1000 400 1928 489 489 277 293 228 265 489 1552 200 6000 277 293 228 265 0 0 0 1063 All figures in NOK 2012-kr Measures to improve fairways and shipping lanes Period: Kolonne1 Disposable framework Icebreaking 1 Approach Oslo 2 Olstokvær, Meløy, Nordland 3 Approach Ålesund, Møre og Romsdal 4 Approach Borg part II, Fredrikstad og Hvaler, Østfold 5 Approach Bodø, Nordland 6 Approach Tromsø, Troms 7 Small fairways and marking measures, corridor 8 8 Polarbase, Hammerfest, Finnmark 9 Approach Bergen, Askøy, Hordaland 10 Approach north Bergen,Askøy/Meland, Hordaland 11 Inner harbour Ålesund, Møre og Romsdal 12 Hjertøysundet, Molde, Møre og Romsdal 13 Small fairways and marking measures, corridor 7 14 Vaulane, Herøy, Møre og Romsdal 15 Hummelråsa, Vikna, Nord-Trøndelag 16 Risværflu, Nærøy, Nord-Trøndelag 17 Ringholmen, Aure, Møre og Romsdal 18 Approach north Ålesund, Møre og Romsdal 19 Small fairways and marking measures, corridor 4 20 Grøtøyleden, Steigen, Nordland 21 Leirpollen, Tana, Finnmark 22 Approach Grenland, Porsgrunn/Bamble, Telemark 23 Ytre Steinsund, Solund, Sogn og Fjordane 24 Raftsundet, Vågan/Hadsel, Nordland 25 Ulvesundet, Vågsøy, Sogn og Fjordane 26 Djupflua, Giske, Møre og Romsdal 27 Tjeldsundet, Harstad, Troms 28 Leiskjærsgrunnen, Åfjord, S-Trøndelag 29 Approach Rana, Nordland 30 Stabbsundet, Meløy, Nordland 31 Approach Måløy, Bremanger, Sogn og Fjordane 32 Approach Sandnessjøen, Alstahaug, Nordland 33 Alstahaugfjorden, Alstadhaug, Nordland 5 Approach Risavika, Stavanger, Rogaland 34 Åmøy, Rødøy/Meløy, Nordland 35 Florø øst for Nekkøya, Flora, Sogn og Fjordane 36 Risøyrenna, Andøy, Nordland 37 Approach Farsund, Vest-Agder 38 Hamarøygrunnen, Lødingen, Nordland 39 Inner harbour Stavanger, Rogaland 40 Approach Østre Svolvær, Vågan, Nordland 41 Small fairways and marking measures, corridor 3 42 Approach Kragerø, Telemark 43 Landegode, Bodø, Nordland 44 Bognes - Lødingen, Ballangen, Nordland 45 Flåm, Aurland, Sogn og Fjordane - 20 per cent 2014-2017 2018 – 2023 605 1 130 24 36 182 66 6 296 32 89 72 20 78 23 220 57 35 15 25 13 7 15 30 10 73 147 113 20 32 Basis 2014-2017 2018 – 2023 836 1 478 24 36 182 66 6 296 121 72 20 20 31 47 23 220 57 35 10 20 25 13 7 15 30 10 10 73 147 113 20 168 37 10 141 187 22 + 20 per cent 2014-2017 2018 – 2023 1 066 1 823 24 36 182 66 6 296 121 72 30 40 78 23 117 103 13 44 35 25 35 25 13 7 15 30 15 15 73 147 113 20 168 37 10 141 187 47 45 6 11 24 11 9 7 66 34 9 6 28 15 99 18 12 11 + 45 per cent 2014-2017 2018-2023 1 488 2 455 24 36 182 66 6 296 121 72 40 60 78 23 220 57 35 30 50 25 13 7 15 30 20 20 73 56 99 113 20 168 37 10 141 187 47 45 6 11 24 11 9 7 66 34 9 6 28 15 99 18 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Fishing ports Disposabel framework, new measures Sommarøy, Tromsø, Troms Napp, Flakstad, Nordland Mehamn, Gamvik, Finnmark Båtsfjord, Finnmark Fosnavåg, Herøy, Møre og Romsdal Årviksand, Skjervøy, Troms Kristoffervalen, Karlsøy, Troms Breivikbotn, Hasvk, Finnmark Kamøyvær,Nordkapp, Finnmark Gjerdsvika, Sande Møre og Romsdal Røst, Nordland Arnøyhamn, Skjervøy, Troms Andenes 1), Nordland Sørvær, Hasvik, Finnmark Skjærvøy, Troms Skarsvåg, Nordkapp, Finnmark Kiberg, Vardø, Finnmark Vengsøy, Tromsø, Troms Roald, Giske, Møre og Romsdal Hovden, Bø, Nordland Gamvik, Finnmark Brenesholmen, Tromsø, Troms Kalvåg, Bremanger, Sogn og Fjordane Engenes, Ibestad, Troms Gjesvær, Nordkapp, Finnmark Tromvik, Tromsø, Troms Various jetty repairs Troms og Finnmark Svartnes, Vardø, Finnmark Laukvik, Vågan, Nordland Kvaløyvåg, Tromsø, Troms -20 per cent NOK 976 mill. 2014-2017 11 11 1) Three alternatives from NOK 165 mill. to NOK 495 mill. 2018 – 2023 430 38 25 46 96 45 30 69 19 32 30 Basis NOK 1 209 mill. 2014-2017 96 49 25 22 2018 – 2023 556 24 96 45 30 69 19 32 108 102 6 25 + 20 per cent NOK 1 451 mill. 2014-2017 302 49 25 46 96 45 30 11 2018 – 2023 865 58 19 32 108 102 6 275 12 22 12 18 21 30 13 17 22 66 4 6 12 10 All figures in NOK 2012-kr. + 45 per cent NOK 1 753 mill. 2014-2017 2018-2023 449 1 086 49 25 46 96 45 30 69 19 32 38 70 102 6 495 12 22 12 18 21 30 13 17 22 66 4 6 12 44 11 94 7 NOK mill. 2012-kr -20 per cent Item 30 National roads investments B 2014-2017 stat Basis Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat 2014-2017 other stat +20 per cent Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat 2014-2017 other stat +45 per cent Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat 2014-2017 other stat Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat other 1. Oslo - Svinesund/Kornsjø E6 National border/Svinesund - Oslo with connections Rv 22 Lillestrøm - Fetsund Rv 110 Simo - Ørbekk E6 Manglerud prosject Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration (x) Sum corridor 1 340 340 340 200 100 200 340 100 340 120 40 30 260 220 50 380 260 80 260 260 70 430 300 150 690 560 220 460 330 90 160 370 480 50 640 420 520 410 930 250 1450 660 790 430 160 90 170 160 90 170 160 90 170 160 90 170 160 90 170 340 100 2000 230 200 340 100 200 800 720 480 100 2000 140 200 800 1180 810 2200 2240 2990 2670 830 440 400 160 90 900 170 400 160 90 800 170 400 300 330 1300 600 480 3700 2380 3700 200 1300 900 810 3210 340 100 3700 4140 2. Oslo - Ørje/Magnor E18 National border/Ørje - Oslo E18 Melleby - Momarken E18 Sydhavna E18 Knapstad - Akershus border and National border - Ørje E18 Østfold border - Vinterbro (start) Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration x x 900 180 20 Sum corridor 2a 450 Rv 2 (E16) National border/Magnor - Kløfta and rv 35 (E16) Jessheim - Hokksund with connections Rv 2 (E16) Kongsvinger - Slomarka x 360 Rv 2 (E16) Kongsvinger - Slomarka, refund x Rv 2 (E16) Herbergåsen - Nybakk Rv 35 (E16) Olum - Jevnaker - Eggemoen Rv 2 (E16) Slomarka - Herbergåsen Programme area, planning etc. 200 Deterioration 20 Sum corridor 2b 170 360 100 50 540 120 50 260 70 20 440 40 30 700 110 50 300 80 20 460 50 30 760 130 50 270 80 460 50 910 220 580 190 480 30 1060 220 630 190 1410 430 2040 620 1400 570 360 200 150 170 200 340 170 200 340 360 200 150 150 360 200 400 400 150 1200 900 360 200 800 430 150 200 800 430 580 150 470 220 20 280 430 110 630 130 340 140 740 1320 150 850 340 280 370 220 20 380 600 470 220 20 600 720 130 1060 270 430 140 950 170 850 1700 340 1130 150 380 470 220 20 150 280 600 370 220 20 600 2350 1200 900 1380 310 2100 100 1000 480 50 1630 1200 900 400 220 720 1440 170 2950 690 140 3480 2250 2190 2250 470 220 20 600 280 470 220 20 150 280 1500 1500 380 1080 1460 160 90 900 1000 750 130 170 400 1500 3030 2070 360 200 800 620 720 2130 310 150 1200 1280 1080 5140 3710 470 220 20 600 280 3. Oslo - Grenland - Kristiansand - Stavanger E18 Oslo - Kristiansand and E39 Kristiansand - Stavanger with connections E18 Gulli - Langåker E18 Gulli - Langåker, refund E18 Sky - Langangen E18 Varodd bridge Rv 23 Oslofjord tunnel with adjacent road E18 Lysaker - Høvik E18 Bommestad - Sky, incl. refund E18 Rugtvedt - Dørdal E39 Eiganes tunnel, incl. refund Rv 23 Dagslett - Linnes Rv 41/rv 451 Entry Kristiansand airport, Kjevik Oslopakke 3 (Buss terminal Oslo) E39 Gartnerløkka - Breimyrkrysset E39 Livold - Fardal E39 Hove - Sandved E39 Smiene - Harestad E18 Hovet-, Brattås- and Kjørholt tunnel E18 Tvedestrand - Arendal E39 Lindelia - Døle bridge - Livold (start) E39 Udland - Oftedal E39 Drangsdalen - Heskestad E39 Omlegging Vikeså E39 Ålgård - Hove Rv 23 Linnes - x E18 Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration Sum corridor 3 x x x 1200 300 1500 (x) 1200 100 (x) 175 100 1800 1100 800 300 570 350 725 300 100 300 2500 730 900 300 500 300 670 350 900 400 100 1500 2500 2530 900 1100 1100 500 450 1200 370 475 300 2180 930 1100 1100 300 1550 395 100 100 200 500 360 110 550 300 3400 1250 500 1500 350 550 1100 670 1550 870 400 100 200 500 360 110 550 1500 3400 2180 1250 930 1100 500 600 570 1200 775 300 1500 350 550 360 110 300 750 80 50 1590 450 80 2340 530 130 1070 480 80 2200 730 130 3270 1210 210 2150 830 290 3150 1030 380 5300 1860 670 1670 830 1540 1530 2640 380 4180 1910 2535 5360 5875 5360 8410 10720 4985 5980 9895 8230 14880 14210 7575 1 450 1200 1000 2180 1250 930 1100 500 100 350 95 100 100 200 500 300 2400 500 1500 350 400 8690 550 1300 2300 900 500 200 250 750 650 3250 1030 550 700 900 500 200 250 1450 2150 14075 11400 1100 670 1550 870 400 100 200 500 360 110 550 1300 2600 900 500 200 250 750 650 4920 1860 21650 1500 3400 2180 1250 930 1100 500 1500 350 550 1100 900 500 200 250 1450 2150 20090 4. Stavanger - Bergen - Ålesund - Trondheim E39 Stavanger - Bergen - Ålesund with connections E39 Nyborgkrysset, refund E39 Vågsbotn - Hylkje E39 Lavik ferry quay E39 Kvivsvegen E39 Kvivsvegen, refund E39 Drægebø - Grytås and Birkeland - Sande N E39 Svegatjørn - Rådal E39 Bjørset - Skei E39 Eikefet - Romarheim E39 in Sogn og Fjordane E39 Blindheim tunnel Rv 555 Sotrasambandet Rv 555 Kolltveit tunnel E39 Rogfast E39 Nyborg - Klauvaneset E39 Kjøs bridge - Grodås Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration x x x x x (x) (x) Sum corridor 4a E39 Ålesund - Trondheim E39 Astad - Knuset, refund E39 Høgkjølen - Harangen E39 Høgkjølen - Harangen, refund E39 Betna - Vinjeøra - Stormyra E39 Ørskogfjellet, slow lane E39 Lønset - Hjelset Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration x (x) (x) Sum corridor 4b Rv 9 Kristiansand - Haukeligrend and rv 13/rv 55 Jøsendal - Hella - Sogndal Rv 9 Krokå - Langeid Rv 9 Krokå - Langeid, refund Rv 13 Hardanger bridge Rv 13 Vossapakken Rv 13 Vossapakken, refund Rv 9 Setesdal Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration x x x x x 30 180 80 20 45 490 30 180 80 20 200 200 550 400 140 820 740 120 1220 880 120 620 700 850 2095 120 2945 120 2030 550 15 400 100 100 15 15 200 390 70 590 70 330 215 460 675 845 105 10 10 20 15 105 10 10 20 15 105 10 10 20 15 30 140 20 Sum corridor 4c 30 180 80 20 45 490 215 30 50 80 30 45 290 1750 500 1900 1020 1000 100 4605 30 180 80 20 45 490 1950 500 30 180 80 20 45 460 590 2450 1640 1700 1900 2450 3350 15 400 100 100 15 320 100 880 160 710 1555 10 10 20 15 105 30 980 1010 6635 550 160 2370 1350 500 400 500 400 400 200 400 2600 1480 1500 2370 6775 30 180 80 20 45 460 1940 500 400 500 400 400 200 30 180 80 20 45 2370 400 2600 2460 2510 3000 10125 460 1330 300 2370 200 300 200 2000 970 1010 5370 4780 4670 610 200 900 1000 400 200 200 800 500 150 1730 1500 8235 400 2300 5000 2000 9700 500 100 15 320 100 500 100 15 320 100 500 100 410 840 230 1250 230 410 300 950 230 300 100 100 845 1670 2515 1445 2180 400 30 10 10 20 15 105 10 10 20 15 105 10 10 20 15 105 200 380 150 30 30 700 30 40 300 610 220 60 1130 60 280 90 20 420 110 20 210 120 20 350 170 560 290 20 320 150 20 550 220 870 370 20 475 20 690 50 490 50 520 1010 50 630 50 770 1400 50 890 70 80 50 500 80 50 1310 80 50 160 5200 50 1510 80 120 300 80 200 80 120 200 600 1050 180 50 1510 80 120 500 600 1050 180 80 1050 80 120 200 50 1550 80 120 500 80 50 50 300 80 50 160 4500 2150 190 1050 180 2150 190 2350 780 20 1060 310 7220 7850 4660 7130 160 350 350 70 120 200 160 180 290 350 350 70 270 490 470 1530 160 1090 160 30 180 80 20 45 460 1940 500 900 1000 400 400 200 1000 500 150 2700 2510 13015 15 320 100 1200 100 300 1360 230 3625 10 10 20 15 105 500 990 370 2370 400 2600 7000 2000 14370 300 100 400 30 100 2020 130 50 1510 80 120 500 600 1050 180 600 2640 780 80 5. Oslo - Bergen/Haugesund with connection via Sogn to Florø E134 Drammen - Haugesund with connections E134 Skjold - Solheim E134 Gvammen - Århus E134 Haugalandspakka E134 Stordal tunnel Rv 13 Ryfast E134 Strømså tunnel E134 Damåsen - Saggrenda Rv 36 Skyggestein - Skjelbredstrand E134 Haukelitunnelane (start) Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration x (x) Sum corridor 5b 50 300 470 50 Sum corridor 5a Rv 7 Hønefoss - Brimnes and rv 52 Gol - Borlaug Rv 7 Sokna - Ørgenvika Rv 7 Sokna - Ørgenvika, refund Rv 7 Bugjelet - Bu, third construction phase, refund Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration 300 80 x x x 570 80 350 160 790 230 20 1260 280 20 780 210 20 810 310 1400 70 1970 150 1840 4600 2570 160 250 350 70 80 160 260 110 220 350 350 70 150 250 680 1170 160 910 260 350 70 40 30 490 160 4500 50 160 700 50 160 5200 300 4500 1590 520 20 1120 310 20 1230 470 4410 5510 3090 4600 4130 260 350 350 70 90 200 160 170 240 250 350 70 250 400 410 1320 260 1060 160 910 2 50 160 700 2150 190 3250 200 600 700 600 1580 470 1000 3450 1700 50 160 5200 2150 190 1000 8110 8830 160 290 290 350 350 70 410 490 580 1670 160 E16 Sandvika - Bergen with connections E16 Nes tunnel E16 Road restructured at Voss E16 Fønhus - Bagn Rv 5 Loftesnes bridge E16 Sandvika - Vøyen E16 Bagn - Bjørgo E16 Sætre- and Bjørkhaug tunnel E16 Bjørum - Skaret - Rørvik E16 Fagernes - Hande E16 Oppheim - Voss (start) Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration x x (x) (x) 20 100 100 280 110 Sum corridor 5c 410 220 570 590 100 1260 20 100 100 220 850 700 220 1670 20 100 100 220 100 1100 390 550 320 1160 210 580 920 710 850 1420 2350 20 100 210 680 100 220 20 70 180 100 2020 1100 1400 920 3510 100 110 1100 600 810 2340 1780 580 700 400 920 300 970 1190 1310 3840 20 70 180 680 700 400 100 110 2020 300 1570 2000 1220 5620 20 70 180 100 500 200 100 110 1100 200 640 810 2530 2520 1510 580 200 200 950 750 300 1310 1190 920 100 1550 650 5480 3220 20 70 180 680 700 400 950 750 300 1950 2000 8000 100 110 2020 300 1550 650 4730 6. Oslo Trondheim with connection to Måløy, Ålesund and Kristiansund E6 Oslo - Trondheim with connections E6 Dal - Minnesund, incl. Skabdalen, refund E6 Minnesund - Skaberud E6 Sentervegen - Tonstad Rv 706 Nordre relief road, refund E6 Nidelv bridge - Grillstad Rv 150 Uvensplitten - Sinsen E6 Cross Flyplassvegen, refund E6 Oppdal center E6 Frya - Sjoa Rv 4 Lygna south E6 Vindalsliene - Korporals bridge Rv 191 Entry Alnabruterminalen, part 1 Rv 706 Sluppen - Stavne E6 Kolomoen - Brumunddal E6 Ringebu - Frya E6 Sjoa - Otta E6 Jaktøya - Klett - Sentervegen Rv 4 Gran - Jaren E6 Ulsberg - Berkåk - Løklia (start) E6 Støren - Skjerdingstad Rv 4 Hagan tunnel Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration x x x x x x (x) (x) (x) (x) 185 80 100 50 1390 690 80 20 205 80 100 100 260 230 210 100 260 690 80 230 210 50 1390 205 80 100 50 1390 690 80 230 210 100 260 200 700 1550 100 450 80 300 1750 220 220 400 205 80 100 100 260 1750 100 450 80 300 50 1390 690 80 205 80 100 230 210 x 50 1390 690 80 230 210 100 230 1350 70 2450 2250 220 220 400 360 450 80 300 300 900 1000 840 440 Sum corridor 6a Rv 3 Kolomoen - Ulsberg with connections Rv 3 Åsta bridge with adjacent road Rv 3 Korsan - Gullikstad Rv 3/rv 25 Ommangsvollen - Grundset/Basthjørnet Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration 50 1390 220 220 400 900 1260 1300 205 80 100 100 230 1710 70 450 80 300 300 900 1000 840 440 690 80 230 210 50 1390 205 80 100 230 210 100 2250 220 220 400 900 1260 1300 230 1620 70 350 840 440 2250 90 220 100 80 300 1320 900 1300 820 1840 270 1340 2810 320 2160 1170 250 980 2160 380 1570 3330 630 2550 1920 420 1020 3160 610 1600 5080 1030 2620 1610 420 820 2825 2030 2490 1340 5315 3370 3705 2890 5120 4160 8825 7050 6255 5780 8100 4600 14355 10380 7405 7060 200 200 200 200 200 150 200 150 220 400 1980 1260 1300 970 50 200 50 1390 690 80 1000 600 500 3290 610 10190 500 2100 1290 205 80 100 100 230 1710 70 450 80 300 1320 900 1300 840 440 1000 600 500 4900 1030 2020 2020 2490 2020 310 70 500 130 310 60 460 90 770 150 360 60 Sum corridor 6b 330 260 590 450 380 830 570 700 1270 620 1870 Rv 15 Otta - Måløy Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration 110 20 220 30 330 50 140 40 240 60 380 100 230 50 350 70 580 120 290 50 540 70 830 120 Sum corridor 6c 130 250 380 180 300 480 280 420 700 340 610 950 100 350 290 100 350 350 600 380 100 1450 290 100 350 600 580 150 1430 1450 Sum corridor 6d Rv 70 Oppdal - Kristiansund with connections Rv 70 Tingvoll - Meisingset Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration Sum corridor 6e 50 340 170 130 70 180 70 200 540 170 230 230 150 30 170 410 230 230 200 70 350 100 270 680 230 290 170 180 50 230 520 1450 260 100 170 810 1450 1330 50 70 90 70 80 60 110 140 110 90 60 130 150 130 40 120 160 80 170 250 90 190 280 290 100 170 1450 440 150 40 3 170 200 50 1620 640 300 140 440 170 2110 2020 190 60 290 1260 1300 500 2100 200 150 880 1110 150 330 60 170 220 220 400 1980 13550 220 40 290 2250 17595 110 20 x 230 210 6490 150 880 750 90 E136 Dombås - Ålesund with connections E136 Tresfjord bridge E136 Oppland grense - Rødstøl E136 Breivika - Lerstad E136 Flatmark - Monge - Marstein Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration 690 80 2070 180 130 300 320 130 310 750 170 1450 1620 7. Trondheim - Bodø with connections to Sweden E6 Trondheim - Fauske with connections E6 Værnes - Kvithamar E6 Harran - Nes bridge Rv 80 Løding - Vikan Rv 80 Løding - Vikan, refund E6 Helgeland, north E6 Helgeland, south Rv 80 Hunstadmoen - Thallekrysset E6 Være-, Stavsjø- and Hell tunnel E6 Brattås - Lien E5 Selli - Asp Sem E6 Kvithamar - Åsen (start) E6 Sørelva - Borkamo Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration x x x x (x) 30 40 20 45 550 30 40 20 45 550 250 30 40 20 45 300 250 300 550 570 150 1000 30 40 20 45 850 570 150 250 300 400 30 40 20 45 750 500 550 300 1400 550 200 1000 200 Sum corridor 7 100 200 150 1300 500 200 400 300 30 40 20 45 850 700 150 1500 500 30 40 20 45 750 500 150 200 100 550 400 1400 300 550 200 1400 300 490 160 290 970 900 40 1460 1060 330 760 740 290 970 1440 40 1730 2180 330 1210 1050 290 1040 1720 40 2250 2770 330 1160 1050 785 290 2420 290 3205 580 1935 1590 3680 990 5615 2580 3845 2040 5010 940 8855 2980 4045 2450 300 200 1120 550 100 690 500 1420 550 100 890 500 1150 550 340 500 190 340 500 1340 550 340 500 100 50 450 370 1340 550 100 50 450 370 1250 1580 1750 2550 3990 7160 60 300 450 300 280 300 450 240 280 300 100 200 200 1300 600 250 500 350 1290 1720 500 150 6310 850 30 40 20 45 850 700 150 1500 700 250 500 350 2450 2770 550 400 1400 300 500 150 10355 3300 1340 550 100 50 450 370 1000 2260 2550 340 500 8. Bodø - Narvik - Tromsø - Kirkenes with connection to Lofoten and Sweden, Finland and Russia E6 Fauske - Nordkjosbotn with connections E6 Hålogaland bridge E8 Sørbotn - Laukslett E8 Entry Tromsø havn, Breivika E6 Ballangen center E6 Kråkmofjellet south and north E6 Ulvsvågskaret E10/rv 85 Tjeldsund - Gullesfjordbotn - Langvassbukt (start) Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration (x) Sum corridor 8a E6 Nordkjosbotn - Kirkenes with connections E105 Storskog - Elvenes E6 Tana bridge E105 Elvenes - Hesseng 220 150 500 850 720 1000 290 660 370 1350 1720 1250 300 300 590 1160 200 880 1820 3520 1190 500 970 4770 1390 3170 840 580 970 840 3790 840 150 370 1000 1680 1580 500 4880 500 300 (x) 300 300 300 240 280 230 90 470 450 700 540 380 530 570 780 950 1310 700 740 890 870 1590 1610 Sum corridor 8b 320 1220 1540 1210 1650 2860 1960 2570 4530 Sum item 30 National roads investments 10620 5080 19000 2540 29620 7620 20980 18190 34390 -20 per cent B 2014-2017 stat 8670 other 2018-2023 stat other 15710 55370 33900 34980 24070 Basis Sum 2014-2023 stat other 2014-2017 stat other 27460 90280 51530 550 740 450 500 750 1050 870 300 280 300 450 500 750 1600 1610 2110 3680 5790 46770 36010 +20 per cent 2018-2023 stat 55300 60 other Sum 2014-2023 stat other 2014-2017 stat other 2018-2023 stat other 71370 44450 stat other 2014-2017 stat other 2018-2023 stat other Sum 2014-2023 stat other 150 150 150 150 60 90 150 60 90 150 Sum corridor 3 150 150 150 150 60 90 150 60 90 150 4. Stavanger - Bergen - Ålesund - Trondheim x 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4 80460 +45 per cent Sum 2014-2023 E18 Oslo - Kristiansand and E39 Kristiansand - Stavanger with connections E39 Holmenfoss - Try Sum corridor 4a 1340 118140 3. Oslo - Grenland - Kristiansand - Stavanger E39 Stavanger - Bergen - Ålesund with connections E39 Hjartåberga 500 x Rv 94 Skaidi - Hammerfest E6 Nordkjosbotn - Hatteng E6 Sørkjosfjellet Programme area, planning etc. Deterioration Item 31 Avalanche protection 100 50 300 Rv 9 Kristiansand - Haukeligrend and rv 13/rv 55 Jøsendal - Hella - Sogndal Rv 13 Bugjelet - Brimnes, refund Rv 13 Skjervet, refund Rv 13 Deildo Rv 13 Joberget (Øvre Vassenden) Rv 13 Vik - Vangsnes Rv 13 Låtefoss Rv 13 Odda - Tyssedal x x Sum corridor 4c 35 90 200 140 465 160 160 40 20 300 360 35 90 240 160 300 825 160 160 35 90 200 140 465 160 160 40 20 300 360 35 90 240 160 300 825 35 90 240 160 160 160 525 300 50 35 90 240 160 300 50 350 875 160 160 160 160 35 90 240 160 300 825 160 50 500 35 90 240 160 300 50 500 550 1375 160 160 160 5. Oslo - Bergen/Haugesund with connection via Sogn to Florø E134 Drammen - Haugesund with connections Rv 13 Tysdalsvatnet Rv 13 Tysdalsvatnet, refund x x Sum corridor 5a 50 260 50 260 50 260 50 260 50 260 50 260 50 260 50 260 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 Rv 7 Hønefoss - Brimnes and rv 52 Gol - Borlaug Rv 7 Kyskredo 50 50 50 50 Sum corridor 5b 50 50 50 50 250 700 400 100 250 700 400 100 250 700 500 100 100 250 700 600 100 1350 1450 200 1550 1750 E16 Sandvika - Bergen with connections E16 Bergsund E16 Kvamskleiva E16 Nærøydalen Rv 5 Kjøsnesfjorden E16 Kråkeberget (x) 100 250 290 Sum corridor 5c 100 540 100 250 290 100 250 700 640 100 100 250 700 100 100 100 950 1050 Rv 15 Otta - Måløy Rv 15 Knutstugugrove Rv 15 Strynefjellet 70 400 70 400 70 400 70 400 70 600 70 600 Sum corridor 6c 470 470 470 470 670 670 85 100 90 100 85 100 90 100 85 100 90 100 100 185 90 100 185 90 100 185 90 6. Oslo Trondheim with connection to Måløy, Ålesund and Kristiansund E136 Dombås - Ålesund with connections E136 Vågstrand tunnel E136 Dølsteinfonna and Fantebrauta x Sum corridor 6d Rv 70 Oppdal - Kristiansund with connections Rv 70 Oppdølstranda 85 85 x Sum corridor 6e 90 90 85 100 90 100 100 185 90 85 85 90 90 85 85 90 90 85 85 90 90 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 7. Trondheim - Bodø with connections to Sweden E6 Trondheim - Fauske with connections E6 Langnesberga 200 200 200 200 200 200 Sum corridor 7 200 200 200 200 200 200 160 170 120 100 160 170 120 100 160 170 120 100 160 170 120 100 120 100 160 170 120 100 8. Bodø - Narvik - Tromsø - Kirkenes with connection to Lofoten and mot Sweden, Finland and Russia E6 Fauske - Nordkjosbotn with connections E10 Solbjørnneset - Hamnøy E10 Trældal - Leirvik E10 Vest-Lofoten E8 Lavangsdalen Sum corridor 8a E6 Nordkjosbotn - Kirkenes with connections E6 Indre Nordnes - Skardalen E69 Skarvberg tunnel Rv 93 Kløfta Sum corridor 8a Sum item 31 Avalanche protection x (x) 160 170 160 170 330 160 170 330 330 220 550 330 220 550 330 220 550 50 750 500 800 500 650 150 500 200 800 500 200 730 70 500 200 800 500 200 730 70 500 200 800 500 200 50 1250 1300 650 850 1500 730 770 1500 730 770 1500 2400 4000 3300 5500 3600 6000 4200 7000 1600 250 250 2200 250 250 2400 5 250 250 2800 250 250 -20 per cent Item 35 Bjørvika B 2014-2017 stat Basis Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat 2014-2017 other stat +20 per cent Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat 2014-2017 other stat +45 per cent Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat 2014-2017 other stat Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat other 3. Oslo - Grenland - Kristiansand - Stavanger E18 Oslo - Kristiansand and E39 Kristiansand - Stavanger with connections E18 Bjørvikaprosjektet x Sum item 35 Bjørvika 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 30 230 -20 per cent Item 36 E16 Filefjell B 2014-2017 stat Basis Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat 2014-2017 other stat +20 per cent Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat 2014-2017 other stat +45 per cent Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat 2014-2017 other stat Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat other 5. Oslo - Bergen/Haugesund with connection via Sogn to Florø E16 Sandvika - Bergen with connections E16 Smedalsosen - Maristova - Borlaug E16 Varpe bridge - Otrøosen - Smedalsosen E16 Øye - Eids bridge x Sum item 36 E16 Filefjell 250 730 250 1230 50 250 730 300 250 730 250 50 1280 1230 -20 per cent Item 37 E6 west of Alta B 2014-2017 stat stat 250 730 250 50 1280 1230 Basis Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other 50 250 730 300 other stat 2014-2017 other stat stat 250 730 250 50 250 730 300 50 1280 1230 50 1280 +20 per cent Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other 50 250 730 300 other stat 2014-2017 other stat +45 per cent Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat 2014-2017 other stat Sum 2014-2023 2018-2023 other stat other stat other 8. Bodø - Narvik - Tromsø - Kirkenes with connection to Lofoten and Sweden, Finland and Russia E6 Nordkjosbotn - Kirkenes with connections E6 Møllnes - Kvenvik - Hjemmeluft E6 Halselv - Sandelv - Møllnes E6 Storsandnes - Langnesbukt Sum item 37 E6 west of Alta Sum investments x (x) 20 610 490 1120 14600 5560 50 20 610 540 20 610 490 50 1170 1120 21500 2540 36100 8100 25560 18670 50 20 610 540 20 610 490 50 1170 1120 37790 15710 63350 34380 39760 6 24550 50 20 610 540 20 610 490 50 20 610 540 50 1170 1120 50 1170 59000 27460 98760 52010 51950 36490 75670 44450 127620 80940 R83 R85 R85 E6 Evenes Narvik E10 Measures , Ofotbanen R827 R827 Værøy Bodø R80 R77 Mo i Rana E12 Rail Projects Mosjøen Nordlandsbanen R73 E6 Elektrification, Trønderbanen Steinkjer Trondheim Rail terminal E14 Basis E39 R70 Molde +45 percent E39 Åndalsnes Raumabanen R658 E39 E39 R15 Florø Gjøvik Tynset E136 E39 Røros R70 Dombås Rørosbanen R15 KleverudSørli Otta R5 R5 Dovrebanen R55 Lillehammer R3 R5 R13 Voss Bergen Ulrikken tunnel R25 R52 Bergensbanen R13 E16 R7 E16 R2 Alnabru E134 E39 R36 Stavanger Sandnes E18 R23 E18 Vestfoldbanen R9 R40 R41 R42 R19 R110 Larvik Arendal DrammenKobbervik VestfoldØstfoldbanen banen eller R22 HolmHolmestrandNykirke R111 R21 BarkåkerNykirke 30 60 120 SandbuktaMoss-Såstad Tønsberg Fredrikstad Sandefjord Kristiansand 180 Moss Porsgrunn Sørlandsbanen 0 Follobanen Oslo-Ski Drammen Østfoldbanen Moss E19 Grenland R13 E16 Oslo R35 Drammen Alnabru Alnabru, part1 Oslo R20 R4 R7 R13 Kongsvingerbanen Hamar Gjøvik R25 Solørbanen E134 Haugesund LangsetKleverud Bergensbanen E39 R44 Hamar Dovrebanen 240 Kilometer FarriseidetPorsgrunn Larvik Halden 0 5 10 20 30 40 Kilometer Gjesvær Skarsvåg Gamvik Mehamn Kamøyvær Honningsvåg Sørvær Breivikbotn Kiberg Svartnes Leirpollen Hammerfest Polarbase Melkøya Årviksand Kristoffervalen Skjervøy Arnøyhamn Vengsøy Kvalsundet Tromsø Tromvik Sommarøy Brensholmen Båtsfjord Kirkenes Alta Andenes Risøyrenna II Hovden Laukvik Raftsundet Napp Svolvær Engenes Harstad Tjeldsundet Narvik Bognes-Lødingen Hamarøygrunnen Grøtøyleden Røst Landegode Approach Bodø Bodø Stabbsundet Olstokvær Åmøysundet Approach Mo i Rana Mo i Rana Approach to Sandnessjøen Alstahaugfjorden-Tjøtta 0 40 80 Development and maintenance Fairways National ports Fishing ports Coastal network 120 160 Nm Risværflu Hummelråsa Leiskjærsgrunnen Tjeldbergodden Ringholmen Trondheim Kristiansund Nyhamna Hjertøysundet Measures Ålesund Roald Djupflua Ålesund Vaulane Fosnavåg Gjerdsvika Approach Ulvesundet Kalvåg Måløy Skatestraumen-Bremagrunnen Florø Flora Ytre Steinsund Mongstad Approach Flåm Sture Skjellangersundet Færøyfluene Bergen Approach Oslo Karmsund Oslo Drammen Kårstø Stavanger/Sandnes Grenland Approch Stavanger Approach Grenland Moss Tønsberg Borg Larvik IApproach Borg nnseiling Borg Approach Kragerø Egersund Approach Farsund Kristiansand 0 30 60 Development and maintenance Fairways National ports Fishing ports Coastal network 90 120 Nm Road Projects E69 Rv 94 Skaidi - Hammerfest E75 E69 Skarvbergtunnelen E6 Tana bru Rv 94 E6 Storsandnes - Langnesbukt E6 Halselv - Sandelv - Møllnes E6 Sørkjosfjellet E8 Adkomst Tromsø havn, Breivika E6 Nordkjosbotn - Hatteng E8 Riksgrensen - Skibotn E6 E10 Vest-Lofoten (andre delstrekninger) Rv 93 Rv 83 E10/rv85 Tjeldsund - Gullesfjordbotn Langvassbukt (start) Rv 92 Rv 92 E8 E6 Hålogalandsbrua E10 Trældal - Leirvik E6 Omlegging forbi Ballangen sentrum Rv 827 E10 E6 Ulvsvågskaret E10 Solbjørnneset - Hamnøy E6 Kråkmofjellet sør og nord Rv 80 Hunstadmoen - Thallekrysset Rv 80 E6 Rv 77 E6 Sørelva - Borkamo E6 Helgeland, nord E12 E6 Helgeland, sør Rv 73 E6 Brattås - Lien E6 Helgeland, sør E6 Harran - Nes bru E6 Langnesberga Avalanche protection measures (basis) E6 Selli - Asp - Sem Avalanche protection measures (+20%) Avalanche protection measures (+45%) E6 Kvithamar - Åsen (start) Projects that are prioritized (basis) E14 E6 Være-, Stavsjø og Helltunnelen 0 50 100 200 Km E105 E105 Elvenes - Hesseng Rv 93 Kløfta E6 Indre Nordnes - Skardalen E8 Sørbotn - Laukslett E8 Lavangsdalen E6 E6 Projects that are prioritized (+20%) Projects that are prioritized (+45%) Rv 706 Sluppen - Stavne E6 Nidelv bru - Grillstad E39 Høgkjølen - Harangen E39 Betna - Vinjeøra - Stormyra E39 Rv 70 Tingvoll - Meisingset E39 Lønset - Hjelset E39 E14 E6 Sentervegen - Tonstad E6 Jaktøya - Klett - Sentervegen E6 Støren - Skjerdingstad E6 Vindalsliene - Korporals bru Rv 70 OppdølE6 Ulsberg - Berkåk - Løklia (start) E136 Tresfjordbrua stranda E39 Ørskogfjellet, krabbefelt Rv 3 Korsan - Gullikstad E136 Vågstrandstunnelen E136 Breivika - Lerstad E136 Dølsteinfonna og E39 Blindheimstunnelen E6 Oppdal sentrum Fantebrauta E136 Flatmark - Monge - Marstein E136 Oppland grense - Rødstøl E39 Hjartåberga E39 Kjøs bru - Grodås E39 i Sogn og Fjordane (andre delstrekninger) E39 Bjørset - Skei Rv 15 Rv 3 Rv 15 Strynefjellet Rv 15 Knutstugugrove Rv 15 E39 E6 Sjoa - Otta Rv 5 Kjøsnesfjorden Rv 5 E6 Frya - Sjoa E39 Drægebø - Grytås E6 Ringebu - Frya og Birkeland - Sande N Rv 5 Loftesnesbrua Rv 3 Rv 55 E39 Lavik ferjekai E16 Varpe bru - Otrøosen - Smedalsosen Rv 13 Vik - Vangsnes E16 Øye - Eids bru Rv 25 E16 Smedalsosen - Maristova - Borlaug E16 Kvamskleiva E6 Rv 13 E16 Fagernes - Hande E16 Nærøydalen Rv 3 Åsta bru med tilstøtende veg E39 Eikefet - Romarheim E16 E16 Bagn - Bjørgo E16 Sætre- og Bjørkhaugtunnelen E16 Oppheim - Voss (delstrekninger) Rv 3/25 Ommangsvollen E16 Bergsund E6 E39 Nyborg - Klauvaneset Grundset/Basthjørnet E16 Fønhus - Bagn Rv 13 Joberget E16 Kråkeberget E6 Kolomoen - Brumunddal Rv 555 Sotrasambandet Rv 7 Kyskredo Rv 555 Kolltveittunnelen E39 Vågsbotn - Hylkje Rv 4 Lygna sør Rv 4 E6 Minnesund - Skaberud Rv 4 Gran - Jaren Rv 13 Deildo E39 Svegatjørn - Rådal E16 Olum - Jevnaker - Eggemoen E6 Kryss Flyplassvegen E16 Rv 13 Odda - Tyssedal E16 Slomarka - Herbergåsen Rv 7 Sokna - Ørgenvika E16 Kongsvinger - Slomarka Rv 4 Hagantunnelen Rv 13 Låtefoss E134 E16 Herbergåsen - Nybakk E16 Bjørum - Skaret - Rørvik Rv 191 Adkomst Alnabruterminalen E16 Sandvika - Wøyen E39 E134 Haukelitunnelene Rv 22 Lillestrøm - Fetsund E18 Lysaker - Høvik E134 Stordalstunnelen Rv 150 Ulvensplitten - Sinsen E18 Bjørvikaprosjektet (andre etappe) E134 Haugalandspakka E6 Manglerudprosjektet Rv 23 E134 Damåsen Saggrenda E134 Skjold - Solheim Oslopakke 3 (Bussterminal Oslo) (andre delstrekninger) E134 Gvammen E18 Sydhavna Rv 13 E134 Strømsåstunnelen Århus E18 Melleby - Momarken E6 Rv 9 Setesdal Rv 23 Linnes - E18 (start) E18 Riksgrensen - Ørje E18 Knapstad - Akershus grense Rv 23 Dagslett Linnes Rv 19 E39 Rogfast E18 Østfold grense - Vinterbro (start) Rv 13 Tysdalsvatnet E18 Gulli Langåker E39 Smiene - Harestad Rv 23 Oslofjortunnelen med tilstøtende veg Rv 36 Skyggestein E39 Eiganestunnelen Rv 13 Ryfast Rv 110 Simo - Ørbekk Skjelbredstrand E39 Hove - Sandved E18 Bommestad - Sky E39 Ålgård - Hove E18 Hovet-, Brattås- og Kjørholttunnelen Rv 41 E18 E18 Rugtvedt - Dørdal E39 Omlegging Vikeså Rv 42 E39 E39 Drangsdalen - Heskestad E18 Tvedestrand - Arendal (start) Rv 9 E39 Udland - Oftedal E39 Livold - Fardal E39 Lindelia - Døle bru - Livold (start) 0 25 50 100 Km Avalanche protection measures (basis) Rv 41/451 Adkomst Kjevik E18 Varoddbrua E39 Gartnerløkka - Breimyrkrysset E39 Holmenfoss - Try Avalanche protection measures (+20%) Avalanche protection measures (+45%) Projects that are prioritized (basis) Projects that are prioritized (+20%) Projects that are prioritized (+45%) National Transport Plan secretariat Postal address: Vegdirektoratet Postboks 8142 Dep. NO-0033 OSLO Phone: +47 91502030 [email protected]
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