Energihandel og Miljø 2020 - et forskningsprosjekt støttet av RENERGI Arbeidsmøte om Opprinnelsesgarantier Oslo, 17. februar 2012 Hanne Lerche Raadal, PhD-kandidat Østfoldforskning og UMB Østfoldforskning • Holder til i Fredrikstad • Etablert 1. mars 1988 som privat FoUstiftelse -> forskningsselskap fra 1.7.07 • Ca 20 forskerårsverk, omsetning 28 mill. Metodikk, produkter og bransjer • Livsløpsanalyser av verdikjeder med fokus på miljø, funksjonalitet og økonomi Miljøanalyser og dokumentasjon av produkt og tjenester som grunnlag for strategiutvikling, innovasjon og forbedring. • Sentrale bransjer og samfunnssektorer: • Emballasje og næringsmiddel • Avfallshåndtering • Energiproduksjon og energibruk • Bygg og byggematerialer • Tjenesteproduksjon Prosjekteksempler • • • • • • • • Klimaregnskap og energiplanlegging LCA og EPD (miljødeklarasjoner) av byggematerialer LCA og hele byggekonstruksjoner Klimaregnskap for avfall og gjødsel Netto klimanytte ved ulik utnyttelse av gjødsel/avfall. Energihandel & Miljø 2020 Miljødokumentasjon av elektrisitet, systemer og effekter av handel med miljøattributter LCA av gasskraft med og uten CCS – Statoil Sammenligne miljømessige effekter av gasskraft-scenarier med/uten karbonfangst og lagring (CCS). LCA av bioenergi – NVE Miljøbelastning ved kraftvarmeproduksjon – bioenergi fra ulike råstoffkilder og anleggstyper/–størrelser. Livsløpsanalyse av produkt fra bioraffineri – Borregaard Miljøegenskaper ved produksjon av cellulose, etanol, lignin og vanillin. Electricity to grid Electricity MEA Exhaust. CO2 Hazardous waste Gas production Gas transport: offshore Haltenpipe at Heidrun Biofuel production Emissions of NO 2, MEA, NH3 and CO 2 Steam (CCS-3) Gas terminal Electricity production at CCGT Tjeldbergodden Gas (CCS-1) Biof uel (CCS-2) Transport Post-combustion CO2 capture plant Compression Injection and pipeline and storage transport of CO2 of CO2 Steam Exhaust Steam production (boiler) 28/10-10 Energihandel & Miljø 2020 Key figures and project consortium: • Time schedule 3.5 years, 2009-2012 • Total budget 20 MNOK (app. 2.3 MEUR) – 7.2 MNOK (0.9 MEUR) from Norwegian Research Council – Project partners (cash and inkind) • Fortum Markets project owner • Ostfold Research project manager • PhD as a part of the project: – Environmental Documentation of Energy in Trading Systems Energihandel & Miljø 2020 • Systemer og effekter av eksisterende regelverk for handel med miljøegenskapene til elektrisitet. • LCA elektrisitet • Opprinnelsesgarantier og varedeklarasjon • Interaksjoner med elsertifikater Dokumentert fornybar Residualmiks Produksjonsmiks Forbruksmiks Voluntary trading of the ”environmental value” of electricity Principle of the system GO = Guarantee of Origin GO market Cancellation Guarantee of Origin • Defined in the Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC): – Shall provide proof to a final customer that a given share or quantity of energy was produced from renewable sources as required by Article 3(6) of Directive 2003/54/EC (repealed by Directive 2009/72/EC, The Electricity Market Directive). – Standard size of 1 MWh – Specific information requirements • Energy source and start and end dates of production • Whether and to what extent the installation has benefited from investment support • Whether and to what extent the unit of energy has benefited in any other way from a national support scheme, and the type of support scheme • Etc. Electricity Disclosure • The Electricity Market Directive 2009/72/EC, Artikkel 3(9)) – All suppliers of electricity are required to disclose their electricity portfolio with regards to: • energy source • environmental impacts, specifying – the emissions of CO2 – the production of radioactive waste Attributes = The disclosed indicators, representing the environmental information associated with the electricity generation processes. Norsk forankring • Opprinnelsesgarantier – Forskrift om opprinnelsesgarantier for produksjon av elektrisk energi (hjemlet i Energilovens § 4-3 første og fjerde ledd og § 7-6.) • El-markedsdirektivet – Forskrift om måling og avregning • § 7-5. Varedeklarasjon – Kraftleverandøren skal informere sine sluttbrukere om opprinnelsen til leveranser av elektrisk energi i foregående år. Slik informasjon skal gis i salgsfremmende materiale og i forbindelse med fakturering, i form av en henvisning til internettsiden til NVE, som ansvarlig for den nasjonale varedeklarasjonen. Objectives of Electricity Disclosure: • To provide consumers with relevant information about power generation and to allow for informed consumer choice - not to be based on electricity prices alone http://www.reliable-disclosure.org/electricity-disclosure/ • The Electricity Directive introduces the obligation on suppliers to specify the fuel mix and its related environmental impact of the electricity they sell to final consumers. 1. Increase market transparency by providing open and easy access to relevant information, 2. Comply with the consumers right to information regarding purchased products, 3. Enable consumers to make informed choices about suppliers based on the generation characteristics of the electricity they supply, 4. Educate consumers and stimulate electricity generation that contributes to a secure and sustainable electricity system. European Comission, 2004: Note from DG Transport and Energy (http://ec.europa.eu/energy/electricity/legislation/doc/notes_for_implementation_2004/labelling_en.pdf) and Aasen et al., 2012 GOs til bruk i Disclosure • For a proper disclosure of the electricity mix, suppliers can use Guarantees of Origin to account for the share of green electricity they sell (http://www.reliable-disclosure.org/electricity-disclosure/). • The connection between the Renewable Energy Directive and the Electricity Market Directive entails that the GOs are the carrier of the information of environmental attributes related to the electricity generation (Raadal et al., 2012). – Analogous to RECs in the US • Ursprungsgarantierna står för miljövärdet av elen, och kan köpas och säljas på en öppen marknad (Energimyndigheten: Faktablad om ursprungsgarantier http://webbshop.cm.se/System/TemplateView.aspx?p=Energimyndigheten&view=default&cat=/Fa ktablad&id=3a1e62e4131c48cd9f2125fe79be8e78) Sammenheng GOs/Varedeklarasjon Production Electricity Mix (Country or Region) Customers Electricity Disclosure “Green” customers purchasing GOs Attributes related to the purchased GOs. “Ordinary” customers, purchasing electricity without any specific requirements Attributes related to the Production Electricity Mix, corrected by attributes which have been allocated by other tracking systems (e.g. GOs) = Residual Mix Statistikk – EECS certificates Cancelled EECS certificates 250 200 GO market Ca 110 fra Norge, hvorav ca 35 er brukt i Norge TWh 150 100 50 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 EECS = The European Energy Certification System • Kilde: AIB A harmonised system for international trade of Guarantees of Origin (GOs); RECS Certificates and EECS Disclosure certificates. Norsk varedeklarasjon • NVE publiserer den norske varedeklarasjonen på sine websider – http://www.nve.no/no/Kraftmarked/Sluttbrukermarkedet/Varedeklarasjon1/ Norwegian Disclosure 2007 Unknown 11 % Thermal 2% Imports 5% Norwegian Disclosure 2008 Unknown 25 % Norwegian Disclosure 2009 Imports 6% Imports 3% Unknown 43 % Renewable 82 % Thermal 1% Norwegian Disclosure 2010 Imports 13 % Renewable 23 % Renewable 47 % Renewable 71 % Unknown 59 % Thermal 4% Thermal 4% Methodology for Residual Mix calculations • Methodology for Residual Mix calculations for the European countries developed through several European projects: – E-Track (A European Tracking System for Electricity) • http://www.e-track-project.org/ – EPED (European Platform for Electricity Disclosure) • http://www.eped.eu/portal/page/portal/EPED_HOME – RE-DISS (Reliable Disclosure Systems for Europe) • http://www.reliable-disclosure.org/ Best Practice Recommendations for the implementation of Guarantees of Origin and other tracking systems for disclosure in the electricity sector in Europe (Version 1.2, 2011) Norwegian Disclosure 2008 Norwegian Disclosure 2007 Imports 5% Unknown 11 % Thermal 2% Unknown 25 % Norwegian Disclosure 2009 Imports 3% Unknown 43 % Renewable 82 % Thermal 1% Norwegian Disclosure 2010 Imports 6% Imports 13 % Renewable 23 % Renewable 47 % Renewable 71 % Therma 4% Unknown 59 % Thermal 4% Nordisk Residualmiks 2010 NVE’s versjons RE-DISS Calculations (27 countries) Renewable 25 % According to the EU Directive 320 g CO2/kWh Norwegian Residual Mix 2008 Norwegian Residual Mix 2009 Nuclear 12 % Renewable 76 % Fossil 12 % Nuclear 17 % Fossil 31 % Norwegian Residual Mix 2010 Renewable 23 % Nuclear 27 % Renewable 51 % Fossil 32 % 79 g CO2-equiv./kWh Nuclear 44 % Fossil 50 % 220 g CO2-equiv./kWh Residual Mix calculations based on RE-DISS calculations 2008, 2009 and 2010 (http://www.reliable-disclosure.org/ ) 380 g CO2-equiv./kWh Relaterte internasjonale standarder/guidelines • ISO 14 067 Carbon footprint of products • Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Product life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Scope 2) • PAS 2050:2011 ISO/DIS 14 067 Carbon footprint of products Januar 2012 – høringsfrist 6. juni 2012 Kap. Treatment of electricity • When a supplier of electricity can deliver a specific electricity product and guarantee that the electricity sale and the associated GHG emissions are not double counted, the data for that electricity shall be used for the product studied. • When the supplier of electricity does not provide specific GHG data for the specific electricity product, the GHG emissions associated with the national grid where the life cycle stage occurs shall be used. ISO/DIS 14 067 Carbon footprint of products Januar 2012 – høringsfrist 6. juni 2012 Kap. Treatment of electricity Notes • NOTE 1 Regarding double-counting, generator-specific emission factors for electricity used in a process could be used when: a) the process which used the electricity (or used an equivalent amount of electricity of the same type to that generated), and another process did not claim the generator-specific emission factors for that electricity; and b) the generator-specific electricity production does not influence the emission factors of any other process or organization. • NOTE 2 In some countries parts of the electricity from renewable energy sources might already be sold/exported as “green” electricity, and should thus be excluded from the mix to avoid double counting. • NOTE 3 Some "green certificates" are sold without coupling to the electricity, which might lead to double counting. GHG Protocol standards • Product life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard (oktober 2011, http://www.ghgprotocol.org/files/ghgp/Product%20Life%20Cycle%20Accounting%20and%20Repo rting%20Standard.pdf ): • When an electricity supplier can deliver a supplier-specific emission factor and these emissions are excluded from the regional emission factor, the supplier’s electricity data should be used. Otherwise, companies should use a regional average emission factor for electricity to avoid double counting. • Pågående arbeid om Power GHG Accounting Guidelines under Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (http://www.ghgprotocol.org/feature/ghg-protocol-power-accountingguidelines) Oppsummering status relevante standarder/guidelines • Tilrettelegger for bruk av ”supplier-specific products” til klimamerking, dersom dette ikke dobbelttelles. • DIS 2012 for ny ISO-standard ISO 14067 Carbon Footprint of Products. • Product Life Cycle and Reporting Standard (under The Greenhouse Gas Protocol), av oktober 2011. • PAS 2050:2011 • I tråd med: – El-markedsdirektivets krav om info relatert til forbrukernes strømforbruk – Bruke denne informasjonen i miljødokumentasjon. Eksempler på bruk • European Commission Environment: Green Public Procurement (GPP) – Electricity (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/gpp/pdf/toolkit/electricity_GPP_product_sheet.pdf ): – “Buy green electricity” – Core GPP Criteria: 50% of supplied electricity must come from renewable energy sources (verifisert med GOs) • Svensk Energi, utarbeider Svensk Varedeklarasjon (ursprungsmärkning) http://www.svenskenergi.se/upload/Vi%20arbetar%20med/Handel&F%C3%B6rs%C3%A4ljning/Filer/Ursprungsm%C3 %A4rkning/V%C3%A4gl%20ursprungsm%C3%A4rkning%20%202011_0829_inkl%20bilagor.pdf – ”...användas som grund för miljö/klimatvärdering av elektrisitet. Systemet för ursprungsmärkning bör användas i den mån enskilda företag och privatpersoner vill följa upp miljö/klimateffekterna av sin elanvändning.” • Miljøvurdering av elektrisitet til fjernvarme (Miljövärdering 2011. Guide för allokering i kraftvärmeverk och fjärrvärmens elanvändning) http://www.svenskenergi.se/upload/Nyheter%20och%20press/Filer/Guide%20f%C3%B6r%20allokering[1].pdf – – I det fall fjärrvärmebolaget har ett avtal med elhandelsbolaget om produktionsspecifik el, till exempel förnybart eller fossilt, ska miljövärdena för produktionsspecifik el användas. I det fall ingen information finns om vilket elhandelsbolag som fjärrvärmebolaget har avtal med så används den nordiska residualmixen som grund för miljövärdering. Skepsis til systemet i Norge • Har GOs/Disclosure effekt på fornybar produksjon? – Currently Electricity Disclosure has very low, or no, impact on the total production of electricity from renewable sources (Gillenwater, 2008, Raadal et al., 2012) – For tidlig å evaluere systemet (10 års perspektiv med lave priser) – Men: Hva er potensialet til systemet - finnes forskning som viser at systemet ikke har potensial til å bidra til økt produksjon? Interaksjoner med TGC (El-cert) Obligatorisk system – påvirker produksjonsmiks Quota System/TGC: Affect the production mix in a country over time (increased renewables) Electricity generation Electricity Disclosure: Provide information about the customer’s consumption mix Customers “Green” customers voluntarily purchasing GOs “Ordinary” customers, purchasing electricity without any specific requirements Frivillig system – påvirker forbruksmiks Disclosure related to the purchased GOs Disclosure related to the Production Electricity Mix, corrected by physical import/export and amount of relevant tracking systems (e.g. GO) = Residual Mix In the long-term, Electricity Disclosure together with a TGC system may implicit impact the total production of electricity from renewable sources when compared to a stand-alone TGC system, by leading to increased TGC targets (Raadal et al., 2012). Muligheter for å påvirke fornybar produksjon? Akseptert ”generelt” og i klimaregnskap/dokumentasjon Økt etterspørsel fra forbrukere ? Økte priser ? Økt produksjon? Gi mekanismene en mulighet til å “virke”? Tidsperspektiv og felles virkemiddelbruk • Viktig med et langsiktig tidsperspektiv • GOs/Disclosure = én brikke i en stor virkemiddelpakke – The increased use of electricity produced from renewable energy sources constitutes an important part of the package of measures needed to comply with the Kyoto Protocol (Renewable Energy Directive, 2009/28/EC) – There are a number of good arguments for using a mix of instruments to address a specific environmental problem (OECD, 2007) Kort oppsummering • GOs/Electricity Disclosure – allocates the environmental value of renewable electricity generation to the customers who are willing to pay for it creates a mechanism for a customer driven demand for renewable electricity – Can supplement other measures (e.g. TGC) – Fits well into the logic of a liberalised market where communication between suppliers and customers becomes a key element (Markard and Truffer, 2006) Mer info om prosjektet Energy Trading and Environment 2020: http://ostfoldforskning.no/prosjektsider/49/Ene rgy%20Trading%20and%20the%20Environmen t%202020.aspx
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