r 3I0RXIXG CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OUGONXUf TELCrnOXES. 3 Manartn Kdttar Mala T07O. A City Editor Mala ")TO. A A "4 Sunday Editor ..Mala 7uT'. Main TOTO. A 6ul Srtllnir or KulMlnc. Mala TuIUt A tiui uperlateadeat AMISEMENTS. Robert UEILKJ Broad war and Tyler Mantall la Khakeapaaraaa repertoire. To-o'clock. at alht SJAKER (Broadway at sixth, between Aldar U'maonl Alcazar block Company :(tn anl The Naw Ilaartatta.' lonllht at 'clock. VaudePANTA""SES Broadway at Aldr ville. Thraa snows dally. 8.W. T and a. 04. Yeirihlllr-Vatidlila SIPPODROMK (Broadway at add moving- picture. 1 la a 4i to 11 P. M Ualurdays. aundaya. koll laya, contlnnoua. to XX P. M. ITKA.VT) rwaihtnsten street, betweea Park vaudeville aad movlus and Wnt pictures; contiaooua. I.TRIC (Fourth and Wtuical eenv dy. daily, afteraooa aad slant. Ixnmnt - rrk THRIJT STAMPS and .WAS SAVINGS STAMPS en 61 Business Of flea. at OltEGOXIAX, FRIDAY, J. I Baiuvard s FrxERAt. Hxxd. The funeral of John Lark In Barnard, who died Tuesday at hla residence, 110a Cleveland avenue, was held at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the First Dr. William O. Unitarian Church-- . Eliot. Sr- - read th scriptures and pro I nounced the benediction and Rev. Will- lam G. Eliot. Jr. delivered a eulogy. A special vocal selection was sung by I oy Otto Wedemeyer. accompanied Ralph W. Hoyt. The pallbearers were: C. B. Wood worth. W. P. Olds. W. r. Woodward. W. Burrage. L. K.Adams and V. C Savage. Mr. Barnard had resided In Portland since 1S68 and had many friends among the pioneer citizens. Portland soldier Wounded. The I nam of Earl Campbell, which appeared In the list of American soldiers slightly! Boys' Suits, one and two wounded in action four weeks ago, ha Portland boylpants, in every conceivable proved to be that of and former student of the Christian pattem and Shade.' Splen- $6.50, tives all lire elsewhere now. but the did range OI pHCeS message from the War Department was $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12, $15 referred to friends for forwarding. In juries of the young man. attached to a and up. Suits for boys with their f iel 1 artluer. unit, are not serious, th telegram stated. At the time Mr. "first long pants." Campbell's name waa printed In the Boys' English Shoes in casualty list addresses Were not black and tan. Ores-onls- MAY News of New Arrivals in Our BOYS' Department Welcome news to mothers, and to boys as well. Army and Navy Wash Suits, with military and naval buttons and other trappings. Wash Suits in stripes and other patterns, too. $1.50, $1, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and up. New 0. D. Army Suits that make real little soldiers out of real little men. Boys' Marine Hats in 0. D. and navy, blue serge. Also Glengarry Hats or Chapeaus in O. D. and blue. O. D. s Lexts Guanos, to Meet. The Lents Everything for boys' Grange will meet tomorrow morning SatXM Girl's Boot Kocxd. The body t 10 o'clock. The third and fourth de wear, as well as for dad, of Miss Nan Wilson, of Salem, who dis- gree will be conferred, after which a A Street-leYDepartment A Comfortable Department. appeared from the borne uf Mrs. George dinner will be served at 12:30. The No Elevators Xo Stairways O. (iulon, 41 fcaat In be o'clock will lecture hour at street, on April SC. was found floating; charge Wilson Beneflel. Hamilton of below the River WlUaroatt tn tbs will give a lecture on "Pa A steel bridare yesterday by Harbor En- Johnston Miss Alice Johnson will triotism." gineer Vodebers;. Miss Wilson had been contribute a vocal solo and there will suffering from a nervous breakdown b several other good numbers. for several months, and It Is believed MisxiNO Atrro Sought. The police are Now One Store Only Morrison at Fourth St. that while In s condition of dementia looking for an auto "bug," bearing she Jumped Into the river. Leputy Cor- license number disap48.92;. which body. oner Loynes took chare; of the peared last Tuesdsy. Th car belongs The funeral will be held at Daila to- to occurred at a sanitarium in Amltyvllle, Frank Moore, of the Lambrook day at 2 o'clock. Y. spartments. East Seventh and East mARGUS MAYER DIES N. Marcus Mayer was In early days Bishop Dsj Pbncii: to Frtm. Right Yamhill streeta Mr. Moore believes Ttev. Adam V. T9 Pender, bishop of that bis son. Edgar Moore, age IS, resident of Portland for some time. Mrs. Adeline Meyer, residing at 681 Kearney New Westminster, Canada, will ad- who has been missing since Tuesday. street. Is his sister. Three other sis dress a meeting at the Auditorium on accompanied by another youth, drove ters and a brother survive. He had Monday. May 27. His visit Is awaited car away. never married. Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, o with great Interest by Episcopalians the Portland, is a cousin, as is also Marcus in Portland. Bishop De i'eneier has Miller, conducting the Grant Hotel. Former Portland Newspaper Mayer, of Josler, Or. been serving In francs as brldage chap- 4ilV a street, received It was in Portland and as a member lain for the past two years. He has license Washington in yesterday New place York. Man to hi continue Passes of The Oregonian force, under T. J made several visits to Portland and Is when he made a positive promise beDryer, aa editor, that Mr. Mayer began known as an able and eloquent speaker. fore th City Council that he would the career of printer and newspaper rebishop to It Is planned to ask the Silproper manner. J. It tn a man, to which be devoted his energies main and address a meeting in con- conduct was a license to conduct verman denied for about 15 years. At the time of bis nection wtth the diocesan convention th Conradln Hotel at 23 North Tenth arrival in Portland tn 16 Mr. Mayer a May 2S and if. BEGUN IS HERE CAREER e treat. was 29 year old, having been born In t, Ixxciuxs Psora Fatau John F. New Orleans. La. November IT. 1811 Victobt SEmvtca at Noow. A prayer Ivy street, service a creamery man. SITHospital From thla city h went to Victoria, for victory for America and her yes, and not long afterward to Ean died at Good Famaxltan B. will b held at the Men Resort terday from Injuries received when his atlUea noon today. Rev. Levi John- Prominent Theatrical Man Entered Francisco, where he continued at thea motorcycle collided with a westbound son12:10 man vocation. For give a short talk and singing streetcar at Union avenue and Ivy will will term he was connected In a responiDie by led Rosa be Desmond. Kruploy Oregonlan In 1859 The Monday. waa fracHis skull street last capacity with the California Legisla Uxiox Rbvtvat. Plaxxxd. Rev. A. tured and he waa Injured Internally. Reld ture at Sacramento. Latter Part of Life Spent and J. W. Troy, of Chicago, are Coroner Smith will conduct an Inquest engsged Some time during th '70s Mr. Mayer evangelistic services If ha succeeds In obtaining witnesses. In Lents, to bold several Metropolis. called to St, Louis by Grata Brown. Nation's in denominations where II Mr. Haupert was 41 years old. then a National figure In politics, and will unite for meetings next week. a leaves a widow and two children. few years devoted hla energies for Jack Kixo's Health Batjis. 326 H largely to things political. The next "Pbsttacost" PR. Wise's Tone. The Stark 6197. Adv. street. Main steD carried him to New York, where sublect of Dr. Jonah B. Wise's sermon Information waa received In Portland he engaged In the business of managing at Temple Beth Israel tonight will be yesterday that Marcus Mayer, well- - theatrical troupes and conducting the "Pentecost" and It will deal with th musicians. n early-da- y resident, had died In tours of famous players andmanager history and meaning of Pentacoat. On ROOM DRIVE TO START lor At different times be was Saturday at the Sabbath morning serv Sarah and Adellna Pattl Booth. Edwin Ire "In the Wilderness" will be th on managing Bernhardt, of While topic at 10:30 o'clock. The Feast of w n a I M mm wwwwji the tours of Pattl some 11 years ago Weeks will take place on Friday. May singer to accompanied famous that he PORTLAND WAR IYDrSTIlV WORK17. at ( P. M. and the following day this city. In most cases. However, ne 10 A. M. ERS MXD HOt;l'G. remained In New York as director of FoRcsrca to Talk to Foldieju. A. the tours from his headquarters. CI. Jackson. In charge of educational About ton years ago Mr. Mayer re tired from active business life. H had work in district of th Forestry Serv Sckeel Calldrea Will Eallst la Csat-alhandled great fortunes, but passed the Ice. left yesterday for Camp Lewis, to Seewre Aecwsasaodafteaa money out as freely aa It came in. as where be will talk to the soldiers on slsting theatrical enterprises that 1 Government for nemelesa Haadreds. forestry work. Includin failed to make good and giving to those methods employed in preparing spruce of the profession he found In need, bix for airplane stock. The lecture will be ago one of the largest tneatncai years urgent for become reed the 0 has Illustrated and of especial' interest to benefit nerformanoes ever witnessed th soldiers at the camp who ar lov room for Portland's growing popula In th city was given for him in New era of nature. tion of war Industry worker that an York. He had. since bla retirement. Gu-xAx XT CnrEP to Speak. Or appeal will b made to families havlived at the famous Lamb's Club, and lando A. Summers, of Indianapolis, com ing an extra room or two to list It he was one of the oldest members. of the Grand Army o for pent with th bousing committee the Republic will be guest of honor of the Chamber of Commerce. and speaker at the weekly luncheon of Superintendent of School L. R. Alder PLUMMER IN EAST OREGON the Portland Realty Board at th Ben man 01 te pledging the eon Hotel at 12:1S o'clock today. Mem and children In the emerbers of th board are urged by Frank teachers Portland Man to Give Talks on Food McCrlllls. chairman of th day. to bring gency. Card on which room listings Conservation. friends with them to th luncheon to ar11 to be mad will b distributed In th schools early next week. The hear General Summer speak. children th will card to their take Max Is Scxtiscxd avd Pa hols d. O. M. Plummer left last night for and return them to the teacher Kdgar 'Whiting yesterday pleaded guil parent Enterprise to deliver a series of talks after the spaces relating to ty to an Indictment charging him with again rooms for rent have been filled out. In Wallowa on food conservation assaulting Olaf Soderberg and was sen Th achools will turn th listinga over County. He went as a representative tenced to one year in th Stat Pen! to the housing committee. TheMareaa Mayer. of the Oregon food administration. tentlary by Circuit Judge Kavanaugh. N on who has not coma In touch Resatrical Man aad Early-Da- y Mr. Plummer has received from He waa then ordered paroled. Whiting with o th situation badly how knows Portland, Dead Who Is at ident Slary a family man C C. Bradford, president of the of and has wife ciit mora room for Portland's war work Is a New York. la Ically 111 at the present time. Th pa ers National Educational Association, an needed, are declared Milton Invitation to appear on the general role waa recommended by Deputy Dis of committee. la th al ee "It programme of the National convention trict Attorney Hammersley. most Impossible for a msn to get a at Pittsburg July 4. He will go to the Thbater IopBirTon Fixro. room downtown, and there are hun tiui president of the school aa convention be will New funeral Tork and that the Leon Sax. proprietor of the Princess dreds of families who greatly prefer Theater. Sixth and Burnslde streets, to live outside th business sections. held today at 1 o'clock under the aus- administrative department. pleaded guilty In Municipal Court yes- There are hundreds of families mho pices of th New York Masonic order. Rend Hurley's article, page R. Adv. terday of falling to obtain a permit could rent one or two rooms to these Mr. Mnyer was 7 years old. Death (rota the board or moving picture cen- men bow seeking homelike plaees to sor to exhibit a film, and waa fined stay, and we appeal to them to do so." $iS-- The complaint for his arrest was signed Colwell. secre- , . Mrk a. Eleanor . .M V.. by VIADUCT NEARLY FINISHED til. W U. f Mm. McCaiu.1 Accepts Chairman ship. Frank McCrlllls yesterday ac cepted th chairmanship of a general Streetcars to I'm 6andy Boulevard committee to arrange a big Memorial Structure Sunday. day celebration at the Pnblio Audi tort urn. He had been asked by Mayor Baker to aerra Mr. McCrlllls will con Streetcars will start using the Sandy fer with th Orand Army and with boulevard viaduct ever the R. other military and patriotic organixa- N. tracks Sunday, according to an tiona nouncement yesterday of R. E. Kra VsaDtcT A warped ik Oxtox Dkau Telephone Santa Clara Prunes, In charge of the project Peas, K. C Maftxger. of Marlon County, was mer, engineer for th city. Th north half of th 13-1- 9 May extra large fruit, awarded a verdict for S7.l from A. vehicle tender and fresh, roadway will be ready for use J. Hennemaa by a Jury la Circuit Judge week. jew crop, sweet, resweet, pound, 10 i Gaatenbeta'a court yesterday as th re- next On demand of the city the eontrsctors sale of a deal la onions between the hav quire but The U. S. Food Adbeen rushing construction. Work plaintiff and defendant. Jury ha been Th on th Sandy concentrated sugar, 3 lbs. 50f Maftxger awarded full amount boulevard croeslng In an effort to get! th Artichokes, f r e sh, ministration says : sought. It tn shape for trafflo to the Columbia! large, 3 for 23 "The food situation Mas. Ftxibt to Lacrcaa. Mrs. Iron Flnloy will give aa illustrated lecture River Highway. California Dried our Allies conof on birds before th Audubon Bird Club Peaches, la rge, grows 1:3 tinually more Oregon Cheese, the tomorrow night at o'clock la th I. r room at th Central Library. fancy fruit, ripe, pound critical. We must 30 fi Her subject will be - "Unusual Experi rl flfty-seven- 1918. " 13 FACTO IT SAMPLE HOP 286 Morrison Street, Next tc Corbett Bldg., Between 4th and 5th Beware of imitators ' and imitation Sample Shops. Look for the big sign with the hand pointing at 286 Morrison Street. Factory Sample Shop. Knitted or Sweaters same as the Boys over there and over here wear. Slip-on- 10, ta Factory ample Shop Sale Suits, Coats, Dresses, Silk Skirts, Costumes, Silk Dresses and Evening Gowns. The most wonderful sale in Portland. During this sale the Factory-SamplShop's honest methods prevail. e We will exchange all sale goods and your money back if not satisfied.! on ti Han-per- IlllilS C-- printer-newspap- er Some samples in this lot run up to $30.00, at only oh $12.95 and wrwie-w- Your Money Back if Not Satisfied ga d mandsr-ln-chi- ef 1:4 o $12.95$ T171TT V2sLi.4Jk J J VU.aV S18.95 iiTv Mostly samples. All sizes, all shades. Some in this lot would be cheap at $28.50, at only Well-Kao- Ftfed-enric- h. bum jmrt 1. I "Liberty" Potato Week I O.-- I I t I Coal GALLI-CURC- ' of strong attraction. Cttt Ballot Mbascbbs Topic. W. T. E. Lenon will speak Il jme aad CharlesClinton-Kelly tonight at th School. Twenty-sixth street and Powell East Valley road, en th city ballot mas V" fare. All voter of urea and th th district ar Invited to attend. Haiw Curpgaa, SL.Il and up: barber shear for cutting hair. Tie and up: combs, zSo aad up; rasors, strops and ' " Full Cream, new; a pound of cheese has as much food value as 2 pounds of meat; eat cheese and help to beat the Kaiser. - ' 1 NabobPrunes, largest and finest grown, pound, 15 bone at reduced prices. All goods guaranteed. Portland Cutlery A Bar ber Supply Co, Si th it, near Stark. Ad. r. J, 0. Etott baa rstuxnei Ady, Best quality selected potatoes, per sack, $1.45 2 pounds for 35f Turkish Coffee, the richest, ripest upland coffee berries; the kind of blending' and roasting that is almost one of the lost arts; freshly roasted that is Turkish coffee. Special today, 2 pounds for 80 Sample Coats in Velours, Poplins and Broadcloths. Some in this lot would be cheap at $35.00. At only $18.95 and Main 290 Mail orders being received forOalll- Curcl concert. Helllg. May 13. Floor. JI 50. Balcony. 13.50. All tl Stag seats at can be ordered now. Lower box seats. ll.fcO. Ko tickets will be mailed unless accompanied by war tax and stamped envelop sent Steer Coman, Columbia Bldg. and !- - tickets Adv. Or TH4KS. wish to extend to the kind friends ur thanka and appreciation for tbe ymnathy and kindness to as durlnc sur recent bereavement tn the death of r wife. Theresa Clark: also for the many beautiful floral tribute. Mr. Ford Clark, husband; Air. and Mrs. N. Hlees, parents: sisters ana orotners. Adv. W Bead Harl.y article, Pl B-- d ES5 D no I HD D Green Chile Cheese Isn't It's Solid food! fol-de-r- CARD STARK ST., 13. sold. MAKias Your Money Back if Not Satisfied KM 7200 Adv. Coxcsrowrrr Fnto Piaxmbo Ifolman School will hold a community sing and dedtcatloa Of th servic flat tonight at th school. Bishop Sumner will speak and W. It. Boyer will lead the singing. Th caoo is at Bancroft and Corbwtt streets. Th public la Invited. jEwist Eesviocs AxxormccD. Services will be held at the Congregation Ahaval Sholom. corner Park ami Clay streets, tonight at S o'clock. Serrlcea morning will be at t:30 tomorrow o'clock. Rabbi It. Abrabamson will officiate. Dtsxstiox Cuaroso rx Srrrr. Simple desertion Is chsrged by C. W. Spencer In a rult for divorce filed yesterday against Baud en Spencer, to whom he waa married at San Joee. Cat, tn 104. hla wife deserted hire mors It allegesyears ago. than six Alosxn ron Govs axon. Publlo meet ing. Publio Library. Saturday evening. May IX. P. M- - Senator Moeer and prominent supporter speak era Adv. Dm. C J. McCrrccit has returned. send more wheat. We have an abundance of potatoes. We cannot export them, but we can eat potatoes in place of wheat." In San Francisco AHOTEL m ol: o? Fimi PmwTirto Ceanr Street fust off Union Square Fom Sl.r0 a Day Breakfast 80c Lunch 60s Dinner ( 1 .00 Sundajni Breakfast 7Bo Uinnerfl.25 Munlcpa! car Hne direct to door. Motor Bus meet principal trains aad steamer. ClAlX AT 8ICONO Maim 178. A 1781 Give What We Advertise 18.95 s. story-hou- ences With Birds.Th public. Is in vltad. PrcarosD PtcTcaa to Ba Pest. To night th Men'a League of the Sunnyside Congregational Church will give a patrlotlo aHrtainraent. Six reels of Mary Pick ford's patriotic production of Americanwill be Inter "Th Little spersed with musical selections la a a We H women s buits Serges, Poplins, Tricotines, Gabardines and Silver-toneSome samples in this lot would be cheap at $35, at only little I ibmi Coats In beautiful shades of Poplins, Serges, Broadcloths, Tricotines and Some in this lot run Silvertones. up to $55, only $23.95 and AIQTQ 1 iD W JltJ YX7 SS.95 $18.95 andfV!r VIlly Jp.tO SiIk CreDe de Chine Silk Georgette, all shades, Silk Fiber SWEATERS KM. at Price i
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