Sample Examination yl- Which of the following BEST caprures the main idea of the passage? 37. (A) Society must vigilantly scrutinize all plays for I tt The author's discussion of social workers (lines 3241) emphasizes all of the following EXCEPT (A) their arduous struggle (B) their limited resources (C) their unshakable faith (D) their indefarigable commitment (E) their antiparhy for the well-to-do morally offensive content. (B) The objectivity of rhearre critics is tainted by personal bias. (C) The most significant art cari provide moral edificarion. (D) Greater training for government censors is imperative. (E) Prostitutionis a despicable and decadent 38. profession. 3l3. The author's opening statement (lines 1-6) reflects be because of their all of the following EXCEPT (A) (A) predominantly female membership sarcasm (B) admiration for the author's works (C) stalwarr belief in God (D) greater familiarity with social problems (E) lack of aesrhetic sensibility (B) gratitude (C) perseverance (D) satisfaction (E) bemusement U. In the opening paragraph (lines 1-26) the author 39. suggests that the main flaw of most theatre critics is their (B) labors of the social workers to save fallen (B) tendency to write milquetoast reviews (C) penchant for leaving plays early (D) superficial knowledge of dramatic form (E) preference for farce and melodrama (A) lambasting reviewers (D) receiving compliments (E) getting his play performed X- women (C) wealthy contributing to the maintenanc€ of poverty and vice (D) author's equating playwrights with priests, politicians, and writers (E) author's personal choice of censor for his play The opening paragraph (lines l-26) primarily conveys the author's delight at (B) flaunting his erudition (C) shocking his audience In the final senrences of the first paragraph (lines 17 -26), the aurhor embellishes the reaction to his new play by means of all of the following EXCEPT (A) hypdrbole (B) metaphor / (C) allusion u/ - (D) onomatopoeia (E) paradox r The major irony introduced in the second paragraph (lines 27-61) involves rhe (A) licentious content of the author's new play (A) irrational indignation at a work of art 35- It may be inferred from the second paragraph that the reason neither of the social organizations mentioned in lines 58-59 would experience,any 'moral panic" upon the release of his play would 40. All of the following contribute to the irony of the final paragraph (lines 62-90) EXCEPT (A) the author's allusion to the ..plymouth Brother', (B) the author's claim that a moral audience would be scandalized by the plays of his contemporaries (C) the author's belief that actors are more sincere than most of the audience (D) the author's claim that religion, science, et al. are becoming "theatrical', (E) the author's choice of weapon in fighting immorality and censorship
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