Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran (P) Limited, (Wholly owned subsidiary of Reserve Bank Of India), Note Mudran Nagar, Mysore-570003 EPABX Lines-(0821) 2582905,2582915, Fax:0821-2582099, E-mail- [email protected] MYS/PUR/F/01/03 NOTICE INVITING TENDER ( BNM No.: NIT) /(M)12.11.03/2011-12 Date :06-05-2011 Tender No. 010/MMD/MYS/2011-12 Dear Sir, Sub: Tender for Shrink Film Polyolefine The Director (Operation), Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt Ltd (BRBNMPL), Mysore invites sealed quotations from manufacturer /dealer / distributor/ trader, who is registered under State VAT/ Central Sales Tax Act, preferably having ISO 14001 certificate, for supply of the following items, under two part bid system, as per the details given below and in Annexures. Particulars Unit 1. SHRINK FILM POLYOLEFINE (Two rolls for item as free sample to be given with the bid) KG Specifications Sl. No. (A small piece is attached for reference )Bidders applying based on tender at our website ,may collect sample, if they desire. QTY. (Approx) 1150 MATERIAL: Polyolefine biaxial shrinking centre folded semi tubular film. THICKNESS: 25 microns +/- 3 microns WIDTH: 355mm +/- 5 mm OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF ROLL: 300mm appx. LENGTH OF FILM: 450 metres appx. CARDBOARD CORE INNER DIAMETER: 90mm WEIGHT OF EACH ROLL: Approximately 13.5 Kilograms OTHERS: The material should be wound tightly on the core. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) required from Bidder: Rs.21,100/- (Rupees twenty one thousand & one hundred only) in form of DD favouring M/s BRBNMPL, payable at Mysore, from any schedule Bank (for details please refer Annexure B - Instruction to Bidder). Due date and time of submission of bid : By 2:30 p.m on 22-06-2011 Due date of opening Techno-Commercial Bid : At 3:00 p.m. on 22-06-2011 Due date of opening the Price Bid will be intimated to techno commercially qualified bidder only, later. Please visit our website “” for downloading Annexures of this Tender, quote strictly as per the guidelines given therein and submit whole tender documents duly signed and stamped. Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of BRBNMPL, (K. R. Gupta) AGM (MMD) Annexures of this Tender : Annexure – A: Important information relevant to this Tender Annexure – B: Instruction to Bidder Annexure – C : Tender Terms & Conditions Annexure – D : Proforma of Techno-Commercial Bid (Part- I) Annexure – E : : Proforma of Price bid -(Part- II) Annexure – F : Proforma of Bank Guarantee in lieu of Security deposit Annexure – G : Proforma Warranty Certificate Annexure - H : Checklist for Bidder Annexure – I : General Terms & Conditions of Tender Annexure – J : Compliance Statement Contd. ANNEXURE - A Important information relevant to this Tender:Delivery schedule: - Whether detailed specifications of tendered item is required to be given by BRBNMPL separately, if yes, relevant Annexure No. is :- In two equal half yearly installments Not required. Specifications already mentioned in the NIT page. Whether Split clause of tender terms given in Annexure- C, is applicable to this tender or not? No Whether Warranty clause of tender terms given in No Annexure- C, is applicable to this tender or not? Whether Installation and commissioning of the tendered item is required from bidder side or not? No Whether any training is required to given by supplier No or not ? Whether Brochure/ Catalogue/ MSDS for item No tendered is required from bidder or not? Whether list of valuable customer and certificate of completion of supply / PO copies are required from bidder or not? Whether sample is required from Bidder, if yes, details Two rolls for item as free sample to be given are:- with the bid Whether sample is required to be given to Bidder by BRBNMPL, for their reference, if yes, then details are:- No Yes, small piece of the material has been attached. Bidders visiting our website can collect the sample from our office, if desire. Other relevant points: - ANNEXURE - B INSTRUCTION TO BIDDER 1. Submission of Tender: • Before submission of tender please carefully read the Important information given in Annexure A. It may be possible that some of the tender terms and conditions may not be applicable to this tender, for example if in Annexure- A of NIT it has been mentioned that “split of quantity” clause is not applicable then this tender terms mentioned in TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Annexure C) will not be applicable and vice versa. Before quoting the bid, you may visit our office to understand the actual specifications and requirements with prior permission. • Each page of Tender documents must be duly signed with seal affixed as a token of acceptance of tender conditions. Any price indication in “Technical bid Part-I”shall be liable for rejection of the tender. • Tenderer must submit the tender in our prescribed formats only along with a covering letter on their letterhead duly signed and stamped. • The Techno-commercial bid part-I alongwith duly signed and stamped whole tender documents, Price bid part –II and EMD should be submitted in three separate sealed envelopes superscribing clearly as “Techno-commercial bid”, “ Price bid” and E M D respectively. • All the three sealed envelopes should be put into fourth envelope which must be superscribed with “Tender NO. 010/MMD/MYS/2011-12, dated :06-05-2011 , for Shrink Film Polyolefine, Due on 22-06-2011 ”. • If applicable (pl. refer Annexure-A) Free Sample must also be submitted alongwith Techno-commercial bid for evaluation. • If applicable (pl. refer Annexure-A) list of valuable customer and copies of some major supply orders executed w.r.t. similar type of item as given in NIT, should be attached with Techno Commercial bid by the bidder. • The tender can be dropped in the Tender Box kept at the Materials Management Division, Administrative Building, Note Mudran Nagar, Mysore on or before 2:30 p.m on 22-06-2011, after recording the tender details in the register kept there. The tender documents may be sent by Regd.Post / Courier also. Samples, if any, may be handed over in the same division for evaluation. 2. Opening of bid: • The Techno-commercial bid (Part I) will be opened a t 3:00 p.m. on 22-062011, in presence of representatives of the bidder who may like to be present. The tenders will be evaluated techno- commercially to short-list the successful bidders. • The price bids of the successful bidders will be opened on a later date, which shall be informed to the technically qualified bidders only. 3. Validity of bid for finalization of tender: • The bid shall be valid for a period of 90 days for finalization of the order from the date of techno- commercial bid opening. In exceptional circumstances, BRBNMPL may request the bidder to extend the period of bid validity. The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing. A bidder accepting the request and granting extension will not be permitted to modify his bid. 4. Rejection of Tender: Tender submitted without specified EMD amount shall be liable for rejection. T e n d e r submitted not in accordance with the guidelines and or with counter conditions will be liable for rejection. TENDER once submitted will not be allowed for revision without the approval of BRBNMPL. Any withdrawal of BID after submission of offer will result in forfeiture of EMD / Party may be debarred or black listed also. Party not interested to participate in the tender for any reason, may please intimate us. Any price indication in “Technical bid Part- I” may result in rejection of tender. BRBNMPL will examine the materiality / significance of the deviation/ variation if any and shall take its own decision to accept or reject the tender. BRBNMPL will examine the materiality / significance of the deviation/ variation if any and shall take its own decision to accept or reject the tender. BRBNMPL’s decision on acceptance /rejection shall be final without assigning any reason thereof. However, offer with any high/ extra features than the minimum specified requirement, though will not be rejected, but no extra weightage shall be given either in technical qualification or in Price bid. 5. Clarification by Bidders: For any clarification bidder may write to us, which will be clarified in writing. After quoting price and opening of the quotations, it will be implied that the tenderer has fully understood the scope and detail specification of the tendered product. 6. Tender Evaluation: a) The evaluation shall be based normally on overall L1 basis for all the tendered items. However, BRBNMPL may evaluate tender in terms of item wise L1 also, in the interest of Company, if required. Further, BRBNMPL does not pledge itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves to itself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity tendered or cancel the tender without assigning any reason what so ever. b) BRBNMPL shall evaluate the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are generally in order. c) Quoted price should be in words and figures. Any discrepancy between words and figures, the price in words shall prevail. Insertions, postscripts, additions and alterations shall not be recognized, unless authenticated by the tenderer’s signature. In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price/cost, the unit rate will be considered for evaluation. 7. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as specified in NIT page 1, should be submitted along-with your tender in a separate sealed cover in the form of A/C payee DD drawn in favour of “ M/s BRBNMPL” payable at Mysore, issued by any schedule bank and should be valid for a period of 180 days from the last date of tender submission. Such EMD deposit will be interest free. EMD submitted by cheque is normally not accepted. However, BRBNMPL’s decision in this regard will be final. Tenders not accompanied with EMD is liable for rejection. The EMD of the successful tenderer will be converted in to security deposit till the successful completion /execution of the contract. The EMD of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned after finalisation of the tender. Withdrawal of bid at any stage of tender finalisation process, will lead to forfeiture of their EMD. 8. Security Deposit: The successful Tenderer shall furnish a Security Deposit for an amount equivalent to 5% of the total value of the order in the form of Bank Guarantee as per the format enclosed towards successful completion of the supplies and compliance of terms and conditions of the contract. The BG shall be valid for a period of one year plus a grace period of another three months for preferring claim, if any. On submission of the BG, the EMD will be released. Alternatively, an amount equivalent of 5% of the total order value less the amount of EMD shall be deducted towards Security Deposit from the first supply bill. SD shall be released only on satisfactory performance of the contract (including warranty period, if any), without any interest thereon. The Security Deposit/ EMD is liable to be forfeited, if the party fails to comply any terms & condition of the contract. 9. Split clause (If applicable) : Considering the critical nature of the item to be procured, BRBNMPL intends to procure the tendered item from two or three sources depending upon the circumstances. The normal ratio of allocation in case of two suppliers will be 60:40 and in case of three suppliers will be 50:25:25, in the order of ranking subject to matching the L1 rate. Accordingly, we may approach to bidder for their confirmation according to their ranking. BRBNMPL however reserves the right to vary the ratio of allocation/number of allotees as also the decision to split. BRBNMPL’s decision on the above shall be final without assigning any reason thereof. 10. Bid Currency: Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees only. 11. Language: Tender should be submitted in English language only. 12. Security clause: Bidder will have to follow the prevalent security guidelines of BRBNMPL. 13. Acceptance and acknowledgment:- Within 15 days of receipt of the order, the supplier shall forward an acknowledgement in acceptance of order. In case no communication is received within above specified period of 15 days it shall be deemed that the Purchase Order has been accepted in Toto. 14. All Correspondences should be addressed to “ The Director (Operation), Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran (P) Ltd , Note Mudran Nagar , Mysore – 570 003, Phone No. 0821- 2582905, 2582915, 2582925, Fax No. 0821-2582099 ******************* Annexure - C TENDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS ( will have overriding effect on General Terms and condition wherever applicable) 1. Price : The quoted rate should be F.O.R. BRBNMPL Mysore basis, inclusive of all statutory levies, taxes, duties , packing, forwarding, freight, handling , insurance , installation & commissioning (if applicable) & other charges, including delivery at our stores . The break up of various components of landed cost should be given as per the format given in relevant Annexure. The price quoted should remain firm & valid till execution of the order without any escalation whatsoever. 2. Statutory Variation : Price variation in certain cases can be considered only on account of change in statutory levies (Excise Duty, Sales Tax etc.), taken place between date of bid submission and due date of delivery, subject to submission of break up of prices at the time of quotation-provided that such adjustments are part of the bid accepted. The additional tax arising out of variation shall be restricted to the contract and cannot be extended to any sub-contracted supply received by the supplier .In the absence of such break-up, any request for any additional payment on account of change in statutory levies will not be entertained. Any increase in statutory duties beyond scheduled delivery is not attributable to BRBNMPL and the same will have to be borne by the supplier. Similarly in case of any downward revision the benefit should be passed on to BRBNMPL. 3. Payment Terms: Payment shall be made only after delivery of the materials at our Stores in good condition as per our specifications, installation & commissioning of the same if applicable, and its acceptance by BRBNMPL, subject to fulfilment of Security deposit clause and other relevant clause of this tender. 4. Statutory deduction( if applicable): Statutory tax will be deducted at source as applicable (in case installation & commissioning is involved). 5. Delivery : The materials should be delivered as indicated in Annexure A, at our Stores section before 1600 hours on any working day. The item should be supplied exactly as per our specification. Any deviation / change of item will result in immediate cancellation of the Purchase order. If applicable, installation and commissioning also should be carried out as given in Annexure-A . The delivery vehicle driver should have valid driving license and vehicle documents to enter our Premises. 6. Quantity : The quantity mentioned in the tender is indicative only. The exact quantity may vary at the time of placement of Purchase order. Besides, BRBNMPL shall have the right to place repeat order for upto 50% of the total ordered quantity, at the same terms and conditions at a later date. Also it reserves the right to foreclose the order before the expiry of the validity depending upon need or if the supplies are not as per delivery schedule or the supply is found to be unsatisfactory or due to non-conformance of any terms & condition of the tender. 7. Warranty clause (If applicable): The items should be warranted against defects in material, design, workmanship, etc. for a period of 12 months from the date they are put to actual use or 18 months from the date of supply. During warranty period the item should be replaced free of cost at our Press. The Warranty certificate should be submitted along with supply or invoice/bill, in our format (Annexure – G). 8. Replacement of rejected Materials : The material rejected against a supply must be replaced free of cost by the supplier, on receiving such information from BRBNMPL within 7 days. 9. Liquidated Damages : If the Supplier fails to supply the items within the period prescribed, BRBNMPL may impose liquidated damage @ 0.5 % for every week or part thereof for default subject to a maximum of 5% of the total order value. Quantum of liquidated damages assessed and levied by BRBNMPL shall be final and not challengeable by the supplier. 10. Risk Purchase: If the contractor fails to deliver the stores or any installment thereof within the period fixed for such delivery or at any time repudiates the contract before the expiry of such period, the contract or its portion is cancelled at the risk and cost of the contract. In the event of such a risk purchase the defaulting contractor becomes liable for any losses, which the purchaser may sustain on that account. *************** ANNEXURE "D” PROFORMA OF TECHNO-COMMERCIAL BID ( PART- I of Bid) Company Name, BRBNMPL Vendor Registration No. (if any): Address. To The Director (Operation), BRBNMPL, Note Mudran Nagar Mysore- 570 003. Dear Sir, Reference: Your Tender No. 010/MMD/MYS/2011-12 dated :06-05-2011 SUB: Techno-Commercial Bid for Shrink Film Polyolefine We have received your Tender cited above and we are pleased to submit our technical bid for your kind consideration. A. Firm’s Bio-Data 1) Our Company's profile. • Name & complete address with contact nos. of the firm : • Status of the firm : Proprietor / Partnership / Regd. Company / Co-op. Society • VAT/TIN/ Central Sales Tax / Excise Regn. No.: ……………………………………………………………. ………………………………………..(fill it or enclose certificate copy) • Income Tax P.A.N. No.: ……………………………….( fill it or enclose certificate copy) • Bankers and their Address: • Whether falling within MSME? (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise), if so please furnish documentary evidence to this effect. (In case documentary evidence to this effect is not furnished it will be presumed that you do not belong to MSME and accordingly shall be taken on record.) : ……………………………. B. PRODUCT DETAILS / SPECIFICATIONS OFFERED: We have enclosed details of product being offered for evaluation purpose. C. CONFIRMATIONS: 1) We confirm that we have quoted exactly for the tendered product as per your specifications and will supply the tendered product as per your delivery schedule and strictly as per your specifications. 2) We are the original manufacturer of the tendered product / wholesale authorized dealer / dealer/ distributor of the original manufacturer/ Trader and herewith enclose a valid certificate issued by M/s. ………………………….……… / Self-certification as the case may be. 3) We have kept DD No……………dated ……….towards EMD for an amount of Rs………… /- favouring M/s BRBNMPL, Payable at Mysore in a separate envelope . 4) We have submitted list of our valuable customers and copies of some major supply orders executed of similar type (IF APPLICABLE). 5) We have submitted Free Samples (IF APPLICABLE). 6) We have separately given our Price bid offer exactly as per your specified format in a separate sealed cover without any conditions /counter conditions. We also note that Price bid with conditions are liable for rejection. 7) We confirm that there would not be any price escalation during the supply period. 8) We confirm that we have not been blacklisted or debarred by BRBNMPL ever. 9) We confirm that the undersigned is authorised to sign the tender document and it will be legally binding on our organisation. 10) We confirm to receive payments through RTGS/NEFT facility of Banking. 11)We confirm that we will abide by all the tender terms & conditions and we do not have any counter conditions. As required, we enclose herewith the complete set of copy of Tender documents (including Terms & Conditions) duly signed with seal affixed as a token of our acceptance. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, ( Seal ) Name Signature with date. Phone No. Note : Techno-commercial bid without EMD & Copy of complete set of tender documents duly signed with seal affixed , is liable to be rejected. Strike out whichever is not applicable ANNEXURE "E" PROFORMA OF PRICE BID ( PART- II of Bid) Company Name, BRBNMPL Vendor Registration No. (if any): Address. To The Director (Operation), BRBNMPL, Note Mudran Nagar Mysore- 570 003. Dear Sir, Reference: Your Tender No. 010/MMD/MYS/2011-12 dated :06-05-2011 SUB: Price Bid for Shrink Film Polyolefine We received your tender cited above and we are pleased to enclose the following as our Price bid for your consideration. sl. no Item Description Unit of Me asur em ent Specifications 1. SHRINK FILM POLYOLEFINE Kg Total Qty. reqd. Basic Price (Rs.) Packing exps. , if any(Rs.) Excise Duty. (Rs.) CST Freight, Installati Against Insuranc on & Form-C/ e & commissi VAT@…% as other oning applicable, charges, charge please if any, (Rs.) specify (Rs.) (Rs.) Service tax, if any Total rate Total Price Per unit (Rs.)(Rs.) (F.O.R (F.O.R BRBNMPL (Rs.) BRBNMPL stores, Mysore 1150 MATERIAL: Polyolefine biaxial shrinking centre folded semi tubular film. THICKNESS: 25 microns +/- 3 microns WIDTH: 355mm +/- 5 mm OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF ROLL: 300mm appx. LENGTH OF FILM: 450 metres appx. CARDBOARD CORE INNER DIAMETER: 90mm WEIGHT OF EACH ROLL: Approximately 13.5 Kilograms OTHERS: The material should be wound tightly on the core. Total price (all inclusive) in words …………………………………… Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (………………………………………………) Name & Signature with date Note: i) Price with condition(s) shall be liable to be rejected. ii) Price should be quoted exactly as per the format. Seal stores, Mysore inclusive all) Annexure-F PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT B.G.No............................. Date........................ WHEREAS Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Limited (A wholly owned subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India) having its office at Bangalore and site office at Mysore / Salboni (hereinafter referred as “The Owner / Company” which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context includes its legal representatives, successors and assigns), has issued tender paper/Purchase Order (PO) vide its Tender/Purchase Order No…… dated................ for ……………. (herein after called “the said tender”) to .................. (hereinafter called “the said tenderer(S)” which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context includes their legal representatives, successors and assigns) and as per terms and conditions of the said tender, the tenderer shall submit a Bank Guarantee for Rs................ (Rupees ............................... only) towards Earnest Money/Security Deposit in lieu of cash. 1. We............................... Bank having its branch office at hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur merely on a demand from the Company stating that in the opinion of the Company, which is final & binding, the amount claimed is due because of any withdrawal of the tender or any material alteration to the tender after opening of the tender/any violation of Purchase Order by way of any loss or damage caused or would be caused or suffered by the Company by reason of any breach by the said tenderer (S)/supplier (s) of any terms and conditions contained in the said tender/PO or failure to accept the letter of Intent / Agreement or that the amount covered under this Guarantee is forfeited. Any such demand made on the Bank by the owner shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs................... (Rupees ................................. only). 2. We undertake to pay to the Company any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the tenderer (S) any suit or proceeding pending before any office, court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present guarantee being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under. Our liability to pay is not dependent or conditional on the owner proceeding against the tenderer(s). 3. The guarantee herein contained shall not be determined or affected or suspended by the liquidation or winding up, dissolution or change of continuation or insolvency of the said tenderer (s) but shall in all respects and for all purposes be binding and operative until payment of all money due or liabilities under the said tender/purchase order are fulfilled. 4. We............................. Bank Ltd, further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the finalization of the said tender/conclusion of supply or fulfilment of all contractual obligation under the said PO and it shall continue to be enforceable till the said tender is finally decided and order placed /all contractual obligation under the said PO fulfilled on the successful tenderer(s) and/or till the dues of the Company under/or by virtue of the said tender have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till a duly authorized officer of the Company certifies that the terms and conditions of the said tender have been fully and properly carried out by the said tenderer(s)/supplier and accordingly discharges the guarantee. 5. That the owner/Company will have fully liberty without reference to us and without affecting this guarantee to postpone for any time or from time to time, the exercise of any of the power of the owner under the tender. 6. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before, our liability shall not exceed Rs.............. (Rupees .................................... only) us and shall remain in force till..................... unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us within three months from the date of expiry we shall be discharged from all the liability under this guarantee. 7. We........................... Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Company in writing. We further undertake to keep this Guarantee renewed from time to time on the request of the Tenderer (s). Date: ______________________________ Bank Corporate Seal of the Bank By its constitutional Attorney Signature of duly Authorized person On behalf of the bank with seal & signature code a) B.G. to be furnished from any of the Scheduled Banks. b) Address of BRBNML Office where tender is to be finalized should be referred in the B.G. ANNEXURE - G WARRANTY CERTIFICATE We warrant that the product supplied against purchase order no. ________ dated _____________ and invoice no. ______________ dated _________ will be free from defects in design, materials, workmanship etc. The original manufacturer’s warranty certificate is attached. We will ensure that the warranty is provided for the product for the period as per the purchase order failing which the security deposit may be forfeited by the purchaser, M/s. Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt. Ltd, Mysore. For and on behalf of Date: Place: Signature with seal ANNEXURE "H" Check List for Tenderers Please ensure that 1 Proforma for Techno-commercial Bid is kept in First sealed cover, super scribing ‘TECHNOCOMMERCIAL BID’ on the cover after confirming: a) Proforma for Techno-commercial bid (Annexure-D) & Compliance Statement (Annexure-J), if any, are completely filled & signed. b) Copy of entire tender documents is duly signed by authorized signatory with seal affixed, in token of acceptance of tender conditions. 2 The second sealed cover contains only EMD with superscription “EMD “ 3. Proforma of Price bid (Annexure –E) is filled, with detailed price break up, signed and is kept in third Sealed Cover super scribing “PRICE BID” on the cover. 4 All the three sealed envelopes should be put into fourth envelope which must be superscribed with “010/MMD/MYS/2011-12, dated :06-05-2011 for Shrink Film Polyolefine, Due on 22-06-2011 “. 5. Sample, if applicable, is submitted alongwith the techno commercial offer. Annexure-I General Terms & Conditions for the Tender Note : In the event of inconsistencies the Specific Terms and Conditions and terms and conditions mentioned in the NIT will have overriding effect . 1. Tenderers are to ensure that offers are submitted against individual enquiries in separate covers duly superscribing correct reference number and closing date. 2. Offers received after the closing time and date will not be considered. 3. The quotation should be kept valid for a minimum period of ninety days from the date of opening of the tenders. 4. The drawings, samples etc. sent along with the tender/enquiry shall be returned with the quotation otherwise the quotation may not be considered. 5. The price quoted should be in both figures and words as otherwise the quotation is liable to be ignored. In case figures and words differ, then those in words shall be considered as the correct one. 6. Prices should be on FOR, BRBNMPL, Mysore Press basis and firm till completion of supplies against the purchase order. 7. Tenderers are to indicate the exact Sales Tax, Excise duty and other levies applicable extra/included in the price. Claim for Excise duty should be supported by original and clear Excise Duty gate pass. This is required in case the supplier claims price rise or BRBNMPL wants to reduce the rate due to change in tax rate. 8. If the term is covered on DGS&D rate contract, it should be confirmed that the prices are same as applicable to DGS&D/Government Departments. The DGS&D rate contract reference should also be indicated, besides giving a copy of the contract. 9. If any packing, handling, transporting etc., charges are applicable extra, the exact amount should be indicated in the offer, whenever possible. 10. BRBNMPL reserves the right to avail the price offered for full quantity of the tender or part thereof or ignore the offer completely without assigning any reason whatsoever. 11. The supplier will be responsible for the material to reach destination intact and the supplier should arrange for adequate transit insurance within the quoted rates. 12. PAYMENT. The terms of payment are 100% payment in general (subject to deduction of Security Deposit if any and taxes as applicable) after receipt, inspection and acceptance of materials. Offers not agreeing with these terms are liable for rejection. 13. SECRECY (i) All the information, know-how, technical data, specification and drawing models or specimens furnished by BRBNMPL for the purpose of or in connection with the manufacture and supply of the stores hereby tendered constitute the property of BRBNMPL and the supplier shall keep them in strict confidence and he shall not divulge the same to anyone else except under the authority and for the purpose of BRBNMPL. All such documents, data, drawings, models and specimens are the property of BRBNMPL and shall be returned when demanded by BRBNMPL. (ii) The supplier shall not supply the material ordered by BRBNMPL to anyone else other than BRBNMPL and shall not disclose any initiations, development or adaptations thereof to anyone else except with the written consent of BRBNMPL. (iii) BRBNMPL shall be entitled to prevent a breach of the above and to damages in case of breach. 14. WARRANTY: The items should be warranted against defects in material, workmanship, dimensions etc., for a period of 12 months from the date they are put to actual use or 18 months from the date of supply, whichever is earlier. Defective items should be replaced free of cost at our Press. 15. Samples should be got approved before effecting bulk supplies. When quotations are called for conforming drawing/specifications, the offers should strictly conform to the specified drawing/specifications. No sample need be submitted in such cases unless otherwise laid down specifically. 16. When samples are called for along with the tenders, they should be marked and labeled so as to correspond with the item of the tender. They should be sent freight paid to the same address as the tender and arrangement should be made to see that they arrive by the opening date of the tender, otherwise offers are liable to be rejected. 17. The tenderers must state on the tender form, if he requires the return of unaccepted samples failing which they will be retained by the Purchaser. Unaccepted samples will be collected by local firms themselves and will be returned to outside firms per passenger Train “Freight to Pay”. The company shall not in any way be responsible for the return of the sample in its original condition. 18. ALTERATION OF SPECIFICATIONS, PATTERNS AND DRAWINGS: BRBNMPL reserves the right to alter from time to time, the specifications, patterns and drawings and as from the date that may be specified by the Purchaser. The articles shall be in accordance with the specifications. Pattern and drawings, so altered in the event of any such alteration involving an increase or decrease in the cost of or in the period required for production, a revision of the contract price and the time fixed for delivery shall be made in relation to the articles, where alterations are made with mutual agreement. 19. In the case of indigenous goods, tenderers must show in the relevant column, whether the material offered is a product of a cottage or a Small Scale Industry or a Factory product. 20. When offering imported material for supply the maker’s name, brand and country of origin must be mentioned in the quotation. 21. The delivery period quoted must be specific and realistic. The inability of the successful tenderers to execute orders in accordance with delivery schedules, will entitle BRBNMPL to cancel the purchase order and purchase the stores from elsewhere at the risk and cost of the supplier. Such failures will also be kept in view when considering their subsequent quotations. 22. PRICE VARIATION: Tenderers must as a rule quote firm and all-inclusive price. Price variation, however, in certain cases, can be considered only on account of statutory increase/decrease in levies (in case of indigenous supplies) and for exchange fluctuations, increase/decrease in customs duty, changes in sea freight etc. (for imported supplies) subject to submission of break up of prices at the time of quotation,- provided that such adjustments are part of the bid accepted. 23. RIGHT OF ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION OF TENDERS: The purchaser reserves to himself the right to accept tenders in respect of all items, any one item or part of an item, and the acceptance thereof shall be deemed as sufficient notice of the exercise of such right. The tender shall thereafter be for the quantity so accepted which will form the contract. 24. DELIVERY OF STORES: a. Delivery of stores dispatched F.O.R from any stations will not be considered as taken over by consignee until invoiced quantities have been inspected, counted, weighed or measured at destination. Until such delivery is taken all stores shall be at sender’s risk and BRBNMPL shall not be bound by any number, weight or measurement stated in the relative BRBNMPL lorry receipt or the supplier’s invoice. b. All supplies shall be subject to inspection, measurement and weighment on receipt of stores at destinations as specified in the purchase order. The decision of the inspection Officer or any other person nominated by the purchaser, as regards quality or quantity of supplies delivered, and shall be final. The Inspection officer is entitled to reject any or all of the supplies if not conforming to the terms and conditions of the purchase order. c. Even in cases, if prior inspection of stores before dispatch is arranged, the consignee shall be entitled to reject any of all the supplies on receipt if not found complying with terms of the contract. 25. TESTING OF STORES: The suppliers shall be required to reimburse BRBNMPL for any expenditure incurred in testing supplies, which failed to correspond to the required specifications. 26. ADVICE OF DESPATCH OF STORES: a. Suppliers would send an advice as soon as the material against an order placed on them is dispatched to the consignees specified in the purchase order giving full description of the material and quantity dispatched, reference to R R or Postal Receipt and reference to relative order no and date. b. All dispatch documents i.e. Railway receipts and Challans should be sent to the consignees. 27. INSTRUCTIONS TO BE OBSERVED BY SUPPLIES IN PREPARING BILLS: a. The bills should be prepared in ink or duly typed and submitted in duplicate marked “Original” or “Duplicate” on the respective foils. The rates should be shown both in words and figures. Bills either prepared or signed by pencil will not be accepted. b. The nomenclature of the material supplied shown in the bills should be strictly in accordance with the description given in the purchase order and as per the quotations submitted by the supplier. In case if there is any deviation between quotation and purchase order on name, nomenclature, description, specifications etc, the supplier must obtain prior clarification before supply otherwise BRBNMPL shall not be responsible for rejection of the material. c. Consignees name and other reference should be given on the bill as well as in all correspondence in connection therewith for facility of connecting the papers and arranging for early payment. 28. COMPLAINTS REGARDING NON-PAYMENT: The suppliers shall when making reference regarding non payment of their bills for supplies made, invariably mention the particulars of material and the destination of consignee to whom the materials have been dispatched, purchase order no. and date and dispatch particulars etc to facilitate prompt action being taken for settlement of their bills. 29. REMOVAL OF REJECTED MATERIALS: a. Local firms will remove the rejected materials within 7 days of the date of issue of the rejection letter failing which the responsibility of BRBNMPL will cease and the material will remain at suppliers entire risk and BRBNMPL shall have right to dispose of such stores at the suppliers risk and account without reference to them. b. Rejected materials of out station firms, if not removed within 15 days of issue of a rejection letter, will be dealt with as in 28(a) above. 30. GUARANTEE CLAUSE: The supplier guarantee that the store, which he supplies, shall confirm fully in accordance with specifications and will operate properly. In all cases, the supplier guarantee that his design would strictly follow the ‘as made’ detailed drawings with such modifications, as are notified in respect of each type. The supplier further guarantees that the stores will be free from defects in material and workmanship provided that the contractors liability on this respect shall be limited to furnishing and installation or replacement of parts free of any charges of the repairs of defectives parts only to the extent that such replacement or repairs are attributed to or arise from faulty workmanship of material, or designs in the manufacture of the stores. In the case of imported stores the supplier shall deliver the spares at an Indian port from which point the purchaser shall clear through customs and arrange delivery at his expense to the inland destination. If the supplier so desire the replaced parts can be taken over by his representatives in India for disposal, as he deems fit, within a period of 3 months from the date of receipt of replacement of parts. At the expiry of this period, no claim whatsoever shall lie on the purchaser. It shall be a condition of the guarantee here under that any defects/complain, shall be brought to the suppliers; attention within a reasonable time of their being first discovered. The guarantee herein contained shall not apply to any material, which shall have been repaired or altered by the purchaser, or on his behalf in any way so as to affect its strength performance or rehability or to any defect to any part due to misuse, negligence or accident The guarantee herein contained shall expire in respect of each item of stores, on the expiration of 18 months from the date of its delivery or 12 months from the date of its placing in service whichever is earlier, except in respect of defects notified to the supplier prior to expiration of such date. All replacements and repairs that the purchaser shall call upon the supplier to deliver or perform under this guarantee shall be delivered and performed by the supplier without demur promptly and satisfactorily. Any approval or acceptance by the purchaser of the stores or of the materials incorporated herein shall not in any way limit the supplier’s liability hereunder. The decision of the purchaser in regard to supplier’s liability under this guarantee shall be final and conclusive. 31. ARBITRATION : If any dispute arises after the issue of LOI /Purchase order and during the execution of the project which is not resolved within 30 days of their arising , they shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be appointed by the Managing Director of BRBNMPL. The governing law in this regard will be The Arbitration and Conciliation Act ,1996 of India.The venue of the Arbitration will be Mysore . Further,disputes if any , that may arise at any point of time , shall be subject to Mysore jurisdiction only. 32. LEGAL JURISDICTION : The court of Mysore / Bangalore (Karnataka State) only shall have jurisdiction to deal with and decide any legal matter of dispute whatsoever arising out of any Purchase orders placed by us. 33. FORCE MAJEURE CLAUSE : BRBNMPL shall in addition to its power under other clauses to determine Purchase orders have power to terminate its liability there under at any time by giving a notice of reasonable time in writing to the supplier of the company’s desire to do so and upon the expiration of the notice the P.O shall be determined without prejudice to the rights of the parties accrued to the date of determination. Further in the event of any situation arising out of or caused by any act which is beyond the control of BRBNMPL , which results in stoppage of production , or in event of any policy decision made in the interest of the company which may necessitate the short closure of the Purchase order , the company by giving a notice of reasonable time to supplier, can terminate the purchase order without prejudice to the rights of the parties accrued to the date of termination. ***************************** COMPLIANCE STATEMENT FOR OFFER OF Sl No. SHRINK FILM POLYOLEFINE Features 1. MATERIAL: Polyolefine biaxial shrinking centre folded semi tubular film. 2. 3. THICKNESS: 25 microns +/- 3 microns WIDTH: 355mm +/- 5 mm 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Offered (Yes/No) Deviation (If any) OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF ROLL: 300mm appx. LENGTH OF FILM: 450 metres appx. CARDBOARD CORE INNER DIAMETER: 90mm WEIGHT OF EACH ROLL: Approximately 13.5 Kilograms OTHERS: The material should be wound tightly on the core Staggered delivery : In two quarterly installments Seal ( ) Name Signature with date. Offers with deviation in any of the parameters as mentioned above may be liable to be rejected unless the non-conformity in technical specification is minor in nature / constitute a material deviation. Decision of the purchaser in this regard shall be final and binding . However , any high/ extra features than the minimum specified above though will not be rejected , but no extra weightage shall be given either in technical qualification or in Price bid.
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