Web Manual: Email September 2014

Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Table of Contents
Getting Started....................................................................................................... 3
How to change your password ........................................................................................... 3
How to Access Division Email ................................................................................. 4
Outlook Web App (Webmail).............................................................................................. 4
iPhone................................................................................................................................ 4
Android .............................................................................................................................. 4
Blackberry ......................................................................................................................... 4
Outlook Anywhere (MS Outlook) Autodiscover Set-up ....................................................... 5
Outlook Anywhere (MS Outlook) Manual Set-up ................................................................ 5
Setting up a Second Profile in Outlook Anywhere (MS Outlook) ........................................ 5
Mac (Outlook 2011) Text Instructions for Autodiscover .................................................... 6
Windows 7 Text Instructions ............................................................................................. 7
Windows 7 Screenshots ..................................................................................................... 8
Windows XP / Vista Text Instructions ............................................................................. 15
Windows XP / Vista Screenshots ..................................................................................... 16
Mac (Outlook 2011) Text Instructions ............................................................................. 21
How to Set Up an Archive (pst) File ..................................................................... 22
How to Set Up an Email Signature in Outlook WebApp ......................................... 23
How to Set Up an Out of Office Message / Automatic Reply in Outlook WebApp .. 25
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Getting Started
The Divisions provincial office provides email addresses for the local Divisions as needed.
The emails follow the pattern: [email protected] or
[email protected]
To have a new email address or email forwarding set up, please contact the Divisions
provincial office.
The emails are hosted with Robson Communications™, a leading Canadian provider of IT
and cloud computing solutions. Robson provides stable servers in Vancouver and
comprehensive support to users.
For support with Divisions email and remote set-up issues, please contact the Robson
support desk:
Phone: 604-569-2706
Email: [email protected]
Note: Robson can assist with issues relating to email and set-up, however for issues with
software (including Outlook), hardware and other issues, please connect with a local tech
support provider.
How to change your password
Select Change Your Password. This will take
you directly to the Password tab within
Settings where you can change your password.
Note: it is recommended that you change your
email password at least once a year.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
How to Access Division Email
Outlook Web App (Webmail)
How to access Division email via Outlook Web App:
1. Go to: https://webmail.divisionsbc.ca/owa/
2. Enter your login information:
Domain\user name: divisions\jsmith
Password: yourpassword
Note: You can change your password by clicking on Options (at the top right corner) >
select Settings in the left-hand menu > click on the Password icon > enter your old
password and your new password. New password must contain at least:
 one uppercase letter
 7 lower case letters
one number
How to set up Division email on iPhone:
Go to: General Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account > Microsoft
Enter your information following this example:
Email: [email protected] (enter YOUR email)
Domain: Divisions
Username: jsmith (enter YOUR username)
Password: test2 (enter YOUR password)
Description: Divisions Email (or anything you want to call it)
Click Next. A new field for Server will appear. Enter the server name:
Server: webmail.divisionsbc.ca
Click Next. Wait for your account to be verified. A screen will appear with Mail,
Contacts, and Calendars options. Click on Save in top right corner.
Microsoft provides instructions on how to connect to email on an android phone here.
How to set up Division email on Blackberry:
1. On your device’s desktop, select Options.
2. Select Advanced System Settings.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Select Enterprise Activation.
Enter the email address and activation password provided to you
Press the Menu key and select Activate.
Wait 5-10min. Once activation is done, an Activation Complete pop-up window will
appear. Click on OK.
Outlook Anywhere (MS Outlook) Autodiscover Set-up
Email accounts are contained in profiles. Outlook has an autodiscover feature for creating
profiles the first time you open the program. Following the link for information on how to set
up email using autodiscover:
Outlook 2007 – web link
Outlook 2011 (Mac) – text instructions
Note: If you already have an account set up in Outlook, you may set up a second account
by selecting New from Account Settings and using autodiscover or manual set-up.
Outlook Anywhere (MS Outlook) Manual Set-up
If auto-discovery does not successfully configure your email, you can set up your email
profile manually. Click the correct link to find instructions on how to do this:
Windows 8 – coming soon!
Windows 7 – text instructions | screenshots
Windows XP / Vista – text instructions | screenshots
Mac (Outlook 2011) – text instructions
Setting up a Second Profile in Outlook Anywhere (MS Outlook)
If you already have an email account set up in Outlook and would like to set up a second
account, you can do this by following the instructions below:
Outlook 2010
1. Select File > Account Settings > Account Settings > New
2. To set up the new email account using autodiscover, enter your account information,
then click on Next.
To set up manually, use the instructions appropriate to your operating system in Outlook
Anywhere (MS Outlook) Manual Set-up.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Mac (Outlook 2011) Text Instructions for Autodiscover
1. Open Outlook 2011. You will see one of the following options:
o A Welcome to Outlook:mac page. If you see this page, click the Add
Account button.
o Outlook loads. If Outlook loads with no welcome screen, select Tools >
2. From the Accounts window, select Exchange Account.
3. Enter your Exchange Account information:
o E-mail address (eg [email protected])
o In the User Name box, enter your Division username (eg. jsmith)
o In the Password box, enter your password
o Check off Configure automatically
o Click Add Account
4. Outlook will automatically configure your account and a new window will pop up
which lists all available accounts.
If the autodiscover doesn’t work, please use the manual set-up instructions.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Windows 7 Text Instructions
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel
2. Click Mail
 If you do not see the Mail icon, then next to View by, click to select Large
icons, then click Mail.
3. In the Mail Setup dialog box, click the Show Profiles button > click Add button
4. In the Profile dialog box, type any name that identifies your profile (eg.
DivisionsAccount) > click OK.
5. Select the new profile in the Mail dialogue box and click on Properties > Email
Accounts > New
 Select Manually configure server settings or additional server types >
click Next
 On the Choose Service dialog box, click on Microsoft Exchange or
compatible service > click Next
6. In the Server Settings dialog box:
 In the Server box, enter: div-ex.divisions.local
 Uncheck the Use Cached Exchange Mode checkbox
 In the User Name box, enter your Division username (eg. jsmith)
 Click the More Settings button
7. In the More Settings dialog box:
 Click the Security tab: tick the Encrypt data between Microsoft Outlook
and Microsoft Exchange checkbox
 Click the Connection tab: at the bottom, under Outlook Anywhere, tick the
Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP checkbox then click
Exchange Proxy Settings button right below it
8. In the Exchange Proxy Settings dialog box:
 Next to https:// box, enter webmail.divisionsbc.ca
 Tick the Connect using SSL only checkbox
 Tick the Only connect to proxy servers that have this principal name in
their certificate checkbox then in the box that appears right below it, enter:
 Under Proxy authentication settings, in the drop down list, select Basic
 Click OK
9. Click OK
10. Click Next
11. In the Mail Application pop-up window, enter your username (eg. divisions\jsmith)
and password > click OK
12. On the General tab, under When starting Microsoft Office Outlook, select Prompt for
a profile to be used
13. Click Finish
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Windows 7 Screenshots
Select Start > Settings > Control
Click Mail. If you do not see the Mail
icon, then next to View by, click to
select Large icons, then click Mail.
In the Mail Setup dialog box, click the
Show Profiles button
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
In the Mail window, click on Add.
In the New Profile dialog box, type a name that
identifies your profile (eg. DivisionsAccount) and
click OK.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Select the new profile in the Mail dialogue box and click on Properties > Email Accounts
> New. If an Add New Account window pops up, you may skip the steps on this page.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
settings or
types and
click Next.
On the
dialog box,
click on
service >
click Next.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
In the Server Settings dialog box:
 In the Server box, enter: div-ex.divisions.local
 Uncheck the Use Cached Exchange Mode checkbox
 In the User Name box, enter your Division username (eg. jsmith)
 Click the More Settings button
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
In the More Settings dialog box:
 Click the Security tab: tick the Encrypt data between Microsoft Outlook and
Microsoft Exchange checkbox
 Click the Connection tab: at the bottom, under Outlook Anywhere, tick the
Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP checkbox then click Exchange
Proxy Settings button right below it
In the Proxy Settings dialog box:
Next to https:// box, enter
Tick the Connect using SSL only
Tick the Only connect to proxy
servers that have this principal
name in their certificate
checkbox then in the box right
below it, enter:
Under Proxy authentication
settings, in the drop down list,
select Basic Authentication
Click OK
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Click OK.
Click Next.
Click Finish.
Under When starting Microsoft Office Outlook, use this profile: select Prompt for a profile
to be used.
Click Ok.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Windows XP / Vista Text Instructions
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel
2. Double-click Mail
 If you do not see the Mail icon, then click Switch to Classic View for Windows
XP, or click Classic View for Windows Vista, and then double-click Mail
3. In the Mail Setup dialog box, click the Show Profiles button > click Add button
4. In the Profile dialog box, type any name that identifies your profile (eg.
DivisionsAccount) > click OK.
5. Click Add a new e-mail account > click Next
6. On the Server Type window, click Microsoft Exchange Server > click Next
7. In the Server Settings dialog box:
 In the Server box, enter: div-ex.divisions.local
 Uncheck the Use Cached Exchange Mode checkbox
 In the User Name box, enter your Division username (eg. jsmith)
 Click the More Settings button
8. In the More Settings dialog box:
Click the Security tab: tick the Encrypt data between Microsoft Outlook
and Microsoft Exchange checkbox
Click the Connection tab. Under Exchange over the Internet, tick the
Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP checkbox then click
Exchange Proxy Settings button right below it
9. In the Exchange Proxy Settings dialog box:
 Next to https:// box, enter webmail.divisionsbc.ca
 Tick the Connect using SSL only checkbox
 Tick the Mutually authenticate the session when connecting with SSL
checkbox, then in the box that appears right below it, enter:
 Under Proxy authentication settings, in the drop down list, select Basic
 Click OK
10. Click OK
11. Click Next
12. Click Finish
13. Under When starting Microsoft Office Outlook, use this profile: select Prompt for a
profile to be used
14. Click Ok
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Windows XP / Vista Screenshots
Click Start > Settings >
Control Panel
Double-click Mail. If you do
not see the Mail icon, click
Classic View for Windows
Vista, and then double-click
In the Mail Setup dialog
box, click the Show Profiles
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Click Add button.
In the Profile dialog box, type any name
that identifies your profile (eg.
Click OK.
Click Add a new e-mail
Click Next.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
In the Server Type window,
click Microsoft Exchange
Click Next.
In the Server Settings
dialog box:
In the Microsoft
Exchange Server field,
enter divex.divisions.local.
Uncheck the Use Cached
Exchange Mode
In the User Name field,
enter your Division
username (eg. jsmith)
Click the More Settings
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Select the Security tab and tick the
Encrypt data between Microsoft
Outlook and Microsoft Exchange
Click the Connection tab. Under
Exchange over the Internet, tick the
Connect to Microsoft Exchange using
HTTP checkbox then click Exchange
Proxy Settings button right below it.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
In the Exchange Proxy Settings
dialog box:
Next to https:// box, enter
Tick the Connect using SSL only
Tick the Mutually authenticate the
session when connecting with
SSL checkbox, then in the box that
appears right below it, enter
Under Proxy authentication settings,
in the drop down list, select Basic
Click OK.
Click OK.
Click Next.
Click Finish.
Under When starting Microsoft Office Outlook, use this profile: select Prompt for a profile
to be used.
Click Ok.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Mac (Outlook 2011) Text Instructions
1. Open Outlook 2011. You will see one of the following options:
o A Welcome to Outlook:mac page. If you see this page, click the Add
Account button.
o Outlook loads. If Outlook loads with no welcome screen, select Tools >
2. From the Accounts window, select Exchange Account.
3. Enter your Exchange Account information:
o E-mail address (eg [email protected])
o In the User Name box, enter your Division username (eg. jsmith)
o In the Password box, enter your password
o Uncheck Configure automatically
o In the Server box, enter: div-ex.divisions.local
o Click Add Account
4. Click on Advanced
5. Under Microsoft Exchange:
o In the Server box, enter: webmail.divisionsbc.ca
o Check off Use SSL to connect (recommended)
6. Under Directory Service:
o In the Server box, enter: msstd:webmail.divisionsbc.ca
o Check off Log in with my Exchange account credentials
7. Click Ok
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
How to Set Up an Archive (pst) File
Outlook 2010
From the Home menu, select New Items >
More Items > Outlook Data File.
In the Create or Open Outlook Data File
window, type the desire name into the File Name
field. For example: 2014.
Click OK and the new archive will appear in the
Outlook navigation pane.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
How to Set Up an Email Signature in Outlook WebApp
Select Options > See All Options >
You will automatically be on the Mail
tab with options to set up and format
an email signature.
To use the official Divisions colours in
your signature, use the following RGB
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
R: 142
G: 137
B: 129
R: 187
G: 192
B: 155
R: 220
G: 102
B: 30
R: 0
G: 109
B: 138
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
Example signatures
Robin Hussen
Software Support Specialist, Practice Support and Quality
T 604 638 2910 F 604 638 2916 [email protected] www.divisionsbc.ca
1665 W Broadway, Vancouver, B.C.
Leanne Regan
Administrative Assistant
T 604-785-4520 E [email protected] W www.divisionsbc.ca/ridge-meadows
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014
How to Set Up an Out of Office Message / Automatic Reply
in Outlook WebApp
Select Set automatic replies. This will take you
directly to the Automatic Replies tab within
Options > Organise E-Mail where you can set
up automatic responses to emails.
Divisions of Family Practice
An initiative of the General Practice Services Committee
Suite 115, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
T. 604.638.2895 | F. 604.638.2916 | www.divisionsbc.ca
Web Manual: Email
September 2014