CADET MANUAL Randolph-Macon Academy Front Royal, VA 22630 Upper School 2013-2014 Daily Personal Challenge This is the beginning of a new day. God will not expect any more of me than I am capable of giving. But I must live up to my very best. I pray for it to be: GAIN not LOSS SUCCESS not FAILURE GOOD not EVIL Here I am and here is the day. In a short time it will be gone forever. There will be beauty. I must not miss it. There will be temptations. I must not yield. There will be times for tough decisions and I must face these decisions with strength and honor. So that I can look back with a radiant spirit and a joyful heart and s imply say: I HAVE DONE MY BEST. Cadet Blessing “OUR FATHER GIVE US GRATEFUL HEARTS FOR THESE AND ALL OUR BLESSINGS. WE ASK IN GOD’S NAME. AMEN.” Air Force JROTC Cadet Creed I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet. I am connected and faithful to every Corps of Cadets who served their community and nation with patriotism. I earn respect when I uphold the Core Values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, school, Corps of Cadets, community, and to myself. My character defines me. I will not lie, cheat, or steal. I am accountable for my actions and deeds. I will hold others accountable for their actions as well. I will honor those I serve with, those who have gone before me, and those who will come after me. I am a Patriot, a Leader, and a Wingman devoted to those I follow, serve, and lead. I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet. Table of Contents 1 RANDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY, CADET CORPS CONSTITUTION _____________________ 9 1.1 Article I Cadet Corps Constitution ............................................................................................................. 9 1.2 Article II Honor Code Beliefs and Violations .............................................................................................. 9 1.3 Article III Honor Council Authority ............................................................................................................ 9 1.4 Article IV Honor Council Members .......................................................................................................... 10 1.5 Article V Investigations ........................................................................................................................... 11 1.6 Article VI Removal of a Member of the Honor Council ............................................................................ 11 2 ACADEMICS & ATHLETICS _______________________________________________________________ 12 2.1 Academics ............................................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Night Study Hall (NSH) ............................................................................................................................ 12 2.3 Academic Probation ................................................................................................................................ 12 2.4 Friday Night Study Hall ............................................................................................................................ 13 2.5 Academic Honor Rolls ............................................................................................................................. 13 2.6 Correcting Errors in Grades ..................................................................................................................... 14 2.7 Class Attendance Policy........................................................................................................................... 14 2.8 Parade Attendance.................................................................................................................................. 14 2.9 R-MA Flight Program ............................................................................................................................... 14 2.10 Athletics: General Information ............................................................................................................... 15 2.11 Customary Procedures and Courtesies at Athletic Contests .................................................................... 16 2.12 Athletic Eligibility for School Teams ........................................................................................................ 17 2.13 Athletic Awards ....................................................................................................................................... 17 2.14 Spoken English ........................................................................................................................................ 17 3 3.1 GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING ___________________________________________________________ 17 Guidance and Counseling ........................................................................................................................ 17 3.2 Cadet Life Supervisor (CLS) ...................................................................................................................... 18 3.3 Cadet Brother/Sister ............................................................................................................................... 18 3.4 Mentors .................................................................................................................................................. 18 3.5 The Student Records Office ..................................................................................................................... 18 3.6 College Counseling .................................................................................................................................. 18 3.7 Counseling Services ................................................................................................................................. 18 3.8 Office Visitation ...................................................................................................................................... 19 4 DISCIPLINE ________________________________________________________________________________ 19 4.1 Conduct and Deportment ........................................................................................................................ 19 4.2 Classroom Discipline ............................................................................................................................... 20 4.3 Hazing ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 4.4 The Disciplinary Review Committee (DRC) .............................................................................................. 20 4.5 Demerits ................................................................................................................................................. 21 4.6 Conduct Grades ....................................................................................................................................... 22 4.7 Dismissal ................................................................................................................................................. 23 4.8 Senior Pranks .......................................................................................................................................... 26 4.9 Penalties For Offenses............................................................................................................................. 26 4.10 Cadet Development Offenses .................................................................................................................. 27 4.11 Excessive Tours ....................................................................................................................................... 27 4.12 Excessive Cadet Development ................................................................................................................. 27 4.13 Discipline Accountability ......................................................................................................................... 27 4.14 Withdrawal/Dismissal ............................................................................................................................. 27 4.15 Search of Individual or Personal Property ............................................................................................... 28 4.16 Tattoos, Body Piercing and Branding ....................................................................................................... 28 4.17 Responsibility for Personal Items ............................................................................................................ 28 2 4.18 Lost and Found ....................................................................................................................................... 29 4.19 Personal Property Storage During Summer Break ................................................................................... 29 5 RANDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY UNIFORMS ____________________________________________ 30 5.1 Uniforms worn at R-MA .......................................................................................................................... 30 5.2 Uniform Wear: Monday – Thursday ........................................................................................................ 30 5.3 Uniform Wear: Friday.............................................................................................................................. 30 5.4 Uniform of the Day.................................................................................................................................. 31 5.5 Duty Uniform for Males and Females ...................................................................................................... 31 5.6 Cadet Blazer Uniform .............................................................................................................................. 32 Figure 1: Male Blazer Uniform ............................................................................................................................. 32 Figure 2: Female Blazer Uniform w/Skirt ............................................................................................................. 33 5.7 Cadet Activity Uniform ............................................................................................................................ 34 5.8 Flight Suit ................................................................................................................................................ 35 5.9 Athletic Attire ......................................................................................................................................... 35 5.10 Civilian Clothes ........................................................................................................................................ 36 5.11 Off-Campus Uniform Guidance ............................................................................................................... 36 5.12 The R-MA Clothing Store ......................................................................................................................... 37 6 AIR FORCE JUNIOR RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CORPS (AFJROTC) PROGRAM_ 37 6.1 Maintaining Uniform Standards .............................................................................................................. 37 6.2 Haircuts and Grooming Standards ........................................................................................................... 37 6.3 Air Force Junior ROTC Uniforms Provided for Cadets .............................................................................. 37 6.4 Air Force Junior ROTC Uniform Dress and Appearance Standards ........................................................... 38 6.5 Air Force Supply ...................................................................................................................................... 41 6.6 Flag Etiquette .......................................................................................................................................... 42 6.7 Military Training...................................................................................................................................... 42 3 6.8 Cadet Corps Organization ........................................................................................................................ 42 6.9 Cadet Corps Mission and Objectives........................................................................................................ 47 6.10 Promotions ............................................................................................................................................. 47 6.11 Demotion ................................................................................................................................................ 48 6.12 Cadre Summer Leadership Lab Selection ................................................................................................. 49 6.13 Cadre Position Selection Process ............................................................................................................. 50 7 DORMITORIES ____________________________________________________________________________ 50 7.1 Cadet Life Supervisors (CLSs) ................................................................................................................... 50 7.2 Cadet Housing ......................................................................................................................................... 51 7.3 Cadet responsibilities and dormitory rules .............................................................................................. 51 7.4 Food in Rooms ........................................................................................................................................ 52 7.5 PROHIBITED ITEMS .................................................................................................................................. 52 7.6 Prohibitions............................................................................................................................................. 53 7.7 Cadet Dormitory Privacy Safety and Security .......................................................................................... 53 7.8 Inspection of Cadet Quarters and Uniforms ............................................................................................ 55 7.9 Room Arrangement and Standards ......................................................................................................... 56 8 CAMPUS FACILITIES ______________________________________________________________________ 58 8.1 General Responsibilities .......................................................................................................................... 58 8.2 Melton Memorial Gymnasium ................................................................................................................ 58 8.3 Chapel ..................................................................................................................................................... 59 8.4 Sonner-Payne Hall ................................................................................................................................... 60 8.5 Swimming Pool ....................................................................................................................................... 60 8.6 Cadet Activity Center .............................................................................................................................. 61 8.7 Traffic Patterns........................................................................................................................................ 61 8.8 The Clinic................................................................................................................................................. 61 4 8.9 Turner Hall .............................................................................................................................................. 62 8.10 Parking Compound .................................................................................................................................. 62 9 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ____________________________________________________________ 63 9.1 Dining Hall............................................................................................................................................... 63 9.2 Passes and Leaves ................................................................................................................................... 64 9.3 Free Time and Town Leave ...................................................................................................................... 65 9.4 Cadet Officer, NCO, Senior, and Merit Town Leave (OTL, NCOTL, STL, and MTL) ..................................... 66 9.5 Automobiles............................................................................................................................................ 67 9.6 Communications: Daily Announcements and Bulletin Boards ................................................................. 68 9.7 Worship Services ..................................................................................................................................... 68 9.8 Fires and Fire Drills .................................................................................................................................. 69 9.9 Fire Evacuation Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 69 9.10 Laundry ................................................................................................................................................... 70 9.11 Dry Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................ 70 9.12 Off-Limits Areas ...................................................................................................................................... 71 9.13 Off-limits: Off-campus areas ................................................................................................................... 72 9.14 Sales ........................................................................................................................................................ 72 9.15 Cellular Phones ....................................................................................................................................... 72 9.16 Visitors .................................................................................................................................................... 73 9.17 Day Cadets .............................................................................................................................................. 74 9.18 Weekend Activities ................................................................................................................................. 75 9.19 School Sponsored Trips ........................................................................................................................... 76 9.20 Package Inspections ................................................................................................................................ 77 9.21 Adjustments to the Cadet Manual........................................................................................................... 77 9.22 Daily Schedule......................................................................................................................................... 78 5 9.23 Randolph-Macon Academy: 2013-2014 Academic Calendar .................................................................. 80 9.24 Closed Weekends .................................................................................................................................... 81 9.25 Weekend Visits ....................................................................................................................................... 81 9.26 Transportation for School Holidays ......................................................................................................... 81 9.27 Departure for Breaks ............................................................................................................................... 81 9.28 Returning from breaks ............................................................................................................................ 82 9.29 Appointments: Medical, Dental, Other................................................................................................... 83 10 TECHNOLOGY _____________________________________________________________________________ 83 10.1 Department of Technology...................................................................................................................... 83 10.2 Acceptable Use Policy ............................................................................................................................. 83 11 ATTACHMENT 1: AWARDS ______________________________________________________________ 85 11.1 Individual Awards................................................................................................................................... 85 12 ATTACHMENT 2: AFJROTC AWARDS ___________________________________________________ 88 12.1 Awards and Decorations ......................................................................................................................... 88 12.2 Descriptions and Criteria ......................................................................................................................... 90 12.3 Order of Wear for Ribbons ...................................................................................................................... 99 13 ATTACHMENT 3: CADET UNIFORM PICTURES – MALE ____________________________ 101 Figure 3: Male- Cadet Officer Short-Sleeve Shirt ................................................................................................ 101 Figure 4: Male- Enlisted- Short-Sleeve Shirt ....................................................................................................... 102 Figure 5: Male- Enlisted- Long-Sleeve Shirt ........................................................................................................ 102 Figure 6: Male- Officer- Service Dress ................................................................................................................ 102 Figure 7: Male- Cadet Officer- Performance (Service) Dress ............................................................................... 103 13.1 Male Hair Standards.............................................................................................................................. 103 13.2 Dress and Appearance Inspection Grade Sheet ..................................................................................... 104 14 ATTACHMENT 4: CADET UNIFORM PICTURES – FEMALE _________________________ 105 Figure 8: Female- Enlisted Short-Sleeve Shirt ..................................................................................................... 105 6 Figure 9: Female- Cadet Officer Long-Sleeve Shirt .............................................................................................. 105 Figure 10: Female- Enlisted Service Dress .......................................................................................................... 106 Figure 11: Female- Cadet Officer with Skirt ........................................................................................................ 106 Figure 12: Female- Cadet Officer Performance (Service) Dress........................................................................... 107 Figure 13: Female- Cadet Officer Performance (Sevice) Dress w/ Skirt............................................................... 107 14.1 Female Hair Standards .......................................................................................................................... 108 15 ATTACHMENT 5: PLACEMENT OF UNIFORM ITEMS _______________________________ 109 16 ATTACHMENT 6:________________________________________________________________________ 118 TYING A TIE __________________________________________________________________________________ 118 17 ATTACHMENT 7: CADET AND PARENT/GUARDIAN AGREEMENT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PERSONAL MOTOR VEHICLE (PMV) ON RANDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY_____________________________________________________________________________________ 119 17.1 Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians................................................................................................... 119 17.2 Cadet Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................... 119 17.3 Vehicle Searches ................................................................................................................................... 119 17.4 Signatures ............................................................................................................................................. 120 18 ATTACHMENT 8: CADET DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM GUIDELINES _______________ 121 18.1 Instructions ........................................................................................................................................... 121 18.2 Cadet Development Guidelines ............................................................................................................. 121 19 FALCON FOUNDATION PROGRAM GUIDELINES ____________________________________ 123 19.1 Program Guidelines ............................................................................................................................... 123 19.2 Reporting .............................................................................................................................................. 123 19.3 Promotion and Duties ........................................................................................................................... 123 19.4 Physical Training ................................................................................................................................... 124 19.5 Mentoring ............................................................................................................................................. 124 INDEX _________________________________________________________________________________________ 125 7 CONTACT NUMBERS: R-MA UPPER SCHOOL (GRADES 9 - 12, PG) _____________________ 128 20 CADET HONOR CODE PLEDGE ________________________________________________________ 129 8 1 1.1 RANDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY, CADET CORPS CONSTITUTION Article I Cadet Corps Constitution 1.1.1 1.2 All cadets are members of the Cadet Corps of Randolph-Macon Academy (R-MA). Cadets shall at all times work for the best interest of R-MA. They will promote good relations and understanding between the Faculty and the Cadet Corps while developing school spirit and helping every cadet adjust to life at R-MA. Article II Honor Code Beliefs and Violations The Cadet Corps is formed on the basis of an Honor Code with three beliefs: 1.2.1 1.2.2 To trust a person is to make that person worthy of that trust. No person will lie, cheat or steal nor tolerate those among us who do. Every person is a gentleman or lady. All members of the Cadet Corps will subscribe to the above rules of personal conduct at all times. NOTE: See the back of this manual for a copy of the Cadet Honor Code. Cadets must sign the Honor Code and keep this manual in their rooms. 1.2.3 1.3 There are four violations of the Honor Code - lying, cheating, stealing, and failure to report violations. Cheating includes receipt of unauthorized aid on any written work that a cadet submits as his/her own. Any cadet who gives information to or receives information from another cadet concerning homework, a test, quiz, or examination is guilty of an Honor Code violation. Stealing includes the taking of personal, private, governmental, and/or institutional property without the consent of the owner of the property. This includes, but is not limited to: shoplifting and obtaining money under false pretenses by forgery or by passing a check on a bank at which the cadet knows there are insufficient funds. Stealing includes extortion by using one's influence or coercion to borrow money or other property. Lying, including intent to deceive, covers all statements made in an official capacity, when the statement pertains to academic work, discipline, or in any other honor situation. Failure to report violations of the Honor Code, as well as suspicious or irregular circumstances, shall constitute an Honor Code violation. The foundation upon which the Honor Code rests is that all cadets believe they are honor-bound to report any suspected violation they observe. Article III Honor Council Authority 1.3.1 The Honor Council upholds R-MA's standards and cooperates with the administration and faculty in dealing with cadet issues for the best interests of RMA. 1.3.2 The authority of the Honor Council shall be: 9 1.4 10 To research all reported Honor Code violations with the exception of theft and to report to the Disciplinary Review Committee (DRC) its findings. Theft matters rest solely with the DRC. To analyze justifiable complaints and to recommend possible solutions for such problems. To consider suggestions on matters pertaining to the general welfare and improvement of school life at R-MA. Article IV Honor Council Members 1.4.1 The Honor Council shall be composed of fifteen members: eight seniors, four juniors, two sophomores, and one freshman. Cadets who serve on the Council for one year and have served with honor and competence may apply for reappointment. The Council Advisor, subject to Academic Dean approval, will approve reappointments. The senior class will elect two senior members, and the Dean will fill the remaining senior openings. The junior class will elect two junior members, and the Dean will fill the remaining junior openings. The preceding year's Council will choose one sophomore member and the Dean will appoint the other. The freshman member will be chosen by the Middle School principal. 1.4.2 Candidates for Council appointment or election must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and a conduct/discipline record of excellent or better. 1.4.3 The Academic Dean (or his representative) will be present, will supervise, and will ensure that the Honor Council operates as stated within this Manual. 1.4.4 The Honor Council will elect by secret, majority ballot a President, Vice President, and Secretary. The Administration will appoint a 2nd Vice President. President - The Honor Council President will preside over and set the time for meetings. With the exception of the Investigating Committee, the President will make all committee assignments. Vice President - The Vice Presidents (elected and appointed) will assume the duties of the President in his absence and assist the President as directed. The two Vice Presidents will serve as co-chairs of the Investigating Committee and supervise investigations to ensure cadets' rights are protected. Secretary - The Secretary will keep a careful and accurate record of all Honor Council meetings. In the event both the President and elected Vice President are absent, the Secretary will assume their duties and appoint a temporary Secretary. 1.4.5 The Honor Council will meet on the call of the President. The Council's elected sophomore will inform at least one faculty advisor of the meeting time, date, and place. The Council may not at any time ask the faculty advisors to excuse themselves from a meeting. 1.4.6 Upon election and appointment of the Honor Council, the Academy President or his designee will swear in all members before the entire Cadet Corps. Reelected members are required to take the oath each year. 1.4.7 1.5 1.6 Honor Council decisions concerning disciplinary action(s) will be submitted, in writing, to the Commandant through the Disciplinary Review Committee (DRC) and signed by the Council President, or acting President. All other matters will be directed to the Dean. Article V Investigations 1.5.1 The Honor Council will have under it an Investigating Committee led by the Council Vice Presidents. The Vice Presidents will be responsible for appointing at least two Council members whose assignment in the Cadet Corps will enable them to be most objective for each investigative assignment. 1.5.2 When receiving an Honor Code violation report, the Council President will instruct the Vice Presidents to conduct a thorough investigation. 1.5.3 Investigative procedures will facilitate the gathering of information while safeguarding cadets' confidentiality. 1.5.4 The Investigating Committee will present a complete, unbiased, factual summary to the Council, who will determine if sufficient evidence warrants a hearing. If the Council decides the evidence warrants a hearing, the Council President will arrange a time and date for the cadet to appear before the Honor Council for a hearing. The hearing must be held within seven days of investigation completion (unless the faculty advisor deems additional time is required), and a faculty advisor must attend the hearing. 1.5.5 After hearing the Committee's report and the cadet's testimony, the Council will weigh all facts, with full regard to the cadet's attitude, age, and the severity of the offense, and determine if the Honor Code has been violated. In cases where a violation has occurred, the Council will submit to the DRC a guilty or not guilty decision. Article VI Removal of a Member of the Honor Council 1.6.1 Any cadet elected to a position by the Cadet Corps or by any organization within the Cadet Corps, such as a class representative, may be impeached by a three-fourths vote of the organization of which the cadet is an officer. The impeachment is subject to the approval of the Academy President. 1.6.2 The Honor Council will hear all impeachment cases except those pertaining to Council members. In these instances, Council member cases will be reviewed by the DRC. The Council may recommend removal from office if the accused person is found guilty of an impeachable offense. The Academy President may remove any office holder from their position, whether elected or appointed. 1.6.3 Organizational officers removed from their position will be replaced via an election by the members of the organization or by appointment of the Academy President if the officer was appointed. 1.6.4 Honor Code Violation Reporting: If aware of an Honor Code violation, a cadet should report the violation in private to one of the following: a cadet Council member, a teacher/staff member, the Dean or the Dean's appointed faculty representative. 11 2 ACADEMICS & ATHLETICS 2.1 2.2 2.3 12 Academics 2.1.1 Classrooms are located in several buildings on campus. The majority of classes are conducted in Stan Fulton Hall, Crow Hall, and Melton Gymnasium. The library is located in the north wing of Sonner-Payne Hall. The band/music room is located in the north end of the Fulton Complex, which is located just west of the athletic track. 2.1.2 Cadets will move promptly from one class to another. 2.1.3 Cadets are not permitted back into the dormitory area during class time, unless specific permission is granted by both the teacher and Student Services. Night Study Hall (NSH) 2.2.1 Night Study Hall is mandatory for all boarding students. Boarding students will study in their dormitory rooms from 7:30 until 9:30, Sunday through Thursday evenings. Cadet Life Supervisors (CLSs) will maintain order, discipline, and an accounting of all cadets. 2.2.2 Prior to the 7:30 NSH bell, all cadets must be in their own rooms, prepared to study. 2.2.3 No cadet will be allowed to leave his/her room during NSH without verbal and specific permission from their CLS. The Dean must provide, beforehand, permission to study in the library or with a school-approved tutor. CLSs may use discretion with respect to allowing hallway Study Groups for specific tests or projects. If abuse is noted, the CLS will send the cadets back to their dorm rooms. 2.2.4 No iPods/MP3, computers, Game Boys/PSPs/handheld gaming devices, etc. 2.2.5 Cadets are not to shine shoes, play music, "chill," or do anything else during NSH, without specific CLS permission. Cadets on the President's Honor Roll are granted the last 30 minutes of NSH to remain in their rooms and do as they wish, as long as no one else is disturbed. 2.2.6 So that both male and female adult supervisors may travel the halls freely, cadets will remain fully dressed during study hall. 2.2.7 Cadet Development cadets with permission to study in the R-MA library must wear the duty uniform. 2.2.8 CLS's will collect all cell phones during study hall, even if the privileges are granted for use during the day. Cell phones will be given back once uniforms have been inspected following study hall. This applies to ALL cadets. Academic Probation 2.3.1 Faculty will have grades “shown” every two weeks. If a student has two or more D's, one D and one F, or two or more F's, he/she will be placed on academic probation and assigned to the Academic Probation Study Hall (APSH) for a two-week period. 2.3.2 While on Academic Probation status, the following will apply: 2.4 They will not participate/practice in any extracurricular activity (drill team, sports, speech and debate, community service) or miss classes. Cadets on Academic Probation will be assigned to one of the daily mandatory APSH’s, supervised by a faculty member in a classroom Monday thru Thursday (Sunday evening thru Thursday) (day cadets included). Further restrictions will be invoked for failure to actively participate in the above requirements. Cadets on both Academic Probation and Cadet Development at the same time will not attend APSH. Friday Night Study Hall 2.4.1 2.5 The purpose of Friday Night Study Hall (FNSH) is to give cadets an additional opportunity to complete assigned homework and meet academic responsibilities under faculty supervision. To ensure uniformity, the following rules approved by the Upper School Academic Dean apply: FNSH is conducted in the Library. FNSH begins at promptly 6:00 and ends at 8:00 pm. FNSH is mandatory for day and boarding cadets assigned to FNSH. Athletes assigned to FNSH may not miss or be late for FNSH due to athletic contest or practice. The uniform for FNSH is always Activity. This may be waived for a day cadet who cannot go home to change. No iPods, cell phones, computers, food or beverages are allowed. Cadets assigned FNSH will report with study materials for the academic area in which they are deficient. Agenda with written missing homework will be checked by supervising faculty. Academic Honor Rolls 2.5.1 Randolph-Macon Academy has a two-division honor roll, which is published at the end of each quarter. The President's List requires a grade point average (GPA) of 4.0 or above. The Dean's List requires a GPA between 3.3 and 3.9. Failing any subject makes an individual ineligible for either honor roll. Cadets must maintain a "Satisfactory" or better quarterly discipline grade to be eligible for the Dean's List, President's list or any academic honor society. 13 2.5.2 Grading Scale (Unweighted) Symbol A+ A AB+ B B C+ Scale GPA 98 - 100 92 - 97 90 - 91 88 - 89 82 - 87 80 - 81 78 - 79 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 Symbol C CD+ D DF Scale GPA 72 - 77 70 - 71 68 - 69 62 - 67 60 - 61 0 - 59 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.0 Flights receive points toward flight competition for flight members on the honor rolls. 2.6 Correcting Errors in Grades 2.6.1 2.7 Class Attendance Policy 2.7.1 2.8 If a cadet has 5 unexcused absences from a class, the teacher will send an e-mail notifying the parents with courtesy copy to the Academic Dean and Commandant. At 10 unexcused absences, the Dean will send a letter and notify the President. If a cadet has 15 unexcused absences from a class, the student will be removed from the class with no credit. Parade Attendance 2.8.1 2.9 If an error is discovered in the recording of a grade, the cadet is responsible for contacting the appropriate instructor and requesting the grade be reviewed. If the cadet is convinced an error has occurred and the teacher refuses to change it, the cadet may appeal the decision, in writing, and submit it to the Dean's Office. All cadets are expected to participate in all closed weekend parades. This includes: Homecoming, Fall and Spring Family Weekends, Apple Blossom and Graduation. Parades will count as part of the participation grade in AFJROTC. Medical appointments and other family, social or academic arrangements are not accepted as excused absences. R-MA Flight Program 2.9.1 The Randolph-Macon Academy flight program is geared toward cadets who are motivated to fly and willing to put forth extra effort to pursue excellence and safety in training. The program fits into a cadet's schedule and consists of two parts: private pilot ground school and flying lessons in the Academy's aircraft. Juniors and seniors cadets may receive aerospace science credit for ground school with written approval of the SASI. 2.9.2 Scheduling Flight Lessons 14 Flight Instructors schedule flight time on Friday mornings in Crow B12. The scheduling window opens on Friday during the mentoring period for the upcoming week. A cadet may sign up for a time with in the flight office anytime during the week. Cadets may also schedule to fly using email. If a student cannot fly during his or her scheduled time, the student is to switch with someone or let the flight instructors know as soon as possible. If the instructors are going to be late for any reason or must cancel due to weather, they will call Student Services to notify the student. Students whose flights are cancelled must return to class immediately with a note from Student Services. Anyone scheduled for a flight that does not show will be charged $30 for the instructor's time. 2.9.3 “Go” Flying Status Participating in the R-MA flight program is a privilege. Students participating in the program are held to higher standard. Cadets will be placed on flight restriction for either academic or behavioral deficiencies. 2.9.4 Cadets are immediately placed on flight restriction if they frequently receive tours or are placed on Cadet Development (regardless of the reason). 2.9.5 Reasons for being placed on flight restriction due to poor academic performance are as follows: If a student has an “F” in any class If a cadet is on APSH If a cadet is on Cadet Development 2.9.6 If a cadet has a “D” in any class he/she can only fly after the academic day. 2.9.7 If a cadet has all “A”, “B”, and “C”s he/she may miss class to fly with teacher permission. If a student has a test/quiz, they cannot fly unless they get permission from the teacher giving the test/quiz. 2.10 Athletics: General Information 2.10.1 All cadets will participate regularly and routinely in either inter-scholastic or intramural athletics unless officially excused. Varsity coaches must account for cadets on their teams. Other cadets will be accounted for in a manner determined by the Athletic Director. 2.10.2 Cadets who have medical excuses will not engage in athletics nor travel with teams for away games. They will report to specific areas as directed. 2.10.3 An athlete placed on Academic Probation will remain in that status until he/she is removed by the Academic Dean according to the following procedure: GPAs will be determined at the four interim periods and the end of each quarter. At the interim or at the end of a quarter, if all of that cadet's teachers indicate to the Dean that the cadet has raised his/her grades to a passing level in the classes he/she was failing and if he/she maintained a passing grade in all other courses, then the Dean may reinstate the athlete as a participating member of the team. 15 2.11 Customary Procedures and Courtesies at Athletic Contests 2.11.1 R-MA is part of the Delaney Athletic Conference, and as a member of this conference, the Academy is expected to adhere to conference "Codes of Conduct" for both players and spectators. R-MA teams have won an enviable reputation for courteous conduct and clean play, and R-MA players and cadets are expected to observe the codes in this manual when attending athletic events. 2.11.2 The cadet athlete shall: Keep academics as a number-one priority. Play for the joy of the sport, the success of the team, and to win. Play hard, but fairly, and always mindful of the rules and the spirit or intent of the rules. Treat opponents with respect; shake hands before/after contests. Be modest in victory and humble in defeat. Respect the judgment of contest officials and accept their decisions as final. Exhibit exemplary behavior, thus serving as a positive role model for teammates, opponents, and spectators. Accept the privileges and responsibilities of representing self, school, and community. 2.11.3 Academy spectators shall: Exhibit positive behavior while attending athletic contests. Support and yell for their team while enjoying the skill and competition. Remember that school athletics are an extension of the classroom, offering learning experiences for the cadets. Show respect for the opposing players, coaches, spectators, and support groups (cheerleaders). Recognize and show appreciation for outstanding plays by either team. Only participate in cheers that support and uplift the teams involved. Respect the judgment of game officials, and admire their willingness to participate in full view of the public. Complement and participate in school and community efforts to promote good sportsmanship at athletic contests. Sit in designated areas, wear the proper uniform, and remain in the stands throughout the game, except to use the restroom, visit the concession stand or between halves. Loitering or blocking exit areas will not be permitted. No spectator will, at any time, enter the playing area of an athletic team, or (in any way) interfere with play. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary consequences. 16 2.12 Athletic Eligibility for School Teams 2.12.1 Athletic eligibility is determined by the Dean, Athletic Director, and conference rules. Any cadet who is on a school sports team will not participate in a game or travel with the team if he/she is unexcused absent from any classes the day of the contest or has tours and the team will be traveling or playing during a scheduled tour session. 2.12.2 If excused from classes by a doctor or nurse, cadets will not play or practice that day, nor make trips to away athletic events. 2.12.3 Team members must ride in school-provided transportation to and from athletic events. Cadets leaving on pass after an event may do so only in the company of their parents/guardians unless granted prior approval. The Dean/Commandant must grant permission for persons other than team members and coaches to ride on school provided transportation. 2.12.4 A cadet may participate in only one sport per season. Specific team selection dates are established for each season and will be strictly enforced. After that date, no one may change sports. 2.13 Athletic Awards 2.13.1 Cadets who complete the season in good standing, return all issued equipment properly, and meet the requirements of the sport in which they have participated are eligible to receive athletic letters, participation certificates, or other post-season awards. Final approval on all awards rests with the Academic Dean. 2.14 Spoken English 2.14.1 English is the only language that will be spoken in the classroom. The only exceptions are Spanish and German in those respective classrooms. Cadets speaking a language other than English in any non-German or Spanish classroom may be considered cheating. If he/she is taking a test or quiz he/she will immediately have the test collected, be given a zero, and referred to the Honor Council by the teacher for appropriate disciplinary consequences. 3 GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING 3.1 Guidance and Counseling 3.1.1 An important aspect of R-MA life is Guidance and Counseling. The following programs have been established to provide means by which cadets are able to meet their needs and reach goals that will enhance positive growth for college, career and life. 3.1.2 There are four basic components to the R-MA guidance and counseling program: the Cadet Life Supervisors and the Cadet Brother/Sister Program, both under the direction of the Commandant; and the Mentoring program and the Dean's Support Functions, both under the direction of the Academic Dean. 17 3.2 Cadet Life Supervisor (CLS) 3.2.1 3.3 3.6 Interpretation of Academy regulations, customs and policies. Assistance on social issues. Assistance with personal problems and concerns. Every new cadet will have a returning cadet from his/her flight assigned as a cadet brother/sister. The brother/sister might be a roommate or another member of the flight. The purpose is to provide new cadets with a contact of his/her own age, sex, and grade level to assist with adjusting to Academy life. The CLSs will make assignments for boarding cadets. The Director of Residential Life will make assignments for day cadets. Mentors 3.4.1 3.5 Cadet Brother/Sister 3.3.1 3.4 Each cadet is assigned to a flight. The CLS for that flight is there as both a supervisor and an advocate for the cadet. Areas of responsibility and advocacy include: A faculty/staff mentor will be assigned to each cadet, and the mentor will provide academic oversight and guidance throughout the year. The Student Records Office 3.5.1 The Student Records Office, next to the Dean's Office in Stan Fulton Hall, is responsible for academic scheduling of all cadets. 3.5.2 Cadets will not report directly to the Student Records Office (except immediately after the lunch meal), unless individually contacted for an appointment. 3.5.3 Cadets must request an appointment in writing stating the purpose for the appointment. College Counseling 3.6.1 The college counseling office, located on the second floor of Stan Fulton Hall, provides college information and counseling, as well as testing, including: 3.7 18 Achievement Testing PSAT SAT Scholarship Information TOEFL ACT Service Academy Counseling Counseling Services 3.7.1 The R-MA counselor provides individual counseling sessions and group therapy counseling for cadets with specific needs, such as homesickness, stress and anger management, and substance abuse. The counselor also serves as a consultant to faculty, staff, and R-MA families as needed. 3.7.2 Referrals for counseling are made in several ways. The cadets may seek counseling on their own. Teachers and staff may ask that a cadet be seen because of troubling behavior. The nursing staff might refer a cadet because of suspected psychological problems. The Office of Student Services may require counseling for cadets with substance abuse issues, anger control problems, or request mediation sessions. Parents may also request counseling services for their child. 3.7.3 3.8 Professional ethics requires confidentiality. However, parents are encouraged to contact the counselor with any questions or concerns. Office Visitation 3.8.1 Students will make appointments with appropriate administrative offices (Finance, Admissions, Dean, etc.), when their services are required. Student Services can assist with making these appointments. Cadets must be in the uniform of the day during visits to any offices on the first floor of Sonner-Payne Hall or the Dean’s Office. 4 DISCIPLINE 4.1 Conduct and Deportment 4.1.1 Life at R-MA is founded on honesty, mutual trust, and respect for others. Cadets are expected to support all established rules and regulations. They will conduct themselves with thoughtfulness, courtesy, and responsibility at all times. Cadets will be held accountable for their actions wherever they may be identified as Randolph-Macon Academy cadets. All R-MA rules, behavior and appearance standards apply to (both boarding and day) cadets in Front Royal and while away from campus on R-MA trips. 4.1.2 The standards are: Self-respect and pride in appearance as a member of the R-MA Corps of Cadets, whether in uniform or other attire. Respect for others: R-MA faculty, cadets, and visitors to the R-MA community. Good judgment in relationships. Public display of affection (PDA) is not allowed. Respect for property of the school and others. Being prepared for all classes, formations, and duties. Acceptance of guidance/discipline from staff and cadet leaders. Maintaining the R-MA Cadet Honor Code. Reverence or respect for God, family, country, and R-MA. Randolph-Macon Academy will exercise in loco parentis (in place of the parent) for all boarding cadets when they are enrolled in the school. This includes on and off campus activities and any time the student is representing Randolph-Macon Academy. 19 4.2 Classroom Discipline 4.2.1 4.3 Classroom discipline is the responsibility of the faculty. Each faculty member will provide the students with the rules and behaviors expected in that instructor’s classroom. Hazing 4.3.1 Hazing of any kind is absolutely prohibited. 4.3.2 Examples of hazing are: abuse of authority by cadet officers and non-commissioned officers; demanding or even requesting personal services by another cadet or intentionally depriving another cadet of rights or privileges; cadets forming a subgroup that is not related to R-MA's program and initiating members into that group (establishment of, or membership in such groups that are not an approved part of the R-MA program is also prohibited; see GANGS, Par. below). Hazing is also the practice whereby racial, ethnic, national, or other cultural groups exercise control, punishment, or intimidation over its own members. (Control, punishment or intimidation over outsiders to such a group is also prohibited under the category that includes racism). Any cadet found guilty of hazing at R-MA may be subject to dismissal. (See DISMISSAL Par 4.7 below.) 4.3.3 Bullying is not tolerated in any form at Randolph-Macon Academy. 4.4 The Disciplinary Review Committee (DRC) 4.4.1 20 Bullying is defined as “a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when the behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of power. It can include verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability.” Students determined to be guilty of this will be subject to consequences including dismissal and possible legal action, depending on the circumstances. Bullying includes emotional, verbal, physical, and cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is “the process of using the Internet, cell phones or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.” Cyberbullying could be limited to posting rumors or gossips about a person in the internet, bringing about hatred in others’ minds, or it may go to the extent of personally identifying victims and publishing materials severely defaming and humiliating them. The DRC is a committee chaired by the Commandant that determines consequences of cadet behavior. In most cases, the members of the Disciplinary Review Committee will include the Commandant, the Director of Residential Life (DRL), The Director of Cadet Operations, and the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs; Faculty/Staff members may be included on a case-by-case basis. In some discipline cases, the Commandant may defer his role as chairman to one of the aforementioned members. The DRC meets as necessary to review discipline issues that, by their nature, require immediate resolution. A DRC decision, once approved by the Commandant, is final, except for dismissals, which are reviewed and approved by the Academy President. However, pending that approval, the Commandant may immediately remove any cadet who, in his view, poses a threat to him/herself, to others, to property, or to the morale of the Academy. 4.5 Demerits 4.5.1 4.5.2 Demerits are issued for minor infractions. These infractions will be determined by the Commandant, DRL or their designated representatives. Generally, these infractions will include any violation of Cadet Manual policy or procedure. These include, but are not limited to: Minor uniform infractions (to include meeting basic hygiene requirements). Failure to meet room standards. Being repeatedly late for class, defiance and/or disrespect to faculty or staff, or profanity will result in immediate tours. “Gross defiance or disrespect to faculty or staff” may (depending on the nature of the offense) result in Cadet Development. The Commandant will determine if an offense merits immediate tours or possible hearing before the DRC. For every five demerits earned in a seven-day period (Friday 4:00 pm to Friday 4:00 pm), a cadet will earn one tour. Likewise any increment from five up to the next multiple of five will be “rounded back” to the previous tour total. For example, a cadet with four demerits in a week gets no tours. A cadet with five demerits earns one tour. A cadet who earns six to nine demerits earns one tour, ten demerits is two tours, fifteen is three tours and so on. The names of students who have been assigned demerits and tours will be posted at lunchtime in Student Services and on each dormitory hallway. During lunch each cadet who has been assigned demerits or tours can inquire at Student Services which rule(s) he/she violated. Cadets who differ with these write-ups will see the individual who cited them to discuss their demerits. If a demerit is “excused” by the individual who submitted it, that individual will notify the Commandant via e-mail no later than 4:00 pm Friday. Cadets with four or fewer demerits at the time of the posted roster will revert to zero demerits. 4.5.2 Tours will be served on Friday nights and Saturday mornings in the dining hall. 4.5.3 Cadets will wear the duty uniform while serving tours. Cadets will report for tours at 6:00 pm on Friday night and 8:00 am on Saturday morning. One tour will be one hour of detention study hall. The Cadet Development Supervisor will monitor tours. He will assign seats and he is responsible for establishing the detention study hall rules and policies. 21 Note: Cadets who have between one and three tours may elect to serve tours on Friday or Saturday in order to participate in the following activities: varsity athletic contest, band/chorus performance, school drama production, or AFJROTC activity. If they fail to serve all assigned tours the week they were assigned, they will be subject to meeting the DRC and more stringent disciplinary action. 4.5.4 4.6 Cadets who have Friday Night Study Hall will complete FNSH requirements first and then begin tours at the next hourly starting point. For example, if a cadet has FNSH, and completes all assigned work at 7:10 pm, they may begin serving tours at 8:00 pm. 8:00 pm is the last starting time for tours on Friday night. When a cadet is assigned tours, his/her cell phone, IPod, videogame devices and laptop will be confiscated until all tours are served. Cadets are expected to quickly learn to correct discrepancies or suffer consequences. If a cadet goes over five tours in a semester, he/she will have his/her personal electronics (cell phone, iPod, laptop) confiscated by the Commandant for a period not to exceed the end of the current semester. Once reaching a total of fifteen tours in a semester, the cadet will automatically be given five days of Cadet Development and restricted to campus until the commandant determines their behavior warrants review. If a cadet reaches 20 tours anytime during the school year, he/she will be considered for dismissal. 4.5.5 Cadets WILL NOT be allowed to sign out from campus for Town Leave, Weekend Pass, or Weekend Trips until all tours are served. Cadets who fail to serve tours the week they are assigned will be subject to meeting the DRC and more stringent disciplinary action. 4.5.6 The tour roster is determined each as follows: Every Monday morning, the commandant reviews all input for the previous week and submits tours as appropriate based on the last week’s demerits and acquittals. Student Services will notify the parents or guardians of students with tours not to plan on picking them up until tours are complete. If a cadet is placed on Cadet Development (CD), the parents/guardians will incur an additional expense. The charge will be $25.00 per day for boarding cadets. The charge will be $25.00 per day plus a $25.00 per day boarding fee for non-boarding cadets. Refer to ATTACHMENT 8 for Cadet Development Program Guidelines. Conduct Grades 4.6.1 22 Cadets will complete every scheduled tour session in succession until no tours remain. Cadets receive a conduct grade for each quarter grading/academic period. For purposes of computing the conduct grade, tours are not cumulative, and cadets start "fresh" at the beginning of each grading period. However, tours not marched in one academic period must be cleared in the following period. The grading scale is as follows: 4.7 Outstanding No tours and no Cadet Development. Excellent 3 or fewer tours and no Cadet Development. Satisfactory 5 or fewer tours and no Cadet Development. Marginal 15 or more tours and/or 3 or fewer days of CD. Unsatisfactory More than 15 tours and/or 4 or more days of CD. Dismissal 4.7.1 The mission of R-MA is to educate; therefore, all reasonable steps are taken to avoid dismissal without compromising standards. R-MA will provide discipline, guidance and counseling to cadets to correct unacceptable behavior. 4.7.2 Cadets who break major school rules or show a pattern of chronic misbehavior may be beyond the Academy's ability to correct and may adversely influence other cadets. Such cases may result in dismissal. 4.7.3 The Commandant will present the findings to the Academy President for approval/disapproval. Only the Academy President can dismiss a cadet. No cadet will be dismissed without notice of violation(s), an explanation of the evidence in support of those violations, and an opportunity to appear before the DRC to present evidence to the contrary. Cadets may request a member of the faculty/staff to appear before the DRC on their behalf to offer pertinent information or character reference. Parents/guardians will be notified as soon as possible when their son/daughter has committed a dismissal offense. Exception: When in the Commandant’s judgment the cadet is posing a present danger to persons or property or is disrupting the academic process, the cadet may be sent home first and then provided a subsequent opportunity to appear before the Commandant and have any case for dismissal presented to the Academy President. 4.7.4 Randolph-Macon Academy does not tolerate the items listed below. Any cadet who participates in any of these activities will be subject to immediate dismissal: Randolph-Macon Academy declares a zero tolerance regarding the possession and/or use of illegal drugs and illegal drug paraphernalia. This policy extends to illegal drugs, alcohol use, possession or use of over-the-counter medications, prescribed medications, Bath Salts, and K2, Spice, Black Rooster or any synthetic cannabinoids. Also banned are any unprescribed pharmaceuticals, or pharmaceuticals such as Niacin known as “cleansers,” or pharmaceuticals specifically advertising “cleansing.” Possession includes being under the influence while on campus and off campus. This also includes testing positive for illegal or unauthorized drugs or refusal to take a drug test, and possession of drug paraphernalia. This policy applies to students while “signed in” to the Academy – e.g., on campus, in the local community, or off campus on school sponsored events or trips, etc. Students in violation of this 23 policy will be given due process through the DRC, and if found guilty, will be dismissed from R-MA. 4.7.5 24 Sexual misconduct, to include sexual contact (either heterosexual or homosexual), including being in a restroom or dormitory room with a member of the opposite sex. False fire alarms, 911 calls, and/or bomb threats. Proven theft on or off campus to include shoplifting. Causing intentional, unprovoked physical harm (to other cadets, faculty, or staff personnel). Randolph-Macon Academy declares a zero tolerance regarding bullying in any form, whether emotional, verbal, physical, in person, or via electronic message or comments on the internet through e-mail, IMs or any other vehicle such as Facebook. This policy applies to students while “signed in” to the Academy – e.g., on campus, in the local community, or off campus. Possession of any firearm or deadly weapon. Deliberate destruction of property, to include desecration or destruction of sacred/religious symbols, materials, and articles. Urinating or defecating in public places or common use areas. Every / Any cadet found participating in or watching or in any way involved in the activity known as the "Choking Game" or any activity that results in the loss of conciseness due to the choking, compressing the neck/chest or any other physical means will earn 10 days of Cadet Development and be subject to immediate dismissal. The following are violations of major school rules and depending on circumstances may render a cadet subject to dismissal: Honor Code Violations. Confidentiality will be maintained when infractions are reported. All cadets must report Honor Code violations as well as harmful behavior. When reporting infractions to the proper authority (i.e., the Commandant, Dean, etc.), cadet identity will be protected. If directly involved in the incident, a cadet may be granted amnesty depending upon the circumstances. Cadets must report these incidents for the ultimate well-being of all associated with the Academy. Honor Code violations include lying, cheating, stealing, plagiarism, other acts of dishonesty, or condoning these acts by others. Possession of a dormitory room key other than to the room assigned, or possession of any other unauthorized key. Possession of a second set of vehicle keys. Submitting false statements, e.g. parental permission, e-mail, fax, phone, letter or DRC responses. Possession of another cadet's property without permission. Tobacco use. Possession or use of tobacco products or paraphernalia, including lighters, matches, pipes, etc. Condoning the use of tobacco products. Use or possession of weapons: unauthorized use or possession of knives, firearms, fireworks, explosives or any other devices capable of causing physical injury. Manufacture or possession of any common item with the ultimate intent to harm another person. Unauthorized use or possession of a sword (or saber). Conspiring to obtain any of the aforementioned weapons. Sexual misconduct or sexual activity or contact of any nature. Any cadet who witnesses or feels he/she is the victim of sexual, assault, sexual misconduct, or sexual harassment will immediately report the incident to a trusted adult such as the school counselor, school nurse, mentor, Student Services or CLS. This adult will immediately notify their senior staff supervisor who is responsible for taking the appropriate action. Publicly touching oneself sexually. Talking about one's sexual activity in front of others. Sexual harassment: Any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or suggestive comments, jokes, sexual gestures, etc. Possession or distribution of pornographic materials. In an off-limits area with a member of the opposite sex. Threatening or violent behavior. Fighting or dangerous horseplay that could lead to injury. Hazing, to include any physical or psychological intimidation. Use of offensive, inflammatory or profane language to demean another individual, including comments manifesting prejudice or bias, whether to race, religion, national origin, sex, or physical/mental attributes. Disrespect/defiance towards faculty/staff. Failure to report to proper authorities, upon discovering that one or more fellow cadets are involved in behavior that could result in bodily harm to themselves or others. Possession of materials encouraging anarchy or witchcraft. Gang membership or gang-like behavior, or forming and belonging to any subgroup not recognized as part of any R-MA program. (NOTE: Gang-like behavior includes any of the following: membership, initiation ceremonies, rites and rules of membership, colors, dress or identification standards, establishment of territory (e.g., graffiti and blocking streets with defiance to 25 passing motorists/pedestrians, ostracism of outsiders, and a common antiestablishment/anti-R-MA value system among members). Blatant disregard for school rules. Tampering, in any manner, with locks on dormitory room doors or other doors on campus. Entering an off-limits area with evident intent to break a major school rule (i.e., entering a bathroom of the opposite sex, etc.). Being absent from the campus without permission (AWOL) if gone more than 24-hours or evidently not intending to return. Defiance or any willful act that disrupts normal operations of the Academy, lowers morale, encourages defiance, or brings discredit to R-MA. Continued failure to meet school responsibilities and obey minor rules as evidenced by multiple disciplinary infractions or excessive demerits. Refer to paragraph 4.11 of this chapter. Failure to constructively participate in R-MA's program. Intentionally embarrassing the reputation of Randolph-Macon Academy by misconduct while in Front Royal, while representing the school at Academysponsored events, or by demeaning and slanderous statements in any form of media, to include internet, Facebook, broadcast or print media. NOTE: The Academy has the right to discipline cadets for off campus conduct that violates rules or which is detrimental to the Academy's interests, reputation, or goals. Discharging or tampering with any fire or safety equipment including extinguishers, alarms, pull stations, sensors, etc. Gambling of any kind is prohibited at R-MA. 4.8 4.9 Senior Pranks 4.8.1 Senior pranks are not allowed at R-MA because such activities do not meet our standards of conduct and have the potential of causing injury to another person. At the very least such activities always cause hurt feelings and damage relationships. Thus, any student participating in such activity will suffer the consequences of this policy and may lose the opportunity to graduate with his or her class or the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremony. 4.8.2 Failure to advise the administration of a planned prank is also considered a violation of the school honor code and is a punishable offense. Penalties For Offenses 4.9.1 26 The Commandant or the Director of Residential Life will determine the appropriate action for offenses, taking into account the nature of the offense, the age and maturity of the cadet and the accumulated history and background of offenses of the individual. 4.10 Cadet Development Offenses 4.10.1 These are normally dismissal offenses. However, on-campus Cadet Development may be assigned as an interim step toward correcting behavior. The DRC will determine appropriate consequences. 4.10.2 Cadets who are given Cadet Development and who have tours on their discipline record will still be held accountable for all and any tours they may have received. Cadet Development does not eliminate any tours accrued. Once Cadet Development is completed, cadets will complete any outstanding tours remaining on their record. 4.11 Excessive Tours 4.11.1 Excessive tours are not acceptable at Randolph-Macon Academy. Any cadet who amasses more than five tours on the Daily Tour Roster will meet with the DRC and be subject to Cadet Development in lieu of the tours. 4.12 Excessive Cadet Development 4.12.1 In addition to excessive tours, excessive days of Cadet Development will not be tolerated at R-MA. Any cadet who accumulates 30 days of Cadet Development will meet the DRC with the possibility of dismissal as the outcome. 4.13 Discipline Accountability 4.13.1 Cadets will be held accountable for their discipline record prior to departing R-MA. Seniors who have tours/Cadet Development on their records will not receive their diploma or be allowed to out-process until their discipline account is settled. Underclassmen will not be allowed to out-process until their discipline accounts are settled. 4.14 Withdrawal/Dismissal 4.14.1 If a cadet withdraws or is dismissed from R-MA, there are specific steps that must be accomplished to avoid additional charges that would delay a transfer of paperwork (i.e., transcripts) to another school. 4.14.2 Report to Student Services and receive an Out-Processing Form. Complete the form by contacting each office listed below. 4.14.3 You must complete the following tasks: Turn in the Air Force (issue) uniform to Air Force Supply. Turn in your combination lock to Student Services (day cadets). Turn in any library books to the librarian. Your CLS or assigned staff member must complete a room damage report and ensure all personal items are removed from the room. Check with laundry/dry cleaning for items not claimed. Go to Finance for settlement of charges. Turn in room key(s)/card (boarding cadets). Return Out-Processing Form to Student Services. 27 4.15 Search of Individual or Personal Property 4.15.1 The Academy reserves the right to search any cadet's person or property at any time for any condition that may affect the cadet's welfare or the health, order, or discipline of the R-MA community. This includes rooms, belongings and clothing, vehicles, computers, cell phones and other electronic storage devices. It also includes breath tests, blood tests, or urinalysis (failure to agree to a urinalysis may result in dismissal), directed either randomly or with probable cause. The Commandant will ensure that any search is appropriate in respecting the privacy and rights of cadets. 4.15.2 Room searches are routine responsibilities of supervisory personnel (e.g., CLS's, faculty, staff, etc.,) and will be conducted at their discretion. 4.15.3 Drug and alcohol testing may be done randomly or with reasonable suspicion as directed by the Commandant. 4.16 Tattoos, Body Piercing and Branding 4.16.1 Randolph-Macon Academy cadets are prohibited from performing any form of body piercing, tattooing, or branding of themselves or other students while at R-MA or in the town of Front Royal. Performing any of these acts is a major school violation, and may render the person guilty of the practice subject to dismissal. 4.17 Responsibility for Personal Items 4.17.1 The Academy is not responsible for the personal belongings of cadets. Cadet officers/NCOs will not confiscate personal property from other cadets. Should a cadet become aware that another cadet possesses items prohibited by R-MA rules or items that could cause imminent danger (knives, etc.), he/she will report this to the appropriate CLS. The CLS will confiscate the item, mark it with the owner's name and date taken and place the item in a safe location. 4.17.2 Cadets should mark all of their belongings including radios, calculators, clocks, all items of clothing, bedding, towels, etc. with their name and student number. If a cadet obtains a used item marked with another cadet's name and number, the cadet will strike through the information with a single line so that it may still be read, and add his/her own name and number. Any ownership disputes will be resolved through the CLS by the Director of Residential Life or the Commandant. Expensive clothing or electronic equipment is not needed at R-MA; it is best left at home. Necessary valuable items may be kept in the cadet's footlocker, in storage areas, or with Student Services. 4.17.3 In the event of an apparent theft, the cadet should document the details in writing and thoroughly describe the missing item(s), including serial numbers. This report will be turned into the cadet's CLS or Student Services within two hours after the loss is discovered. If the discovery of the loss takes place at night or on the weekend when 28 Student Services is closed, the written report will be given to the Officer-in-Charge (OC). If a cadet fails to follow the procedures as outlined, the loss cannot be treated as a theft and will not be investigated. Academy authorities are limited in recovering stolen items without a timely and detailed report. If the cadet who is the victim of an apparent theft has not been contacted by the Director of Residential Life or his designated representative within 72 hours of the loss, the cadet should report to Student Services in person to discuss the loss with the Director of Residential Life who will decide who should investigate the incident. 4.18 Lost and Found 4.18.1 Since many apparent thefts are actually cases of carelessness or neglect, a lost-and found system has been established at Student Services. 4.18.2 Any cadet's belongings left in public areas are turned in to Student Services. The items are kept in this location for 24 hours to allow cadets to identify and claim their lost item(s). If the items have not been claimed within 24 hours, they are moved to a holding area and cataloged (if the items are marked with cadet name/number). Public announcements or a roster will indicate who has items in the lost and found. Items not claimed within 30 days will be stored. After the summer session each year, all unclaimed items will be disposed of. Serviceable R-MA items that are not the property of the AFJROTC department are given to the Parents' Association for sale. 4.19 Personal Property Storage During Summer Break 4.19.1 Cadets living further than 500 miles from campus may store items on campus over the summer break at a cost of $75.00. Randolph-Macon Academy is not responsible for items left in storage. Cadets will make requests through DRL before departing for the summer. If cadets store items and then do not return the next school year, the cadet or parent/guardian is responsible for retrieving stored personal property. NOTE: Personal items left on campus without approval become the property of the RMA and will be disposed of accordingly. 29 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 Uniforms worn at R-MA 5.1.1 There are four different “uniforms” – duty, blazer, activity, and athletic; cadets are required to wear a prescribed uniform at all times while on campus. Regardless of the uniform being worn by a cadet, it needs to be clean, correctly fitted, and worn correctly. 5.1.2 Day students returning to campus to watch a sports event (i.e. Saturday football game) or other ceremony/service will wear the uniform of the day. 5.1.3 The President of R-MA supports wearing the Air Force Junior ROTC uniform as the primary uniform of the Academy cadet corps. The Air Force uniform represents thousands of men and women who serve and have served our country to defend our freedom in peace and war. It is an honor to wear the same uniform. Fall and Spring Uniform: The blue trousers and blue short-sleeve shirt without tie will be worn as the duty uniform from the beginning of the school year until Thanksgiving break and from the end of Spring break until the end of school. The only exception to wearing the tie with the short-sleeve shirt is when the service dress coat is worn. Winter Uniform: The duty uniform from the end of Thanksgiving break until the end of Spring break is the long-sleeve blue shirt with tie/tab and blue trousers. Uniform Wear: Monday – Thursday 5.2.1 Duty- daily school (academic) uniform: The “duty” uniform is AF blue trousers and either short-sleeve shirt or long-sleeve blue shirt with tie. It will include the blue jacket once the weather becomes cold. This will be worn from the time a cadet gets up in the morning until the completion of academic duty or drill (4:00 pm). 5.2.2 Sports or intramurals (4:00 - 6:00 pm): Athletic uniform is to be worn. Refer to paragraph 5.9 for the athletic uniform description. Only approved R-MA items are to be worn during this time. Shirts will be tucked into the athletic shorts or sweat pants. Coaches must release athletes from practice to ensure students shower before dinner. 5.2.3 Night Study Hall: All cadets studying in the dorm may wear civilian clothes, activity or athletic. Those students attending the library, any classroom or APSH will wear Activity. Uniform Wear: Friday 5.3.1 30 RANDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY UNIFORMS First and Third Friday of the month: Weather permitting, cadets will wear blazer uniform. Refer to paragraph 5.6 for the blazer uniform description. Cadets requiring extra warmth should buy the R-MA sweater vest. 5.4 Uniform of the Day 5.5 5.4.1 The uniform of the day for R-MA cadets is published in the daily announcements each day. All cadets are required to wear the uniform of the day to classes, meals and formations except as noted below: 5.4.2 Faculty or staff requiring a uniform different than the announced uniform of the day must obtain specific permission for the exception from the Commandant or SASI. The exception will be published in the announcements or will be provided to the Night Officer in Charge if the announcements have already been published. 5.4.3 Cadets departing on pass will not change out of the uniform of the day until they are making final preparations to leave campus, and in no case more than 30 minutes prior to departure. Cadets departing on pass will attend all scheduled activities (classes, meals and formations) in the uniform of the day. Duty Uniform for Males and Females 5.5.1 All male and female cadets must purchase the following additional items through the R-MA Clothing Sales Store or an authorized military clothing sales facility, to complement issued AFJROTC items. 4 5 5 7 1 1 4 5 5 7 1 1 Males Pair blue trousers 1 Blue short-sleeve shirts 4 Blue long-sleeve shirts 1 Pair black socks 2 Pair black leather shoes Pair solid, black leather gloves (no designs/lettering) Service hat with cover Flight caps Lightweight jacket Neckties Additional rank/insignia Females Pair blue slacks 1 Service hat with cover Blue short-sleeve blouses 2 Flight caps Blue long-sleeve blouses 1 Lightweight jacket Pair black socks 2 Neck tabs Pair black plain shoes (flats) Additional rank/insignia Pair solid, black leather gloves (no designs or lettering) 31 5.6 Cadet Blazer Uniform 5.6.1 The male blazer uniform consists of the school blazer, gray slacks (must be purchased at the R-MA clothing store), the school tie, white dress shirt, black or dark blue socks, the issued black military leather shoes, and a solid black or blue belt. For extra warmth, the male cadet may wear a blue R-MA V-neck sweater vest or the V-neck sweater (to be purchased at the R-MA clothing store). The sweater or vest will not be worn without the blazer jacket. 5.6.2 Pins and devices worn on the lapel are limited to four (4) total with no more than two (2) per lapel. Figure 1: Male Blazer Uniform 5.6.3 32 The blazer uniform is mandatory for all cadets and is worn at the following times: The first and third Friday of every month or when directed Semiformal dances (when specified) Church services, if attending off campus, and passes with parents Certain athletic events away from campus (when specified) During field trips or other cadet activities when semiformal dress is more appropriate 5.6.4 The female blazer uniform consists of the school blazer, gray pants or skirt, (must be purchased at the R-MA clothing store) white dress blouse, the school tab, hose or black/dark blue socks, solid black or dark blue belt, and the issued black military leather shoes or black pumps with a low heel (one inch or less). For extra warmth, the cadet may wear a blue R-MA V-neck sweater vest or the V-neck sweater (to be purchased at the R-MA clothing store). The sweater or vest will not be worn without the blazer jacket. 5.6.5 Skirts: The skirt hangs naturally over the hips with a slight flare; skirt length will be no shorter than the top of the kneecap and not longer than the bottom of the kneecap. 5.6.6 Limitations on jewelry, makeup and cosmetics that apply to the AFJROTC uniform also apply to the blazer uniform. Pins and devices worn on the lapel are limited to four (4) total with no more than two (2) per lapel. If a scarf is worn with the blazer uniform it must be black and comply with scarf restrictions for AFJROTC uniform. 5.6.7 If worn with the blazer uniform, scarves must be black. 5.6.8 Hats or caps may not be worn with the Blazer uniform at any time. Figure 1: Female Blazer Uniform w/Skirt 33 5.7 Cadet Activity Uniform 5.7.1 Limitations on jewelry, make-up and cosmetics that apply to the AFJROTC uniform also apply to the cadet activity uniform. 5.7.2 The activity uniform consists of khaki pants/shorts, a navy R-MA logo polo shirt, a conservative solid black, brown, or navy belt with a conservative buckle ( Belts are mandatory), shoes and socks. The shirt must be tucked into the pants completely, so that the belt is clearly visible around the waist. Hats will not be worn with the activity uniform. 5.7.3 Shoes: The activity uniform will be accompanied by one of the following: running, cross-training or walking athletic shoes, boat or deck shoes. No house shoes, no boots of any kind, no slippers. Shoes will be closed toe, low quarter and lace-up, with strings to match shoes. Athletic socks should be compatible with shoes and both socks must be the same color. Boots may be worn only with specific permission of the commandant and in inclement weather. The commandant will be the final arbiter as to whether shoes are appropriate or not. No exceptions. T-Shirts: A white, navy blue, gray or yellow short-sleeve T-shirt or may be worn under the blue R-MA polo. During the period of the year when the duty uniform is long-sleeve shirt, cadets may wear a long-sleeve crew-collar shirt under the activity uniform polo for additional warmth. This shirt must be the prescribed white, navy blue, gray or yellow. Note: logos may not be visible. Long sleeve thermal underwear shirts will not be worn. Only navy, gray or black sweat shirts, jackets, fleeces or sweaters sold at the R-MA bookstore may be worn with the activity uniform. The khaki slacks and shorts must also be purchased at the R-MA clothing store. Shorts must be knee length and cannot be cargo style. Students may not wear short pants with the activity uniform between Thanksgiving and Spring Break. Shirts, pants, shorts, shoes and sweatshirts must be purchased at the R-MA bookstore. The minimum required number of items for the R-MA Activity Uniform is the following: 5.7.4 34 3 Blue R-MA logo polo shirts 1 Sweatshirt (AFJROTC or R-MA logo) without a hood 3 Pair khaki pants The activity uniform will be worn by each cadet at the beginning of the semester he/she enrolls, until he/she can wear a complete and altered duty uniform as approved for wear by the Director of Cadet Operations or Commandant. The activity uniform may also to be worn at the following times: Athletics and Intramurals (unless a sports uniform is specified). Any organized Academy activity at the direction of the Commandant, Director of Cadet Operations, or Academic Dean when determined the duty uniform is inappropriate (such as flight competitions or science class field trips). 5.7.5 5.8 During free time in the evenings or on weekends, while on campus. Athletic contests when cadets are attending as spectators. Cadets attending "away" games may be required to wear the duty uniform or blazer uniform as instructed by the Commandant. Informal dances and other informal campus social events. When departing for and returning from weekend pass. During cold weather the navy blue squall jacket, a navy blue AFJROTC logo sweatshirt or any navy blue, black or gray R-MA logo sweater or sweatshirt, R-MA fleece or windbreaker purchased at the Academy bookstore, are the only authorized outer garments to be worn with the activity uniform, other than the R-MA letter jacket. Flight Suit 5.8.1 5.9 The flight suit is a green coverall worn by cadets who are actively flying in the R-MA Flight Program. The flight suit will be worn for the actual flight period and on the day the cadet is scheduled to fly. Cadets must wear the suit with all zippers zipped and sleeves rolled down, flight cap carried in bottom front right leg pocket when indoors or on the flight line. Either black low quarter shoes or black flight boots may be worn with the flight suit. Cadets must wear the name tape on the left chest, R-MA patch on the right chest, AFJROTC patch on the right sleeve and American flag patch on the left sleeve. Patches worn on the sleeves will be sewn on 1/2 to 1 inch below the shoulder seam. Cadets may wear a black R-MA turtleneck shirt underneath the flight suit in cold weather. Athletic Attire 5.9.1 All athletic attire worn on campus at any time must consist of either R-MA or AFJROTC logo clothing, including sweatpants and wind suits purchased at the R-MA bookstore. No civilian athletic/sports attire may be worn on campus at any time other than on dorm halls. Cadets will normally wear tennis shoes to and from athletic practice and events. Sports teams wearing athletic shoes with cleats (i.e., football, soccer, baseball, etc.), may wear sandals to and from on-campus practices and events only. For away games, regardless of the sport, tennis shoes will be worn. Athletic sandals are for R-MA, on-campus wear only. 5.9.2 Shirts and sweatshirts must be purchased at the R-MA Bookstore. The minimum required number of items for the R-MA athletic uniform is five shirts and three shorts. 5.9.3 During free time on Mondays through Fridays the athletic uniform may be worn only to and from the gym or sports fields. During free time on weekends the athletic 35 uniform may be worn anywhere on campus EXCEPT: the dining hall, the chapel or as a spectator at any sporting or official school event. NOTE: Only duty, activity or blazer uniforms may be worn to the library, classrooms, tutoring, dining hall, or athletic events on campus or at official functions. 5.9.4 Shirts/jerseys must be worn at all times to and from athletic areas. Cadets may not remove the sleeves from a shirt. If a sleeve is damaged, cadets must replace the shirt. 5.10 Civilian Clothes 5.10.1 Cadets will not wear civilian clothes except while on their respective dorm floors. Whenever cadets leave the dorm floor they must either wear an AFJROTC or R-MA uniform. Civilian clothes will meet the Academy's standards of decency, cleanliness and repair. No bare midriffs or excessively tight or short items may be worn. Shirts with writing must not uphold values contrary to the Academy's principles, nor display prejudice toward any religious or ethnic group. 5.11 Off-Campus Uniform Guidance 5.11.1 The following guidance is provided as policy to assist faculty, coaches, and staff when determining what uniform to wear off-campus for various activities. Students will be in appropriate uniform when they are in formal events/activities in the community. It can be blazer or military uniform. The activity uniform should be worn primarily on campus or to go home on weekend pass. Mentoring group goes to town to eat or for a snack – activity or duty. Athletic team goes to Front Royal for dinner - activity or duty. Seniors go to any college fair/visit as a group with the college counselor – blazer. Students go as group to Washington D.C. to any professional or college game – blazer. Class goes to a play and dinner in Washington D. C – blazer. Team goes to an off-campus athletic event – activity or R-MA logo sweats and jacket. The entire team is in same uniform, which the coach decides. If it is an away game or tournament, the blazer uniform is recommended. Again, uniformity and proper wear is important. Student goes to church in Front Royal on Sunday – service dress or blazer. Student goes to dinner with parent in the local community – uniform of the day. Class goes to play in the local community – blazer or duty. Students go to any function (Chamber, Rotary, etc.) in the community where they are representing the school – blazer, service dress or duty (depending on formality and purpose). Note: Letter jackets will not be worn off-campus with the AFJROTC uniform. 36 5.12 The R-MA Clothing Store 5.12.1 The R-MA Clothing Store is located in the lower level of Sonner-Payne Hall. There are designated and posted times to obtain items from the clothing store. 5.12.2 The R-MA Clothing Store is "off-limits" to cadets at all times unless they are purchasing uniform items. 5.12.3 The Clothing Store will make arrangements for alterations for items purchased. 6 AIR FORCE JUNIOR RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CORPS (AFJROTC) PROGRAM 6.1 6.2 Maintaining Uniform Standards 6.1.1 Cadets will wear the AFJROTC uniform properly and proudly at all times. This uniform reflects appearance standards of the United States Air Force; take pride in wearing the uniform. 6.1.2 Keep jackets, coats, and pants altered, ensuring a proper fit. 6.1.3 Do not wear worn, dirty, frayed, ripped, or soiled uniform items. 6.1.4 Accomplish a shower and change of underwear and socks daily. 6.1.5 When not being worn, all slacks will be hung on a hanger with the creases aligned. AFJROTC shirts will only be hung in the closet or placed in the laundry bag. 6.1.6 Cadets may not possess or use any of the following: ear buds, headphone devices or electronic entertainment devices (iPod, Game Boy, Zune, MP3, CD player, etc.) while wearing the AFJROTC uniform. Haircuts and Grooming Standards 6.2.1 Cadets are expected to keep their hair neat and well-groomed. Cadets who violate these standards may be restricted to campus until the hair grows back or other remedial steps are taken to restore neat and normal grooming. 6.2.2 The annual campus services fee entitles cadets to as many haircuts as are needed to comply with R-MA/AFJROTC standards. 6.3 Shaved heads or very close "buzz" cuts are unacceptable. Cadets may not cut their own, or each other’s hair and may not possess haircutting devices. These devices will be confiscated when found. Air Force Junior ROTC Uniforms Provided for Cadets 6.3.1 The following regulation Air Force Junior ROTC items are provided at the beginning of the year to each cadet. Of these issued items the service dress coat, the long and 37 short sleeve shirts, pants/slacks, skirts, and rank must be returned at the end of the school year. 1 1 1 1 6.4 Service dress coat Belt and buckle Tie or tab Pair black leather shoes 1 1 1 1 Short-sleeve shirt Long-sleeve shirt Pair trousers / pair slacks and skirt Flight cap and initial rank insignia Air Force Junior ROTC Uniform Dress and Appearance Standards 6.4.1 The standard for wearing the AFJROTC uniform is directed by the U.S. Air Force and to some extent by military tradition. This standard is based on five elements: neatness, cleanliness, safety, uniformity, and military image. R-MA cadets are obligated to wear the uniform properly and proudly. R-MA cadets may not wear the uniform with other clothing (civilian clothing). Item Accessories Belt Gig Line/Tip Buttons Cardigan Sweater Clean Uniform Cosmetics – Females Only Earmuffs Earrings – Females Only Flight Cap Standard Items such as combs, keys, chains, handkerchiefs, letters, papers, pens/pencils and long billfolds will not be visible when carried in uniform pockets. Chains of any type will not be visible when worn around the neck. The silver tip end of the belt extends beyond the buckle facing the wearer’s left (male) and right (female) without showing any blue fabric. The gig line is the alignment of the fly of the shirt, the fly of the pants, and the edge of the belt buckle (opposite end of the belt tip) so a straight vertical line is formed. Clothing must be zipped, snapped or buttoned. The cardigan sweater may be worn indoors or outdoors. The sweater must be buttoned when worn outdoors (may be unbuttoned only indoors). Clothing must be in good condition, neat, clean and free of stains, pressed, zipped, snapped or buttoned, and fit properly. Cadets will not wear worn, dirty, frayed, ripped or soiled uniform items. Damaged clothing must be repaired or replaced. Cosmetics must be conservative and in good taste. Cadets may wear black earmuffs with authorized outer garments. Ladies may wear small spherical, conservative gold, silver, pearl or diamond earrings. If there are multiple holes, only one set of earrings will be worn in the lower earlobe. Matching earrings should be worn and should fit tightly without extending below the earlobe. A hat is a required uniform item. It will be worn with the AFJROTC duty uniform whenever outdoors. Gentlemen will wear the flight cap slightly to the wearer’s right with the vertical crease of the cap in line with the center of the forehead, in a straight line with the nose. The cap should extend one inch from the eyebrows in the front. Ladies wear the flight cap slightly to the right with the vertical crease of the cap in line with the center of the forehead; in a straight line with the nose and 38 approximately one inch from the eyebrows. Ladies may also wear the male or female flight cap. Gloves or Mittens Hair Hair – Female When the flight cap is not worn, it will be tucked under the belt on the left side between the first and second belt loops. If required, the cap insignia should be facing forward. The cap should not be folded over the belt. Black gloves or mittens may be worn with authorized outer garments. Overall, both males and females hair should be clean, well-groomed and neat. It will not contain excessive amounts of grooming aids or touch the eyebrows. Hair color/highlights/frosting must not be faddish. A neat and professional image is essential. Ladies’ hair should be styled to present a professional appearance. It may not be worn in an extreme or fad style. Hair may not extend below the bottom edge of the shirt collar. Hair – Female Ladies may wear “conservative” hairpins, combs, headbands, elastic bands and barrettes that match their hair color. They may NOT wear ribbons, beads, jeweled pins or a hair scrunchy. Long hair must be secured with NO loose ends. Long hair should be styled in a manner that prevents loose ends from extending upward on the head (rooster tail). When long hair is worn in a bun, all loose ends must be tucked in and secured. When wearing a ponytail, it must be pulled all the way through the elastic band and must hang naturally downward, not extending below the bottom of the collar. Hair must not exceed three inches in bulk and will not prevent proper wear of the hat. Bulk is defined as the distance that the hair projects from the scalp when groomed. Bangs, if worn, will not touch the eyebrows. Braids, micro-braids and cornrows are authorized, but it must be a solid color similar to the individual’s hair color, conservative and not present a faddish appearance. Hair – Male Reference pictures in the R-MA Cadet Manual. Men’s hair when groomed correctly should not touch the ears or eyebrows. Hair should not exceed 1 ¼ inch in bulk and have a tapered appearance that when viewed from any angle, the outline of the hair on the side and back will match the shape of the skull. Image When cadets are in the position of ATTENTION and PARADE REST, there will be no talking or movement. Ironed Shirt Jewelry Blouses and shirts are to be pressed free of wrinkles. Cadets may wear one conservative wristwatch. Cadets may wear one conservative bracelet, no wider than ½ inch. Conservative is defined as plain gold or silver. 39 Jewelry (continued) A maximum of three rings may be worn on both hands combined and will not be worn on the thumb (females only). Eyeglasses and sunglasses may have conservative ornamentation on frames and lenses. Brand name glasses may be worn with small logo on the frames or lenses. Conservative wrap around glasses may be worn. Faddish styles and mirrored lenses are prohibited. Sunglasses may not be worn in formation, around the neck, top of the head, or exposed from any part of the uniform. Necklaces must be concealed. Lightweight Blue Jacket Long-Sleeved Shirt/Blouse Nail Polish Name Tag The name tag MUST be worn by all cadets on the short-sleeve and long-sleeve shirt. Gentlemen will center the name tag on (but not over) the edge of the right pocket. Ladies center the name tag on the right side of the blouse, even with to 1 ½ inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. Neck Tie (Male) The tie, when worn, will be tied with a full Windsor knot ( The broader end should be the same length or longer than the narrow end, and it should fall at the top of the belt buckle. The tie will not extend below the belt buckle. Both the front and back of the pant legs must have a visible crease. The front of the trouser/slack leg rests on the front of the shoe with a slight break in the crease. The back of the trouser/slack legs will be approximately 7/8 inch longer than the front. The rear of the pants leg should not extend below the top edge of the heel of the shoe. Male trousers must be trim-fitted with no bunching at waist or bagging at the seat. Female slacks should fit naturally over the hips with no bunching at the waist or bagging at the seat. The pullover sweater may be worn indoors or outdoors. The necktie/tie tab is optional. The collar of the shirt may be worn inside or outside of the sweater. Sleeves may not be worn pushed up. Ladies may wear black pumps. The pump will be a low-cut rounded-toe shoe with a raised heel no higher than 2 ½ inches. The shoe must be plain, black, smooth, scotch-grained leather with a patent or high-gloss finish. Faddish styles will not be worn. Pant Crease Pant Leg Length Pant Waist Line Pullover Sweater Pumps 40 Earrings are not authorized at any time for male cadets, on or off campus. Any visible body piercing, other than female earrings, is prohibited. The lightweight jacket (flight jacket) may be worn on campus to classes and to town in Front Royal. It may not be worn on pass away from campus. In accordance with the Cadet Manual, the AFJROTC lightweight blue jacket will not be worn indoors unless the temperature falls below 72 degrees Fahrenheit. When worn, it must be zipped at least halfway. Gentlemen must wear a necktie. Ladies must wear a tie tab. The tip of the tie must cover a portion of the belt buckle, but cannot extend below the bottom of the belt buckle. Fingernails will be clean and well-groomed. Males are not authorized to wear nail polish. Females who choose to use polish must use a conservative color. Only “French Manicure” with clear-coat and white tips or “Pale Pink” is permitted. If polish is used, the same polish must be used on all fingernails. Multicolored nails or nails with ornamentation are unacceptable. Fingernails will not exceed ¼ inch. Rank Rank insignia is worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. The enlisted rank’s bottom point of the torch points toward the point of the collar. The officer top point of rank is aligned with the point of the collar. Ribbons Ribbons are optional on the short-sleeved and long-sleeved shirt/blouse. Scarf Shave/Sideburns (Male) Shave/Sideburns (Male) Gentlemen will center ribbons resting on (but not over) the edge of the left pocket between the left and right edges. Ladies will center ribbons on the left side parallel with the ground. Ribbons will be aligned with the bottom of the name tag. Cadets may wear a black scarf tucked into the lightweight AFJROTC jacket. The scarf will not exceed 10 inches in width. The gray R-MA lettered scarf may be worn on campus only. No facial hair other than sideburns is allowed. Sideburns must be neatly trimmed and tapered. The sideburns must not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening. Male cadets must be clean shaven with no mustache. The neck will be clean-shaven to a point even with the bottom of the “Adam’s Apple.” Males must shave every day. Shoes Cadets will wear the issued black leather shoes. Shoes will be clean, highly shined, edge-dressed, and without scuffs. The edges and stitching around soles should be polished black. Shoe laces are to be tied in a bow at all times. Skirts Ladies may wear skirts. The skirt will hang naturally over the hips with a slight flare. It will not be worn tightly. The skirt length will be no shorter than the top of the kneecap nor longer than the bottom of the kneecap. Socks/Hose Socks must be plain black without any design. Tattoos or Brands Tucked in Neatly Undergarments Ladies may wear sheer nylon hose in neutral, dark brown, black, off-black or dark blue shades that complement the uniform and the individual’s skin tone. Ladies may not wear patterned hose. Tattoos or brands anywhere on the body are not allowed. The shirt/blouse must be tucked neatly into pants/slacks or skirt. Gentlemen will wear undershorts and a V-neck undershirt. Ladies must wear a bra and panties. V-neck undershirts are strongly recommended. 6.5 Air Force Supply 6.5.1 Air Force Supply is located in the basement of Crow Hall. Students will coordinate with their JROTC instructor if they need items from Air Force Supply. 6.5.2 Air Force Supply is "off-limits" to cadets at all times unless they are being issued uniform items. 6.5.3 Alterations and repairs of Air Force uniforms are a matter of individual responsibility. Uniforms must be kept in acceptable condition, with regard to appearance, repair, and cleanliness. 41 6.5.4 6.6 Flag Etiquette 6.6.1 6.7 6.8 The AFJROTC personnel will make arrangements for alterations and repairs only for AFJROTC uniforms. The rules for proper flag etiquette are listed as follows: The flag is displayed only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs out-of-doors. The flag is hoisted briskly and lowered slowly. The flag is never used as drapery (as a wall curtain or tacked to walls as decoration). The flag is flown at half-mast until noon on Memorial Day and for varying periods of time for other designated occasions. 6.6.2 When raising/lowering the flag or when the flag is passing in a parade, all persons will face the flag, stand at attention, and salute. People in civilian dress with hats should remove and hold their hat over their hearts with the right hand. Those without hats salute by placing the right hand over the heart. 6.6.3 When the National Anthem is played and the flag is not displayed, all present should stand and face the music. Those in uniform render the military salute. All others stand at attention, removing their hats. Military Training 6.7.1 Randolph-Macon Academy policy requires all cadets receive military training as conducted under the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program. There are many reasons for conducting military training. High on the list of importance is teaching the fundamentals of leadership, acceptance of responsibility, proper and reasonable use of authority, and the value of sound judgment. These concepts are valuable in all walks of life. 6.7.2 The AFJROTC mission is to “build better citizens for America” while emphasizing the values of citizenship, service, and a sense of responsibility. The objectives are to educate and train cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in air and space fundamentals. Cadets are required to observe and learn military discipline, courtesies, and customs. Cadet Corps Organization Cadet Corps leadership positions are initially filled with select Cadre members during the Cadre Summer Leadership Lab; remaining positions are filled as required from other members of the Corps of Cadets with the approval of the SASI. Members of Performance Teams (i.e., Drill Team, Color Guard, and Honor Guard) will be competitively selected by the AFJROTC staff based on each cadet's ability to perform in public, AFJROTC academic performance, military bearing, and discipline record. All cadet officers and NCOs will lead by example. 42 Their appearance, military bearing, and conduct will be held to a higher standard than those without rank. The following is a representative listing of various cadet positions and a summary of their duties. The SASI will adjust these duties and responsibilities as necessary. 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.8.4 Cadet Group Commander (i.e., Corps Commander) is responsible for the successful operation of the entire cadet corps and its activities. He/she must maintain command and control over all personnel and activities, ensure high standards of discipline and performance, ensure adequate training and guidance to all corps personnel, lead and manage the cadet corps in accordance with AFJROTC directives, and ensure leadership development for all corps personnel. It is expected the Cadet Group Commander will attend all parades. He/she is responsible for all meal formations. If a cadet officer is absent he will ensure the proper chain of command is followed and a responsible replacement in acting in key positions. He/she will ensure the proper flight order is followed when marching to the dining hall based on the weekly Commandant’s inspection results. He/she will coordinate with the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) concerning all 8th period drill activities. Cadet Group Vice Commander (i.e., Vice Corps Commander) is second-in-command and is responsible for assisting the Cadet Group Commander in the day-to-day successful operation of the cadet corps. He/she will be in command in the absence of the Group Commander and will perform duties and functions as directed by the Cadet Group Commander, the Director of Cadet Operations, and the Commandant. It is expected the Cadet Group Vice Commander will attend all parades. He/she is responsible for the cadet table assignments and seating in the dining hall. He/she will enforce the rules of the dining hall. The Cadet Group Vice Commander is also the Inspector General to investigate complaints concerning Cadet Corps matters. Cadet Group Operations Commander (i.e., Operations Officer) is responsible for the planning, coordination, and execution of all activities, as well as the appearance, discipline, training, and day-to-day conduct of cadets under his or her command. It is expected the Cadet Group Operations Commander will attend all parades. He/she is the POC for the quarterly Flight Drill Competition. He/she assists, as necessary, with the planning of extracurricular operational activities (i.e., parades, field trips, etc.) involving elements of the group. Additional responsibilities include the Operations Center, Information Management, Public Affairs, Performance Teams, and the Parade Unit. Cadet Group Support Commander (i.e., Support Officer) is responsible for the planning, coordination, and execution of all activities, as well as the proper appearance, discipline, and day-to-day conduct and training of all cadets under his/her 43 command. It is expected the Cadet Support Operations Commander will attend all parades. 6.8.5 6.8.6 44 He/she is the POC for the annual Military Ball. He/she will work directly with the SASI and the Director of Residential Life in regards to non-drill activities for 8th period. He/she is responsible for the timely and efficient execution of support activities including managing Athletic, Food Services, Cadet Development, Security, and Medical Services personnel. Cadet Group Logistics Commander (i.e., Logistics Officer) is responsible for the planning, coordination, and execution of all activities, as well as the proper appearance, discipline, and day-to-day conduct and training of all cadets under his/her command. He/she is responsible for the timely and efficient execution of all supply and logistics functions within the cadet corps. It is expected the Cadet Group Logistics Commander will attend all parades. He/she is the POC for issuing all uniforms and the tracking of ribbons within the cadet corps. He/she will assist the SASI and AF Instructors with awards presented during the Spring Family Weekend. He/she is responsible for direct management of the cadet Supply Services, Special Services, Parade Logistics, and Traffic Management functions. Cadet Squadron Commanders are responsible for the appearance and discipline of squadron members, and accomplishment of assigned training and operational tasks. Commanders are further responsible for the training and maturation of members within their squadrons to better prepare them for future leadership roles. Cadet Squadron Commanders will assist the Cadet Group Commander ensuring the proper chain of command is followed. He/she will ensure the proper flight order within the squadron is followed when marching to the dining hall based on the weekly Commandant’s inspection results. 6.8.7 Cadet Squadron Executive Officers are responsible for completion of individual cadet records, preparation of personnel orders, and processing awards and decorations for members of his/her squadron. Executive officers will also assume the role of the squadron commander in the squadron commander's absence. 6.8.8 Cadet Flight Commanders are responsible for the flight's appearance, discipline, and accomplishment of assigned training and operational tasks. They will work closely with their Cadet Life Supervisor (CLS) to ensure proper conduct, discipline, and professionalism within the flight. 6.8.9 Cadet Flag Corps Commander and Performance Teams Commander are responsible for the discipline, professionalism, and training of the respective units to ensure appropriate coordination and performance of ceremonial activities. It is expected they will attend all parades. 6.8.10 Cadet Plans (Activities) Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) are responsible for assisting and organizing cadet committees for working on special projects such as Military Ball, special dances such as Homecoming, and other activities as recommended by cadets and approved by the administration. 6.8.11 Cadet Services Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer are responsible for leading and managing the cadet dining hall staff and working with Food Services personnel to ensure assigned duties are accomplished. 6.8.12 Cadet Development Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer are responsible for performing duties as assigned by the Director of Cadet Development in order to run an effective Cadet Development program. 6.8.13 Cadet Recruitment Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer are responsible for working with the Academy admissions office. He/she supervises the recruiting team and performs activities associated with Academy recruiting efforts (i.e., acting as or recruiting tour guides for Open Houses and recruiting trips). 6.8.14 Cadet Public Affairs Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer are responsible for working with the Academy public relations office. He/she will prepare correspondence and perform other activities at the discretion of the Academy's public relations director. 6.8.15 Cadet Athletic Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer are responsible for working with the Athletic Director's office in assisting with the assignment of work details in support of athletic events on campus. They will ensure that all cadets have the opportunity to participate in the intramural program and/or varsity athletics; maintain all athletic rosters as required; and ensure all bulletin boards are updated with appropriate athletic information. They will perform other duties as assigned and requested by the Athletic Director. 6.8.16 Cadet Medical Services Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer are responsible for providing assistance to AFJROTC staff and R-MA Nurses as required (i.e., during offcampus parades, and on-campus Family Weekend events and parades). Their duties include but are not limited to: ensuring water is available to cadets and marshalling cadets in need of limited medical assistance to the R-MA Nurse relief station. 6.8.17 Cadet Safety Management Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer are responsible for day-to-day traffic management to ensure safe Corps operations (i.e., during formations and movement to dining hall). In addition, they will fulfill traffic management responsibilities during on-campus events and parades under the direction of the R-MA Executive Assistant. 6.8.18 Cadet Parade Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer are responsible for parade field preparation and the posting of parade field markers prior to on-campus parades. In addition, he/she will ensure international flags are posted along the walk-way in front of Sonner-Payne Hall; following the event, he/she will return the flags to their permanent storage facility. The logistics non-commissioned officer(s) is/are additionally responsible for managing flag corps equipment, inventory, and distributing, transporting, and recovering flags and equipment. 45 6.8.19 Cadet Alumni & Development Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer reports to the Public Affairs Officer and is responsible for supporting Alumni affairs, maintaining a current email contact roster for Alumni, and other duties as assigned by the Director of Alumni Affairs. 6.8.20 Other cadet officer and NCO positions may be developed at the discretion of the Director of Cadet Operations to address the dynamics of the cadet corps. 6.8.21 All major corps operational and support staff positions have Non-Commissioned Officers-In-Charge (NCOIC) assigned to them. These personnel will assist the officers in the smooth, efficient, and timely performance of all tasks and the discipline, training, and professional conduct of all appropriate personnel. 6.8.22 Other cadets will be assigned positions within the corps commensurate with their rank. Returning cadets will be given first priority for positions depending on their grade level. New cadets will only be considered for positions if there are insufficient qualified returning cadets to fill required positions. 6.8.23 Cadet Group, Squadron and Flight Guides are responsible for carrying guidons during special ceremonies. Each cadet, upon assignment to and acceptance of the position of flight guide, will sign for a guidon and is responsible for loss/replacement of the guidon. Flights consist of three to four element leaders responsible for the training and performance of cadets assigned to their elements. The rank of these positions varies depending on the grade level of respective element leaders. 6.8.24 Cadets, as they mature, are given increasing responsibilities and the requisite authority to meet those responsibilities. Cadet officers and NCOs "run" the Corps, with adult supervision and guidance. They will, among other things, prepare drill and training schedules, conduct in-ranks inspections, conduct squadron and flight drill competitions, and assist the CLSs, the Commandant, and the Director of Cadet Operations/SASI as directed. Officers and selected NCOs have the authority to report infractions if a unit member fails to follow orders that uphold Academy requirements. Example: a Flight Commander/Sergeant is responsible and accountable for: Maintaining unit personnel and area appearance. Monitoring unit academic progress. Conducting unit personnel, clothing and room inspections. Assisting with room assignments and recommending any necessary changes. (This is only a partial list.) 6.8.25 The Flight Commander is the guiding hand of the unit in the dorms; the direction and level of unit success depends, to a large degree, on the commander's ability to lead and work with people. The commander must “lead by example” by refraining from verbal abuse, physical contact of any sort, hazing, harassing, or any form of punishment. The commander will not permit any other cadet to use such tactics. Mutual respect is essential to the smooth operation of the flight and the entire cadet corps. All cadet officers will be available to assist on their dorm halls as needed. If a flight commander fails to exercise proper control and execution of his/her duties, the CLS will step in to assist. 46 6.8.26 All officers and selected NCOs have the authority to report rule infractions. NCOs authorized to report uniform and accountability infractions are all first sergeants, the three Corps Staff NCOICs, and all flight sergeants (only for members of their flights). They may take necessary corrective action or reward exemplary behavior; however, they are not permitted to punish other cadets. 6.8.27 No officer or NCO may assign tours on an individual of higher rank. NCOs who spot senior officers and NCOs violating rules and regulations will instead report such activities to the appropriate AFJROTC instructor. 6.9 Cadet Corps Mission and Objectives 6.9.1 The cadet corps provides cadets many opportunities to apply leadership techniques, develop an understanding of military command structure, gain knowledge of drill and ceremonies, understand the need for self-discipline, and experience interpersonal skills management. 6.9.2 To accomplish its mission, the corps must satisfy these objectives: Encourage personal honor, self-reliance and leadership. Promote patriotism. Promote habits of orderliness, precision and punctuality. Develop a respect for authority, law and order. Develop basic military skills. Promote courtesy and mutual respect. 6.10 Promotions 6.10.1 There are two types of promotions: temporary and permanent. Temporary promotions are those earned in support of the AFJROTC unit at R-MA for the purpose of establishing unit structure and conducting unit operations. Permanent promotions are earned as cadets successfully complete each academic year of Aerospace Science (i.e., the first year of completion yields the cadet a permanent rank of Airman which is the cadet's first stripe; then, for each successive year successfully completed the cadet earns another stripe for a total of four stripes for the four-year AFJROTC program). Although temporary rank may be rescinded, as permanent rank is earned it is earned permanently and may not be rescinded. Permanent rank is worn in the absence of being promoted to a higher temporary rank. 6.10.2 Temporary promotions are issued in one of three ways. First, upon successful completion of the annual R-MA Summer Leadership School, all inducted cadre seniors are promoted to officer ranks associated with their respective appointed positions, and all inducted cadre juniors are promoted to NCO ranks associated with their respective appointed positions. Second, following each of the first three grading quarters (i.e., 1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, and 3rd Quarter), cadets may compete against their peers for a merit promotion to the next higher rank. Cadets will be selected by a promotion board convened by the SASI who will preside as president of the board. Board members will consist of the AFJROTC staff, representative faculty and CLSs. Last, cadets may 47 receive interim promotions throughout the year given by the SASI to fill requirements as they arise. 6.10.3 Temporary promotion boards are convened immediately upon completion of each of the first three grading quarters. At the conclusion of each grading quarter, the board president solicits promotion nominations from cadre, faculty and staff. The board members then meet and assess each nominee's standing against other nominees competing for the same rank; assessment criteria include individual academic GPAs, leadership activities, discipline records, participation in extracurricular activities such as varsity sports and lettered activities, and community service history. 6.10.4 To ensure appropriate distribution of temporary rank within the Corps, promotion limits are set for each academic grade. The SASI may waive these limits under rare circumstances. The following limits apply to each academic grade (i.e., the maximum rank a cadet may be promoted to within their respective academic grade): 9th Grade (Freshman) - Senior Airman 10th Grade (Sophomore) - Technical Sergeant 11th Grade (Junior) - Chief Master Sergeant 12th Grade (Senior) - Colonel NOTE: Seniors may hold the rank of NCO (i.e., SSgt and above) through officer ranks. 6.11 Demotion 6.11.1 The SASI will convene a cadet evaluation board when the performance or conduct of a Corps leader (Officer/NCO) is below standards. following conditions: The board will meet under the When the result of a DRC places a student on Cadet Development At the request of the Commandant At the request of the SASI At the request of the Director of Residential Life NOTE: Students found guilty of an Honor Code violation or placed on Cadet Development automatically have their rank suspended and will be evaluated for 30 days. 6.11.2 The SASI and at least two ASIs, and if available one faculty member will serve on this board. This board will review the performance/conduct standards in question and provide feedback to the cadet. If the cadet is found to be below standards, the cadet will receive a suspended demotion and given 30 days to make corrective actions. During this period the cadet is subject to daily room and uniform inspections. 6.11.3 After 30 days, the board will review the findings of the cadet's performance and provide feedback to the cadet. If no improvements are made, the SASI may administer a second 30-day evaluation period or demote the cadet for failure to meet standards. If a cadet wishes to appeal the cadet evaluation board findings, he/she will provide a written statement to the Commandant within five days. The Commandant will review the appeal and provide a final decision to both the SASI and the cadet within three 48 days of receiving the appeal. The Aerospace Department will publish a demotion order for any cadet receiving a demotion under this process. The demotion order will include the infraction and results of the evaluation period causing the demotion. 6.12 Cadre Summer Leadership Lab Selection 6.12.1 Summer Leadership Lab (SLL) attendees are selected rising seniors and juniors. SLL prepares them for their selected leadership positions in the Corps for the upcoming year. These cadets have demonstrated their ability and desire to lead throughout the school year. They represent the best in the military program. 6.12.2 The selection process evaluates the total person and seeks only those cadets who are willing to work above and beyond the normal Academy demands. A cadet’s aerospace grade and classroom conduct is heavily weighted in the selection process. Outstanding performance in aerospace class is imperative. Cadets must have at least a "B" academic grade and at least an excellent discipline record in aerospace classes. Of utmost importance is participation in the JROTC program; cadets must support the military program. Cadets will gain additional points with their participation in local parades and JROTC trips. In addition, being a member of the color guard, honor guard, or drill team will earn additional recognition. Cadet officers and NCOs must lead by example and demonstrate a willingness to support the military and Academy rules and policies. During the selection process each cadet is assigned a leadership grade based on their observed behavior in the following areas: the classroom, formations, the dormitories, and at athletic events. Classroom demeanor is important. Teachers provide input throughout the year on a cadet’s behavior in class. Cadre officers/NCOs must set the standards for others to follow, as behavior in the classroom setting is an indicator of leadership by example. Military bearing and proper conduct is critical. The JROTC staff provides input throughout the year on a cadet’s behavior during formation and drill. Behavior in the dormitories is also important. CLSs provide input throughout the year on a cadet’s behavior on their respective halls. Behavior in athletics is also considered. This includes conduct as an athlete, spectator, manager, etc. at both home and away contests, and in practices. Cadets should have an overall grade point cumulative average of at least 2.0 and cannot be on academic probation. Cadets with less than a 2.0 are not encouraged to assume additional responsibilities that most likely will demand more of their time, resulting in less time to devote to academic issues. 49 Cadets must have a good discipline report. They cannot have excessive tours or Cadet Development on their record. 6.12.3 At the end of the academic year, the cadet’s performance is evaluated and they are rank-ordered based on their total score. The cadet’s score uses the following criteria: AFJROTC grade. Conduct grade. Leadership grade (as determined by the JROTC instructors and CLSs). Overall GPA. Additional points are awarded for performance teams and parades. 6.12.4 The Selection Board is chaired by the SASI and comprised of the JROTC Instructors and CLSs. The board assesses all nominees and develops a list of cadets and their possible positions. The SASI presents the list of recommended Cadre members to the Commandant for review. After the SASI and Commandant have discussed the selectees, alternates, and non-selects, the Commandant will present an "Invitation to Cadre" letter to the selected cadets. Should a primary candidate be unable to attend SLL, the Commandant/SASI will extend an invitation to the first alternate on the list. Additional copies of each primary invitation and alternate notification letters are usually mailed the first week in July and outline the necessary information for preparation to attend Cadre SLL. Upon receipt of the formal invitation, parents or guardians must confirm with the Commandant's office whether the invited Cadre nominee accepts the invitation and plans to attend Cadre SLL. 6.13 Cadre Position Selection Process 6.13.1 Cadets returning for SLL complete final screening for their identified positions. During SLL, the SASI hosts a cadre position selection forum comprised of the Commandant, AFJROTC staff, Director of Residential Life, and CLSs. This forum validates the cadets’ positions based on the candidates’ performance and leadership from the previous year. Observations made during SLL are also considered. Cadets who successfully complete SLL are promoted to leadership positions within the Corps. These assignments are announced during a Cadre SLL promotion ceremony. Additional cadet officer and NCO positions will be filled at the beginning of the academic year with the approval of the SASI. 7 DORMITORIES 7.1 50 Cadet Life Supervisors (CLSs) 7.1.1 Every floor that has cadets has an adult CLS living on that hall. In both Turner Hall and Sonner-Payne Hall there is 24-hour physical coverage in the dormitory. 7.1.2 CLSs assist with the training of cadets in all aspects of dorm life. They assist cadet officers and NCOs, ensuring they are obeyed within the limits of their authority. Although cadet leaders may not punish other cadets (other than suggesting demerits), CLSs may accept the cadet officer's referral to discipline another cadet and the CLS may exercise a wide range of discipline options. CLSs may conduct searches for contraband when it is believed a cadet may be in possession of items or substances that are against the policies of R-MA. 7.2 Cadet Housing The Director of Residential Life (DRL) has sole responsibility for making dorm room assignments and assessing room damage charges. CLSs will coordinate all room assignment requests, repair requests and damage reports with the DRL. The following paragraphs outline these procedures. 7.2.1 7.3 Rooms are assigned by the following priorities: Cadre will have first choice in room assignments based on position assigned within the corps. All other cadets will be assigned rooms and roommates during in-processing. Everyone will room with their respective flights. Every effort will be made to evenly distribute all grade levels in each squadron. International cadets (for whom English is their second language) will normally be assigned to a primarily English-speaking roommate. Cadet responsibilities and dormitory rules 7.3.1 Cadets will report all damages or repair requests to their CLS within 24 hours of noting the discrepancy. Expenses incurred by R-MA for the repair or replacement of damaged property, for making repairs to a room, or for cleaning a dirty room, will be charged to the account of the cadet(s) occupying the room. If cadets refuse to maintain a healthy living environment, the CLS may choose to clean the cadets' room and charge each cadet for the service. Damages found during daily inspections by the CLS will be reported to Finance to be immediately charged to the account of the cadet responsible for the damages or to be divided among the room's occupants if responsibility cannot be determined. An inspection will also be made after the cadet's departure to determine any additional room damage charges. Costs of repairs, replacement of damaged property, or cleaning will be charged to the account of the cadet(s) in cases where responsibility can be determined. Otherwise, each cadet living in the room (or dormitory for damages in common areas) will be assessed a proportionate share of damage expenses. Should a cadet witness the destruction or abuse of Academy property by another cadet, he/she should report the incident, giving details to his/her CLS or to Student Services. 7.3.2 Cadets must respect the rights of others in use of bathrooms. Cadets assigned to floors in Sonner-Payne Hall share common bathrooms. Cadets are responsible for maintaining general cleanliness in the bathrooms in Sonner-Payne Hall. Housekeeping is responsible for daily cleaning and resupply in the Sonner-Payne bathrooms. Cadets occupying Turner Hall will be totally responsible for the cleanliness of the bathrooms assigned to each two-room suite. 7.3.3 Cadets must turn off the lights when leaving the room. 51 7.4 7.3.4 Posters are limited to two per cadet. "Pin-up" type posters (magazine cutouts included) are not allowed (defined as posters/pictures with sexual themes or overtones). Posters that advertise illegal drugs or depicting items prohibited at R-MA such as alcohol, tobacco, etc., are not allowed. Derogatory or threatening posters, banners, flags, etc. aimed toward ethnic/religious groups are also prohibited. Such items will be confiscated and will not be returned. Cadets may only use "Pasti-Tak" to fix items to the walls. Nails, tacks, tape of any kind, or anything that leaves any type of permanent mark or leaves residue is prohibited. 7.3.5 The display of stuffed toys and other personal items of that nature is limited to two per person, and the size of each is not to exceed 8" x 8" x 12". These items may be displayed only on the desk. 7.3.6 Cadets are permitted to use clothing irons. Cadets may also use hair dryers and curling irons, provided they are unplugged when not in use. 7.3.7 Audio devices (e.g. radios, computers, etc.) are limited to small equipment and must be listened to with headsets. IHomes or devices with external speakers may not be played loud enough to be heard outside of the room. R-MA also reserves the right to restrict inappropriate tapes, DVDs, and CDs, especially if they are violent, obscene, or sexual in theme. Computers may not be used to watch movies except on weekends or during free time. Movies must have a rating no higher than PG-13. Violation of these policies will result in confiscation of the DVDs, possible loss of computer privileges, and possible disciplinary actions. 7.3.8 Cadets may have fans in their rooms. There is a limit of one fan per room and the size may not exceed 12 inches in diameter. Fans larger than 12 inches are not allowed, nor are window fans. 7.3.9 Dormitory room security is the joint responsibility of the assigned roommates. Likewise responsibility and accountability for magnetic room keys is essential in guaranteeing the security and safety of dorm occupants. Each student will be issued a room key upon signing into the school. If a key becomes demagnetized, Student Services will "recharge" the key. If room key loss becomes habitual, disciplinary action may be taken. Food in Rooms 7.4.1 7.5 While encouraging a healthy lifestyle at R-MA, it is imperative that cadets keep their personal food items properly stored. All food items in dormitory rooms must be stored in air tight sealable plastic containers or bins (foot lockers and desk drawers are not an acceptable substitute). Any food items discovered not being stored according to this directive will be removed and not returned. This includes leftover food delivered to campus. Furthermore, cadets violating this policy will risk losing the privilege of having food in their dormitory rooms. PROHIBITED ITEMS Aerosol products (except shaving cream) Air conditioners Any liquid-edge dressing or shoe polish Coffee pots 52 Lighters, fireworks, matches Lit signs, black lights and strobe lights, etc Microwaves Pets and fish Desk lamps and nightlights Drugs/alcohol/tobacco and related paraphernalia External computer hard drives Glass bottles Hair cutting equipment Hot pots/plates/heating devices Inflammables Laser pointers Pornography Potted plants or flowers Racially offensive material Refrigerators Skateboards, skates, and bicycles Television sets Tools and tool kits Weapons/ ammunition (including knives) Weights/exercise equipment *Stand-alone video game systems Any "R" or higher rated video games or movies/DVDs/music All medications (to include over-the-counter medicines and vitamins) must be kept by the school nurse. Electronic cigarettes or anything containing nicotine. *NOTE: Any stand-alone video game system such as X-Box, Sony PlayStations or Nintendo Wii, etc., is prohibited. 7.6 Cadets are allowed to bring paint ball guns and related materials to campus; however, all paint-ball guns and paint pellets must be stored by and checked in/out with Student Services. Prohibitions Cadets are not permitted to: 7.7 7.6.1 Tamper with or change electrical wiring or fuses. 7.6.2 Place paper shades or other flammable material such as blankets, towels, spreads, etc. over electric bulbs or electric outlets, or in contact with electrical wiring. 7.6.3 Hang blankets or other covering items over window or inside of door glasses. 7.6.4 Use west stairwells of Sonner-Payne Hall, or north stairwells of Turner Hall except in the event of emergency. 7.6.5 Throw trash (or any items) from windows. 7.6.6 Sweep trash into the halls. All trash will be placed in the hall trash cans and large items to be discarded will be placed neatly beside the trash can. 7.6.7 Use of Wi-Fi “hotspots” is only authorized during cell phone use times. If a cadet is found using a Wi-Fi “hotspot” outside of these times or outside their dorm room, the device will be confiscated. Cadet Dormitory Privacy Safety and Security 7.7.1 A cadet will never enter another cadet's room unless invited by one of the regular occupants of the room who is also present. Violation of this privacy is breaking and entering even if the door is unlocked. Cadet officers and NCOs may enter another cadet's room in performance of assigned duties. 53 7.7.2 No more than five cadets are allowed in any room at one time. 7.7.3 Fathers of male cadets and mothers of female cadets are permitted with OC/CLS permission to visit the respective dormitories at any time. Mothers or fathers are permitted in the dormitories of the opposite sex only on the opening and closing day of school, homecoming, and family weekends. No other visitors of the opposite sex are permitted in the dormitories at any time. Other visitors are not permitted in dormitories at any time without permission of the Commandant, or his designated representative. 7.7.4 Faculty and staff members are permitted to enter a cadet's room at any time. 7.7.5 Cadets are not permitted in the dormitory at any time other than scheduled times when a faculty/staff member is present. Specifically, cadets must obtain permission from their teachers and Student Services to return to the dorms during class or scheduled activity times and must be escorted by an adult or senior cadre member. 7.7.6 Boarding cadets (male and female) must take necessary books, papers, etc. from their rooms for morning activities prior to the first period. No one may return to their rooms until the lunch period. The procedure is to deposit books and proceed to the dining hall. After lunch, cadets may return to rooms and collect all needed materials for afternoon classes. Cadets may return to their rooms following the afternoon classes, deposit books and get prepared for co-curricular activities. 7.7.7 Every cadet must depart the dorm for afternoon activities. Cadets must leave books, book bags, jackets, sweaters or any other unnecessary personal items in their rooms. Remember that all personal items are to be with the cadets, in appropriate lockers, or in their rooms. 7.7.8 Rooms must be locked when occupants are not present. 7.7.9 No light, radio or other electrical fixture/appliance will be placed on or hung from a bed rail. This rule is as much for electrical safety as it is for standards and appearance. 7.7.10 Extension cords are generally prohibited for use with computers, unless they have an internal circuit breaker. No extension cord will exceed 12 feet in length. Wiring of any nature between dorm rooms is prohibited. 7.7.11 Heating devices, lights not permanently installed in the room, and other electrical equipment that might constitute a fire hazard are prohibited. Cadets may have hair dryers and curling irons, but must keep them unplugged when not in use. 7.7.12 Call to Quarters (CQ): Cadets may be CQ'd to their room, hall, or to the dormitory for purposes of safety or supervision. appropriate area. During CQ status cadets will remain in the 7.7.13 Upon arrival, cadets will register the serial number, make and model of all electronic equipment brought into the R-MA dormitories. This includes all iPods, MP3s, PPS, Game Boys, Zune, PCs/laptops, cell phones, etc. Additionally, all cadets will surrender their computer passwords to their CLS. Failure to provide the CLS with computer password will result in confiscation of the laptop or PC until password information is provided. 54 7.7.14 It is a major school rule violation to tamper with or disable the automatic locking feature of any door. 7.7.15 Dormitory rooms are shared domain, with roommates sharing responsibility for each other's personal belongings. Anytime one roommate is absent and the other has guests in the room, he/she is responsible for the behavior of all non-occupants in the room. If an item of the absent occupant is missing after the visit, the roommate who was in the room with non-occupants is accountable for the missing item. 7.7.16 The second floor, north wing of Sonner-Payne Hall has been designated as the "Freshman Male" Hall. Only occupants assigned to that hall may be on the hallway. Visitors must be personally escorted by a cadre occupant. The cadre escort is responsible for the behavior of any escorted visitor. Any non-occupant found in violation of this policy will be referred to the DRC. 7.7.17 If a cadet feels that some personal item has been stolen, they will notify the CLS within 12 hours, providing details of the suspected stolen item. The CLS will immediately begin an investigation to determine from the victim exactly when the item was last seen and everyone who have been in the room since that time. The CLS will then direct the victim and all witnesses to prepare a statement noting “who, what, when, where.” These statements along with an e-mail preliminary investigation report completed by the CLS will be on the commandant’s desk before 6:00 am the following morning. 7.8 Inspection of Cadet Quarters and Uniforms 7.8.1 CLSs will inspect rooms daily to ensure the quality and compliance of cadet inspections and to ensure no contraband or prohibited items are present. 7.8.2 Cadets preparing for inspections will, in addition to cleaning all surfaces from ceiling to floor and arranging the room in accordance with R-MA standards, verify all items belonging to that room are present and properly marked. The following list contains all inventory items that are accountable. Desks Beds Trash can Drawers Mattresses Mattress covers Chairs 7.8.3 A Commandant's inspection will be conducted in each flight area each week. The results of these inspections will count toward flight competition and determine eating order. 7.8.4 Nightly Uniform Inspections (Sunday through Thursday): The CLSs, all squadron officers and NCOs will complete a uniform inspection. This inspection will include verifying a clean, pressed shirt with nametag (verify number of shirts remaining vs. days left in the school week), clean, pressed slacks, shined shoes, and a hat. The CLSs will confirm the discrepancy and if possible it will be corrected immediately (iron shirt, shine shoes, etc.). Those discrepancies that cannot be corrected will be emailed to the Commandant, the Director of Residential Life, and the JROTC staff before going off duty. The need for additional name tags will include Mr. Bob Lewallen ([email protected]) in the R-MA Clothing Store. 55 7.8.5 7.9 56 Morning Hall Inspections: The Commandant will conduct a no-notice morning hall inspection at 7:00 am. Those not up to standards must correct the discrepancy before morning formation. Room Arrangement and Standards 7.9.1 Beds will be made neatly, using hospital corners. For daily inspections, the bed will be made with the R-MA blanket, "R-MA" showing centered on the bed. A 24-inch dust cover of another blanket, "R-MA" showing, will be placed over the pillow. The "RMA" lettering will face so it can be read when looking through the door window and the foot of the bed will be closest to the door. Center the service cap (round) on the dust cover. When cadets depart for weekend or breaks, beds will be stripped, blankets folded, and a pillow displayed on the blanket at the head of the bed. Beds will be stripped each Friday and arranged as described. If cadets are leaving for the weekend, the bed will remain stripped until they return from pass. If not leaving, the bed will be made Friday night. 7.9.2 Laundry bags will be hung from the clothing hook in the closet enclosure. Items in the overhead shelves will be neatly displayed, grounded with (even with) the front and side edges. 7.9.3 Clothes will be hung in the closet enclosure with the left sleeve closest to the observer. Dry cleaning covers may be left on clothing if they are transparent. Hangers will be evenly spaced. All unused hangers must be removed. Only R-MA clothing will be hung in the closets. All other clothing will be stored in the drawers, footlocker, luggage, or taken home. Clothes are hung in the following order from right to left when facing the enclosure: flight suit, service coat with matching pants underneath, light weight jacket, sweaters, letter jacket, uniform shirts, uniform pants, blazer, V-neck blazer sweater, white shirt, gray pants, activity uniform pants or skirts, and robe. All buttons will be buttoned. Shoes (no more than 6 pair) will be neatly stowed on the closet floor, shined, and dusted. The strings will be tied, and the shoes will be placed with the heels together and toes lined with edge of closet. Hats (other than the service hat) will be stowed over the closet. The closet enclosure nearest the door will be used by the occupant of the bottom bunk while the closet enclosure nearest the window will be used by the occupant of the top bunk. 7.9.4 The desk nearest the door will be used by the occupant of the bottom bunk while the desk nearest the window will be used by the occupant of the top bunk. Desks and drawers will be kept neat and orderly. The pencil drawer will hold school supplies. Small items are to be kept in a box. The top drawer will hold underwear (tri-folded) and socks (rolled and tucked fist size). The middle drawer will hold athletic garments (tri-folded and displayed neatly), activity uniform shirts and khaki shorts. The lower drawer will hold extra sheets, towels and miscellaneous cleaning items, squared and stacked. Do not store food in desk drawers or the footlocker. Food must be stored in a plastic resealable container. 7.9.5 Keep bookshelves neat with books arranged from right to left when facing the desk, tallest to shortest, binding side facing out, grounded to rear of shelf (no loose papers). 7.9.6 Unoccupied desks and closets will not be used unless the cadet has paid for a single room. 7.9.7 Cadets are permitted computers. Parents must understand that R-MA will not be responsible for damage to or loss of these units. As with other valuables, small items (thumb drives, etc.) should be stored in a footlocker. Computers may be confiscated with or without notice if abuse of rules/procedures is noted (i.e., playing loud music without headphones, viewing pornographic materials, etc.). In such cases, cadets will need to meet with the Director of Residential Life to review school policy and determine the appropriate sanctions for the misuse of the computer. If problems persist, the Academy has the authority to have the computer removed for the remainder of the school year. 7.9.8 Cadet name cards must be displayed in the space provided. The cadet who occupies the lower bunk will display his/her name card to the left of the door window. The cadet who occupies the upper bunk will display his his/her name card to the right of the door window. 7.9.9 Door windows are not to be covered at any time, bunks are not to be blocked from view from outside the door (e.g., no towels or blankets covering the end of the bunk), nor are bunks to be moved. 7.9.10 No article may be placed on the wall that faces straight ahead as one enters a room. No articles may be placed or hung from the ceiling. 7.9.11 Only white, sheer, fire-retardant curtains may be hung from windows using expandable, rubber-tipped rods. All sheer curtains must be purchased from the R-MA bookstore and must be fire-retardant or fire-resistant and labeled as such. 7.9.12 No nails, tacks, or wallpaper may be placed in or on the walls. Cadets may put posters on the cinder block walls of their rooms using “Pasti-Tak.” Decorations are not permitted on exterior doors, doorways, or windows. 7.9.13 Throw rugs may be used (bound on all sides) – no carpet remnants. 7.9.14 Footlockers or plastic storage containers no larger than 31” long x 13” deep x 17” wide will be placed under the bed. Only one is allowed per person and it will be locked with an R-MA padlock. Other locks will be removed (cut off). Footlockers will be inspected for health/welfare as necessary. 7.9.15 Cleaning supplies and trashcans will be placed under the sink. Trash will be emptied each morning. The mirror will be cleaned each morning. The sink will be cleaned and wiped dry each morning. 7.9.16 Any cadet who loses a room key will not be given access to their room by the other occupant. Failure to abide by this policy will be considered defiance and tours may result. Additionally, R-MA adults (who possess a master key) will only permit entry into a room for a cadet without a key when they feel (in their own discretion) the reason and situation justifies it. Otherwise, cadets will report to Student Services to have a new key made. 57 8 CAMPUS FACILITIES 8.1 8.2 58 General Responsibilities 8.1.1 Every cadet is expected to share the responsibility of keeping the appearance of buildings and grounds immaculate. Do not litter anywhere. Defacing school property in any way may result in dismissal. 8.1.2 Playing ball or other games or throwing snowballs in the roadway, in areas inside the roadway, or from or towards windows is forbidden. The entire area around any campus building is forbidden as an area for playing ball or other games or for throwing snowballs. Charges will be made to cadets for all careless or accidental damages done to school property. 8.1.3 Stay off all grassy areas other than athletic fields. Cadets will stay on paved and concrete surfaces when walking from building to building. 8.1.4 Avoid all construction/maintenance sites where work is being performed. 8.1.5 Food, chewing gum, or drinks will not be taken into or consumed on the 1st floor of Sonner-Payne Hall, in any classroom, visitors’ lounges, or hallways in Crow and Stan Fulton Hall, the Gym, the Chapel, or the Fulton Complex. 8.1.6 Food, chewing gum, or drinks will not be taken into the dining hall. Only the food and drinks served in the dining hall are permitted. Likewise, do not take any food (this includes ice cream, fruit, desserts, etc.) or drinks out of the dining hall. Health regulations require that whatever is served in the dining hall be consumed there. 8.1.7 Spitting on sidewalks, floors, stairs, or streets is not permitted. inappropriate to spit in these areas, it is also unhealthy. 8.1.8 Cadets will not cut through buildings as short cuts to other buildings (i.e., do not walk through the gym on the way to Crow or Stan Fulton Halls, etc.). 8.1.9 Without specific permission from the CLS, cadets will not leave their assigned dorm between 10:30pm and 7:00am. Exceptions are cadets participating in an activity with an adult supervisor. Not only is it Melton Memorial Gymnasium 8.2.1 The Memorial Lobby of the gymnasium is "off-limits" except on special occasions. 8.2.2 Cadets using the gym for athletic purposes will use the rear walkway and entrance. Shoes will be thoroughly cleaned before using the main floor level. 8.2.3 Street shoes will not be worn on the main playing floor. 8.2.4 The boiler room, electrical room, and stage are "off-limits" at all times. When approved by the Band Director, the Athletic Director, or the Commandant, cadets may use the stage for authorized activities. 8.2.5 Cadets engaged in weight lifting will use the designated space under the supervision of a faculty or staff member. 8.2.6 Use the walkway aisles entering or leaving the bleachers. Do not use the bleacher seats. 8.2.7 No food or beverages other than those served in the gymnasium on special occasions will be carried into the gymnasium or consumed there. 8.2.8 Cadets found in the gymnasium in unauthorized areas or at unauthorized times will be considered in an "off-limits" area and subject to severe disciplinary action. 8.2.9 The gym is primarily to be used for the playing and practice of basketball and/or volleyball. 8.2.10 Cadets in Melton Gymnasium as spectators for a sporting or other school event will only be dressed in activity or duty uniform as directed by the Commandant. Cadets will not attend games as spectators in any form of athletic uniform. 8.3 Chapel 8.3.1 Cadets may use the John Campbell Boggs Memorial Chapel for meditation and/or worship. When entering, cadets will consider this place sacred and treat it with respect. 8.3.2 Cadets will not put their feet against the back of the pews in front of them, nor mark or deface the pews or the hymnals. Cadets will conduct themselves quietly and with dignity. 8.3.3 Unless otherwise announced, applause is not appropriate in the chapel at religious programs. At other programs, such as awards assemblies etc., only applause is appropriate. Cadets are not to abuse this privilege with loud applause, or otherwise unacceptable displays (i.e., name calling, whistling, yelling). 8.3.4 Procedures and Rules The cadet corps will march to the chapel, weather permitting. Flights will be dismissed, in turn, to proceed into the chapel, single file. All members of a flight will be seated with their flight. Cadets will remain standing. The corps commander will call the cadet corps to attention. The color guard will post the colors. The chaplain will ask the corps to be seated. Once cadets enter the chapel, they will not leave until the service is complete. When hymnals are removed from the rack for the first time, they will remain out until the end of the service (placed on the pews when not in use). Hymnals will be closed quietly at the end of each use. Cadets will not talk during the time they are in the chapel (entering, during the service, or exiting). Cadets will sit in the pews without slouching and heads will not touch the backs of the pews. When the chaplain has completed the service, hymnals will be placed quietly in the hymnal racks. 59 Cadets will be dismissed starting with the front pews. They will exit from the left and right pews to the center aisle and proceed out of the chapel in two single-file lines. Cadets will not leave the chapel for any reason without permission from a staff or faculty member once a ceremony or chapel service has begun. If released to use the bathroom, the cadet will go outside the building and around on the sidewalk to and from the bathroom. 8.4 8.5 60 Sonner-Payne Hall 8.4.1 The Visitors' Lounge (main floor lounge in Sonner-Payne Hall) is off-limits to cadets, unless accompanied by parents or adult guests. Cadets must wear duty uniform or better when accompanying visitors in the visitors' lounge. 8.4.2 The ladies' and men's restrooms in the north end of Sonner-Payne Hall are off-limits to cadets. 8.4.3 The R-MA Library is located in Sonner-Payne Hall. The library maintains a variety of both non-fiction and fiction books and a reference section. The library subscribes to numerous magazines. Back issues of magazines are stored for research purposes. Books or periodicals will not be taken from the library unless properly checked out. 8.4.4 The library is open every weekday until 5:00 pm and on Monday through Thursday from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. If you desire to go to the library during night study hall (7:30 to 9:30 pm), a teacher must give you a library pass during the class period and the pass must be approved by the Academic Dean. 8.4.5 Cadets may sign up with the librarian for time on computers but must relinquish the computer when the appointed time runs out. Computers will not be used to play games but will be used for academic purposes only. 8.4.6 Cadets are responsible for returning their books to the library. Replacement costs for lost or damaged books will be charged to the cadet's account. Swimming Pool 8.5.1 Cadets will not enter the pool except at a scheduled swimming period when a faculty member, appointed to supervise, and a lifeguard are present. 8.5.2 Cadets going from dormitories to/from the pool will wear bathrobes or other clothing over their bathing suits and will wear shoes or slippers. 8.5.3 All cadets are required to take a thorough shower in the swimming pool area before entering the water. Pool rules will be adhered to at all times. 8.5.4 Food, drinks, and glass containers are not allowed in the pool area. 8.5.5 Cadets with any medical problems will consult the school nurse before entering the pool. Cadets with athlete’s foot, ringworm, or other contagious diseases, and those with open or bandaged sores are not permitted to enter the pool. 8.5.6 Bathing suits will be "swimming" style suits (no cutoffs), which for males and females cover the entire buttocks, and for females, cover the entire chest. 8.5.7 8.6 8.7 8.8 Restroom Facilities: When using the restrooms in Sonner-Payne Hall, cadets will enter through the south entrance only. Cadet Activity Center 8.6.1 The cadet activity center is the area designated for Student Services and small group recreational activities located in the lower level of Sonner-Payne Hall. This area includes the bookstore, laundry/dry cleaning outlet, uniform sales store, post office, barbershop, uniform alterations, and an activity room. Access to the activity room is both from the north and south lower entrances and serves as a gathering center for all cadets. 8.6.2 The activity room has TVs, video/DVD players, game tables (pool and table tennis), and tables for snacks, card games, checkers, or chess. 8.6.3 The activity room is available for use whenever cadets have free time after classes are over for the day. 8.6.4 Day cadets may use the activity room before classes and while waiting for transportation to go home. 8.6.5 Sitting on tables and on backs of chairs or other furniture is prohibited. Putting feet in chairs or other furniture is also prohibited. 8.6.6 Cadet officers and NCOs are responsible for the proper care of this facility. They will ensure that it is kept clean and free from any kind of vandalism. Traffic Patterns 8.7.1 The front door to Sonner-Payne Hall will not be used for gaining access to the front roadway except on the first and last days of the school year. 8.7.2 The main cross-hall will not be used as a gathering place, and cadets' use of the first floor hallways is limited. Cadets will never enter the first floor of Sonner-Payne Hall through the north (porch) door, nor will cadets assemble on the north porch. If cadets are going to a first floor office, they will enter the lower level through the south or north door, proceed to the cross hall by the bookstore, take the stairway to the first floor, and then proceed to their destination. They may also enter through the west (quadrangle) door and then proceed to their destination. Cadets using the restrooms or swimming pool will enter Sonner-Payne Hall through the south door, first floor. Cadets using the library will enter from the rear of the north wing of Sonner-Payne Hall. 8.7.3 Day cadets will not be allowed above the first floor level of Sonner-Payne Hall. Boarding cadets may not invite any visitors into the dorm area, including family members, unless cleared by Student Services or their CLS (if Student Services is closed or the night officer-in-charge is not available). The Clinic 8.8.1 Cadets requiring medical attention will see the nurse before breakfast (male cadets) or after breakfast (female cadets) for sick call. Cadets will attend formation unless instructed otherwise. The nurse will determine if a doctor's visit, CQ, treatment and/or return to class is appropriate. If a cadet is restricted from activities, a note detailing 61 those restrictions and the duration of the restriction will be given at sick call. If a cadet requires medical attention for a non-emergency between classes the cadet will report to the clinic. If a cadet requires immediate assistance due to an acute medical issue, they should report directly to Student Services or request their adult supervisor (instructor, coach, CLS, etc.) to contact the infirmary at Ext. 5210. 8.9 8.8.2 All medications (including aspirin, vitamins, etc.) must be turned in to the nurse. No medication (except asthma inhalers) may be kept in a cadet's room without written permission from the nurse. 8.8.3 Students “must have Primary Health Insurance to enroll” at R-MA. In order to register, students (unaccompanied) or parents accompanying registering students, must have a valid Primary Health Insurance card in their possession at registration. Students who do not have proof of Primary Health Insurance at registration will be turned away, no exceptions. Turner Hall 8.9.1 Dorm areas of Turner Hall are normally for female cadets only. Because of the unique feature that the first floor corridors can be isolated and alarmed, under some circumstances, male cadets may be housed on the first floor east corridor. When male cadets occupy this corridor, they are not allowed to use the girls’ activity room. 8.9.2 Boarding female cadets may not invite any visitors into the dorm area, including family members, unless cleared by Student Services or their CLS (if Student Services is closed or the night officer-in-charge is not available). Unless there are male cadets housed in Turner Hall, no male cadet will be allowed above the first floor, in the stairwells, nor on the arcade (bridge-like walkways). If male cadets are housed in Turner Hall the following rules will apply: The west arcade walkway of Turner Hall is off-limits to all male cadets. The east arcade walkway is off-limits to all female cadets. No male cadets will enter Turner Hall stairwells either the north or south entrances for any reason. Male cadets will utilize the Dining Hall only. Exception to this policy is male cadets living on the first floor east corridor. They will use the east walkway to enter and exit at all times. The stairways on the north end of Turner Hall are off-limits to all cadets (male and female). They are to be used as fire exits only. 8.9.3 Cadets living in Turner Hall will load and unload vehicles at the top of the hill and will not park at the end of the arcade walkways nor block traffic on Academy Drive. They must comply with the dormitory supervisor's instructions for signing in, and then come to Sonner-Payne Hall to sign in with Student Services. 8.9.4 When meals are dismissed, all male cadets must leave Turner Hall. 8.10 Parking Compound 8.10.1 Boarding cadets must park in the cadet parking compound immediately after unloading their vehicles. When they return from the parking compound they must sign in and turn in their car keys before 7:00 pm. All drivers of vehicles will maintain a safe speed while driving on campus. 62 9 POLICIES and PROCEDURES 9.1 Dining Hall 9.1.1 The R-MA dining hall is more than just a place to eat. Cadets should practice good table manners, proper etiquette and engage in light conversation. 9.1.2 All meals (except those on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings) are mandatory. Each cadet is assigned a table associated with his/her flight (weekdays only). Failure to occupy the table, unless excused, will result in disciplinary action. If a faculty/staff member is seated at the table, they are the table head. The ranking cadet at each table is the cadet table leader and will ensure proper decorum and adherence to standards. 9.1.3 Each meal will begin with the Cadet Blessing. 9.1.4 When a table is released to eat, cadets will quietly rise and proceed to the serving line. Cadets will NOT proceed to the salad bars, cereal or drink stations until their table is released to the serving line. 9.1.5 Table heads and leaders are responsible for table discipline during meals. The cadet table leader or faculty/staff member has the authority to counsel and (if necessary) report an infraction on cadets who violate the "rules of the mess." 9.1.6 The following "rules of the mess" apply to cadets at all meals: Enter the Dining Hall, proceed directly to your assigned seat, and stand behind your seat at parade rest. Cadets may not talk. When the bell has sounded, the corps commander, or his/her representative, will call the corps to attention. Once cadets are at attention a blessing is provided. The meal supervisor will then ask the cadets to be seated. Cadets are not to move their chairs or be seated until told to do so by the meal supervisor. Cadets will not visit the salad, sandwich, leftover, or drink bars until their table is released to eat. Once a table is released to eat, cadets proceed quietly and promptly to the serving lines. (No running.) Cadets will practice appropriate manners and posture. No elbows on the table. Cadets will be sociable and speak at normal conversation levels. Textbooks, homework, newspapers, magazines and mail will not be brought to the table. At the appropriate time, the corps commander or designated representative will excuse all cadets to return trays quietly to the tray caddies and depart the dining hall. Cadets must obtain authorization from the meal supervisor before leaving the dining hall. When departing the table for any reason, cadets should quietly pick up and place chairs back under the table. 63 9.2 After being dismissed and returning trays, cadets will depart the dining hall immediately. Cadets will not linger in the dining hall nor return to any table to socialize. 9.1.7 The uniform requirements for meals vary slightly. Cadets will wear the uniform of the day to all lunch meals Monday through Friday. On weekends and when specifically designated, the activity uniform may be worn to meals. Athletic gear is not authorized for wear in the dining hall at any time. Coaches do not have the authority to dictate uniform standards for evening meals. Only the Commandant may approve exceptions to this dress code policy. 9.1.8 Lunch meals Monday through Friday will begin with a corps formation in front of Sonner-Payne Hall. The Cadet Group Commander will ensure the corps is assembled in time to meet the start of the lunch period. Following any announcements and the blessing, the Cadet Group Commander will release flights to the dining hall according to inspection results of the previous week. During inclement weather, cadets will be notified by the AFJROTC staff, CLSs and Student Services to report directly to the dining hall. Passes and Leaves 9.2.1 Weekend Passes: Any cadet departing the school must sign out on leave or pass and sign in upon returning. This is absolutely essential for the safety and accountability of each cadet. Sign Out - Sign In are conducted in Student Services in the basement of Sonner-Payne Hall. Please note that signing out for weekend passes is not permitted until after the last scheduled event on Fridays. This is normally after the Friday Retreat Formation which should be completed by 3:30 pm. Retreat is a scheduled school function, and unless it is an absolute emergency, early sign out will not be permitted. Cadets returning from weekend pass must sign in at Student Services no later than Sunday evening at 6:30 pm (7:00 pm for seniors). Permission to return late from weekend pass or holidays must be secured from the commandant no later than the Friday at 3:30 pm prior to the weekend. Returning late without specific permission granted will result in disciplinary action. NOTE: Weekend passes are available for cadets to have time away from school. However, weekend passes are a privilege, which must be earned through academic and disciplinary success. Cadets who have tours remaining on their discipline record on Friday afternoon will not be allowed weekend sign-out privileges until all tours have been completed. Cadets on Cadet Development are not permitted to leave campus. 64 9.2.2 The President has closed certain weekends (no passes), such as Homecoming, Family Weekends, and Apple Blossom Weekend. In addition, the first weekend of each school year will be closed for all cadets. 9.2.3 Cadets with tours or who are on Cadet Development will not be granted a weekend pass, unless all disciplinary issues are satisfied. The Commandant will base exceptions only on a death in the immediate family (i.e., father, mother, sister, brother, grandfather or grandmother). If a parent/guardian insists on taking their son or daughter home on weekend pass even though disciplinary issues remain, their cadet will be placed in on-campus Cadet Development as soon as he/she returns to campus. 9.2.4 Tours may delay or prevent a cadet from departing on time, or at all, for the weekend. (See discussion on tours.) 9.2.5 Other than stated above, cadets may choose the time, during the school year, they will exercise pass privileges; however, cadets may not sign out unless there is a specific travel destination approved by a parent or guardian. Cadets may not simply leave campus headed to a town/city without a specific arrival point/place. 9.2.6 A weekend pass normally begins after retreat on Friday and ends Sunday evening at 6:30 pm for all boarding cadets (7:00 pm for seniors). 9.2.7 Cadets who find it impossible to have important commitments, such as college interviews, scheduled for weekends may take a limited weekday pass with permission from the Dean. NOTE: To set up a college visit, cadets must first submit a leave request to the Academic Dean, requesting approval for a college visit date. Cadets will seek assistance from the Academic Office and College Counselor in setting up the visit. The visit should include appointments with the admissions office, financial aid personnel, tour of the campus, and an appointment with an advisor in the area of interest. The Academic Office will confirm with the Dean the arrangements made at least three days prior to the requested college visit date. A written parental request or fax for the visit will be submitted to the Dean for approval at least three days prior to the leave. The parents/guardians are responsible for arranging the necessary transportation. The college or university to be visited will, on official letterhead, provide the Dean with written verification of the visit. 9.2.8 The Commandant must have written permission from a cadet's parent/guardian in order for a cadet to travel with or visit anyone other than his/her own parents/guardians. Additionally, host(s) must also grant permission/consent for the cadet's visit. Written permission not approved by 5:00 pm on Thursday may result in a delay in departing for the weekend. 9.2.9 Day passes (defined as in the local area with immediate family), may be taken on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm and on Sundays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (provided a cadet does not have tours or Cadet Development). 9.2.10 Early sign out and late return for scheduled breaks, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring will not be permitted. Leaving early or returning late from these breaks will result in academic and disciplinary penalties. 9.3 Free Time and Town Leave 9.3.1 Free time is generally the cadet’s time to relax. However, there are boundaries for oncampus activities during free time. 9.3.2 Promenading, casually walking around on the roadways for pleasure with friends, is a tradition at R-MA. R-MA courtesy standards, are to pleasantly greet everyone, move quickly out of the way of motorists, and avoid public shows of affection (PDA). 65 Cadets are not allowed to walk arm-in-arm, hold hands, hug, or kiss in any manner. 9.3.3 The walls are favorite free-time gathering places. It is inappropriate to publicly show affection (i.e., putting arms around each other, holding hands, etc.). Do not bring radios or recorded music to these areas or otherwise break the natural peace and quiet. Musical instruments (not electrical) may be played softly. 9.3.4 Off-limits areas include any building or area on campus that is dark and hidden from view or unsupervised during free time. 9.3.5 Town Leave will be granted on Friday from 3:30 to 8:30 pm, Saturday from 12:30 to 6:30 pm and on Sunday from 12:30 to 6:30 pm. No cadet will be permitted a town leave if he/she has tours or Cadet Development. 9.3.6 Cadets on tours must complete all tours prior to going on Friday town leave. Cadets going on town leave must wear the duty uniform and follow all established rules. Cadets must sign out for town leave with at least one other cadet of the same sex. NOTE: groups of up to five cadets may sign out together. Cadets signing out together must remain together and sign back in together. NOTE: Freshmen cadets must sign out with a Cadre member or Big Brother/Big Sister. 9.3.7 Cadets may either walk to town or take the Front Royal Trolley which stops at R-MA at 45 minute intervals anytime town leave is scheduled. No other form of transportation is authorized. R-MA cadets are prohibited from using any cab service within Warren County. 9.4 66 Cadets are not permitted to drive or ride in private vehicles to or from town. 9.3.8 While on town leave cadets are not authorized to visit any private home, including the homes of day cadets. Cadets must be on weekend or a day pass and have written parental/guardian and host permission to visit a private home. Town leave is restricted to approved public places/businesses within the town limits. 9.3.9 Although Front Royal is a very safe, small town, cadets should use common sense. Do not travel on back streets or in dark alleys. Do not talk to people who are in automobiles. For safety's sake, cadets must travel with at least one other person. Cadet Officer, NCO, Senior, and Merit Town Leave (OTL, NCOTL, STL, and MTL) 9.4.1 The town leave program is designed to provide a break from campus life for exceptional boarding students. Day students are thus ineligible since they are at home in the evenings. All town leaves are a privilege, not a right. As such, they must be earned through outstanding performance over a sustained period of time or by a single act that benefits the cadet corps or the Academy. 9.4.2 Cadet officers and NCOs (staff sergeants and above, who are assigned a corps leadership position) will be rewarded for their extra efforts and time spent fulfilling their obligations. This reward, when earned, will be in the form of two town leaves per month for cadet officers and one town leave per month for NCOs. 9.5 9.4.3 Senior (non-officer) town leave will be granted to those who perform superbly and who fully support the goals and mission of the cadet corps. Seniors in this category are eligible for one town leave per month. 9.4.4 Merit town leave will be awarded to cadets who have performed an outstanding service to the cadet corps or the Academy. Only one MTL will be awarded per month which is in addition to those listed above. Any person (CLS, teacher, JROTC instructor, etc.) may nominate a cadet for merit town leave based on outstanding performance. 9.4.5 OTL/ NCOTL/ STL/ MTL passes may be taken Monday through Thursday nights. 9.4.6 Pass requests must be initialed by the CLS and coordinated through the Academic Dean and the Commandant. Only in rare, emergency situations will this requirement be waived. The Academic Dean may disapprove a pass request in which case the request will not be forwarded to the Commandant. 9.4.7 A pass extends from after retreat until 9:00 pm unless modified by the Commandant. 9.4.8 The cadet must be eligible academically (determined by the Academic Dean) and conduct-wise (determined by the Commandant) and will be responsible for all assignments and work missed. 9.4.9 This pass must not conflict with scheduled meetings/activities, and it will not be granted during exam time. Automobiles 9.5.1 Boarding cadets are permitted to have automobiles on campus. Parents must sign an agreement granting permission for their cadet to have an automobile at the Academy. 9.5.2 Use of the automobile will be limited to traveling between home and the Academy or to travel elsewhere on weekend pass with parents' permission, provided the travel meets with Academy approval. 9.5.3 At all other times the automobile will be kept in a locked compound on the Academy campus and Student Services will keep the keys. Keys must be turned in when signing in from leave. Any cadet using a duplicate set of keys to enter a vehicle will be cited for an Honor Code violation. If a cadet enters the campus after hours, he/she must park in the day student parking lot. The following morning the cadet must report to student services to move the vehicle to the parking compound. 9.5.4 The fee for parking in the compound is assessed at the beginning of each term and is charged to the cadet's account. Randolph-Macon Academy will not assume, under any circumstances, either direct or contributing responsibility for vandalism to the automobiles parked in the compound. 9.5.5 All automobiles parked on campus must have a campus-parking permit. Vehicles parked eight days or more must have a decal on the right, lower corner of the rear glass. Vehicles parked for one to seven days will be issued a temporary permit, which must be displayed on the dash in front of the steering wheel so as to be seen through the windshield. 9.5.6 With the exception of those cadets who have automobiles on campus under the above conditions, cadets will neither ride in nor drive automobiles in town or on the Academy 67 campus, unless they are in the company of their parent/guardian. Violation of this rule is considered a major infraction. 9.6 9.7 68 9.5.7 Cadets may not speak to people who are in automobiles on campus other than to briefly give directions. All visitors should be directed either to the Admissions Office or to Student Services. 9.5.8 Items prohibited on the R-MA campus may not be brought to campus in an automobile. Each cadet is responsible for removing any and all contraband from his/her car before arriving on campus. If prohibited items (i.e., cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, etc.) are found in an automobile, the person who brought the car on campus will be held responsible. 9.5.9 Cadets will not loan nor allow other cadets drive their vehicles. Communications: Daily Announcements and Bulletin Boards 9.6.1 The Commandant publishes daily announcements immediately before lunch. All cadets are responsible for reading the announcements each day. Daily Announcements will be posted on, and on the Student Services and Commandant’s bulletin boards. 9.6.2 Bulletin boards are located on the lower level of Sonner-Payne Hall and in each flight area in the dormitory. The Bulletin Boards contain information pertaining to formations, duty rosters, special interest items, and other general information. This is the official method of providing cadets with information concerning appointments and requirements. 9.6.3 Cadets are responsible for the information posted on the bulletin boards. Cadets will not remove items from any bulletin board, unless specifically directed to do so by an adult supervisor. Requests to post pictures on the boards should be addressed to Student Services or a CLS. Worship Services 9.7.1 All cadets are afforded the opportunity to attend worship services each Sunday. All cadets not on pass may attend worship services at the church of their choice in town. 9.7.2 Chapel service, scheduled on Monday mornings, is always a mandatory part of the Academy program for all cadets from every religious faith. All cadets will sit with their flights as for any other chapel meeting. 9.7.3 While attending any worship services, all cadets will conduct themselves properly. They will remember that they are in a place of worship. Chewing gum, talking during the service, getting up and leaving during the service to get a drink of water or to use the restroom, and failure to be attentive to the service is unacceptable behavior. 9.7.4 Cadets of non-Christian faiths may report to a designated location for private meditation on days and times appropriate to the ritual of their faiths. They may bring appropriate materials to assist them in their meditation. These times must not interfere with the Academy program. 9.8 Fires and Fire Drills 9.8.1 Anyone detecting a possible fire must sound the alarm to personnel occupying a building, if the fire is located in a building structure. 9.8.2 Personnel located at or near a fire will: 9.8.3 9.9 If time permits, close all windows and doors in the area concerned to eliminate drafts and confine the fire. Evacuate affected area quickly and orderly to the area designated by the fire marshal and await roll call and further instructions. Fire drills will be practiced periodically during the year. For routes of egress, see the diagrams posted in the dormitory corridors. Fire Evacuation Procedures 9.9.1 General Instructions: When hearing a fire alarm, all personnel will evacuate the building by the most direct route and in accordance with instructions posted at various locations in campus buildings. All personnel will then proceed to the designated assembly area for the building involved and assemble quickly and orderly for proper accounting. Once the "all clear" has been received, all personnel may return to their respective work, classroom, or dormitory areas. 9.9.2 Specific Instructions for Sonner-Payne Hall 9.9.3 Evacuation of Sonner-Payne Hall will be accomplished quickly and orderly (running is not necessary). Cadets will be clothed or wrapped in a blanket and wear shoes. All cadets will exit the upper floors of the dormitory by way of the nearest stairway and proceed to the south gym parking lot. Exit through the rear double-doors along the back of the building or the south exit on the first floor and proceed to the north gym parking lot. Form up according to flights following the directions of the CLS, flight commander, flight sergeant, or ranking cadet-in-charge. Roll will be taken and the names of those cadets not accounted for will be given to the squadron commander or the ranking group staff officer or NCO. A list of those absent will be given to the CLS who will pass them to the staff officer-in-charge (OC). Cadets will remain in formation with their flights until released by appropriate authorities. Evacuation of the Dining Hall. Evacuation will be accomplished using the double doors and the single door on the north side of the dining hall proceeding north to the tennis courts and the adjacent area. Form up in flights and follow the procedures outlined above. If the north doors are obstructed or hazardous due to smoke or fire, personnel will exit the dining hall by way of the front (south) doors, proceed up the front steps, and form into flights in front of Sonner-Payne Hall (grassy area in front of the flagpole). 69 9.9.4 Evacuation of Turner Hall Dorm areas: In the event of a fire or other emergency requiring evacuation of the dormitory building, all personnel will exit by way of the north stairwells and proceed north to the tennis courts and the adjacent area. Form up in flights and follow the procedures as outlined above. If the north stairwells are unusable due to fire or smoke, exit the building using the south stairwells and the walkways, which lead to the roadway between Turner and Sonner-Payne Halls. Form up as outlined under the dining hall evacuation procedures above. Return to the dormitory only after released by the appropriate staff member in charge. 9.10 Laundry 9.10.1 Cadets in any flight may turn in laundry on Tuesday and Thursday morning. Male cadets who have laundry to be turned in will place it in the lower level of SonnerPayne Hall adjacent to the west wall of the cross hall prior to morning formation. Female cadets will turn in laundry on the first floor of their dormitory prior to morning formation. It will be placed in the southwest stairwell between the steps and the west wall. Pick-up in the lower level of Sonner-Payne Hall will be accomplished on an individual basis as soon as possible after the laundry has been returned. Although students may do their laundry while on town leave, no special passes will be granted to do laundry in town. Cadets taking laundry to town are subject to their laundry bags being searched. 9.10.2 Sending Out Laundry Cadets will prepare a laundry slip making certain to include name, cadet number, and an accurate count of articles being sent out. Each cadet will place the laundry slip and laundry in the bag, making certain only his/her laundry is in the bag. Each cadet must keep one copy of the laundry slip. This copy must be presented when making a claim for lost laundry. Tie bag tightly. Clothing and uniforms must be marked with cadet number and last name. Cadets will not send out another cadet's laundry with their own. 9.10.3 Pick-Up A cadet will pick up laundry from the Laundry Room as soon as possible after laundry has been returned. Each cadet will pick up only his/her own laundry. No cadet, regardless of rank or position, will interfere, in any way, with laundry pick-up and/or delivery. 9.11 Dry Cleaning 9.11.1 Dry cleaning may be sent out on Tuesdays and Thursdays along with laundry. All Air Force blue trousers/slacks, service dress coats and flight jackets must be dry cleaned, not cleaned in a washing machine. 70 9.12 Off-Limits Areas 9.12.1 The following on-campus areas and locations are off-limits to cadets, unless specific permission has been granted. Gymnasium boiler room, electrical room, stage and athletic offices. Dining hall, kitchen, food storage rooms. 9.12.2 Turner Hall common area bathrooms are off limits to ALL cadets prior to meal formations until after the entire corps has marched into Turner Hall for the meal. Additionally, the bathrooms in Turner Hall are off-limits to all cadets between 9:30 pm and 7:00 am daily. 9.12.3 Roof and gutters of any R-MA building, including the dome. 9.12.4 Sonner-Payne Hall visitor's lounge unless with adult visitors. 9.12.5 Any facility or administrative office when not in use for the purposes properly prescribed and supervised by a faculty/staff member. 9.12.6 The walkways, stairwells, and dormitory areas of dormitories of the opposite sex. 9.12.7 Any faculty/staff residence, unless an emergency, or by written invitation approved by the President, Dean, or Commandant. 9.12.8 After dark, all areas outside the street surrounding Sonner-Payne and Stan Fulton Hall (this restriction also includes the steps and lobby of Turner Hall) and any dark area hidden from a supervisor's view within these areas. 9.12.9 Swimming pool, when closed. 9.12.10 All wooded areas on campus. 9.12.11 Any unoccupied dorm room not your own. Any automobile unless departing or arriving on an approved pass. 9.12.12 R-MA cadets are forbidden from using Academy Drive between Turner Hall and the front gate at any time for any reason (this includes going to and from town, tours, and sports practice). Cadets departing or returning to campus from town will use the sidewalk from the front gate to Sonner-Payne Hall. 9.12.13 The First floor of Sonner-Payne Hall between 6:00 pm and 7:30 am. 9.12.14 Cadets are prohibited from leaving the dorms before 7:00 am unless they are going to Driver’s Ed, APSH, weight lifting with Coach Sullivan or practice for Drill Team. Cadets outside the dorm and not at one of these activities are considered in an offlimits area and AWOL. 9.12.15 Sonner-Payne student lounge is off-limits to all boarding cadets Monday thru Friday until after morning formation. 9.12.16 Entering another cadet's room/hall (flight) unless invited and escorted by a regular occupant of that room/hall. The Freshman Hall is OFF LIMITS to all upper classmen who do not live on that hallway. 71 9.13 Off-limits: Off-campus areas 9.13.1 Avtex property (factory property behind campus). 9.13.2 Railroad tracks. 9.13.3 The river. The bridges on 522 North, and beyond the established business boundaries of Front Royal. 9.13.4 Any private property in the proximity of the R-MA campus, and any private residence unless on a Commandant-approved pass. 9.13.5 Any business establishments designated as off-limits by the Commandant or Academy President. 9.13.6 Any tattoo parlor. 9.13.7 Pool halls or other establishments (other than restaurants) that serve alcohol. 9.13.8 All motels unless on an approved pass with a parent/guardian. 9.13.9 Unless accompanied by a parent or R-MA faculty or staff member, any area east of Commerce Avenue is considered off-limits for R-MA boarding cadets. This includes the railroad tracks, Bing Crosby Field and the adjacent parks. Shopping in the Food Lion Shopping Center on Commerce and John Marshall Highway is the only exception to this policy. 9.13.10 The area behind the Martin’s and K-Mart shopping center is off limits to all R-MA cadets. This includes the basketball courts and park adjacent to the rear of the shopping center. 9.13.11 R-MA cadets are forbidden from walking through the neighborhoods between Main Street and South Street. Cadets are prohibited from walking on High St., Blue Ridge Ave., Mosby Ln., Front, Osage, Stonewall, Prospect, Church, Pine, Barton, Pullen, Ritenour, or Cloud Streets. 9.14 Sales 9.14.1 Cadets will not sell any services or merchandise on the campus. 9.15 Cellular Phones 9.15.1 Having a cell phone at R-MA is a privilege that comes with individual responsibility and requires strict adherence to school policy. The R-MA cell phone policy is designed to facilitate communication between cadets and family. 9.15.2 Beginning Fridays at 3:30 pm until 6:30 pm on Sundays, cadets may possess and use their cell phones anywhere on campus and while on town leave. Between 11:00 pm on Friday and Saturday nights and 6:00 am Saturday and Sunday mornings, cadets will ensure cell phones are visibly displayed on the front left corner of their Cadet Manual (on their desk) when not in use. Cell phones will be turned off during non-use times. NOTE: Cadets who have tours or Friday Night Study Hall will not have phones returned until FNSH and tours have been satisfied. Cell phones may never be taken to 72 FNSH or tours. Cadets may not talk on cell phones while wearing the AFJROTC uniform and walking. This includes on and off campus. On Friday afternoons, CLSs will distribute cell phones and cadets will keep them in their rooms until they are re-collected by the CLS before study hall on Sunday evening. CLSs on a case-by-case basis may adjust the policy for cadets whose parents live overseas. All cell phones that will be used on campus must be in English. In addition, all computers, iPads, etc. must be set in English during study hall. Failure to do so will result in confiscation of the cell phone or computer. Once returned to the student, the language must be changed. Repeat offences will result in demerits and confiscation. 9.15.3 Day cadets must leave cell phones locked in their private automobile or check them into Student Services during daily sign-in. Cell phones signed into Student Services may be signed out when leaving campus at the end of the day. Day cadets may not use their personal cell phone on campus nor allow boarding cadets to use their cell phone on campus. 9.15.4 Boarding cadets may only use cell phones during the following specified times: Monday-Thursday, from 9:30 pm until lights out; Friday, from 3:30 pm until lights out; Saturday, from 7:00 am until lights out; and Sunday, from 7:00 am until 7:30 pm and from 9:30 pm until lights out. CLSs will distribute cell phones to eligible cadets after uniform inspection Sunday thru Thursday at 9:30 pm and collect and lock them away before lights out. 9.15.5 Failure to comply with the above policy will be considered a major breech of discipline and will result in the following disciplinary actions: **First offense, five demerits and confiscation of cell phone for a period up to the end of the current quarter. **A second offense will result in additional demerits (depending on the circumstances) and confiscation of cell phone for up to the reminder of the academic year. Any cadet discovered using a non-registered or “dummy” cell phone or hiding an operational cell phone to circumvent the cell phone rules will be subject to a DRC, confiscation and Cadet Development. 9.15.6 The Commandant reserves the right to change or eliminate this policy as necessary for the health, safety, and academic benefit of the cadet corps. 9.16 Visitors 9.16.1 Visitors are welcome at R-MA, but cadets should be aware of certain restrictions to the movement of visitors while on campus. Visitors are not allowed upstairs in the dormitories except as described in Chapter 7. 9.16.2 Any faculty/staff member should approach any unidentified personnel to determine their purpose for being on campus. Cadets who do not recognize persons on campus should report this information to any faculty or staff member as quickly as possible. 73 Should either of these actions occur, the visitor must be treated with utmost courtesy and escorted to an appropriate adult supervisor. 9.17 Day Cadets 9.17.1 Day cadets are as important a part of R-MA as are boarding cadets. They will participate in every aspect of school life except for living in the dormitory. They will observe the same regulations on-campus and off-campus, wear the same uniform and participate in academics, athletics and activities on an equal basis with boarding cadets. 9.17.2 No one is permitted to be an R-MA day cadet during the regular session or summer school unless certain conditions are met: Day cadets must live with their parents. Day cadets must live within a reasonable distance of the Academy to allow for a safe, daily commute and still be able to satisfy all requirements associated with academics, athletics, and the AFJROTC program. 9.17.3 Although day cadets may not hold dormitory leadership positions (flight commander and flight sergeant), they have the same opportunity for rank and cadet corps leadership opportunities as boarding cadets. Their attitude and conduct as individuals must bear the scrutiny of the local community; their performance and reputation must be in keeping with the good name and reputation of the Academy. 9.17.4 Day cadets will have assigned lockers. All belongings will be kept in the lockers and they must be locked at all times when unattended. The Academy will provide a combination lock for each locker. Cadets will prominently display their names inside the lockers. Lockers will be kept neat and orderly. The Academy is not responsible for items left unattended. 9.17.5 The lockers will be kept neat, clean and free of litter and unattended personal items. The lockers will be kept in inspection order just as boarding cadets must keep their rooms ready for inspection. Each cadet is responsible for the general appearance of his/her locker. Lockers are in public view at all times for visitors to see and must be kept in proper order at all times.. 9.17.6 Day cadets are not allowed on dormitory floors without permission from the Commandant. A non-boarding cadet must obtain permission from the Commandant before being permitted to spend the night in the dormitory. 9.17.7 Day cadets are reminded they are bound by the disciplinary standards as outlined, including both on and off campus, after school, and on weekends. Since day cadets wear the uniform of the day to and from campus, their behavior reflects either credit or discredit upon themselves, their parents, and the Academy. Any uniform violation or conduct that harms the reputation of R-MA in Front Royal by any cadet in uniform will be disciplined accordingly. 9.17.8 Day cadets are subject to personal inspections and possession inspections under the same circumstances and guidelines as boarding cadets. 9.17.9 Day cadets will keep all necessary items (i.e., athletic gear, T-shirts, sweat suits, athletic shoes, and dress hats) available at the Academy. 74 9.17.10 Day cadets must be on Academy grounds each day in time to meet the morning formation. Likewise, they are expected to depart the campus after their last scheduled activity. If for some reason day cadets are still on campus during evening/retreat formation, they must report to and participate in the formation. 9.17.11 Day cadets must attend all assemblies, noon meals (lunch), special drills, and game/parade formations as designated and/or scheduled by the Academy. They must also attend regular mandatory athletics or intramural events throughout scheduled periods. If day cadets have tours, they must make arrangements to attend all scheduled tour sessions, as necessary, to accomplish assigned tours. Refer to Chapter 4, paragraph 5, which discusses the tour program. 9.17.12 All day cadets will personally sign in each morning at Student Services before 0745. Cadet(s) who drive to the Academy must turn in car keys at this time. When leaving the Academy, day cadets must personally sign out and pick up their keys. Cadets who are permitted to drive vehicles to/from school are not permitted to use/visit their car at any time during the day. Under no circumstances may a day cadet allow ANY cadet to sit in or hang around his/her car. Additionally day cadets may not allow any cadet to ride in their car without specific written permission of his/her parents and the specific written permission of the cadet riding. 9.17.13 Day cadets who are permitted to drive to/from the Academy will drive with care and observe all Academy driving policies. Day cadets must furnish Student Services written information as to color, make, and year and license number of cars driven to/from the Academy. Day cadets must prominently display an Academy decal on the rear glass. The designated area for all day cadet vehicles is the Crow Hall South parking lot. Any cadet using a duplicate set of keys to enter a vehicle will be cited for an honor code violation. 9.17.14 While boarding cadets must depart and return to campus on weekend pass and holiday leave in activity uniform, day cadets will wear the uniform of the day at all times when arriving on campus, unless written permission is granted by the Commandant to wear a different uniform. Day cadets will also depart in the uniform of the day unless their last activity requires them to wear the activity or athletic uniform. If they go directly home from campus (no stops for shopping, etc.) they may depart in the activity or athletic uniform. Day cadets who return to campus over the weekend, for any reason, are required to wear the uniform of the day. If unsure of the uniform of the day, day cadets must call Student Services prior to departing for the campus to inquire as to the appropriate attire for the day. 9.18 Weekend Activities 9.18.1 The Academy provides many elective and mandatory activities on weekends. 9.18.2 Mandatory activities include scheduled Family Weekends and Homecoming activities, Saturday classes, and local area parades (generally for parade unit personnel; however, there may be occasions where the entire cadet corps may be required to attend a parade). 9.18.3 Homecoming and Family Weekends: These weekends will be closed to all boarding cadets. All cadets will be provided a schedule of weekend events. Day cadets will 75 report to the Academy as indicated on the schedule, which identifies all mandatory activities. Reporting times and places will be on these schedules. 9.18.4 Parades other than Homecoming and Family Weekends: Cadets who are members of the parade unit (Color Guard, corps staff, banner carriers, etc.) are required to attend all scheduled Academy parades. Boarding cadets must remain on campus; however, following the parade, cadets may sign out for the remainder of the weekend, if sufficient weekend time remains. All faxes approving sign-out after parades must be on file in Student Services. Day cadets in the parade unit are required to report to the Academy at announced times and places. All cadets will be assigned a bus for transportation. A member of the military department and/or the assigned bus driver will be provided a roster containing the names of all cadets assigned to that bus. Each cadet's name will be checked off to obtain attendance information. The names of cadets who show up for a parade, unannounced, will be added to the bus roster. Once assigned to a bus, cadets may not change buses. Prior to any departure, an adult supervisor will account for all cadets assigned a particular bus to ensure no cadets are left behind. 9.18.5 Saturday classes: On some Saturdays, cadets will be required to attend classes. At these times, classes are mandatory. Boarding cadets must remain on campus. Day cadets must return to campus for classes as scheduled. Following classes, non-boarding cadets will depart the Academy. 9.18.6 Special Weekend Activities: Nearly every weekend (except closed weekends) the Academy plans activity trips for cadets. Activity trip flyers are posted in the student lounge area and the trip sign-up rosters are in the Student Services office. Cadets may sign up for any trip whenever the Student Services office is open. The trip will go as planned as long as enough cadets sign up for a particular activity. 9.18.7 Cadets are responsible to coordinate with their parents to ensure sufficient funds are available in their student account to cover all trip expenses. 9.18.8 The trip Lead Chaperone and/or bus driver will be directly responsible for all cadets attending a scheduled trip. The Lead Chaperone and/or bus driver will provide the Student Services office a properly completed CADET ACTIVITY/ ACCOUNTABILITY SHEET prior to departure from the R-MA campus. The Lead Chaperone and/or bus driver will insure all cadets are accounted for at all times and prior to departing any location while on the trip. 9.18.9 Cadets are NOT permitted to depart from any scheduled trip location with anyone for any reason EXCEPT under extreme circumstances AND only with the express knowledge and verbal permission of the trip Lead Chaperone and/or bus driver. 9.18.10 Upon return from any special weekend activity, cadets will follow the remainder of the normal weekend schedule. 9.19 School Sponsored Trips 9.19.1 Cadets riding on busses or vans for any school-sponsored trip will be segregated by gender. Adult chaperones and staff are responsible for ensuring that male and female cadets do not sit with each other on these trips. 76 9.20 Package Inspections 9.20.1 Any package received for a cadet at the Randolph-Macon Academy Post Office will be opened in the presence of a Student Services staff member. Any prohibited items discovered will immediately be confiscated and the parents or guardian of the cadet notified. Weekend Duty Supervisors are also authorized to inspect any packages of cadets returning from weekend pass or town leave. 9.21 Adjustments to the Cadet Manual 9.21.1 Throughout the year, adjustments to the Cadet Manual may be made with or without notice. All reasonable attempts will be made to notify cadets and parents when changes are made. The Commandant reserves the right to make adjustments and additions to these rules and regulations as necessary to ensure the health and safety of all cadets. 77 9.22 Daily Schedule Class Day (Mon) 6:30 am 7:15 am 7:45 am 8:00 am 8:45 am 8:50 am 9:35 am 9:40 am 10:25 am 10:30 am 11:15 am 11:20 am 12:05 pm 12:15 pm 12:55 pm 13:00 pm 13:25 pm 13:30 pm 14:15 pm 14:20 pm 15:05 pm 15:10 pm 15:55 pm 4:10 –6:00 pm Rise Breakfast Morning Formation Chapel Recall 1st Period Recall 2nd Period Recall 3rd Period Recall 4th Period Recall Lunch Recall Tutorial Recall 5th Period Recall 6th Period Recall 7th Period Recall Athletics/Intramurals/Tours Class Day (Tue) 6:30 am 7:15 am 7:45 am 8:00 am 8:45 am 8:50 am 9:35 am 9:40 am 10:25 am 10:30 am 11:15 am 11:20 am 12:05 pm 12:15 pm 12:55 pm 13:00 pm 13:25 pm 13:30 pm 14:15 pm 14:20 pm 15:05 pm 15:10 pm 15:55 pm 4:10 –6:00 pm Rise Breakfast Morning Formation 1st Period Recall 2nd Period Recall 3rd Period Recall 4th Period Recall 5th Period Recall Lunch Recall Tutorial Recall 6th Period Recall 7th Period Recall 8th Period Recall Athletics/Intramurals/Tours 78 Class Day (Wed) 6:30 am 7:15 am 7:45 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 0935 am 11:05 am 11:10 am 12:40 pm 12:50 pm 1:30 pm 1:35 pm 2:00 pm 2:05 pm 3:35 pm 3:50 – 6:00 pm 4:00 pm Rise Breakfast Morning Formation 1st Period Recall 3rd Period Recall 5th Period Recall Lunch Recall Tutorial Recall 7th Period Recall Athletics/Intramurals Tours Class Day (Thu) 6:30 am 7:15 am 7:45 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 0935 am 11:05 am 11:10 am 12:40 pm 12:50 pm 1:30 pm 1:35 pm 2:00 pm 2:05 pm 3:35 pm 3:50 – 6:00 pm 4:00 pm Rise Breakfast Morning Formation 2nd Period Recall 4th Period Recall 6th Period Recall Lunch Recall Tutorial Recall 8th Period Recall Athletics/Intramurals Tours Mon - Thu Evening 5:30 pm Tours End (No Bell) 6:20 pm Evening Formation 6:30 – 7:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Free Time 7:25 pm Recall 7:30 pm Night Study Hall 9:00 pm Residential Life (Mon only) 9:30 pm Restricted to Assigned Flight Area/Hall 10:25 pm Call to Quarters (Room) 10:30 pm Lights Out 11:00 pm Senior Lights Out Daily Schedule (Continued) Class Day (Fri) 6:30 am 7:15 am 7:45 am 7:55 am 8:25 am 8:30 am 9:15 am 9:20 am 10:05 am 10:10 am 10:55 am 11:00 am 11:45 am 11:50 am 12:35 pm 12:45 pm 1:25 pm 1:30 pm 2:15 pm 2:20 pm 3:05 pm 3:15 pm 3:30 –5:00 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:00-8:00 pm 6:30 pm 8:30 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:10 pm 11:30 pm Rise Breakfast Morning Formation Mentoring Recall 1st Period Recall 2nd Period Recall 3rd Period Recall 4th Period Recall 5th Period Recall Lunch Recall 6th Period Recall 7th Period Recall Retreat Formation Tours Town Leave Begins Weekend Pass Begins Dinner/ (Dinner optional) SIP Study Hall (In Library) Town Leave Ends for Freshmen Town Leave Ends and CQ to Dorm CQ to Assigned Flight Area/Hall CQ to Dorm Room Lights Out Senior Lights Out Saturday 10:15 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 10:00 pm Rise Brunch Town Leave Dinner (Optional) Town Leave Ends CQ to Dorm Follow Friday Evening Schedule Sunday 9:15 am 10:15 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Worship Services (Optional) Rise Brunch Town Leave Dinner (Optional) Town Leave and Weekend Pass Ends Senior Sign-in / Food Deliveries Terminated ** Follow Weeknight Schedule (Mon – Thurs) 79 9.23 Randolph-Macon Academy: 2013-2014 Academic Calendar FIRST SEMESTER Mon, 8/12 Football Registration 10 am Thurs, 8/15 Cadre Registration 10 am Mon, 8/19 Faculty Report Fri, 8/23 International Registration 2:00 p.m. Mon, 8/26 New Upper School Boarding & Upper School Day Student Registration 10am-12 pm Tues, 8/27 Middle School Registration 9 am-11 am Tues, 8/27 Upper School Returning Boarding 2:00-3:00 p.m. Fri, 8/30 Senior Retreat Sat, 10/5 SAT test offered at R-MA Fri, 10/11- Homecoming Weekend Sat, 10/12 Sat, 10/26 ACT test offered at RMA Tues, 10/29 Air Force Inspection Fri, 11/1 End of 1st Quarter Mon, 11/4 2nd Quarter Registration Thurs, 11/21&22- Fall Family Days Fri, 11/22- *Thanksgiving Break (Begins after the parade at Fall Family Days) Mon, 12/2 Fri, 12/20- *Christmas Break (Begins at the end of classes – No Early Departures) Sun, 1/5 Thurs, 1/23 End of 2nd Qtr and 1st Sem 1/24 –1/27 Mid Winter Break (students can check out at the end of class on 1/23 and report back by 6:30 pm on 1/27) SECOND SEMESTER Mon, 1/27 2nd Semester Registration Tues, 1/28 2nd Semester Classes Begin Sun, 2/16 Junior Ring Ceremony 6:30 pm - Boggs Fri, 2/28 Military Ball Sat, 3/8 SAT test offered at R-MA Fri, 3/28 *Spring Break (Begins at the end of classes – No Early Departures) Sun, 4/6 Sat, 4/12 ACT test Offered at RMA Fri, 4/18 Good Friday – Classes end at noon. Fri, 4/25 Spring Family Day Mon, 5/19- Senior Class Exam Week Thurs, 5/22 Awards Night – Chapel 7:00 pm Boggs Chapel Fri, 5/23 Senior Luncheon/Final Parade Sat, 5/24 Graduation Wed, 5/28 Middle School Class Night 7:00 pm Boggs Chapel Thurs, 5/29 Underclassmen Final Day Thurs, 5/29 Middle School Promotions *ALL STUDENTS are required to vacate the premises for these holidays, as the school is closed during these times. Travel arrangements should be made at the beginning of the school year to ensure reservations. International students should have travel arrangements made and confirmed prior to arrival at the Academy. Students will not leave early or return late from a holiday; those who do so will incur academic and discipline penalties. Buses will not start their runs to the airports and train station until Saturday morning. Do not schedule a flight to leave Dulles or Reagan Airport before 1200 hours for Thanksgiving Break/Winter Break/Spring Break on Saturday. Unless leaving with parents/guardians, students who desire to go home on weekends or visit other families must have a letter or fax on file in the Office of Student Services prior to the day the student plans to leave. When visiting another family, the student must have permission from both his/her parent/guardian and the parent or guardian of the family he/she plans to visit. For additional information or for scheduling student travel arrangements, contact the Student Services Office at (540) 636-5495, FAX (540) 636-5209 or email or [email protected]. 80 9.24 Closed Weekends 9.24.1 Students may not depart campus on closed weekends. To assist you in your planning, those weekends that are closed (when leave is not granted) are: Aug 31 - Sept 2 (First Weekend) October 11-12 (Homecoming Weekend) November 21-22 (Fall Family Weekend) April 26-27 (Spring Family Weekend) May 3-4 (Apple Blossom Festivities) 9.25 Weekend Visits 9.25.1 Cadets who desire to go home on the weekend or visit other families must have a letter or fax on file in the Office of Student Services prior to the day the cadet plans on leaving. When visiting another family, the cadet must have permission from both his/her parent/guardian and the parent or guardian of the family he/she plans on visiting. 9.25.2 For additional information or for scheduling cadet travel arrangements, contact Student Services at (800) 272-1172, (540) 636-5208, or (540) 636-5495. You may also fax (540) 636-5209 or email [email protected]. 9.26 Transportation for School Holidays 9.26.1 For cadets who leave the area by plane over the holidays and at the end of the school year, please make reservations for these departure/return dates PRIOR to arrival at R-MA, at the beginning of the school year. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT CADETS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE BEFORE THE VACATION PERIOD BEGINS OR TO RETURN LATE FROM VACATION. Cadets who leave early and/or return late will be subject to an academic penalty. Thanksgiving Break (November 22 – December 2) Christmas Break (December 20 – January 6) Spring Break (March 28 – April 6) NOTE: The Thanksgiving Break is a week. Parents or guardians of cadets who live long distances from the Academy and do not plan to have them come home for Thanksgiving must make arrangements for them to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with friends in the local area. 9.27 Departure for Breaks Dates, times and drop-off: Do not schedule a flight to leave Dulles or Reagan Airport before 1200 hours for Thanksgiving, Christmas or Spring Break on Saturday. 9.27.1 Thanksgiving Break, Saturday, November 23, 2014 The bus will leave from R-MA at 8:00 am. The bus will arrive at: Dulles Airport Reagan National Airport Union Station 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 9.27.2 Christmas Break, Saturday, December 21, 2014 The bus will leave from R-MA at 8:00 am. The bus will arrive at: Dulles Airport Reagan National Airport Union Station 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 9.27.3 Spring Break, Saturday, March 29, 2014 The bus will leave from R-MA at 8:00 am The bus will arrive at: Dulles Airport Reagan National Airport Union Station 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 9.28 Returning from breaks Dates, times and drop-off. 9.28.1 Thanksgiving Break, Sunday, December 1, 2013 The bus will pick up at the following times: Dulles Airport Reagan National Airport Union Station 5:30 pm 4:30 pm 4:00 pm 9.28.2 Christmas Break, Sunday, January 6, 2014 The bus will pick up at the following times: Dulles Airport Reagan National Airport Union Station 5:30 pm 4:30 pm 4:00 pm 9.28.3 Spring Break, Sunday, April 7, 2014 The bus will pick up at the following times: Dulles Airport Reagan National Airport Union Station 5:30 pm 4:30 pm 4:00 pm 82 NOTE: Cadets requiring transportation beyond the above scheduled buses must contact Mrs. Moxie in Student Services at or (540) 622-7906. 9.29 Appointments: Medical, Dental, Other 9.29.1 To avoid delays and lost academic time, special attention should be given to upgrading your medical, eye and dental needs prior to registration. Appointments to meet these needs are not easily scheduled once the cadet is on campus. Follow-up appointments should be scheduled during school vacations and scheduled weekend passes. 10 TECHNOLOGY 10.1 Department of Technology 10.1.1 The Department of Technology (DOT) provides support for phone service, computer networking, technical support, classroom computers, and Internet service. 10.1.2 Where to go for help: The following procedures should be followed to help DOT identify problems quickly, and more importantly, fix the problems and get cadets back into operation. Tech Support assistance may be requested using one of the following options: Call Tech Support at ext. 3825. Visit Email [email protected]. Go to the Tech Support Office in Sonner-Payne Hall, located in the basement near Student Services. NOTE: At the beginning of the school year, workloads are high; therefore, Tech Support may be unable to quickly respond, but they will get to each work order as fast as feasible. 10.2 Acceptable Use Policy 10.2.1 The following is a listing of what cadets may and may not do as far as the service provided by the DOT. Contact Tech Support at ext. 3825, or visit for any further information or clarification. 10.2.2 Network and Computer Usage: Students on the network on their computers or an R-MA computer may: create content; publish content; browse (inter/intranet, World Wide Web); e-mail (generate, receive, forward, or compose); use applications; use the following features: FTP, HTTP and HTTPS. Microsoft Network Neighborhood is not supported by R-MA. Wireless networking is not permitted. Any action that is considered questionable will be handled individually by DOT in conjunction with the Commandant. 83 10.2.3 Publishing Content: Cadets may publish on their own computers or on an R-MA computer: HTML (web) pages (including all linked content), FTP files in personal or anonymous disk areas, e-mail text and/or attached files. NOTE: DOT, as a general rule, will not examine user e-mail or personal directory contents. If, however, DOT is made aware in any manner of content that the Administration deems, in its sole discretion, to be unacceptable, DOT retains the right to remove or deny access to such content. 10.2.4 Prohibited Content: The following types of content in either visual, auditory, or text descriptive are prohibited on personal computers, R-MA computers and networks: Nudity (pornography), indecent (pornography), obscene (pornography, offensive to others), cursing (profanity in any language), “spamming” (excessive, unsolicited, mass e-mailings), slanderous (according to Webster's Dictionary), libelous (according to Webster's Dictionary), threatening or otherwise harassing, copyrighted material without the owner's written permission, any content in violation of state or federal laws. 10.2.5 Computer Use Policy The use of computers at the Academy, whether student-owned or Academy-owned, is a privilege. Computers should always be used in a manner that supports the mission and vision of R-MA. If they are not used properly, the administration reserves the right to curtail their use. 10.2.6 Basic Guidelines The Academy has the right to restrict or to terminate computer or Internet access at any time if misuse occurs. The Academy also has the right to monitor any student files or Internet accounts in order to maintain the safety and confidentiality of the school’s technology resources and to enforce the provisions of this policy. Equipment should be used during authorized times. Unauthorized use of copyrighted material is prohibited. Threatening, harassing, or obscene material or communication is prohibited. Tampering with any equipment is prohibited, to include downloading unauthorized programs, or changing existing settings. Refrain from sending chain e-mails or downloading or printing large files. Abide by the generally accepted rules of Internet etiquette. Vandalism is strictly prohibited. It is defined as any intentional or careless attempt to damage, harm, or destroy data, hardware, software, or peripheral equipment or to intentionally disrupt the Internet or networks. No mature-rated games or music or R-rated movies may be downloaded on computers. The Academy reserves the right to delete any offensive games, movies, or music. 84 No devices that are intended for use to circumvent the school’s filters and controls are allowed, including Broadband cards and wireless cards. 10.2.7 Pirated Software. Under no circumstances may “pirated software,” i.e., software for which the user does not possess a valid registered license, be installed on a personal or R-MA system. By law, when DOT is made aware of illegal software on a machine, we are required to remove it and report it to the proper authorities. 10.2.8 Disrupting Use. In addition, any content or activity intended to disrupt third parties' use is prohibited. R-MA's actions with respect to all such content and/or activity may include the removing or deleting of said content, and/or the restriction, suspension, termination of member's access privileges, or dismissal from the Academy. NOTE: Certain situations may require DOT to contact the appropriate law enforcement agencies. DOT is required by law to comply with all lawful requests for information submitted by duly constituted agencies. NOTE: We emphasize that use of the local network and Internet access is a privilege and not a guaranteed right. As such, it is important that these privileges not be abused. Violation of any of these policies, in whole or in part, either directly or in conjunction with other individuals or organizations, may result in the following: suspension or termination of network privileges (including, but not limited to Internet access), suspension or termination of computer privileges, dismissal from the Academy, and any other action deemed appropriate by the Academy President or his authorized representative. 11 ATTACHMENT 1: AWARDS 11.1 Individual Awards 11.1.1 A number of awards are presented to cadets during several awards ceremonies at the end of the school year. Nomination/selection of individuals for the various awards are made by faculty members/senior staff members and are approved by the Academy President. The following awards are available to cadets: Best All-Around Cadet Medal is awarded to the cadet in the senior class who, in the opinion of the faculty, possesses among other attributes, high qualities of character, honor, courage, scholarship, leadership, and service. The Commandant’s Military Excellence Award is presented to a cadet officer who, throughout the academic year, has demonstrated the characteristics of leadership, integrity and loyalty and has shown exceptional military bearing and appearance and exemplary execution of assigned duties and responsibilities within the cadet corps at Randolph-Macon Academy. 85 The “Cadet in the Arena” Leadership Award is presented to the cadets in the senior class who exemplify the President Theodore Roosevelt quotation which says, “It is not the critic that counts nor the person that points out how the strong person stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at his best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at his worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” The George M. Wines Most Unselfish Service Medal is awarded to a cadet in the senior class who, in the opinion of the faculty, has rendered the most unselfish service during the school year for their class and the school. This service is performed with no thoughts of personal reward in mind. The Most Genteel Male Award is awarded to a male cadet in the senior class who, in the opinion of the faculty, best exemplifies genteel qualities of honor, politeness, refined manners, courtesy, and social awareness. The Most Genteel Female Award is awarded to a female cadet in the senior class who, in the opinion of the faculty, best exemplifies genteel qualities of honor, politeness, refined manners, courtesy, and social awareness. James M. Mills Military Medal is given to a senior cadet who possesses characteristics which contribute to leadership and positions of responsibility such as a positive attitude, dependability, loyalty, exceptional personal appearance and military bearing, self-confidence, and the willingness to do that “something extra” so frequently needed to make an organization a success. The Lincoln Award is awarded by the faculty to a senior boy who merits special recognition for demonstrated leadership, service, and integrity. The Athena Award is awarded by the faculty to a senior girl who merits special recognition for demonstrated leadership, service, and integrity. The Harris Memorial Sportsmanship Award for the 9th Graders is awarded to a freshman cadet, who in the opinion of the faculty, best exemplifies the qualities of good sportsmanship. (Sportsmanship involving honest rivalry and graceful acceptance of results.) Departmental Awards are decided by the members of the various departments involved. These awards are presented to the outstanding 86 individual based on academic achievement, scholarship, and overall participation. Air Force Association AFJROTC Award is presented to a cadet who has demonstrated a positive attitude, the personal attributes of initiative, judgment and respect for customs of the school and the Air Force, and who also demonstrates growth potential and the willingness to accept the responsibilities of leadership. Aerospace Science I, II, III, IV Outstanding Cadet Ribbons are awarded by the Aerospace Science department to a cadet in each grade who is of high moral character, demonstrates positive personal attributes, displays outstanding military potential, and attains academic and military excellence. Herbert Gray Wyatt Band Medal is presented to a senior band cadet who has shown outstanding leadership within the marching and concert bands and the band squadron. Musician's Medal is presented to a band cadet of any class who, in the course of the school year, has shown outstanding qualities of musicianship, both through individual effort and through performance in the R-MA band. German and Spanish Medals are given to any cadet with at least two years of the language who has shown outstanding performance of knowledge of each language. Math Medal is awarded to a senior enrolled in at least pre-calculus who has performed in an outstanding manner. Kemper History Medal is awarded to a senior performing exceptionally in US History. Social Studies Medal is awarded to a senior who has performed exceptionally in any history class offered at R-MA. English Medal is given to a senior with the highest cumulative English grade point average over the last two years. Jesse K. Brennan Bible Medal is given to any cadet who has performed well in any Bible course. Science Medal is awarded to any senior who has taken Biology, Chemistry, and Physics and obtained the highest overall collective grade point average in all three. Outstanding Achievement and Scholarship Certificates for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Geometry are based upon individual outstanding performance. US Army Reserve National Scholar/Athlete Award is given to both male and female cadets based upon outstanding academic and athletic performance. 87 “I Dare You” Award is given to cadets based upon recognition of excellence in character, well-balanced personal development, and demonstrated qualities of leadership. Physical Education Medal is presented to the cadet who has demonstrated excellence in physical education including leadership, initiative, cooperation, and performance. Athletic Awards are given to the most improved rifleman and male/female athletes of the year. Pat Spear Award is given for the overall best senior and junior mile, and most improved underclassman in track. 12 ATTACHMENT 2: AFJROTC AWARDS 12.1 Awards and Decorations 12.1.1 The Cadet Awards and Decorations Program fosters morale, esprit de corps, and recognizes achievements of AFJROTC cadets. Awards sponsored by national organizations are funded by the sponsoring organization and donated through local chapters where available. Only Awards and Decorations approved by Holm Center/JR and listed in this guide may be worn. Units may not create local awards for wear on the uniform. 12.1.2 Medals and ribbons may be worn simultaneously only on service dress coat for formal, semiformal, and/or special occasions of a limited nature (as specified by the SASI). Place medals on the mounting rack in the proper order of precedence. The top row of medals should be positioned 1/2 inch below bottom row of ribbons. 12.1.3 Refer to AFI 36-2903 for instructions on stacking multiple medals, and wear of devices on ribbons and medals. The routine wear of both medals and ribbons is prohibited. 12.1.4 Minimum criteria are prescribed to preserve the integrity of decorations. Units are authorized to impose additional criteria to meet local standards and needs without diminishing minimum standards (example: limiting the amount of cadets who may earn the award where no guidance is stated, or below stated limits). If 88 such additional criteria are imposed, they must be specifically stated in the Cadet Guide or Unit Operating Instructions. 12.1.5 Order of Precedence Special Awards 1. Gold Valor Award 2. Silver Valor Award 3. Cadet Humanitarian Award 4. Community Service with Excellence Award National Awards 5. Air Force Association Award 6. Daedalian Award 7. American Legion Scholastic Award 8. American Legion General Military Excellence Award 9. Daughters of the American Revolution Award 10. American Veterans Award 11. Reserve Officers Association Award 12. Military Order of World Wars Award 13. Military Officers Association Award (formerly called “The Retired Officers Association Award”) 14. Veterans of Foreign Wars Award 15. National Sojourners Award 16. Sons of the American Revolution Award 17. Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction Award 18. Military Order of the Purple Heart Award 19. Air Force Sergeants Association Award 20. Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Award 21. Sons of Confederate Veterans H.L. Hunley Award 22. Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet Award 23. The Retired Enlisted Association Award 24. The Celebrate Freedom Foundation/ERAU Award 25. Non-Funded National Awards (i.e., NCOA, National Society, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, etc.) (Organization must be submitted to and approved by HQ AFJROTC: award criteria must be published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operating Instruction) AFJROTC Awards 26. Outstanding Cadet Ribbon 27. Leadership Ribbon 28. Achievement Ribbon 29. Superior Performance Ribbon 30. Distinguished Unit Award and Distinguished Unit Award w/Merit 31. Outstanding Organization Award Aerospace and Technology Honors Camp Ribbon (use same ribbon as the Leadership School Ribbon; add the H device) 32. Top Performer Award 33. Academic Ribbon 34. Outstanding Flight Award 89 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Leadership School Ribbon Special Teams Competition Orienteering Ribbon Co-curricular Activities Leadership Ribbon Drill Team Ribbon Color Guard Ribbon Sabre Team Ribbon Marksmanship Ribbon Service Ribbon Good Conduct Ribbon Health and Wellness Recruiting Ribbon Activities Ribbon Attendance Ribbon Dress and Appearance Ribbon Longevity Ribbon Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Awards 51. General Carl Spaatz Award 52. General Ira C. Eaker Award 53. Amelia Earhart Award 54. General Billy Mitchell Award 55. General J.F. Curry Achievement Award 12.1.6 AFJROTC cadets are authorized to wear ribbons earned while enrolled in United States Army, United States Navy, or United States Marine Corps JROTC. AFJROTC cadets will wear AFJROTC ribbons above and to the left of other service JROTC ribbons or awards (see exception in Par. 12.1.8). Group ribbons according to service with the order of precedence determined by the regulations of each service. Other services’ ribbons are grouped by service in the following order: Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. 12.1.7 Badges or insignia from Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, or any other non- AFJROTC group are not authorized on the AFJROTC uniform. Badges, ribbons or insignia from middle school programs such as Youth Leadership Corps are not authorized on the AFJROTC uniform. 12.1.8 Valor awards from all services are worn ahead of all other ribbons from any service. The AFJROTC Valor Awards will be worn first, with other services’ Valor Awards worn in the following order: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. 12.2 Descriptions and Criteria 12.2.1 Gold Valor Award. Award consists of a medal, ribbon, and certificate. The Gold Valor Award recognizes the most outstanding voluntary acts of selfsacrifice and personal bravery by a cadet involving conspicuous risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. 12.2.2 Silver Valor Award. Award consist of a medal, ribbon, and certificate. The Silver Valor Award is awarded to a cadet for a voluntary act of heroism which does not meet the risk-of-life requirements of the Gold Valor Award. 90 12.2.3 Cadet Humanitarian Award. Award consists of a ribbon and certificate. It is intended to recognize cadets who provide aid in response to a singular extraordinary event such as a natural disaster or other catastrophe that has placed or has the potential to place a hardship on their fellow citizens. This award is not to be used to recognize day-to-day service in the community. 12.2.4 Community Service with Excellence Award. Award consists of a ribbon and certificate. It is intended to recognize those individual cadets who provide significant leadership in the planning, organizing, directing, and executing of a major unit community service project that greatly benefit the local community. This is not an award given to participants but to the key leader(s) of the project. 12.2.5 Air Force Association (AFA) Award. This AFA-sponsored award consists of a medal and ribbon and is presented annually at each unit to the outstanding second-year (in a three-year program) or third-year cadet (in a four-year program). The award recipient must possess/meet the following personal characteristics and eligibility criteria: Positive attitude (toward AFJROTC and school). Outstanding personal appearance (uniform and grooming). Display personal attributes such as initiative, judgment, and self-confidence. Courteous demeanor (promptness, obedience, and respect for customs). 12.2.6 Daedalian Award. The Order of Daedalians is a fraternity of commissioned pilots from all military services. It is named after the legendary figure, Daedalus, and was organized by WWI military pilots who sought to perpetuate the spirit of patriotism, love of country, and the high ideals of self-sacrifice which place service to the nation above personal safety and position. This award is offered to encourage the development of these traits in cadets and to interest them in a military career. The medal is fashioned after an ancient Grecian plaque discovered by a Daedalian in the village of Lavadia, Greece and depicts Daedalus and his son Icarus fabricating their legendary wings of wax and feathers. The award also includes a ribbon. This annual award recognizes one outstanding third-year cadet at each unit that meets the following criteria: Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of patriotism, love of country, and service to the nation. Indicate the potential and desire to pursue a military career. Rank in the top 10% of their AS class. Rank in the top 20% of their school class. 12.2.7 American Legion Scholastic Award. This award consists of a bronze medal accompanied by a ribbon with a distinctive miniature attachment depicting a scholastic scroll. This award is presented annually to one second- or third-year cadet (in a three-year program) or a third- or fourth-year cadet (in a four-year 91 program) based on the cadet’s overall scholastic achievements. Each cadet must: Rank in the top 10% of the high school class. Rank in the top 25% of their AS class. Demonstrate leadership qualities. Actively participate in student activities 12.2.8 American Legion General Military Excellence Award. This award consists of a bronze medal accompanied by a ribbon with a distinctive miniature attachment depicting a torch. This award is presented annually to one second- or third-year cadet (in a three-year program) or a third- or fourth-year cadet (in a four-year program) based on the cadet’s general military excellence. Each cadet must: Rank in the top 25% of their AFJROTC class. Demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. 12.2.9 Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Award. This award consists of a bronze medal and ribbon. This award is presented annually to one third-year (in a three-year program) or fourth-year cadet (in a four-year program) that meets the following criteria: Rank in the top 25% of their AS class. Rank in the top 25% of their high school class. Demonstrate qualities of dependability and good character. Demonstrate adherence to military discipline. Possess leadership ability and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of JROTC training. 12.2.10 American Veterans (AMVETS) Award. This award consists of a medal pendant and ribbon. This award is presented annually to one qualified cadet that possesses individual characteristics contributing to leadership such as: A positive attitude toward AFJROTC programs and service in the Air Force. Personal appearance (wearing of the uniform, posture, and grooming, but not physical characteristics per se). Personal attributes (initiative, dependability, judgment, and self-confidence). Officer potential (capacity for responsibility, adaptability, and maintenance of high personal standards). Obtained a grade of “A” (or the numerical equivalent) in their AS class. Be in good scholastic standing in all classes at the time of selection and at the time of presentation. 12.2.11 Reserve Officers Association (ROA) Award. This award consists of a bronze medal, ribbon, and certificate. 92 This award is presented annually for military and academic achievement to an outstanding third-year cadet (fourth-year cadet in a four-year program). The recipient must possess individual characteristics contributing to leadership such as: Positive attitude toward the AS curriculum. Outstanding personal appearance (wear of the uniform, posture, and grooming). Attributes of initiative, judgment, and self-confidence. Courtesy (promptness, obedience, and respect). Growth potential (capacity for responsibility, high productivity, adaptability to change). Demonstrate the highest personal, ethical standards & strong positive convictions. Rank in the top 10% of their AS class. 12.2.12 Military Order of World Wars Award. This award consists of a bronze medal pendant, certificate, and ribbon. This award is presented annually to an outstanding cadet who has committed to continue the aerospace science program the following school year. Selection is based on outstanding accomplishments or service to the AFJROTC unit. 12.2.13 Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Award. This award, formerly known as The Retired Officers Association Award, consists of a medal pendant with ribbon. This award is presented annually to an outstanding second-year cadet (third-year cadet in a four-year program) who shows exceptional potential for military leadership. Each cadet must: Be a member of the junior class. Be in good academic standing. Be of high moral character. Show a high order of loyalty to the unit, school, and country. Show exceptional potential for military leadership. 12.2.14 Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Award. This award consists of a medal pendant with ribbon. This award presented annually to an outstanding second- or third-year cadet in a three-year program (third- or fourth-year cadet in a four-year program) who is actively engaged in the AFJROTC program and who possesses individual characteristics contributing to leadership. Each cadet must: Have a positive attitude toward AFJROTC. Have outstanding military bearing and conduct. Possess strong positive personal attributes (such as courtesy, dependability, punctuality, respect, and cooperation). 93 Demonstrate patriotism (being a member of the color guard or drill team) and actively promote Americanism. Demonstrate leadership potential. Attain a grade of “B” in AFJROTC with an overall average grade of “C” in all subjects for the previous semester. Be active in student activities. Not have been previous recipients of this award. 12.2.15 National Sojourners Award. This award consists of a ribbon, medal pendant, and certificate. This award is presented annually recognizing an outstanding first- or second-year cadet (second or third-year cadet in a four-year program) who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism within the corps of cadets and on campus. Each cadet must: Be in the top 25% of their academic class. Encourage and demonstrate ideals of Americanism. Demonstrate potential for outstanding leadership. Not have previously received the award. 12.2.16 Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Award. This award consists of a bronze medal with ribbon. This award recognizes an outstanding second-year cadet in a three-year program or third-year cadet in a four-year program who is enrolled in the AFJROTC program. The recipient must exhibit a high degree of leadership, military bearing, and all-around excellence in AS studies and not have previously received the award. Each cadet must: Be currently enrolled in the AFJROTC program. Be in the top 10% of their AFJROTC class. Be in the top 25% of their overall class. 12.2.17 Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction Award. This award consists of a medal, ribbon, and certificate. This award annually recognizes an outstanding second-year cadet in a three-year program or third-year cadet in a four-year program. Each cadet must: Contribute the most to encourage Americanism by participation in extracurricular activities or community projects. Demonstrate academic excellence by being in the top 25% of class. Demonstrate the qualities of dependability, good character, self-discipline, good citizenship and patriotism. Not have been a previous recipient of this award. 94 12.2.18 Military Order of the Purple Heart Award. This award consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon. This award annually recognizes an outstanding second- or third-year cadet (third- or fourth-year cadet in a four-year program) who is enrolled in the AFJROTC program and demonstrates leadership ability. Each cadet must: Have a positive attitude toward AFJROTC and country. Hold a leadership position in the cadet corps. Be active in school and community affairs. Attain a grade of “B” or better in all subjects for the previous semester. Not have been a previous recipient of this award. 12.2.19 Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) Award. This annual award consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon. This award recognizes an outstanding second- or third-year cadet in a three-year program (third- or fourth-year cadet in a four-year program). The recipient must demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. Each cadet must: Be in the top 25% of the AFJROTC class. Demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. Not have been a previous recipient of this award. 12.2.20 Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) Award. This award consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon. This award recognizes one deserving cadet annually (may be first, second, third, or fourth year cadet). The recipient must display a high degree of patriotism and have demonstrated a high degree of academic excellence and leadership ability. 12.2.21 Sons of Confederate Veterans H. L Hunley Award. This award should go to a rising second year cadet who has demonstrated the qualities of honor, courage and, in particular, commitment to his/her unit throughout the school year. This award consists of a medal, ribbon and a certificate. 12.2.22 Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated (TAI) Air Force JROTC Cadet Award. This TAI sponsored award consists of a ribbon and a certificate. This award is presented annually to two cadets. Cadets may be first- year, second-year, or third-year cadets (in a three- or four-year program) and must meet the following criteria: Attain a grade of “B” or better in their AS class. Be in good academic standing. 95 Actively participate in cadet corps activities. Participate in at least 50% of all unit service programs. 12.2.23 The Retired Enlisted Association (TREA) Award. Awarded annually, at the SASI’s discretion, for exceptional leadership to the most outstanding AFJROTC cadet while serving in an Enlisted Rank. The selected enlisted cadet must have shown outstanding leadership throughout the course of the school year. This award consists of a medal, ribbon and certificate. 12.2.24 The Celebrate Freedom Foundation/ERAU Award. Awarded annually, at the SASI’s discretion, for outstanding performance in academics and cadets corps activities as a first or second year JROTC cadet. This award consists of a ribbon and a certificate. 12.2.25 Non-Funded National Awards. (i.e., NCOA, National Society, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, etc.) (Organization must be submitted to and approved by HQ AFJROTC: award criteria must be published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operating Instruction. 12.2.26 Outstanding Cadet Ribbon. Awarded annually at the SASI’s discretion to the outstanding first-year, second-year, third-year, and fourth-year cadet. The recipient from each class must be of high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential, and attain academic and military excellence. 12.2.27 Leadership Ribbon. Awarded at the SASI’s discretion for outstanding performance in a position of leadership as an AFJROTC cadet in corps training activities. Ensure recognition of cadets who have consistently displayed outstanding leadership ability above and beyond expected performance. 12.2.28 Achievement Ribbon. Awarded for a significant achievement as deemed appropriate by the SASI. Individuals may not receive more than one ribbon during a 1-year period. 12.2.29 Superior Performance Ribbon. Awarded annually at the SASI’s discretion for outstanding achievement or meritorious service rendered specifically on behalf of AFJROTC. Present the ribbon for a single or sustained performance of a superior nature. Ensure award is presented in recognition of achievements and services which are clearly outstanding and exceptional when compared to achievements and accomplishments of other cadets. 12.2.30 Distinguished Unit Award (DUA). Awarded to cadets enrolled during the academic year when a unit is selected by HQ AFJROTC to receive the DUA. Units have to set and accomplish goals for the year to attain this award. AFJROTC Operations Support will post specific criteria for this award annually in WINGS. If DUA is won by unit in multiple years then consecutive awards are denoted by single oak leaf clusters for each additional award. 96 If during a Unit Evaluation the JROTC unit receives an “Exceeds Standards” as the overall evaluation and is identified by HQ AFJROTC as a unit “with merit” then unit is authorized the wear of a silver star on ribbon. 12.2.31 Outstanding Organization Award. For the OOA. The unit will receive a congratulatory letter and a certificate of recognition which will be posted in WINGS. 12.2.32 Top Performer Award. The Cadet Top Performer Award is a Headquarters, AFJROTC award presented to a maximum of 2% of the current unit cadet corps population. All currently enrolled cadets may be considered. The award will recognize a cadet’s performance in the following key areas: Leadership and job performance: in primary duty and specifically in preparation for the unit’s annual assessment. Leadership qualities: involvement and positions held in extracurricular activities. Academic performance: nominee must be in good academic standing in all high school course work. Significant self-improvement. Community involvement. Other accomplishments. A SASI may nominate candidates to their respective Area Administrator. Area Administrators will present awards to nominees during their visit unless personal observation of the cadet warrants otherwise. SASIs may select recipients and present award in years that unit does not receive AA visit. Ribbons will be available from HQ AFJROTC and distributed to the Area Administrators for presentation. The award consists of a certificate and a ribbon, which may be presented by the Area Administrator during the visit or the SASI if the cadet(s) is unavailable due to class scheduling conflict, etc. The ribbon may be worn for the duration of a cadet’s tenure in AFJROTC. 12.2.33 Academic Ribbon. Awarded for academic excellence as signified by attaining an overall grade point average of at least a “B” for one academic term, in addition to an “A” average in AFJROTC. 12.2.34 Outstanding Flight Ribbon. Awarded each academic term to members of the outstanding flight under criteria determined by the SASI. 12.2.35 Leadership School Ribbon. Awarded for completion of an approved leadership school program of at least 5 days duration. Add a silver star for outstanding performance or leadership ability at a Leadership School. Limit the star to 10 percent of the class. This ribbon may only be earned once. 12.2.36 Special Teams Competition Ribbon. Awarded to team members for placing 1 st, 2nd or 3rd in an Air Force or Joint Service Competition to include Color Guard Teams, Rifle Teams, Drill Teams, Saber Teams, Academic Bowl Teams, CyberPatriot, etc. 97 12.2.37 Orienteering Ribbon. Awarded to team members for completing unit specific Orienteering Program as part of unit curriculum. 12.2.38 Cocurricular Activities Leadership Ribbon. Awarded at the SASI’s discretion for leadership in AFJROTC cocurricular activities (such as dining-in chairperson, military ball chairperson, etc.). The recipient must have demonstrated exceptional leadership in achieving objectives through the coordinated efforts of others. This award may be earned a maximum of four times. An oak leaf cluster should be added to this ribbon for each additional award. 12.2.39 Drill Team Ribbon. Criteria for this award will be established by SASI and published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operation Instruction. An oak leaf cluster should be added to this ribbon for each year of qualifying membership beginning with the second year. 12.2.40 Color Guard Ribbon. Criteria for this award will be established by SASI and published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operation Instruction. An oak leaf cluster should be added to this ribbon for each year of qualifying membership beginning with the second year. 12.2.41 Saber Team Ribbon. Criteria for this award will be established by SASI and published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operation Instruction. An oak leaf cluster should be added to this ribbon for each year of qualifying membership beginning with the second year. 12.2.42 Marksmanship Team Ribbon. Criteria for this award will be established by SASI and published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operation Instruction. An oak leaf cluster should be added to this ribbon for each year of qualifying membership beginning with the second year. 12.2.43 Service Ribbon. Awarded at the SASI’s discretion for distinctive performance in school, community, or AFJROTC service projects. Limit to members whose active participation in a service project contributed significantly to the goals of the organization. Participation in Drill Teams, Saber Teams or Color Guard Teams does not qualify for the Service Ribbon (see above criteria for Drill Team Ribbon) unless community service hours are awarded within established local criteria. 12.2.44 Good Conduct Ribbon. Criteria for this award will be established by SASI and published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operation Instruction. 12.2.45 Health and Wellness Ribbon. Awarded by the SASI for participation in the health and wellness physical fitness program. All cadets who participate in the wellness program will receive the Physical Fitness Ribbon. All cadets who participate in the Presidential Physical Fitness Program will receive the Physical Fitness Ribbon. The Bronze Star device will be awarded and worn on the ribbon to any cadet scoring in the 75-84 percentiles in the Presidential Physical Fitness Program. If a cadet earns a percentile score of 85-95 they will wear a Silver Star. If they receive a 96-100 percent they will wear the Gold Star on the ribbon. The 98 percentiles are computed automatically under Presidential Physical Fitness Program Assessment in WINGS. 12.2.46 Recruiting Ribbon. Awarded for outstanding effort in support of unit recruiting activities. The SASI awards this ribbon based on locally developed criteria, which must be included in the unit Cadet Guide or unit Operating Instructions. 12.2.47 Activities Ribbon. Awarded for participation in co-curricular activities other than those that qualify for the Color Guard, Drill Team, and Special Teams Competition ribbons. These include, but are not limited to orienteering teams, model rocketry clubs, AFJROTC academic teams, and AFJROTC sports teams. An oak leaf cluster should be added to this ribbon for each year of membership beginning with the second year. The SASI awards this ribbon using locally developed criteria which must be included in the Cadet Guide or unit Operating Instruction. 12.2.48 Attendance Ribbon. Criteria for attendance ribbon will be established by SASI and published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operation Instruction. 12.2.49 Dress and Appearance Ribbon. Criteria for dress and appearance ribbon will be established by SASI and published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operation Instruction. SASI will also include uniform inspection scoring as applicable. 12.2.50 Longevity Ribbon. Awarded for completion of each AS year. 12.2.51 CAP Awards. Only five CAP ribbons (General Carl Spaatz Award, General Ira C. Eaker Award, Amelia Earhart Award, General Billy Mitchell Award, and the General J. F. Curry Achievement Award) may be worn on the AFJROTC uniform. Units should contact the nearest CAP unit to obtain awards, invite presenters, or obtain any guidance on criteria or presentation. A unit locator can be found at 12.3 Order of Wear for Ribbons 12.3.1 The order of wear for ribbons is as listed in this attachment. Starting with the Dress and Appearance Ribbon, subsequent ribbons are worn to the left and upward. Ribbon charts are located in every aerospace science classroom, Crow Hall basement, outside Student Services, on each hall, and in Air Force Supply. Direct any questions to your Aerospace Science Instructor. 99 100 13 ATTACHMENT 3: Cadet Uniform Pictures – MALE Figure 2: Male- Cadet Officer Short-Sleeve Shirt 101 Figure 3: Male- Enlisted- Short-Sleeve Shirt Figure 4: Male- Enlisted- Long-Sleeve Shirt Figure 5: Male- Officer- Service Dress 102 Figure 6: Male- Cadet Officer- Performance (Service) Dress 13.1 Male Hair Standards Hair will have a tapered appearance on both sides and back. A tapered appearance is one that when viewed from any angle outlines the individual’s hair so that it conforms to the shape of the head, curving inward to the termination point. 13.1.1 Hair will not touch the ears at any point. 13.1.2 Only closely cut or shaved hair may touch the collar. 13.1.3 Hair will not touch the eyebrows nor protrude below the front band of the hat. 13.1.4 Sideburns will not extend below the lowest inner opening of the ear. 103 13.2 Dress and Appearance Inspection Grade Sheet NAME: __________________ GRADING QUARTER: ______ Hair Earrings (F) Name tag Shave/sideburns (M) Rank Belt gig line/tip Pant leg length Pant crease Pant waist line Buttons Ironed shirt Tucked in neat Strings Shoes Socks Clean uniform Image (pens/pencils/etc) (attention) Total Week 1 Item Possible pts CLASS PERIOD: ________ 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 25 104 14 Attachment 4: Cadet Uniform Pictures – FEMALE Figure 7: Female- Enlisted Short-Sleeve Shirt Figure 8: Female- Cadet Officer Long-Sleeve Shirt 105 Figure 9: Female- Enlisted Service Dress Figure 10: Female- Cadet Officer with Skirt 106 Figure 11: Female- Cadet Officer Performance (Service) Dress Figure 12: Female- Cadet Officer Performance (Sevice) Dress w/ Skirt 107 14.1 Female Hair Standards 14.1.1 The ladies’ hair should be styled to present a professional appearance. It may not be worn in an extreme or fad style. Ladies may wear “conservative” hairpins, combs, headbands, elastic bands and barrettes that match their hair color. Braids, micro-braids and cornrows are authorized, but it must be a solid color similar to the individual’s hair color, conservative and not present a faddish appearance. Long hair must be secured with NO loose ends. Long hair should be styled in a manner that prevents loose ends from extending upward on the head (rooster tail). When long hair is worn in a bun, all loose ends must be tucked in and secured. When wearing a pony tail, it must be pulled all the way through the elastic band and must hang naturally downward, not extending below the bottom of the collar. Cadets may NOT wear ribbons, beads, jeweled pins or a hair scrunchy. Hair may not extend below the bottom edge of the shirt collar. Hair must not exceed three inches in bulk and will not prevent proper wear of the hat. Bulk is defined as the distance that the hair projects from the scalp when groomed. Bangs, if worn, will not touch the eyebrows. 108 15 Attachment 5: Placement of Uniform Items 109 110 * Enlisted Ranks will have no hat insignia on the flight cap Note 1 111 112 Note 1 Note 4 Note 5 Note 2 Note 6 Note 3 Note 7 LIGHTWEIGHT BLUE JACKET COLLAR INSIGNIA Outer edge Note 8 Outer edge Inner edge Inner edge 1. (Officers only) When placing rank on epaulet instead of collar, use standard size metal rank, center on epaulet 5/8 in from shoulder seam. 2. Shoulder tabs are centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1” below shoulder seam. 3. Unit patch on right sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 4. Grade insignia (officer and enlisted) is worn on both left and right collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia. 5. Optional item: center vertically between the shoulder seam and where the underarm side seam joins the armhole sleeve and center horizontally between the center zipper and the sleeve armhole seam. 6. AFJROTC patch on left sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 7. Jacket will be closed to at least the halfway point. 8. Center insignia horizontally on collar. Place 1 inch from bottom of collar and parallel to the outer edge of the collar. 113 Note: Cadets may wear the rank on both coat and shirt at the same time or only on the coat. The cadets must be in proper uniform at all times. If they have the coat on, the rank insignia must be on the coat. If they remove the coat, the rank must be on the shirt. Note 8 Note 7 Note 6 Note 5 Note 9 Note 10 Note 4 Note 11 Note 3 Note 12 Note 2 Note 13 Note 14 Note 1 1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) badge: Center on welt pocket 3 inches below the top. 2. Name tag: Center between arm seam and lapel with bottom edge parallel to top of welt pocket 3. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15. 4. Unit patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 5. Shoulder tabs: Center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground. *(The lapel insignia (eagles non-chrome) will no longer be worn on the lapels by Airmen Basics.) 9. AFJROTC Patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam, and centered. 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15. 11. Ground School Badge: see note 15. 12. Ribbons: Center, on but not over edge of pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all or some. 13. Academy of Model Aeronautic Wings: worn 1 inch below pocket. 14. Model Rocketry Badge: worn 2 inches below AMA Wings or 3 inches below pocket if no AMA Wings are worn. 15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. 114 Note: Cadets may wear the rank on both coat and shirt at the same time or only on the coat. The cadets must be in proper uniform at all times. If they have the coat on, the rank insignia must be on the coat. If they remove the coat, the rank must be on the shirt. Note 8 Note 6 Note 9 Note 7 Note 10 Note 5 Note 11 Note 4 Note 3 Note 12 Note 2 Note 13 Note 1 Note 14 1. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be centered on right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. 2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: see note 15. 3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground. *(The lapel insignia (eagles non-chrome) will no longer be worn on the lapels by Airmen Basics.) 9. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15. 10. Ground School Badge: see note 15. 11. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 15. 13. Model Rocketry Badge: see note 15. 14. Ribbons: center ribbons resting on but not over edge of welt pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all or some. 15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. 115 Note 8 Note 6 Note 7 Note 9 Note 5 Note 4 Note 3 Note 10 Note 11 Note 12 Note 2 Note 13 Note 14 Note 1 1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) and Model Rocketry Badge are centered on the pockets on the appropriate sides as displayed above. 2. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be grounded and centered over wearer’s right pocket. 3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder tab: center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then place 1 inch below shoulder seam. 5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no insignia of any kind on the collar. 9. (Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar, place as close as possible to shoulder seam. 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15. 11. Ground School Badge: see note 15. 12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 15. 13. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 14. Ribbons: ground and center on pocket. 15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. 116 Note 8 Note 7 Note 5 Note 9 Note 6 Note 4 Note 10 Note 3 Note 11 Note 12 Note 13 Note 2 Note 14 Note 1 Note 15 1. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be centered on right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. 2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: see note 16. 3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 16. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 16. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 16. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no insignia of any kind on the collar. 9. (Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar, place as close as possible to shoulder seam. 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 16. 11. Ground School Badge: see note 16. 12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 16. 13. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 14. Model Rocketry Badge: see note 16. 15. Ribbons: Center, parallel with ground. Align with bottom of name tag. Or, if no name tag, align bottom of ribbons even with to 1 ½ inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. 16. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. 117 16 ATTACHMENT 6: Tying a Tie 1. Tying the Full Windsor Knot ( Situate the tie so that end “A” is longer than end “B” and cross “A” over “B”. 5. Pull “A” up through the loop again. 2. Bring “A” up through loop between collar and tie; then back down. 6. Bring “A” down through the knot in front 3. Pull “A” underneath “B” and to the left, and back through the loop again. 7. Using both hands, tighten the knot and draw up to the collar. 4. Bring “A” across the front from left to right. 118 17 ATTACHMENT 7: CADET AND PARENT/GUARDIAN AGREEMENT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PERSONAL MOTOR VEHICLE (PMV) ON RANDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY 17.1 Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians 17.1.1 This agreement defines the specific responsibilities of parents/guardians and R-MA cadets (to include day cadets where applicable) as regards the operation of a PMV at R-MA. The utilization of a PMV by a cadet at R-MA is a privilege, which, if necessary, can/will be revoked. 17.1.2 The cadet's PMV is required to be immediately registered by the parent/guardian or cadet at Student Services upon its arrival on campus. The R-MA vehicle decal issued by Student Services is required to be affixed to the lower corner on the passenger side of the rear window. A fee of $120.00 per semester will be charged to the student account for each PMV registered. Although the PMV compound is normally alarmed, R-MA will NOT assume, under any circumstances, either direct or contributory, responsibility for any vandalism to the PMV while parked in the compound. 17.2 Cadet Responsibilities 17.2.1 Each cadet with a PMV at R-MA is required to possess a valid driver's license from their legal state of residence. The PMV license plates must be valid and correctly mounted to the vehicle as required by law. The state safety inspection sticker (if required) must be valid and properly mounted on the vehicle. The parent/guardian is required to ensure that the vehicle is properly insured at all times with at least the mandated minimum liability insurance coverage of $25,000 bodily injury, $50,000, bodily injury per accident, and $25,000 property damage as required by Virginia law. 17.2.2 Cadets are permitted to operate a PMV at R-MA as a matter of convenient transportation to/from R-MA to their home. Cadet use of his/her PMV to travel to any other destination requires prior written parental/guardian authorization. The cadet is prohibited from using their PMV for any other purpose. Cadets may not lend their PMV to any other R-MA cadet without prior written parental/guardian authorization (fax or e-mail) for both cadets. 17.2.3 Cadets will not permit fellow R-MA cadets to ride as passengers in their PMV at any time under any circumstances without prior written approval from both cadets’ parents/guardians. Phone call authorization for such approval will not be accepted. 17.2.4 Each cadet is responsible for securing his/her PMV in the cadet PMV compound within 30 minutes of return to campus (includes unloading). Once the PMV is secured in the compound, its keys will be immediately turned in to Student Services, the Night OC, or the Weekend OC. Retaining a duplicate set of PMV keys is considered a major infraction of Academy rules and will be dealt with as an honor code violation. 17.3 Vehicle Searches 17.3.1 Under the provisions of Chapter 9, R-MA Cadet Manual, all PMV'S on campus are subject to being searched at any time by Academy officials. Any contraband or prohibited items found in a PMV while on campus will subject the cadet to appropriate disciplinary action as determined by the DRC. 119 17.4 Signatures 17.4.1 By our signatures below, we do hereby certify that we have read, understand, and agree to comply with the stated requirements of this document. It is understood that failure to abide by these conditions can/will result in the loss of cadet PMV privileges for the entire school year in addition to other disciplinary action as may be deemed appropriate. _______________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature ____________ _______________________________ Date Cadet Signature VEHICLE INFORMATION 1) Registered Owner (print) _____________________________________ 2) Phone #_(_____)_______________ 3) Printed Name of Cadet _____________________________________________________ 4) Year________ Make_______________ Model___________________Color___________________ 5) License Plate #____________________ State of Issue_____________ 6) R-MA Decal #__________________ R-MA Form #SS-002-05 - Revised 02 July 2008 - All previous editions are obsolete and will not be used. 120 18 ATTACHMENT 8: Cadet Development Program Guidelines 18.1 Instructions 18.1.1 Cadets who commit serious violations of the policies in the Cadet Manual will be referred to the Discipline Review Committee (DRC) in accordance with paragraphs 4.4 and 4.6 thru 4.6.3.of the Cadet Manual. 18.1.2 If the DRC determines that the cadet is guilty of the offense, he/she will be assigned up to 10 days of Cadet Development consistent with the offense and Cadet Development days historically assigned for the similar offense. The Director of Residential Life will notify the faculty, parents, and the mentor that the student has been placed on Cadet Development. 18.2 Cadet Development Guidelines 18.2.1 The following conditions apply when on Cadet Development: 18.2.2 The following guidance applies: The cadet will move into one of the dedicated Cadet Development rooms with only books and AFJROTC uniforms, bedding and toiletries (no food, no electronics of any kind). Day cadets will be required to move into the dorm to serve Cadet Development days. While serving Cadet Development, cadets will be CQ'd in their Cadet Development room except during meals, academic classes, tours. They may not visit other cadets' rooms and may not allow anyone in their Cadet Development room. They may not loiter outside nor spend time in Student Services. Cadets will not participate in any varsity sports practice, games, or intramurals during the Cadet Development period. All personal electronics remain with the Commandant. If a cadet on Cadet Development is discovered using/borrowing electronic devices, one day of Cadet Development will be added.. No attendance at any athletic events in any capacity. Any tours accumulated while serving Cadet Development days will be served beginning after the final Cadet Development day tours is completed. No leaving campus for any reason (pass, leave, mentor trips, field trips, etc.). Cadets who fail to follow the guidance above will meet the DRC again for possible further disciplinary action. Cadet Development cadets will attend all Friday night and Saturday morning detention study hall if their Cadet Development extends through the weekend. Daily Cadet Development routine: 6:30: Rise, shower, dress, strip bed, fold blankets and sheets, flip mattress and prepare room. (female cadets on Cadet Development supervised by cadet female Cadet Development officer) 121 7:00: Breakfast with Cadet Development Officer accompanied by cadet male and cadet female Cadet Development Officers 7:15 Return to Student Services accompanied by cadet male and cadet female Cadet Development Officers 7:40 Return to dorm for Commandant’s inspection accompanied by cadet male and cadet female Cadet Development Officers 7:55 Class Lunch – All cadets on Cadet Development, report to Cadet Development hall (accompanied by cadet male and cadet female Cadet Development Officers) Uniform and room inspection by Cadet Development Supervisor with corrective actions Lunch +30 minutes march to lunch at rear of dining hall March back to Cadet Development rooms until afternoon class (accompanied by cadet male and cadet female Cadet Development Officers) Complete afternoon uniform inspection After class – return to Cadet Development Rooms – Inspection CQ (accompanied by cadet male and cadet female Cadet Development Officers) 6:00pm March to dinner (accompanied by cadet male and cadet female Cadet Development Officers) 6:20 March back to Cadet Development rooms – CQ (accompanied by cadet male and cadet female Cadet Development Officers) 9:00 Make beds – inspection – showers (female cadets on Cadet Development marched back by cadet female Cadet Development officer) 9:30 Lights out Cadets whose Cadet Development (CD) spans a weekend will serve tours on Friday night with the CDO. Following Friday tours, the individual will be moved back to his/her permanent room for the remainder of the weekend. The CDO will close and lock off the 4 th floor stairwell door. On Saturday morning he/she will wake up at 7:30 am and serve tours (3) beginning at 8:00 am. Following Saturday tours the individual on Cadet Development will be restricted to campus for the reminder of the weekend, and will check in hourly at Student Services from 1:00pm until 9:00pm on Saturday and from 8:00am until 6:00pm on Sunday. At 7:00 pm on Sunday, designated duty CLSs will ensure individuals on Cadet Development move back into their Cadet Development room. Cadets on Cadet Development can be at any authorized location on campus on Saturday or Sunday, but must check in hourly with the Officer in Charge. NOTE: Weekends do not count as time toward completion of Cadet Development and cadets will not be charged for this time. 18.2.3 Cadets who fail to follow the guidance above will meet the DRC again for possible further disciplinary action. 122 19 Falcon Foundation Program Guidelines 19.1 Program Guidelines The purpose of this attachment is to act as a guide for R-MA Falcon Foundation cadets. All Falcon Foundation cadets are post graduates, and thus will not compete for rank or position with undergraduate R-MA cadets. They will, however be given training and a leadership positions to hone skills as they prepare for appointment to the USAF Academy. 19.1.1 Falcon Foundation cadets are expected to participate in all corps activities including parades, award assemblies and all corps-wide events. Likewise, all school rules and policies in the Cadet Manual apply to Falcon cadets while they are enrolled at R-MA. 19.1.2 Falcon Foundation cadets will purchase all uniforms as prescribed in the Cadet Manual. 19.2 Reporting 19.2.1 All Falcon Foundation cadets are required to report in August in order to participate in the annual Cadre training camp. They will be integrated into the senior class group of Cadre cadets with the same leadership training. 19.2.2 Falcon Foundation cadets are expected to quickly adapt to the R-MA Corps of Cadets structure. During cadre camp, Falcon Foundation cadets will receive daily feedback from the Commandant and/or Senior Aerospace Science Instructor concerning their progress and any areas to concentrate on for improvement. Additionally, the Commandant will ensure Falcon Scholars are on track for completing all application and nomination requirements for the USAFA. 19.3 Promotion and Duties 19.3.1 At the conclusion of Cadre camp, Falcon Foundation cadets will be promoted to the rank of Cadet Second Lieutenant (C/2LT), and assigned as a Squadron or Flight Adjutant. 19.3.2 The following are the duties of the Squadron and Flight Adjutant: Ensure table seating assignments are finalized, posted on the tables, briefed and enforced by the first Friday of the school year. Complete squadron seating assignments will be given to the Corps Vice Commander, by the second Monday of the school year. Ensure all assigned cadets are dressed and ready to depart the dorm no later than five minutes before breakfast Personally inspect hall bathrooms before departing for breakfast, note any discrepancies and report them to the commandant. Be in the cross hall to personally observe all assigned cadets depart for breakfast. Correct all uniform discrepancies on the spot. Sit with assigned cadets note any absent cadets and monitor table manners and decorum Ensure Flight Sergeant accomplishes all morning duties. 123 Report attendance to Group Commandeer for Operations Be ready to take over in the absence of the Squadron/Flight Commander. 19.4 Physical Training 19.4.1 Passing the USAFA physical fitness test is critically important to appointment. All Falcon foundation cadets will participate in all scheduled weekly High Flight PT sessions. During afternoon sports period, they will be assigned to “Weightlifting” where they will use exercises taught by the High Flight PT instructor to train to meet or exceed USAFA standards. 19.5 Mentoring 19.5.1 Falcon Scholars will be assigned to the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor who will ensure Falcon Scholars focus on SAT prep and completion of all application, medical, and interview requirements for nomination and appointment to the USAFA. 124 Index 20110-2011 Academic Calendar, 80 Civilian Clothes, 36 Academic Honor Rolls, 13 Class Attendance Policy, 14 Academic Probation, 12 Closed Weekends, 81 Academic scheduling, 18 College Counseling, 18 Accessories, 38 Commandant's inspection AFJROTC AWARDS, 88 Inspection of Cadet Quarters, 55 Air Force Junior ROTC Uniform Dress and Appearance Standards, 38 Conduct Grades, 22 Cosmetics, 38 Athletic Attire, 35 Counseling Services, 18 Athletic Awards, 17 Daily Announcements, 68 athletics, 15, 16, 45, 74, 75 Daily Schedule, 78, 79 Automobiles, 67 Day Cadets, 74 Awards, 85 Demotion, 48 AWARDS, 85, 86, 88 Department of Technology, 83 Belt, 38 Dining Hall, 45, 62, 63, 69 CADET ACTIVITY CENTER Dismissal., 23, 27 Sonner-Payne Hall, 61 Disrupting Use Cadet Activity Uniform, 34 Department of Technology, 85 Cadet Blazer Uniform, 32 Dry Cleaning, 70 Cadet Brother/Sister, 17, 18 Earmuffs, 38 Cadet Corps Mission and Objectives, 47 Earrings, 38 Cadet Corps Organization, 42 Failure to report violations Cadet Life Supervisor (CLS)., 18 Honor Code, 9 Cadet Life Supervisors (CLSs), 50 Cadet Uniform Pictures – FEMALE, 105 Female- Cadet Officer Long-Sleeve Shirt, 105 Cadet Uniform Pictures – MALE, 101 Female- Cadet Officer Performance (Service) Dress, 107 Cadre, 42, 49, 50, 51, 66 Cardigan Sweater, 38 Female- Cadet Officer Performance (Sevice) Dress w/ Skirt, 107 Cellular Phones, 72 Female- Cadet Officer with Skirt, 106 Chapel, 58, 59, 68, 78 Female- Enlisted Service Dress, 106 CHEATING Female- Enlisted Short-Sleeve Shirt, 105 Honor Code, 9 Fire and Fire Drills, 69 125 Fire Evacuation Procedures, 69 Nail Polish, 40 Flag Etiquette, 42 Name tag, 40 Flight Cap, 38 Neck Tie, 40 Flight Suit Night Study Hall, 12, 78 Air Force Junior ROTC Uniforms, 35 Free Time and Town Leave Passes and Leaves, 65 Off-Limits Areas, 71 Order of Wear for Ribbons Air Force Junior ROTC Awards and Decorations, 99 Gloves, 39 Grading Scale, 14 Package Inspections, 77 Pant leg length, 40 Guidance and Counseling., 17 Hair, 39 Pant waist line, 40 Parking Compound, 62 Hair - Female, 39 Passes and Leaves, 64 Haircuts and Grooming Standards, 37 Hazing., 20 Permanent promotions Promotions, 47 Honor Code, 9, 11, 19, 24 Honor Council, 9, 10, 11 Inspection of Cadet Quarters, 55 Jewelry, 39 Laundry, 56, 70 Lightweight blue jacket, 40 Long-sleeved shirt/blouse, 40 Lost And Found, 29 LYING Honor Code, 9 Male- Cadet Officer- Performance (Service) Dress, 103 Male- Cadet Officer Short-Sleeve Shirt, 101 Male- Enlisted- Long-Sleeve Shirt, 102 Pick-Up Laundry, 70 Pirated Software Department of Technology, 85 Prohibited Content Department of Technology, 84 PROHIBITED ITEMS, 52 Promotions, 47 Pullover sweater, 40 Pumps, 40 Rank, 41 Required Military Uniforms for Males and Females Air Force Junior ROTC Uniforms, 31, 37 Male- Enlisted- Service Dress, 102 Male- Enlisted- Short-Sleeve Shirt, 102 Melton Memorial Gymnasium, 58 Mentors, 18 Military Training, 42 Responsibility for Personal Items, 28 Restriction Offenses, 27 Restriction Program Guidelines, 121 Restriction., 27 RESTROOM FACILITIES 126 Sonner-Payne Hall, 61 Tattoos or brands, 41 Temporary promotions Ribbons, 41 Promotions, 47 R-MA Flight Program, 14, 35 Room Arrangement and Standards, 56 The Disciplinary Review Committee (DRC), 20 Scarf, 41 The Infirmary School Sponsored Trips, 76 Sonner-Payne Hall, 61 Search of Individual or Personal Property, 28 THE R-MA LIBRARY Sending Out Sonner-Payne Hall, 60 Laundry, 70 THE VISITORS' LOUNGE Senior Pranks, 26 Sonner-Payne Hall, 60 Shave, 41 Tours, 23, 27, 65, 78, 79 Shoes, 41 TRAFFIC PATTERNS Skirts, 33, 41 Sonner-Payne Hall, 61 Air Force Junior ROTC Uniforms, 33 Transportation for School Holidays, 81 Socks/Hose, 41 Turner Hall, 53, 62, 70, 71 Sonner-Payne Hall, 12, 19, 37, 53, 58, 60, 61, 62, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 83 Undergarments, 41 Uniform of the Day, 31 STEALING Visitors, 73 Honor Code, 9 Weekend Activities, 75, 76 SWIMMING POOL AREA Weekend Visits, 81 Sonner-Payne Hall, 60 Worship Services, 68, 79 127 Contact Numbers: R-MA Upper School (Grades 9 - 12, PG) Academic Issues (Classes, Teachers, Schedules, Grades, Transcripts) Academic Records Air Force Supply (Uniform items issued) Air Force Supply Athletic Activities Athletic Director Bookstore Information Bookstore Cadet Manual Information Commandant's Office Cafeteria (Food) Chief of Services College Applications/SAT Info College Counselor Discipline Issues (Tour program, Cadet Director Development/discipline program) of Residential Life Dormitory Issues (Room assignments, Room Damage, Room #, Student phone #) Student Services Emergency (Non-duty hours) Student Services Financial Matters (Student account, Allowances, Statements, Payments) Finance Flight Training Program Flight Instructors Health or Medical Issues (Emergency medical treatment information, school physicals) School Nurse Library Information Librarian Mentor Program Academic Office Night time Contact of Students/Information (Night-time Officer-in-Charge) Student Services Parent Handbook Information (Calendars) Academic Office Permission for Student to Sign Out Fax Student Services Fax Registrar's Office Registrar R-MA Band Information (Performances and trips) Band Director Student Computers/Internet/Telephones Technology Dept. Student Telephone Operating Hours Student Services Student Transportation (Airport/Student parking compound/Automobiles) Student Services Unable to Contact Your Student (Need to give them a message) (Check on fax status) Student Services Uniform Store (Uniform items purchased) Uniform Store Weekend Activities Coordinator (540) 636-5215 or 636-5486 or 636-5204 (540) 636-5212 (540) 636-5416 or Operator (540) 636-5200 (540) 636-5497 (540) 636-5496 or 636-5203 (540) 636-5499 (540) 636-5491 (540) 636-5496 or 636-5203 or 636-5208 (540) 636-5208 or 636-5495 or 636-5496 (540) 636-5208 or 622-7906 (540) 636-5207 or 636-5488 or 636-5205 (540) 636-5492 or 636-5203 (540) 636-5210 (540) 636-5345 (540) 636-5204 or 636-5215 or 636-5486 (540) 636-5208 or 636-5495 or 636-7906 (540) 636-5204 or 636-5215 or 636-5486 (540) 636-5209 (540) 631-3815 (540) 636-5339 (540) 631-3825 or 636-5499 (540) 636-5208 or 636-5495 or 636-5496 (540) 636-5495 or 636-5208 (540) 636-5208 or 636-5495 or 636-5496 (540) 636-5379 (540) 636-5208 128 Randolph-Macon Academy 20 CADET HONOR CODE PLEDGE On my honor as a Randolph-Macon Academy Cadet, I pledge not to lie, cheat, or steal. I fully understand that if I violate this Honor Code Pledge in any form, it will be considered as possible grounds for dismissal from Randolph-Macon Academy. Furthermore, if I have knowledge of a violation of the Honor Code Pledge and fail to report the infraction to proper authorities, I understand I will be considered an accomplice and as a result may be dismissed. I further understand that I am bound to report any offense, that renders a Cadet liable for dismissal from R-MA. I also understand that if dismissed from Randolph-Macon Academy, grade credit will not be given nor will any monetary refund be made. I will conduct myself in a manner that will bring credit to myself, my family, and to Randolph-Macon Academy. _____________________________________________ Signature Date _____________________________________________ Print your name 129 Cadet Number
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