1. What is JROTC?
Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) is a fully accredited four year elective
course. JROTC counts toward graduation requirements.
2. Does this course require you to join the military?
NO. Military style training is used to teach leadership skills and self-discipline. This is
strictly an elective high school class. Are there benefits if you decide to join a branch of
the armed forces after high school? Yes, not only from the academic side, drill, and
marksmanship training, but also from the financial side. After two years in JROTC, you
could start in the military earning $150.00 more a month than someone who had not
taken JROTC. After four years in JROTC, you start with $300.00 more a month. If you
join an ROTC program in college, you could receive one year college ROTC class
credit. Consider JROTC an insurance policy, if you are not sure what you want to do
after school.
3. Why would freshman want to join?
As a new member of JHS, a cadet will experience an immediate sense of belonging
upon joining the JROTC. Current cadets embrace new members and a freshman will
find that they have a “built in” set of friends immediately. Cadets also have a place to
come before and after school, besides the cafeteria, this gives them a sense of “team”.
It is experiences such as this that allow freshman to experience an immediate sense of
belonging and team identity in JROTC. They will be provide with a Marine Corps
uniform and JROTC T-shirts that identify them as a member of our unit. Additionally,
they are given the opportunity to join the Rifle, Drill, or Raiders Teams, only open to
members of the JROTC. These teams travel outside the city and state to compete
against some of the finest teams in the nation. Lastly, they are given leadership
opportunities not available in other classes within the school.
4. What is the difficulty level?
This program is designed to prepare cadets for future success. To do this cadets are
taught that attitude is everything. Cadets are taught to be free thinkers, but understand
that following direction is a very important part of life. The difficulty level is up to the
cadet-not the instructors. All the necessary tools and assistance are available to give
cadets every opportunity to be successful. I recommend that prospective cadets ask a
current member how difficult it is to be successful in JROTC.
5. What makes JROTC different from other programs and classes at
Jeffersontown High School?
This program is multi-dimensional. Cadets are exposed to a broad base of information
and knowledge in most major learning disciplines, provided real life opportunities to
practices their leadership and citizenship skill, both in and outside of the classroom
environment, they learn from their mistakes, and then are given more chances to lead.
Cadets learn how to build and take care of their team, they learn to make it on their
own, they become mentors to junior cadets, all the while being exposed to new and
challenging leadership situations. As cadets advance in this program in rank and years,
they are given greater leadership roles, more challenges, greater opportunities to
experience both success and failure, and display the courage and conviction to do what
is right, even when no one is looking.
6. What type of benefits do students receive from joining the program?
Cadets, as they advance in the program, are given job assignments that translate
very competitively into resumes for scholarships and jobs both during their school
years and after.
Cadets that successfully complete one year in the program may be given
physical fitness class credit during their second year in JROTC.
Cadets that pass two years of JROTC, and choose to join the military, are
promoted at least one rank ahead of all other graduates from boot camp, which
means more money and faster promotions ahead of their peers while in service.
Cadets that attend a college or university, and enroll in a ROTC program, will
receive one year of ROTC college credit upon successful graduation from the
high school JROTC.
Cadets are given business, team, and leadership skills that place them ahead of
fellow employees.
Senior cadets are given opportunities to compete for scholarships from within the
JROTC program and outside organizations, not available to the rest of the
student body.
Graduating cadets are alumni of the JHS JROTC for life.
7. What are the hair standards for JROTC?
To the general public a person in a Marine uniform is a representative of the U.S.
Marine Corps, and it is important that MCJROTC cadets reflect favorably on the Marine
Corps' image. Hair of male cadets will be evenly graduated (tapered/faded) in the back
with sideburns no longer, nor extending below the opening into the ear canal, and will
be neatly trimmed. Hair will not fall over the ears or eyebrows and the hair on top will
not interfere with normal wear of the military cover. Male hair will not exceed three (3)
inches in length. Hair of female cadets when in uniform will be arranged so that it will
not fall below the collar of the uniform being worn. Hair will not be worn in such a way
that the uniform cover cannot be worn properly. Hairpins, barrettes, scrunchies, etc. are
not to show. Classes will be given in JROTC concerning these standards.
8. Does JROTC offer after school activities?
This program offers after school sports/activities with the Rifle, Drill and Raider Teams.
Additionally, the program offers cadet-wide activities each school year, such as the
annual family picnic and field meet competition, Marine Corps Ball formal dinner and
dance, a JROTC wide Lock-in Party, Christmas Party and Caroling, evening instruction
in our Outdoor Classroom and recreational area, skating parties, and many other
9. How much does it cost to join the JROTC program?
Cadets pay only a $10.00 JROTC Lab Fee. All cadets receive a JHS JROTC unique Tshirt and a digital camouflage uniform. Cadets may earn other uniforms based on
longevity, rank, or community service hours performed. For example, the Marine Corps
Dress Blue uniform may be issued to selected individuals after they have completed an
annually designated number of hours of community service.
10. Are their opportunities for college scholarships?
The JROTC program will position students to be very competitive for academies,
college ROTC programs, and civilian scholarships. Military Instructors are prepared to
assist cadets in their search for possible scholarships and colleges to attend. The
instructors are also prepared to offer assistance in with other programs and
opportunities to assist cadets as they leave high school for follow-on education and
11. Are their JROTC unique scholarship opportunities?
The Jeffersontown JROTC Parents Association awards a four year, one thousand
dollars each year, college scholarship to a qualified senior of the JHS JROTC program.
Additionally, each school year, organizations such as the Kentuckiana Marine Corps
League, Vietnam Veterans of America, and the local American Legion provide
scholarship opportunities strictly to members of the JROTC program.
12. What does a typical JROTC school week look like?
Generally, Monday, Wednesday, Fridays are academic days; Tuesday is drill and/or
uniform inspection and Thursday is physical training. On Tuesdays, cadets will be
inspected in their uniform by either instructors or senior cadets to ensure they are
groomed and wearing their uniform properly. As time allows, cadets will receive
instruction in military drill movement and drill in classroom formations. Trained cadets
will lead drill training. Thursday is physical training (PT) days. PT will consist of a set
of basic exercises, such as sit-ups, push-ups, leg lifts. After the warm up exercises,
cadets will receive some type of upper and lower body training, such as weight lifting,
pull-ups, running, or team building events.
13. How many students enroll each year in the JROTC at Jeffersontown High
Each year, over the past ten years, the JROTC has grown in numbers. For the past few
years, the cadet Corps has been between 210-230 cadets. We are the largest Marine
Crops JROTC in the state of Kentucky. We would like to continue to grow, because we
know we have a valuable product to offer students, but our facilities, as they currently
exist, will not support growing above 210 cadets. We have an aggressive recruiting
program, our own recruiting poster that is posted in several restaurants in the city and
our new YouTube video. (Visit us on Facebook and YouTube at Jtown JROTC). These
products, and many others, were developed by JROTC Cadets, along with the art that is
painted on the walls in our hallways. As stated earlier, cadets are exposed to many
different paths to success.
13. Where can I see and learn more about Jeffersontown’s JROTC program?
Visit us on Facebook at Jtown JROTC. Watch video on YouTube: Jtown JROTC. See
our recruiting video on the JHS JROTC Homepage, under the Video menu.