Stadleiing eller Place Management handlar om

Stadleiing og Lokal Samfunnsutvikling 10 Place Management -­‐ prinsipp Lokal Samfunnsutvikling i kommunane 16 oktober 2014, Gardermoen Christer Asplund Uavhengig av overgripende kommunereformer utgjør place management allDd grunnlaget for lokal/regional vekst og velferd Stadleiing eller Place Management handlar om:
Stadleiing eller Place Management handlar om: • 
Målgrupper A=rak>onsfaktorer Budskap Kommunika>on Stadleiing eller Place Management handlar om:
Målgrupper A=rak>onsfaktorer Budskap Kommunika>on •  Utveckla lokala förutsä=ningar •  Disrup>ve technology •  Smart specialisering •  Talent a=rac>on Stadleiing eller Place Management handlar om:
Målgrupper • 
A=rak>onsfaktorer • 
Budskap • 
Kommunika>on • 
Förstå omvärlden • 
Engagera Aktörer • 
Skapa sammanhanget Välja strategi för • 
utveckling • 
•  Genomföra Utveckla lokala förutsä=ningar Disrup>ve technology Smart specialisering Talent a=rac>on Stadleiing i eI skiJande platsklimat Source: Christer Asplund, Philip Kotler, MarkeDng Places Europe Alla place managers påverkas….
från m² till m³
”Kongsberg – The Most Attractive City in Norway”
A Smart City
Smart Place Management
Open Climate
Smart Systems Engineering Smart Mobility Hospitality
Smart Buildings Smart Material Smart Phones Demo-­‐sites Kongsberg Smart ci>zens Smart Green solu>ons ”Smart Specialisering” Måste översäIas Dll vårt egen kommun/fylke… Smart
De tekniska/kommersiella genombrotten skapar
nya lokala förutsättningar
Place Management Styles: Place Management Styles: Expanders 1.  Winning Place Management Rules -­‐ Understand customers •  Target group thinking •  Absorb customers´needs •  Empathy is successful •  Storytelling placetelling Place Management must be related to well defined
target groups.
Which are the future target groups in your place?
Source: Christer Asplund, Philip Kotler, MarkeDng Places Europe 2. Winning Place Management Rules -­‐ Understand customers •  Improve service management •  Discover what happens in the consumer market •  Sensory markeDng: touch, sight, smell, sound, taste ”Helårlig opplevelsespotensial” 3. Winning Place Management Rules -­‐ Build upon individuals •  Talent AIracDon Management – the next global trend 3. Winning Place Management Rules -­‐ Build upon individuals •  Quad Helix instead of the disastrous European Triple Helix 5. Winning Place Management Rules -­‐ Think beyond borders •  Regional cooperaDon in order to secure criDcal mass •  InternaDonal openness •  Intercultural awareness 6. Winning Place Management Rules -­‐ Add serendipity to your place •  Combine observaDons in a surprising anner. ”We should always be open m
for coincidenses” •  Exploit Benchmarking findings •  Go Beyond the ”Culture of Sameness” 7. Winning Place Management Rules -­‐ It is all about execuDon •  ” Focusing! Act as a guided missile” •  ”Always secure someone as the issue-­‐owner” •  ”Do not hesitate to say NO or YES” •  ”IdenCfy milestones” 8. Winning Place Management Rules -­‐ It is all about execuDon •  ”PresCgious and arrogant aEtudes destroy innovaCon and undermine willingness to conCbute” •  Less ”I” -­‐ and more ”we” 9. Winning Place Management Rules -­‐ It is all about execuDon •  ”We are aware and proud of the Nordic informal and less hierarchical work styles” The Norwegian Local Style 10. Winning Place Management Rules -­‐ It is all about execuDon •  ”We should try to decide t
hat w
e h
ave d
ecided!” •  ”Respond to requests in due Cme” • 
”Passion i
s n
ot f
orbidden” Gruppearbeid 1:
Place Management Styles?
Hvilke endringer når det gjelder ledelse kan seNes i verk for at diN sted/region skal bil en ”Expander”? Expanders Gruppearbeid 2:
Hva gjør du imorgen?
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