Troop Manager Manual 2014 COOKIE PROGRAM __________________________________________________________________ Association Chair(s) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________ Final Paperwork Due to Association Chair ________________________________________________________________ Cookie Computer Entry Site: eBudde Login: email address on your GSNC registration Temporary password: 154Samoas!! (case sensitive) Important Dates January 4 Order taking begins. Girls should not begin selling publically before this date. January 11 7:00 am eBudde opens for initial Council Booth sign-up. See page 21. January 28 Complete entering Initial Order in eBudde. Orders must be entered by this date to qualify for the Initial Order 100 Box Cinch Sack Reward. Order taking continues! January 29 Council Cupboard opens for Council and Local booth sales ONLY. January 31 Council and local booth sales begin. February 3 Council Cupboard opens for all additional cookie orders. You may not pick up boxes to fill your additional orders unless you have already picked up your Initial Order. February 7-9 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend February 16 Council Drive Thru Cookie Order Pick-up*. Snow date is February 23. February 17 Council Cookie Cupboard and Service center CLOSED March 25 Order taking ends. Continue selling cookies you have left. March 28 Last day for Cookie pick up. April 6 Submit Troop Reward (Incentive) and Patch order. Assign all Troop Cookies to girls. April 9 Final accounting. All deposits must be made by this date. Please adhere to the deadlines set by your Association Cookie Chair and Council. * If your Association arranges a local Drop Site, your Association Cookie Chair will inform you of the date, time and location. Enter information here: Local drop site info:________________________________________________________________________ Index Topic Page Topic Bank Deposits 13 eBudde: Entering Girl Names Booth Sales: General Guidelines 16 eBudde: Entering Rewards (Incentives) Booth Sales: Local 17 eBudde: Recording Girl Payments Booth Sales: Railroad 17 Gift of Caring: Troop (T-GOC) Booth Sales: Council 18 How the Cookie Crumbles Booth Sales: eBudde sign-up 18,21,22 Initial Order Page 9 24,27,28 26 24, 31 30 9,23,24 Bounced Checks 14 Operation: Cookie (Council Gift of Caring) 24,31 Council Staff (who does what) 34 Opt-Out (Rewards) Cookie Club 32 Payments for Cookies 13,14,26,29 Credit Cards 30 Rewards (girl) 15,20,27,28 20,27, 37 Drive Thru (Council) 10,11,25 Rounding Down (Initial Order) 9,23 Drop Site (Association) 10,11,25 T1-B Form 35,36 eBudde: Login 19 Training Outline 8 Ebudde: Booth Recorder (& App) 16, 27 Troop Proceeds 6,14 eBudde: Booth Sale Sign-up 21,22 Unpaid Girl orders 14,29 eBudde: Entering Initial Order 9,23,24 “Who does What” with Cookies at Council 34 Price for box of Cookies is $4.00 2014 Cookie Celebration Kickoff Event for Girls Council Cookie Cupboard Hours January 11, 3:15pm Cookie Celebration at The Tilles Center, Brookville (LIU/Post) See for more information and registration. January 28 thru March 28, 2014 M, T, W, F 9:30am to 4:30pm Thursday 9:30am to 7:30pm Saturday 10:00am to 12:30pm February 17, 2014 Cupboard & Service Center Closed 110 Ring Road West Garden City, NY 11530 516.741.2550 ext. 243 or 246 2 February 8 Cookie Booth Fest at area malls. See for times, more information and registration. January 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 3 4 Order taking begins eBudde opens See pages 19,20 5 6 7 8 9 10 Request LIRR Booth Site See page 17 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 21 Submit LIRR Booth Sale request(s) to Association Chair 28 Enter Initial Order See pages 9, 23,24 29 30 31 Choose Council Drive Thru Time in eBudde See pages 10, 25 NEW FOR 2014 Council Cupboard opens for Booth Sales Only See pages 2,16 Additional Order tab in eBudde opens See page 12, 26 eBudde “View Only” Council Booth Sites See page 16 11 st 1 Sign-Up for Council Booth Sale See pages 16,18,21,22 Cookie Celebration @ The Tilles Center 18 25 nd 2 Sign-Up for Council Booth Sale See pages 16,18,21,22 Council and Local Booth Sales begin New login and password security procedures for eBudde. If you are planning on signing up for a Council Booth Site, make sure you have successfully logged on BEFORE January 11. Cookies ordered as individual boxes in the Initial Order will be rounded up to the next full case. (see page 9) NO COOKIES may be RETURNED All Cookies ordered are considered sold. 3 February 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 Council cupboard open for additional orders 9 10 7 Cookie Booth Fest at Area Malls Girl Scout Cookie Weekend 11 12 13 8 Girl Scout Cookie Weekend 14 15 rd 3 Sign-Up for Council Booth Sale See pages 16,18,21,22 Girl Scout Cookie Weekend 16 Council Drive Thru See pages 10,11,25 23 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 Submit Troop Proceeds Option form See page 6,15,20,37 28 Council Office Closed 24 Council Drive Thru Snow Date The 5 Skills developed in the Girl Scout Cookie Program are part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) Goal Setting Decision Making People Skills Money Management Business Ethics Look in your Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting for more information on the Badges that can be earned while participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. 4 22 March 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 th 4 Sign-Up for Corp. Booth Sale. See pages 16,18,21,22 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Girl Rewards Tab opens. See pages 27, 28 24 18 19 20 21 22 25 Order taking ends. Continue selling cookies you have left 26 27 28 29 LIRR Booth Sales begin See page 17 23 30 Last day for Council Booth sale Last day to pick up cookies Last date for LIRR Booth 31 April 2014 Mon day Sunday 6 Assign all cookies to girls Submit Troop Reward and Patch order in eBudde. eBudde closes at 11:59pm Tuesday 7 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 Final accounting. All deposits must be made. See pages 12, 29. * If necessary print Sale Report form * If your account does not balance, by April 9 you must print your “Sale Report” form from eBudde and turn it in to your Association Chair, with a note explaining the discrepancy. See page 29. If Troop accounts are not settled by April 9, and you have5not submitted your “Sale Report” and explanation to the Association Chair, the Troop will forfeit the Proceed on any boxes that are not paid for by that date Highlights of our Cookie Program 2014 Theme Initial Order Cinch Sack Reward – for all girls who sell at least 100 boxes during the initial order taking period Cookie Kick-off Extravaganza on January 11 at The Tilles Center (LIU/Post) Pin reward for girls who receive donations of 100 or more boxes for Operation Cookie. “500+ Club” and Reception for all girls selling 500+ boxes. Troops will be allowed to accept credit card payments. Booth Sleuth program to encourage Girl Scout Leadership Experience Skills. Enhanced Cookie Credit option for girls with individual Girl Scout program goals. TROOP PROCEEDS 55¢ per Box for all Troops receiving Rewards (Incentives) Options below MUST be selected by 2/3 of the Group selling and a signed Troop Proceed Option form must be submitted to the Association Chair 60¢ per box (no Reward items* except patches and standard Cookie Credits) 20¢ per box for Troops with Rewards and Enhanced Cookie Credits 25¢ per box (no Reward items* except patches) for Troops selecting Enhanced Cookie Credits *All girls are eligible for the Initial Order Cinch Sack, the 500+ Club event, the 1000+ Box Trip and the 2000+ Box reward, even if their Troop opts- out of rewards 6 COOKIE PROGRAM TIMELINE November - December Attend training provided by your Association Cookie Chair. Attending training is the key to the success of your program. Receive materials and instructions. Obtain a Troop roster of REGISTERED girls from your Troop Leader. Ask Leader to update you as new girls register. All girls participating in the Cookie Program must be currently registered members of Girl Scouts of Nassau County in grades Kindergarten thru 12. Sign onto eBudde. New login and password security procedures. Make sure you keep a record of the personal password you set-up during your initial log-in. Each girl participating will need: To be a registered member of Girl Scouts of Nassau County. Cookie Order Card – Troop Manager should fill in contact information and order due dates in the space provided. Permission Slip - Signed by a parent/guardian before the Girl Scout begins to sell. Troop Managers please keep these permission slips until payment for Cookies has been received. Money Envelope Goal Getter Order Sheet The Troop Manager will need: To be a registered member of Girl Scouts of Nassau County. A personal email address (the one used on your Girl Scout registration form) and access to a computer eBudde website address, initial password and login info (can be found on the front cover of this manual) Troop Manager Manual Troop Manager Agreement, to be signed and returned to ASSOCIATION COOKIE CHAIR at training. This must be done in order to access the eBudde system. Council Bank Encoded Deposit Slips. These are the only deposit slips you can use. T-1B worksheet (optional) see page 35 and 36. It can also be downloaded from our website or create your own. Make arrangements for a Troop Credit Card Swiper, if the Troop wants to accept credit card payments. See page 30. Individually registered girls are encouraged to participate in the Girl Scout Cookie® Program. All girls benefit from the skills they develop in this program. Individually registered girls should contact Sonia Oxford 516.741.2550 ext. 230 for information and materials. 7 COOKIE PROGRAM TIMELINE December Conduct Troop Training for Your Girls Set a date, with your Troop Leader, to give information to the girls and their families. Invite parents to the meeting. Encourage everyone to participate in the Cookie Program. Explain how their efforts will help the Troop meet its goals, and how the girls will practice the 5 Leadership Skills. Troop Training Outline Train girls, covering the following: 1. Working with the Troop Leader, make sure girls and their families are aware of the Troop’s goals and encourage the girls to set individual goals. 2. Distribute and review all materials with the Troop. 3. Order taking begins Saturday, January 4, 2014. 4. Permission slip must be signed by a parent or guardian in order for each girl to participate. Collect and keep all signed permission slips. 5. Explain how you will handle orders for additional Cookies, after the initial order period. 6. Show girls the reward (incentive) choices listed on the back of the girl order card. They can also be viewed on our Council website 7. Use a Goal Chart or Cookie Club information (see page 32) to help the girls set and track their goals. 8. If the Troop chooses to take the “opt-out” $0.60 Proceed Option, or either of the Enhanced Cookie Credit Options, have the girls sign the Troop Proceed Option form on page 37 and return to your Association Cookie Chair by February 28. Two thirds of registered girls participating must sign the form! This means they will receive patches, Cookie Credits and an additional 5¢ per box proceed if a Troop selects not to receive rewards. (Note: even if a Troop selects to “opt out” of Rewards, all girls selling 500+ boxes will be invited to the Super Seller Event. Girls selling 1000+ boxes will receive the 1000 box reward, and girls selling 2000+ boxes will receive the 2000+ and 1000+ rewards.) 9. Rewards are cumulative; girls will receive all rewards up to the amount sold. Patches and Cookie Credits are not cumulative. 10. Encourage the Operation Cookie and Troop Gift of Caring programs. See explanation of these programs on page 31. 11. Be sure to set a realistic deadline for orders to be turned in to you. The girls should be given the opportunity to sell for the entire time of the sale. 12. When parents collect cash, the money should not be converted into personal checks, but should be deposited as received. Customers can write checks payable to “GSNC,” and should include the customer’s address and phone number. 13. Emphasize good manners and safety (e.g. an adult must accompany a girl for door-to-door sales; girls should not enter homes, etc). For additional safety regulation, see Safety Checkpoints for Selling on our website 14. Discuss the Troop’s plans for Booth Sales. Contact your Association Chair to schedule your local Booth Sale. See page 16-18 for complete description of Council, Local and Railroad Booth Sales. 15. For additional information about the Booth Sale process see pages 21-22. 8 COOKIE PROGRAM TIMELINE January Review dates and times for Council Booth Sales with your Troop so you will be ready on sign-up day. Enter all girls into Cookie Club (see page 32) and give them their logon and password info. Sign-up for Council Booth Sale in eBudde on January 11 see pages 18,21, 22. Log in to eBudde and check that all girls in the Troop are listed. See instructions on page 20. If a girl in your Troop is not listed go to the “Girl” tab and add girl’s name. If a girl needs to be removed, contact Mary Gebauer 516.741.2550 ext 215 or email her at [email protected]. Please allow 48 hours for girl(s) to be removed. Collect girls’ initial orders so you can create an order summary for your Troop. You may want to use the T-1B sheet for record keeping. (See page 35 for a copy of the T-1B sheet. There is a pdf and an Excel version of the T1B sheet at, in the Resources section on the Cookie Page) Update the T-1B during the sale so you will have a complete record of each girls sales and payments. Enter each girls’ initial order in eBudde. This must be done by January 28 to actually receive your initial order in February AND for the girls to earn the Initial Order Reward. For instructions on entering the Initial Order in eBudde, see pages 23 - 24. When entering girls’ orders in eBudde the number of boxes/cases will automatically be calculated. In the Initial Order Screen, eBudde automatically rounds up the order to the next full case. Therefore you may end up with extra boxes of Cookies. These boxes are the Troop’s responsibility. They can be used for additional girls’ sales and for your Troop’s Booth Sales. If you do not want to end up with additional boxes follow the “Rounding down” suggestion below. Rounding Down Your Initial Order Once you’ve posted all the girls’ orders in the Initial Order tab, look at the bottom line, labeled “Other+Extra-Charity”. There are 12 boxes of Cookies in a case, and eBudde has rounded up your order to full cases. These are boxes which eBudde has added to your order, but are not needed to fill the individual girl orders. If you do not feel your Troop can sell those extra boxes, you can round your order down like this: Print a copy of the original order so that you can make notes, or in case you make a mistake. Look at the “Other+Extra-Charity” (surplus) line and see how many boxes have been added, then decide what you’d like to remove. The number of boxes of each type of Cookie you need to remove will equal 12 minus the surplus. For example, if you have 10 surplus boxes of Trefoils, you will need to remove 2 boxes (2= 12-10). Make a list of what you’ll be subtracting. Try to find one girl who has sold enough boxes to allow you to remove all the Cookies from her. This is much easier than subtracting from several girls, but it’s not always possible. Subtract the Cookies from her order, and SAVE. Look at your new case total and see if this is what you want. After you have saved and submitted the Initial Order, you will need to “add back” the Cookies you subtracted, in the Girl Orders Tab, so that the girl you subtracted from will have the correct order. This will look like a catch-up order. If you choose to “Round Down” on your Troop’s initial order, you will need to go to the Council Cupboard or your local cupboard to pick up these individual boxes of Cookies to complete your orders. If one or more girls in your Troop do not submit their Initial Order on time, DO NOT hold off in submitting the other girl’s orders. You can submit the missing order(s) as additional orders. However, only orders of 100+ boxes submitted by January 28 will qualify for the Initial Order Reward. *** Encourage the girls to keep taking orders until March 25. Any orders collected after the Initial Order has been submitted must be filled by going to a Cookie Cupboard. See page 2 for Council Cupboard hours.***** 9 COOKIE PROGRAM TIMELINE February Local Association Drop Site If your Association has a local drop site you will be notified by your Association Cookie Chair of date, time, location and procedure. If you do not have a local drop site, you must sign up on eBudde for the February 16 Council drive-thru. ALL INITIAL TROOP ORDERS MUST BE PICKED UP ONLY AT DESIGNATED DRIVE-THRU OR DROP SITE LOCATIONS ASSIGNED BY YOUR ASSOCIATION COOKIE CHAIR - NOT AT THE GSNC SERVICE CENTER. Council Drive-Thru Pick-up Instructions 1. You will be able to choose your time on eBudde. See instructions on page 25. 2. Bring a copy of your Initial Order print out from eBudde. Orders will only be issued according to Council’s report printed from eBudde. 3. Arrive on time. Bring enough vehicles to take the Troop’s order in one trip. See chart of estimated vehicle capacity on next page. Empty trunk and back seat; DO NOT bring baby seat; golf clubs, or extra people! 4. Troops will not be allowed to get into line until all of your Troop’s vehicles have arrived. Have the largest vehicle proceed first. 5. Two adults are needed for each vehicle – one to drive the vehicle (driver will remain in the vehicle at all times) and one to count and verify the order as it is loaded. 6. Check in and confirm your order. A copy of your order will be place on the passenger side of your window. 7. If the counter notices a discrepancy in the order and what is being loaded, they must notify the loader immediately so it can be verified. 8. After all cases have been loaded you will sign that you have received the correct number of cases. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Pull vehicle to the end of the parking lot and count your order before you leave. If you get home and realize you are short, we will have to go by the count agreed upon at your time of pick up. You will be responsible for the Cookies you sign for. Troops that do not show up at Drive-Thru must call the Girl Scout office 741.2550 ext. 243 on the next business day to make arrangements for pick up. Reminder: The Troop Cookie Manager does not need to be the person picking up the Cookies. Anyone in the Troop who comes with a copy of the Troop’s order and an authorization card will be given the Troop’s Cookies. 10 COOKIE PROGRAM TIMELINE February con’t Orders will only be filled according to Council’s report printed from eBudde. Any discrepancies will need to be discussed with the Cookie Cupboard (516.741.2550 ext. 243) no later than three (3) days after your Council drive thru or local drop site date. If we do not hear from you by then, we will assume your order was correct. If there is snow or other weather hazard on the day of Council Drive Thru or Association Drop site: Council Drive Thru. For updated information please do any one of the following: o Log on to the eBudde dashboard and look for message update. o Call 516-741.2550 and press 4 when prompted. o Visit our web site at or the GSNC Facebook page, or Twitter account. Association Drop Site. For updated information contact your Local Association Chair for information. If possible, updates will be posted on the GSNC Facebook page and Twitter account. Estimated Vehicle Capacity VEHICLE TYPE Compact Hatchback or Small Sedan Mid Size Sedan Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) Mini Van (with seats) Mini Van (without seats) Pick-Up Truck (full bed) Cargo Van (with seats) APPROX. # OF CASES 23 25 to 30 (fold down rear seat) 35 60 75 150 100 200 Distribution of Cookies YOU MUST HAVE A PERMISSION SLIP SIGNED BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN BEFORE RELEASING COOKIES TO THE GIRL. 1. After picking up your Troop’s Cookie order, notify girls to pick up Cookies from you. Remind them to deliver Cookies to their customers promptly and collect payment at that time. 2. Each time Cookies are given to the girls, have parent initial the (optional) T-1B form (and you initial girl’s order card) as proof she has received her cookies. 3. Return the girl’s order card to her so she knows to whom to deliver the Cookies. 4. Payment for Cookies is collected at time of delivery and may be cash, check or money order payable to “Girl Scouts of Nassau County.” Checks should include the customer’s address and/or phone number. Money (cash) should not be converted into checks, but should be deposited as received. 5. Girls are encouraged to take orders until March 25. 6. Council Cupboard will be open to fill additional orders beginning February 3. You may pick up Cookies as often as you wish, and, for post-initial orders, you are not required to pick up full cases. You may pick up the exact number of boxes needed to fill your orders. Each Troop has been given four (4) Cookie Authorization Cards (see back cover of this manual), for all Cookie Cupboard transactions including Booth sales. Please complete these cards. Troop managers should add the names of those authorized to pick-up Cookies to the “Troop Cookie Pickup Only Users” section in the “Settings” tab of eBudde. Anyone picking up Cookies without an Authorization card and ID must pay for them in full and inform their Troop Cookie Manager of the transaction. If you have the Authorization card and ID, payment is not due until the end of the sale. 11 COOKIE PROGRAM TIMELINE February con’t March, April, May 7. Enter additional orders, including Booth sales, throughout the sale in eBudde (instructions are on page 26 - 27) and on the (optional) T-1B form. 8. When an adult returns the girl’s money envelope to you, verify the accuracy of the contents. Enter the amount in eBudde system (see instructions on page 26 and on the (optional) T-1B form) and have the adult making the payment sign your entry. Also, initial the girl’s order card as proof that you have received payment. 9. Money collected from each girl must be entered in eBudde as soon as it is received. 10. All monies, including Booth sale, should be deposited in the GSNC TDBANK account immediately. If you need more Troop coded deposit slips, please contact your Association Chair or the Cookie Cupboard. Deposits will be automatically posted to your Troop in eBudde by Council. March Continue entering all new sales in eBudde. Be sure to allocate the sales to a girl or girls so that you can track payments and so the girl receives the appropriate rewards. Continue entering the girl’s payments in eBudde as soon as you receive them. All monies, including Booth sale, should be deposited immediately. If interested in Booth Sales, check eBudde for any newly available sites. Review girls’ sale figures and contact any girl who: o is near a reward level and encourage additional selling. o is at a level where she has to choose between two rewards to find out which item she prefers. March 26 last day for order taking. March 28 last day for cupboard Cookie pick up. April Rewards and patches must be entered on eBudde by 11:59pm April 6. Submit rewards even if your account doesn’t balance. All monies are due and deposits must be made by April 9. If your account does not balance, by April 9 you must print a copy your “Sale Report” from eBudde and turn it in to your Association Chair, with a note explaining the discrepancy. See page 29. Troop Proceed checks begin mailing to Troop 01 Leaders at the end of April for Troops with a $0 balance due. May Rewards ship to Association Chair for distribution to Troop Managers. Cookie Credits mailed directly to girl’s home address. 500+ Club Reception. Invitations will be mailed from Council directly to girls who have sold at least 500 boxes. Association Rebate checks begin mailing to CAV’s 12 PAYMENT FOR COOKIES AND BANKING 1. Payments for Cookies should be collected when Cookies are delivered to the customer, and may be cash, check or money order. Please make sure that all checks are made payable to “Girl Scouts of Nassau County” and include the girl's name and Troop number and customer’s address and/or phone number on the front of the check. 2. Deposit payments as collected into the Council’s Cookie account with a Council encoded deposit slip; do not deposit into a Troop, Association, or personal checking account. 3. To ensure your Troop receives proper credit use ONLY THE COUNCIL ENCODED DEPOSIT SLIPS given to you by your Association Cookie Chair. 4. In preparing the deposit: Write the Troop number and girl’s first name on the face of each check for proper identification. Endorse the back of all checks as follows: FOR DEPOSIT ONLY 7917429099 5. Deposits may be made at any TD Bank branch. To find a location near you visit 6. Remember to review your teller receipt before leaving the bank to be sure it is correct. 7. Deposits should be made throughout the sale. Do not keep any checks in your possession for more than a week. 8. Once deposit is posted by the bank, Council will electronically enter it on the Deposits tab in eBudde. At that time it will reflect in your balance owed in eBudde. 9. Teller receipts are your ONLY PROOF that payment has been made! Keep your teller receipt until the Troop has received their full Proceed. Your Encoded Troop Number is here Deposit slip should say “Cookie Account” Please return any unused deposit slips to your Association Cookie Chair. DO NOT USE ANOTHER TROOP’S DEPOSIT SLIP. If you need additional deposit slips encoded with your Troop’s number please contact your Association Cookie Chair or the Cookie Cupboard 516.741.2550 ext. 243. 13 BOUNCED CHECKS The GSNC Finance Dept. has the following procedures in place for any checks that bounce which were deposited into our Cookie Account. We understand that each situation is different and will be glad to work with any individual in order to get the Troop’s account paid. Any check that is deposited into the Girl Scouts of Nassau County’s (GSNC) Cookie account that is returned to the Council as unpaid will be charged a $25.00 fee. The amount that has bounced will be deducted on the Troop’s “Deposits” tab in eBudde. A letter from the GSNC Finance Dept. at Council will be sent to the person/company who wrote the check. It will inform them of the amount due with instructions on how to pay. In the event that a second letter has to be sent, a copy of this second letter will be sent to the Troop Cookie Manager or Troop Leader along with an explanation memo. All bounced checks that remain unpaid at the end of the sale will be sent to collections, unless an arrangement for payment has been made with the GSNC Finance Dept. OUTSTANDING /DELINQUENT TROOP OR TROOP MEMBER ACCOUNTS The Cookie Cupboard will follow these procedures for outstanding balances: 1. First letter will be sent by Association Chair to the parent/guardian of family or Troop Manager who owes the outstanding balance with a copy to the Troop Leader. 2. Approximately 2 weeks later, a second letter will be sent from the Council Chief Financial Officer stating that the amount will go to collections if payment arrangements are not made within two weeks. 3. Approximately 2 weeks later all outstanding balances that remain unpaid will be sent to collections. If Troop accounts are not settled by April 9, the Troop will forfeit the Troop Proceeds on any boxes not paid for by that date. Troop Proceeds Checks All debts owed to the Council for tag-along insurance, registration fees, program fees, bounced checks etc. must be satisfied before a Troop Proceed check is mailed. NOTE: Once all Troop data in eBudde has been processed, and there is no balance due, Troop Proceeds will be mailed to the 01 Troop Leader, beginning in late April. Keep copies of all your bank teller receipts until the Troop has received their full Proceed. 14 GIRL REWARDS AND COOKIE CREDITS Rewards Rewards/patches are shipped to your Association Cookie Chair in May. Your Association Cookie Chair will notify you when the items are available for pick up. Count your rewards/patches when you receive them to be sure you are given the correct amounts. Contact your Troop Leader to arrange for distribution of rewards/patches as soon as possible. Remember that most girls look forward to receiving the rewards and patches they’ve earned. Please make every effort to distribute these items before or at the last Troop meeting. Rewards not picked up from your Association Cookie Chair or Council by June 16, 2014 will be donated to a local charity. Cookie Credits Cookie Credits will automatically be issued to individual girls who have earned them. If you have Troop members who want the girls in their family to be combined to reach a cookie credit level they must notify Council by March 28 with a form which can be found on the Council website, in the Cookie Section, under “Resources.” All girls in the family must be in Troops earning Standard Cookie Credits. Families cannot combine girls in Troops who have selected the Enhanced Cookie Credit Option with girls in Troops who are receiving Standard Cookie Credits. Note: Troop Managers do not need to input Cookie Credit Rewards in eBudde. Council will calculate Cookie Credits earned. Cookie Credits will be sent in May directly to the family of girl(s) who have earned them. Cookie Credits are earned even if the Troop has selected the No Rewards Proceed Option. Standard Cookie Credits Boxes Sold Standard Cookie Credits 300 – 599 75 600 – 899 150 900 – 1199 225 1200 – 1499 300 Etc. If your Troop is interested in the Enhanced Cookie Credit and Proceeds Option, details can be found on the Cookie Page of the GSNC website. 15 COOKIE BOOTHS THERE ARE THREE TYPES OF COOKIE BOOTH SITES: LOCAL BOOTHS, RAILROAD BOOTHS, COUNCIL BOOTHS A TROOP MAY CHOOSE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OR ALL OF THESE OPTIONS*. *Daisy Level may not participate in Railroad Locations. Remind your Troop that selling Girl Scout Cookies® at booth sales is a privilege granted to us by local businesses. Please review proper Booth Sale Rules with your Troop prior to your sale. Visit the Cookie Page at for details. Remember to have the girls thank the location manager and leave your space cleaner than you found it. Cookie Booth Sales are a simple way to increase sales by reaching customers who are not at home when girls take orders or sell door-to-door. New BOOTH SALE GUIDELINES FOR ALL COOKIE BOOTH SITES At least 2 weeks prior to booth sale, submit a Trip Application online at Plan to pick up your cookies from the Council Cookie Cupboard at least two days before the sale. You can pick up loose boxes or full cases. No need to call ahead, but you can submit a “pending order” on the transaction tab in eBudde. See Page 2 for days and time the Cupboard is open. COOKIES CANNOT BE RETURNED As soon as your sale is over, deposit money into the bank, using the Council’s Troop Encoded Deposit Slips given to you by your Association Cookie Chair. Each girl who participates is entitled to a Booth Sale Patch; this patch will be automatically earned by entering at least 1 box for the girl in the Booth column in the Girl Orders tab in eBudde. Operation Cookie Donation box, Cookie Costume and Signs can be reserved for use at your Booth sale by contacting the Resource room 516.741.2550 ext 244 or [email protected]. There is a Cookie Booth locator App linked to eBudde that helps consumers find locations to buy Cookies. It is expected that all booth sale dates and times will be entered in Ebudde so they can be part of this App. eBudde contains a Booth Sale Recorder and an iphone & Android app which allow Booth Sale results to be entered, and boxes allocated to girls. Troop Cookie Managers are strongly urged to place their results in this section of eBudde for use in sales analysis and to determine whether or not specific booth sites, dates and times will be considered for next year. (See Page 27) Suggested Number of Cases for a Booth Sale 2 hrs selling approx. Savannah Smiles Trefoils Do-Si-Dos Samoas Tagalongs Thin Mints 2-4 hrs selling approx. 1 cs. 2 cs. 1 cs. 4 cs. 1 cs 4 cs 2 cs. 3 cs 2 cs. 5 cs. 2 cs. 6 cs. 3- 4 hrs selling at the Mall approx. 3 cs. 4 cs. 3 cs. 8 cs. 3 cs. 8 cs. BOOTH SLEUTHS (Second year!) Go to the Cookie Page at GSNC for information on the Booth Sleuth Program. Maybe a Booth Sleuth will visit your Troop’s Booth, and give your girls an opportunity to receive a special patch pin! 16 LOCAL COOKIE BOOTH SALES All Troop levels may participate January 31 – March 30 Contact Association Cookie Chair to sign up. LOCAL COOKIE BOOTH SALES are held at supermarkets, banks, shopping plazas, car washes, hardware stores, places of worship etc., WITHIN YOUR ASSOCIATION. We are encouraging all Associations to use eBudde for tracking local booth sales, so that they are entered in the mobile Booth Locator. TO ARRANGE A LOCAL BOOTH SALE: If you were not able to attend an Association Training session, be sure to contact your local Association Chair to confirm their policy for Local Booth Sale requests, which may differ from the following instructions: 1. Enter your request for a Booth Site in eBudde. You may also want to send an email to your Association Cookie Chair telling them you’ve requested a Booth. Your Association Cookie Chair will approve the site/day/time or let you know that it is not available. 2. Requests should include Troop number, date, time, location requested, and name of adult responsible for booth and phone number. 3. You may hold a LOCAL BOOTH in another Association ONLY with permission of your Association Cookie Chair, and the other Association Chair. RAILROAD COOKIE BOOTHS Brownie level and up March 3 – March 28 Contact Association Cookie Chair before January 21 to reserve your LIRR Booths. Sign up on eBudde beginning January 26 for any Booths not selected by local Association Troops. RAILROAD COOKIE BOOTH SALES are held at Long Island Railroad stations in Nassau County. Dates and times have been arranged by GSNC office and approved by LIRR management. TO RESERVE A RAILROAD BOOTH SALE: 1. Contact your Association Cookie Chair to request a LIRR Cookie booth. Your Association Cookie Chair will keep a schedule of Troops’ plans for their local LIRR sale. 2. Requests must be submitted to your Association Cookie Chair by January 21 and include Troop number, date, time, location, and name of adult responsible for booth and phone number. 3. Any LIRR booth time slots that have not been reserved by a Troop within the local Association by January 21, will be released and put on eBudde. On January 25 those locations and time slots will be available to any Troop within Nassau County. 17 COUNCIL COOKIE BOOTHS All Troop Levels may participate Sign up begins on January 11 on eBudde Booth Sale starts on Friday, January 31 through Sunday, March 30, 2014 (School Vacation Days, After School, & Weekends) COUNCIL COOKIE BOOTHS are held in major shopping malls, universities, and corporate office centers during school vacations, after school, and on weekends. GSNC has collaborated with corporations to provide space for Girl Scout Troops to sell cookies. All arrangements are made through Council and individual Troops should not approach these corporations requesting a booth. If you need to know if a site in your Association is designated as a COUNCIL BOOTH SITE, contact Diane Seekamp, 516.741.2550, ext. 244, [email protected]. COUNCIL BOOTH SIGN-UP IS ON eBudde! . Popular sites go quickly on the first and second sign-up dates. There are new login and password security procedures for eBudde. If you are planning on signing up for a Council Booth Site, make sure you have successfully logged on to eBudde BEFORE January 11. COUNCIL COOKIE BOOTH VIEW & SIGN-UP SCHEDULE: 1. January 4: VIEW ONLY ON eBudde ALL AVAILABLE BOOTH SITES. Log on to eBudde and follow directions on your Troop Dashboard to view a preliminary list of Council Booth sites/dates/times. Share this information with your Troop so you are ready when sign-up begins. Note: As arrangements are confirmed with Corporate Hosts additional locations will be added to eBudde, so check back often for updates. 2. January 11, 7am: FIRST SIGN-UP BEGINS! Troops can sign up for ONE (1) COUNCIL COOKIE BOOTH. Log on to eBudde and follow directions on Troop Dashboard. Instructions will also be available on our website and on our VIP e-Training site. 3. January 25, 7am : SECOND SIGN-UP BEGINS! Troops can sign up for ONE (1) ADDITIONAL BOOTH at a DIFFERENT LOCATION, IF AVAILABLE. 4. February 15, 7am: THIRD SIGN-UP BEGINS! Troops can sign up for TWO (2) MORE ADDITIONAL BOOTHS, IF AVAILABLE. NOTE: eBudde will not allow three (3) booths at the same location! 5. March 1, 7am: FINAL SIGN-UP BEGINS! Troops can sign up for ADDITIONAL BOOTHS, IF AVAILABLE. IMPORTANT! PRINT YOUR “CURRENT SIGN-UPS” SHEET (found on the “Booths” tab) after each submission to confirm your placement at the booth. Bring your “Current Sign-Ups” Sheet with you to the booth. Your Council Booth site dates and any other Booth dates (Railroad and Local) that have been entered into eBudde will appear on your Troop’s eBudde home page. If your Troop can’t attend a Council Cookie Booth, notify Diane Seekamp, [email protected] immediately so the slot can be made available to another Troop. 18 Instructions for using eBudde Girl Scouts of Nassau County is using an Internet based program called eBudde to store our Cookie information. You will have access to only your specific Troop in this program to submit your Cookie orders, keep records of girls’ sales and payments, enter reward orders, and balance cookies sold with deposits made. Note: In eBudde Troop Cookie Chair = Troop Cookie Manager Council will set you up as a user in eBudde as soon as you have submitted your Troop Manager Agreement to your Association Cookie Chair. On January 4 go to (book mark as favorite). We recommend you add eBudde to your safe sender email list. Click the link in the email sent to you from the eBudde system and then in your browser; add the web address to your Favorites for easier access. The login screen consists of three parts: 1. Login information - for first time user Login using your email address and temporary password which is 154Samoas!! Click Log On. You will be directed to the Contact Information Page. 2. Contact Information Page – All users are required to complete the form. You must create your own personal password and complete security questions. New For 2014 New Security Requirements Temporary passwords only good for 24 hours. The password requirements are: • Must be 8 characters long • Must have at least one capital letter • Must have at least one non-alphabetic character There will be a strength meter to help create a strong password. You will be required to answer four security questions. Login attempt rules are as follows: Limit to five consecutive bad login attempts Account disabled for 10 minutes 19 3. A. Once you have completed the contact information page click Submit. You will be redirected to your Troop’s Dashboard page. B. Go to “Initial Order’ tab. Verify all girls are listed. Scroll down to see complete list. If a girl is not listed, go to the “Girls” tab and add her first and last name. C. If a girl needs to be removed contact Mary Gebauer 516.741.2550 ext. 215 or email her at [email protected]. Allow 48 hours for girl(s) to be removed. Troop Settings – Troops must enter Proceeds and Rewards selection 4. Go to the Settings tab. Then click on “Edit Settings” If your Troop is Opting-out of Rewards click on the box next to “Opt out of rewards for additional proceeds” under Settings. See pages 6, 8 and 37 for details on optout. Enhanced Cookie Credits (-0.35):□ If your Troop is participating in the Enhanced Cookie Credit option, click on the box next to “Enhanced Cookie Credits” (-0.350):” under the Generic Proceeds Fulfillment section. See pages 6, 8 and 37, as well as the Cookie Page on for details on the Enhanced Cookie Credit Program. 20 eBudde Online Council Booth Scheduling System STEPS TO VIEW AND SIGN UP FOR COUNCIL BOOTHS Step 1: Select the Booth Sites tab. Step 2: Beginning January 4, you will be able to preview Council Booth locations. You will not be able to sign up for any locations until the first sign-up begins on January 11 at 7:00 a.m. Make sure have clicked on “Council Booth Sales” Step 3: Click on all [+] signs to reveal the list of locations, dates and time ranges (see Step 4). Step 4: Choose the date and time range you are interested in by clicking directly on the text. This will bring up a small screen on the right with slots indicating start time of each booth. NOTE: Once sign up begins, some spots may be closed due to other Troops having selected them already. These spots will say “Claimed.” 21 eBudde Online Council Booth (continued) Online Booth Scheduling SystemScheduling (cont.) Step 5: To select your booth, click on the space next to the time that you are interested in. Your Troop number will appear in the space. To deselect it, click the space again. Once selected, you must click on the submit button to reserve your location and time. You will receive a message that your time is reserved. Click OK on the message window to proceed. Step 6: IMPORTANT: After clicking on “OK” to confirm booth time is reserved, Click on the “Current Signups” button. A separate window will pop up to show your Troop’s confirmed location and more information about the booth. Step 7: Print your Current Signups Sheet and take it with you to your Council Booth. All done! Congratulations on having successfully scheduled your Council Cookie Booth! 22 Entering Initial Orders in eBudde Initial Orders must be entered by January 28. You will be locked out of the Initial Order after 11:59pm January 28. 1. To place your Troop’s initial order click on the “Initial Order” tab located on the top of your screen. 2. All girls registered in your Troop will be listed in eBudde. If a girl is not listed see #3 on Page 20. 3. Click on girl’s name, and the line will be highlighted. Her name will also appear at the bottom of the white section of the form. 4. Enter number of boxes she sold (in the rows of boxes at the bottom of the white section) entering the quantities needed until you have completed her order. The program automatically calculates the total boxes and cases of Cookies needed. See the next page for an explanation of each column. 5. Click the blue OK button in the same row. 6. Click the blue Save button to save your information. The system will display that it is saving the information. Remember: The Troop is responsible for all Cookies ordered. The program automatically rounds up to the next case. See page 9 for details on how to round-down. COOKIES ORDERED MAY NOT BE RETURNED. 7. When you're entering orders, you may go back into the Initial Order Screen multiple times to edit and Save as often as you like. DO NOT HIT SUBMIT until every girl’s initial order has been entered, saved and checked. Only hit SUBMIT once. The system will confirm that the Troop’s Initial order was submitted and an email will be sent to you. 8. After you hit SUBMIT on January 28 the Initial Order for your Troop will be locked. NO changes can be made after you hit SUBMIT 23 Entering Initial Orders in eBudde (con’t) Non-Cookie Columns MLTY: Operation: Cookie column adds to the totals at the bottom of the page. Operation: Cookie (MLTY) Cookies are not part of the physical order, but count towards a girls’ total for Rewards and towards your Troop proceeds, T-GOC: Troop-Gift of Caring is used if your Troop has decided to donate actual boxes of Cookies to a charity. It adds to totals at the bottom of the page. These boxes are part of the physical order and count towards a girls’ total for Rewards and towards your Troop proceeds. CCLUB: The number “1” should be entered in this column if a girl has participated in the Little Brownie online Cookie Club activities. NO SALES DATA IS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS COLUMN. There will also be an opportunity to enter participation later, when the final order is submitted. Order Summary (bottom rows on the Initial Order Page) Pkgs Ordered: All girl orders including MLTY (Operation: Cookie) and Troop Gift of Caring (TGOC) Cases to Order: Girl orders for each Variety rounded up to case-packs (does NOT include Operation: Cookie or Troop Gift of Caring) Other+Extras-Charity: Extra boxes from cases being rounded up. “Total“ in this row equals girl orders MINUS Troop Gift of Caring boxes. These Gift of Caring boxes can be fulfilled with the Cookie boxes leftover due to rounding up. Leftover boxes can also be used to fulfill additional orders and/or Booth Sales. Entering Initial Order Reward If any members of your Troop have sold 100+ boxes in the initial order phase, they have earned the Initial Order Reward. This item is earned even by girls in Troops who have opted out of Rewards, if they have 100+ boxes in the Initial Order. You must go to the Rewards tab to submit the order for this Reward. See Page 27 for instructions on ordering this initial reward. 24 Delivery Tab in Ebudde 1. After you have submitted your initial order, click on the “Delivery Tab” and answer the questions. 2. Choose your delivery site from the drop down box. 3. Once your Delivery station appears choose the time you wish to pick up your Troop’s order by clicking inside any open time slot box. ** If your community has a drop site your time may be selected for you by the drop site coordinator. 4. Click “Submit My Info” button. A pop up box will show your delivery information has been updated. 5. Click “OK” 6. Click the View Confirmation button and print a copy for your records 25 Entering Additional Orders and Girl Payments You will have access to the Girl Orders tab beginning January 30. Additional orders or payments that the girls submit to you must be recorded by going to this tab. Booth Sales can also be recorded on this tab, or with the Booth Sale Recorder (see Pages 16 & 27). Remember that all boxes must be assigned to a girl. By the end of the sale, the amount in the Difference row (last row) for Total column must equal -0-. 1. When you click on the Girl Order tab, the screen will show you each girl’s name, with eleven columns. The third column shows each girl’s initial order. This figure cannot be adjusted. 2. Click on the girl’s name which will bring up the Girl Transactions screen for that girl. Girl’s name will appear on the upper right hand corner. 3. Click the blue tab “Add Trans” or, if just recording a payment, click on the “Add Payment” tab 4. The green highlighted boxes below the girl’s name are where you will enter all additional orders and payments. The first box (optional) can be used for the transaction date. Enter total number of boxes under appropriate column and any payments made. MLTY: Operation Cookie (see pages 24 & 31.) Booth: Booth Sales. Entries in this column will automatically assign the Booth Patch to the girl. Other: Any additional orders, walk-abouts, or other non-Booth sales. T-GOC: Troop Gift of Caring (see pages 24 & 31.) Total: eBudde will automatically calculate Total Due: eBudde will automatically calculate Paid: Enter payments Balance Due: eBudde will automatically calculate CClub: The number “1” should be entered in this column if a girl has participated in the online Cookie Club activities. NO SALES DATA IS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS COLUMN 5. To save this transaction you must first hit the blue OK button on the lower right hand side of the screen. Then you must click the blue tab “Save”. 6. You may then use the Switch to Girl drop down box, to add any other girl’s transactions. 7. You may keep updating this page as often as you like throughout the sale. 8. Remember to click “Save” each time you enter anything you want to keep. 26 Booth Sale Recorder GSNC is suggesting Troops use the Booth Sale Recorder to enter Booth Sales data for your girls. You can download a mobile app for Android or Iphones. You can also go to the Booth Tab in eBudde, and select “Record Sales”. Go to the Cookie Page of the GSNC website for a brief video on using the mobile app. Record Sales NOTE: If you enter Booth Sales on the Booth Recorder App or on the Booth Sites tab, the only way to edit the orders will be from the App or the Booth Sites tab, even though the sales will appear on the Girl Orders tab. You cannot edit those orders on the Girl Orders tab. Rewards Tab Initial Order Note: The steps for the Initial Order Reward are the same as the steps below. Just be sure to click on the Fill Out button in the Initial Rewards Order row. The eBudde system automatically calculates virtually all of the girl rewards and patches based on the number of boxes sold, if the boxes sold have all been allocated to girls on the Girl Orders tab. 1. After all sales have been entered on the Girl Orders tab, click on the Rewards tab. 2. Click on the Fill Out button in the Final Rewards Order row. The Final Reward Order Screen will show all of the girls in the Troop with a summary of what Rewards they have earned. Most Rewards and Patches will be automatically selected based on the information entered on the Girl Order tab, 3. If a size or selection (catalog) is needed, there will be a warning in red next to the girl’s name. If none of the girls on your list need to have selections made you can skip to #7. 4. When entering the selections, you can edit all girls on one screen (click on Edit All). (You can also enter the selections one girl at a time by clicking on the girl’s name) 27 Rewards Tab, con’t Select one Select one Select one Select one . 5. Make selections. 6. Once the girl reward choices have been made click Submit All Girl Orders. 7. You will automatically be returned to the Troop Final Reward Order page. To submit your Troop Reward orders click the Submit Reward Order button once. Reward orders can only be changed by your Association Chair. 28 Sales Report Tab: Deposits made and money due This report reflects all transactions for the Troop in the system. It includes the initial order, additional orders, Operation: Cookie, Council verified deposits, and you can calculate balance due to Council. **** When the Cookie Program ends, this Sales Report must be printed and submitted to your Association Cookie Chair or Council if Total Troop Sales does not equal Deposits Made.***** If the balance shows an overpayment (Deposits Made are greater than Total Troop Sales), indicate whether this difference was due to an error. If you can’t figure out why Deposits are greater than Total Troop Sales, contact the Cookie Cupboard and a staff member will work with you to help discover the reason for the discrepancy. If the Troop owes money (Total Troop Sales are LESS THAN Deposits Made) because it still has boxes to sell, write the amount of leftover boxes the Troop has at the bottom of the Sales report. Troop treasury should consider paying for any unsold boxes so they can get credit for them in the Troop Proceed. If the Troop owes money because a specific girl (or girls) have not paid for all of their boxes you will need to do the following: 1) Write the amount she owes at the bottom of the Sales Report. 2) Attach her signed permission slip to the Sales Report. 3) Submit this report and the permission slip to your Association Chair before April 9. 29 CREDIT CARD SALES Council will continue to allow Troops to accept Credit Cards for customer payment. The use of credit cards is a Troop decision, AND A TROOP EXPENSE. Keep in mind that most credit card processors require a fee, usually ranging from 1.5% to 5% of the total purchase amount. So, for a $4.00 box of Cookies, your Troop will receive $3.94 to $3.80 from the processor. THE TROOP MUST STILL DEPOSIT $4.00 PER BOX IN THE GSNC BANK ACCOUNT. The Troop may be required to provide the swiper vendor with a Federal Tax ID # and may receive a 1099K at the end of the year. Why would your Troop consider incurring the expense of credit card processing? 1. Accepting credit cards helps the Cookie Program resemble a typical retail business. 2. Many of today’s shoppers, especially in shopping malls, do not carry much cash. Booth sale participants frequently find that consumers want to buy Cookies, but can’t because they do not have enough cash with them. Or, they would buy more Cookies if the Troop accepted credit cards. Suggested Guidelines for accepting Credit Cards for Cookie Sales 1) It is suggested that the Troop research and use one of the nationally recognized Credit card processing companies that provides free or low cost swipers. Some of the well known companies are Square, Intuit and Sage. 2) Carefully read the processing company’s agreement, especially what happens if a fraudulent or stolen credit card is used. The Troop incurs all risk related to any Cookies that are not paid for by a customer. 3) Since the Troop must pay in full for all Cookies sold, you might consider limiting the quantity of Cookies that can be purchased using a credit card, especially at public booth sales. A $20.00 maximum per card should be considered. 4) Make sure an adult is always with a child who is processing a credit card. A Smart Phone, Tablet or some other portable electronic device is needed for most of the low-cost swipers, and these items are targets for theft in some public locations. It Is NOT required that any Troop accept credit card payments. This decision should be made by the Troop based on the costs and risks balanced with the potential revenue increase and learning experience for the girls. 30 Gift of Caring and Operation Cookie 2014 PIN Patch will be ordered with Rewards, if a girl obtains at least one donation for Operation Cookie or Troop Gift of Caring Patch available for purchase at the GSNC shop Pin will be ordered with with Rewards, if a girl obtains donation for at least 100 boxes for Operation Cookie Gift of Caring and Operation Cookie are two opportunities within Cookie Program to help make donations to worthy organizations AND earn more money for your Troop. Gift of Caring patch for the programs listed below will be ordered as part of your Reward order. An additional Operation Cookie patch is available for purchase in the Nassau County Girl Scout Shop. Troop Gift of Caring (T-GOC) is a community service program available to all Troops. Your Troop chooses a local charity to which you would like to donate actual, physical boxes of Cookies. The girls ask people if they would like to buy Cookies to be given to this charity. You order whatever varieties you like, either as part of the initial order or as additional sales, or you can use leftovers from a booth sale. You then pay for and take the actual, physical boxes of Cookies and deliver them to your charity. The Troop gets credit for all donations. Gift of Caring boxes should be assigned to participating girls so that they will count towards their patches and rewards. For Operation Cookie, the girls ask customers if they would like to make a donation to Girl Scouts of Nassau County to buy Cookies for the military. They may donate any dollar amount they like, not just multiples of $4.00. You DO NOT get any actual boxes of Cookies. Council receives the monetary donations with your deposits and sends the equivalent in cases of Cookies to the military. There is a separate column in the eBudde computer program to enter Operation Cookie sales, (MLTY) so you will not actually receive the physical boxes as part of your order. The Troop gets credit for all donations and boxes should be assigned to participating girls so that they will count towards their patches and rewards. Collecting the money: If the customer agreeing to the donation is not ordering any Cookies for themselves, the girl should collect the money on the spot. If the customer is ordering for the charity/Operation Cookie and for themselves, girls can wait and collect the donation money when the Cookies are delivered, since payment for the Cookies the customer ordered for themselves should not be collected until delivery. Donation receipts - Donations to GSNC to purchase Operation Cookie and Gift of Caring Cookies are taxdeductable. Each girl should be given a few receipts that she can offer to people when they donate. Receipts can be printed from: 31 COOKIE CLUB Cookie Club is a password-protected website specially designed for girls to learn about marketing and the 5 skills, and to make it safe for them to send emails asking for “Cookie Promises.” Cookie Promises are orders for Cookies from friends and family. Girls still need to deliver the Cookies and collect payment from the customer because, currently, GSUSA does not allow girls to accept payment for Cookies online. Girls earn a patch for setting their goal and entering emails in Cookie Club. Please encourage the girls in your Troop to go onto Cookie Club and contact friends and family they might not be able to reach in person. Here are the steps to get the girls in your Troop signed up for Cookie Club: 1. Troop Manager logs into eBudde at and establishes login credentials for the 2014 Cookie Program. Cookie Club uses eBudde login credentials for Troop Leaders/Managers. 2. Troop Manager logs into Cookie Club 3. Click on the Troop Setup tab. If you have more than one Troop, select the appropriate Troop from the drop down list. 4. On the Troop Setup tab, enter the following: Our Troop Goal (limit responses to 175 characters or less) Boxes Needed to Reach Our Goal Our Troop Pledge Text (limit responses to 175 characters or less) 5. Continuing on the Troop Setup tab, Enter Girl Information. You can enter First Name, Last Name, Age, Girl’s Password. Submit to save the information. The system will generate the Girl’s Cookie Club ID once you submit. 6. Troop manager sends an email to each family in the Troop letting them know their ID and password. They can now login to Cookie Club at 7. The girl, with adult supervision, will take a short quiz to get full access to the site. 8. The girls should use the My Goals tab to enter Package, Personal and Service Goals for this cookie season. They can come back to My Goals Tab anytime during the season to set new goals. 9. Using the My Contacts tab, they can Add a Contact, Export Contacts, Print Contacts and Import Contacts. 10. Using the Ask Family & Friends tab , they can send eCards, starting on January 4. 11. Girls can use the My Orders tab to do their own tracking of Online, Traditional and Other orders. PUBLICITY AND DISPLAY RESOURCES To help girls selling Girl Scout Cookies at booths, GSUSA has developed several point-of-sale tools with a girl-friendly look and feel, designed to be easily printed by girls or volunteers at home, at school, or during preparation meetings. The idea is to give girls the ability to bring their own design to the sale, yet keep the Girl Scout brand front and center for consumers to recognize. Go to the Resources Section on the Cookie Page at to find the links for the following items: Display Banners, Stencils, Promotional Signage, Team Goal Charts, Cookie Cause Poster, Name Tags , Thank-You Cards plus more! The Resource Room at the Council Service Center has additional ideas for booth and Program materials. Cookie Costumes and other materials are available in the Resource Center to be signed out. Be sure to reserve in advance! In addition, The Girls Scouts of Nassau County Shop will have stationery, pins, jewelry, magnets, car flags, tote bags and may other items for purchase that will publicize and support the Cookie Program. Go to the Girl Scout Shop tab on, and look for a separate flyer on Girl Scout Cookie Program items. There are also numerous resources that can be downloaded from the “Girls” section and the Cookie Club section at 32 33 WHO DOES WHAT WITH COOKIES Types of Questions Answers Council Booth Sites Cookie Costumes Booth Sleuths Booth Sale Cookie Pick-up Diane Seekamp Diane Seekamp Lucy Effron Cookie Cupboard 244 244 265 243, 246 Drive-thru pick-up Drop Site (Association) Cookie Cupboard Cookie Cupboard 243, 246 243, 246 e-Budde – Troop missing e-Budde – Troop mgr entry e-Budde – delete girls e-Budde – everything else Mary Gebauer Sonia Oxford Mary Gebauer Sonia Oxford 230 230 215 230 Cookie Club (online) VIP e-Training (online) Fran McAllister Fran McAllister 249 249 Cookie Credits Rewards (Incentives) Sonia Oxford Sonia Oxford 230 230 Where is my Cookie Check? Lost/missing Cookie Checks Cookie Program Record Keeping Bills for unregistered girls Sonia Oxford Joanne Surless Lucy Effron Mary Gebauer 230 212 265 215 Cookie Activity Pin Cookie Badges and GSLE 5 Skills Operation:Cookie Troop Gift of Caring Enhanced Cookie Credit & Proceeds Shop Lucy Effron Lucy Effron Lucy Effron Lucy Effron 202 265 265 265 265 Cookie Celebration (Jan 11) Cookie Kick-offs (Rallies) Fran McAllister Fran McAllister 249 249 34 516.741.2550 Ext: T1-B 35 T1-B 36 TROOP PROCEEDS & GIRL REWARDS OPTION 2014 for Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Troops If this form is not submitted by February 28 your Troop will receive standard 55¢ per box and earned rewards. What Can A Girl Do? Help your Troop earn higher Cookie proceeds to help pay for planned activities! Or, be a Goal Getter and earn Enhanced Cookie Credits that can be used for Camp, designated Girl Scout activities or in the Girl Scout Shop. The following rules apply only if your Troop is NOT selecting Standard Rewards and Cookie Credits (as outlined on the Cookie Order Card), Girls, not adults, must make the Troop’s choice. 2/3rds of the girls selling in the Troop have to agree to the choice and sign their names below to show their agreement. The choice is made for the whole Troop, not individual girls. Either the Troop Leader or Troop Cookie Manager must ensure parents are aware of the choice the girls have made. You might want to consider giving each family a copy of this signed sheet. If your Troop is NOT selecting Standard Rewards and Cookie Credits (as outlined on the Cookie Order Card), complete this form and return it to your Association Cookie Chair by February 28. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troop No. _________ in the ______________________________________ Association has chosen NOT to receive standard Rewards and Proceeds ($0.55 per box) but has selected (Please check ONE (1) option below ): ____Opt Out Rewards*: Patches and Cookie Credits for girls. $0.60 per box proceeds for the Troop. ____ Enhanced Cookie Credits with Rewards. Rewards and enhanced Cookie Credits for girls; $0.20 per box proceeds for the Troop. ____ Enhanced Cookie Credits with Opt Out Rewards*: Patches and Enhanced Cookie Credits for girls*; $0.25 per box proceeds for the Troop. *Even if your Troop has elected to receive no reward items all girls will receive patches and girls selling at the highest levels will receive: 500+ Club event and patch, 1000+ boxes reward, 2000+ boxes reward. Girls Signature & Date Girl Signature & Date Use back of page if additional space is needed 37 TROOP PROCEEDS & GIRL REWARDS OPTION 2014 Troop ________________, Page 2 Girls Signature & Date Girl Signature & Date 38 Cookie Cupboard Authorization Cards Below are your Cookie authorization cards; as Troop Cookie Manager you will need to present the card to receive Cookies at any Cookie cupboard. As Troop Cookie Manager you have the option of giving the card to any individual you want to pick up Cookies. We strongly suggest you add their name, in the eBudde “Settings” tab, to the list of “Troop Cookie Pickup Only Users” so that their authorization to pick up Cookies can be verified when they come to the Cupboard. Anyone picking up Cookies with an Authorization Card will need to show a photo ID. Be sure to get receipts from the individual you send to the Cookie cupboard because your Troop is financially responsible for these Cookies. NO Exceptions: - Cards are to be filled out in ink. - Retain and use each time you visit a Cookie cupboard. - Cookies cannot be returned PLEASE CUT INTO FOUR FORMS ------------------------------------------------GIRL SCOUTS OF NASSAU COUNTY ---------------------------------------------------GIRL SCOUTS OF NASSAU COUNTY Don’t forget to bring photo ID when picking up Cookies Don’t forget to bring photo ID when picking up Cookies Troop # ____________ Troop # ____________ Association: __________________________ Association: __________________________ Please print name of person picking up Cookies: Please print name of person picking up Cookies: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ------------------------------------------------GIRL SCOUTS OF NASSAU COUNTY ---------------------------------------------------GIRL SCOUTS OF NASSAU COUNTY Don’t forget to bring photo ID when picking up Cookies Don’t forget to bring photo ID when picking up Cookies Troop # ____________ Troop # ____________ Association: __________________________ Association: __________________________ Please print name of person picking up Cookies: Please print name of person picking up Cookies: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 39 Council Contact: Sonia Oxford, Product Program Coordinator 516.741.2550 ext.230 516.741.2207 fax [email protected] Council Drive Thru Sun. February 16th King Kullen Corporate Offices 185 Central Ave, Bethpage 11714 rd (Snow Date: Sun. Feb 23 ) Pick-up time must be chosen in eBudde after you have submitted your initial order. **If there is inclement weather on the day of your pick-up see page 11 for instructions. Local Association Drop Site If your Association arranges a local Drop Site your Association Cookie Chair will inform you of the date, time and location. Enter Information on the front of this manual or here: 40
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