® Autodesk ™ Robot Structural Analysis Professional VERIFICATION MANUAL FOR SPANISH CODES March 2014 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................................................................1 CONCRETE .....................................................................................................................................................................................2 1. EHE 99 – RC COLUMNS .............................................................................................................................................................3 VERIFICATION EXAMPLE 1 - COLUMN SUBJECTED TO AXIAL LOAD AND BIAXIAL BENDING ..............................................................4 LITERATURE .............................................................................................................................................................................10 March 2014 page i Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes INTRODUCTION This verification manual contains numerical examples for structures prepared and originally calculated by Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional version 2013. The comparison of results is still valid for the next versions. All examples have been taken from handbooks that include benchmark tests covering fundamental types of behaviour encountered in structural analysis. Benchmark results (signed as “Handbook”) are recalled, and compared with results of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional (signed further as “Robot”). Each problem contains the following parts: - title of the problem - specification of the problem - Robot solution of the problem - outputs with calculation results and calculation notes - comparison between Robot results and exact solution - conclusions. March 2014 page 1 / 10 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes CONCRETE March 2014 page 2 / 10 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes 1. EHE 99 – RC columns March 2014 page 3 / 10 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes VERIFICATION EXAMPLE 1 - Column subjected to axial load and biaxial bending DESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMPLE: Following example illustrates the procedure of dimensioning of biaxial bending of column, which is non-sway in one direction, whereas sway in the other. The results of the program are accompanied by the „manual” calculations. 1. SECTION DIMENSIONS 2. MATERIALS Concrete : HA - 30 Longitudinal reinforcement: : B 500 S Transversal reinforcement: : B 500 S 3. fck = 30.00 (MPa) fyk = 500.00 (MPa) fyk = 500.00 (MPa) BUCKLING MODEL As can be seen the sway column is assumed for Z direction, and the non-sway column for Y direction. March 2014 page 4 / 10 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes 4. LOADS NOTE: Let us assume, the moments in Y direction are linearly distributed along the height of the column. Thus, we define only the ends‟ moments for Y direction. In Z direction however, we assume the mid-height moment is not a result of the linear distribution. For such a case, Robot let the user define the moments in the mid-section explicitly. 5. CALCULATED REINFORCEMENT: Program generates the reinforcement 12 32. 6. RESULTS OF THE SECTION CALCULATIONS: The dimensioning combination is 1.35DL1+1.5 LL1 The dimensioning section (where the most unfavorable set of forces is found) is for that combination the section in the mid-height of the column (marked as (C)). March 2014 page 5 / 10 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes Since the column is found as slender, in both direction the second-order effects are taken into account. In parallel the other sections (at the ends of the column) are checked for all combinations of loads. NOTE: The second-order effects in Robot are taken into account dependent upon the section and upon the parameter sway/non sway in a following way: in non-sway structures, M2f is added for the mid-height section only. in sway structures, M2f is added to each of three sections of column. Such addition is carried out disregarding the distribution of the first-order moment. All the results of total forces for each combination and each section of the column may be seen in the table “Intersection” at the Column-results layout. 7. CALCULATIONS OF TOTAL MOMENT: 7.1. LOADS For the dimensioning combination, the loads are: DL1 LL1 N (kN) 400 150 MyA (kN*m) 150 120 MyB (kN*m) 30 30 MyC (kN*m) 102 84 MzA (kN*m) 20 10 MzB (kN*m) 30 20 MzC (kN*m) 50* 40* 1.35DL1+1.5LL1 765 382.5 85.5 263.7 70.5 42 127.5 Case 1 2 Dimensioning combination where: A, B and C denote upper, lower and mid-height sections of the column respectively. * - the values are written “by hand” by the user (see point 4 – Loads) March 2014 page 6 / 10 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes 7.2. THE INFLUENCE OF SLENDERNESS Two independent calculations of the total moment for both directions are carried out. Y DIRECTION Slenderness analysis Geometrical Slenderness l0 = 72.05 i The slenderness limit: lim 35 lim - the column is slender for Y direction Calculation of minimal eccentricity – 12.2.3 emin max( 0.02;h / 20) = 0.025 (m) Calculation of the first-order eccentricity For the mid-height section, we have: ee 0.6e2 0.4e1 = 0.345 (m) > emin e1 = 85.5 / 765 = 0.111 (m) e2 = 382.5 / 765 = 0.500 (m) Calculation of the second-order eccentricity ea 100 - approximated method will be used ea (1 0.12 )( y ) h 20ee l 02 = 0.203 (m) h 10ee 50ic l 0 = 10.40 (m) ic = 0.144 (m) 2 d d ' 4is 2 = 1.421 d d ' = 0.4 (m) i s = 0.168 (m) NOTE: The moment of inertia of steel is calculated according to the scheme: March 2014 page 7 / 10 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes I s As i z i i = 0.004 (since N cp / N tot 70% ) N cp / N tot 1.35 400 / 765 = 70.6 % y f yd Es = 0.00217 Calculation of total eccentricity etot etot ee ea = 0.345 + 0.203 = 0.548 (m) The total moment My : M y N etot 418.91 (kNm) Z DIRECTION Slenderness analysis Geometrical Slenderness l0 = 103.92 i The slenderness limit: lim 35 lim - the column is slender for Y direction Calculation of minimal eccentricity – 12.2.3 emin max( 0.02; h / 20) = 0.025 (m) Calculation of the first-order eccentricity For the mid-height section, we have the moments defined directly, thus ee M / N = 127.5 / 765 = 0.167 (m) > emin March 2014 page 8 / 10 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes Calculation of the second-order eccentricity ea 100 - general method will be used etot ee ea = 0.444 (m) 1 = 0.241 (m) ea 0.1l 02 rtot l0 12.0 (m) 1 1 1 = 0.01677 rtot r r f 2 y 1 1 = 0.01306 r d d ' 1 2 0.3 f yd y Es = 0.00217 d d ' = 0.3 (m) 4 ee (d d ' ) 0,1l 02 y (d d ' ) 2 2 d d ' 4is = 5.135 = 1.421 2 i s = 0.168 (m) NOTE: The moment of inertia of steel is calculated according to the scheme: I s As i y i i Nd = 0.191 Ac f cd 8 g ee 1 = 0.00371 r f (1 1.4 g ) l 02 2.0 g N sg l 02 10 Ec I c = 0.156 I c = 266667 (cm4) E c = 26411 (MPa) 1 0,2 10 6 1 y ic r = 1.0867 ic = 0.115 (m) March 2014 page 9 / 10 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual for Spanish Codes The total moment Mz : M z N etot 339.29 (kNm) 7.3. FINAL RESULT M y = 418.91 (kNm) M z = 339.29 (kNm) 8. CONCLUSIONS The algorithm of calculations of the total moments (i.e. slenderness effects) in non-sway/sway column has been presented. The results obtained with the program (see point 6 – Results of the Section Calculations) are in agreement with the manual calculations (see point 7.3 – Final Result). LITERATURE [1] Instrucción de Hormigón Estructural „EHE‟. Comisión Permanente de Hormigón. 5ª edición. Madrid, Ministerio de Fomento, 1999. March 2014 page 10 / 10
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