Chemistry 1021 Laboratory Syllabus, Fall 2014 Laboratory manual: Cooperative Chemistry Laboratory Manual, Fifth Edition, Melanie M. Cooper. To all labs, you must bring: the lab manual, a Carbon Copy Lab Notebook, Safety Goggles and Lab Coat, a laptop, and lecture textbook (for reference) For lab information visit the Chemistry website:; This information can also be found in your Blackboard lab course, under COURSE INFORMATION. SuperChem Lab link: Go to Chemistry website (see above) and click on Lab tab, then CH1021. SuperChem Lab is an option, General Chemistry Lab Coordinator: Barbara Lewis, Office-Hunter 269, Office phone-864-656-5022, Email - [email protected], Office hours are from 10am to 3pm MTWTh by appointment ONLY. Procedural Outline The format, reasoning, and structure of the laboratory are described in the lab manual in the “To the Student” section (Pages 6 through 11). Review these pages to familiarize yourself with the objectives and expectations of the lab. The tentative schedule for the semester is as follows: Week Project & In- Lab Assignments 10/27-10/31 Check In & Installation of Capstone ChemEd Activity Read and understand Safety Rules Plan Project 17 – Soap Complete Safety Quiz before lab Start Project 17 Continue Project 17 Work on Prelim Group Report for Project 17 Prelim report on Project 17 due (Group & Individual) Complete Project 17/Plan Project 16 Oral Report on Project 17 due Plan Project 16 – Kidney Stones Final report on Project 17 due (Group & Individual) Begin Project 16 Complete Project 16 Poster Presentation on Project 16 due Plan & Start Project 7 – Acids and Bases Continue Project 7 11/03-11/07 Fall Break, No GenChem Labs 09/01-09/05 09/08-09/12 09/15-09/19 09/22-09/26 09/29-10/03 10/06-10/10 10/13-10/17 10/20-10/24 11/10-11/14 11/17-11/21 11/24-11/28 12/01-12/05 Complete Project 7 ChemEd Activity Work on Group Lab Report for Project 7 Final report on Project 7 due (Group & Individual) Plan and Complete Project 10– Electrochemistry Thanksgiving Break, No GenChem Labs Project 10 Presentation/Check Out/Course Evaluations Assignment Complete Safety Quiz on Blackboard w/90 or better before next lab session Bring laptops to all lab sessions Preliminary report on Project 17 (Group & Individual) due next lab session Oral Report on Project 17 due next lab session Project 17 Final Report (Group & Individual) due next lab Poster Presentation on Project 16 due next lab session Bring acidic or basic household chemical to next lab session - one chemical per student Project 7 Final Report (Group & Individual) due next lab session Project 10 Presentation due next lab session Attendance in this lab is required. Credit is not received for missed work and your team members may decide to penalize you on peer evaluations. Labs can only be made up if they are prearranged AND due to a conflicting university required event. You will not receive credit for missed work regardless of the reason for the absence. Your final average will be reduced 5 points for each missed lab. You may be excused for the first absence (sickness or death in immediate family) if written documentation is provided. If your TA is more than 30 minutes late, you may assume lab has been cancelled for that day SAFETY NOTE: SAFETY GOGGLES, LAB COAT, PROPER LAB CLOTHES (no exposed skin below the waist), AND CLOSE TOED SHOES MUST BE WORN TO LAB. Students must have proper clothing on before entering the lab. ANY STUDENT WHO DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THIS REGULATION OR ANY OF THE OTHER LABORATORY SAFETY RULES WILL BE TOLD TO LEAVE THE LAB, RESULTING IN AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. Read the Safety Rules in your Laboratory Manual during your first lab meeting. University Policies: 1. Academic Integrity - As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson’s vision of this institution as a "high seminary of learning." Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form.” 2. Violations of the academic integrity policy -“When, in the opinion of a faculty member, there is evidence that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty, the faculty member shall make a formal written charge of academic dishonesty, including a description of the misconduct, to the Associate Dean for Curriculum in the Office of Undergraduate Studies. At the same time, the faculty member may, but is not required to, inform each involved student privately of the nature of the alleged charge.” 3. Accommodations - It is University policy to provide, on a flexible and individualized basis, reasonable accommodations to students who have disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact Student Disability Services to discuss their individual needs for accommodation. If you have a documented disability that requires accommodation, you must notify in writing the Lab Coordinator OR your TA during the first week of lab. 4. Title IX (Sexual Harassment) statement: “ Clemson University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s status, genetic information or protected activity (e.g., opposition to prohibited discrimination or participation in any complaint process, etc.) in employment, educational programs and activities, admissions and financial aid. This includes a prohibition against sexual harassment and sexual violence as mandated by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. This policy is located at” Mr. Jerry Knighton is the Clemson University Title IX Coordinator. He also is the Director of Access and Equity. His office is located at 111 Holtzendorff Hall, 864.656.3181 (voice) or 864.565.0899 (TDD). Grading for Projects Project 17 (Soaps & Detergents) Prelab/Summary questions/TA interaction 30 points (group grade) Preliminary report 10 points (individual grade) Final report 100 points (individual & group grade) Lab notebook 20 points (individual grade) Oral Report or Poster Presentation 25 points (group grade) Peer evaluation 20 points (individual grade) Safety, Technique & Participation ** Total 205 points Prelab/Summary questions/TA interaction Lab notebook Presentation of results Peer evaluation Safety, Technique & Participation Total ChemEd Activities Project 16 (Kidney Stones) 15 points (group grade) 10 points (individual grade) 15 points (group grade) 20 points (individual grade) ** 60 points Project 7 (Acids & Bases) 30 points (group grade) N/A 100 points (individual & group grade) 20 points (individual grade) N/A 20 points (individual grade) ** 170 points Project 10 (Electrochemistry) 10 points (group grade) 10 points (individual grade) 10 points (group grade) 10 points (individual grade) 40 points Bonus Points – Assigned in Blackboard at end of semester. More information to follow. Final Lab Grades are determined by dividing points earned (as shown above) by total possible points (475) and converting to a percentage. Assignments may be graded using a different point scale but will then be converted to the scale shown above. Safety Quiz – To pass the course, students must successfully pass the safety quiz (with a score of 90 or greater). TA will provide details. ** Safety, Technique & Participation – Students are assessed on how well they comply with all safety rules, handle lab equipment, maintain lab drawers, and participate in experimental procedures of each project. Students can lose up to 15 points from their total earned points for each project. Prelab/Summary questions/TA interaction – At the end of most lab sessions each group will use assigned questions in the lab manual to summarize the work completed during that lab session, as well as make detailed plans for the next lab session. Occasionally plans may be generated at the beginning of or during a lab session (TA will advise). How well these questions are answered determine how well you understand the next lab activity. To earn these points, each group must interact with the TA before leaving to discuss their answers as well as insure an understanding of the completed lab work for the day. Lab notebook – Each student will be required to turn in his/her own carbon copy notebook pages for each project sometime during the project. These will be used to evaluate the accuracy of your record keeping. Peer Evaluations – At the end of each project, your group members will confidentially evaluate your participation and contribution to lab work and other lab activities (such as oral reports, summaries, etc.). Your TA will explain other grading items. Late reports can be penalized up to 5 points per day. All grade protests must be done in writing and submitted within 1 week of the date graded work was returned or posted on Blackboard. NOTE: All grades except the weekly summaries, the group part of the lab reports, the poster presentations, and the oral reports are individual grades. Please bear in mind the University policies on academic dishonesty (see above). The individual portion of the lab reports you write, even though they will be based on the experimental work of the group, must be your own work. You will receive a 0 on the assignment if you copy work from a group presentation in any part and claim it as your own. The individual portion of your lab reports needs to show your individual understanding of the project. You will be required to sign the following statement on each individual part of your lab report indicating that your report is your own work: “My signature indicates that this document represents my own work. Outside of shared data, the information, thoughts and ideas are my own except as indicated in the references. I have submitted an electronic copy through Blackboard to be scanned by In addition, I have not given aid to another student on this assignment.” Any violations of the academic integrity policy will be prosecuted according to Clemson’s guidelines as noted above and as outlined on the Clemson website. (Search for “Academic Integrity Policy” in the site index.) The hard copy of each final individual lab report will not be accepted until the electronic copy is submitted. The electronic copy must be submitted by the emailed deadline or the student will receive a 0 on that lab report. All work must be original for the present semester and course. GENERAL ED COMPETENCIES: If students choose to complete a General Education E-Portfolio (GEP), information on suggestions, as to which lab activities can be tagged to meet the stated requirements, can be found in a General Ed Competencies document. This document can be found on the Chemed website (follow link for your lab course), or on Blackboard (in Course Information).
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