מצורע-תזריע Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham ז“ל,ע“ש ר‘ יונה אברהם בן ר‘ שמואל HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav Rabbi Joel Padowitz, President התשע״ה,יסן כ״ט שבת מברכין Life Cycles Nedivim Mrs. Gizella Schapiro has made a nedava to BTYA in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson Moshe Pinchuck. Avos uBanim AUB begins at 5:00 (1 hour before mincha ketana). It is sponsored by Dr. Barry and Tziona Zeffren, Mrs. Feiner’s parents, as a zechus for the haztlacha of the Feiner children in all they do! If you would like to sponsor Avos uBanim as a zechus for or in memory of a loved one, please contact: Mutti Frankel: [email protected] or 050613-6340 Yehuda Nyssen: 050-412-0515. Shabbos Schedule לוח שבת Erev Shabbos 6:33 6:53 ערב שבת “מנחה ”מוקדמת “הדלקת נרות ”מוקדמת הדלקת נרות מנחה One should be mekabel Shabbos before Sh’kia 7:13 יש לקבל שבת לפני שקיעה “Late” Ma’ariv Shabbos Day Shacharis - Vasikin Hanetz HaChama B’rachos and Korbanos Pesukei D’Zimrah Nishmas Youth Minyan Latest Shema – G’ra Tefillas Mincha Gedola Avos u’Banim Tefillas Mincha Ketana Sh’kia Ma’ariv Next Shabbos Early Mincha “Early” Candle Lighting Candle Lighting Mincha 9:00 ערבית מאוחרת יום השבת שחרית כותיקין הנץ החמה ברכות וקרבנות פסוקי דזמרה נשמת מנין בחורים סוף זמן ק“ש לגר“א תפילת מנחה גדולה אבות ובנים תפילת מנחה קטנה שקיעה מעריב שבת הבאה “מנחה ”מוקדמת “הדלקת נרות ”מוקדמת הדלקת נרות מנחה Shabbos Shiurim These z'manim are correct for מצורע-פרשת תזריע “Early” Mincha “Early” Candle Lighting Candle Lighting Mincha 5:31 5:49-6:04 5:36 6:21:30 7:55 8:05 8:25 8:45 9:24 1:20 5:00 6:00 7:13 7:54 5:34 5:52-6:07 6:38 6:58 The Rav’s נ״ךshiur. Sefer Zecharya Perek 2 7:25am. English Shabbos shiur for women: 4:00pm at Beit Knesset Ahavat Tzion, Nachal Timna 2 (corner Dolev). Speaker: Rebbetzin Shira Smiles. Rebbetzin Malinowitz’s Shiur in הלכות שבתafter the women’s shiur. Mazel Tov to Chaim and Chava Pinchuck on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Moshe. BTYA welcomes the following relatives who have come in for this Simcha: Siblings Yehuda Reuven and Dina; Grandmother Gizella Schapiro of Beit HaEla; Grandfather Marty Pinchuck of Brooklyn, NY; Uncle Albert Schapiro from Karmiel; Uncle Abe, aunt Ronit, and cousins Adina Miriam, Ami Chai Moshe, Eliana Rivka, and Matan Yosef from Chashmonaim. The Pinchucks invite the kehilla to a Kiddush in Ulam Shabsai following davening. Mazal Tov to Pesach and Ann Chapler on the birth of a granddaughter, Li'el Batya, to their children, Leiby and Naomi Chapler, during Chol HaMoed. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Matis and Marla Sklar on the birth of twin granddaughters to their children Tali and Yochi Gewirtz. Mazal Tov to Moshe and Esti Lindner on the birth of a grandson to their children Yitzie and Shira Soibelman of Kiryat Moshe in Yerushalayim. Mazal Tov to Moshe and Rachelle Lichtenstein on the birth of a granddaughter, to their children Simcha and Chana Rivka Lichtenstein, just before the onset of the last day of Pesach! Condolences to Moshe Burt upon the passing of his mother in the USA. The shiva ended on Friday. ִירוּשָליִם ָ ַחם ֶאְתכֶם ְבּתוֹך ְש ָאר ֲא ֵבֵלי ִציוֹן ו ֵ ַה ָמּקוֹם ינ Condolences to Hadassah Nussbaum upon the passing of her brother Heshy (Harold) Brown of Fairlawn, NJ. Hadassah will be sitting shiva until next week at 917 Commonwealth Drive, Teaneck, NJ, and can be reached at 718-314-1220. ִירוּשָליִם ָ ַחם ֶאְתכֶם ְבּתוֹך ְש ָאר ֲא ֵבֵלי ִציוֹן ו ֵ ַה ָמּקוֹם ינ The Rav’s אגדות הש״ס, עין יעקבshiur. 4:15pm דף יומי: ליל שבת9:00pm in the בית מדרש, R’ Ari Stern שבת4:00pm in the בית מדרש, R’ Zabrowsky בס“ד Rosh Chodesh Iyar ,אש ֹון ׁ ַה ּמ ֹולַד יִ ְהיֶה ְ ּב ֹיום ִר קות ְו ַא ְרבָ ָעה ֹ ֶע ְ ׂש ִרים ְו ֶׁשבַ ע ַד .ַחלָ ִקים ַאחֲ ֵרי ַא ַחת ַּבלּ ַיְ לָ ה The Molad will be on Sunday night, 27 minutes and 4 chalakim after 1 (Clock Time 2:06:15). For Grades 7-12 Starting at 8:45 Every Shabbos Morning The Youth Minyan meets each Shabbos morning at 9:45. To sponsor a Kiddush (360₪), contact Asher Gherman, Naftali Rischall or Rabbi Tully Bryks. To Daven for the Amud, contact Meir Bisk or Tzvi Greenberg. To sign up for Laining, contact Tzvi Greenberg. To give a 2-5 minute Dvar Torah during Kiddush, contact Didi Frankel. For all other questions, contact Rabbi Bryks at [email protected] ֹאש ח ֶֹד ׁש ִאייַר יִ ְהיֶה ָמ ָחר ֹיום ׁ ר אש ֹון ו ְּב ֹיום ֵׁשנִ י ַה ָּבא ָעלֵינ ּו וְ ַעל ָּכל ׁ ִר .טובָ ה ֹ ְיִ ְ ׂש ָר ֵאל ל Vasikin Minyon News Rosh Chodesh Iyar will be on Sunday and Monday. STARTING THIS SUNDAY GEMARA SHABBOS The BTYA Vasikin Minyon now begins just before 6am each morning. This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by David Dyckman. If you have a special event coming up, please consider sponsoring a Kiddush— complete with a famous Weismandl Cholent—for only 125₪. Contact Lev Seltzer [email protected] for details. WITH RABBI BINYAMIN JACOBSON Tehilim For all the cholim in our community. Shabbos: Swinkin, 9/3 Ayalon 6:00pm Shabbos: Baum, 11/2 Alexander 6:00pm Sunday: Landau, Meor 12/2, 9:00am. Sunday: Reuben, Nachal Revivim 7/6, 8:15pm. Monday: Lewitan, Nachal Refaim 21/2, 8:30am. Wednesday: Schulman, Tamar 8, 8:30pm Join us for a stimulating shiur, appropriate for learners of all levels. Strong emphasis is placed on developing the lessons of the Gemara — whether halachic, hashkafic, or mussar — so as to incorporate them in our lives and thus elevate and enrich our lives as Jews. Join our journey through Shabbos, and gain a deeper appreciation of, and connection to, this most fundamental element of our lives. Trip to Kever Rochel BTYA invites women from the Ramat Bet Shemesh community to join us for 'davening at Kever Rachel' on Tuesday Morning April 28th. Leaving RBS at 9:00am and returning approximately 11:30am. 35nis per person The bus will leave from Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham, at the corner of Refaim and Luz. Sun., Tues, and Thurs nights, 8:20-9:15 (following Maariv at 8:00) Rav’s Pirkei Avos Shiur The Pirkei Avos shiur this year will be in sefer Ruach Chaim from Rav Chaim Volozhin. Each Shabbos afternoon, after Tefillas Mincha Ketana. Shul Setup Erev Acharei Mos-Kedoshim: Yossie Schulman, Matis Sklar, Simcha Sussman. This minyan was designed for those who bring in Shabbos early. The minyan will continue throughout the summer, IY"H. To register please email [email protected]. Registration deadline is April 26th at 12noon - sorry, we will not be able to accept late sign ups. Attending this minyan enables one to daven מעריבat its preferred z'man for those who daven mincha every day after p'lag (according to the Gra, Rav Shlomo Zalman, and Rav Elyashiv, ZT"L), and to say קריאת שמעand its b'rachos, and ספירת העומרat their proper time, all with a minyan. Seats are being sold in advance only. Reservations made and not cancelled by April 26th are required to pay, even if for any reason you cannot join the trip. 9:00 PM Leil Shabbos Ma'ariv Starts this Week HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav 054-914-6311 or [email protected] Rabbi Joel Padowitz, President 052-789-0033 or [email protected] Subscribe to BTYA Lists Main list: [email protected] Members-only: [email protected] Neshei List: [email protected] Vasikin List: [email protected] Hall Reservations: 02-996-0008 BTYA office hours: Su-Th: 8:20a-12:45p. 077-228-5175 [email protected] Send US tax-deductible donations to American Friends of Bais Tefilla, c/o Sonnenberg, 180 W End Ave #12A, NY, NY 10023. Newsletter Design: Lev Seltzer Newsletter Contact: Send your lifecycle events, news, etc. to [email protected]. If we don’t know about your event, we can’t publish it! שחרית מעריב תפלת מנחה ד׳-קטנה א׳ תפלת מנחה ד׳-גדולה א׳ ו׳ ה׳ ד׳ ג׳ ב׳ א׳ 8:00 & 10:15 6:50 1:15 5:50 8:00 ,6:55 5:51 8:00 ,6:55 5:52 8:00 ,6:55 5:53 8:00 ,6:55 5:54 7:45 ,6:40 5:55 7:45 ,6:40 זמנים לימי חול עד שבת פרשת שמיני
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