Ketubah Texts T1 Anniversary T2 Conservative Alternative T3 Conservative with Lieberman T4 Interfaith A T5 Interfaith B T6 Interfaith C T7 Orthodox Aramaic T8 Reform-Karla Gudeon T9 Reform A T10 Reform B T11 Reform C T12 Secular Humanist T13 Secular Humanist II T1 Anniversary-Hebrew #",) #+" month "*%)( number of date' &%$! #!"! -------! %+-" 1$+,( &(%/ #-$0!( year-last digit &$/!" #%-, /!" &$.('(2' ,'4$0,- (" #$0!' #%30- #+$*,! -----------! 1-2 1$+%, #)# %$*)$ %*,/ groom’s name------ 1#)'% bride’s name /$6' &/ ,&%$' %+- &$*!2#, .'"%*4' 1$-%"$+' #$0!! %5+2+% '.%)' 1$$3( ,(2, %+( "*%4,' /60( -how many years married-' (!%$ &$0!)2% &$!'-+ 6%72 '+" [years married]- $+.( :'7( %7% %7( '7 %+#/%!" #- %+"*$) &%$ %#%- 7-, .%$*)$ &$$)' (%(5,! *%/3( %+0)! (2( %7! '7 &$2,%#' ,&$!'%-% &$/0 ,&$%%" &$.#%" #%$'( #$ 0%4,' '$+"( *)-' %+0".$-" 82! %+#!'- #- %+0"$-% %+07) .%+$$) $,$ 80%$!$#+! *%/3(% 8$",'( 9,%-' #-% ,%+,3/ %+- #%$'( ".%)' !)0, #,%+$$) #%$%5+#' #- %+$+$! 4()( %+(2"' .*)-2 &$$:0.'% &$$**'' %+$$) %+$#%!"), #- -:!( %+( '0".$-" '4%,/ '!0$4 %+03$ #/ '#%-!% 4%()( ;$+"' (" %$203( &$"$60 #%$'( ;%+2%# 8%#! &$$%!)' %+$#%"60% !$3'( ;%+$$) (" 0/3' #%#/! %7 #- '7 & )+( ;&$$)' #%)," #- %+$+$! .#$"60% #$+)%0 '%%(" &6 %,2 ,#$+.%6% #$(2" ',"6'( &$06#- '7( %7 ,1%,- ,1%$,* ,'+%,- ,'$#.,- ,[&$*($] ,4%)"! -(,' #$! %+,4' *)$! %+#%!0# $. (/ %+$#%"0%,% %+$6) #- %+66) %! #$! ;'!'-% #%/0 ,#%0!) (/ &$,(%)% %+-%"$+ $,$ $0., &$+'+ %+-" $.2 .%+$#0%5,% [#$*%'$'] ($2"+% $-%(' :%(- #%20!! %+$0"4 #"%*4 #- 0"-+% 0%7)+ '!' ,*$#/' $.2 ,%+$$) (%(2, &3/! ' $+"' #- *)-' *!2(% 8%,#( ,).:( ,0%,"( $*, '$)+% 1#$ $, .(%!6 -(( &6%7 $+!( &,3/ %"$*4' [&$$*%'$] #%6%7" %+$#%$' (" *$)$'% 1%0)-' ,1%"-0' &%$' '7 '$' %($-2 %,%$! &%$ %$'$ %+$,$% 1#$ $, .)#.#'(% 4$,/'( 8$",# %+#!'-% 1#$ $, .-#%%3! .%+6%7 #!/1! (" %#0!)! &$$%0" #)+% ')," ,'%%("! &$-(, T1 Anniversary-English On the ----- day of the week, the -----day of the month of -----, in the year -----, corresponding to the ----- day of -------, -----, here in ------, the Bride, ------- and the Groom, -------, stood under the chuppah together and entered into the holy covenant of marriage. In honor of the anniversary of this sacred moment, they said to each other: ------ years ago, as beloveds and friends we chose to walk life’s path together. Since that day we have renewed our original vow to be equal partners, loving friends, and supportive companions all through our life. We have affirmed our love by providing each other with the freedom to be ourselves, and the courage to follow our mutual and individual paths. We have shared our life by creating an intimacy that enables us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings; to be sensitive to each other’s needs; to celebrate life’s joys; to comfort each other through life’s sorrows; to challenge each other to achieve intellectual and physical fulfillment as well as spiritual and emotional tranquility. We have built a home together and filled it with laughter, [children,] empathy, faith, imagination, trust, friendship, companionship and love; a home in which holidays and heritage are celebrated in accordance with our [Jewish] culture and tradition. As we savor the fruits of our marriage and dream of the years to come, let us reaffirm our holy bonds with these blessings: May we treasure, nourish, support and respect each other with integrity as [Jewish] couples have timelessly devoted themselves to their lovers. May we live each day as the first, the last, the only day we will have with each other. May our love continue to deepen and grow. May our days be filled with peace, joy and the comfort of each other’s presence. T2-Conservative Alternative-Hebrew #")% #(" month "'&%$ number of date ! #!"! day ! 0,(&) &(*" 0,,()$ -$&. #*,/!$ year & -,.!" #&*) .!" -,+$* 5,* -,'. &(* 34,/)* $" #,/!3 #&2/* #(,')! ---------- ! 0*1 ---------- #! bride 3$1$ /)* parents of 0! groom 0#%3 3$13 5,*& $*/",& 3") #'1 &7 #.!6! ,$ #"'&4) 3#* ,/3 0! ---------- 0#%$ 3/)* ---------- #! ---------0#%3 .$*/",& 3") #'1 &7 #.!6! ,$ "'&4) 3#* ,/3 ---------0,"&',4 ,*(# $1 -)2. $. &$!4 ---------- 3$13& ----------(&/17 &(,)1% $" 0,' ,#! %1)& 3/ 0) -3,$. -,$6&)3 0,*&",(& ---------- 3$13& ---------- 0#%3 &),183 '&.& .31/!$ #* &7& &7 #* 37 0&7$& 8(/+$& '!1$& ,("3 /&!. '%* '&!.$ -(&2/) #&(!$& ,(!$ $!&4)1 0)*( #,! '%, #&(!$& 3%+") ,,% #&,%$& 37 ----------0#%3& 3!$ /,%!) #.!6 3$!4 ---------- 3$13 .$*/", 0#%3 .-#!3* $)8$& 0, "&',4 -"$ &!$ #/,%!) #.!6 $!4 ,*(#$ #&,/%* -)2. $. &$!4 -9 ---------- 3$13& ---------,-3,#&%+") ,#!)& -3,#!) -). -,*!3 #,!3 ,$1$& :81$& &7 3! &($!4& .#&,/%* -3$ 0,*" -,81() &$,+* &7 3! 3!9#" &),183& #! ---------- 3$13 #!&6$ ---------- 0! ---------- 0#%3) 0,(4 0#%3 #!&6$ ---------- #! ---------- 3$13)& ---------.-,4& /,/" $13& 0,)4$ /"13 ,$1! ---------- 0! ---------- T2-Conservative Alternative-English We witness that on the ___day of the week, the HebrewDate day of the month of HebrewMonth, in the year HebrewYear, corresponding to the Date day of Month, Year, here in City, State, Country , the groom, Groom Full Name , son of ____ and ____ said to the bride, Bride Full Name, daughter of ____ and ____, “You are consecrated to me as my wife, with this ring, according to the laws of Moses and Israel,” and that the bride, Bride, said to the groom, Groom, “You are consecrated to me as my husband with this ring, according to the laws of Moses and Israel.” The groom, Groom, and the bride, Bride, accepted all the conditions of betrothal and marriage as set forth by biblical law and by the rulings of the Sages of blessed memory. The groom and bride further agreed willingly to work for one another, to honor, support, and nurture one another, to live with one another, and to build together a household of integrity as befits members of the Jewish people. The bride accepted a ring from the groom, and the groom accepted a ring from the bride, for the purposes of creating this marriage and to symbolize their love. The groom and bride also accepted full legal responsibility for the obligations herein taken on, as well as for the various property entering the marriage from their respective homes and families, and agreed that the obligations in this Ketubah may be satisfied even from moveable property. We have had both the groom and the bride formally acquire these obligations to the other, with an instrument fit for such purposes. Thus all is in order and in force. T3 Conservative with Lieberman Clause -2 pages )(pair with any of my available English text selections ב weekdayבשבת ב number of dateיום לחודש thנת חמשת אלפים monש שבע מאות שבעים )ו year-last digitלבריאת עולם למנין שאנו מונין כאן state, city -------במדינת ארצות הברית של אמריקה איך החתן groomבר groom’s parents’ names ------למשפחת groom’s family nameאמר לה להדא בתולתא brideבת bride’s parents’ namesלמשפחת ------------- bride’s family nameהוי לי לאנתו כדת משה וישראל ואנא אפלח ואוקיר ואיזון ואפרנס יתיכי ליכי כהלכות גוברין יהודאין דפלחין ומוקרין וזנין ומפרנסין לנשיהון בקושטא ויהיבנא ליכי מהר בתוליכי כסף זוזי מאתן דחזי ליכי מדאוריתא ומזוניכי וכסותיכי וסיפוקיכי ומיעל לותיכי כאורח כל ארעא וצביאת מרת bride’s name בתולתא דא והות ליה לאנתו לאשתתופי עמיה בצותא לקימא ית ביתיהו באהבא ובאחוה בשלום וברעות כמנהגא דנשי יהודאן ודין נדוניא דהנעלת ליה מבי אבוה/נשא use the first word if bride’s father is living and Jewish otherwise secondבין בכסף בין בדהב בין בתכשיטין במאני דלבושא בשמושי דירה ובשימושי דערסא הכל קבל עליו groomחתן דנן במאה זקוקים כסף צרוף וצבי groomחתן דנן והוסיף לה מן דיליה עוד מאה זקוקים כסף צרוף אחרים כנגדן סך הכל מאתים זקוקים כסף צרוף וכך אמר groom’s nameחתן דנן אחריות שטר כתובתא דא נדוניא דן ותוספתא דא קבלית עלי ועל ירתי בתראי להתפרע מכל שפר ארג נכסין וקנינין דאית לי תחות כל שמיא דקנאי ודעתיד אנא למקנא נכסין דאית להון אחריות ודלית להון אחריות כלהון יהון אחראין וערבאין לפרוע מנהון שטר כתובתא דא נדוניא דין ותוספתא דא מנאי ואפילו מן גלימא דעל כתפאי בחיי ובמותי מן יומא דנן ולעלם. ואחריות וחומר שטר כתובתא דא נדוניא דין ותוספתא דא קבל עליו groom’s nameחתן דנן כחומר כל שטרי כתובות ותוספתות דנהגין בבנות ישראל העשויין כתקון חכמינו זכרונם לברכה וצביאו מר groom’s name ----בר groom’s parents’ namesחתן דנן ומרת brideבת bride’s parents’names----בתולתא דא דאן יסיק אדעתא דחד מינהון לנתוקינישואיהון או אן איתנתוק נישואיהון בערכאות דמדינתא דיכול דין או דא לזמנא לחבריה לבי דינא דכנישתא דרבנן ודבית מדרשא דרבנן דארעתא דקיימא או מאן דאתי מן חילה וליצותו תרוייהו לפסקא דדיניה בדיל דיכלו תרוייהו למיחי בדיני דאורייתא דלא כאסמכתא ודלא כטופסי דשטרי וקנינא מן groomבר ’groom’s parents namesחתן דנן למרת brideבת bride’s parents’ namesבתולתא דא ומן מרת brideבת bride’s parents’ namesבתולתא דא למר groom’s name בר groom’s parents’ name--- ---------חתן דנן על כל מה דכתוב ומפורש לעיל במנא דכשר למקנא ביה ,והכל שריר וקים. T4 Interfaith A -Hebrew &$-', #"+( #*" ---------- ")%(' &%$ -------! #!"! ----- ! 0$*%+ %*," 0$*+' &'%. #,$/!' --------% &$.!" #%,+ .!" %,! , 34$/+, '" #$/!3 #%2/, #*$)+! ,--------,------0,1 0! --------,0#(3,------ #(-"+' ------ #! --------,3'13 &)+%.! .%53 3"%)43 &$,%"$*3 #$/!!,--------#(-"+'-------)%.2' %*, &$/(%! &$/!(1% &$!3%,1 :%5' 35 %/+, 3-%(3 #(# &$/!( ,&$%%" &$-#%" #%$3' &$!$$(#+ %*, .%$)($ 35 '%'6+! 4$*.#% 0#$ $+ .%*$$( #%+$ '1 7"+' 35! %5 &$1+%#3 &$./% ,&$!3 %, )%.2'% 7$"+3' 8+%,3 #,% ,%*+2. #%$3' "-%(3 #, %*#!3, %*' &$$(3 #%*%$6*! &$4'(#+ %*," &. .&$$9/-3% &$$))33 %*$'%'6+! #, ,9!' %*' /"-,# /", 3!/$4-#%%(, /%2$' %*, &$/)%* ,%*'" %*$1/2' &$"$:/ #%$3' ;/#%$! #%4%+.3 %*$#%":/3% %*$#%!"(+ #%#$.! %5 #, 35 &(*' ;&$$(3 #%(+" #, %**$! 4%'(' ;&$$))33 ,#$*-%:% #$'1" 3+":3 #:"3' &$/:#, 35' %5 !$23' ;&$$(!" /.23 %#%, ,'+*% #$! &$4* )($! .#$":/ 3%%'"% $*(%/ 94" &: %+1 %! #$! ;3!3,% #%./ ,#%/!( ,0%+, ,0%$+) ,3*%+, ,3$#-+, ,4%(2! #%$%!/#' )%!1 (-9*% #%)3$3 $:3*+ $-' #/%6+3% &$:(3 #, :%:(* ,0%",/3 &%$3 3$3 %'$,1 %+%$! &%$ '1 3$(*% 0#$ $+ .%*$#%(-"+ $#" %5 #$/!! %*, &$,! !'-#**/! .,#%%2! %*$#%$3 '" )$($3% 0%/(,3 .3$#%!$$%(+ #, %*+2. '. %*, &$'!4+ #%*13 ,%'+!% T4 Interfaith A -English We witness that on the _____ day of the week, the _____ day of the month of ______, in the year ______, corresponding to the _____ day of ______, _______, here in ______, the Bride ________, and the Groom, _______, entered into this sacred marriage covenant. Standing under the chuppah they said to each other: as beloveds and friends we choose to walk life’s path together. We pledge to be equal partners, loving friends, and supportive companions all through our life. May our love provide us with the freedom to be ourselves, and the courage to follow our mutual and individual paths. As we share life’s experiences, we vow to create an intimacy that will enable us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings; to be sensitive to each other’s needs; to share life’s joys; to comfort each other through life’s sorrows; to challenge each other to achieve intellectual and physical fulfillment as well as spiritual and emotional tranquility. We will build a home together and fill it with laughter, empathy, faith, imagination, trust, friendship, companionship and love; a home in which holidays and heritage are celebrated in accordance with Jewish culture and tradition, and respect is fostered for the cultures of both our families. May we live each day as the first, the last, the only day we will have with each other. We joyfully enter into this covenant and solemnly accept the obligations herein. T5 Interfaith B-Hebrew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nterfaith B-English We Witness that on the ______ day of the week, the _____ day of the month of _______, in the year_______, corresponding to the _______day of ______, ______, here in ______, the Bride, ______, and the Groom, ______, entered into this sacred marriage covenant. Standing under the chuppah they said to each other: as beloveds and friends we choose to walk life’s path together. We pledge to be equal partners, loving friends, and supportive companions all through our life. May our love provide us with the freedom to be ourselves, and the courage to follow our mutual and individual paths. As we share life’s experiences, we vow to create an intimacy that will enable us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings; to be sensitive to each other’s needs; to share life’s joys; to comfort each other through life’s sorrows; to challenge each other to achieve intellectual and physical fulfillment as well as spiritual and emotional tranquility. We will build a home together and fill it with laughter, empathy, faith, imagination, trust, friendship, companionship and love; a home in which holidays and heritage are celebrated in accordance with Jewish and ______ cultures and traditions, and respect is fostered for the cultures of both our families. May we live each day as the first, the last, the only day we will have with each other. We joyfully enter into this covenant and solemnly accept the obligations herein. T6 Interfaith C-Hebrew & English -,.!" #&*) .!" -,+$* #")% #(" "'&%$ #!"! ! /%+") ,(+! &2(1#/ #! /$1/& 0! 0#%/ !, & :/$)%!& /!/*! &4$ /4 &3'(& .#,''/ 0,*&",( #,3!! *&!$ ,'1 -,3!%& /,/* .3%) !/&*" ,+1& $&)#* ,#!/*" ,+1 ,0,6&$%$ -&,/ 5#&* ,(* !/&*” .,#&.&34! 58,4%) ,((/" ,+1 ,!$! 58,4%* .3#&,! ,$ ,88'4# 3"*1 5'7$ -",* 5$ /,/* .53.7! 5)%(*& ,53"&*! %)"* ,5,,#&)&$%$ 9#&" /,/* 5&#! ,,/# ,,(,. $&) $* 5#&* /*3* *$ 3"*1 .!/*)& ',', ,:.,,) ,'&2 .;3! .$1/ ,$ #* ,,#!/* #* ,,3"&* #* ,,#&)&$% #* ,,,% #* .,#&!"%) ,) ,$,"!# &(#!/*& '%, 08'4( '&.!& .5#&* 83 /*&3& 5#&* 83 3,1) ,(* /4 ./,("/ ,+$1 '%*/ -&,/ -,"% &(*" /!,%/& /8&"#/ #* .'( 0,,'.& 0#,, “./4 5)2) #)#&% &4$ /4 &(#&!,,%#/ On the day of the week, the day of of , the groom, son of of , in the year , in , in the year , corresponding to the , and the bride day , daughter , joined each other before family and friends to enter into the mutual covenant of marriage, and with love and compassion each vowed to the other: “Today I love you completely as I did yesterday and as I will tomorrow. I will be there for you when you need me most. I will hold you in my heart just as I hold you in my arms. I will share in your dreams, delight in your joys, and comfort you in your sorrows. I will be your confidant, your counsel, your friend, and your lover. When you are not within my sight, you will be within my thoughts. You are my life; you are my dreams; you are my joy; you are my love; you are my everything. At this moment you are all that I know and all that I see. As we grow old together and our love matures, may we hold on to the passion and affection for each other we feel today. Our commitment to each other seals this document.” T7 Orthodox Aramaic )(pair with any of my available English text selections ב-----בשבת ב ------לחדש -------שנת חמשת אלפים ושבע מאות ---------לבריאת עולם למנין שאנו מונין כאן -------במדינת אמריקההצפונית ,איך החתן ------בר -------אמר לה להדא בתולתא -------בת -----הוי לי לאנתו כדת משה וישראל ואנא אפלח ואוקיר ואיזון ואפרנסיתיכי ליכי כהלכות גוברין יהודאין דפלחין ומוקרין וזנין ומפרנסין לנשיהון בקושטא ויהבנא ליכי מהר בתוליכי כסף זוזי מאתן דחזי ליכי מדאוריתא ומזוניכי וכסותיכי וסיפוקיכי ומיעל לותיכי כאורח כל ארעא וצביאת מרת brideבתולתא דא והות ליה לאנתו ודין נדוניא דהנעלת ליה מבי אבוה/נשא בין בכסף בין בדהב בין בתכשיטין במאני דלבושא בשמושי דירה ובשמושי דערסא הכל קבל עליו groom--חתן דנן במאה זקוקים כסף צרוף וצבי groomחתן דנן והוסיף לה מן דיליה עוד מאה זקוקים כסף צרוף אחרים כנגדן סך הכל מאתים זקוקים כסף צרוף וכך אמר groom--חתן דנן אחריות שטר כתובתא דא נדוניא דן ותוספתא דא קבלית עלי ועל ירתי בתראי להתפרע מכל שפר ארג נכסין וקנינין דאית לי תחות כל שמיא דקנאי ודעתיד אנא למקנא נכסין דאית להון אחריות ודלית להון אחריות כלהון יהון אחראין וערבאין לפרוע מנהון שטר כתובתא דא נדוניא דין ותוספתא דא מנאי ואפילו מן גלימא דעל כתפאי בחיי ובתר חיי מן יומא דנן ולעלם ואחריות וחומר שטר כתובתא דא נדוניא דין ותוספתא דא קבל עליו groom--חתן דנן כחומר כל שטרי כתובות ותוספתות דנהגין בבנות ישראל העשויין כתיקון חכמינו ’’זל דלא כאסמכתא ודלא כטופסי דשטרי וקנינא מן groom--ב"ר ------- חתן דנן למרת bride-- ---בת -------בתולתא דא על כל מה דכתוב ומפורש לעיל במנא דכשר למקנא ביה והכל שריר וקים. עד נאום עד נאום T8 Reform-Karla Gudeon-Hebrew .!" -,+$* #")% #(" month "'&%$ number of date! #!"! weekday! city/! 0*1 0,(&) &(*" 0,()$ -$&. #*,/!$ last digit of year& -,.!" #&*) parents of, #! bride 3$13 &*! ,#,(&+23 34,/)* $" #,/!3 #&2/* state .&53 3"&'43 -,*&",(3 #,/!! parents of groom, 0! groom 0#%3& bride '&.2$ &(* -,/%&! -,/!%1& -,!3&*1 :&5$ 35 &/)* 3+&%3 #%# &')."1 ,-,!3&* -,/!% ,-,&&" -,+#&" #&,3$ -,!,,%#) &(* .&,'%, 35 $&$6)! &(#!3* &($ 4,(.#& 0#, ,) .&(,,% #&), $1 7")$ 35! &5 -,1) -,./& &(,$&$6)! '&.2$& 7,")3$ 8)&*3 #*& ,&((,3" ,+1 #&,3$ "+&%3 #* -,%,9!) ,&($" -,,%3 #&(&,6(! -,4$%#) &(*" -. .-,,9/+3& -,,''33 &(,#&" :/3& &(,#&!"%) #* *9!$ &($ /"+*# /"* 3!/,4 /&2,$ &(* #* &((,! 4&$%$ ;-,,''33 &(,1/2$ -,",:/ #&,3$ ;/#&,! #&4&).3 35$ &5 !,23$ ;&(,,%!" /.23 #&#,.! &5 #* 35 -%($ ;-,,%3 #&%)" &(* .#,":/ 3&&$"& ,(%&/ 94" -: &)1 ,#,(+&:& #,$1" 3)":3$ -,/:#* .'%, &(,*&",( ,,% 7")! &5$ 35 31,)#& '&!1 ,0&)* ##$ #*5! -,!,,%#) #&,3$& ,%&$6$& !&3*$ ,$!4$& 0,!3$ ,-,,&$:& -,(1 #&,3$ ',)# $'#"( .0&,&&" $" -,&&$" -,6%, '%, #&(!$ #*5! -,%,9!) &(* .&5$ 35 -,()*( ,0&%9! ,0&,)' ,3(&)* ,3,#+)* ,4&%2! &#&* *$)(& #, ! -,4( '%,! #* '!1( &!" #,! ,3$)%& 4&%2 ,3',)$ .+&" #,! ;3!3*& #&./ ,#&/!% -$&. #&(!$ .,,6( ,',! ', .&(,#&%+") $" -,/4,3 -,1/.3& #&/&6)3 #&(13 *&$)!& &5 #,/!! &(* -,*! !$-#((/! .3!3*& -&$" .+&" .3,#&!,,&%) #* &()2. $. &(* -,$!4) T8 Reform-Karla Gudeon-English We witness that on the ___ day of the week, the HebrewDate day of the month of HebrewMonth, in the year HebrewYear, corresponding to the Date day of Month, Year, here in City, State, Country, the Bride, BrideFullName, daughter of ____ and _____, and the Groom, GroomFullName, son of ____ and ____, entered into this sacred marriage covenant. Standing under the chuppah we said to each other: as beloveds and friends we choose to walk life’s path together. We pledge to be equal partners, loving friends and supportive companions all through our life. May our love provide us with the freedom to be ourselves, and the courage to follow our mutual and individual paths. As we share life’s experiences, we vow to create an intimacy that will enable us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings; to be sensitive to each other’s needs; to share life’s joys; to comfort each other through life’s sorrows; to challenge each other to achieve intellectual and physical fulfillment as well as spiritual and emotional tranquility. We pledge to nurture, trust and respect each other through our married life together. We shall be open and honest, understanding and accepting, loving and forgiving, and loyal to one another. We shall respect each other’s uniqueness and help one another grow to our fullest potential. We will build a home together and fill it with laughter, empathy, faith, imagination, trust, friendship, companionship and love; a home filled with learning and compassion, a home wherein we will honor each other’s cherished family traditions and values. Let us join hands to help build a world filled with peace and love. We joyfully enter into this covenant and solemnly accept the obligations herein. T9 Reform A-Hebrew .!" -,+$* #")% #(" month "'&%$ number of date! #!"! weekday! 0*1 0,(&) &(*" 0,()$ -$&. #*,/!$ last digit of year& -,.!" #&*) parents of #! bride 3$13 34,/)* $" #,/!3 #&2/* #(,')! city/state! $*/",& 3") #'1 &6 #.!5! ,$ "'&4) 3#* ,/3 :0#%$ #/)&*, bride -,"( 5+")1 '&!1! 7'.8*& 7(&6* 7%$+* 7$ 3()*( 3,3* ,(*& parents of 0! groom 0#%3 .*5"&4! 03,$.! #* #&!3&*3 #&,'&3, $*/",& 3") #'1 &6 #.!5! ,$ #"'&4) #* ,/3 :3$1$ /)&*, groom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state! -,,%/6*3 #&(&5$"3 ,', T9 Reform A-English We witness that on the ___ day of the week, the HebrewDate day of the month of HebrewMonth, in the year HebrewYear, corresponding to the Date day of Month, Year, here in City, State, Country: The bride, BrideFullName, daughter of ____ and _____, says to the groom: With this ring you are consecrated unto me as my husband, according to the tradition of Moses and the Jewish people. I shall treasure you, nourish you, support you and respect you as Jewish women have devoted themselves to their husbands, with integrity. The groom, GroomFullName, son of ____ and _____, says to the bride: With this ring you are consecrated unto me as my wife, according to the tradition of Moses and the Jewish people. I shall treasure you, nourish you, support you and respect you as Jewish men have devoted themselves to their wives, with integrity. We promise to try to be ever open to one another while cherishing each other’s uniqueness; to comfort and challenge each other through life’s sorrow and joy; to share our intuition and insight with one another; and above all, to do everything within our power to permit each of us to become the persons we are yet to be. We also pledge to establish a home open to the spiritual potential in all life; a home wherein the flow of the seasons and the passages of life are celebrated through the symbols of Jewish heritage; a home filled with reverence for learning, loving, and generosity; a home wherein ancient melody, candles, and wine sanctify the table; a home joined ever more closely to the community of Israel. This marriage has been authorized also by the civil authorities of _____. It is valid and binding. T10 Reform B-Hebrew &$-', #"+( #*" month ")%(' &%$ number of date! #!"! weekday! city/! 0,1 &$*%+ %*," 0$*+' &'%. #,$/!' (year)% &$.!" #%,+ .!" ,0#(3% ,parents of #! bride ,3'13 %,! ,34$/+, '" #$/!3 #%2/, state #(# %)+."1 .%53 3"%)43 &$,%"$*3 #$/!! parents of 0! groom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eform B-English We witness that on the ___ day of the week, the HebrewDate day of the month of HebrewMonth, in the year HebrewYear, corresponding to the Date day of Month, Year, here in City, State, Country: The Bride, BrideFullName, daughter of ____ and _____, and the Groom, Groom FullName, son of ____ and _____, entered into this sacred marriage covenant. Standing under the chuppah we said to each other: as beloveds and friends we choose to walk life’s path together. We pledge to be equal partners, loving friends, and supportive companions all through our life. May our love provide us with the freedom to be ourselves, and the courage to follow our mutual and individual paths. As we share life’s experiences, we vow to create an intimacy that will enable us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings; to be sensitive to each other’s needs; to share life’s joys; to comfort each other through life’s sorrows; to challenge each other to achieve intellectual and physical fulfillment as well as spiritual and emotional tranquility. We will build a home together and fill it with laughter, empathy, faith, imagination, trust, friendship, companionship and love. A home in which holidays and heritage are celebrated in accordance with our Jewish culture and tradition. May we live each day as the first, the last, the only day we will have with each other. We joyfully enter into this covenant and solemnly accept the obligations herein. T11 Reform C-Holy Partnership Covenant-Hebrew & English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e witness that on the ----- day of the week, the ------- day of the month of ------, in the year ------, corresponding to the ---------day of -----, --------, here in ---------, -------, the Bride, ------------ and the Groom, ----------------, did stand together under the huppah, in the presence of family and friends, and enter into the covenant of marriage according to the laws of Moses and Israel, and do hereby stand in a holy partnership, together with God, for the purposes of establishing together a Jewish home and family. The bride and groom did say, one to the other: “I take you this day as my husband, “I take you this day as my wife, as is understood in the custom of Israel, and do promise to equitably provide for the well being of our home, and for the care and teaching of our children. I promise to exercise patience, to seek to understand you, to be kind, and to be loving. I agree that we enter into this marriage as helpers that are equal to each other, and that we shall always work to sustain the sanctity of our covenant. I promise to establish with you a house of Israel that is based on the teachings and principles of Torah, and on the oneness of God. I promise to remain faithful to this covenant, in body and in spirit, through passion and mundanity, through abundance and scarcity, through health and illness, and through joy and sorrow.” And they did both accept this covenant, each from the other. T12 Secular Humanist I-Hebrew & English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e witness that on the ----day of the week, the -----day of the month of ------, in the year------, corresponding to the -----day of ------, ------, here in -----, ----- and ------- entered into this Covenant of Marriage. We pledge to each other our mutual trust and respect. We will offer support and encouragement for personal growth and the fulfillment of our shared dreams. We will be open, honest, loyal and devoted to one another. We promise to be faithful friends, companions and life partners and to comfort one another through life’s sorrows and joys. We shall honor each other’s individual needs, and shall cherish and love one another throughout our married life together. Let us weave our commitment to the Jewish people and culture into the fabric of our lives. Together, let us build a Jewish home filled with loving affection, laughter, wisdom, and a dedication to peace and harmony for all humanity. T13 Secular Humanist II-English Only We witness that on the _______ day of the week, the ______ day of the month of _______, in the year ______, corresponding to the ______ day of _______, ______, here in _______, ______ and ______ entered into this Covenant of Marriage. We pledge to nurture, trust and respect each other throughout our married life together. We shall be open and honest, understanding and accepting, loving and forgiving, and loyal to one another. We promise to work together to build a harmonious relationship of equality. We shall respect each other’s uniqueness and help one another grow to our fullest potential. We will comfort and support each other through life’s sorrows and joys. Together, we shall create a home filled with learning, laughter and compassion, a home wherein we will honor each other’s cherished family traditions and values. Let us join hands to help build a world filled with peace and love.
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