Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to Head Office KAMLOOPS PHONE: 573-3939 FAX: 573-3170 1-10145 Dallas Dr., Kamloops BC V2C 6T4 Email: [email protected] *Web site: BC LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS MARKET REPORT OCT. 8, 2014 OCT. SALES SCHEDULE VANDERHOOF SPECIAL PRE-SORT SALE— OCT. 10TH HAPPY THANKSGIVING KAMLOOPS SPECIAL CALF & YRLG SALE—OCT. 14TH WILLIAMS LAKE EXOTIC CALF SALE—WED. OCT. 15TH WILLIAMS LAKE REGULAR SALE - THURSDAY OCT. 16TH VANDERHOOF SALE—FRIDAY OCT. 17TH OK FALLS SALE—FEATURING ANGUS X CALVES & YEARLINGS - MONDAY OCT. 20TH KAMLOOPS SPECIAL CALF & YEARLING SALE OCT. 21 FEATURING ANGUS/HEREFORD INFLUENCE TEAM ELECTONIC AUCTION SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR DETAILS Auctioneers: Larry Jordan 319-0872 & Wayne Jordan 319-0873 Kevin Johnson General Manager 40050644 Ken Allison Phone your local stockyard to list your cattle for upcoming sales OK Falls ***F.M.I. on any of our sales go to & Kamloops 571-9045**** Wilf Smith Williams Lake 398-7174 Cell: 398-0813 Al Smith Vanderhoof 567-4333 BC LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Kamloops and OK Falls: Call 250 573-3939 or Ken Allison 250 571-9045 Williams Lake: Call 250 398-7174 or Wilf Smith 250 398-0813 Vanderhoof: Call 250 567-4333 or Al Smith 250 570-2143 MARKET REPORT FOR OCT. 8, 2014 Total receipts 8500 head for, Williams Lake, Vanderhoof, Kamloops, OK Falls & Video, & Team Electronic Sale STEERS 0-299 300-399 400-499 500-599 600-699 700-799 800-899 900 + HIGH 335.00 390.00 328.00 295.25 275.00 263.00 250.00 233.50 AVG 310.13 316.13 300.89 272.10 264.46 248.91 233.85 192.99 Butcher cows 90.00-117.00 HEIFERS 0-299 300-399 400-499 500-599 600-699 700-799 800-899 900 + HIGH 365.00 333.00 311.00 273.00 244.00 229.75 224.00 186.00 AVG 309.11 303.02 278.96 250.81 231.72 213.64 201.00 170.45 Butcher bulls 110.00-145.00 WILLIAMS LAKE—OCT. 1 & 2ND Total receipts 2200 head of cattle. An incredible calf sale in Williams Lake on Wednesday October 1st. John and Joyce Holmes set the fire with the J & J Cattle Co. calves. Their load of 411 lb. Angus s/c topped 334.00, the 482 lb. s/c topped 312.00, and the fancy 332 lb. s/c topped 400.00. Holmes 454 lb. Angus h/c reached 277.00, the 381 lb. h/c hit 320.50. Chimney Creek Hereford Ranch had a beauty load of 588 lb. s/c top 270.00, their 470 lb. h/c rolled to 266.50. Frank & Betty Gleeson saw their heavy 688 lb. Black baldie s/c march to 255.00. Geo Edwards/ Rafter K Ranch 596 lb. Hereford s/c powered to 268.00. Their 542 lb. Hereford s/c marked 274.50. Vic & Lyda Sharman with a top pen of 562 lb. Red & Black Angus s/c they traded to 280.00, the big boys 675 lb. traded to 255.00, the lighter s/c 448 lb. saw 315.00, their 371 lb. s/c marked 392.50, their 547 lb. h/c’s marked 260.50. Chris & Claire Jones showcased 508 lb. Black Angus s/c at 300.00. The big boys 574 lb. notched 279.50, their 609 lb. replacement h/c sold to 250.00. Andy and June Anderson’s 564 lb. s/c hit 285.50, their 603 lb. s/c topped 270.00. Royce and Joanne Cook’s 574 lb. Black s/c sold to 285.50. Willow Creek Ranch’s 550 lb. s/c hit 287.25. Mike Woodman’s 513 lb. Red Angus s/c r eached 300.50, his 377 lb. s/c tr aded to 385.00. Beau Mecham had 490 lb. h/c’s power to 278.50. Bronc & Liz Twan had heavy 678 lb. Red Angus cross calves trade to 255.25, their fancy 541 lb. s/c marched to 296.00, the 577 lb. s/c met 295.25. Bryan & Raylene Poffenroth filled the ring with 19 s/c 554 lb. Black & Bwf they notched 287.75, the big 640 lb. s/c hit 269.00. Roy & Gwen Mulvahill saw their power ful 510 lb. s/c tr ade to 300.00, their 467 lb. fancy h/c met 280.00. Riske Creek Ranching with a top load of calves. Their pen of 532 lb. s/c marked 307 lb., their 300 lb. s/c notched 415 lb. Cliff and Allison Schuk’s powerful 502 lb. Limo X s/c topped 304.75, the 553 lb. s/c rolled to 299.75, the 420 lb. s/c hit 327.50, and their load of 454 lb. h/c rolled to 290.50. The Moffat Ranch 434 lb. s/c marked 321.00, the heavy 571 lb. s/c notched 285.75. San Jose Cattle Co.’s 448 lb. Black s/c’s topped 316.50, their 401 lb. Black s/c hit 335.50. Riske Creek Ranching had 1258 lb. butcher cows to 119.50. Lars & Carol Satre saw their load of 863 lb. Red steers hit 242.75. The 742 lb. steers hit 256.75. VANDERHOOF—OCTOBER 3RD 2450 head of cattle sold in Vanderhoof yards. Vivian Buchanan sold 584 lb. Angus X s/c for 265.50 and fancy 499 lb. h/c for 266.00. Bar W K Ranch / Warren & Kim Bryanton from Cr escent Spur BC sold top quality 553 lb. Simm/Angus X s/c for 284.00 even, and 489 lb. s/c at 301.25 and fancy h/c 444 lb. traded to 271.50. Walt Cook sent 459 lb. Angus X s/c and they tr aded to 311.75 and 364 lb. s/c at 382.00 even. Floyd Jackson from Hixon sold 659 lb. Gelb/Angus X s/c for 251.00 and 585 lb. s/c at 275.00. Floyd’s 576 lb. h/c sold for 248.00. Barry Mills sold 512 lb. Angus X s/c at 302.50 and 349 lb. h/c for 382.00. Randall Dering good quality 480 lb. s/c sold for 308.25 and 441 lb. h/c at 272.50. Ross & Sandy Davidson sold 397 lb. Angus X s/c for 333.00 and 380 lb. h/c for 316.00. Hatch Creek Ranch sold good strong 643 lb. s/c for 256.50 and 578 lb. s/c for 274.75. Butcher cows held steady 110.00-120.00 Butcher bulls are steady @ 110.00-140.00 OK FALLS—OCTOBER 6TH Well another top notch sale here in OK Falls as another 700 head of cattle rolled through the sale ring. Quality today was excellent and the buyers loved them. Don MacDougall with a top pen of 715 lb. s/c topping 242.00. Dave Vangaalen saw their 1240 lb. young butcher cows tr ade to 116.00, they saw their 570 lb. Bwf s/c race to 277.50, their 445 lb. h/c’s net 310.00. Steve Harvey had 1355 lb. butcher cows top 117.75, their 500 lb. Black Angus s/c saw 311.00, their 385 lb. s/c marked 357.50. Virginia Manning and Brenda Leir saw their fancy 360 lb. s/c power to 338.00. Their 550 lb. h/c’s saw 257.50. Brenda Leir 665 lb. s/c met 249.50. A nice ring full of her 551 lb. s/c notched 290.00, their beautiful 529 lb. h/c raced to 275.00. Glen & Pat Johnson showcased their load of 539 lb. Angus s/c at 294.00, their 439 lb. s/c hit 322.00 and their 507 lb. h/c sold to 283.50. Carl Sidwell’s 580 lb. Angus s/c hit 274.00, his 443 lb. Black h/c hit 290.00. Jim & Toni Long of Grand Forks saw their fancy 604 lb. featherneck s/c hit 260.00, their 400 lb. s/c reached 331.00, their 485 lb. h/c top 285.00. The PaVan Ranch blew the door s off their 22 head of 560 lb. s/c r aced to 284.00, their 460 lb. s/c saw 320.00, their fancy pen of 453 lb. h/c’s saw 285.00, their 365 lb. h/c’s topped our trade for the day at 320.00. The 69 Ranch the Thompson’s tested our tr ade with 646 lb. Bwf s/c hit 264.00. Their 625 lb. h/c’s notched 247.50. The Richter Ranch today saw their powerful 586 lb. Black Angus s/c race to 272.00, their 488 lb. s/c saw 315.00. The White Tail Farm from Grand Forks saw their 569 lb. Black Angus s/c power to 282.00. Bud & Kathy Gottfriedson saw their 583 lb. top quality s/c mar k 276.50. Year lings today were strong with Sumac Farms 955 lb. Angus steers rolled to 217.25. R420 lb. Enterprises 923 lb. topped 223.25. Rosco Ranch’s liner load of 865 lb. heifers traded to 222.50, their load of 792 lb. heifers hit 229.25, and the 777 lb. steers topped 245.25. Tom Lewis 809 lb. heifers 223.25. Our next sale down here in OK Falls is Monday Oct. 20th KAMLOOPS SALE—TUESDAY OCT. 7TH Again one of the largest calf sales we have ever held for this time of the year with 1800 head of calves, year lings and cows and bulls on offer . Larry Haupt built the fire to our sale with 660 lb steers marking 258.00. Cam Ensign saw his top Hereford steers 725 lb. mark 260.00. Kevin Laitinen saw his top quality 622 lb. s/c race to 268.50. Don Moses from Merritt blew the doors off with 626 lb. Black & Red Angus s/c powering to 275.00, the big boys 665 lb. saw 269.25, their fancy 554 lb. h/c’s notched 256.00. Tom & Linda Hancock set one incredible pace, their ring full of 31 s/c 561 lb. Black & Red Angus X traded to 280.50. The Ward Creek Ranch set the stage for one incredible sale. Their pen of 35 Red Angus cross s/c 640 lb. saw 271.50. 33 head of their 553 lb. s/c saw 282.00, their 385 lb. s/c marked 359.00. Dirk & Diane Vandermeer and Brian and Kim Stuart showcased their load of 516 lb. Black s/c at 295.25, their 436 lb. s/c topped 315.00, their 478 lb. Black h/c hit 276.00. Fred & Maureen Ziemer of Echo Valley Farms 750 lb. Her eford s/c hit 255.00. Harold and Becky Sample’s 710 lb. Red s/c hit 258.00, their 521 lb. h/c rolled to 270.00. Joe Wadlegger was the high seller of our butcher cows with 1305 lb. butcher cows making 122.50. Joe & Hazels heavy 993 lb. steers traded to 209.50. The Iron Mountain Ranch / Bob & Anne Chambers sent us 37 powerful yearlings. Their pen of 806 lb. steers hit 250.00. The 711 lb. Hereford steers topped their weight range at 263.00, their 741 lb. heifers returned 229.75. The Philip Ranch today set a pace. Their pen of 35 head of their 621 lb. Red & Red Blaze Face s/c notched 273.00 with their 548 lb. s/c marking 281.50. Fred Philps from Salmon Arm had 648 lb. s/c mark 272.50. Ogilvie Stock Ranch paraded a powerful group of 614 lb. Hereford s/c which topped 271.00. Ken McDougall’s 646 lb. s/c hit 268.25. Seven 0 Ranch ‘s load of 620 lb. Angus X s/c topped 272.00. Wayne & Jackie Vansickle filled the ring with a powerful pen of 672 lb. s/c. Karl & Leona Bischoff with some of the heaviest calves today, their 721 lb. s/c hit 248.00, their 703 lb. h/c’s powered to 226.00. Markus and Sonja Leuthard of Valley Ranch saw their 842 lb. Black s/c top 238.00. Maurice & Jean Alain from Valemont saw their big strong 620 lb. Hereford s/c trade to 258.25. Next week another huge calf & yearling sale in Kamloops Tuesday Oct. 14th. Highlands Irrigation Limited Call the Pivot Experts 1-800-665-5909 Kamloops 250-372-2383 Williams Lake 250-392-2321 [email protected] LAZY FD RANCHES & HAY SALES Electric Apparatus Services *Rewinding Services *Mechanical Repair Services *Motor Modification *General Machining *Irrigation Pump Rebuilding IRRIGATION PUMP & ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS ELECTRIC MOTOR SALES *AC Motors (all types) *Farm Duty Table saw *Submersible *Other Types Available KAMLOOPS ELECTRIC MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE LTD Hay for Sale Rounds or Squares Taking Orders for this years cut. *Custom farming *Custom haying *Water deliveries *Custom screening *Compost soil sales 1260 Dalhousie Drive Kamloops BC V2C 6G3 250-372-9822 Call for pricing Phone 250-372-2999 FOR SALE RANCHES ONLY Ranch & Rural Property Specialist. #1 Ranch Website in BC Call Tim Today 250.280.7653 KING TRANSPORT SERVICES *SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT HAULING *QUALITY HAY 4 SALE Bob King Office: 250-374-0237 Cell: 250-319-8444 4” 1/4 Mile wheel line $2500. 5” 1/4 Mile wheel line $3500. 2004 31’ Titanium 5th wheel travel trailer. $20,000. 60 lb. square bales good horse hay $6.00 per bale. Phone 250-578-7458 SOLD THE RANCH EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1)2009 Valtra N141 Advance tractor 140+ PTO HP MFWD Loader 2300 hrs. Excellent condition 5 sets of remote $75,000.00. 2) JD 3130 2 wheel tractor ROPS canopy 85 HP. Very good condition. $8500.00 3) Irrifrance 3031 Hose Reel 400 meter. Never been used. $35,000.00 Other Equipment for sale as well Call Lyle 250-297-6415 FOR SALE 3” X 3/16” X 30’ @1800’ steel pipe 12” steel Victaulic pipe @ 2300’ 2 x 75 HP pump JD3975 Harvester JD manure spreader / straw mulcher 1210 Valmar air seeder 2 new 24’ silage troughs 2 way radio system Email: [email protected] Or fax 250-378-4956 Buying Calves? Retaining Heifers? Manage your price risk with the Western Livestock Price Insurance Program. Price Insurance on Feeder Cattle now available! For more information call your local Ministry of Agriculture BRMB office, visit or call the WLPIP. Call Centre toll free at 1-844-782-5747 NOTICE OF MEETING ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF OWNERSHIP IDENTIFICATION INC. Held on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, 2014 AT 1:15 PM BC Livestock Co-op Boardroom Directors Meeting at 9:00 am For further information contact OII 250-314-9686 Irrigation Vern Winger *** NEW OFFICE LOCATION *** NOW OPEN AT 250 -267-1895 1075 Murray Drive, Williams Lake Drop by and see us or give us a call 1-855-398-7757 1-888-675-7999 Form 3’s Just a reminder with our larger Fall sales approaching PLEASE make sure all information on your Form 3 is filled out correctly. Make sure the NAME ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER On the FORM3 is completed and correct. Thank you for your attention to this matter. FALL IS UPON US!! Time to catch up on fencing? Need a sorting system? Some extra corrals? Come get your hi-hog gates and panels today! Call BC Livestock for more information on this system(s) or for a customized quote! Call Laura or Kenny 250.573.3939 VANDERHOOF HELP WANTED BC LIVESTOCK IN VANDERHOOF IS LOOKING FOR A PERSON TO WORK IN THE VANDERHOOF STOCKYARDS FOR THE FALL For More Information Call Al Smith 250-567-4333 or 250-570-2143 GET YOUR OLS TUBS AT BC LIVESTOCK TODAY! Superior roughage utilization * Stronger heat signs & shortened reproductive cycle * Healthier stock & higher conception rates * Greater palatability & continual availability for constant rumen stimulation Healthier aggressive newborns & less scour occurrence * Super high energy molasses base * Unlimited shelf life & less than 3 % moisture content* No chemical Hardeners, bittering agents or salt. Call us to special order your tubs today!! 250-573-3939 Ask about a discount & delivery.
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