TERMS OF REFRENCE FOR Value Chain Study Integrated Community Development Initiative (ICDI) Islamic Relief Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Subject: Request to acquire services of a consultant firm to carry out Value Chain Study in project targeted villages of district Nowshera and Charsadda 1. Agency profile: Founded in the UK in 1984 as an International Relief and Development Charity, Islamic Relief Pakistan aims to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest people without discrimination. As a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), the focus of IRP since its inception has been responding to disasters and emergencies linking them to sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities - regardless of race, religion or gender. Islamic Relief is in consultative status (category special) with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, signatory to the Code of Conduct of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent (since 1995) and to the Code of Conduct of People in Aid. Since 2002 Islamic Relief is a framework partner of ECHO (the European Community Humanitarian Aid department, FPA nr 251, NGO nr: 195). It is also a member of BOND (British Overseas NGOs for Development) and DEC (Disaster Emergencies Committee). Islamic Relief Pakistan is working with marginalized communities in different parts of Pakistan since 1992 for their long term development and humanitarian assistance to the people in need during disasters and conflict. Having its country programme office in Islamabad, IRP is operating with four area offices: Mardan in KP, Thatta in Sindh, Muzzaffarabad in AJK and Quetta in Balochistan. 2. Background: Islamic Relief Pakistan is striving hard for the socio-economic uplift of flood affected communities in districts Nowshera and Charsadda. In this regard IRP has launched a three year development project titled “Integrated Community Development Initiative (ICDI)” in 16 villages of district Charsadda and Nowshera from July 2012 to May 2015, to empower the local communities through participatory approach. The main focus of the project is to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance capacities and establish linkages with Government Line Agencies (GLA’s). Islamic Relief Pakistan (IRP) responded in both emergency and early recovery phases in the most affected districts of KP i.e. Nowshehra and Charsadda. During emergency phase, IRP provided emergency assistance included cooked food, transition shelters, food and non-food items, safe drinking water, kitchen kits, winterized kits, mother care kits, household kits, mobile and static health services. Later on, in early recovery/ rehabilitation phase, IRP implemented integrated Page 1 of 5 interventions by focusing on livelihood, shelter, WASH and health sectors in 15 most affected villages of both districts. In the course of transition from recovery to development, it was of utmost importance to build the capacity of the community and frontal staff to collectively chart the way towards development and prosperity. During the first phase, the process of formation of community organizations (COs) and village organizations (VOs) have been completed in sixteen villages of union councils Aagra and Nisatta (Charsadda) and Mohib Banda and Kurvi (Nowshera). These sixteen VOs have been trained in Community Management Skills (CMST) and Village Development Plans / Action Plans have been prepared by respective villages with facilitation of IRP staff. During VDPs communities have identified gaps in livelihoods sector especially Agriculture sector for enhanced income opportunities. The proposed study will focus on analysis of the current market models as well as the value chain of tomato, plum and ‘’Gurr’’ in the project areas of District Charsadda and Nowshera. The assessment would involve conducting a field survey, interviews with stakeholders, market survey, value chain and market services. It would also involve review and analysis of policies that affect market access including relevant government policies, market liberalization, institutions for credit, crop / product insurance, transport etc. 3. Assignment In order to meet the challenges in a holistic manner, IRP has planned to undertake a Value Chain assessment/study to identify sectors of improvement in three agricultural commodities of District Charsadda and Nowshera. These are tomato, plum and gurr. These commodities were selected after thorough consultation with Agriculture Extension Department, area covered by the crop as a raw material or commodity itself. Furthermore, these commodities have the potential of increasing incomes and employment opportunities as no such effort has been undertaken in the past. The objective of this consultancy is to undertake Value Chain Study in District Charsadda (Gurr) and Nowshera (tomato and plum), which will clearly identify and strategize these sectors for future program interventions. This shall include policy and institutional development, value chain improvement and capacity building. 4. Specific Tasks of the Consultant(s) Under this Scope of Work, the Consultant(s) shall use their education, experience, and knowledge of international best practices to accomplish the following: i. Policy and Institutional Development In agriculture areas (tomato, Plum and Gurr), identify policy and institutional development related gaps that need to be addressed through specific reforms and interventions. Develop concrete and viable strategies that are required to overcome these gaps. Develop an action plan for policy reform for these commodities in District Charsadda (gurr) and Nowshera (tomato and plum). The consultants need to analyze as to whether the support systems and service provisions are adequate? The existing Agriculture Extension Services and Agriculture Research Centre have any impact on the current Agriculture practices and outputs. Similarly, are access to research and the Page 2 of 5 provision of inputs such as fertilizers and seeds adequate? How good /efficient are these arrangements? Moreover, there is a need to look at access to credit services. What are the constraints and current means available? ii. Value Chain Improvement In tomato, plum and Gurr sectors identify additional/potential commodities, which have the potential for livelihoods improvements, income and employment generation in District Nowshera and Charsadda. Analyze the gaps within the value chain, which hamper growth opportunities and recommend specific activities and interventions that need to be addressed to overcome the identified gaps. Prepare a concrete and viable action plan for value chain development covering the following areas: Identification of sectors/value chains based on criteria such as number of people/firms involved and potential for employment generation, size of the sector, institutional support, existing market linkages and potential for greater integration with the mainstream domestic markets, potential for value addition and exports, input sourcing, etc. Availability or constraints of technology related to the identified sectors/value chains. Mapping value chains to obtain a clear understanding of the sequence of activities and the key actors and relationships involved in the value chain. Formulate an upgrading strategy for the selected value chain. Availability or constraints related to trained human resources in the identified sectors/value chains. Inputs/raw materials required to produce the identified product(s) are available at viable costs in relation to the ability of the suppliers of these inputs/raw materials to sell/self-‐market in an unprocessed form. Identify middlemen (broker, Arhtee, Dalal) in the market and their share in the price paid by ultimate consumer. Identify and quantify (profit share resulting from cooperation) existing cooperative structures, if any in marketing of these commodities. Analysis of Market linkages--‐--‐What and where (how far from the production points) are the current markets that display/sell these commodities? How efficient are the current market structures? Specifically in the context of fruit grading and processing, how do internal and external markets operate? iii. Capacity Building Interventions Identify capacity building issues and gaps which need to be addressed through various interventions, like access to finance, technical assistance, training programs, etc. which will further contribute to the development agenda in District Charsadda and Nowshera. Prepare a concrete and viable action plan proposing a set of capacity building interventions. 5. Methodology for Conducting the Study i) Secondary Research Review the available reports, government documents and other related information/data developed by development agencies. Page 3 of 5 ii) Primary Research Interviews with key informants like producers, suppliers, vendors, consumers and middlemen involved in the marketing of these commodities. The consultant will have to conduct Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) as per following schedule: At least five respondents on random basis in 30% of the villages after selection of villages on cluster sampling basis. At least five each producer, suppliers, middlemen and vendors per market and that each should be associated with a different business/trade and to be selected on snow ball sampling basis. Conduct Focus Group Discussions (FDGs), at least ten in ICDI project targeted villages to identify the value chains of tomato, plum and gurr, and then conduct at least One FGD for each identified sector to become aware of all the ins and outs of the sector, capacity building, and policy constraints. The major stakeholders and actors/players related to each sector should participate in the FGD. Moreover, one to one meetings would be conducted with various stakeholders and the people who have in-depth knowledge and experience of the subject. iii) Report Writing A comprehensive report focusing on the specific tasks outlined earlier in the ToRs and in the following section on deliverables. 6. Deliverables The substance of findings on, and recommendations for the above mentioned tasks shall be delivered by External resource Person(s)/ External Resource Organization as well as in a Matrix form for each sector identified. The following are the deliverables: a. Prepare Inception Report / proposal for conducting this study and share with IRP. b. Prepare Draft Report. The report must have the following: List of Gaps and Findings for each sector A Set of Recommendations & Strategy for each sector An Action Plan for each sector c. Prepare Final Report: A comprehensive and concise report may be between 20-30 pages and should have consolidated elements of the previous two reports. The consultant shall accommodate and improve final report in light of comments from IRP staff. All other related information should be annexed. After analyzing all the gathered data and information the detailed report would be developed, encompassing gaps, constraints, strategy and action plan. 7. Period of Performance This assignment is be to completed within 50 days of signing of Contract which is envisaged to take place between Oct 2014- Dec 25th 2014 8. Budget 10. Qualifications of the Study Team Qualifications of the Study Team are specified below for each type of personnel: Page 4 of 5 a. Policy and Institutional Development Expert: The Policy and Institutional Development Expert must have an advanced degree in policy studies, business or economics or related field. She/he must have at least 5 years of work experience. Must be very experienced in policy research, institutional development, reforms and should have worked in KPK related projects/programs. Experience of working with government institutions and policy matters is preferable. Must also have good writing skills and analytical thinking etc b. Value Chain Expert / Team Leader: The Value Chain Expert must have at least a Masters degree in Economics, Business, Development, or related field. The work experience must be a minimum of seven years, having good writing skills. The expert must be up to date with issue of value chain development and should have worked in project with a focus on value chain development. Moreover, value chain expert should lead the team in designing, implementation, monitoring & evaluation and reporting. 9. Invoicing and Payment Invoicing and payment shall be in accordance with clauses of the Contract signed. 10. Submission of Proposal The Proposal both Technical & Financial should be submitted in Original sealed envelope Marked “Technical Proposal for Value Chain Analysis”, duly signed by authorized person on the following address, latest by 17:00 on or before Friday October 10, 2014. To: Senior Officer Supply Chain & Operations, Islamic Relief Pakistan, Mardan Office Address: House # 273, Street No 5, Sector C, Sheikh Maltoon Town, Mardan Phone: 0937 880 197 Page 5 of 5
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