“Put me in a Career, Coach” Ask the Wiz

122nd In-stall-ment
Published and Distributed by CSM Career Services
“Put me in a Career, Coach”
If you’re really ready to play out your future, then this news will be worth
cheering: Your CSM Career Services team is excited to introduce a great new
program called CAREER COACH. All you’ve got to do is put your mind to
it…buckle down, buckle down…DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! Sorry, got a little caught
up in the sports theme there for a minute. Actually, all you’ve got to do is go to the
CSM website and enter “Career Coach” in the search bar and follow the links or
go directly via https://csmd.emsicareercoach.com.
And what will you find there? You’ll score some very helpful career choice
strategies and job search information that is relevant to our geographical area. No
more generalities. No more guessing games about what the market will look like
when you graduate. You can also connect with career fields that match your
chosen program of study…all this in one very convenient location. And if you
want to save information for later comparisons or reference, all you need to do is
create a log-in id. It’s really that simple. If you’re unsure of where to begin –
either with college program or career path, CAREER COACH offers a quick six
question “test” to help find career paths based on your interests. There’s also a
more in-depth assessment available. You can see what jobs are high-paying in our
region right now, just by clicking a quick link. Give CAREER COACH a try
now – it’s very user friendly and FREE. All you have to do is pay attention to it!
October 2014
Ask the Wiz
The Wizard of Work answers your
career questions and concerns!
Dear Wiz: I’m not a meat &
taters kind of person. I thrive on
variety and exciting adventures. I
want that in a career. My life
should be a movie and I’m a star!.
Dear Tater Hater: One of the 1st
things we realize after entering a
chosen career field is that it is not
at all what we had seen portrayed
on the small/large screens. Ask
any forensic investigator how
mundane most of their days are,
for example. And there’s hardly
ever dramatic music playing in
the background. The key to
developing enthusiasm in your
field is to choose wisely and that
involves research and honest
personal assessments. Then mash
your taters into a tasty career meal
that suits your palate & talents.
Need Career Services?
Click here!
Make the Connection!
Last month we tickled your fancy with rebus puzzles. For October, it’s time to
make the connection between three seemingly unrelated words. Why must we
torture you like this, you ask? It’s a reminder that jobs and career choices are best
made via the right connections. That, and we like to be difficult. So, attempt to
make the connection between each set of three words, then quickly send your bestguessed answers to [email protected]! A fabulous prize awaits the fastest
responder – individual or team, student or staff or faculty or community member!
Cow-Jersey-Beach Camp-Forest-Grease Hurricane-Mississippi-Needle
Batman-New Jersey-Florida Ship-Nose-Banjo
Bees-Home Alone-Toy Story
But wait…there’s more excitement this month!
Mark the following events on your calendar and plan to take part in the
Octoberfest of Career Services activities (right after you check out Career Coach)!
October 8th – Volunteer/Part-time Job Fair PRIN Building B, 11 p.m.-2 p.m.
October 30th – Career HORRORscope – don’t let the future scare you! La Plata
Free to all! CC Lobby – 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Fortune teller predicts your career!
Online Job Posting
Student Employment and
General Job Listings, too!
Have Questions/Concerns?
Contact Career Services
La Plata Campus
Lisa Warren/Chloe Hiland
Leonardtown Campus
Kenneth Smith
Prince Fredrick Campus
Tamara Cherry-Clarke
Have a BOOtiful day!