VOLUME 40 NO. 2 JANUARY 16, 2015 REMINDERS! The college will be closed Sunday, January 18, and Monday, January 19, in honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Classes begin January 20 for the 2015 Spring Semester and Minisession I. STAY CONNECTED AND INFORMED through CSM's online community CSM.TXT Facebook Twitter CSMDTube CSM Celebrates Its Sixteenth Winter Commencement - January 15 CSM recognized 636 candidates for degrees and certificates during its 16th Winter Commencement held on January 15 at the La Plata Campus. Highlights of the ceremony included keynote remarks by retired Navy Capt. Ed Nicholson with Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, student speaker Susan Newton, the presentation of Distinguished Service Awards, and the presentation of a Faculty Excellence Award. CSM's oldest graduate, Thomas Kettelle of Waldorf, at age 70, earned an associate's degree in general studies and a certificate in general studies: transfer, at the same time that he was pursuing a bachelor’s degree from University of Maryland University College (UMUC) in social science with an emphasis on gerontology. The youngest graduate was Chelsea Sampson, 14, of Waldorf, who, in three semesters, completed her associate's degree in arts and sciences with honors. Sampson’s mother is a mathematics, physics and engineering professor at CSM and the two came to the campus together, with Chelsea Sampson spending time in the library working on homework while her mom taught. Presenting the student address was Susan M. Newton, of North Beach, who told her fellow graduates that she hopes they look back on this day and remember the feeling of pride. “For me, I will remember that no matter how many curve balls life threw at me, no matter how many times I wanted “For me, I will remember that no matter how to give up, and no many curve balls life threw at me, no matter matter how challenging things seemed, when how many times I wanted to give up, and I held onto my hopes no matter how challenging things seemed, and dreams, I achieved when I held onto my hopes and dreams, I them,” Newton said. achieved them.” —CSM Student Susan M. Newton This winter's commencement keynote speaker was retired Navy Capt. Ed Nicholson, founder and president of the national nonprofit Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PHWFF). The Board of Trustees recognized Linda Lay and former Maryland Del. Johnny Woods for their exemplary and extended service to the college. The annual Faculty Excellence Award Honoring Adjunct Faculty was presented to engineering instructor John Warren. With more than 40 years of experience outside the academic environment, Warren provides students with a heavy dose of reality when it comes to engineering, physics, and mathematics. The 11th winter class of 44 nursing students participated in a recognition ceremony earlier in the day. Health Sciences Chair Dr. Laura Polk presented an Academic Achievement in Nursing Award to Lindsay Truong, of Mesa, Arizona, who graduated with high honors. Emily Lecours, of Port Tobacco, received the Achievement in Nursing Award. For additional photos and the full story from commencement, visit: www.csmd.edu/News. The Friday Report is the weekly newsletter of the College of Southern Maryland staff and faculty. Article requests are due by 10 a.m. every Thursday. Please send article requests to the Friday Report e-mail account: [email protected]. Keynote Speaker Retired Navy Capt. Ed Nicholson CSM Student Susan M. Newton Health Sciences Chair Dr. Laura Polk presented an Achievement in Nursing Award to Emily Lecours Fr om th e O f f i c e o f t h e Pr esident ( PRE) Board of Trustees Meeting The Board of Trustees held its monthly board meeting on Thursday, January 15, 2015 at the La Plata Campus. • The board approved the following: - Minutes of December 11, 2014 meeting - Memorandum of Understanding between CSM Foundation and donor Richard Barjenali to name areas in the Flagship Building on the Prince Frederick Campus as follows: Atrium "Pax"; Library (PFA113) "Revelation"; and the Student Lounge (PFA120) "Zaca's Lounge" in exchange for monies received during the 2007-2009 50th Anniversary Major Gifts Campaign • The following oral reports were presented: - Vice President Jernigan presented the December 2014 financial report. - President Gottfried finished presenting his 2014 State of the College report. - Vice President Patenaude gave an update on the activities and initiatives of the General Counsel Division. - Vice President Patenaude reviewed proposed revisions to the Audit Committee Charter, the Academic and Student Services Committee Charter, and the Human Resources and Benefits Committee Charter. Celebrate With Your CSM Colleagues - February 13 The Board of Trustees invites all employees to the upcoming Service Recognition Reception, Friday, February 13, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. in the BI Building, Chaney Enterprises Conference Room (Room 113) on the La Plata Campus. This event will celebrate CSM's employees marking significant milestones in their years of service with the college. The reception will include delicious appetizers/desserts and an opportunity to honor this year's 62 honorees being recognized for their accumulated 855 years of service to CSM. Administration is strongly encouraging everyone to participate in this occasion and that employees coordinate with their supervisors so that as many employees as possible have the opportunity to celebrate with co-workers as they receive their recognition. Beginning with this week's issue, through our February 13 issue, The Friday Report will be highlighting employees who have been at the college for 25, 30, and 40 years. This week, we are highlighting Paul Billeter, professor, Biological and Physical Sciences Division. Congratulations to all who are being recognized this year for their service to the college. 40 YEARS PAUL BILLETER Professor Biological and Physical Sciences What first brought you to the college? I saw a "want ad" in the Sunday New York Times. The lure of a $10,500 annual salary was irresistible. What were your initial impressions? The main campus was tiny and isolated, but the environmental science program that I was hoping to join had an impressive field station in Benedict. The biology faculty—Belva Jensen, Bill Montgomery, and Tom Poe—were friendly and welcoming. VOLUME 40 NO. 2 JANUARY 16, 2015 What was your first job? Biology and Environmental Science Instructor What is your funniest memory about the college? Any event presided over by Ron Brown (retired chair and professor of the Communication, Arts, and Humanities Division) What is your fondest memory? There are many . . . • My students, of course • My field biology courses in Belize and the Galapagos Islands • Sharing an office with Larry Chappelear • Talking baseball with Bill Montgomery • Working with Belva Jensen What would you like for people to know about you? I have an incredible granddaughter, Lila. PAGE 2 FROM T H E H U M A N R ES O U RCES D EPAR T M EN T ( H RD) Faculty/Staff Updates: Leona Flint Building and Grounds Technician Physical Plant January 12, 2015, ext. 4779 New employees: Courtney Abell Aquatics Assistant, part-time, Leonardtown Wellness, Fitness and Aquatics January 12, 2015, ext. 5377 Charles Ford Building and Grounds Technician, part-time Physical Plant January 12, 2015, ext. 7733 Brian Ball Public Safety Officer Public Safety January 12, 2015, ext. 4754 Melinda Kampsen Coordinator, part-time, Prince Frederick Continuing Education and Workforce Development January 12, 2015, ext. 6165 Syiassa Washington Building and Grounds Technician Physical Plant January 12, 2015, ext. 7733 Emily Mudd Hendricks Student Success and Assessment Assistant, part-time Academic Affairs January 12, 2015, ext. 7474 Departure: Christopher Storey Aquatic Center Manager Wellness, Fitness and Aquatics January 13, 2015 Position Announcements: Position: Vice President for Academic Affairs (#1003) Announcement No.: FY15-57 Department: Academic Affairs Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Flexibility is required. Location:La Plata Campus Opening Date: 01/15/15 Closing Date: Open until filled. For best consideration apply by 03/12/15. Retired Math Professor Bill Emley Passes Away Retired Professor William "Bill" Emley, Jr. passed away this past December. Bill joined the staff of Charles County Community College in 1976, shortly after his retirement from the Air Force in 1975 because he enjoyed teaching math at the college level. He retired from the college in 1998. Bill's colleagues here at CSM still remember him fondly and are saddened by his passing. Our sympathies go out to Bill's family. CSM is Committed to Environmental Sustainability The CSM Environmental Sustainability Committee has applied for and was awarded membership in the Maryland Green Registry, based on the college's efforts in reducing its impact on the environment. The committee is working to initiate projects and activities that reflect CSM's commitment to responsible stewardship of environmental resources and a sustainable campus life which protects and enhances the environment and health of the faculty, staff, and students. In the coming weeks, the committee will announce progress on the installation of filtered water stations on each campus, efforts to increase awareness and participation in recycling, and energy-saving measures underway. For information on the Environmental Sustainability Committee at CSM and the Maryland Green Registry, visit www.csmd.edu/EnvironmentalSustainability. VOLUME 40 NO. 2 JANUARY 16, 2015 Pizza Hotline Fundraiser Start the Spring 2015 semester by helping our most deserving students. On Tuesday, January 20, the Adjunct Faculty Scholarship Committee is holding a fundraiser at Pizza Hotline in La Plata. Order a pizza, calzone, salad, sandwich, or lasagna between 2 and 8 p.m., and 10% of the sale will go to the Adjunct Faculty Scholarship Committee. You can order by phone 301-934-4670 or order online at PizzaHotlineOnline.com This is our main fundraiser, so your support is greatly appreciated! For more information, contact Denise Snee at [email protected]. PAGE 3 UNLOCK SUCCESS! New Polycom Room Usage Beginning February 2, 2015, Room CE102 in the CE Building, CSM's new conference room in the CE Building will REPLACE Room BI211 in the BI Building as a small conference room offering Polycom VTC. Any polycom meetings that have already been scheduled in BI211 beyond February 2 have been relocated to CE102 by the Scheduling Office staff. Polycom scheduling procedures remain unchanged. Please contact the Scheduling Office if you have any questions at sch&[email protected] or ext. 7743. SAVE THE DATE! 2015 ALL-COLLEGE CONVOCATION CSM Offers Interactive Training to Prepare IT Professionals for Certified Ethical Hacker Exam The Corporate Center at CSM is offering a five-day, interactive and intensive training facilitated by an EC Council certified Instructor to prepare Information Technology (IT) professionals to take the EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker exam. CSM is an authorized Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) testing site, and this hands-on boot camp, January 26-30, on the Leonardtown Campus, is scheduled so that students can sign up and take the CEH exam on the last afternoon of training. The class is an interactive environment where participants will learn how to scan, test, hack, and secure their own systems, with no real network harmed. The lab-intensive environment provides in-depth knowledge and experience with the current essential security systems. Students will begin by understanding how perimeter defenses work, learn how intruders escalate privileges, and what steps can be taken to secure a system. Also covered are: Intrusion Detection, Policy Creation, Social Engineering, DDoS Attacks, Buffer Overflows and Virtual Creation. For information, contact Karen O’Connor, [email protected] or 240-725-5479, or Linda Schleip, [email protected] or 301-934-7548. For information on all training provided by The Corporate Center, visit www.CorporatecCenter.csmd.edu. HAWKTALK E-NEWSLETTER DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: JANUARY 23 VOLUME 40 NO. 2 JANUARY 16, 2015 Friday, September 25 La Plata Campus 12- 4:30 p.m.* The annual event is mandatory for all CSM employees. *Exact schedule to be announced. College will be closed to the public during event. Please block your calendars for the afternoon. If you have any questions, e-mail [email protected]. Seeking Nominations for Student Advocacy Day Nominations Due No Later than Friday, January 23 The Student Life advisors are seeking students to accompany Student Government leaders as they visit our state legislators on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 for Student Advocacy Day (SAD). SAD is an opportunity for the 16 Maryland Community Colleges to bring students to Annapolis and share their stories about how their community college experience has been impacted by the assistance provided by our legislative representatives. These visits allow our Senators and Delegates to hear first-hand how their support of our state community college has an immeasurable impact. With the major changes in some of our local representatives, this year's event may be more necessary than ever. Space is limited for this important event. Details on qualifications for students to be considered for SAD participation will be forthcoming in an Everyone E-mail. Interested students, faculty, and staff should send an e-mail to [email protected] no later than Friday, January 23. Please use the Subject: Student Advocacy Day Interest, and provide the student's name, CSM ID number, and a contact number. For questions, please contact Jennifer Van Cory, ext. 5410. Information for HawkTalk e-Newsletter Due January 23 The next HawkTalk e-newsletter is scheduled for February 2, 2015. Submissions are due no later than January 23 to [email protected]. Please share highlights, happenings, and events from your area that would be of interest to CSM credit students. For more information, contact the Marketing Department at [email protected]. PAGE 4 SPOTLIGHT ON TRAINING Upcoming Technical Training In addition to online courses, the following lecture/lab courses are coming up soon. Unless otherwise noted, classes will meet in the Technical Training Center (ST Building, Room 129) on the La Plata Campus. Word Styles In Depth – January 21, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Charles County Government Building, La Plata Supervising Multiple Generations – January 22, 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., BI 103/104 Dealing with Difficult People – January 27, 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., BI 103/104 Giving Feedback – January 28, 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., BI 103/104 Information Technology Services (ITS) Overview – January 29, 2:30 – 4 p.m., ST129 GroupWise Basics – February 2, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., ST129 Find additional information about our technical training program, course descriptions, calendars, online registration, and more at http://info.csmd.edu/Training/technical. Training sections are added regularly, so please review the weekly advertisements or check the registration page of the Technical Training web site frequently. If you should have any questions, please contact Wendy Cleary, technical training coordinator, at ext. 7610 or e-mail [email protected]. LIMINAL TERRITORIES, ERIN WIERSMA Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery Exhibition through - March 20 La Plata Campus Gallery Talk: Thursday, January 29, 5:30 p.m. TREASURE ISLAND Children's Theatre January 30 | 7 p.m. January 31 | 2 and 7 p.m. La Plata Campus Visit www.csmd.edu/Arts for the full spring 2015 schedule. AUDITIONS FOR SPRING PRODUCTION OF ALL OUT CSM's Fine Arts and Humanities Division is holding open auditions, beginning at 6 p.m., January 26-27, for its upcoming spring production of All Out which will be performed on all three campuses on March 5-6 and March 12-14. The comedy follows a group of game show contestants on their quest to win big money. This production may not be suitable for younger audiences. Auditions will be in the theatre, FA Building, La Plata Campus. Those auditioning should prepare a one-minute monologue. VOLUME 40 NO. 2 JANUARY 16, 2015 PAGE 5
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