Minnesota Psychiatric Society Fall Scientific Program Addiction Medicine Across the Lifespan Saturday, November 15, 2014 - Neighborhood House at Wellstone Center 179 Robie Street East, St Paul, MN 8:00 am - 5:30 pm Jointly sponsored by the American Psychiatric Association and the Minnesota Psychiatric Society Agenda 8:00 am Registration Check-in and Continental Breakfast 8:30 am Welcome / Overview — Sheila Specker, MD 8:45 am Treatment and Recovery Support Services for Young People: What does the Science tell us? — John Kelly, PhD 10:45 am Break 11:00 am Substance Use Disorders in the Elderly Population: Understanding a Changing Landscape — John Lichtsinn, MD 12:00 pm Poster Session 12:30 pm Lunch 1:15 pm Gambling Across the Ages — Jon Grant, JD, MD, MPH 2:15 pm Managing Patients with Addiction in the Office: Pitfalls and Best Practices — Robert Levy, MD 3:15 pm Break 3:30 pm Pharmacotherapies for Substance Use Disorders — Scott McNairy, MD 4:30 pm Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: a Practical Approach — Sheila Specker, MD 5:30 pm Adjourn Minnesota Psychiatric Society ABOUT THIS PROGRAM In a recent report, NIDA called the adolescent years, “a key window for both substance use and the development of substance use disorders.” Tom Frieden, MD, MPH, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, observes that 46 Americans die each day “from an overdose of prescription opioid narcotics,” and “clinicians have an essential role to play.” One-quarter of the prescription drugs sold in the United States are used by the elderly, and Our vision is physician leadership creating the nation’s highest quality, the prevalence of abuse of these agents may be as high as 11%. Substance Abuse and Mental affordable and accessible system of Health Administration (SAMHSA) estimates suggest that the number of seniors who abuse prescription drugs will exceed 4.4 million by 2020.Studies have suggested that medical sermental health care. vices may benefit substance abuse treatment outcomes if medical staff is knowledgeable about www.mnpsychsoc.org addiction disorders and involved in treatment. This program offers psychiatrists and primary care physicians, and their teams, information and skills necessary to serve patients with addictions in primary and specialty care, with special emphasis on their changing needs over the lifespan. Participants will learn from expert clinicians and researchers, and have ample opportunities for networking and informal case discussions. In addition, APA Performance in Practice modules are available to support ABPN Maintenance of Certification, and continual practice improvement. Improving Minnesota’s mental health care through education, advocacy and sound psychiatric practice. Minnesota Psychiatric Society fall scientific Addiction Medicine Across the Lifespan program Saturday, November 15, 2014 - Neighborhood House at Wellstone Center 179 Robie Street East, St Paul, Minnesota Fall scientific PROGR A M Saturday, November 15, 2014 Program objectives Following attendance, participants will be able to: • To understand the importance of taking a life-course developmental approach to addressing substance use disorders •To identify 3 life course differences that affect treatment and recovery for young people. Continuing Medical Education •To list 3 promising recovery support services for young people seeking addiction recovery. •Recognize this country’s rapidly changing age demographics. •Explain characteristics of the baby boomer population as it relates to substance use disorders. •Assess how both licit and illicit drugs affect the geriatric population differently than other age groups. •Compare screening methods for substance use disorders in the geriatric population. •Understand the presentation and treatment of gambling disorder across the lifespan. •To learn how to minimize relapse and cross addiction in chemically dependent patients. •Understand the mechanisms of cross addiction. •Better understand acute pain management in chemically dependent patients •Review medications and therapies in the context of addiction treatment across the lifespan. •Summarize treatment recommendations for substance use disorders in the geriatric population. •Utilize the principles of CBT in treating substance use disorders. •Describe the effectiveness of CBT as compared to other modalities and how to increase its effectiveness. •Discuss individualization of CBT. REGISTRATION This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and MN Psychiatric Society. The APA is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The APA designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. MPS Fall Scientific Program - Saturday, November 15, 2014 Name:_________________________________________________________ Guest name:______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________Phone:___________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________ registration TYPE: Rate: mps/MSCAP/MSAM MEMBER: $125 early career physician: $85 resident/Guest: (Registration required) no charge Registration type: Rate: NON-MEMBER PHysician: $175 non-PHYSICIAN PROFESSIONAL: $85 Payment Method: Total Due: $________ Check (Mail with registration to 4707 Hwy 61, #232, St. Paul, MN 55110) Credit Card ( Visa Mastercard American Express) #___________________________________________________________________________ Amt: $ ________________ Exp date: ______ ______ Auth code ___________ Signature ____________________________________________________________________ (Fax credit card registration to 651-407-1754 or mail to address above.) Special Needs If you have special needs, dietary, mobility, etc., please call 651-407-1873. Lodging Call MPS 651-407-1873 Register online at www.mnpsychsoc.org Questions? Call 651-407-1873 or email [email protected].
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